UMDK :: Volume #15

#1472: Recovery

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! The darkness covers, the myriad things turn over to lonesome. 黑暗笼罩,万物归寂。 spiritual power is dry, world dries up. 灵力干涸,世间枯竭。 Inexhaustible darkness, without the least bit vitality vigor. 无穷无尽的黑暗,没有半点生机活力。 Does not see the least bit color, has not seen slightly the ray. 不见半点色彩,未见丝毫光芒。 All origin of life as if perish to vanish. 一切的生命之源都仿佛沉沦消失。 ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” Unexpectedly, in the darkness as if has one wisp thin, if the optical fiber tremor of gossamer. 蓦地,黑暗中似乎有着一缕细若游丝的光纤颤动。 Rhythm of being fleeting, in this endless darkness sinks to splash to wipe the extremely slight ripple mark. 稍纵即逝的律动,在这无尽的暗沉中溅起一抹极度细微的涟纹。 Also has a gentle air/Qi mark to touch. 紧接着,又有着一圈轻柔的气纹触动。 Sees only this dark world actually not to know where appears a tiny luminous spot. 只见这黑暗的世界竟然不知从哪里浮现出一颗细小的光点。 Like losing the glow light in night. 就像迷失于黑夜中的萤火之光。 That luminous spot floats to flutter in the darkness. 那颗光点在黑暗里飘来飘去。 By it that covers gloomily, small and weak pity. 被阴暗笼罩的它,弱小的可怜。 Could not light up any narrow and small corner. 根本照亮不了任何狭小的一处角落。 But, with, firefly that also the highlight in reappearing, two luminous spots such as in the wrong path converges, rapid touching in the same place. 而,跟着,又有一颗亮点于浮现出来,两颗光点如迷途中汇合的萤火虫,迅速的触碰在一起。 But their rays, still weak can ignore. 但它们的光芒,仍旧微弱的可以忽略不计。 But later, third, fourth, fifth...... more and more star luminous spots start to reappear, seems to be increased one bunch of luminous by in world of dark covering. 可随后,第三,第四,第五……越来越多的星星光点开始浮现出来,被黑暗笼罩的世间仿佛增添了一束光亮。 Just like bewildering to hug moon/month, the crowded star luminous spot starts to collect mutually. 宛如荧惑抱月,密集的星星光点开始相互汇集。 The complicated weak aura connection twines in together, gradually the powerful energy rhythm overlaps slowly. 千丝万缕的微弱气息交汇缠绕在一起,一股逐渐强大的能量律动缓缓交叠。 Buzz......” “嗡……” One bunch of light luminary puncture the behind-the-scenes plotting, a wisp of soft light pursuit is cold. 一束光曜刺破黑幕,一缕柔光驱逐寒冷。 The candlelight that is put out shines again. 熄灭的烛火再次亮起。 Dry river bed overflow spirit spring. 干涸的河床溢出灵泉。 But that withers under the flower petal on the wane, drills a emerald green shoot unexpectedly. 而那枯萎凋零的花瓣之下,竟是重新钻出一株翠绿的嫩芽。 ...... …… ...... …… The day transfers the Saint plan! 天转圣心术! One type derives the secret technique of absorption strength collection concise supplies others by uses/gives technique! 一种由施术者将力量收集凝练供给他人汲取吸收的秘术! Was one type sacrificed itself, ancient secret technique of senseless offer. 更是一种牺牲自己,无谓奉献的古老秘术。 Because this secret technique considers only others, almost does not have the profit of least bit to oneself. 正是因为这种秘术只顾他人,几乎对自己没有半点的益处。 Therefore, this technique, although spreads in hundred country states for a long time, but actually few people cultivation it. 所以,这个术虽然在百国州流传许久,但却很少有人去修炼它。 Even if it has the sacred strength of bringing back to life, no one is willing to touch as before. 即便它有着起死回生的神圣力量,依旧没有人愿意去触碰。 ...... …… Unexpected! 意想不到! Made Mu Feng especially unbelievable, Xi Lan grasped day that this no one spared a glance to transfer Saint plan unexpectedly, has not thought, she practiced highest this technique, has not thought, she will use this technique dutifully. 沐枫尤为的难以置信,夕岚竟然掌握了这个谁都不屑一顾的“天转圣心术”,更没想到,她将这个术练到最高一层,更加没有想到,她会义无反顾的施展这个术。 Perhaps the people do not know. 众人或许不知道。 In the past Sacred Star Dynasty remained, day star martial mansion still at time, Xi Lan once used day to transfer Saint plan for Chu Hen, but, at that time, helped Chu Hen promote cultivation base merely, impact high-level boundary. 当年圣星王朝尚存,天星武府尚在的时候,夕岚就曾对楚痕使用过“天转圣心术”,只不过,那个时候,仅仅只是帮助楚痕提升修为,冲击更高层的境界。 Situation at this moment, has huge difference from it initially. 此刻的情形,与之当初有着天壤之别。 ...... …… Mu Feng does not dare to look again downward. 沐枫已经不敢再往下看了。 He really does not know that will then have what dreadful matter. 他实在不知道接下来会发生什么可怕的事情。 His eye socket flood red, tears. 其眼眶泛红,不禁泪目。 He wants to make Xi Lan stop. 他想让夕岚停下。 But has words on the tip of the tongue, how actually to say. 可是话到嘴边,却怎么都说不出口。 Because he knows, how even if he advised again, Xi Lan will not listen own. 因为他知道,即便他再如何劝止,夕岚也不会听自己的。 ...... …… Whish!” “哗!” Unexpectedly, gentle mountain stream cool breeze sways, making the person incredible matter happen, powerful, interwove the spirit mark that on his body sees only on Chu Hen to glow incomparably the ray changed also to glow the eye-catching color. 蓦地,一阵轻柔的山涧清风吹拂而过,令人不可置信的事情发生了,只见楚痕身上焕发出了的光芒变的无比强盛,交织在他身身上的灵纹也焕发着夺目的色彩。 Overflowed the clear spring just like the bore hole of depletion. 宛如枯竭的井眼重新溢出了清泉。 Chu Hen that disappears the origin of life that lonesome elapses to recover unexpectedly again. 楚痕那消寂逝去的生命之源竟然重新得到复苏。 The strength of life gradually grows starts to send out from his body, what is most astonishing, then washed out the true essence Saint soul that breaks, unexpectedly also slowly from collects to come, to trade in all directions to make the complicated illusory light beam to flood into the Chu Hen dantian. 一股逐渐增长起来的生命之力开始从其身上散发而出,最为惊人的是,那被冲散震碎的真元圣魂,竟也缓缓的从四面八方汇集而来,换做千丝万缕的虚幻光束涌入楚痕的丹田之中。 This is......” “这是……” Holds Chu Hen Ye Yao to be pleasantly surprised. 抱着楚痕叶瑶又惊又喜。 Qiao Xiaowan, Han by the power, the mouse also looks the happy expression. 乔小婉,韩以权,耗子也是面露喜色。 Only Long Xuanshuang and Mu Feng facial expression even more anxious. 唯独龙玄霜沐枫神情越发的不安。 ...... …… Dissipation the origin of life of gathers to come by very swift and violent rhythm, the wound of Chu Hen heart and abdomen like had been nourished by the Divine Spring immortal fluid generally, heals at the visible speed. 消散的生命之源以非常迅猛的节奏聚拢而来,楚痕心脏和腹部的伤口就像被神泉仙液滋养过一般,以肉眼可见的速度进行愈合。 Fuzzy wound rapid derivation new meat. 模糊的伤口迅速的衍生出新肉。 The innumerable say/way gentle golden color light mark together with is bewildering the luminous spot to fill the Chu Hen heart opening. 无数道柔和的金色光纹连同着荧惑光点填充着楚痕的心脏豁口。 The garish shatter flesh blends the polymerization, then passed through heart under the gentle Saint sunshine is contaminated is similar to is bathing immortal spirit Shengquan. 扎眼的破碎血肉交融聚合,那被贯穿的心脏在柔和的圣晖浸染下如同沐浴着仙灵圣泉。 Quick, its two mortal wounds also close. 很快,其身上的两处致命伤随之闭合。 Plop......” wisp of slight touching transmits from the chest of Chu Hen, the miracle that the heart that dies and is reborn incomparably shocks unexpectedly beats. “扑通……”一缕轻微的触动从楚痕的胸膛之中传达而出,那死而复生的心脏竟然无比震骇的奇迹重新跳动。 elder brother Chu Hen...... lived...... he to live......” Ye Yao to be overjoyed, she incomparably happy shouting. 楚痕哥哥……活了……他活了……”叶瑶大喜过望,她无比开心的喊道。 It behind people are also encouraged. 其身后的众人同样是振奋不已。 Teacher Xi Lan, elder brother Chu Hen lived, thanked......” 夕岚导师,楚痕哥哥活了,谢……” However, the Ye Yao words have not said, her sound lives instantly, then a face shocks looks that at present that originally has the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman peerless appearance beautiful female. 然,叶瑶的话还未说完,她的声音即刻顿住了,然后一脸震骇的看着眼前那道原本有着倾国倾城绝世容颜的美丽女子。 Qiao Xiaowan, Han by the power, the mouse is the facial color big change. 乔小婉,韩以权,耗子皆是面色大变。 The Long Xuanshuang tender body trembles, her phoenix circle opens the eyes. 龙玄霜娇躯微颤,她凤目圆睁。 Xi Lan subconscious is sideways, simultaneously will paste in both hands of Chu Hen chest moves away, in a moment ago, was one pair such as the beautiful jade fair white hands, at this time was actually dried out and wrinkled anxiously, like a pair of old person's hand. 夕岚下意识的侧过身去,同时将贴在楚痕胸口的双手拿开,就在刚才,还是一双如美玉般白皙的玉手,此时却是干皱巴巴,如同一双老人的手。 ...... …… Mu Feng bites the jaw, the brow is wrinkling, it turns away to pass away, and is shouting to clear the way to several people sounds, „ has all turned the head to me...... „ 沐枫的咬着牙关,眉头皱紧,其背转过身,并对着身边的几人大声喝道,“全部都给我转过头去……“ Saying, two lines of tears is flowing under. 说着,两行热泪流淌而下。 His both hands pinch giggle are making noise, was not cried aloud by oneself with every effort. 其双手捏着咯咯作响,尽力不让自己哭出声来。 The people also turn away to pass away instantly, both hands nail is also the deep sneaking palm. 众人也即刻背转过身,双手指甲亦是深深的潜入掌心。 Is this then use day transfers Saint plan the price? 这便是使用“天转圣心术”的代价吗? So huge! 如此巨大! So crabbed! 这般艰涩! Also especially heavy! 又格外的沉重! Heavy, making one be unbearable! 沉重的,令人难以承受! ...... …… Told him, do not look for me again!” “告诉他,不要再找我了!” Xi Lan that belt/bring several points of hoarse sound from several people of behind transmitting. 夕岚那带着几分沙哑的声音从几人的身后传来。 The people want to turn head, actually bore stubbornly. 众人想要回头,却又死死的忍住了。 Under purple long hair, that pair of as before limpid eye pupil completely affectionate looked at Chu Hen that steady serene facial features, then on the face shows several points of satisfied smile. 紫色的长发下,那双依旧清澈的眼眸满是深情的看了眼楚痕那平稳安详的面容,接着脸上不禁露出几分满足的笑容。 I retained you eventually well...... goes on living for me.” “我终究是留住了你……好好的替我活下去。” Then, Xi Lan does not return turns around to leave. 说完,夕岚头也不回的转身离开。 ...... …… But, the people have had tears streaming down the face. 而,众人已然是泪流满面。 The Mu Feng deep closing eyes, face upward to shout, student Mu Feng, sees off Teacher Xi Lan!” 沐枫深深的闭上双眼,仰天喊道,“学生沐枫,恭送夕岚导师!” Student Zhou Hao, sees off Teacher Xi Lan!” “学生周浩,恭送夕岚导师!” Long Xuanshuang, sees off Teacher Xi Lan!” 龙玄霜,恭送夕岚导师!” Ye Yao, sees off Teacher Xi Lan!” 叶瑶,恭送夕岚导师!” Qiao Xiaowan......” 乔小婉……” Han...... sees off Teacher Xi Lan by the power.” “韩以权……恭送夕岚导师。” ...... …… The serious sound reverberation to the mountain forest deep place, Xi Lan still had not turned head, sees again, does not see. 沉重的声音回荡至山林的深处,夕岚仍旧没有回头,再见,再也不见。 Today. 今天。 Is she in Daocheng last day. 是她在稻城的最后一天。 Perhaps is destined. 或许是命中注定。 Perhaps is also the divine intervention makes one. 又或许是天意弄人。 Initially the Xi Lan cultivation day transferred Saint plan original intention, for her only younger brother, evening house. 当初夕岚修炼“天转圣心术”的初衷,就是为了她唯一的弟弟,夕宸。 However, the evening house dies, she actually cannot transfer Saint plan to practice highest day. 但是,夕宸死的时候,她却未能够将“天转圣心术”修行到最高一层。 She can only look helplessly oneself close relative pours in the front. 她只能眼睁睁的看着自己的至亲倒在面前。 Afterward, appearance of Chu Hen, gradually led her to come out of this shadow. 后来,楚痕的出现,渐渐的带她走出了这段阴影。 That youngster and evening house looked like. 那个少年和夕宸太像了。 At the beginning, she regarded the younger brother the same as look after Chu Hen, but, Xi Lan also started unable to distinguish clearly own innermost feelings slowly. 刚开始的时候,她将楚痕当成弟弟一样照顾,可慢慢的,夕岚也开始分不清自己的内心。 She starts confusedly. 她开始迷茫。 Starts puzzled. 开始困惑。 Starts to intertwine. 开始纠结。 ...... …… Therefore, in the contradiction, the Xi Lan choice left the Dongsheng state, she drifts, finally arrived here. 于是,在矛盾之中,夕岚选择独自一人离开了东胜州,她一路漂泊,最终来到了这里。 What has not thought that after two years of tranquility, that man who made her be at a loss, appeared in her front again. 可没想到的是,经过了两年的平静,那个令她迷惘的男人,再一次出现在她的面前。 Was and was still the same initially, divides not the clear own innermost feelings. 依旧是和当初一样,分不清楚自己的内心。 What we definitely know is that is seeing his moment, the Xi Lan innermost feelings actually likes. 但可以肯定的是,在重新见到他的那一刻,夕岚的内心却是欢喜的。 Because this liking. 因为这份欢喜。 She complied to leave here with him. 她答应了同他离开这里。 Left this tranquilly two years of innermost feelings. 离开这已经平静了两年的内心。 Even regardless of later goes! 甚至以后无论去哪! ...... …… However, in this last day, Xi Lan made a choice that complies in the innermost feelings. 然,就在这最后一天,夕岚做出了一个遵从于内心的选择。 Especially decidedly. 尤为的决然。 Incomparable firmness. 无比的坚定。 She pledged, this is the first so resolute choice that she makes. 她发誓,这是她作的第一个如此果决的选择。 Today! 今天! Is she in Daocheng last day! 是她在稻城的最后一天! Choice that will not regret. 一个不会后悔的抉择。 ...... …… ...... …… Dim, hazy. 朦朦胧胧,迷迷蒙蒙。 Interlocks the space overlapped splices the scissors to crowd together like broken up by rubbing memories unceasingly. 重重叠叠交错空间就像一段段被揉碎的记忆不断拼接剪凑在一起。 Consciousness. 意识。 Like drags to entrain from the endless dark abyss. 就像从无尽的黑暗深渊中拖拽回来一样。 Dreamlike scene picture, unceasing glitters in the murky jet black curtain of night. 如梦似幻的场景画面,不断的于昏沉漆黑的夜幕中闪烁。 ...... …… Long tunnel, Chu Hen like passing through broad corridors. 长长的隧道,楚痕就像穿越了一条条广阔的走廊。 The picture overlaps, the end of corridor towering pulled closer. 画面重叠,长廊的尽头突兀的被拉近。 Whish......” “哗……” The nighttime sky that the stars embellish, under the bright bright moonlight, the beautiful fresh refined beautiful figure dances lightly under the moonlight together. 繁星点缀的夜空,皎洁的明月下,一道美奂脱俗的倩影在月色下翩翩起舞。 The lithe dancer's posture such as the spirit butterfly of shuttle in flowering shrubs, the purple long hair, the fine facial features, forgot like that in the elf of this world. 轻盈的舞姿如穿梭于花丛中的灵蝶,紫色长发,精致的五官,就像那被人遗忘在凡尘的精灵。 Teacher......” Chu Hen calling gently said. “导师……”楚痕轻轻的唤道。 Sees again......” her to review the faint smile, oriental cherry that such as under the snowy mountain that was in full bloom. “再见了……”她回眸浅笑,如雪山下那盛开的樱花。 Bye? Why can say says goodbye? Where do you want to go to?” Asking of Chu Hen doubts. “再见?为什么要说再见?你要去哪里?”楚痕疑惑的问道。 The opposite party had not replied, slender dancer's posture retrogression slowly in the dream dim light of night. 对方没有回答,纤纤的舞姿缓缓的消退于梦幻的夜色之中。 If there is next time, dances a complete dance for you again!” “若有下次,再为你跳完一支完整的舞!” Then, it in the future retreat gently. 说罢,其轻轻的往后退去。 Chu Hen is flurried, his perplexed rushes directly goes, opens both hands to plunge the opposite party. 楚痕慌乱无比,他不明所以的直接冲上前去,张开双手扑向对方。 Teacher, you wait/etc. I......” “导师,你等等我……” Chu Hen jumps to jump, wanting to hold the opposite party, but the next flash, under its turned into ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) cliff of being too deep to see the bottom impressively. 楚痕纵身跃起,欲要抓住对方,可下一瞬间,其身下赫然变成了深不见底的万丈悬崖。 ...... …… Teacher?” “导师?” Buzz!” “嗡!” In an instant, Chu Hen opens the eyes fiercely, it sits to set out directly from the bed. 霎那间,楚痕猛地睁开双眼,其直接是从床上坐起身来。 The ache of chest also raids, Chu Hen covers the chest, been able to bear hiss one breath. 胸口的疼痛随之袭来,楚痕一手捂住胸膛,忍不住的“嘶”了一口气。 elder brother Chu Hen, you awoke......”, Ye Yao that is full of the joyful sound to transmit immediately. 楚痕哥哥,你醒了……”紧接着,叶瑶那充满欣喜的声音随即传来。 In light and bright room. 宽敞明亮的房间内。 Ye Yao defends in the bedside. 叶瑶独自一人守在床边上。 Where is this? What happened?” Chu Hen asked. “这是哪里?发生什么事了?”楚痕问道。 We also in Daocheng...... elder brother Chu Hen, your stupor many days.” “我们还在稻城……楚痕哥哥,你都昏迷好多天了。” Saying, the head that Chu Hen is covering some aches, the memory before stupor also wells up simultaneously. 说着,楚痕一手捂着有些疼痛的脑袋,同时昏迷前的记忆随之涌来。 I have not died unexpectedly......” the Chu Hen corner of the eye one cold, simultaneously recalled by the situation that the War God Palace three Great Saint King Realm powerhouses besiege, in the foreheads the chill in the air is surged. “我竟然没死……”楚痕眼角一凛,同时回想起被战神宫三位大圣王境强者围攻的情形,眉宇间不禁寒意涌动。 Meanwhile, hears Mu Feng of sound, Long Xuanshuang and the others also goes into the room instantly. 与此同时,听到动静的沐枫,龙玄霜等人也即刻闯入屋内。 Sees Chu Hen that regains consciousness, the people all are excited. 见到苏醒的楚痕,众人皆是兴奋不已。 The Chu Hen vision first even/including has swept several people. 楚痕的目光一连扫过几人。 It asked immediately, teacher? She where......” 其随即问道,“导师呢?她在哪里……”
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