UMDK :: Volume #15

#1475: Main road 3000, only my good fortune

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! azure traces original! 青溯原! The snow that has not melted is completely still sending out the faint trace chill in the air. 尚未完全消融的积雪仍旧散发着丝丝寒意。 Under the warm sunlight shines, on the plant leaf in mountain stream crevice is hanging the clear dewdrop. 温暖的阳光照耀下,山涧石缝中的植物叶上悬挂着晶莹的露珠。 If before like that Chu Hen for several days motionless lying down on the ground, its messy and dirty distressed, on the face full is the dust and somewhat dispirited reckless dregs. 如之前那般,楚痕一连数天都一动不动的躺在地上,其身上脏乱狼狈,脸上满是灰尘和有些颓废的胡渣。 ...... …… This way is not means!” Qiao Xiaowan is sighing, while helpless complained. “再这样下去也不是个办法啊!”乔小婉一边叹着气,一边无奈的抱怨道。 Nearby Ye Yao also can only shake the head, then rubbed the Yin-Yang beast Nauny's small head gently. 一旁的叶瑶也只能是摇了摇头,然后轻轻的揉了揉阴阳兽诺尼的小脑袋。 Meanwhile, Mu Feng, Long Xuanshuang, mouse, Han by power also from mountain. 与此同时,沐枫,龙玄霜,耗子,韩以权也都从山下走了过来。 The people look at each other one mutually, but sees is such scene, unavoidably has disappointedly. 众人相互对视一眼,但见又是这样的场景,不免有所失望。 ...... …… „Was this must petrify?” Mu Feng aerobic, is funny. “这是要石化了吗?”沐枫又好气,又好笑。 „Did profound frost elder sister, you urge? elder brother Chu Hen should listen to your words.” Ye Yao timid weak saying. “玄霜姐姐,你去劝劝吧?楚痕哥哥应该会听你的话。”叶瑶怯弱弱的说道。 Several people look to Long Xuanshuang, the latter does to hesitate slightly, at once nods. 几人看向龙玄霜,后者稍作迟疑,旋即点了点头。 Then, Long Xuanshuang walks toward front. 接着,龙玄霜朝着前面走去。 However, just walked few steps, Long Xuanshuang lived in the figure suddenly, reveals the color of several points of surprise on her face. 然,刚走没几步,龙玄霜突然顿住了身形,在她脸上流露出几分诧异之色。 What's wrong?” Rear Mu Feng asked. “怎么了?”后方的沐枫问道。 Long Xuanshuang looks askance slightly, she lifted started, as if touched the front air to be the same. 龙玄霜微微侧目,她又抬了一下手,仿佛触碰着前方的空气一样。 Follows, she turns around, full is the doubts looks at the people. 跟着,她转过身来,满是疑惑的看着众人。 Cannot walk......” “走不过去……” What can't walk?” “什么走不过去?” Several people of some have not understood what is heard. 几人有些没听明白。 Then, Mu Feng also takes a step to go forward, but when he arrives at the Long Xuanshuang side position, strange matter happened, it is hard to proceed to step into unexpectedly again one step. 说罢,沐枫也迈步上前,可就在他走到龙玄霜身边位置的时候,诡异的事情发生了,其竟然难以再往前踏入一步。 Front space as if by an invisible strength sealing- lock was the same, the front of people like separating a transparent wall, prevented the people directly outside. 前面的空间仿佛被一股无形的力量给封-锁了一样,众人的面前就像隔了一层透明的墙体,直接是将众人阻挡在外。 „Is this?” “这是?” In the Mu Feng foreheads is full of the surprised color. 沐枫眉宇间饶有惊奇之色。 Immediately, others also depended, but sees front this invisible impediment, feels puzzled. 随即,其他人也都纷纷靠了过来,但见面前这无形的阻隔,也都倍感不解。 ...... …… Ban?” Han asked by authority Chensheng. “禁制么?”韩以权沉声问道。 Gave a try knows.” “试试看就知道了。” Mu Feng look one cold, a strong monster strength overflows from its within the body, the vigorous golden light carves to cover outside his body at once. 沐枫眼神一凛,一股强大的妖力从其体内溢出,雄浑的金色光旋即刻笼罩在他身外。 Then, the Mu Feng direct starting to walk footsteps face forward to tread two steps. 接着,沐枫直接迈开脚步朝前踏出两步。 The next flash, the Mu Feng body trembles faintly, the powerful monster strength that it sends out is similar to is weakened unexpectedly general, lingers in low-spirited that the golden ray outside body quietly changes. 下一瞬间,沐枫身躯隐隐一颤,其散发出来的强盛妖力竟如同被削弱一般,萦绕在身外的金色光芒悄然变的黯然。 It only thinks that the both legs were stuck in the mud , the invisible oppression is attacking whole body every inchs body in all directions. 其只觉双腿陷入了泥潭之中,无形的压迫于四面八方侵袭着全身上下每一寸躯体。 ...... …… You how?” Ye Yao asked. “你怎么样?”叶瑶问道。 Mu Feng lifts the hand to prevent the people with entering hastily, do not come.” 沐枫连忙抬手阻止众人跟入,“别过来。” The people heart is startled. 众人心头一怔。 Isn't the ban?” The mouse doubts said. “难道不是禁制么?”耗子疑惑道。 „If the ban, Mu Feng forces one's way, should cause two strengths tear the collision......” Han to say by the power brow tight wrinkle. “如果是禁制的话,沐枫强行闯入的话,应该会引起两股力量撕扯碰撞的……”韩以权眉头紧皱道。 Immediately, sees only Mu Feng unexpectedly releasing the monster strength restrains. 随即,只见沐枫竟是将释放出来的妖力收敛回去。 Then motionless standing in original position, seems like especially cautious. 然后一动不动的站在原处,看上去格外的小心翼翼。 Buzz......” “嗡……” When the people doubts are puzzled, an invisible space rhythm throws toward here, together with air current that is touching slightly, stands is also the facial color changes in the rear several people. 就在众人疑惑不解的时候,一股无形的空间律动朝着这边扑来,连同着轻微触动的气流,站在后方的几个人亦是面色一变。 „Is this?” “这是?” The people look at each other in blank dismay, is stunned. 众人面面相觑,一脸错愕。 The strength of invisible space oppression covers, but. 无形的空间压迫之力笼罩而至。 They discovered surprisedly, in nearby space was full of the Chu Hen imposing manner, this imposing manner as if exists in each corner, continuously, just like the desert is vigorous. 他们惊奇的发现,附近的空间之中充满了楚痕的气势,这股气势仿佛存在于每一个角落,源源不断,犹如瀚海般浑厚辽阔。 ...... …… Ka!” “咔!” Unexpectedly, a slight sound spreads from the ground. 蓦地,一声轻微的响动从地面传开。 Several people of subconscious lowering the head look, sees only in a splitting crevice drills a emerald green shoot unexpectedly. 几人下意识的低头望去,只见一处裂开的石缝中竟是钻出一株翠绿的嫩芽。 Growth rate strange quick of this green bud, the timbo that if extends, braves to more than half meter instantaneously high. 这株绿芽的生长速度奇快,如若延伸的树藤,瞬间就冒至半米多高。 „......” “嗤嗤……” One bunch of purple thunder and lightning fled from the ground, rapid proliferates the green vine about. 紧接着,一束紫色的雷电从地面窜了出来,迅速的遍布绿藤的上下。 Under several people of even more stunned vision, glitters the timbo of purple electricity glow to support the fierce land, changes to a dozens meters high lofty tree. 在几人愈发错愕的目光下,闪烁着紫色电芒的树藤撑烈土地,化作一株数十米高的参天大树。 Covers entirely the big tree ray sparkle of thunder and lightning, the imposing manner is swift and fierce. 布满雷电的大树光芒闪耀,气势凌厉。 With drags in the high and low purple thunder and lightning towering presents the distortion of dream shape, along with exceptionally overbearing aura, the space was roasted swaying from side to side that roasts, the purple flame to burn the day of potential direct impact vault of heaven impressively. 跟着,摇曳在上下的紫色雷电突兀的呈现出梦幻状的扭曲,伴随着一股异常霸道的气息,空间被炙烤的扭动,紫色的火焰赫然以焚天之势直冲苍穹。 In an instant, purple flame spread big tree about, if a whole body is burning the prehistoric giant beast of roaring flame, frightening. 霎那间,紫色火焰蔓延大树的上下,如若一尊浑身燃烧着烈焰的史前巨兽,令人胆颤心惊。 ...... …… What is this?” “这又是什么?” What is Chu Hen making?” 楚痕在做什么?” ...... …… The people are startled and doubt, cannot trace the mind completely. 众人又惊又疑,完全摸不到头脑。 Immediately, another side drills a huge great vine again. 随即,另外一侧再次钻出一棵庞大的巨藤。 This great vine high and low is glittering the stars Saint sunshine, dazzling. 这株巨藤上下闪烁着星辰圣晖,璀璨夺目。 Beidou seven stars design luminous spot in the central twinkle of great vine. 北斗七星的图案光点在巨藤的中央闪烁。 „......” “咔嚓……” The next second, that seven luminous spots unexpectedly are the broken cocoons that such as split, departs an only clever lithe strange light butterfly. 下一秒钟,那七颗光点竟是如裂开的破茧,其中飞出一只只灵巧轻盈的奇异光蝶。 What is most astounding, these flutter the butterfly that dances in the air are actually a half of color. 最为令人惊奇的是,那些振翅飞舞的蝴蝶却是一半一种颜色。 The left butterfly wing is the black, the right butterfly wing is the white. 左边的蝶翼为黑色,右边的蝶翼为白色。 Yin-Yang two air/Qi......” Ye Yao muttered in a soft voice. “阴阳二气……”叶瑶轻声喃喃道。 ...... …… Works as!” “哐当!” Meanwhile, the highest heaven vault of heaven is overshadowed, just like the day will punish to the black dark cloud cage day to cover, dense accumulation sky over the top of the head of people. 于此同时,九霄天穹黯然失色,犹如天罚将至的黑色乌云笼天盖地,黑压压的聚集在众人的头顶上空。 In the world as if there is ancient melodious battle song to pass on. 天地间仿佛有着古老的悠扬的战歌传荡。 The purple power line pole crosses the expansive sky, just like terrifying divine punishment that the birthplace will soon fall. 一道道紫色的雷芒电柱横贯长空,宛若即将贯落的恐怖神罚。 ...... …… When the people are felt flurried by this chaotic scene at present, Chu Hen was motionless lying down is still in-situ. 就在众人被眼前这片混乱的场景感到慌乱的时候,楚痕仍旧是一动不动的躺在原地。 In his profound eye pupil imitates , if collecting the stars, endless eon space. 其深邃的眼眸之中仿若汇集着日月星辰,无尽宙宇。 Life two, two live three, three live the myriad things...... all the good fortune, world conceals main road...... the good fortune lives by me, main road for my line......” “一生二,二生三,三生万物……万般皆造化,世间藏大道……造化由我生,大道为我行……” Like escaping into a mysterious incomparable world. 就像遁入了一个神奇无比的世界。 The strengths of various Chu Hen controls are actually having one's wish was combined by it, the strength of 3000 main road, such as the stars of rotation, at this moment, world Kurano's spirit accumulated one and follows Chu Hen to revolve. 各种楚痕掌控的力量却是随心所欲的被其组合起来,三千大道之力,如转动的日月星辰,这一刻,世间藏纳的灵蕴一并跟随楚痕为之运转。 Consciousness everywhere one visit, the territory that if extends, alone palm all, others don't can/but approaches. 意识所到之处,如若延伸出去的领地,独掌一切,他人莫可靠近。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰隆!” Unexpectedly, the world shakes, eight sides change colors. 蓦地,天地震荡,八方失色。 The purple light beams of direct impact vaults of heaven split to break open in the ground, that by the towering great tree of flame incinerator like day Chen of end avalanche, blasted out in the upper air. 一道道直冲苍穹的紫色光柱于地面绽裂破开,那株被火焰焚烧的参天巨树就像末日崩塌的天辰,于高空中炸开。 Meanwhile, that say/way drags the great vine of stars Saint sunshine also to be ground by a black wild big hand. 同时,那道摇曳着星辰圣晖的巨藤亦是被一股黑色的狂暴大手碾碎。 The destructive storm of blotting out the sky makes the land collapse instantly, the highest heaven breaks down falls. 铺天盖地的毁灭性风暴即刻令大地坍塌,九霄垮陷。 ...... …… Sudden fault/chasm land crack cuns (2.5 cm) explode broken, Mu Feng, Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao and others all are the facial color big changes, however, this fearsome strength went round several people unexpectedly directly, has not injured and to their slightest. 急剧断层的大地裂缝寸寸爆碎,沐枫,龙玄霜,叶瑶等众人皆是面色大变,然而,这股可怖至极的力量竟是直接绕开了几人,并未伤及到他们分毫。 Actually what's the matter?” “究竟是怎么回事?” elder brother Chu Hen he how?” 楚痕哥哥他怎么了?” ...... …… In people heart even more anxious. 众人心中愈发的不安。 Mu Feng both hands grip tightly the fist, vision stubbornly is staring at that chaotic vault of heaven land. 沐枫双手紧握成拳,目光死死的盯着那混乱不堪的苍穹大地。 Sinking sound said that the sound shivers, this is...... the domain, strength......” 其声音颤抖的沉声道,“这个是……领域,之力……” The strength of domain! 领域之力! Is listening to these four characters, several people feel amazed. 听着这四个字,几人却是倍感惊诧。 Works as......” “哐当……” Finishes barely the words, that collects innumerable fearful the power line pole above void it ground with the light beam connection that jumps out links directly. 话音未落,那汇集于虚空之上的无数可怕至极的雷芒电柱直接是与之地面窜出的光柱交汇连接在一起。 Destruction all terrorist forces are extruding this space, in an instant, great peak cliff disintegration to become Fen under forcefully people body. 覆灭一切的恐怖力量挤压着这片空间,霎那间,众人身下的巨峰断崖硬生生的崩碎成粉。 Dopes the vortex storms of various great powers to seal comprehensively- locked surrounding area the mountains and rivers land within 100-200 li (0.5 km). 掺杂着各种强大力量的漩涡风暴全面封-锁着方圆100-200里以内的山河大地。 Main road 3000, the good fortune...... this is, main road domain......” “大道三千,万般造化……此为,大道领域……”
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