UMDK :: Volume #15

#1482: Tumultuous times eye

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Spirit phoenix valley! 灵凰谷! Shows the antique aura in a distinguished guest garret. 彰显古色古香气息的一座贵宾阁楼之内。 Several please first have tea, our valley main quick comes......” “几位请先用茶,我们谷主很快就来……” Two young disciples carry to make the good hot tea. 两个年轻的弟子端上泡好的热茶。 Many thanks!” Returning of sovereign Eastern permanent politeness said. “多谢!”宗主东方恒之礼貌的回道。 And a vision of disciple has complex looks at another side Chu Hen. 其中一个弟子的目光却是有所复杂的看着另外一侧的楚痕 Chu Hen is sideways slightly, but sees opposite party Huangfu Hao, nods immediately. 楚痕稍稍侧身,但见对方正是皇甫昊,也随即点了点头。 Huangfu Hao purses the lips, its wants to go forward to greet, but swept Eastern permanent it, Qiu Xingyi and others, carry the tray to draw back eventually in advance. 皇甫昊抿了抿嘴,其本想上前打声招呼,但扫了眼东方恒之,邱星易等几个人,终究还是端着托盘先行退下。 But, quick, out of the door heard light steady sound of footsteps. 而,很快,门外就传来了一阵轻稳的脚步声。 The East permanent and the others the vision lift. 东方恒之等人的目光一抬。 Then 78 imposing form front surfaces walk into the garret great hall. 接着七八道气势不凡的身影迎面走入阁楼大堂。 Is the person of head seems like roughly over 50, appearance that 60 do not arrive, this person of figure slightly fat, the double pupil is clear and bright, has an aloof aloof from worldly affairs air/Qi. 为首之人看上去约莫五十以上,六十不到的外貌,此人身形微胖,双眸清朗,有着一种与世无争的清高之气。 Does not know that Eastern sovereign your honorable self visit, have to lose welcome......” “不知东方宗主大驾光临,有失远迎……” The old man passing through the gate clear sound said. 那老者进门清声说道。 The East permanent is also sets out to welcome, his both hands hold the fist in the other hand, have a younger generation to pay a visit the respect of senior. 东方恒之亦是起身相迎,其双手抱拳,有着一种晚辈拜见前辈的尊敬。 Mei Zhanggu lord, disturbed......” “梅章谷主,打扰了……” Does not know that the Eastern sovereign trip comes, so-called what matter?” Too many smalltalk have not exchanged greetings, plum chapter of direct examination its reason. “不知东方宗主此行前来,所谓何事?”没有太多的客套寒暄,梅章直接询问其缘由。 The East permanent lifts the hand slightly, actually aims at another form. 东方恒之微微抬手,却是指向另外一道身影。 This, the present is our Martial Sect true spokesman, he had the words to with you say......” “这位,如今是我们武宗真正的代表者,他有话要和您说……” In Mei Zhangyan flashes through a surprise. 梅章眼中闪过一丝诧异。 „Did your East permanent abdicate to give up one's post to a more qualified person?” “你东方恒之退位让贤了么?” Eastern permanent smiling, has not talked too much. 东方恒之笑了笑,并未多言。 But, Chu Hen its vision at this moment actually stops in Mei section behind one person. 而,此刻的楚痕其目光却是停在梅章身后的一人身上。 That person is not others, is Huangfu Qing. 那人不是别人,正是皇甫情 Regarding sudden visit of Chu Hen, some Huangfu Qing also surprise. 对于楚痕的突然造访,皇甫情也有些诧异。 Especially after hearing recent many important matters, in this time Huangfu Qing pupil has the little concerns faintly, but is different situated in the situation, obvious of extremely her performance. 尤其是在听到最近发生的诸多大事之后,此时的皇甫情眸中隐隐有着几许关切,但介于场合不同,她并未表现的太过明显。 ...... …… Younger generation Chu Hen, sees Mei Zhanggu to advocate.” At once, the Chu Hen vision backsight to the plum chapter on, is moderate, free from arrogance and rashness. “晚辈楚痕,见过梅章谷主。”旋即,楚痕目光回视到梅章身上,语气平和,不骄不躁。 Your excellency given name, liked thunder reverberating in one's ears...... the words saying that recently your boy the spirit phoenix valley also brought a big trouble to me.” “阁下的大名,最近可是如雷贯耳啊……话说你小子给我灵凰谷也带来了不小的麻烦。” Some plum chapter of many complaints. 梅章多少还是有些怨言的。 First did not say the factor, sole interior, chief disciple free and unfettered Sheng of spirit phoenix valley by Lane Chu Hen depreciation shrine of top list. 先不说外界的因素,就单单内部而言,灵凰谷的首席弟子逍遥晟就被楚痕的跌落的风云榜的神坛。 After all but free and unfettered Sheng spirit phoenix valley next valley main most powerful candidate. 毕竟逍遥晟可是灵凰谷下一任谷主最为有力的人选。 ...... …… Younger generation feels the apology really!” Chu Hen returns said. “晚辈甚感歉意!”楚痕回道。 Ok, this matter was not your wrong......” Mei Zhangyao waving the hand, did not plan to nip this matter, said! What matter do you come my spirit phoenix valley to have?” “行了,这事也不是你一个人的错……”梅章摇了摇手,并不打算咬着这事,“说吧!你来我灵凰谷有什么事?” Chu Hen both eyes lift lightly, still have the tranquil reply, what matter my trip comes behavior, believes that Mei Zhanggu lord in the heart to guess correctly.” 楚痕双目轻抬,犹有平静的回答,“我此行前来所为何事,相信梅章谷主心中早就猜到。” You......” plum chapter narrowed the corner of the eye, in its is surging the seriousness that was hard to conceal. “你……”梅章不由的眯起了眼角,其眼中涌动着难以掩饰的郑重。 It looked at Chu Hen behind East permanent one immediately, but sees calmness that especially the opposite party displays from beginning to end, on Mei section the face full is complex. 其随即看了楚痕身后的东方恒之一眼,但见对方从始至终都表现的尤为镇定,梅章的脸上不禁满是复杂。 Besides our spirit phoenix valley, whom you also looked for?” Mei Zhangchen the sound asked. “除了我们灵凰谷,你还找了谁?”梅章沉声问道。 Han cloud sect!” “翰云宗!” „Did stretch/leisurely Yuan comply?” “舒元答应了?” Temporarily did not have......” “暂时还没有……” Since no, why you do look for me?” “既然没有,你凭什么来找我?” But I believe that he will come, because I saw ambition from his eye ‚’.” “但我相信他会来,因为我从他的眼中看到了‘野心’。” The Chu Hen sound is tranquil, may have to plant fear strength that completely understands the will of the people. 楚痕的声音平静淡然,可却有种看透人心的慑力。 Mei Zhangwo making a fist, said with a smile, may I not that so-called ambition.” 梅章握了握拳,却是笑道,“可我并没有那所谓的‘野心’。” Mei Zhanggu lord indeed does not have ambition, but your actually one point fears heart.” “梅章谷主的确没有‘野心’,但你却有一分‘畏心’。” A plum chapter of facial color changes again and again, nearby the look of this young people profound is ordinary like the vortex, making one be hard to completely understand. 梅章面色一变再变,跟前这个年轻人的眼神深邃的就像漩涡一般,令人难以看透。 In an instant, in entire hall quiet in peace. 霎那间,整个大厅内都沉寂在安静之中。 Half sound. 半响。 Mei Zhangcai the sinking sound replied, „can you know the War God Palace strength strongly? First did not say the influence that it covers in secret has many, the powerhouse of sole Great Saint King Realm rank, reaches ten...... particularly segment Cang, cultivation base is immeasurably deep, it is said his half foot has stepped into day of step Great Saint King Realm...... to depend on several of us last stage sect gate to unite in together, radically is the praying mantis arm, when the car(riage), overreaches oneself......” 梅章才沉声回答道,“你可知战神宫的实力有多强?先不说其暗中笼罩的势力有多少,单单大圣王境级别的强者,就多达十位……尤其是段苍,修为更是深不可测,据说其半只脚都已经踏入了天阶大圣王境……就凭我们几个末流宗门联合在一起,根本就是螳臂当车,不自量力……” Is listening to so the data, everyone in hall cannot help but is revealing many dignifiedly. 听着如此数据,大厅内的所有人都不由自主的流露着诸多凝重。 Even if Chu Hen struck to massacre Ge Xuan in advance, War God Palace also had nine Great Saint King Realm. 即便楚痕先行击杀掉了戈铉,战神宫还有九位大圣王境 This grade of lineup, walks sideways in land land sufficiently. 这等阵容,足以在中陆大地横着走。 ...... …… But, at this moment, Chu Hen approaches in Meizhang front one meter place, its vision faces up to Mei section. 而,就在这时,楚痕走近于梅章的面前一米处,其目光正视梅章。 Some latter doubts, but the next second, it only thinks that the front space had strange overlapping quietly, if the water surface exuded ripples ripple. 后者有些疑惑,可下一秒钟,其只觉前方的空间悄然发生了诡异的重叠,如若水面泛起了一圈圈的涟漪波纹。 In an instant, Mei section suddenly felt the consciousness uncontrolled to be entrained into a murky dark world. 霎那间,梅章顿觉意识不受控制的被拽入了一个昏沉黑暗的世界。 Both eyes of Chu Hen rotate quietly, and is glowing a monster different ray. 楚痕的双目悄然转动,并焕发着一股妖异的光芒。 ...... …… Meanwhile, stood has started to point to the door in Mei section an behind spirit phoenix valley high-level elder. 与此同时,站在梅章身后的灵凰谷一位高层长老已经开始下逐客令了。 „, Does not accompany a long way.” “诸位,就恕不远送了。” The sound that but in the next second, plum chapter of that showing shivers suddenly resounds. 可就在下一秒钟,梅章那彰显颤抖的声音突然响起。 Slow!” “慢着!” The heart of spirit phoenix valley people are startled. 灵凰谷众人的心头一惊。 The East permanent is also the thick eyebrows selects lightly. 东方恒之亦是浓眉轻挑。 ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” A slight air/Qi mark swings in the ground, sees only Mei Zhangshuang the fist to get hold , a face unbelievable is staring at present this young and solemn face, you?” 一阵轻微的气纹于地面荡开,只见梅章双拳握紧,一脸难以置信的盯着眼前这张年轻而冷峻的面孔,“你?” Chu Hen lifts the head slightly, smiles not to speak. 楚痕微微抬首,笑而不语。 The deep putting out one breath, Mei section the brow deep wrinkle, the old eyes flashes decidedly. 深深的吐出一口气,梅章眉头深皱,老眼一闪决然。 It is gazing at Chu Hen, said, good, my spirit phoenix valley, complied......” 其注视着楚痕,道,“好,我灵凰谷,答应了……” One word at a time, performs obviously firmly. 一字一顿,尽显坚决。 Valley lord?” “谷主?” Does not may!” “万万不可!” Spirit phoenix valley numerous high level all facial color big change. 身后的灵凰谷众高层无不面色大变。 However, Mei section is actually lifts the hand to hint the people not to need to talk too much. 然,梅章却是抬手示意众人不必多言。 The Chu Hen corners of the mouth shoulder wipe the curve, his both hands hold the fist in the other hand, „after seven days, the younger generation welcomed Mei Zhanggu to advocate your honorable self in Martial Sect......” 楚痕嘴角挑起一抹浅浅的弧度,其双手抱拳,“七日之后,晚辈在武宗恭迎梅章谷主大驾……” Then, Chu Hen leaves directly. 说完,楚痕直接离开。 Eastern permanent it, Qiu Xingyi and the others are also lifts the hand to hold the fist in the other hand, follows behind one and goes out in Chu Hen. 东方恒之,邱星易等人也是抬手抱拳,跟随于楚痕身后一并出门。 ...... …… Valley lord, you actually how?” “谷主,你究竟怎么了?” The high-level elders of several spirit phoenix valleys were about to irritate simply. 几个灵凰谷的高层长老简直都快气死了。 War God Palace cannot stir up.” 战神宫根本惹不起。” A moment ago fortunately good, how to turn around to change a statement?” “刚才还好好的,怎么转身就改口了?” The people expressed obscurely especially. 众人表示尤为的费解。 Mei section shakes the head slightly, its character language heavy saying, I saw one thing......” 梅章微微摇头,其字语沉重的说道,“我看到了一样东西……” Thing? 东西? Several people are startled. 几人更是一怔。 What thing?” “什么东西?” The plum chapter of deep putting out one breath, turns around the back that looks at Chu Hen one group to go far away. 梅章深深的吐出一口气,转身望着楚痕一行人远去的背影。 „A both feet by tumultuous times eye!” “一双足以乱世的眼睛!” ...... …… ...... …… „The scenery of spirit phoenix valley is indeed good, no wonder you will not give up!” “灵凰谷的景色的确不错,难怪你会舍不得走!” The summit of peaks and ridges. 峰峦之巅。 Glances the potentials of numerous mountain, in the spirit phoenix valley the immortal fog winds around, wonderfully beautiful going toward couple, cable bridges that cross the places of two mountain if are connecting the main road in the world, is very magnificent. 一览众山之势,灵凰谷内仙雾缭绕,奇秀迤俪,一座座横贯两山之地的索桥如若连接着天地的大道,很是壮观。 Chu Hen has not left instantly. 楚痕并未即刻离开。 Also stands the beautiful form that in his side another beautiful is selecting high. 在他的身边还站着另外一道婀娜高挑的美丽身影。 Huangfu Qing shows a faint smile, I want to leave, but valley lord detains repeatedly, what to do I do not know should......” 皇甫情微微一笑,“我本来是想离开的,但谷主一再挽留,我也不知道该怎么办……” Chu Hen also smiles. 楚痕亦是笑了笑。 This is not accidental/surprised. 这也并不意外。 The spirit phoenix valley millenniums present a perfect conjunction fights the soul of phoenix the disciple rarely, the appearance of Huangfu Qing, broke this awkward aspect directly. 灵凰谷千年难得出现一位完美契合“战凰之魂”的弟子,皇甫情的出现,也直接打破了这个尴尬的局面。 Let alone, free and unfettered Sheng takes the consequences for own actions, was fought the soul of phoenix to backlash, later is difficult to return to the peak. 更何况,逍遥晟自作自受,被“战凰之魂”反噬,以后难回巅峰。 The spirit phoenix valley naturally must look for the person who replaces the opposite party. 灵凰谷自然要找寻替代对方的人。 Without a doubt, Huangfu Qing is the best candidate. 毫无疑问,皇甫情是最佳的人选。 Came to discuss official business to look a moment ago sufficiently its belt/bring in the side from Mei section her approval and thinking highly of spirit phoenix valley. 从刚才梅章将其带在身边前来议事就足以看得出来灵凰谷对她的认可和器重。 That stays behind! Here also good......” Chu Hen said. “那就留下吧!这里也挺好的……”楚痕说道。 Huangfu Qing is actually helpless sighing, keeps here one day, the compunction that I feel bigger...... the free and unfettered Senior Brother, even if there is mistake, but I actually harmed his chief criminal......, although he has left the spirit phoenix valley, I still about this place felt incompatible.” 皇甫情却是无奈的叹了口气,“留在这里一天,我感到的内疚就越大……逍遥师兄纵然有错,但我却是害了他的罪魁祸首……虽然他已经离开灵凰谷了,我依然对这个地方感到格格不入。” Un, this indeed is an issue! I mean what one says in any case, so long as you could not treat here, went to Martial Sect to look for me!” “嗯,这的确是个问题呢!反正我说话算数,只要你在这里待不下去了,就去武宗找我吧!” What asks you to make? Do you raise our sister and brother two people?” “找你做什么?你养我们姐弟二人啊?” Naturally!” “当然!” ...... …… Two people smiled. 两人不禁笑了起来。 Immediately, the Huangfu Qing smile receives gradually, in her pupil has many prudently. 随即,皇甫情笑容渐收,她眸中有着诸多慎重。 „Do you really want to declare war with War God Palace?” “你真的要和战神宫宣战吗?” On the face of Chu Hen also received pondering, the corner of the eye exuded ice-cold. 楚痕的脸上也收起了玩味,眼角泛起一丝冰冷。 Does not have the escape route!” “已经没有退路了!” Huangfu Qing sighed lightly. 皇甫情轻叹。 Indeed, to this situation, simply had not received the leeway of hand. 的确,到了这个地步,根本没有收手的余地可言。 Martial Sect and War God Palace! 武宗战神宫 Inevitably only then a side can have in this world. 必然只有一方能够存在这世上。 „Do you see Teacher Xi Lan?” Huangfu Qing asked. “你见到夕岚导师没有?”皇甫情问道。 Chu Hen both hands make a fist, in the eye flashes through wipes low-spirited that is not easy to detect. 楚痕双手握拳,眼中闪过一抹不易察觉的黯然。 Un!” “嗯!” „Is she good?” “她还好吗?” Chu Hen shows a faint smile, „, she is very good!” 楚痕微微一笑,“嗯,她很好!” Then, it raising the head slowly, gradually the dark woods cold look passes through the sharp sword of Milky Way like that by the numerous cloud layers, goes directly to that deep blue highest heaven vault of heaven. 说罢,其缓缓的抬起头,逐渐幽暗森寒的眼神就像那贯穿天河的利剑,透过重重的云层,直达那湛蓝的九霄苍穹。 Blustery. 风起云涌。 Under that tranquil sky, contains the air/Qi of infinite gloomy murdering. 那平静的天空下,蕴藏着无限的阴郁杀伐之气。 The land shakes! 中陆震荡! Will soon open! 即将开启!
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