UMDK :: Volume #15

#1483: Wind whinny Yi Shuihan

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Drop......” “滴……” The clear biography of clear water-drop sound in the corner of dark palace swings. 清晰的水滴声在黑暗宫殿的角落中清晰的传荡开来。 The ice-cold silence main hall, is disclosing the woods cold imposing manner dignity. 冰冷肃静的大殿,透露着森寒的气势威严。 Hahahaha...... declares war to my War God Palace? Hahahaha...... interesting, is really interesting, my segment Cang very long has not heard has made people happy the matter...... only Martial Sect, does this also match?” “呵哈哈哈哈……向我战神宫宣战?哈哈哈哈……有趣,实在是有趣,我段苍已经很久没有听到过如此令人‘开心’的事情了……区区一个武宗,这也配?” On the stone chair throne, that whole body lends the dignified aura the form, if despises all Monarch- lord. 石椅王座上,那道浑身散发出威严气息的身影如若藐视一切的君-主。 Palace main......” at this time, some underside people go forward saying that in the two days, the Martial Sect secret visited Han cloud sect and spirit phoenix valley......” “宫主……”这时,下侧有人上前道,“这两天内,武宗先后秘密探访了翰云宗和灵凰谷……” Han cloud sect and spirit phoenix valley? Hehe, interesting...... happen to I do not plan to let off them, I anticipated actually very much they come!” “翰云宗和灵凰谷?呵呵,有意思……正好我也不打算放过他们,我倒是很期待他们前来呢!” No point hot and bothered. 没有一点的焦虑不安。 Only has to tease many in laughter to disdain. 唯有戏谑笑声中的诸多不屑。 Snort, thing that one crowd ate the bear heart leopard guts, since they must come, went on province we personally.” “哼,一群吃了熊心豹子胆的东西,既然他们要来,也就省的我们亲自前去了。” So many years, the War God Palace barrier also needed the blood casting to be good.” “这么多年了,战神宫的壁垒也需要鲜血浇铸才行。” ...... …… The land land, first even/including covers in the anxiety long time. 中陆大地,一连多日都笼罩在不安之中。 Was conquered by killing by Lingyun sect takes the beginning, world seems fermenting incomparably fierce storm. 以凌云宗被血洗作为开端,世间仿佛正在酝酿着一股无比剧烈的风暴。 Various large amount of gates, many influences, seal one after another- lock entrance, even stopped numerously the duty that goes out to carry out. 各大宗门,诸多势力,相继封-锁了山门,甚至停止了众多外出执行的任务。 Everyone felt faintly the sky of land is piling up dark cloud that made one be hard to pant for breath. 所有人隐隐感觉到中陆的上空积压着一股令人难以喘息的乌云。 ...... …… It seems like the place of land must cloud over.” “看来中陆之地要变天了。” Five lines of clans, the old man lean on the walking stick, the old eyes of showing pollution are looking out that gloomy sky. 五行一族,年迈的老者拄着拐杖,彰显浑浊的老眼遥望着那阴郁的天空。 Welcomed the gully in it behind forest is actually a mood serious appearance. 在其身后的林迎壑却是一副情绪沉重的样子。 Big elder, I had an idea......” to hesitate for a long time, forest Yinghe said. “大长老,我有一个想法……”迟疑了许久,林迎壑开口说道。 The old men have turned round slowly, is staring at the eyes of opposite party. 老者缓缓回过身来,盯着对方的眼睛。 Actually shakes the head. 却是摇了摇头。 This matter we could not participate.” “此事我们参与不了。” forest Yinghe the brow light wrinkle , „didn't you favor Martial Sect this side?” 林迎壑眉头轻皱,顿了顿,“你不看好武宗这一方?” The old men had not denied, could not win War God Palace.” 老者没有否认,“赢不了战神宫的。” „Is War God Palace so strong?” 战神宫有那么强?” forest Yinghe was skeptical. 林迎壑表示怀疑。 The old men had not replied that opposite party this issue, it is full of the profound meaning looked at the horizon of distant place, after void that undercurrent surges, seems occupying a shocking colossus. 老者并未回答对方这个问题,其饶有深意的看了看远处的天际,那暗流涌动的虚空之后,仿佛盘踞着一头惊世的庞然大物。 If Martial Sect has to come , rejection!” “如果武宗有派人前来的话,就,拒绝吧!” Hears the opposite party saying that forest Yinghe the facial color changes, his both hands grip tightly the fist, if stubbornly suppresses its innermost feelings of moving restlessly. 听到对方所言,林迎壑面色一变,其双手紧握成拳,如若死死的压住其躁动的内心。 ...... …… However, the Martial Sect person has not sent people to come Five Elements Sacred Clan. 然,武宗的人并未派人前来五行圣族 Five Elements Sacred Clan has not rejected the opportunity of Martial Sect invitation. 五行圣族也没有拒绝武宗邀请的机会。 All as if tacit understanding especially. 一切都似乎尤为的默契。 Martial Sect only looked for Han cloud sect merely, spirit phoenix valley these two above-average first-class influences. 武宗仅仅只找了翰云宗,灵凰谷这两个中等偏上的一流势力。 The accurate point said that but offended War God Palace sect gate. 准确点说,只是得罪了战神宫的宗门。 Has no sect gate the Saint clan of connection gratitude and grudges as for these with War God Palace, Chu Hen has not sent out the invitation totally. 至于那些同战神宫没有任何瓜葛恩怨的宗门圣族,楚痕一概没有发出邀请。 Because of facing War God Palace! 因为面对战神宫 Any influence has the pressure. 任何势力都有压力。 ...... …… Time. 时间。 Flies! 飞逝而过! In an instant, arrives at the date that Chu Hen agreed on. 转眼间,就到了楚痕所约定的日期。 On that day at night, the land had the gale. 那一日夜间,中陆起大风。 Han cloud sect, the spirit phoenix valley two big influences ride the wind, but, leading potentials of the gate high and low ten thousand numerous to turn out in full strength, arrival Martial Sect day martial peak. 翰云宗,灵凰谷两大势力乘风而至,率领宗门上下万众之势倾巢而出,驾临武宗天武峰。 The dawn was just begining to break. 天还未亮。 Roared gale all night to stop. 咆哮了一整夜的大风将止。 In the day military peak, the tripartite influence accumulation, the war flag flutters, three large amount of palms- power, simultaneous/uniform Huishou. 天武峰上,三方势力聚集,战旗飘扬,三大宗门掌-权者,齐汇首。 ...... …… Martial Sect, Chu Hen, the East permanent is the head, the lords of four big peak institutes follow, Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, Wu Yan also has come back Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao and the others was built on the north side. 武宗这边,楚痕,东方恒之为首,四大峰院之主紧随其后,邱星易,王黎,吴岩还有已经回来的龙玄霜,叶瑶等人立于北侧。 Han cloud sect, sovereign stretch/leisurely Yuan, top list talent changed/easy Zhou and other disciple is located the east side. 翰云宗,宗主舒元,风云榜天才易州等一众弟子位于东面。 The spirit phoenix valley, valley Zhumei the chapter leads many high-level powerhouses, Huangfu Qing is listed in the west side. 灵凰谷,谷主梅章率领诸多高层强者,还有皇甫情列于西侧。 Wind whinny Yi Shuihan. 风萧萧兮易水寒。 Not unnecessary idle talk. 没有多余的废话。 Arrived this step, is not no need to speak any a few words. 到了这一步,更不必多说任何一句话。 ...... …… „!” “嗵嗵嗵!” Meanwhile, entire day martial peak in faint tremor. 与此同时,整座天武峰都在隐隐的颤动。 The vision of people shifts to the direction of prominent peak tall ladder main road in abundance. 众人的目光纷纷转向主峰天梯大道的方向。 As far as eyes can reach, only under every day/sees the sky military Yi, the bonfire burns, tens of thousands of being bustling and filled with people. 一眼望去,只见天武峰山下,篝火燃动,数以万计的人头攒动。 ...... …… „, horse Chengluo sent early!” “诸位,夙马城罗送来了!” Flying rain gate cold earthly branch came!” “飞雨门寒酋来了!” ...... …… Several forms also reach day of martial peak. 几道身影随之登上天武峰。 The two initially in Luo Song and cold earthly branch that Lingyun sect rescued accidentally. 其中两人正是当初在凌云宗无意中解救出来的罗送和寒酋。 stretch/leisurely Yuan and plum chapter of many are somewhat astonished. 舒元和梅章多少有些讶异。 Chu Hen has amazed. 就连楚痕都有所惊诧。 How many people did you come?” “你们来了多少人?” 100,000......” Luo Song said. “十万……”罗送说道。 The people are startled. 众人微怔。 The cold earthly branch is pointing at several other humanity, this is the city of Lucheng lord odd/surplus flying, sea day fort the fort lord to congratulate mountain, Cangzhou territory the territory lord, before simultaneous/uniform...... we are, continuously by the influence that the reaching the clouds sect institute bullies, these brothers knew after both of us will soon come this's goal, expressed that one and comes......” 寒酋指着身旁的另外几人道,“这位是‘鹿城’的城主余飞,‘海天堡’的堡主贺山,还有‘沧州域’的域主,齐钦……我们都是之前一直被凌云宗所欺压的势力,这几位兄弟得知我们二人即将来此的目的后,都表示一并前来……” Looks at several people of firm facial features, Chu Hen actually shows a faint smile. 看着几人坚决的面容,楚痕却是微微一笑。 The opens the mouth said, „the present Lingyun sect has extinguished, you naturally cannot be oppressed again......, but, once steps War God Palace, then a narrow escape, why you will place oneself in the strategic place?” 其开口说道,“如今凌云宗已灭,你们自然不会再遭压迫……而,一旦踏上战神宫,便九死一生,你们又何必将自己置身于险地?” Several people looked at each other one mutually. 几人相互对视了一眼。 Then, the Lucheng city lord odd/surplus flying saying that Sir Chu Hen, before, us considered was clear very much...... Lingyun sect was extinguished is good, perhaps before long, will present the next Lingyun sect bully...... we in land was too long, we are also waiting for an opportunity......” 接着,鹿城城主余飞说道,“楚痕大人,在来之前,我们就已经考虑的很清楚了……凌云宗被灭是不错,或许过不了多久,又会出现下一个凌云宗……我们在中陆已经被欺压的太久了,我们也在等待一个机会……” But this opportunity, may make you all lose overall, the destruction...... Chu Hen said all. “但这个机会,可能会让你们全盘皆输,尽数覆灭……”楚痕道。 odd/surplus flying both hands hold the fist in the other hand, the tone is soaring. 余飞双手抱拳,语气高昂。 Dies with no regrets!” “死而无憾!” Right, since we came, prepared for was gone.” Luo delivers is also serious saying. “没错,我们既然来了,也就做好了一去不归的准备。”罗送也是郑重的说道。 Good that said that came, we will not flinch!” “说的不错,来都来了,我们就不会退缩!” ...... …… Looks at several people of decided intentions, Chu Hen had not replied, but arrives at the prominent peak the tall ladder mouth place. 看着几人已决的心意,楚痕没有回答,而是走到主峰的天梯口处。 The vision is forecasting under the mountain that arrangement neat more than 100,000 numerous. 其目光展望着山下那排列整齐的十万余众。 Then the vigorous momentum biography swings in the world. 接着雄浑的声势传荡天地之间。 Everyone, regrets now also with enough time......” “各位,现在后悔还来得及……” Unmanned reply. 无人应答。 Dreary, cold solemn! 萧瑟,冷肃! The cold wind gets up suddenly. 凛风骤起。 Chu Hen look one cold, is shining through the king peerless manner. 楚痕眼神一凛,透射着君王般的绝世气宇。 Repairs my divine sword, unprecedented...... crosses the place of land along with me, the blood splashes War God Palace!” “修我神剑,一往无前……随我横穿中陆之地,血溅战神宫!” „!” “出发!” Whish......” “哗……” Raises the day the arrogance direct impact clouds, the biography swings eight sides the spirited toots to shock Nine Provinces. 掀天的气焰直冲云霄,传荡八方的激昂号角声震慑九州。 At this moment, stretch/leisurely Yuan, Mei section, Eastern permanent it, Qiu Xingyi, changed/easy Zhou, Wang Li and the others in the eyes is disclosing the endless burning hot. 这一刻,舒元,梅章,东方恒之,邱星易,易州,王黎等人的眼中都透露着无尽的炙热。 Warm-blooded of if lighting. 如若点燃的热血。 Comprehensive eruption. 全面爆发。 Walks......” “走……” The war flag flutters against the wind. 战旗迎风飘扬。 In an instant, the teams of more than 100,000 numerous are welcoming the daybreak dawn, enormous and powerful marches in the War God Palace direction. 霎那间,十万余众的队伍迎着黎明的曙光,浩浩荡荡的朝着战神宫的方向进军。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The Monster Beast army who catches up from the monster territory crosses the rugged mountain range, tramples flat the jungle wilderness, everywhere one visit, hundred beasts flee, the river levels. 从妖域赶来的妖兽大军一路横穿崎岖山脉,踏平丛林荒野,所到之处,百兽奔逃,河川填平。 Dreadful monster qi like sweeping, but to the squally shower, sweeps across. 滔天的妖气就像扫荡而至的狂风骤雨,席卷而出。 Chu Hen, waits for us......” Mu Feng to shoulder floats- slaughter demon sword, in eye cold glow like frost. 楚痕,等着我们……”沐枫背负浮-屠魔剑,眼中凛芒如霜。 That side Kunming pond mountain range. 昆池山脉那边。 Qiao Xiaowan, Han has also set off the journey by an ancestor butterfly expert who the power led. 乔小婉,韩以权率领的祖蝶一众高手也早已踏上征程。 ...... …… The tripartite influence, like that full speed connection, will soon fall to the giant meteorite of that day body stars. 三方势力,就像那全速交汇,即将落向那天体星辰的巨大陨石。 Once collides, will certainly explode a day of star, the blasting open vault of heaven! 一旦碰撞,必将地爆天星,炸裂苍穹!
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