UMDK :: Volume #15

#1480: Conquers by killing Lingyun sect

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Martial Sect Chu Hen......” 武宗楚痕……” Sky over the entrance of momentum reverberation Yu Lingyun sect proudly, east the crane and the others the facial colors all change. 傲然的声势回荡于凌云宗的山门上空,鹤东等人的面色皆是为之一变。 Haven't the opposite party died? 对方不是已经死了吗? How to also appear here? 怎么还会出现在这里? Where is Ge Xuan at?” East the crane grasps the fist, in the eye is exuding the little chill/yin cold. “戈铉在哪?”鹤东握着拳头,眼中泛着几许阴寒。 The Chu Hen corners of the mouth select, saying with a smile that ponders, was inferior that I do deliver you to see him?” 楚痕嘴角一挑,略带玩味的笑道,“不如我送你去见他?” The crane east color sank immediately, the body sends out a powerful boundless situation. 鹤东面色顿时沉了下来,身上散发出来一股强盛的磅礴大势。 Young animal, is short in the face of this plays tricks......, since you deliver today, I wanted your poor life......” “小崽子,少在本座面前装神弄鬼……既然你今天送上门来,那我就要了你的小命……” Buzz!” “嗡!” The enormous and powerful air wave shop disperses eight sides. 浩荡的气浪铺散八方。 If strength of the vigorous red domain sweeps across eight sides the tides, directly grinds toward above Chu Hen and Martial Sect people. 一股雄浑的红色领域之力如若席卷八方的浪潮,直接朝着上空的楚痕以及武宗众人碾去。 Meanwhile, crane east treads to empty, raises the mountain imposing manner pressure on plunder to Chu Hen. 同时,鹤东踏空而起,掀起山岳般的气势威压掠向楚痕 Is facing east the threatening crane, on the face of Chu Hen does not see the half a point flurried meaning, even an earnest facial expression does not have. 面对着来势汹汹的鹤东,楚痕的脸上不见半分慌乱之意,甚至连一丝认真的神情都没有。 Storehouse......” “库哧……” The next flash, void drags to entrain one string of gorgeous thunder Hu, Chu Hen is welcomes the class/flow directly on, intrudes in the red domain range of opposite party directly. 下一瞬间,虚空中拖拽出一串绚丽的雷弧,楚痕直接是迎流而上,正面闯入对方的红色领域范围之内。 Snort, courts death......” east crane to sneer. “哼,找死……”鹤东冷笑不已。 This is own domain range. 这可是自己的领域范围。 The opposite party walk into a trap completely. 对方完全就是自投罗网。 The Chu Hen traveling speed in invasion red domain has not had any change, beyond its is dragging piece of monster different purple glow. 侵入红色领域之中的楚痕移动速度没有发生任何的变化,其身外摇曳着一片妖异的紫芒 Among two people the distance pulled closer suddenly. 两人之间的距离急剧被拉近。 Meteor that if the fearful imposing manner approaches rapidly. 可怕的气势如若迅速靠近的流星。 The crane Dongdan palm finds out, the big hand transforms the claw instantly, astral fierce incomparable fresh breeze tearing air, the overhead buckle to the head of Chu Hen. 鹤东单掌探出,大手即刻幻化成爪,罡猛无比的劲风撕裂空气,当头扣向楚痕的脑袋。 Dies to me......” “给我死……” Vicious sinister. 凶狠毒辣。 The method is ruthless. 手段狠厉。 It has one type to greatly the power and influence that the Chu Hen head crushes. 其大有一种要将楚痕脑袋击碎的威势。 However, in the claw potential of opposite party will soon fall, Chu Hen cold Muqing lifts, a light purple light mark flood opens from its within the body. 然,就在对方的爪势即将落下之际,楚痕冷目轻抬,一圈淡紫色的光纹从其体内泛开。 The ripple that if the water surface swings, spreads infinitely. 如若水面荡起的波纹,无限扩散出去。 „......” “噌……” A resonant sharp weapon vibrato alarmed the soul of people, the Chu Hen front appeared a to send out the long sword of shocking point impressively. 一记嘹亮的利器颤音惊扰了众人的灵魂,楚痕的面前赫然惊现一柄散发着惊世锋芒的长剑。 After fusing the destiny sword no emperor blade is glittering peerless Shenhua. 融合了天命剑之后的无相帝刃闪烁着绝世神华。 The dark colored sword blade is glowing the silver frost glow up and down. 暗黑色的剑身上下焕发着银色的霜芒。 Instant that the Chu Hen right hand five fingers instead grasp the sword, the left hand palm resist the sword hilt peak, its figure slightly side, avoids the opposite party holds the potential at the same time, in the double pupil is shining through the cold cold light. 霎那,楚痕右手五指反掌握剑,左手掌心抵住剑柄顶端,其身形微侧,避开对方掌势的同时,双眸之中透射着冷冽寒光。 „......” “嗤嗤……” The innumerable manic electric arcs cover entirely around the sword blade instantaneously. 无数的狂躁电弧瞬间布满剑身周围。 The sharp peerless sword blade went into the crane eastern chest by the way that the front surface punctured suddenly. 锋利绝伦的剑刃以迎面突刺的方式扎进了鹤东的胸膛之中。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Moistened a wisp of bloodstain sword blade to penetrate the body of opposite party directly, passed through from his back. 沾着一缕血迹的剑刃直接是穿透了对方的身躯,从其后背贯出。 A sword! 一剑! Neat. 干脆利落。 Performs fearful obviously aggressive. 尽显慑人霸气。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” The complexion of next Fang Lingyun sect people is the drastic change. 下方凌云宗众人的脸色皆是剧变。 Both eyes circles open the eyes, the facial color is pallid. 一个个双目圆睁,面色煞白。 Sovereign......” “宗主……” At this moment east the crane is a face with amazement, it looks down that passes through the sharp sword of chest, just now being furious just like transformed the thick fear. 此刻就连鹤东自己都是一脸的骇然,其低头看着那柄贯穿胸膛的利剑,方才的震怒俨然转变成了浓浓的恐惧。 In Chu Hen hand no emperor blade nailing fast opposite party firmly, the strong impulse repels the opposite party. 楚痕手中的无相帝刃牢牢的钉住对方,强大的冲击力一路将对方击退出去。 Hits in the together bird like the sky. 就像天空中撞击在一起的飞鸟。 But one is the eagle, one is actually the house sparrow. 但一个是雄鹰,一个却是麻雀。 East the crane absolutely does not have the least bit resistance. 鹤东完全没有半点抵抗能力。 ...... …… In the wind dances in the breeze along the blood that the sword blade overflows. 沿着剑身溢出的鲜血在风中飘舞。 East crane completely frightened is staring at present this young face, the look of opposite party profound quiet cold, it as if saw is too deep to see the bottom the abyss. 鹤东满是恐惧的盯着眼前这张年轻的面孔,对方的眼神深邃幽寒,其仿佛看到了一座深不见底深渊。 At this moment. 此刻。 He has believed firmly, Ge Xuan has died. 他已然确信,戈铉已经死了。 But that follows the opposite party together more than thousand people, only feared that is also annihilated. 而那跟随对方一起的千余人,只怕也全军覆没。 ...... …… When shocks, in crane eastern eye towering bursts out one ruthlessly severe. 震骇之余,鹤东的眼中突兀的迸发出一股狠厉。 Then, his pair of palm gathers not to have the sword blade of emperor blade, together with the dark vigor impulse that is erupting, east the crane does not have on the sword blade of emperor blade to struggle unexpectedly forcefully. 接着,其双掌合住无相帝刃的剑身,连同着爆发出来的暗劲冲击力,鹤东竟是强行从无相帝刃的剑刃上挣扎出来。 Hiss......” “嘶……” The sword blade is separated from the next second of chest, crane east does not have the time to pay attention to injury, it has not looked at Fang Lingyun sect odd/surplus numerous one eyes, without delay, turns around to change to one bunch of remnant shades to flee to the horizon. 剑刃脱离胸膛的下一秒钟,鹤东没有时间理会身上的伤势,其更是没有多看下方凌云宗余众一眼,二话不说,转身化作一束残影窜向天际。 Young animal, wants to kill me not to have that easily...... today's this matter I not to consider as finished......” “小崽子,想杀我没那么容易……今天这事我不会这么算了的……” Quite the sound of hatred anger also conveys. 颇为憎怒的声音随之传来。 However, in the people think east when the crane will soon flee, on the face of Chu Hen is actually appears to wipe the meaning of teasing. 然,就在众人以为鹤东即将逃离之际,楚痕的脸上却是浮现出一抹戏谑之意。 Excuse me, this is my domain......” “不好意思,这已经是我的领域了……” What? 什么? The heart of people trembles. 众人的心头一颤。 ...... …… Storehouse!” “库哧!” Together with the bunch of rapid sharp howling momentum, the sky of front horizon is appearing the innumerable say/way sharp peerless purple light beam impressively. 连同着一束束急促尖锐的雷芒呼啸声势,前方天际的上空赫然惊现出无数道锋利绝伦的紫色雷芒光柱。 East the crane that covers entirely the panic-stricken face to embezzle instantaneously in the middle of piece of purple glow. 鹤东那布满惊恐的面庞瞬间吞没在一片紫芒当中。 Bang......” a loud sound, the sky of spending of Yu Lingyun sect thunder if blooms blasts out, under a rapid pitiful yell sound, everywhere disintegrating slag blood rain flutters about recklessly. “轰隆……”一声巨响,如若绽放的雷霆之花于凌云宗的上空炸开,一片急促的惨叫声下,漫天的碎渣血雨肆意纷飞。 Lingyun sect sovereign, east the crane, perishes! 凌云宗宗主,鹤东,殒! ...... …… Whish!” “哗!” Unexpectedly, the unprecedented shadow of death covers Lingyun sect instantly high and low. 蓦地,前所未有的死亡阴影即刻笼罩了凌云宗上下。 All Lingyun sect high levels all startled, if cicada, fear to the extreme. 所有的凌云宗高层无不惊若寒蝉,恐惧到了极点。 A lord. 一宗之主。 The hierarch of Lingyun sect, was cut to kill by two moves by Chu Hen unexpectedly at the scene. 凌云宗的掌权者,竟然被楚痕以两招斩杀当场。 Is the monster? 是怪物吗? They looked that covered entirely fear to the Chu Hen look, like regarding in world most fearful devil. 他们看向楚痕的眼神布满了畏惧,就像看待着世间最为可怕的恶魔。 Meanwhile, the Chu Hen behind Martial Sect people have lifted the butcher knife in hand. 与此同时,楚痕身后的武宗众人已然抬起了手中的屠刀。 Kills!” “杀!” ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… Quick, during Lingyun sect immerses in one piece up and down slaughters. 很快,凌云宗上下就沉浸于一片杀戮之中。 Flurried fleeing, brutal slaughtering. 慌乱的奔逃,无情的屠戮。 The windblown dust rises from all directions, has great disturbance. 尘烟四起,鸡犬不宁。 Favors lopsided murdering completely. 完全是倾向一面倒的杀伐。 Lingyun sect, this to the sect gate influence of speed growth formation, take the innumerable time of speeds to be annexed as it fast at this moment. 凌云宗,这个以飞快速度增长成型的宗门势力,此刻也以无数倍的速度为之沦亡。 ...... …… Close to at dusk. 临近傍晚时分。 The red setting sun is contaminated the sky, actually links up into a single stretch with the Lingyun sect of it rivers of blood. 红色的夕阳浸染着天空,却是与之血流成河的凌云宗连成一片。 The corpse is piled up. 尸体堆积成山。 The bloody water that flows if the cheerful small stream, connects in the ground mutually. 流淌的血水如若欢快的小溪,于地面相互交汇。 Chu Hen is built on Lingyun sect prominent peak the summit of cliff, its vision tranquil looks at the front excellent mountains and rivers, whatever the setting sun of horizon reflected to dye the pretty face. 楚痕立于凌云宗主峰的山崖之巅,其目光平静的看着前方的大好山河,任由天边的夕阳映染了俊秀的面孔。 Mountains and rivers as before. 山河依旧。 But the reaching the clouds sect had fallen into the permanent dreariness. 但凌云宗已经陷入了永久的沉寂之中。 In his behind, is standing Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, Zhao Qing clothes and other numerous Martial Sect disciple, the people are silent, but static standing waits for behind Chu Hen. 在他的身后,站着邱星易,王黎,赵青衣等一众武宗弟子,众人都沉默不语,只是静静的站在楚痕后面等待。 Brother Chu Hen......” at this time, Wu Yan voice conveyed from the rear area. 楚痕师弟……”这时,吴岩的声音从后方传来。 People subconscious being sideways of turns head. 众人下意识的侧身回头。 Sees only Wu Yan behind follows two people. 只见吴岩的身后跟着两个人。 They are horse Chengcheng advocate peace early the flying rain gate leader......” “他们是夙马城城主和飞雨门首领……” The future is not others, before by crane East Gate entered Luo Song and cold earthly branch. 来者不是别人,正是之前被鹤东关入死牢的罗送和寒酋。 You can walk......” Qiu Xingyi to turn around to two humanity. “你们可以走了……”邱星易转身对两人道。 Luo delivers with the cold earthly branch looks at each other one. 罗送和寒酋对视一眼。 Two people, the former opens the mouth said, does not know whether Martial Sect then also does have other plan?” 两人顿了顿,前者开口说道,“不知武宗接下来是否还有别的计划?” Qiu Xingyi brow selects lightly, he looked at the eye to stand in front Chu Hen one, then returned said, what you do want to say?” 邱星易眉头轻挑,他看了眼站在前方的楚痕一眼,然后回道,“你们想说什么?” Luo delivers deep stretch/leisurely to have the one breath, in the eye gushes out a courage and uprightness of faint trace. 罗送深深的舒出一口气,眼中涌出一丝丝的血性。 The say/way, Lingyun sect bullies us for a long time, this time is indebted rescues, I and others was deeply grateful...... naturally, we know that your original intentions and I and others were uninterested, but, my Luo Song also has the graciousness to report the person, if Martial Sect has to need, my horse city hopes effect serve somebody faithfully early......” 其道,“凌云宗欺压我们许久,这次承蒙诸位解救,我等感激不尽……当然,我们知道你们的本意和我等毫无关系,但是,我罗送也是有恩必报之人,如果武宗有所需要的话,我夙马城愿效犬马之劳……” Qiu Xingyi did not answer. 邱星易不答。 The people look at Chu Hen. 众人将目光转向楚痕 Luo delivers to see this , to continue saying that we, although is only one group of motley crew, knows uselessly, but is not willing to continue to pass the bullied day. Gets by with it carelessly, I and others rather assisted in you......” 罗送见此,继续说道,“我们虽然只是一群乌合之众,自知无用,但也不愿继续过着被欺压的日子。与之苟且度日,我等宁愿辅助于你们……” The air as if has quietly. 空气似乎有所沉寂。 Immediately, Chu Hen turns around, the front eye pupil of ancient well without ripples faces up to two people. 随即,楚痕转过身来,古井无波的眼眸正视前面两人。 „If not fear death, ten days later goes to Martial Sect......” “如果不怕死的话,十天之后就去武宗……” Luo delivers, cold earthly branch two people mind all tremble. 罗送,寒酋两人的心神皆是一颤。 Does not need they to talk too much, Chu Hen is leads the Martial Sect people to turn around to leave directly. 不待他们多言,楚痕直接是率领武宗众人转身离开。 ...... …… In the evening. 傍晚。 The setting sun sinks gradually. 残阳渐沉。 Lingyun sect high and low, never has so silent. 凌云宗上下,从来都没有如此寂静过。 Absolute deathly stillness. 绝对的死寂。 The wind sways, in the air is fluttering the light bloody aura. 风吹拂而过,空气中飘荡着淡淡的血腥气息。 However, this seems only a beginning. 然,这仿佛只是一个开端。 The true turbulence in land land, just started...... 中陆大地的真正动荡,才刚刚开始……
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