UMDK :: Volume #15

#1473: azure traces the original snow

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Teacher? She where?” “导师呢?她在哪里?” Chu Hen is enduring the fierce ache in chest place, while sits to set out from the bed. 楚痕一边忍着胸口处的剧烈疼痛,一边从床上坐起身来。 However, regarding the inquiry of Chu Hen, the people actually looks at each other one mutually, does not know how should reply. 然,对于楚痕的询问,众人却是相互对视一眼,不知该如何回答。 elder brother Chu Hen...... you, your injury has not fully restored carefully.” 楚痕哥哥……你小心点,你的伤势还没完全恢复。” Ye Yao goes forward to support the opposite party, and is trying the shift topic. 叶瑶上前扶住对方,并试着转移话题。 But Chu Hen is actually lifts the hand to shove open it, the profound vision had swept Mu Feng, Qiao Xiaowan and the others the faces, looks at several people of drifting from place to place facial expressions, the Chu Hen look falls on the body of Long Xuanshuang finally. 楚痕却是抬手将其推开,深邃的目光先后扫过沐枫,乔小婉等人的面庞,看着几人飘忽不定的神情,楚痕的眼神最终落在龙玄霜的身上。 Has an accident? Told me......” “出了什么事?告诉我……” The Long Xuanshuang jade handles gently grasps, phoenix lifts, clenches teeth saying that Teacher Xi Lan used day to transfer Saint plan for you ‚’.” 龙玄霜玉手轻握,凤目微抬,咬了咬牙道,“夕岚导师对你使用了‘天转圣心术’。” The day transfers the Saint plan! 天转圣心术! Regarding these characters, Chu Hen is not strange. 对于这几个字,楚痕并不陌生。 In the past when day star martial mansion, Xi Lan to make oneself better dealt with major higher martial mansion to organize the place list war that she had once used this technique for oneself, and helped it break through the next boundary. 当年在天星武府的时候,夕岚为了令自己更好的应对各大高等武府创办的地榜大战,她就曾对自己使用过这个术,并助其突破了下一个境界。 Also because that use day transfers Saint plan reason, Xi Lan condition once weak many days. 也正是因为那次使用“天转圣心术”的缘故,夕岚的状态一度虚弱了好些天。 ...... …… Then? She now where?” Chu Hen trembling standing up, the swift and fierce look made one be troubled. “然后呢?她现在在哪里?”楚痕颤颤巍巍的站起身来,凌厉的眼神令人感到不安。 In the past helped itself promote cultivation base, Xi Lan to damage the condition merely. 当年仅仅只是帮助自己提升修为,夕岚就自损了状态。 But, Chu Hen clear remembers that own heart and true essence purple mansion suffered the destructive heavy losses. 而,楚痕清晰的记得自己的心脏和真元紫府都遭遇了毁灭性的重创。 In such situation, what consequence displays day to transfer Saint plan to cause to Xi Lan? 这样的情况下,施展“天转圣心术”又会给夕岚带来什么样的后果? Although is Long Xuanshuang, at this time some do not dare to face up to the Chu Hen vision. 尽管是龙玄霜,此时也有些不敢正视于楚痕的目光。 She has left here......” Long Xuanshuang to return in a low voice said. “她已经离开这里了……”龙玄霜低声回道。 Where went to?” Chu Hen is gradually excited, it felt an ominous omen indistinctly. “去了哪里?”楚痕的情绪逐渐激动,其隐约感觉到了一丝不详的预兆。 Chu Hen, your calm point......” Mu Feng goes forward to stand firm the mood of opposite party hastily, this result, we do not want to notice that...... Teacher Xi Lan hopes you are living for her well......” 楚痕,你冷静点……”沐枫连忙上前稳住对方的情绪,“这种结果,我们谁都不想看到……夕岚导师希望你好好替她活着……” What is living for her? You said that......” Chu Hen two flood red, seizes the Mu Feng collar directly, she actually where?” “什么叫替她活着?你说……”楚痕两眼泛红,直接是掐住沐枫的衣领,“她究竟在哪里?” The people are all startled. 众人皆是一惊。 Goes forward to advise. 纷纷上前劝止。 elder brother Chu Hen, like this.” 楚痕哥哥,你不要这样。” Chu Hen, had the words to say well.” 楚痕,有话好好说。” ...... …… Mu Feng is also the facial expression sorrowful say/way, day transfers the Saint plan only to use one time, once revives one person, she will also exhaust the origin of life.” 沐枫也是神情悲痛道,“天转圣心术只能使用一次,一旦救活一人,那她自己也会耗尽生命之源。” One hear of this saying, the Chu Hen violent anger, in its several desires spouted the fire. 一听这话,楚痕更加暴怒了,其眼中几欲喷出火来。 Why doesn't prevent her? Why you do not prevent her......” Chu Hen hysteric loud exclaiming, why can trade my life...... you why not to prevent with her life?” “为什么不阻止她?你为什么不阻止她……”楚痕歇斯底里的大声吼道,“为什么要用她的命来换我的命……你为什么不阻止?” The Mu Feng deep closing eye, deeply inspires, also opens, the eye socket is also flood red. 沐枫深深的闭上眼睛,深吸一口气,又随之睁开,眼眶亦是泛红。 Teacher Xi Lan is not willing to look at your ghost appearance......” 夕岚导师可不愿看着你这幅鬼样子……” You go away to me!” “你给我滚开!” Then, Chu Hen lifts Mu Feng, then shoves open the people, staggering along rushes toward outside. 说罢,楚痕一把掀开沐枫,接着推开众人,跌跌撞撞的朝着外面奔去。 Which elder brother Chu Hen...... do you go? Waits for me......” 楚痕哥哥……你去哪啊?等等我……” Ye Yao, mouse several people pursue instantly. 叶瑶,耗子几人即刻追了出去。 Qiao Xiaowan, Long Xuanshuang somewhat crabbed looks at Mu Feng. 乔小婉,龙玄霜则有些艰涩的看着沐枫 „Are you all right?” Qiao Xiaowan asked. “你没事吧?”乔小婉问道。 Mu Feng shakes the head, I have the psychology to prepare...... this fellow surely not to have the means to be quiet recently......” 沐枫摇了摇头,“我已经有心理准备了……这家伙最近肯定没办法平静下来的……” The importance of Xi Lan to Chu Hen, has almost not distinguished with the family member. 夕岚楚痕的重要性,同家人几乎没有区别。 Mu Feng has thought that after Chu Hen wakes up the sorrowful mood. 沐枫早已想到楚痕醒来之后的悲痛情绪。 After all traded to be anybody unable to accept that to be intimate with like the elder sister woman chooses to sacrifice her life to save itself. 毕竟换作任何人都接受不了那个亲近如姐姐般的女人选择牺牲她的生命来救活自己。 ...... …… The bright and beautiful mountain forest of stretching to the horizon, Chu Hen just like loses sanely same dashes about wildly everywhere. 一望无垠的明秀山林,楚痕犹如失去理智一样四处狂奔。 He went to Xi Lan outside city halfway up the mountainside hut. 他去了夕岚所住的城外半山小屋。 There is a nobody left. 那里已然是空无一人。 Looked everywhere the peripheral ravine jungle, crossed the mountain stream rice paddy outside city, has not actually seen that say/way familiar form again. 找遍了周边的溪谷丛林,越过了城外的山涧稻田,却始终没有再看到那道熟悉的身影。 Morning to evening. 上午到傍晚。 Also from the night to daybreak. 又从夜间到黎明。 Swayed outside all day Chu Hen finally weak kneeling in a great peak cliff edge. 足足在外晃荡了一整天的楚痕最终无力的跪在一座巨峰断崖的边缘。 It looks at that to praise the endless mountains and rivers dean broadly, as well as distant place that secluded from the world mountain city, is actually the sensation does not arrive at the Xi Lan least bit aura. 其望着那广褒无疆的山河谷涧,以及远处那与世隔绝的山城,却是感知不到夕岚的半点气息。 Her another disappearance in his world. 她又一次的消失在了他的世界。 But, this time, as if anything has not stayed behind. 而,这一次,似乎什么都没有留下。 ...... …… Rebuke oneself! 自责! Guilty! 愧疚! Occupies the Chu Hen body and mind high and low. 占据着楚痕的身心上下。 It closes one's eyes, the tears of overflow soaked the eyelash, slowly has dripped the face. 其闭着眼睛,溢出的热泪浸湿了睫毛,再缓缓的淌过面庞。 Sorry......” “对不起……” Chu Hen muttered. 楚痕喃喃自语。 Then, Chu Hen falls down face up, it is forecasting sky of magnificent not impurity, line of sight fuzziness that from clearly changes, then melting gently, drips to fall on the rock ground. 接着,楚痕仰面倒在地上,其展望着蔚然的没有一丝杂质的天空,视线从清晰变的模糊,然后轻轻的化开,淌落在岩石地面。 ...... …… elder brother Chu Hen?” 楚痕哥哥?” Not far away, Ye Yao and mouse and the others rush hurriedly. 不远处,叶瑶和耗子等人匆忙赶到。 Has not waited for them to go forward, was actually calmed down by arrival Mu Feng behind. 还未等他们上前,却是被身后到来的沐枫劝住。 Makes him static!” “让他静静吧!” Several people live in the figure. 几人不禁顿住身形。 Departure of Xi Lan, this attack especially heavy, the people pass now, change scared of opposite party. 夕岚的离去,这打击格外的沉重,众人现在过去,也改变不了对方的失魂落魄。 ...... …… Also is day. 又是一天的时间。 From early morning to evening. 从清晨到晚上。 Chu Hen such as the puppet mechanical lies down on the ground, motionless, look simple-hearted is staring at the sky. 楚痕如木偶机械般躺在地上,一动不动,眼神木讷的盯着天空。 In this period the people in same place are defending one after another, has not gone forward to speak with it. 期间众人只是在原地轮番守着,没有上前与之说话。 ...... …… In the evening. 晚间时分。 A cold current attacked suddenly traced azure original. 一股寒流突然间侵袭了青溯原。 In the evening, the weather quenching, the bone-chilling cold cold wind comes, the stars end, the bright moon withdraws, in the sky hiked up the clear snowflake unexpectedly. 当晚,天气骤冷,凛冽的寒风呼啸而至,繁星落幕,皓月退避,天空中竟是飘起了晶莹的雪花。 Snowed?” “下雪了么?” Probably.” “好像是的。” Defends in Qiao Xiaowan and some Ye Yao of surprise Chu Hen not far away looks at this suddenly unusual weather. 守在楚痕不远处的乔小婉叶瑶有些诧异的看着这突然反常的天气。 Daytime time, but also clear and boundless sky. 白天的时候,还晴空万里。 Arrived the night, snows unexpectedly. 一到夜里,竟然还下起了雪。 ...... …… The clear snowflake falls gently in the ground, quick melting, this thinks that this snow will stop suddenly quickly, but is accidental/surprised, the cold current is getting stronger and stronger, the snow crystal that everywhere dances in the air starts to turn into bunch of snows in big flakes. 晶莹的雪花飘落在地面,很快的化开,本以为这场骤雪很快将止,可令人意外的是,寒流越来越强,漫天飞舞的雪晶开始变成一团团的鹅毛大雪。 The temperature reduces the ground rapid start snow of freezing point. 温度降低冰点的地面迅速的开始积雪。 Quick covered entirely hoar frost. 很快就布满了一层白霜。 ...... …… Snow got bigger and bigger, must bring elder brother Chu Hen to go back.” Saying of some Ye Yao worries. “雪越下越大了,要带楚痕哥哥回去。”叶瑶有些担心的说道。 Qiao Xiaowan shakes the head, first leave alone he! This cold cannot freeze him.” 乔小婉则摇了摇头,“先别管他吧!这点寒冷根本冻不到他的。” Ye Yao sighed, quite helpless nod. 叶瑶叹了口气,颇为无奈的点了点头。 ...... …… The sudden cold current swept across big azure to trace original. 突如其来的寒流席卷了偌大的青溯原。 The white heavy snow falls in front of each household, sifts near the window of people. 白茫茫的大雪落在各家各户的门前,飘入众人的窗边。 Has no coldness of omen facing this. 面对这没有任何预兆的寒冷。 Residents in Daocheng in abundance in main house gate or hall inner tower fire furnace. 稻城的居民都纷纷在家门口或是大厅内架起了火炉。 Old old person facial expression surprise. 年长的老人神情诧异。 The immature child is especially delighted. 幼小的孩童格外欢喜。 ...... …… Snowed, Daocheng had not snowed for a long time, tomorrow can have a snowball fight.” “下雪了,稻城好久都没有下雪了,明天可以去打雪仗了。” Tonight earlier sleeps, tomorrow will get up Daocheng to affirm super attractive.” “今晚早点睡觉,明天起来稻城肯定超级漂亮。” ...... …… Several children in institute pursue to play mutually play noisily. 院内的几个孩童相互追逐玩闹嬉戏。 But, entrance a 15-16 -year-old young girl who is relying on the doorframe is the facial expression sad looks at the sky to fall gently the attractive snowflake that. 而,大门口一个倚着门框的15-16岁少女则是神情感伤的望着天空飘落的漂亮雪花。 flatter hawk girl, waits to go to my room to take a bed thick point cotton-wadded quilt, in the evening be not freezing.” A silver-haired old woman leans on the walking stick to walk to say. “阿莺丫头,等会去我房里拿一床厚点的棉被,晚上别冻着了。”一个白发苍苍的老妇人拄着拐杖走过来道。 Knew, Paternal grandmother.” The flatter hawk should say in a soft voice. “知道了,奶奶。”阿莺轻声应道。 The old women are gaining ground, the muddy vision is looking at everywhere snowflake, muttered whispers, it is said only then in Holy Mountain mountain spirit, when felt sad, will snow......” 老妇人抬着头,浑浊的目光望着漫天的雪花,喃喃低语道,“据说只有在圣山里面的山神在感到悲伤的时候,才会下雪……” Not!” The flatter hawk rebuttal said that person, when is happy, can shed tears...... the mountain spirit will be sad will not necessarily snow.” “才不是呢!”阿莺反驳道,“人在非常开心的时候,也会流眼泪的……山神不一定是悲伤才会下雪。” The old person lip moves slightly, has not said anything. 老人嘴唇微动,却没有说什么。 ...... …… In Daocheng. 稻城之中。 The innumerable residents a little seem hard to go to sleep. 无数居民都似乎有点难以入眠。 Shrinks near the stove silent. 一个个缩在火炉边沉默不语。 Is because the evening city lords left here, will the mountain spirit feel sad?” “是因为夕城主离开了这里,山神才会感到悲伤吗?” Where did evening city lord?” “夕城主去哪里了?” Does not know, but, a she such good person, the mountain spirit will definitely bless his.” “不知道,不过,她这么好的一个人,山神肯定会保佑他的。” Certain.” “一定的。” ...... …… The heavy snow, got down the entire night. 大雪,足足下了整整一夜。 Big azure traces original, white. 偌大的青溯原,一片白色。 Daocheng also turned into a beautiful incomparable Syracuse. 稻城也变成了一座美丽无比的雪城。 On mountain precipice. 山上断崖边。 Chu Hen directly by thick snow burying in inside, distant looks, only has a general outline. 楚痕直接被厚厚的积雪给埋在里边,远远的看去,只有一个大概的轮廓。 Long Xuanshuang that next day climbs mountains, Mu Feng and the others came to replace to defend all day Ye Yao and Qiao Xiaowan. 次日上山的龙玄霜,沐枫等人前来替换守了一整天的叶瑶乔小婉 Hasn't spoken a few words?” Han asked by the power. “还是没说一句话吗?”韩以权问道。 Two people shake the head. 两人摇了摇头。 Looks that was buried the person's shadow in snow, the people also can only be helpless sighing. 看着那被埋在积雪之中的人影,众人也只能是无奈的叹了口气。 ...... …… However, at this moment, was traced the original isolation land land outside azure, an undercurrent of surging forward is proliferating quietly surges. 然,此时此刻,被青溯原隔绝在外的中陆大地,一场汹涌澎湃的暗潮正在悄然扩散涌动。
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