UMDK :: Volume #15

#1474: Chaotic of land

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Night! 夜! South the eastern bird flies, the moon/month bright star is thin. 东鸟南飞,月朗星稀。 The in state sky, as if dim such as the dark cloud of gauze was gradually camouflaged by one piece. 中州大地的上空,仿佛被一片朦胧如纱的乌云逐渐遮蔽。 ...... …… Above an attire magnificent Hainan building high tower, the straight parapet jade column arranges a long corridor main road. 一座装束华丽的琼楼高阁之上,笔直的栏杆玉柱排列成一道长长的走廊大道。 Stands on the corridor of high tower, looks into the distant place, air/Qi of the imposing manner peerless building showing supreme dignity. 站在高阁的走廊上,眺望远处,一座座气势绝伦的建筑物彰显至高无上的威严之气。 But, this Hainan building is if stands erect in many bold Huadi palace central treasure governing pavilion. 而,这座琼楼更是如若矗立于众多豪华帝殿中央的瑰宝御阁。 Oh......” “唉……” Sighed lightly in the terminal of corridor resounds, sees only under the moonlight to put on the young woman of white late skirt to lean on the parapet together, holds the fragrant cheek single-handedly, is deliberately considering anything alone. 一声轻叹在长廊的末端响起,只见月色下一道穿着白色晚裙的年轻女子倚靠着栏杆,一手托着香腮,独自寻思着什么。 Hasn't rested late?” “这么晚还没休息吗?” warm Ai the voice is conveying from the stairway of corridor side together with the lithe sound of footsteps together. 一道温蔼的声音连同着轻盈的脚步声从长廊旁侧的楼梯口传来。 Female that bright and beautiful moving sexy look such as the clear wave circulation, sees only a kind-looking white clothing woman to walk slowly. 女子那明秀动人的桃花眼如清波流转,只见一位面容和善的素衣妇人缓缓走来。 How did clear moon/month elder...... come?” The female beautiful pupil exudes the point to lighten the ecliptic. “清月长老……怎么来了?”女子美眸泛着点点亮光道。 I come to see you......” white clothing woman to arrive its front, in the eye is full of several points of loving meaning, comes back from the chaotic demon domain, you a little are scared witless, what happened?” “我来看看你……”素衣妇人走到其面前,眼中饶有几分疼爱之意,“从乱魔界域回来,你就有点魂不守舍的,发生什么事了吗?” The females shake the head, in the pupil swings complex faintly. 女子摇了摇头,眸中隐隐荡起一丝复杂。 No, runs into the person who does not want to see.” “没什么,就是遇到了一个不想见的人。” Person who since does not want to see, later does not see is, why can also harass your mind?” “既然是不想见的人,以后不见便是,为何还能扰你心神?” Bai Qianyu did not answer, but facial expression somewhat low-spirited is staring at elsewhere. 白浅予不答,只是神情有些黯然的盯着别处。 ...... …… I have had a matter to ask you.” The white clothing woman continues saying that previous time comes back from the immortal demon tomb, you closed/pass for a month in the room, that time also because of this person?” “我一直有件事想要问你。”素衣妇人继续说道,“上次从仙魔冢回来,你就足足在房间里关了一个月,那次也是因为这个人吗?” Mentioned immortal demon tomb these three characters, Bai Qianyu finger tight grips the parapet the edge. 一提到仙魔冢这三个字,白浅予手指不禁紧紧的握住栏杆的边缘。 It is nipping the red lip lightly, the facial color has complex of being able to say. 其轻咬着红唇,面色更是有着说不出的复杂。 ...... …… Sees this, the white clothing woman does not dare to continue to closely examine but actually again. 见此,素衣妇人倒也不敢再继续追问。 At once shifts the topic saying that quick of strength of improvement your bloodline limit, I think you should be able to consider to obtain that strength.” 旋即转移话题道,“你的血脉界限之力提升的很快,我想你应该可以考虑获得那股力量了。” Bai Qianyu facial features slightly slow, her deep stretch/leisurely has the one breath, the backsight opposite party said, I also prepare for two days to mention this matter with you.” 白浅予面容稍缓,她深深的舒出一口气,回视对方道,“我也准备过两天和你提这件事。” „Is your idea?” “你的想法是?” The quicker the better!” “越快越好!” This matter is not suitable excessively anxiously, can control that strength by your talent and sacred body bloodlines intensity sooner or later, before then, you also must first obtain Emperor white the strength of inheritance......” “此事不宜过急,以你的天赋和圣体血脉强度早晚能够掌控那股力量,在这之前,你还先要得到‘白帝’的传承之力……” Bai Qianyu beautiful pupil one bright, when gives me?” 白浅予美眸一亮,“什么时候给我?” Now is not good, depended on your time condition, I did not feel relieved. You first adjust yourself well!” “现在还不行,就凭你这个时候的状态,我一点都不放心。你先好好调整一下自己吧!” Knew!” Bai Qianyu nods, should lightly. “知道了!”白浅予点点头,轻应一声。 The clear moon/month elder has not said anything, she is also raised the head to forecast sky that dim moonlight, muttering that thought aloud, „the place of this year's land a little is not as if peaceful, War God Palace seemingly must make a move to Martial Sect!” 清月长老没有多说什么,她也是抬头展望着天空那朦胧的月色,自言自语的喃喃道,“今年的中陆之地似乎有点不大太平,战神宫貌似要对武宗出手了呢!” The superficial tone, not many mood fluctuate. 轻描淡写的语气,并无多少情绪波动。 If spoke thoughtlessly to tell an irrelevant matter. 如若随口讲述一件毫不相关的事情。 Was Bai Qianyu was startled on the contrary. 反倒是白浅予怔了一下。 „Can War God Palace cope with Martial Sect?” 战神宫要对付武宗?” Should! My not big attention, but War God Palace, since the choice violates the custom that the holy war recruits to retaliate Martial Sect, definitely was under the plan the cruel methods.” “应该是吧!我也没多大关注,不过战神宫既然选择违背圣战征召的规矩报复武宗的话,肯定是打算下狠手了。” Said has no intention, the listener has a mind. 说者无意,听者有心。 In the Bai Qianyu eye flashes through one wisp not the inexplicable train of thought that is easy to detect. 白浅予眼中闪过一缕不易察觉的莫名思绪。 Quick, she shakes the head. 很快,她又摇了摇头。 War God Palace must start to Martial Sect, has what relations with oneself! 战神宫要对武宗下手,跟自己又有什么关系! ...... …… ...... …… Land land! 中陆大地! Since the holy war recruits finished, the turbulence of land has not basically stood still. 自从圣战征召结束之后,中陆的动荡就基本没有停歇过。 After a chaotic demon domain war, the patterns of various large amount influences had the huge change. 经过乱魔界域一战,各大宗门势力的格局发生了巨大的变化。 Even several sect gate announced directly is annexed. 甚至有几个宗门直接宣告沦亡。 ...... …… Lingyun sect after encountering greatly causes heavy losses, his ability has controlled subordinate these attached influences insufficiently. 凌云宗在遭遇巨大重创后,其自身的能耐已经不足以掌控麾下的那些附属势力。 When the people think Lingyun sect will soon fall into the valley, immediately has the news to spread, Lingyun sect joins War God Palace completely, and becomes War God Palace attached sect gate voluntarily. 就在众人以为凌云宗即将跌入谷底的时候,随即有消息传出,凌云宗全部加入战神宫,并自愿成为战神宫的附属宗门。 This wave of news spreads, starts big mighty waves in land instantaneously. 这一波消息传出,瞬间于中陆掀起不小的波澜。 Although the nucleus of Lingyun sect crashes in Luanmo the domain completely, but its mastery remains, a high-level personnel of elder rank still, it with the words of it War God Palace union, just like found the backer of support. 凌云宗的中坚力量虽然全部崩塌于乱魔界域,但其底蕴尚存,一众长老级别的高层人员还在,其与之战神宫联合的话,俨然找到了支撑的靠山。 Camel of skinny is big. 正所谓,瘦死的骆驼比马大。 Let alone War God Palace is a colossus of side overlord rank. 更何况战神宫还是一方霸主级别的庞然大物。 Even if this time the wind and cloud strives for hegemony to lose seriously, but its topest part of strengths also, so long as War God Palace beckons to wield, since will have numerous sect gate influence on invest its, will work oneself to death for it. 即便此番风云争霸上损失惨重,可其最为顶尖的一部分力量还在,只要战神宫招手一挥,自当有众多宗门势力会投入其麾下,为其卖命。 ...... …… Fierce fermentation of turbulent undercurrent after undergoing, just like the magma of volcanic eruption, recklessly splattering. 汹涌的暗潮在经过一番剧烈的酝酿之后,犹如火山爆发的岩浆,肆意喷溅。 Also is at the condition of blowing hot and cold in the situation of land, the War God Palace cavalry army, stepped the Martial Sect entrance directly. 就在中陆的局势还处于摇摆不定的状态之时,战神宫的铁骑大军,直接是踏上了武宗的山门。 Martial Sect! 武宗 Bang!” “轰!” A War God Palace powerhouse drives straight ahead straight, for example a is not firm not the broken cold spear/gun, was steps on directly put on the Martial Sect entrance main road. 战神宫的一众强者长驱直下,譬如一柄无坚不破的寒枪,直接是踩穿了武宗的山门大道。 Dense dark cloud plate day cage place, if gathers the storm surge that comes, the steamroll comes. 黑压压的乌云盘天笼地,如若聚集而来的风暴海啸,碾压而来。 ...... …… Important matter is not good.” “大事不好了。” Sovereign Sir, the peak main Sir, the important matter is not good...... War God Palace also to have the person of Lingyun sect to kill......” “宗主大人,峰主大人,大事不好了……战神宫还有凌云宗的人杀上来了……” Hurried Martial Sect disciple panic goes into the Martial Sect discussing official business main hall. 匆匆忙忙的武宗弟子惊慌失措的闯入武宗的议事大殿。 In palace. 殿内。 Sovereign Eastern permanent it, boils cloud manor, Situ Song, rather the autumn waters, Luo Cang and other lords of the peak institutes all are startled and anger. 宗主东方恒之,以及,熬云庄,司徒松,宁秋水,罗沧等几位峰院之主皆是又惊又怒。 Scoundrel, the scoundrel...... has not thought simply War God Palace is unexpectedly shameless, lost the holy war to recruit, blatantly choice retaliation.” “混账,简直混账……没想到战神宫竟然无耻至极,输了圣战征召,公然选择报复。” The North Star peak lord Luo Cang to shout sternly. 北辰峰主罗沧厉声喝道。 What to do? Meets head-on or retreats?” Ning Qiushui asked. “怎么办?迎战还是撤退?”宁秋水问道。 The vision of people looks to sovereign Eastern permanent it. 众人的目光看向宗主东方恒之。 Met head-on words, at all is not War God Palace and opponent of Lingyun sect. 迎战的话,根本不是战神宫和凌云宗的对手。 Only fears in less than day, entire Martial Sect can rivers of blood. 只怕用不了一天的时间,整个武宗就会血流成河。 But if evacuates, means that they must abandon entire sect gate to escape, in the future will just like stray cur fleeing from calamity outside. 可要是撤离的话,就意味着他们要弃整个宗门而逃,日后犹如丧家之犬般的在外逃难。 Fought them, Martial Sect does not escape.” The west arched peak lord Situ loosen to be loud, said. “跟他们拼了,武宗绝不逃跑。”西穹峰主司徒松大声,道。 Eastern permanent look one cold, it reacts instantly. 东方恒之眼神一凛,其即刻做出反应。 cloud manor, the autumn waters...... you two goes to protect sect Dazhento open...... Luo Cang instantly ‚, Situ...... you two goes to emperor great palace immediately ‚’ and Five Elements Sacred Clan seeks help......” “云庄,秋水……你们两个即刻去将‘护宗大阵’打开……罗沧,司徒……你们两个立即前往‘帝弘殿’和‘五行圣族’求助……” Looks for the emperor great palace and Five Elements Sacred Clan? 找帝弘殿和五行圣族 The people are startled. 众人一怔。 Eastern permanent continuation said, War God Palace this breaks holy war recruits ’ the rule blatantly ‚, the emperor great palace and Five Elements Sacred Clan will not leave alone, you two leave instantly, can not have the least bit to delay.” 东方恒之继续道,“战神宫这是公然破坏‘圣战征召’的规矩,帝弘殿和五行圣族不会放任不管的,你们两个即刻动身,不得有半点耽搁。” Yes, sovereign!” “是,宗主!” Luo dark blue, Situ Song receives an order instantly, two people leave the discussing official business main hall hastily, and transmits stage to go to the emperor great palace and Five Elements Sacred Clan from sect gate respectively. 罗沧,司徒松即刻领命,两人连忙离开议事大殿,并从宗门传送台分别前往帝弘殿和五行圣族 ...... …… At this time. 此时。 Inside and outside the day military peak, is in great confusion. 天武峰内外,已然是乱成一团。 By Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, Wu Yan, Zhao Qing clothes, the Zhao Qing cai and other numerous Martial Sect disciple of under the leadership, is resisting the domineering invasion of foreign enemy directly. 由邱星易,王黎,吴岩,赵青衣,赵青裁等众武宗弟子的带领下,直接是抵御着外敌的强势入侵。 War of both sides also launches. 双方的大战随之展开。 ...... …… You are very concerned about face seriously, the holy war recruited to lose, now runs to come to here to disturb.” “你们当真是好不要脸,圣战征召输了,现在跑来这里捣乱。” A Qiu Xingyi palm raises to fly two War God Palace disciples, its angry shouting. 邱星易一掌将两名战神宫弟子掀飞出去,其愤怒的喝道。 Snort, is nearer the date and time, your Martial Sect excited was too far, today I call you to understand that anything is flies high, falls miserably.” “哼,近些时日,你们武宗兴奋的有点过头了,今日我就叫你们明白什么是飞得高,摔得惨。” A War God Palace expert raises the astonishing palm potential with it Qiu Xingyi to the bang in the same place. 战神宫高手掀起惊人的掌势与之邱星易对轰在一起。 The air wave of blotting out the sky sweeps, the day military peak square splits the innumerable say/way profound slits instantly. 铺天盖地的气浪扫荡开来,天武峰广场即刻裂开无数道深邃的缝隙。 Never expected that War God Palace unexpectedly is so the tolerance, you blatantly violate the stipulation, did not fear that was scoffed by the world person?” “没想到战神宫竟是如此肚量,你们公然违反规定,不怕遭天下人耻笑吗?” Ha, scoffs? Asked that after treating us Martial Sect conquers by killing the whole families, who dares to laugh at us...... not to blame us, must blame to blame you extremely to be an eyesore, provoked anger should not the person annoying......” “哈哈哈哈哈,耻笑?试问待我们将武宗血洗满门之后,又有谁敢笑我们……别怪我们,要怪就怪你们太过碍眼了,惹怒了不该惹的人……” „!” “呜!” Unexpectedly, behind the Martial Sect entrance transmits the verbal command that refuses battle. 蓦地,武宗的山门后方传来避战的号令。 ...... …… Senior Brother Qiu, sovereign makes us retreat.” Wang Li sinking sound shouts. “邱师兄,宗主让我们撤退。”王黎沉声喊道。 Qiu Xingyi vision one cold, its high sound said, removes!” 邱星易目光一寒,其高声道,“撤!” Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Meanwhile, incomparably giant golden light screen rapid extends from the Martial Sect prominent peak. 与此同时,一座无比巨大的金色光幕迅速的从武宗的主峰四周延伸而起。 Concentrates the solid light screen to divide to separate the battlefield isolation luxuriously directly. 奢华凝实的光幕直接是将战场隔离劈分开来。 The Martial Sect people remove the body retroversion hastily. 武宗众人连忙撤身回退。 Together with is shivering the anxious eight side spaces, in an instant, an especially magnificent giant semicircle light arc covers several main entrances of sect gate directly is one of them. 连同着颤抖不安的八方空间,霎那间,一座尤为壮观的巨型半圆光弧直接是将宗门的几座主要山门笼罩在其中。 Protects sect Dazhen. 护宗大阵。 Blocks sect gate comprehensively. 全面封锁宗门。 ...... …… Audience War God Palace, Lingyun sect expert is staring that greatly protects a light screen that coldly. 战神宫,凌云宗高手皆是冷冷的盯着那巨大的护宗光幕。 Snort, worked as the turtle unexpectedly!” “哼,竟然当起了缩头乌龟!” No rush, this degree of protecting sect Dazhen, could not support several days of time, making them first live for two days.” “别着急,就这种程度的护宗大阵,根本撑不了几天时间,让他们先多活两天。” When this protects sect Dazhen one broken, when is Martial Sect is conquered by killing.” “待这护宗大阵一破,就是武宗被血洗之时。” ...... ……
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