UMDK :: Volume #15

#1471: Dries up quietly

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! ......” “呼……” The cold wind howls, the dreary day is cold. 凛风呼啸,萧瑟天寒。 The fault/chasm fissure is found in the land, in the quarry stone collapse open/start ruins, a little bit bright red blood drops in the ground, turns into dazzling little flowers. 断层裂痕遍布大地,乱石崩开的废墟之中,一滴滴鲜红的血液滴落在地面,化成一朵朵刺眼的小花。 The War God Palace three people detain to be stranded Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird rapid disappearance in the horizon of distant place. 战神宫三人押困着圣翼天炎雀迅速的消失在远方的天际。 Azure mound Hujun sees the song form also to turn into a sunspot. 青丘狐君见歌的身影也随之变成一颗黑点。 Chu Hen at this moment never feels so murky. 此刻的楚痕从未觉得如此昏沉过。 Near his ear as if cannot hear any sound. 其耳边似乎听不到任何的声音。 The view also changes incomparable fuzzy. 眼帘也随之变的无比模糊。 Spreads to the ache of whole body is also numb. 就连蔓延至全身的疼痛也已然麻木。 ...... …… The consciousness of blowing hot and cold, looks like the star point candlelight in wind, the vitality in eye like the current that dries up rapidly. 摇摆不定的意识,就像是风中的星点烛火,眼中的生机如同那迅速枯竭的泉流。 elder brother Chu Hen......” 楚痕哥哥……” Ye Yao that is full of the incomparably panic-stricken sound like being away from the long and trying journey transmits. 叶瑶那充满着无比惊恐的声音就像隔着千山万水传来。 Chu Hen...... buoys up......” 楚痕……振作点……” Mu Feng, Long Xuanshuang that hysteric shout passes in the ear one after another. 沐枫,龙玄霜那歇斯底里的呼喊声相继在耳边晃过。 Also in the next flash, the final weak candlelight extinguishes at night quietly, the spirit spring of life changes to the dry crack river bed, butterfly petal that if withers on the wane, both hands weak vertical falling of Chu Hen. 也就在下一瞬间,黑夜中最后的一点微弱烛光悄然熄灭,生命的灵泉化作干涸的龟裂河床,如若凋零枯萎的蝶瓣,楚痕的双手无力的垂直落下。 ...... …… Under the snowy peak outside Daocheng. 稻城外的雪峰之下。 The Xi Lan heartstrings in the resident for the city diagnosing is trembling fiercely. 正在为城中居民诊治的夕岚的心弦猛地为之一颤。 the innermost feelings like crossed by the sharp thing stabbing pain. 其内心就像被尖锐的东西刺痛过一样。 Her bewildered is looking at mountain range a hundred li (0.5 km) away, on the beautiful face gushes out a greatest sadness. 她一脸茫然的望着百里之外的一座山脉,绝美的脸上涌出一股莫大的感伤。 This feeling. 这种感觉。 Seeming to have met before. 似曾相识。 The well ups in a recollection that the heart is never willing to mention dust-laden like surging tides. 其尘封于心底始终不愿提及的一段回忆如潮水般涌上心头。 ...... …… ...... …… Works as!” “哐当!” Many years ago storm rainy nights. 多年前的一个暴风雨夜。 Thunder, disaster after disaster! 电闪雷鸣,风雨交加! One after another thunder and lightning horizontal expansive sky, that dazzling thunder and lightning like the sharp claws that the Evil Dragon wields, is tearing that dim dark sky unceasingly. 一道接一道雷电横长空,那刺眼的雷电就像恶龙挥动的利爪,不断撕裂着那昏暗黑暗的天空。 The heavy rain gets bigger and bigger, area Shuicheng river. 大雨越下越大,地面积水成河。 Elder sister, elder sister...... right, sorry......” “姐,姐姐……对,对不起……” A 14 or 15-year-old youngster weak incomparable looks kneels in his side purple sends the young girl. 一个不过十四五岁的少年虚弱无比的看着跪在他身边的紫发少女。 The body of youngster trembles, blood unceasing gushes out from its, under whipping of rainwater, the dazzling red was gradually diluted melts. 少年的身躯瑟瑟发抖,鲜血不断的从其口中涌出,在雨水的拍打下,刺眼的红色逐渐被稀释消融。 Several other companions had given up the treatment, the internal organs of opposite party were destroyed. 身边的另外几个同伴都已经放弃了救治,对方的内脏都被打碎了。 No one could save him. 谁都救不了他。 In his side, is inserting a black sword. 在他的身边,插着一柄黑色的战刀。 That is purple sends the young girl to give the birthday gift of opposite party. 那是紫发少女送给对方的生辰礼物。 Several days later, is his 15 th birthday. 再过几天,就是他的15岁诞辰。 Evening, the evening house......” purple sends on the face of young girl the minute not clear is the rainwater or the tears, she kneels in the side of youngster, full is sorrowful, sad heartrending, sorry, sorry......” “夕,夕宸……”紫发少女的脸上已经分不清楚是雨水还是泪水,她跪在少年的身边,满是悲痛,哀伤的让人心碎,“对不起,对不起……” Her repeatedly is repeating sorry, she regretted that the following opposite party has not carried out this task together. 她一遍遍的重复着“对不起”,她后悔没有跟着对方一起执行这个任务。 Right, sorry, Elder sister, I cannot continue, when your, the proud younger brother...... gave, looks for an elder sister to me, the brother-in-law! Let him, companion, with attendance, you......” “对,对不起,姐姐,我不能继续当你的,骄傲的弟弟了……给,给我找个姐,姐夫吧!让他,陪伴,和照顾,你……” Clatter!” “嗒!” The palm of youngster weak from purple sends the palm of young girl to fall, falls in the ground gently, since splashes a flood red water splash. 少年的手掌无力的从紫发少女的掌心滑落,轻轻落在地面上,溅起一阵泛红的水花。 Then lax that the pupil of opposite party rapidly changes, along with the outflow of vitality, he closed the eye slowly. 接着对方的瞳孔迅速变的涣散,伴随着生机的流失,他缓缓的闭上了眼睛。 Purple sent the young girl to shiver the tender body, both hands is covering the cheek, the pain to the extreme. 紫发少女颤抖着娇躯,双手捂着面颊,痛苦到了极点。 Evening house......” “夕宸……” Rumble!” “隆隆!” The thunder and lightning interweaves, imitates, if breaks this stretch of the world. 雷电交织,仿若要将这片天地震碎。 Under dazzling shines, Xi Lan kneels before the younger brother of being bound by a common destiny, no use, sorrowful, almost destroyed all her wills. 刺眼的雷芒照耀之下,夕岚跪在相依为命的弟弟面前,无助,悲痛,几乎摧毁了她的一切意志。 ...... …… ...... …… Xi Lan suddenly absent-minded standing up, some delay walks toward outside. 夕岚恍然失神般的站起身来,有些呆滞的朝着外面走去。 City lord?” “城主?” Her flatter hawks as well as peripheral people all puzzled looks at scared Xi Lan. 她身边的阿莺以及周边的众人皆是不解的看着失魂落魄的夕岚 „Do you want to go?” “您要去哪?” Xi Lan both hands grasp gently, then sound low and deep returning said that today, is I in Daocheng last day...... flatter hawk, later here gave you.” 夕岚双手轻轻握动,然后声音低沉的回道,“今天,是我在稻城的最后一天……阿莺,以后这里就交给你了。” City main......” “城主……” Without paying attention to the inquiry of flatter hawk that unknown cause, Xi Lan left directly lived in two years of garden, the lonely form, has desolate of being able to say. 没有理会阿莺那不明原因的询问,夕岚直接就离开了住了两年的庭院,孤单的身影,有着说不出的落寞。 ...... …… ...... …… Chu Hen, you awake.” 楚痕,你醒醒。” elder brother Chu Hen, do not frighten me, you reminded quickly awakes.” 楚痕哥哥,你不要吓我,你快点醒醒。” ...... …… The disorderly weeping and wailing sound regarding resounds in the Chu Hen side unceasingly. 杂乱的哭喊声围绕在楚痕的身边不断响起。 Mu Feng two blood red, violent anger. 沐枫两眼血红,暴怒不已。 Actually is who? Is who......” “究竟是谁?是谁……” Long Xuanshuang covers the lip, on the face is not seeing the least bit blood-color. 龙玄霜手捂着嘴唇,脸上不见半点血色。 At this moment, she only thinks that the day must collapse. 这一刻,她只觉天都要塌了。 Qiao Xiaowan, Han by the power, the mouse is also the startled anger happened simultaneously, unbelievable to the extreme. 乔小婉,韩以权,耗子也是惊怒交加,难以置信到极点。 Present, making the people only think a brain confusion. 眼前的这一幕,令众人只觉大脑一片混乱。 Before that invincible, approaches looking disdainfully Chu Hen, at this moment poured by this condition in their nearby unexpectedly. 以前那个战无不胜,所向睥睨的楚痕,此刻竟以这种状态倒在他们的跟前。 Was War God Palace these sons of bitches, the father must butcher them......” “一定是战神宫的那些狗东西,老子要宰了他们……” Mu Feng because of caused the blue vein blood vessel on face to rouse angrily. 沐枫因愤怒导致脸上的青筋血管都鼓了起来。 The both eyes several desires spout the roaring flame. 其双目几欲喷出烈焰。 ...... …… elder brother Chu Hen, you reminded quickly awakes!” 楚痕哥哥,你快点醒醒啊!” Ye Yao has had tears streaming down the face, she cautious extracts downward on the Chu Hen two long-barrelled guns, while stops the blood for it, but Chu Hen is actually silent lying down in the arms of opposite party, without the least bit response. 叶瑶早已是泪流满面,她一边小心翼翼的将楚痕身上的两杆长枪拔下来,一边为其止住鲜血,但楚痕却是无声无息的躺在对方的怀里,没有半点回应。 Nearby Yin-Yang beast Nauny also exudes the sorrowful sobbing sound. 一旁的阴阳兽诺尼也是发出悲痛的呜咽声。 It is licking the finger of Chu Hen lightly , seems to be trying to awaken the opposite party. 它轻舔着楚痕的手指,也似乎在试图唤醒对方。 ...... …… Regardless of however, how the people summoned. 然,不论众人如何的呼唤。 Chu Hen also motionless pouring on the ground. 楚痕也就是一动不动的倒在地上。 The quarry stone under blood dripping whole body, the temperature outflow of gradually body. 鲜血淌满身下的乱石,身体的温度渐渐的流失。 ...... …… Angry. 愤怒。 Hot tempered. 暴躁。 After startled, covers the people have greatest moved and pain. 惊慌之后,笼罩众人的有着莫大的伤感和痛苦。 ...... …… But, at this moment, together desolate slender beautiful figure slowly walks from the rear area of people. 而,就在这时,一道落寞的纤细倩影缓缓的从众人的后方走来。 Teacher Xi Lan......” Ye Yao face tear stains, incomparably sad calling said. 夕岚导师……”叶瑶一脸泪痕,无比伤心的唤道。 Several people also look to Xi Lan. 几人也都纷纷看向夕岚 In eye completely obviously sad. 眼中尽显悲伤。 Xi Lan slowly approaches toward Chu Hen, then kneels to squat in his side, fair slender white hands gently has delimited Chu Hen that edges and corners distinct pretty cheek, in a pair of clear pupil is overflowing the sadness that is hard to conceal. 夕岚慢慢的朝着楚痕走近,接着在他的身边跪蹲下来,白皙修长的玉手轻轻的划过楚痕那棱角分明的俊秀面颊,一双清眸之中流溢着难以掩饰的感伤。 Many years ago that rainy night. 多年前的那个雨夜。 As if overlaps with it today's scene connection. 仿佛与之今日的场景交汇重叠。 In the eye of Xi Lan is full of sadly, she muttered in a soft voice, I will not make you lose again one time......” 夕岚的眼中饱含忧伤,她轻声喃喃道,“我不会再让你失去一次的……” Then, Xi Lan closed the eye gently, two lines of clear teardrops fall in the corner of the eye. 说罢,夕岚轻轻的闭上了眼睛,两行晶莹的泪珠于眼角滑落。 Then her both eyes open, in the limpid pupil full is meaning decidedly. 接着她双目睁开,清澈的眸中满是决然之意。 Buzz......” “嗡……” The next flash, the body of Xi Lan is appears unexpectedly a sacred gorgeous golden ray. 下一瞬间,夕岚的身上竟是浮现出一阵神圣绚丽的金色光芒。 Drag from its just like spirit vine strange symbol lu, if mysterious myriad holy secret mark. 一道道宛如灵藤般的奇异符箓从其身外摇曳而出,如若神秘万千的圣洁秘纹。 ...... …… Several people are startled all. 身边的几人无不一惊。 All is incomparably puzzled looks at present Xi Lan. 皆是无比困惑的看着眼前的夕岚 Teacher Xi Lan, you?” 夕岚导师,你?” Does not need the people to clarify what's the matter, the ray that the Xi Lan body glows is richer, his both hands gently by the chest of Chu Hen, the bunch drags the spirit Fujiminbu mark outside her body also to follow the white arms arm of Xi Lan to go toward the Chu Hen winding. 不待众人弄清楚怎么回事,夕岚身上焕发出来的光芒更加浓郁,其双手轻轻的靠在楚痕的胸膛上,一束束摇曳在她身外的灵藤光纹随之顺着夕岚的皓腕手臂朝着楚痕缠绕而去。 In an instant, the body of Chu Hen also appears a gentle ray. 霎那间,楚痕的身上也随之浮现出一阵柔和的光芒。 At once, under several people of even more astonished vision, Xi Lan forehead is appears unexpectedly, if firefly clear luminous spot. 旋即,在几人愈发惊愕的目光下,夕岚的眉心处竟是浮现出如若萤火虫般的晶莹光点。 Glittering and translucent carving luminous spot fluttering slowly to Chu Hen, then integrates following the forehead center of opposite party. 晶莹剔透的光点缓缓的飘向楚痕,然后顺着对方的额头中央融入进去。 ...... …… Actually is she making what? 她究竟在做什么? Several people still have puzzled. 几人犹有不解。 But, Long Xuanshuang actually stubbornly stares at Xi Lan that to cover entirely the sad facial features, in her eyes, filled firmly. 而,龙玄霜却是死死的盯着夕岚那布满忧伤的面容,在她的眼中,充满了坚定。 ...... …… The continuous glow luminous spot like coming from the seed of life source, buries Chu Hen that vapid within the body one after another. 源源不断的萤火光点就像来自于生命源泉的种子,一颗接着一颗埋入楚痕那毫无生气的体内。 The golden soft light of flickering flashes on the body of Chu Hen. 忽明忽暗的金色柔光在楚痕的身上闪动。 The people do not understand Xi Lan trip what for! 众人根本不明白夕岚此行何为! Can Chu Hen can also be saved? 难道楚痕还能有救? Although in the heart has myriad puzzled, but several people in side static looks. 尽管心中存有万千困惑,但几人都只是在旁边静静的看着。 ...... …… Time, one minute one second of passing. 时间,一分一秒的流逝。 Xi Lan has not stopped the current behavior, such as the god glow ray two people interwines, from her forehead twinkle, but the luminous spot non-stop integrates Chu Hen within the body. 夕岚始终没有停下当前的行为,如神芒般的光芒将两人交织在一起,从她那眉心闪烁而出的光点不停的融入楚痕体内。 ...... …… At this moment, the Mu Feng corner of the eye shrinks fiercely, it sinking sound one word at a time muttered, this, was day transfers the technique of heart of the Buddha?” 就在这时,沐枫眼角猛地一缩,其一字一顿的沉声喃喃道,“这,难道是‘天转圣心之术’?” Several people are startled. 身边的几人不由的一惊。 „Does day transfer the Saint plan? What is this?” Qiao Xiaowan asked hastily. “天转圣心术?这是什么?”乔小婉连忙问道。 On before the Mu Feng face has, has never had seriousness. 沐枫脸上有着以前从未有过的郑重。 This is one ancient secret technique that our hundred country state southwests spread...... according to the rumor, this technique, may extract spiritual power of Heaven and Earth by uses/gives technique, and stores up in own within the body, after using in own power of true essence unceasing refinement spiritual power the purest part...... to treat huge that pure strength changes again, may integrate others 's within the body directly...... . Moreover, the day transfers the Saint plan, is this world most unusual medical service technique, it is said its even may make just dead soon person to come back to life......” “这是我们百国州西南地区流传的一种古老秘术……据传言,这种术,可由施术者自身来提取天地灵力,并储存于自己的体内,再利用自己的真元之力不断的提炼灵力中最为精纯的一部分……待那股精纯的力量变的庞大之后,可直接融入到他人的体内……而且,天转圣心术,还是这世间最为奇特的医疗术,据说其甚至可令刚死不久的人复生……” Dies and is reborn? 死而复生? Hears these characters, several people at present is one bright. 听到这几个字,几人的眼前皆是一亮。 In the heart of Ye Yao also exudes the greatest pleasant surprise. 叶瑶的心中也泛起莫大的惊喜。 „, Chu Hen can live...... is really good......” Qiao Xiaowan happy saying. “如此说来,楚痕就能活过来了……真是太好了……”乔小婉高兴的说道。 However, on the face of Mu Feng has not imagined like that excited. 然,沐枫的脸上并没有想象中的那般兴奋。 He stares at Xi Lan stubbornly fully that is being facial features decidedly. 他死死的盯着夕岚那满是决然的面容。 The heart actually gushes out the thick sadness. 心头却是涌出浓浓的哀伤。 Even does not endure to look at present this again. 甚至是不忍再看着眼前这一幕。 Because he also knows. 因为他还知道。 If transfers the Saint plan to save a person at the day, the origin of life that then uses/gives technique will also exhaust completely. 若是以天转圣心术救活一个人,那么施术者的生命之源也将全部耗尽。 Also means. 也就意味着。 This technique! 这个术! The life can only use one time. 一生只能用一次。 A person can only change one person. 一人只能换一人。 ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ( Ps: About this line, front has the ambush pen. If forgot the reader of front plot, can review, Chapter 213, the day transfers Saint plan, Chapter 214, Core Formation Realm, has the renewal tonight!!) (ps:关于这条线,前面有埋伏笔。如果忘记了前面剧情的读者,可以回顾一下,“第213章,天转圣心术”以及,“第214章,化丹境”,今晚还有更新!!)
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