UMDK :: Volume #15

#1477: Sharp domain

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! War God Palace! 战神宫 In ice-cold silence luxurious main hall. 冰冷肃静的奢华大殿之内。 Above the main hall, just like imperially above the aggressive throne. 正殿上方,犹如帝王般霸气的王座之上。 So many days, why hasn't Martial Sect vanished from this world?” “这么多天,为何武宗还未从这个世上消失?” The king who if the indifferent sound is inwardly angry interrogated, below people facial color all changes. 冷漠的声音如若愠怒的君王质问,下方的众人面色皆是一变。 „The palace main...... tall thin a middle-aged man arrives at the central say/way reply, emperor great palace and Five Elements Sacred Clan have are meddling this matter......” “回禀宫主……”一道高瘦的中年男子走到中央道,“帝弘殿和五行圣族有在插手此事……” Snort, what's the big deal?” “哼,那又如何?” But......” “可是……” Receives your idle talk......” the aggressive form on that throne to stand up directly, bone-chilling cold lion that if overlooks the people. “收起你的废话……”那王座上的霸气身影直接是站起身来,如若俯视众人的凛冽雄狮。 This time, even if the God could not detain Martial Sect...... my segment Cang to say......” “这一次,就算是老天爷都留不住武宗……我段苍说的……” The potential of invisible deterrent made person mind entirely tremor. 无形的威慑之势令人心神俱颤。 People heart one cold, in the eye all reveals the mean woods cold color. 众人心头一凛,眼中皆是流露出阴狠森寒之色。 Subordinate understands how should do!” “属下明白该怎么做了!” Snort, gives you three days of time, conquers by killing Martial Sect high and low, regardless of everybody, does not keep...... this time me to tell everyone totally, violates my War God Palace, not will be forever peaceful.” “哼,给你三天时间,血洗武宗上下,不论男女老幼,一概不留……这次我要告诉所有人,犯我战神宫者,永无安生。” Yes!” “是!” If sharp killing intent sweeps across, but cold current, in the eyes of people, if cold glow glitters. 锋锐的杀意如席卷而出的寒流,众人的眼中若冷芒闪烁。 ...... …… The place of land, moves- randomly exceptionally. 中陆之地,动-乱异常。 The top list strives for hegemony the later cascade effect on start in the command the land land situation changes is especially complex. 风云榜争霸之后的连带效应开始令中陆大地局势变的尤为复杂起来。 Many gate influences start to choose closes/obstructs sect to lock a door, in order to avoid being involved by the current turbulent situation. 诸多宗门势力开始选择闭宗锁门,以免被当前动荡的局势所牵连。 ...... …… Never expected that War God Palace acted to Martial Sect.” “没想到战神宫果真对武宗出手了。” Oh! War God Palace was really plans to do one time certainly, only Chu Hen, made so many things.” “唉!战神宫真的是打算一次性做绝了,区区一个楚痕,闹出了这么多的事情。” Does not know that you hear the news, in a short time ago, War God Palace set out the elders of three Great Saint King Realm ranks in secret.” “不知道你们有没有听到消息,就在前不久,战神宫暗中出动了三位大圣王境级别的长老。” Three Great Saint King Realm? Which did they go?” “三个大圣王境?他们去哪了?” Where going to was not clear, but, I receive the news, that three people ‚’ grasped Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird.” “去哪里了不清楚,但是,我接到消息,那三个人把‘圣翼天炎雀’抓回来了。” Real false?” “真的假的?” Absolutely true, it is said that Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird present by seal in War God Palace revelation stage on, it feared spirit accumulated who must capture this Saint beast.” “千真万确,据说那‘圣翼天炎雀’现在就被封印在战神宫的‘天启台’上,其怕是要夺取这圣兽的灵蕴。” Sets out three Great Saint King Realm powerhouses, is impossible solely to seize Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird, definitely also has other duties.” “出动三位大圣王境强者,不可能单单就为了抓捕一只圣翼天炎雀,肯定还有其他任务。” ...... …… Wall that the world has not ventilated. 天下没有不透风的墙。 Let alone, to this step, War God Palace do not cover the movement the necessity. 更何况,到了这一步,战神宫也没有要掩盖动作的必要。 About recently War God Palace and Martial Sect every action and every movement, were always paid attention to by the land land major schools. 关于最近战神宫武宗的一举一动,都时时刻刻被中陆大地各大门派所关注。 A guess. 一番的猜测。 The people have the suspicion unavoidably. 众人不免产生怀疑。 Seemed like Chu Hen of head of top list for a long time not to have the news very much.” “貌似风云榜之首的楚痕已经很久没有消息了。” That is true.” “的确如此。” He already?” “难道他已经?” ...... …… A stone arouses thousand overlapping waves. 一石激起千层浪。 The people know that in Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird that the chaotic demon domain presents and Chu Hen is the same place, but now, Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird was grasped War God Palace, Chu Hen still does not have the least bit news, has to make one link these things. 众人都知道在乱魔界域出现的圣翼天炎雀本就和楚痕是一起的,而如今,圣翼天炎雀被抓上战神宫,楚痕至今没有半点消息,不得不让人将这些事情联系在一起。 Possibility is enormous.” “可能性极大。” „, Sets out three Great Saint King Realm powerhouses one time, to cope with a Saint King Realm seventh level later generation, this writing skill does not know how seriously should reach an agreement.” “啧啧,一次性出动三位大圣王境强者,就为了对付一个圣王境七阶的后辈,这手笔当真是不知道该怎么说好。” ...... …… The world of lagging behind feels terrified and exclamation all. 后知后觉的世人无不感到惶恐以及惊叹。 It can be imagined, War God Palace has hated to the marrow of the bones regarding Chu Hen. 可想而知,战神宫对于楚痕已经是恨之入骨。 Martial Sect must eliminate is later quick. 武宗也必须除之后快。 According to the War God Palace conduct attitude, only feared that Martial Sect was doomed.” “按照战神宫的行事作风,只怕武宗是在劫难逃了。” It is estimated that Han cloud sect and spirit phoenix valley later day will not feel better, before these two sect gate people, has the help/gang Martial Sect.” “估计翰云宗和灵凰谷以后的日子也不会好过,这两个宗门的人之前都有帮过武宗。” It seems like this was also only a start.” “看来这还只是一个开始了。” ...... …… With the continued fermentation of matter, some land land many gate influence everybody feels insecure, particularly a short time ago these with sect gate who it Martial Sect was on good terms, this time actually pretended non-involvement the relations. 随着事情的持续发酵,中陆大地诸多宗门势力都不禁有些人人自危,尤其是前不久那些与之武宗交好的宗门,这次却是纷纷撇清关系。 Once War God Palace does certainly, possibly is destruction Martial Sect is not so only simple. 战神宫一旦做绝的话,可能不仅仅是覆灭一个武宗那么简单。 The if announced the position of his side overlord, inevitably along with many bleeding. 其若要重新宣告其一方霸主的地位,必然伴随着更多的流血。 ...... …… Martial Sect! 武宗 Bang!” “砰!” Raises the day along with sect gate sky that but chaotic light beam, that is sheltering the giant semicircle light screen of Martial Sect several days bubble that if one group blasts open, the instantaneous disintegration becomes the innumerable pieces. 伴随着宗门上空那掀天而起的混乱光束,那庇护着武宗数日的巨型半圆光幕如若一团炸裂的泡沫,瞬间崩碎成无数片。 Whish!” “哗!” The confused air wave wreaks havoc. 乱腾的气浪肆虐。 Is isolating inside and outside the sect gate protecting shield one broken, Martial Sect that vast entrance directly is the exposition of taking in everything at a glance under the vault of heaven. 隔绝着宗门内外的护盾一破,武宗那辽阔的山门直接是一览无遗的暴露于苍穹之下。 Sky over the day martial peak front, War God Palace, many experts of Lingyun sect compel nearby. 天武峰的前方上空,战神宫,凌云宗的众多高手逼到跟前。 On the face that is exuding the cold smile is completely the mean meaning. 一个个泛着冷冽笑容的脸上尽是阴狠之意。 Withdrew for several days, what can also change?” “龟缩了几天,又能改变什么呢?” The whole body is sending out the old man of swift and fierce aura together, if regards one crowd sleepily beast to gathering the Martial Sect people desert in day military peak said with a smile. 一道浑身散发着凌厉气息的老者如若看待一群困兽般的对聚集在天武峰上的武宗众人漠笑道。 Feels is coming from the powerful imposing manner on the old man revealing, the Martial Sect people facial expression is incomparably dignified. 感受着源自于老者身上流露出来的强大气势,武宗众人神情皆是无比凝重。 ...... …… Ge Xuan!” The Eastern permanent sinking sound said. “戈铉!”东方恒之沉声说道。 The old men coldly smile, hehe, you still remember this elder actually......, but, your Eastern permanent courage is really also big enough, the disciple who you teach, killed my War God Palace so many people unexpectedly.” 老者冷冷一笑,“呵呵,你倒是还记得本长老……不过,你东方恒之的胆子也真够大的,你教出来的弟子,竟然杀了我战神宫那么多人。” The Eastern permanent vision sinks, it confronts the look of opposite party, without the half a point draws back intent. 东方恒之目光一沉,其正视对方的眼神,没有半分退意。 Saint- war recruits the custom so, all gratitude and grudges result from the chaotic demon domain, finally the chaotic demon domain...... your War God Palace is the rich and powerful family influence that the place of land ranks among the best, now openly runs counter to the stipulation, did not fear that was scoffed by the world common people?” “圣-战征召规矩如此,所有恩怨起于乱魔界域,终于乱魔界域……你战神宫乃中陆之地数一数二的豪门势力,如今公然违背规定,不怕被天下苍生所耻笑?” Snort, scoffs? Asked that who dares to scoff in me? This elder is not...... has what last words that listens to you rubbish today, can say......” “哼,耻笑?试问谁敢耻笑于我?本长老今日不是来听你废话的……有什么遗言,可以说了……” Ge Xuan imposing manner is aggressive, has not drawn back intent completely. 戈铉气势咄咄逼人,完全没有丝毫退意。 In an instant, the Martial Sect people all are acrimonious. 霎那间,武宗众人皆是剑拔弩张。 Must fight then fights, if we fear character, in vain is the Martial Sect disciple.” “要战便战,我们若有一个‘怕’字,枉为武宗弟子。” Snort, your War God Palace is no doubt powerful, but our Martial Sect is not bad. Today if you want to trample flat my Martial Sect, feared that must pay the deeply grieved price.” “哼,你战神宫固然强大,但我们武宗却也不孬。今日你若想踏平我武宗,怕是也要付出惨痛的代价。” Pledges to fight to the death to guard Martial Sect!” “誓死捍卫武宗!” ...... …… Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, Wu Yan, Zhao Qing clothes and others of numerous Martial Sect the is all unafraid of death. 邱星易,王黎,吴岩,赵青衣等众武宗之人皆是视死如归。 Does not fear. 丝毫不惧。 Ha.” Ge Xuan has a good laugh, its incomparable taunt said, good one crowd of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth things, this elder announced that the opportunity that you beg for mercy has lost......” “哈哈哈哈哈。”戈铉仰天大笑,其无比嘲讽道,“好一群不知天高地厚的东西,本长老宣布,你们连求饶的机会都已失去……” Then, it lifts the vigorous expert, shouted sternly, killed to me!” 接着,其抬起苍劲的老手,厉声喝道,“给我杀!” The tsunami that the dreadful murdering arrogance for example folds throws toward the Martial Sect people. 滔天的杀伐气焰譬如叠起的海啸朝着武宗众人扑去。 But, at this moment, several imposing forms hurriedly catches up from the rear horizon. 而,就在这时,几道气势不凡的身影急匆匆的从后方天际赶来。 Holds on a minute, the dagger-axe elder please listen to my word......” “且慢,戈长老请听我一言……” Whish!” “哗!” The air wave is unconstrained, vigorous air current swings between both armies. 气浪跌宕,一圈雄浑的气流在两军之间荡开。 Sees only emperor great palace Tang Bufan , Wei Yan as well as five groups of clan forest Yinghe, Yang Zongxiao and his party of flashes plunders to the day military peak square. 只见帝弘殿唐不凡,韦延以及五行一族林迎壑,杨纵霄等一行人闪掠至天武峰广场上。 Dagger-axe elder, Saint- the custom that war recruits is the custom that place of many gate influences land jointly formulated initially, your War God Palace expensive/noble is the heads of numerous influence, how could to destroy in this?” “戈长老,圣-战征召的规矩是当初中陆之地诸多宗门势力联合制定下来的规矩,你战神宫贵为众多势力之首,岂能破坏于此?” Tang Bufan said loudly. 唐不凡高声说道。 Good that said that but also looks at Ge Elder to think, but also asked War God Palace to think that......” forest welcomed the gully is also urges. “说的不错,还望戈长老三思,还请战神宫三思……”林迎壑亦是劝道。 You two junior also some qualifications taught how I do do?” In Ge Xuanyan still has to disdain. “你们两个小辈也有资格教导我怎么做?”戈铉眼中犹有不屑。 If War God Palace acts willfully, asked, who also dares to participate in the holy war recruiting? Also who will also admire in you?” forest Yinghe vision bone-chilling cold returning said. “如果战神宫一意孤行的话,试问以后谁还敢参与圣战征召?又有谁还会敬服于你们?”林迎壑目光凛冽的回道。 Dissolute!” Ge Xuan drinks sternly greatly, then a dark golden halo sweeps across from its within the body. “放肆!”戈铉厉声大喝,接着一圈暗金色的光环从其体内席卷出去。 The strength of domain! 领域之力! The facial color of people changes. 众人的面色一变。 The next flash, the dark golden light halo the shop disperses eight sides instantly, if a backdrop covers the most place day military peak. 下一瞬间,暗金色的光圈即刻铺散八方,如若一座天幕般将大半座天武峰都笼罩在内。 Places oneself the people in suddenly feels strength of attack a huge oppression, but. 置身于内的众人顿觉一股巨大的压迫之力侵袭而至。 And is similar to by the sharp sharp thorn is resisted from top to bottom, has a not being able to say pricking. 且浑身上下如同被锋利的尖刺所抵住,有种说不出来的刺痛感。 ...... …… Is sharp domain.” Some people call out in alarm said. “是‘锐之领域’。”有人惊呼道。 The sharp domain, is strength of Ge Xuan the unique domain. 锐之领域,是戈铉独特的领域之力。 It is primarily murders sharply, places oneself the person like being on the verge of blade edge, the sharp blade state-of-art is exceptionally uncomfortable. 其以锋利杀伐为主,置身其内的人就像处于刀锋边缘,利刃尖端般异常难受。 ...... …… Ge Xuan coldly is staring at the emperor great palace and Five Elements Sacred Clan comes the person. 戈铉冷冷的盯着帝弘殿和五行圣族的来人。 Matter that if you dare to be many again this elder, I called compared with that Chu Hen that miserably you died slightly very also......” “如果你们再敢多本长老的事,我就叫你们死的比那楚痕小贼还惨……” Works as!” “哐当!” These words, just like bolt from the blue instantaneous crack in the heart of Martial Sect everyone. 这一句话,宛如晴天霹雳般瞬间炸响在武宗每个人的心头。 What?” “什么?” „Did Brother Chu Hen he die?” 楚痕师弟他死了?” ...... …… Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, the pond thousand hawks, Wu Yan and the others all are the both eyes circle opens the eyes, on faces covered entirely thick trembling with fear. 邱星易,王黎,池千莺,吴岩等人皆是双目圆睁,一个个脸上布满了浓浓的惊颤。 The East permanent is also the double fist grips tightly, a face with amazement. 就连东方恒之亦是双拳紧握,一脸骇然。 ...... …… Tang Bufan , forest Yinghe and the others are also unbelievable. 唐不凡,林迎壑等人也是难以置信。 Hearsay real?” The Tang Bufan brow deep wrinkle, muttered in a low voice. “难道外界的传闻都是真的?”唐不凡眉头深皱,低声喃喃道。 Looks at the people panic facial expression, on Ge Xuan the face still has contemptuously. 看着众人惊慌失措的神情,戈铉的脸上犹有轻蔑。 Snort, the Chu Hen young thief was put to death by this elder personally, now only fears that the corpse in the wild dog by mountain had been gnawed similar......” “哼,楚痕小贼被本长老亲手诛杀,如今只怕尸体已经被山里的野狗啃噬的差不多了……” Then, its cold eye sweeps to the Martial Sect people. 说完,其凛目扫向武宗众人。 Then, was one's turn you.” “接下来,就轮到你们了。” ...... …… Trembling with fear. 惊颤。 Spread Martial Sect high and low. 蔓延武宗上下。 Meanwhile, in the Tang Bufan eye flashes through a wisp of helplessness, it looked at each other one with it Wei Yan and the others, as if has understood. 与此同时,唐不凡眼中闪过一缕无奈,其与之韦延等人对视一眼,似乎有所心领神会。 Sees this, on Ge Xuan face self-satisfied. 见此,戈铉脸上的得意更甚。 It is well aware, the emperor great palace is absolutely impossible to for Martial Sect raise one's head, but tears to pieces the facial skin with War God Palace. 其心知肚明,帝弘殿是绝对不可能为了替武宗出头而与战神宫撕破脸皮的。 Is a forest of five lines of clans welcomes sighs one that on the contrary the gully has to regret lightly, then sinking sound said, „, since War God Palace has killed Chu Hen, and that the line lets off a Martial Sect horse!” 反倒是五行一族的林迎壑颇有惋惜的轻叹一声,然后沉声道,“既然战神宫已经杀了楚痕,那就且行放过武宗一马吧!” Finishes barely the words, Ge Xuan look concentrates, buzz......” the space trembles lightly, the peripheral region that forest Yinghe is at swings the intense strength to fluctuate instantly. 话音未落,戈铉眼神一凝,“嗡……”的空间轻颤,林迎壑所在的周边区域即刻荡起强烈的力量波动。 forest Yinghe the body shakes immediately, then a wisp of blood flows following his corners of the mouth. 林迎壑身躯顿时一震,接着一缕鲜血顺着其嘴角流淌而出。 I had said that does not want to hear your idle talk again......” “我已经说了,不想再听到你的废话……” The Martial Sect people see this heart to have do not endure. 武宗众人见此都心有不忍。 Senior Brother forest, this is our Martial Sect and War God Palace gratitude and grudges , there is nothing to do with you, and you leave!” Qiu Xingyi said. “林师兄,这是我们武宗战神宫的恩怨,与你无关,你且离开吧!”邱星易说道。 Even if War God Palace removes the hand today, we do not comply.” “就算今天战神宫就此撤手,我们也绝不答应。” Said right, Brother Chu Hen cannot die in vain, today having blood in stool splashes sect gate, I and others must with a it at risk of life war.” “说的没错,楚痕师弟不能白死,今日即便血溅宗门,我等也要与之拼死一战。” At risk of life a war!” “拼死一战!” ...... …… After the shock . 震惊之后。 Martial Sect one group of are actually angrier. 武宗一行人却是更加愤怒。 Especially in people who the chaotic demon domain returns, the innermost feelings are to raise the full hatred. 尤其是在乱魔界域归来的众人,内心更是升起满腔的憎恨。 The people draw a sword. 众人拔剑而起。 Sends out the sharp point. 散发出来锐利的锋芒。 ...... …… Interesting!” Ge Xuan look fills to despise Yin severely, it lifts the hand slowly, War God Palace, the Lingyun sect experts are also disseminating cold and gloomy murderous aura. “有趣!”戈铉眼神阴厉而充满鄙夷,其缓缓抬手,身后的战神宫,凌云宗众高手也都弥散着森冷的杀气。 Kills, does not have the amnesty!” “杀,无赦!” Meanwhile, Qiu Xingyi also has not inquired about Eastern permanent it, directly issues the order. 与此同时,邱星易亦是没有过问东方恒之,直接下达命令。 Kills!” “杀!” In their mind, Chu Hen has been unreplaceable soul lead(er)- sleeve, must do presently, only revenges. 在他们的心中,楚痕早已经是不可替代的灵魂领-袖,当前要做的,唯有报仇。 ...... …… Anger of both sides folds fully, the connection collides in the same place, such as two confronting mountain torrent tsunami. 双方的怒气叠满,交汇碰撞于一起,如两股对峙的山洪海啸。 Unexpectedly, at this moment, bang......” a startled explosion sound, sees only covers in the day military peak high and low that matter dark golden color domain light halo unexpectedly such as the disintegration glass, becomes the innumerable light shadow fragments suddenly broken. 蓦地,就在这时,“砰……”的一声惊爆炸响,只见笼罩在天武峰上下的那层暗金色领域光圈竟然如崩碎的玻璃,陡然间碎成无数的光影碎片。 What situation? 什么情况? The heart of people present is startled all. 在座众人的心头无不一惊。 Everyone looks subconsciously to sovereign Eastern permanent it. 所有人下意识的看向宗主东方恒之。 However, on the face of opposite party also still has the doubts. 然,对方的脸上也是犹有疑惑。 ...... …… Future who?” Ge Xuan vision bone-chilling cold, facial expression serious shouting. “来者何人?”戈铉目光凛冽,神情略带郑重的喝道。 The person who can release the sharp domain that breaks it, has achieved Great Saint King Realm absolutely. 能够将其释放出去的锐之领域震碎的人,绝对已达到大圣王境 Finishes speaking, in the air swings a monster different pale purple colored light mark. 话音刚落,空气中荡起一圈妖异的淡紫色光纹。 Then, the calm sound of footsteps spreads to the ear of people from far to near. 接着,沉稳的脚步声由远至近的传入众人的耳中。 In an instant, everyone's vision is sweeping as if by prior agreement to that tall ladder main road of day military peak square peak under to mountain. 霎那间,所有人的目光皆是不约而同的扫向天武峰广场顶端通往山下的那条天梯大道。 In tall ladder main road halfway up the mountainside, is sending out the young form of cold severe aura together step by step toward day military Yi in walks. 在天梯大道的半山腰处,一道散发着冷厉气息的年轻身影正一步一步的朝着天武峰山上走来。
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