UMDK :: Volume #15

#1481: Martial Sect, declares war

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Awaits calmly War God Palace to tread the broken Martial Sect numerous peaks in various land large amount influences, conquers by killing entire sect gate time, Lingyun sect in short the news of one day time extinguished sect like not being able to suppress plague, recklessly dissemination each place. 就在中陆各大宗门势力静待战神宫踏破武宗众峰,血洗整个宗门的时候,凌云宗在短短一日时间被灭宗的消息就像抑制不住的瘟疫,肆意传播各个地方。 If startled big wave. 如惊涛。 If tsunami. 若海啸。 Also like the earthquake volcano of eruption, overnight, shocked everyone, alarmed the innumerable sect gate influence. 随之就像爆发的地震火山,一夜之间,震撼了所有人,惊扰了无数宗门势力。 ...... …… Works as!” “哐当!” Like the storm coming prelude, the startling thunderclap interlocks, deafening. 如同暴风雨即将来临的前奏,惊雷交错,震耳欲聋。 ...... …… Big news, the big news, Lingyun sect one day of day extinguished whole families, east the sovereign cranes and many high-level elders perished all.” “重大消息,重大消息,凌云宗一天之日被灭满门,宗主鹤东以及众多高层长老尽数殒命。” My God, is who does?” “我的天,是谁干的?” Martial Sect!” 武宗!” ...... …… Martial Sect! 武宗 These two characters just like look like a steel fork, hit the hearts of countless person ruthlessly. 这两个字俨然就像是一记钢叉,狠狠的击中了无数人的心脏。 yesterday, Martial Sect feared obviously is also doomed. 明明就在昨天,武宗怕是还在劫难逃。 War God Palace and Lingyun sect attacking army has reached the city, will soon conquer by killing the entrance. 战神宫和凌云宗兵临城下,即将血洗山门。 Ge Xuan they?” “那戈铉他们呢?” Without exception, the complete life loses Martial Sect.” “无一例外,全部命丧武宗。” Actually is who? The lord of East Martial Sect permanent is impossible to have such thunder method.” “究竟是谁?武宗之主东方恒之不可能有如此雷霆手段。” Yes, Chu Hen!” “是,楚痕!” ...... …… Bang!” “轰隆!” Compared with it Martial Sect more resounding two characters, Chu Hen. 比之武宗更加响亮的两个字,楚痕 In ruled the top list first that man some time ago strongly, came back. 在不久前强势统治风云榜首位的那个男人,回来了。 Suddenly, explosive news speed of light dissemination. 一时间,爆炸性的消息光速传播。 The land land, just like overturns the heavens turns round. 中陆大地,俨然翻天地覆。 ...... …… „Didn't Chu Hen die?” 楚痕不是死了吗?” War God Palace sent out three Great Saint King Realm powerhouses.” 战神宫可是派出了三位大圣王境的强者。” Does not know, but determined that person is Chu Hen, kills Ge Xuan and crane eastern person is also he.” “不知道,但确定那个人就是楚痕,杀死戈铉和鹤东的人也是他。” ...... …… Many guesses start in land land blast open comprehensively. 诸多猜测开始于中陆大地全面炸裂。 No one has thought at this moment, Chu Hen not only has not died, instead returns with this earth-shaking stance strongly. 谁都没想到在这个时刻,楚痕非但未死,反而以这种石破天惊的姿态强势回归。 Also without responded with enough time, Lingyun sect announced perishes. 还没有来得及反应过来,凌云宗就宣告灭亡。 This speed. 这速度。 This method. 这手段。 This aggressive. 这霸气。 Deterred everyone. 震慑了所有人。 ...... …… Without a doubt, Chu Hen this is declaring war to War God Palace! 毫无疑问,楚痕这是在向战神宫宣战! In conquering by killing Lingyun sect takes the beginning, announced the retaliation of its Martial Sect. 于血洗凌云宗作为开端,宣告其武宗的报复。 Everyone as if smelled destructive storm soon to arrive. 每个人都仿佛嗅到了一场毁灭性风暴即将到来。 Martial Sect this time, does not compromise! 武宗这次,决不妥协! ...... …… Pitifully Lingyun sect, had not been ready, perished directly.” “可惜了凌云宗,都还没有做好准备,就直接灭亡了。” Pitifully? Not.” “可惜吗?并不。” This is the fate, Martial Sect and Lingyun sect, has been doomed not dead continuous. Saves, another must perish!” “这是命数,武宗和凌云宗,早就注定了不死不休。一个存,另一个必亡!” ...... …… Lingyun sect and Martial Sect gratitude and grudges can trace previous Saint directly time- war recruits. 凌云宗和武宗的恩怨直接可以追溯到上一次的圣-战征召。 The previous time, Lingyun sect discarded Martial Sect all talents that has sacred body. 上次,凌云宗废掉了武宗所有身怀圣体的天才。 This time, Martial Sect slaughters the complete disciple who Lingyun sect went to the chaotic demon domain. 这次,武宗屠杀了凌云宗前往乱魔界域的全部弟子。 In addition reaching the clouds sect with the War God Palace association- about- copes with Martial Sect, once Martial Sect counter-attacks, wants not to need to think, Chu Hen first reaching the clouds sect operation...... the result will seem to have been doomed, only those who make people be hard to accept, the Lingyun sect being annexed such rapidness. 再加上凌云宗又与战神宫联-合-起来对付武宗,武宗一旦反扑的话,想都不用想,楚痕第一个就将凌云宗开刀……结局似乎早就已经注定,唯独让人难以接受的是,凌云宗沦亡的如此之快。 Without giving the person a wee bit response times, this occupied of millennium sect gate in the place of land, overnight wrote off from this world. 没有给人一丁点反应的时间,这个在中陆之地盘踞了千年之久的宗门,一夜之间就从这个世间被抹杀了。 ...... …… The coming storm makes the entire land land change somewhat anxious. 即将来临的暴风雨令整个中陆大地都变的有些焦躁不安。 Martial Sect! 武宗 War God Palace! 战神宫 Before this top list strives for hegemony, some people these two strengths will never link the storm that now, one erupts between both is fermenting quietly. 在这次风云榜争霸之前,从来不会有人将这两个实力联系在一起,如今,一场围绕着两者间爆发的风暴正在悄悄酝酿。 ...... …… Han cloud sect! 翰云宗! Latter peak discussing official business main hall. 后峰议事大殿。 This main hall almost rarely opens. 这座大殿几乎很少开放。 It is also the Han cloud sect highest secret place. 其也是翰云宗最高的机密之地。 Han cloud sect sovereign stretch/leisurely Yuan is the middle-aged man image of makings scholarly, his skin is very white, but not supple...... it permanent has to plant not warm with the East is not hot-tempered gentle mild. 翰云宗宗主舒元是个气质儒雅的中年男子形象,其皮肤很白,但并不阴柔……其和东方恒之都有种不温不躁的平和温润。 However, at this moment, on stretch/leisurely Yuan face actually covered entirely usually is hard to see the dignity. 然,此时此刻,舒元的脸上却布满了平时难以见着的凝重。 Besides stretch/leisurely Yuan. 除了舒元之外。 Han cloud Zongnei several high levels are built on its both sides. 翰云宗内的几名高层立于其两侧。 New promote top list's 12 th easy lunatic changed/easy Zhou also here. 新晋风云榜第十二位的易疯子易州也在这里。 ...... …… But, in the front of Han cloud sect people, but also has several other infrequent visitor. 而,在翰云宗众人的前方,还有着另外几位“稀客”。 Martial Sect sovereign East permanent it, should with existence that stretch/leisurely Yuan are treated equally, at this moment actually stands in together the left side of young form. 武宗宗主东方恒之,本该和舒元平起平坐的存在,此刻却是站在一道年轻身影的左侧。 ...... …… A long dreariness. 一番漫长的沉寂。 A Han cloud sect elder takes the lead unable to bear broke the atmosphere of deadlock. 翰云宗的一名长老率先忍不住的打破了僵持的氛围。 His big hand wields, cold sound shouted, surnamed Chu, this was your Martial Sect and War God Palace matter, do not pull our Han cloud sect launched......” 其大手一挥,冷声喝道,“姓楚的,这是你们武宗战神宫的事,别拉我们翰云宗下水……” The Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selects lightly, it looks at stretch/leisurely Yuan. 楚痕俊眉轻挑,其只是看着舒元。 These date and time, I think your Han cloud Zongguo sleeps on pins and needles?” “这些时日,我想你翰云宗过的都寝食难安吧?” A stretch/leisurely Yuan brow wrinkle, swept side changed/easy Zhou one subconsciously. 舒元眉头一皱,下意识的扫了旁侧的易州一眼。 It very clear Chu Hen is saying anything. 其很清楚楚痕在说什么。 The primary responsibility of this matter leaves on easy state. 这件事情的主要责任出在易州的身上。 If in the chaotic demon domain, changed/easy Zhou had not meddled Martial Sect and War God Palace matter initially, now is also insufficient to feel awkward. 倘若当初在乱魔界域,易州没有插手武宗战神宫的事情,现在也不至于感到为难。 Snort, what matter is that? Our Han cloud Zongke has not offended War God Palace......” that elder to shout again. “哼,那算什么事情?我们翰云宗可没有得罪过战神宫……”那长老再次喝道。 Some......” changed/easy Zhou innocent stood. “有的……”易州一脸无辜的站了出来。 You......” that elder two eyes one horizontal, goes forward a head of Palestinian slap rotten opposite party on the difference. “你……”那长老两眼一横,就差上前一巴掌扇烂对方的脑袋。 changed/easy Zhou arrives in front of stretch/leisurely Yuan, the knees kneeling said/tunnel, teacher, all are my mistake, if War God Palace investigates, changed/easy Zhou wants one person to undertake......” 易州走到舒元面前,双膝跪地道,“师尊,一切都是我的错,如果战神宫追究下来,易州愿意一人承担……” Of pleasant to hear that you said that how War God Palace will make you......” that elder not scold, spoke incorrectly voluntarily anything, immediately shuts up does not speak. “你说的好听,战神宫岂会让你……”那长老还未骂完,就自觉说错了什么,立刻闭嘴不语。 Actually Han cloud sect people are well aware. 其实翰云宗众人都心知肚明。 War God Palace this time extending the anger does not eliminate easily. 战神宫这次的延伸出来的怒火并不容易消灭。 Although changed/easy Zhou has not resisted the War God Palace person directly, but they are unable to guarantee that War God Palace achieves what kind of degree. 易州虽然没有正面对抗战神宫的人,可他们无法保证战神宫就做到何等程度。 For serveral days, they have been worrying, after Martial Sect was extinguished, then can be one's turn Han cloud sect. 这些天,他们一直都在担心,武宗被灭之后,接下来会不会就轮到翰云宗了。 ...... …… Even we unite, cannot stand off War God Palace.” “就算我们联合,也敌不过战神宫的。” Half sound, stretch/leisurely Yuan intonation heavy saying. 半响,舒元才语调沉重的说道。 Chu Hen faces up to the vision of opposite party, light saying, Han cloud sect whether plans to occupy in this for a lifetime?” 楚痕正视对方的目光,淡淡的说道,“翰云宗是否打算一辈子屈居于此?” stretch/leisurely Yuanshuang fist grasps, look one cold. 舒元双拳一握,眼神一凛。 With its day and night was worried that the retaliation of War God Palace in a terrified way gets by, was inferior that......” the Chu Hen eyelid selects lightly, in the pupil was disclosing the King is aggressive, „does choice believe my one time?” “与其日夜担心战神宫的报复而惶恐度日,不如……”楚痕眼皮轻挑,眸中透露着王者般霸气,“选择相信我一次?” Believes my one time! 信我一次! By the words of rank, Chu Hen feared is only the qualifications of even/including Heshu Yuan speech does not have. 单论辈分的话,楚痕怕是连和舒元说话的资格都没有。 But this moment his body has one type to make stretch/leisurely Yuan for the aura that it subdues. 但此刻其身上却是有着一种令舒元都为之折服的气息。 Looks at Chu Hen that profound eye pupil, like by emperor gaze. 看着楚痕那深邃的眼眸,就像被帝王所注视般。 ...... …… At once, Chu Hen lifts the head slightly, tranquil saying, „, if stretch/leisurely Yuan sovereign complies, after nine days, I wait for your excellency your honorable self to visit to Martial Sect.” 旋即,楚痕微微抬首,平静的说道,“如若舒元宗主答应,九日之后,我在武宗等待阁下的大驾光临。” Then, the Chu Hen sleeves wield, without hesitation turns around to leave. 说完,楚痕衣袖一挥,毫不犹豫的转身离开。 Eastern permanent both hands hold the fist in the other hand, I first said goodbye.” 东方恒之双手抱拳,“我就先告辞了。” Is looking at the eyes of opposite party, stretch/leisurely Yuan dignified asking, „the Eastern permanent it, even do you occupy under this person voluntarily?” 望着对方的眼睛,舒元神情凝重的问道,“东方恒之,连你都自愿屈居于此人之下吗?” In fact, two people are the old knowledge. 事实上,两人已经是旧识了。 stretch/leisurely Yuan is East few understanding the permanent person. 舒元是为数不多了解东方恒之的人。 In former's eye, in the opposite party surface not the warm non- worried thoughts, the aura is gentle, but, the East permanent is in a whole body has in fact been disclosing the arrogance man. 在前者的眼中,对方表面上不温不愠,气息平和,但实际上,东方恒之一直是个全身里都透露着傲气的男人。 It has a lofty and unyielding character. 其有着一身的傲骨。 So many years, the East permanent will arrive obstinately in the past poorly by one's effort- Martial Sect of way dead end entrained from being annexed edge. 这么多年,东方恒之愣是以一己之力将当年走到穷-途末路的武宗从沦亡的边缘拽了回来。 The opposite party the carrying/sustaining, not only protects sect Ye, but must revive Martial Sect. 对方所承载的,不仅仅是守护宗业,还要复兴武宗 ...... …… stretch/leisurely Yuan especially has admired in Eastern permanent it, but today, this arrogant man, is actually being willing stands in side of young later generation, really made stretch/leisurely Yuan feel inconceivable. 舒元一直都尤为敬佩于东方恒之,可今天,这个高傲的男人,却是甘愿站在一个年轻后辈的旁边,实在令舒元感到不可思议。 However, the East permanent shows a faint smile. 然,东方恒之只是微微一笑。 He has one pair to let the eye that the person believes......” “他有着一双不得不让人相信的眼睛……” ...... …… ...... …… ( Ps: Today has the matter, it is estimated that can only renew two chapters, tomorrow's three will make up!! Moreover, hopes that everyone can support by wave novel net genuine reading, author quick poor ate not bubbling noodles, the tears rushed!!) (ps:今天有事,估计只能更新两章,明天三更弥补!!另外,希望大家能支持一下“逐浪小说网正版阅读”,作者已经快穷的吃不起泡面了,泪奔中!!)
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