UMDK :: Volume #15

#1484: War God Palace, my Chu Hen came

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! The land land, the shake folds. 中陆大地,震荡叠起。 More than 100,000 numerous who Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, the spirit phoenix valley and other side influence comprised of tread the broken mountains and rivers, marches toward War God Palace. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷等一方势力组成的十万余众踏破山河,朝着战神宫一路进军。 Meanwhile, ten thousand monster territory army as well as a Kunming pond mountain range ancestor butterfly clan is also going to the battlefield that will soon face with great speed. 与此同时,万众妖域大军以及昆池山脉祖蝶一族也在火速奔赴那即将面临的战场。 ...... …… In a peaceful secret room. 一座安静的密室之中。 On all around wall mounts the pearl to send out the gentle halo. 四周的墙壁上镶嵌着明珠正散发柔和的光晕。 Spreads a precious blanket side four directions stone platform to be located in the center of secret room, the beautiful form sits well on the stage together, her beautiful eye shuts lightly, outside the body is lingering complicated golden light Su, if myriad gorgeous gold/metal marks holy god glow, brilliant. 铺着名贵毯子的一方四方石台位于密室的中央,一道绝美的身影端坐于台上,她美目轻闭,身外萦绕着千丝万缕的金色光苏,万千绚丽的金纹如若圣洁的神芒,光彩夺目。 In her front is actually float a thing. 在她的面前却是悬浮着一物。 That thing wraps in a piece of sacred dignified light luminary, making one be hard to clearly recognize so-called what. 那物包裹在一片神圣庄严的光曜之内,令人难以认清其中所谓何物。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Is swinging a slight rhythm together with the space, stone platform under its is appears unexpectedly bright and beautiful secret mark. 连同着空间荡起一阵轻微律动,其身下的石台竟是浮现出一道道亮丽的秘纹。 Spirit vine that if secret mark extends, gentle interweaving becomes an incomparably tedious complex ancient strategy. 秘纹如若延伸出去的灵藤,平缓的交织成一座无比繁琐复杂的古老阵法。 Meanwhile, his front that group of light luminary also blossom in radiant splendor, for example the stars god glow glows. 同时,其面前那团光曜也随之大放异彩,譬如星辰般的神芒焕发而出。 Fills gorgeous light Su Xunsu in air to converge in her body. 弥漫于空气中的绚丽光苏迅速的汇入她的身躯之中。 Whish......” “哗……” With the light close eye pupil also raises, the golden pupil that a pair is lending the unsurpassed aura is shining through the astonishing strength rhythm. 跟着,轻闭的眼眸随之一掀,一双散发着无上气息的金色瞳孔透射着惊人的力量律动。 The pupil deep place, visibles faintly eight black dot fierce tremors. 瞳孔深处,隐约可见八颗黑色圆点剧烈的颤动。 Together with is swamping into the strength in within the body continuously, that eight sunspots also rotate by the clockwise direction. 连同着源源不断涌入体内的力量,那八颗黑点以顺时针的方向随之转动。 In an instant, incomparable confusion that the air current in entire secret room changes. 霎那间,整个密室之中的气流都变的无比混乱。 Ancient rune/symbol Zhenyi who the floor extends is unpredictable. 台面延伸出去的古老符阵亦是变幻莫测。 In her the midair , the silk threads light mark interlocks behind, condensation slowly becomes one pair just like imperially the noble golden eye design. 在她的身后把半空中,丝丝缕缕的光纹交错,缓缓的凝聚成一双宛如帝王般高贵的金色眼睛图案。 The powerful strength imposing manner just like the deep sea undercurrent of that fermentation. 强大的力量气势犹如那酝酿的深海暗流。 If the female double pupil day Chen, resembles the bright moon. 女子双眸若天辰,似皓月。 But when the huge aura that in it lends will soon achieve a critical point of peak, buzz......” the space shakes, candlelight that if then extinguishes, symbol rapid dim getting down of ground, but the ten thousand wisps of light spins of float in air also gradually dissipates. 可就在其散发出来的庞大气息即将达到一个顶端的临界点之时,“嗡……”的空间一震,接着如若熄灭的烛光,地面的符阵迅速的黯淡下去,而漂浮于空气中的万缕光旋也逐渐消散。 The sunspot in female that golden color pupil also stopped the rotation. 女子那金色瞳孔之中的黑点也停止了转动。 Simultaneously the holy ray removes, changes to the eye pupil that a pair of clear beautiful and bright moves. 同时圣洁的光芒褪去,随之化作一双清秀明动的眼眸。 Was defeated......” “又失败了么……” Bai Qianyu sighed lightly, in the eye flashed through a helplessness. 白浅予轻叹了口气,眼中闪过一丝无奈。 She lifts the hand float to grasp into the palm in front that group sacred ray, in the facial features of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman many have several points of complex meaning. 她抬手将悬浮于面前的那团神圣光芒握入掌中,倾国倾城的面容上多少有着几分复杂之意。 Then, she sets out to go down stone platform, and goes out of outside the secret room. 接着,她起身走下石台,并走出密室外面。 ...... …… Outside is at midnight. 外面已是午夜。 In sky stars, once for a while has a flowing light to delimit the nighttime sky. 天空之中繁星点点,时不时的有着一颗流光划过夜空。 Young lady......” “小姐……” The guard who by the corridor in lordly palace, an numerous wear silver Saint armor all knees down, looks the color of respectful veneration. 气派宫殿的长廊两侧,一众身披银色圣甲的守卫皆是单膝跪地,面露恭敬尊崇之色。 Do not close up several months? Why did ten days come out?” “您不是要闭关数月吗?为何十天就出来了?” One is guard respectful asking of head. 一个为首的守卫毕恭毕敬的问道。 Bai Qianyu has not answered, she said in a soft voice, land land now situation how?” 白浅予未答,她轻声说道,“中陆大地现在局势如何?” Reply Young lady, it is said Martial Sect has declared war to War God Palace officially......” “回禀小姐,据说武宗已经正式向战神宫宣战……” Yes!” Bai Qianyu complied with one. “是么!”白浅予应了一声。 At once, she has not said anything, selfish going down stair. 旋即,她没说什么,自顾自的走下台阶。 ...... …… ...... …… War God Palace! 战神宫 Under myriad stars, imposing manner peerless Miyag main halls completely obviously dignified aggressive. 万千星辰下,一座座气势绝伦的宫城大殿尽显威严霸气。 Compared with other it sect gate influences, War God Palace construction pattern is actually similar to the Imperial Capital palace wall. 比之其他的宗门势力,战神宫建造格局的却是如同外界的帝都皇城。 Four sides has the outer city. 四面有着外城。 The center is standing erect the luxurious main shrine. 中央矗立着奢华主殿。 Although the pattern is similar, but its lordly degree, is world any palace wall is incomparable, even is not insufficient his 1%. 虽然格局相似,但其气派程度,却是世间任何一座皇城都不可比拟的,甚至远不不足他的百分之一。 War God Palace the west side of middle main shrine, is constructing a majestic square circuit intendant. 战神宫的中间主殿的西侧,建造着一座大气磅礴的四方道台。 The four corners/horns of circuit intendant stand erect respectively are reaching as high as surpass a kilometer giant turret. 道台的四个角分别屹立着一尊高达超过千米的巨型塔楼。 For example that is supporting Tienchu of vault of heaven, has the imposing manner. 譬如那支撑着苍穹的天柱,极具气势。 Among circuit intendant who four turrets siege, pair of wings colored Saint bird phoenix showing weak lying in ground, four giant iron chain that is dragging dark rune/symbol writing is inserts its back. 四座塔楼围困的道台中间,一头双翼彩色的圣雀神鸟彰显无力的趴在地面,四根摇曳着黑暗符文的巨大铁链皆是嵌入其背部。 Another end of iron chain is connecting that four great tower respectively. 铁链的另外一端分别连接着那四座巨塔。 The continuous soft light from within the body overflow of Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird, inducts in the great tower following four iron chains. 源源不断的柔光从圣翼天炎雀的体内溢出,顺着四道铁链导入巨塔之中。 Under star sunshine dim light of night. 星晖夜色下。 In both eyes that Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird that partly opens was disclosing several points are incapable, imitate, if the cageling, fell into the imprisonment desperately middle. 圣翼天炎雀那半睁的双目中透露着几分无力,仿若笼中之鸟,陷入了禁锢绝望当中。 ...... …… War God Palace inside and outside, especially peaceful. 战神宫的内外,尤为的安静。 cold solemn especially. 尤为的冷肃。 Unknowingly, the sky sinks gradually, the gloomy dark cloud starts to chase star to shade moon/month. 不知不觉,天空渐沉,阴郁的乌云开始逐星蔽月。 The undercurrent that stretches across in half the place of land sweeps across in a formidable manner. 一股横跨半个中陆之地的暗潮以不可阻挡之势席卷而来。 ...... …… Venus gets up gradually! 启明星渐起! Dawn light to! 晨曦光将至! In the daybreak coming previous quarter, the fierce deafening sound that erupted suddenly broke the silence under curtain of night directly. 就在黎明即将来临的前一刻,突然间爆发的剧烈震响直接是打破了夜幕下的寂静。 Bang!” “轰!” Prosperous!” “隆!” ...... …… Everything may become vulnerable, shocks the highest heaven. 地动山摇,震破九霄。 South War God Palace most outside the city of region such as by mighty current storm attack, loudly collapsing, along with soaring to the heavens the flame, resounds through heavenshaking war cry tearing to be tranquil. 战神宫南面最外区域的一座城池如遭洪流风暴侵袭,轰然坍塌,伴随着冲天的火光,响彻震天的喊杀声撕裂平静。 Kills!” “杀!” Clash/To!” “冲!” ...... …… The enormous and powerful army is irresistible, resounds through eight sides the battle drum toots just like thunderous. 浩浩荡荡的大军势不可挡,响彻八方的战鼓号角声犹如雷鸣。 Enemy raids!” “敌袭!” Immediately reports the palace lord!” “立刻禀告宫主!” ...... …… In the city within panic, rises spiritedly to revolt hastily. 城内之内惊慌失措不已,连忙奋起反抗。 However, the tide of people breaks through the flood of dike like that floods into toward the War God Palace inner city inside in abundance, dense crowd rapid is seizing the big piece outer city. 然,人潮就像那冲破堤坝的洪水,纷纷往战神宫的内城里边涌入,黑压压的人群迅速的占领着大片外城。 Kills!” “杀!” ...... …… Martial Sect, Han cloud sect, the spirit phoenix valley marches by three groups directly, is leading early horse city, flying rain gate and others long bodies straight, breaks through layer upon layer the peripheral impediment by the easily accomplished potential. 武宗,翰云宗,灵凰谷直接是以三路进军,率领着夙马城,飞雨门等众人长躯直下,以摧枯拉朽之势攻破层层外围阻隔。 The daybreak surprise attack, killed War God Palace one to be caught off guard. 黎明的突袭,杀了战神宫一个措手不及。 The people in outer city could not block the step of Martial Sect this side. 外城的众人根本阻挡不了武宗这一方的步伐。 The enormous and powerful more than 100,000 numerous such as a long spear/gun takes the inner city center. 浩荡的十万余众如一杆长枪直取内城中央。 ...... …… The rising sun gets up. 初阳起。 The horizon is bright! 天际亮! With sprinkling to the dawn light beam of land, an irresistible Martial Sect side treads dawn to have together the bloody road, advances triumphantly, steps on the broken tower over a city gate, intrudes central main city that sacred cannot be offended. 伴随着洒向大地的晨曦光束,势不可挡的武宗一方踏着黎明杀出一道血路,高歌猛进,踩破城楼,闯入那神圣不可冒犯的中央主城。 Kills......” “杀……” Thunder momentum in Zhucheng sky crack. 雷霆般的声势于主城的上空炸响。 Ten thousand experts of blotting out the sky go directly to under the main city palace. 铺天盖地的万众高手直达主城宫殿之下。 However, at this moment, above a that main shrine side vast square, has been gathering the War God Palace people. 然,此时此刻,在那主殿门外的一方辽阔广场之上,早已是聚集着战神宫的众人。 The central Zen stage of square, if together the king dignified form sits on the spacious stone chair slantingly. 广场的中央禅台,一道如若君王般的威严身影斜坐于宽大的石椅上。 In its side, many War God Palace powerhouses is lending the ice-cold aura. 在其身边,诸多战神宫的强者散发着冰冷的气息。 Really is accidental/surprised, catches up to come to here unexpectedly seriously.” “真是让人意外,竟当真赶来这里。” ...... …… Bang!” “砰!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... …… astral fierce wild air wave shock-wave anger raises the highest heaven, front ground cuns (2.5 cm) crack, is shaking the War God Palace disciple who flies together with several hundred recklessly, an unusual dignified imposing manner front surface covers. 罡猛狂暴的气浪冲击波怒掀九霄,前面的地面寸寸崩裂,连同着数百道肆意震飞的战神宫弟子,一股超凡的威严气势迎面笼罩而来。 Sees only the young form to lead many imposing experts to ride the wind together, but. 只见一道年轻的身影率领着众多气势不凡的高手乘风而至。 War God Palace...... my Chu Hen came!” 战神宫……我楚痕来了!” ...... …… ...... …… ( Thanks safely brothers' ten thousand bestows, as well as hitting of other brothers enjoys, words that today cold, will change for the better tomorrow add for you!!) (感谢“安然”兄弟的万赏,以及其他兄弟的打赏,今天感冒了,明天好转的话为你们加更!!)
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