UMDK :: Volume #15

#1479: Kills Lingyun sect

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Appearance of Chu Hen, prompt resolution Martial Sect the crisis. 楚痕的出现,及时的化解掉了武宗的这场危机。 It thunder method visionally also shocked everyone directly. 其梦幻般的雷霆手段也直接是震惊了所有人。 Great Saint King Realm adds more than over a thousand experts, the instantaneous skeleton not saves, this grade of method, shocking Martial Sect high and low at the same time, trembled with fear the emperor great palace and a person of five lines of clans. 一位大圣王境加上千余位高手,瞬间尸骨无存,这等手段,惊艳了武宗上下的同时,也惊颤了帝弘殿和五行一族的人。 ...... …… Although with is the top list talent. 尽管同为风云榜天才。 But at this moment, Tang Bufan actually deep feels greatest being incapable. 但此时此刻,唐不凡却深深的感到一股莫大的无力。 First and second disparity, like being away from vast great gully natural moat. 第一和第二的差距,如同隔着浩瀚的巨壑天堑。 Regarding the Chu Hen footsteps, it has been able not hold a candle. 对于楚痕的脚步,其已然是望尘莫及。 ...... …… Many thanks emperor great palace comes to assist, Chu Hen is deeply grateful on behalf of Martial Sect up and down.” “多谢帝弘殿的诸位前来相助,楚痕代表武宗上下感激不尽。” Chu Hen both hands hold the fist in the other hand, voice gentle to Tang Bufan , Wei Yan several humanity. 楚痕双手抱拳,语态平和的对唐不凡,韦延几人道。 Tang Bufan actually does not know how should reply, can only lift the hand, signals by nodding. 唐不凡却是不知该如何回复,只能是抬了抬手,点头示意。 Immediately, Chu Hen arrives at five lines of clan several people of front subsequently. 随即,楚痕继而又走到五行一族几人的面前。 Forest brother injury how?” “林兄伤势如何?” forest Yinghe beckons with the hand, is not in the way.” 林迎壑摆摆手,“不碍事。” , Continued saying that „after congratulating you to break through Great Saint King Realm...... looks like, long some time, the top list will be ruled by you.” 顿了顿,继续道,“恭喜你突破大圣王境……看来以后漫长的一段时间,风云榜都将被你所统治。” Chu Hen shows a faint smile, today's forest brother for our Martial Sect, but injures, Chu Hen engraves on mind, if later obtains usefully below place, I decide however do not refuse under any circumstances......” 楚痕微微一笑,“今日林兄为了我们武宗而伤及自身,楚痕铭记在心,倘若以后有用得到在下的地方,我定然在所不辞……” Sees Chu Hen to treat forest Yinghe the attitude, Tang Bufan several people of emperor great palace somewhat are awkward. 见到楚痕对待林迎壑的态度,帝弘殿的唐不凡几人不免有些尴尬。 This is completely two attitudes. 这完全是两种态度。 However, everyone is well aware. 不过,大家都心知肚明。 Ge Xuan launched an attack a moment ago, the emperor great palace is also the appearance of knowing when to stop, they almost can also urge to urge, not for Martial Sect and with War God Palace for enemy. 刚才戈铉发难的时候,帝弘殿也就是适可而止的样子,他们差不多也就是能劝就劝,并不会为了武宗和同战神宫为敌。 Under compares, forest Yinghe made the Martial Sect people feel grateful. 相比较之下,林迎壑着实令武宗众人心存感激。 forest Yinghe smiles, clear/pain brother spoke discreetly, I have not helped anything busily......, since the Martial Sect crisis has relieved, we asked to be excused in advance.” 林迎壑笑了笑,“楚兄言重了,我并未帮到什么忙……既然武宗危机已经解除,那我们就先行告退了。” Un, forest the brother walks slowly!” “嗯,林兄慢走!” Chu Hen are not but actually many remains. 楚痕倒也不多留。 Immediately, Tang Bufan also follows one and says goodbye. 随即,唐不凡也跟着一并告辞。 Their one second cannot treat quickly. 他们一秒都快待不下去。 ...... …… Gazes after the emperor great palace and people of five lines of clans leaves, the Chu Hen vision gradually changes gentle profound, it turns round to look to the East permanent and lords of four big peak institutes. 目送帝弘殿和五行一族的众人离开,楚痕的目光逐渐变的平缓深远,其回身望向东方恒之以及四大峰院之主。 The facial expression of people also still has the dignified meaning. 众人的神情也犹有凝重之意。 Martial Sect high and low atmosphere not, because routed the relaxedness that the foreign enemy changes a moment ago. 武宗上下的氛围并没有因为刚才的击溃外敌而变的轻松。 Today we won, but, War God Palace will stage a comeback before long......” “今日我们获胜了,但过不了多久,战神宫还是会卷土重来……” Chu Hen says. 楚痕开口说道。 The East permanent is staring at opposite party that showing tranquil look , said, wants to make anything, does! Martial Sect today's honor, is completely......, regardless of you who you bring then want to do, we completely support in you......” 东方恒之盯着对方那彰显平静的眼神,顿了顿,道,“想做什么,就去做吧!武宗今日的荣誉,全部都是你带来的……不论你接下来想干什么,我们全然支持于你……” Brother Chu Hen, we all listens your.” 楚痕师弟,我们全听你的。” Right, Martial Sect follows you up and down.” “没错,武宗上下追随你到底。” Qiu Xingyi and the others also firm saying. 邱星易等人也坚定的说道。 Receives the affirmation in Eastern permanent eye, Chu Hen still has serious nod. 接收到东方恒之眼中的肯定,楚痕犹有郑重的点点头。 It to Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, Wu Yan and others say at once, that good, we first go to a place.” 其旋即对邱星易,王黎,吴岩等众人道,“那好,我们先去一个地方。” ...... …… Clear sky with light clouds, the star pavilion stands in great numbers. 天高云淡,星阁林立。 In a luxurious style main hall, east Lingyun sect hierarch crane sits on the spacious stone chair, full is the vision that teased stares in the palace are kneeling two people. 一座奢华气派的大殿之中,凌云宗掌权者鹤东坐于宽敞的石椅上,满是戏谑的目光盯着殿内跪着的两个人。 Luo Song, the cold earthly branch...... in the end, you two are also not obedient kneeling in the front of this place......” “罗送,寒酋……到头来,你们两个还不是乖乖的跪在本座的面前……” Two people bodies have the injuries in varying degrees respectively. 两人的身上各有不同程度的伤势。 Was called the middle-aged man who is Luo Song spits blood froth directly, I bah...... east crane old, you must kill then kill, if wants me ‚the horse city to surrender early, do not rack one's brain for nothing.” 被唤作罗送的中年男人直接是啐出一口血沫,“我呸……鹤东老儿,你要杀便杀,若想要我‘夙马城’归服,就别白费心思了。” Snort, good that said.” The cold earthly branch of the side is also is full of berating of hatred anger, my flying rain gate also received enough you, even the death, I will not surrender your reaching the clouds sect again.” “哼,说的不错。”其身边的寒酋亦是饶有憎怒的喝斥道,“我飞雨门也受够你们了,就算是死,我也不会再归降你们凌云宗的。” ...... …… Early horse city, the flying rain gate, before is, was enrolled subordinate attached influence under Lingyun ancestor's oppression forcefully. 夙马城,飞雨门,都是之前在凌云宗的强行压迫下被招入麾下的附属势力。 Afterward Saint- war recruited after it happened, Lingyun sect suffered the unprecedented heavy losses, horse Chenghe the flying rain gate and other attached strengths seized the chance to betray early. 后来圣-战征召事发之后,凌云宗遭遇前所未有的重创,夙马城和飞雨门等诸多附属实力都趁机叛离出去。 This thinks that Lingyun sect does not have the means to control them again. 本以为凌云宗没有办法再去控制他们。 However, turned to the War God Palace Lingyun sect, regained again ability that controlled its subordinate many influences. 不过,投靠了战神宫的凌云宗,再次重新获得了掌控其麾下诸多势力的能耐。 Quick, these leading figures of rebel influence were grasped. 很快,那些叛逃势力的首脑人物就被抓了回来。 ...... …… „To die? Where is so easy?” East the crane disdains visits two people, this place will make you know that betrays the fate of my reaching the clouds sect is anything...... comes the person, gives me to shut to die these two people......” “想死?哪有那么容易?”鹤东不屑的看着两人,“本座会让你们知道背叛我凌云宗的下场是什么……来人,给我把这两个人关进死牢……” Yes!” “是!” The guards of several Lingyun sects go forward to detain two people to leave outward. 几个凌云宗的守卫上前押着两人往外离开。 But, Luo Song and cold earthly branch struggles, while angry scold. 而,罗送和寒酋一边挣扎,一边愤怒的斥骂。 East crane, you had the skill to kill us, do not make a show here.” “鹤东,你有本事杀了我们,别在这里耍花样。” Your reaching the clouds sect is the War God Palace running dog, do not wait for you tramples, we absolutely cannot forgive you.” “你们凌云宗就是战神宫的走狗,别等你们被一脚踹开的时候,我们绝对饶不了你。” ...... …… Ha, could not forgive me, this place wants to have a look at you to have what capital actually to shout and wrangle here.” “哈哈哈哈哈,饶不了我,本座倒是想看看你们有什么资本在这里大呼小叫。” Unexpectedly, at this moment, outside again hurried to/clashes two Lingyun sects to guard the disciple. 蓦地,就在这时,外面再次急急忙忙的冲进来两个凌云宗守卫弟子。 Opens reports sovereign, has the foreign invasion!” “启禀宗主,有外敌入侵!” Foreign invasion? 外敌入侵? Several high-level elders in crane east as well as main hall all are the facial color sink. 鹤东以及大殿上的几位高层长老皆是面色一沉。 „Who is so bold?” East the crane sets out to shout. “是什么人如此大胆?”鹤东起身喝道。 Finishes speaking, bang......” a loud sound came from the top of the head sky transmission of people suddenly, the next flash, the purple light beam for example the day glow passed through the crown in palace together directly, subsequently attacks in the ground, breaks the big piece the stone brick. 话音刚落,“砰……”的一声巨响突然间从众人的头顶上空传达而来,下一瞬间,一道紫色的光柱譬如天芒般直接贯穿了宫殿的顶部,继而冲击于地面上,震碎大片的石砖。 „Is this?” “这是?” The heart of people are all startled. 众人的心头皆是一惊。 Where ganef? Dares to rush to my reaching the clouds sect, feared that was tired of living inadequate......” “何方宵小?胆敢闯我凌云宗,怕是活腻了不成……” However, here words have not said that that purple day glow light beam unexpectedly straight faces forward to rule out, it just like the god blade that a destroys the hardest defenses, is segmenting the inside and outside of palace rapidly. 然,这边话未说完,那道紫色天芒光柱竟是笔直的朝前划去,其宛如一柄无坚不摧的神刃,迅速切分着宫殿的内外。 The swift and fierce thunder light beam sweeps, directly east assault toward right above main hall crane. 凌厉至极的雷霆光柱一路扫荡而下,径直朝着大殿正上方的鹤东袭去。 Latter look one cold, in the heart the anger ascends immediately. 后者眼神一凛,心中顿时怒气升腾。 Then sticks out suddenly a palm, the raging tide tsunami that if the vigorous palm potential rumbles meets the approaching enemy on. 接着暴起一掌,雄浑的掌势如若轰出的狂澜海啸迎击而上。 Bang......” “轰……” Two astral's fierce wild strengths connect to collide instantly, immediately the ground cracks, the vigorous heavy complementary waves toward sweep across to swing in all directions. 两股罡猛的狂暴力量即刻交汇碰撞,顿时地面崩裂,雄浑沉重的余波朝着四面八方席卷荡开。 Was divided a minute of palace of directly is „......” divides into two, like the broken out mountain, collapses toward the both sides loudly. 本就被从中劈分的宫殿直接是“嗵……”的一声一分为二,就像被劈开的大山,朝着两侧轰然坍塌。 The dust flies upwards, the quarry stone splashes. 尘土飞扬,乱石溅起。 Lingyun sect people all are the startled anger happen simultaneously. 凌云宗众人皆是惊怒交加。 The crane eastern vision woods are cold, its coldly is staring at Ling proud unexpected visitor above a void. 鹤东目光森寒,其冷冷的盯着凌傲于虚空之上的一众不速之客。 But sees that is the person of head is young, holds in the arms to linger gorgeous, is surprised. 但见那为首之人年纪轻轻,掌臂间萦绕着绚丽的雷芒,却是倍感意外。 Who are you?” East the crane asked sternly. “你是何人?”鹤东厉声质问道。 Martial Sect Chu Hen!” 武宗楚痕!” What? 什么? Hears this name, Lingyun sect up and down is stunned. 一听到这个名字,凌云宗上下更是错愕不已。 Haven't the opposite party died? 对方还没死? Moreover will the Martial Sect people appear here? 而且武宗众人怎么会出现在这里? That side Ge Xuan failed? 难道戈铉那边失败了? ...... …… ...... ……
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