UMDK :: Volume #15

#1478: The second kills

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Clatter, clatter......” “嗒,嗒……” The steady and leisurely sound of footsteps spreads to the ear of people from far to near, gathers in Tianwu the peak high and low everyone's vision is accumulation as if by prior agreement above that form above tall ladder. 平稳且轻缓的脚步声由远至近的传入众人的耳中,聚集于天武峰上下所有人的目光皆是不约而同的聚集在天梯之上的那道身影之上。 The opposite party tread every time one step, the peripheral air current is also startled a slight rhythm. 对方每踏出一步,周边的气流随之惊起一阵轻微的律动。 If one after another water surface ripple purple light mark follows his under foot flood to open gradually. 一圈接着一圈如若水面波纹般的紫色光纹逐步顺着其脚下泛开。 Who is the opposite party? 对方是谁? Ge Xuan narrowed the corner of the eye, showed on the gloomy and cold face to reveal several points of chill in the air. 戈铉不禁眯起了眼角,彰显阴冷的脸上流露出几分寒意。 Emperor great palace Tang Bufan , five groups of clan forest Yinghe as well as Martial Sect people still have the doubts. 帝弘殿唐不凡,五行一族林迎壑以及武宗众人却都是犹有疑惑。 The figure of opposite party seems like especially familiar. 对方的身形看上去尤为的熟悉。 More and more nearly. 越来越近。 Quick, that sends out the solemn aura figure semblance also to map the view of people. 很快,那散发着冷峻气息的身形外表随之映入众人的眼帘。 Martial Sect sovereign East permanent it, boils cloud manor, Luo Cang and other lords of the peak institutes the both eyes circle opens the eyes immediately. 武宗宗主东方恒之,熬云庄,罗沧等诸位峰院之主顿时双目圆睁。 Qiu Xingyi eyelid raises, it takes the lead to call out in alarm said that Brother Chu Hen......” 邱星易眼皮一掀,其率先惊呼道,“楚痕师弟……” This blasted out the pot in the heart of audience people impressively. 这一声赫然于全场众人的心头炸开了锅。 Wang Li, Wu Yan, Zhao Qing clothes and the others all at present one bright, is pleasantly surprised. 王黎,吴岩,赵青衣等人无不眼前一亮,又惊又喜。 Really is Brother Chu Hen.” “真的是楚痕师弟。” He came back.” “他回来了。” This Ge Xuan deceives us unexpectedly.” “这戈铉老贼竟然欺骗我们。” ...... …… Looks at that to appear in this's Chu Hen, Ge Xuan the heart is most accidental, it stares at the young form that say/way is walking up by the extremely unbelievable vision. 望着那出现于此的楚痕,戈铉的心头最为意外,其以极度难以置信的目光盯着那道走上前来的年轻身影。 What's wrong, how...... haven't you possibly died?” “怎,怎么可能……你还没死?” That day set out three Great Saint King Realm. 那日出动了三位大圣王境 Tertiary domain overlay. 三重领域叠加。 Ge Xuangeng was passed through the heart and true essence purple mansion of opposite party with two sharp cold spears/guns personally. 戈铉更是亲手以两记锋利的寒枪贯穿了对方的心脏以及真元紫府。 In that situation, Chu Hen just like a deceased person. 在那种情形下,楚痕俨然就是个死人。 ...... …… Stunned! 错愕! Accidental/Surprised! 意外! Ge Xuan looks at the facial features of opposite party stubbornly, it even suspected that the present person is not Chu Hen. 戈铉死死的看着对方的面容,其甚至怀疑眼前的人根本就不是楚痕 However, is approaching the day of military peak square, Chu Hen steps the instance of last stair, his cold eye lifts, disclosed the pupil of deep dark aura just like coming from looking at each other of god of death. 然,就在临近天武峰广场,楚痕踏上最后一道台阶的瞬间,其冷目一抬,透露着深暗气息的瞳孔宛如源自于死神的对视。 In an instant, Ge Xuanzhi thinks that the innermost soul trembles. 霎那间,戈铉只觉灵魂深处都为之一颤。 Fears intent! 惧意! Derives from the bottom of the heart, but fearing intent. 由心底衍生而出的惧意。 ...... …… The Chu Hen corners of the mouth select lightly, exude to wipe the indifferent happy expression. 楚痕嘴角轻挑,泛起一抹漠视的笑意。 You can say the last words!” “你可以说遗言了!” What? 什么? Such remarks, the people present are all startled. 此言一出,在座的众人皆是一怔。 Including Tang Bufan , Wei Yan, forest Yinghe and the others, is stunned. 包括唐不凡,韦延,林迎壑等人在内,都是一脸错愕。 Who to knows the present person is? 对方可知眼前的人是谁么? Aloof existence of mahatma king rank. 大圣王级别的超然存在。 Meanwhile, Ge Xuan the complexion Yin is impressively severe, its, if ominous beast is looking angrily below Chu Hen. 同时,戈铉的脸色赫然阴厉下来,其如若凶兽般怒视着下方楚痕 Actually snort/hum...... manages you are anything...... I, since can kill one time, can kill you for the second time......” “哼……管你究竟是什么东西……我既然能够杀死一次,也就能杀你第二次……” Sharp domain!” “锐之领域!” The words fall, Ge Xuan imposing manner folds, together with the mountain astonishing boundless situation, the dark golden light screen is howling again, grinds toward Chu Hen. 话落,戈铉气势叠起,连同着山岳般惊人的磅礴大势,暗金色的光幕再次呼啸而出,朝着楚痕碾去。 Hits in the together strength oppression all the Chu Hen trapped/sleepy lock. 击中于一起的力量压迫尽数将楚痕困锁于其中。 The peripheral space presents the strange distortion shape. 其周边的空间都呈现出诡异的扭曲状。 However, does not need the rear Martial Sect people to prepare to go forward to act, Chu Hen look one cold, a soaring to the heavens purple ray erupts instantly. 然,不待后方的武宗众人准备上前出手,楚痕眼神一凛,一股冲天的紫色光芒即刻爆发开来。 Backing up that successively overbearing incomparable purple glow like astral fierce shock-wave, again releases the sharp domain that compels Ge Xuan. 霸道无比的紫芒就像罡猛的冲击波,再一次将戈铉释放出来的锐之领域逼的节节倒退。 What? 什么? Ge Xuan facial color changes, it has not responded, a light purple light halo forms the potential of trapped/sleepy lock to cover instantly. 戈铉面色一变,其还未反应过来,一层淡紫色的光圈即刻形成困锁之势笼罩而来。 In Ge Xuan situated in purple light screen has a big shock. 处于紫色光幕之内的戈铉更是大惊失色。 He discovered impressively the strength of own within the body fell into the extremely slow condition. 他赫然发现自己体内的力量陷入了极度迟钝的状态。 This, is...... the domain......” “这,是……领域……” How possibly? 怎么可能? Then how long time, has the opposite party entered into the Great Saint King Realm level? 这才多久时间,对方就已经迈入大圣王境的层面了? No shocking opportunity, the Chu Hen single palm lifts, separates the direction that spatial taking bearing Ge Xuan is. 没有任何震惊的机会,楚痕单掌抬起,隔空探向戈铉所在的方向。 Domain day point......” “领域天芒刃……” Together with ice-cold curve that the corners of the mouth are raising, Chu Hen five fingers outward, along with extremely strong strength rebellion, storehouse......” rapid thunder and lightning wailing overlaps in the same place, in an instant, the heart of audience everyone trembles fiercely, pupil sudden also shrank, sees only dozens purple thunder and lightning lances that appeared baseless to pass through Ge Xuan that tall thin body impressively. 连同着嘴角扬起的冰冷弧度,楚痕五指朝外一张,伴随着极强的力量暴动,“库哧……”急骤的雷电尖啸重叠在一起,霎那间,全场每个人的心头猛地一颤,瞳孔急剧的随之一缩,只见凭空惊现的数十道紫色的雷电长矛赫然贯穿了戈铉那高瘦的身躯。 Bang!” “轰!” Everyone's heart startles greatly. 所有人的心头大骇。 How no one has seen clearly this to happen a moment ago. 谁都没有看清楚刚才这一幕是怎么发生的。 A suddenly twinkling, Ge Xuan the body had been gripped by manic swift and fierce sharp thunder pillar just like the hedgehog that puts on. 眨眼的一瞬息,戈铉的身上已然被一道道狂躁凌厉的锋利雷柱所扎穿的犹如刺猬。 You?” “你?” The gorgeous purple electricity glow interweaves beyond its glitters, Ge Xuan stared in a big way the eyeball, was extremely incredible. 绚丽的紫色电芒交织在其身外闪烁,戈铉瞪大了眼珠,极度不可置信。 Looks at the face of that distortion, on the face of Chu Hen is not seeing the least bit to pity. 望着那扭曲的面孔,楚痕的脸上不见半点怜悯。 Now you say that the opportunity of last words did not have......” “现在你连说遗言的机会都没有了……” The words fall, the Chu Hen five fingers grasp the fist. 话落,楚痕五指一握成拳。 Bang......” a fierce ear-spitting explosive, everywhere the flower of blooms, under sad and shrill pitiful yell suddenly, Ge Xuan the body is split up directly, together with purple mansion Saint soul, forcefully the smashing that was interwoven recklessly the thunder arc power line pole bang that kills by that. “砰……”的一声剧烈的震耳爆响,漫天的雷芒之花绽放,瞬息间的凄厉惨叫下,戈铉的身躯直接是四分五裂,连同着紫府圣魂,硬生生的被那肆意交织的雷弧电柱轰杀的粉碎。 ...... …… Day!” “天呐!” Hiss!” “嘶!” ...... …… Witnessed that this people only think the heart wants to stop beating. 目睹这一幕的众人只觉心脏都欲停止跳动。 Eastern permanent it, Luo Cang, boils cloud manor, Qiu Xingyi as well as Tang Bufan , forest Yinghe and other everyone present is trembles with fear the extreme. 东方恒之,罗沧,熬云庄,邱星易以及唐不凡,林迎壑等在座的所有人全是惊颤到极点。 Lifts the hand to turn the powerhouse who in the palms strikes to kill the Great Saint King Realm rank. 抬手翻掌间击杀大圣王境级别的强者。 The Chu Hen method is earth-shaking. 楚痕的手段可谓是石破天惊。 ...... …… Looks instantaneously by second killing Ge Xuan, War God Palace and many invading one's territory of Lingyun sect is scared impressively. 看着瞬间被秒杀的戈铉,战神宫和凌云宗的众多来犯者赫然被吓破了胆。 Looks ashen, in the eye covers entirely to dread. 一个个面如土色,眼中布满畏惧。 Where also has the beforehand least bit manner. 哪里还有之前的半点神气。 Walks!” “走!” Withdraw!” “撤!” Immediately evacuates!” “立刻撤离!” ...... …… Does not have the hesitation of least bit, the people to turn around to escape instantly. 没有半点的犹豫,众人即刻转身即逃。 However, just turned around merely, that just like the god of death to announce the sound spreads to their ears. 然,仅仅只是刚一转身,身后那犹如死神宣告般的声音传入他们的耳中。 Since came, that stayed behind!” “既然来了,那就都留下好了!” Next flash that the words fall, the destructive spiral air current covers the people instantly , purple electricity monster flame storm of tearing vault of heaven surges to blast out in the crowd. 话落的下一霎那,毁灭性的螺旋气流即刻将众人笼罩在内,紧接着,一股撕裂天穹的紫电妖炎风暴于人群之中激荡炸开。 „......” “嗵……” The world changes colors, the highest heaven wants to crack. 天地失色,九霄欲裂。 The purple hurricane vortex of sweeping whole wide world is intersecting the innumerable intense power of thunder impacts on the body of people, suddenly, frightened flurried pitiful yell stabbing pain eardrum, if the Saint flame burns crowd of demons, in one is both flooding under the vision of shivering, everywhere one visit of purple storm, burns completely all. 扫荡八荒的紫色飓风漩涡交叉着无数密集的雷霆之力冲击在众人的身上,一时间,恐惧慌乱的惨叫刺痛耳膜,如若圣焰焚群魔,于一双双充斥着颤抖的目光下,紫色风暴的所到之处,焚尽一切。 The enormous and powerful air wave howls the Martial Sect sky. 浩荡的气浪呼啸武宗的上空。 Burns the day the overbearing roaring flame to make the mountains and rivers land completely change colors. 焚天的霸道烈焰令山河大地全然失色。 The torn to pieces body dopes dust everywhere to dance in the breeze. 支离破碎的躯体掺杂着尘埃漫天飘舞。 Merely two suddenly times, War God Palace and Lingyun sect invading one's territory more than over a thousand people of change to the endless sediment and ashes quietly. 仅仅两个眨眼的功夫,战神宫和凌云宗来犯的上千余人悄然化作无尽的渣滓和灰烬。 ...... …… Terrifying! 恐怖! Makes terrifying that one has a dream cannot believe. 令人做梦都不敢相信的恐怖。 The scene, is so attacking in the day military peak unceasingly the visual nerve of everyone. 如此场面,不断冲击着天武峰上每个人的视觉神经。 Including the Martial Sect sovereign East permanent, at this moment looks to the Chu Hen back has one type unprecedentedly with amazement. 包括武宗宗主东方恒之在内,此刻望向楚痕的背影都有着一种前所未有的骇然。 More than thousand experts. 千余位高手。 And a powerhouse of Great Saint King Realm rank. 以及一位大圣王境级别的强者。 If the ants in Chu Hen palm, are buried in this all. 如若楚痕掌中的蝼蚁,尽数葬身于此。 Such strength, unexpectedly is so terrifying. 此等力量,竟是这般恐怖。 ...... …… Does not have mighty waves, in the eye of Chu Hen. 不起一丝波澜,楚痕的眼中。 The face indifferent turning round is looking at already were shocked the Martial Sect people. 其一脸漠然的回身望着早已被惊呆了的武宗众人。 Rapidness that too the situation transforms. 局势转变的太快。 From the start no one can respond. 压根就没有人能够反应过来。 Then how long does not see. 这才多久不见。 Chu Hen direct powerful to making one does not dare to recognize each other. 楚痕直接强大到令人不敢相认。 ...... …… Sovereign, I came back.” Chu Hen says. “宗主,我回来了。”楚痕开口说道。 The facial color of people slightly slow. 众人的面色稍缓。 Eastern permanent deep stretch/leisurely has the one breath, subsequently nods. 东方恒之深深的舒出一口气,继而点了点头。 Is all right well!” “没事就好!” Qiu Xingyi, Wu Yan, Wang Li, Zhao Qing cai and the others also moves forward to meet somebody instantly. 邱星易,吴岩,王黎,赵青裁等人也即刻迎了上去。 Brother Chu Hen, did you break through Great Saint King Realm?” 楚痕师弟,你突破大圣王境了?” Un!” Chu Hen nods. “嗯!”楚痕点点头。 What strength a moment ago was that?” “刚才那是什么力量?” Main road domain that no, I control......” “没什么,我自己掌控的大道领域罢了……” Main road domain? 大道领域? Is listening to these four characters, the people are startled and sigh, originally to the Martial Sect disciple who Chu Hen admires, is if regards the deity descend to earth to still have to venerate. 听着这四个字,众人又惊又叹,本就对楚痕敬服的武宗弟子,更是如若看待天神下凡般犹有尊崇。 How your one person? Profound frost Junior Sister and Sister Ye Yao?” Zhao Qing clothes asked. “怎么就你一个人?玄霜师妹和叶瑶师妹呢?”赵青衣问道。 They in behind, I first came one......” “她们在后面,我先来了一步……” Chu Hen also knows after War God Palace copes with, will immediately shift to Martial Sect the spearhead. 楚痕也知道战神宫对付完自己之后,立刻就会将矛头转向武宗 Therefore it takes the lead to hurry back. 所以其率先赶了回来。 Fortunately is prompt. 所幸还算及时。 ...... …… At once, Chu Hen looks at the emperor great palace and Five Elements Sacred Clan in several people not far away. 旋即,楚痕将目光转向不远处的帝弘殿和五行圣族几人。 Tang Bufan , Wei Yan, forest Yinghe these with actually faces up to the Chu Hen courage not to have for the top talent of top list at this moment continually. 唐不凡,韦延,林迎壑这些同为风云榜的顶尖天才此刻却是连正视楚痕的勇气都没有。 A first place. 一个榜首。 A person who placed second in the imperial civil service examination. 一个榜眼。 Although differs ranking, but seems away from the huge gap that is unable to overstep together. 尽管相差一个排名,但其中仿佛隔着一道无法逾越的巨大鸿沟。
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