UMDK :: Volume #15

#1476: Great Saint King Realm

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Dreamlike Chaos World. 如梦似幻的混沌世界 Was separated from the world myriad things, seems belongs to that vast infinite endless eon space. 脱离了世间万物,好似归入那浩瀚无穷的无尽宙宇。 The light space rhythm seems a point ripple that the water surface exudes, one after another, ripples in the innermost soul. 淡淡空间律动好似水面泛起的点点波纹,一圈一圈,荡漾于灵魂深处。 So? Satisfaction otherwise......” “如此?满意否……” Over-bridge that the smooth vast exceedingly high main road, the skeleton spreads, on the dim gloomy blood-color throne...... a pair just like the black abyss paint black ink pupil, looks like the endless black hole vortex, as if must entrain into this whole world. 平坦辽阔的通天大道,尸骨铺成的天桥,昏暗阴沉的血色王座上……一双犹如黑色深渊般的漆黑墨瞳,就像是无尽的黑洞漩涡,仿佛要将这整个世界都拽入其中。 Grasps that blood-color great sickle in his hands to symbolize the destruction, is representing slaughtering. 握在其手中的那柄血色巨镰象征着毁灭,代表着杀戮。 Strength that is also unable to overstep. 亦是无法逾越的力量。 The Chu Hen one person alone is built on that to pile up with the skeleton in the floor, blood stream that the under foot flows slowly just like red vine of innumerable say/way connection winding. 楚痕孤身立于那堆满尸骨的台面上,脚下缓缓流淌的血溪宛如无数道交汇缠绕的红色藤蔓。 Both's vision connection looking at each other. 两者的目光交汇对视。 Indifferent tranquil. 一个冷漠平静。 Dark jet black. 一个幽暗漆黑。 Submits to continues all these that I...... you will obtain......” in that paint black ink pupil like dragging to entrain the soul the vortex. “臣服于我……你将得到的远不止这一切……”那漆黑墨瞳之中就像拖拽灵魂的漩涡。 Hehe......”, but, at this moment, Chu Hen actually exudes the frivolous laughter, I think that you made a mistake...... here are...... my domain......” “呵呵……”而,就在这时,楚痕却是发出轻浮的笑声,“我想你搞错了……这里是……我的领域……” Bang!” “轰隆!” Instance that the voice drops, the innumerable say/way wild fearsome thunder light beam directly is the wearing out world, the extinguishing world divine punishment invasion that for example arrives is situated. 话音落下的瞬间,无数道狂暴可怖的雷霆光柱直接是穿破天地,譬如降临的灭世神罚侵入地处。 In an instant, big dream space such as by violent class/flow impact attack, the whole world such as disintegration bubble, comprehensive blasting open. 霎那间,偌大的梦幻空间如遭暴流冲击侵袭,整个世界如崩碎的泡沫,全面炸裂。 ...... …… ...... …… Main road 3000, the good fortune...... this is, main road domain!” “大道三千,万般造化……此为,大道领域!” Rumble!” “隆隆!” Executes the day to extinguish, mountains and rivers avalanche. 诛天灭地,山河崩塌。 Dopes the storm of strength of endless destruction to sweep across instantaneously in all directions. 掺杂着无尽毁灭之力的风暴瞬间席卷四面八方。 Places oneself in this piece of chaotic strength internal Mu Feng, Qiao Xiaowan and others , if in hurricane center of end avalanche. 置身于这片混乱力量内部的沐枫,乔小婉等几人如若处于末日崩塌的飓风中心。 Peripheral any destructive power as if can the smashing that they grind. 周边的任何一股破坏力都仿佛能够将他们碾的粉碎。 This is in the legend ‚the strength of domain? So is unexpectedly fearful?” “这就是传说中的‘领域之力’么?竟如此可怕?” Han by saying that a power face trembles with fear. 韩以权一脸惊颤的说道。 Has exceeded the general domain strength absolutely, the elders in our clan cannot be so the degree.” Qiao Xiaowan said. “绝对已经超过一般的领域力量了,就连我们族内的长老都达不到如此程度。”乔小婉说道。 Ye Yao and Long Xuanshuang these four character many is a little strange regarding „the strength of domain. 叶瑶龙玄霜对于“领域之力”这四个字多少有点陌生。 Former puzzled asking, actually „are you saying what thing? Strength of what domain?” 前者不解的问道,“你们究竟在说什么东西?领域之力什么?” The people vision concentrates lightly. 众人目光轻凝。 The Mu Feng deep putting out one breath, said one word at a time, „the strength of domain...... only has ‚’ the absolute strength that Great Saint King Realm can control.” 沐枫深深的吐出一口气,一字一顿道,“领域之力……唯有‘大圣王境’才能掌控的绝对力量。” Great Saint King Realm! 大圣王境 Such remarks, people all heartfelt holds breath cold air. 此言一出,众人皆是由衷的倒吸一口凉气。 In pair of eyes reveals thick unbelievable. 一双双眼中流露出浓浓的难以置信。 Saint King Realm seventh level! 圣王境七阶 Spans Great Saint King Realm directly. 直接跨越到大圣王境 What kind making one shocks. 何等的叫人震骇。 ...... …… The major rises see clearly the friend. 大起大落看清朋友。 The greatly sad great happiness clearly recognizes itself. 大悲大喜认清自己。 Compared with the pure strength promotion of it Saint King Realm, Great Saint King Realm is actually the state of mind intrinsic leap...... some people cards in the bottleneck in hundred and thousand, also cannot sense the domain category, but also some people see the light suddenly in the greatly sad great happiness quietly. 比之圣王境的纯粹力量提升,大圣王境却是心境内在的飞跃……有的人卡在瓶颈成百上千年,也未能感悟领域的范畴,而还有人在大悲大喜之中悄然顿悟。 The people do not know that in the past these days time, the Chu Hen innermost feelings thought of where, does not know where his consciousness arrived. 众人并不知道过去的这些天时间内,楚痕的内心想到了何处,也不知他的意识走到了哪里。 Perhaps in people opinion, this is short several days the time, perhaps in the Chu Hen world, has passed through several years, more than ten years, even is longer. 或许在众人看来,这不过短短数日的时间,或许在楚痕的世界里,已经走过了数年,十几年,甚至是更久。 The life two, two live three, three live the myriad things...... world main road, 3000, infinite certainly. 一生二,二生三,三生万物……世间大道,奥法三千,无穷绝。 The quiet heart also broken after some quarter stands, melts cocoon to become butterfly. 沉寂的心又会在某时某刻破后而立,化茧成蝶。 ...... …… When the wild chaotic strength gradually subsides gradually. 当狂暴混乱的力量渐渐逐渐平息。 Bright that the gloomy vault of heaven gradually changes. 阴暗的天穹逐步变的明朗。 In the people still have under the vision of shocking, under foot that big peaks and ridges cliff vanishes impressively does not see, the surrounding area surpassed the mountains and rivers peaks and ridges within hundred li (0.5 km) to turn into stretch of ruins all. 在众人犹有震骇的目光下,脚下那偌大的峰峦断崖赫然消失不见,方圆超过百里以内的山河峰峦尽数变成了一片废墟。 The jungle is not , the river flows backwards. 丛林不在,河川倒流。 True earth-shaking. 真正的天翻地覆。 ...... …… Fearful! 可怕! Seriously is fearful! 当真是可怕! The people are frowning, looks to the position that Chu Hen is. 众人皱着眉头,随之望向楚痕所在的位置。 The frost dust dyes the day, air/Qi the mark circulation. 霜尘染天,气纹流转。 That say/way lay down the long time form to stand up motionlessly at this moment, although his clothing hair was dirty, the aura that but its revealed has a feeling of bright however rebirth. 那道一动不动的躺了多日的身影此刻已然是站起身来,尽管其衣衫头发脏乱不堪,但其身上所流露出来的气息却有着一种焕然重生的感觉。 As before the profound eye pupil, the distinctive face outline, as well as between the forehead disclosed style that performs obviously the aloof air/Qi. 依旧深邃的眼眸,棱角分明的面部轮廓,以及眉宇间透露出来的风范,尽显超然之气。 If washed the every air/Qi of this mortal world, has to make the potential of awe one could not say. 如若涤去了尘世的凡气,有着令人说不出来的敬畏之势。 elder brother Chu Hen......” Ye Yao runs hastily goes. 楚痕哥哥……”叶瑶连忙跑上前去。 Others also follow immediately. 其他人也都立即跟上。 The people want to say anything. 众人想说什么。 But does not know how to open the mouth. 可又不知如何开口。 As if not need they to talk too much, Chu Hen has known that in their hearts thinks. 仿佛不必他们多言,楚痕就已经知道他们的心中所想。 ...... …… Looks that several people still have kindly, but the somewhat anxious facial expression, the Chu Hen vision lifts lightly, tranquil saying, I was all right, for serveral days put to trouble to you.” 看着几人犹有关切,但又有些不安的神情,楚痕目光轻抬,平静的说道,“我没什么事了,这些天给你们添麻烦了。” Hears this saying, the people are hanging heart falling. 听到这话,众人悬着的一颗心不由的落下。 Your this fellow......” Mu Feng gently hammered the chest fist of opposite party. “你这家伙……”沐枫轻轻的锤了对方的胸膛一拳。 Is all right well!” In Long Xuanshuang phoenix completely obviously complex meaning. “没事就好!”龙玄霜凤目中尽显复杂之意。 elder brother Chu Hen, did you break through Great Saint King Realm? A moment ago that was the strength of domain?” The Ye Yao curious inquiry said. 楚痕哥哥,你突破大圣王境了吗?刚才那个是领域之力吗?”叶瑶好奇的询问道。 Chu Hen shows a faint smile, is default. 楚痕微微一笑,算是默认。 At once, its vision looked to Mu Feng and Qiao Xiaowan two people. 旋即,其目光先后望向沐枫乔小婉二人。 I have a matter to need you to help......” “我有件事需要你们帮忙……” The people are startled. 众人一怔。 Wants me to help?” Qiao Xiaowan is puzzled. “要我帮忙?”乔小婉不解。 The Mu Feng vision sinks, actually guessed correctly anything indistinctly. 沐枫目光一沉,却是隐约猜到了什么。 „Do you want to fight with them? But do you just now break through Great Saint King Realm...... to bear patiently for the time being?” “你想和他们斗?可你才刚突破大圣王境……暂且隐忍一下吧?” However, the Chu Hen look does not have slight changing countenance. 然,楚痕的眼神却没有丝毫的动容。 The sinking sound returns said, I have reason that has to do this......” 其沉声回道,“我有不得不这样做的理由……” Several people did not say silent. 几人沉默不言。 They know that Chu Hen decision matter, radically is unchangeable. 他们知道楚痕决定的事情,根本是不能改变的。 Mu Feng clenches teeth, what do you want us to make?” 沐枫咬了咬牙,“你想要我们做什么?” ...... …… ...... …… About after half double-hour . 大约半个时辰之后。 City gate mouth of Daocheng. 稻城的城门口。 Has cleaned Chu Hen to change the new clothing, scraped off reckless dregs on face, for these days covered on him dim and dispirited removes all. 已经清洗一番的楚痕换上了新的衣物,刮掉了脸上的胡渣,这几天笼罩在他身上的黯淡和颓废尽数褪去。 What replaces it is really past imposing manner. 取而代之的是更甚往日的轩昂气宇。 „After evening city main, will come back?” “夕城主以后会回来吗?” Was knowing that the people must leave, the flatter hawk comes out to see off for them. 在得知众人要离开,阿莺出来为他们送行。 When distinction, she is reading Xi Lan as before. 分别之际,她依旧念着夕岚 Several people of facial colors slightly obviously low-spirited. 几人面色稍显黯然。 In the pupil of Chu Hen flashes through wipes touching that is not easy to detect, at once, its smile said that meeting!” 楚痕的眸中闪过一抹不易察觉的触动,旋即,其微笑道,“会的!” Real?” flatter hawk at present one bright. “真的吗?”阿莺眼前一亮。 Un!” Chu Hen nods, then said that teacher not in these days, gave you......, if had the matter that anything could not solve, goes to the city to look for Hungary...... he to help your.” “嗯!”楚痕点点头,然后说道,“导师不在的这些日子,就交给你了……如果有什么解决不了的事情,就去蛮城找蛮匈……他会帮你的。” Hungary...... that is the city lord in city, do you know him?” “蛮匈……那可是蛮城的城主,你认识他吗?” Un!” “嗯!” Consents, Chu Hen while turns the hand to take out an ancient scroll. 一边应允,楚痕一边翻手取出一部古老的卷轴。 This «Cuihua after» gives to you, all right has a look, to you helpful.” “这部《萃华经》送给你,没事的时候多看看,会对你有帮助的。” „!” “哦!” flatter hawk curious received that scroll, does not know that actually this thing is anything. 阿莺好奇的接过那部卷轴,并不知道此物究竟是什么东西。 Chu Hen naturally cannot tell the opposite party this «Cuihua after» is the most precious object that the good fortune Great Emperor leaves behind, the average person whether to sense many, looked at the chance good fortune of opposite party. 楚痕自然不会告诉对方这《萃华经》是造化大帝遗留下来的至宝,普通人能否从中感悟到多少,就看对方的机缘造化了。 After all the opposite party followed the Xi Lan two years. 毕竟对方跟随了夕岚两年。 This was also Chu Hen can only for the matter that the opposite party handled. 这也算是楚痕唯一能替对方所做的事情了。 Thanks, I will be good attractively......” flatter hawk sweet saying with a smile, the pure smile with the scenery of Daocheng is the same, is simple and honorable and clean. “谢谢,我会好好看的……”阿莺甜甜的笑道,单纯的笑容同稻城的风景一样,淳朴而干净。 Said goodbye, says goodbye!” “就此别过,告辞!” Immediately, Chu Hen one group of set off the homeward journey again. 随即,楚痕一行人再次踏上归途。 The flatter hawk stands on the mountain of distant place sees off. 阿莺站在远处的高山上一路相送。 It is waving to shout, „after you, must lord with the evening city!” 其挥着手喊道,“你们以后一定要和夕城主回来呀!” Clear light and lively sound reverberation in mountain stream ravines. 清脆轻灵的声音回荡在山涧溪谷之间。 The people have not turned head, is only static facing forward. 众人并未回头,只是静静的朝前走着。 Walks raised the head in frontline Chu Hen slowly, deep and quiet pupil deep place just like that endless black abyss. 走在最前方的楚痕缓缓抬起头,深幽的瞳孔深处宛如那无尽的黑色深渊。 The ice-cold frost is cold, climbs up it forehead proudly quietly. 冰冷的霜寒,悄然爬上其傲然的眉宇。 ...... …… ...... …… ( Ps: Today two, come back is little too late, tomorrow will meet three...... has the interest reader to add the book friend qq exchange group of military extremely god king: 149825000, welcome everyone to gather together chatted the exchange, discussed the plot.) (ps:今天两更,回来的有点晚,明天会三更的……另外有兴趣的读者可以加一下武极神王的书友qq交流群:149825000,欢迎大家聚在一起聊天交流,商讨剧情。)
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