UMDK :: Volume #15

#1470: Sets at the deathtrap

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „The strength of domain...... is the Great Saint King Realm powerhouse......” “领域之力……是大圣王境强者……” Is feeling that in the huge oppression that attacks to come in all directions, leaves not lightly, Chu Hen two people facial colors all change. 感受着那于四面八方侵袭而来的巨大压迫,莫轻离,楚痕两人的面色皆是为之一变。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Has not responded, the land also splits, dikes under two human foot separate directly. 还未反应过来,大地随之绽裂,两人脚下的岩壁直接是从中断开。 Together with the fault/chasm of cracking, the boundless water column just like the ominous beast great claw of tearing land, the wild strength is sweeping together immediately, astral's fierce impulse raises in the center that Chu Hen and leaves not lightly, two people all shaken in the future retreat. 连同着崩裂的断层,一道磅礴的水柱宛如撕裂大地的凶兽巨爪,狂暴的力量顿时扫荡开来,罡猛的冲击力于楚痕和莫轻离的中央掀起,两人皆是被震的往后退去。 Damn......” “该死……” A Chu Hen pupil cold, a series of manic purple electric arc overflows from within the body connection instantly. 楚痕瞳孔一寒,一系列狂躁的紫色雷芒电弧即刻从体内交汇溢出。 But also however, does not need Chu Hen to stand firm the figure, has the howling attack that drab light screen blots out the sky. 然,还不待楚痕稳住身形,又有着一圈土褐色的光幕铺天盖地的呼啸来袭。 The muddy light mark overspreads the land upper air instantaneously, one and leaves the blockade Chu Hen together with that water blue radiance not lightly. 浑浊的光纹瞬间铺满大地高空,连同那水蓝色的光华一并将楚痕和莫轻离封锁在内。 Also is the single layer domain! 又是一重领域! Chu Hen in great surprise! 楚痕大惊! Leaves not lightly is also a whole face with amazement. 莫轻离也是满脸的骇然。 Walks......” “走……” The strength of dual domain. 双重领域之力。 Two Great Saint King Realm powerhouses. 两位大圣王境的强者。 Absolutely does not have the odds of success of least bit. 完全没有半点的胜算。 ...... …… But in the next flash, a more dreadful matter follows on somebody's heels. 可就在下一霎那,更加可怕的事情接踵而至。 Sees only, the third dark golden light screen comes in the potential of comprehensive trapped/sleepy lock, its overlay above first two domains, another covers the surrounding area to exceed dozens li (0.5 km) in within/inner range. 只见,第三圈暗金色的光幕于全面困锁之势汹涌而至,其叠加于前两种领域之上,又一次的笼罩着方圆超过数十里于内的范围。 This is......” “这是……” Humming sound!” “嗡嗡!” The strength of three different domain like one seal big, imprisoned the entire peaks and ridges under Chu Hen body instantaneously. 三层不同的领域之力就像一座封印大阵,瞬间禁锢了楚痕身下的整座峰峦。 Chu Hen only thinks that the both feet got sucked in the mire, on the shoulder is pressing a mountain, in the true essence strength on joined bodies was hard to transfer revolves. 楚痕只觉双脚深陷于了泥潭之中,肩上压着一座大山,就连体内的真元力都难以调动运转。 Whish......” “哗……” Bone-chilling, cold and gloomy incomparable killing intent attacks, but. 寒风凛冽,森冷无比的杀意侵袭而至。 Together with the highest heaven vault of heaven that the undercurrent is rushing, first even/including three aura ice-cold, the facial color indifferent form also appears in the sky that Chu Hen and leaves not lightly. 连同着暗潮澎湃的九霄天穹,一连三道气息冰冷,面色冷漠的身影随之出现于楚痕和莫轻离的上空。 You think falling that you escape?” “你以为你逃的掉么?” The woods cold sound is disclosing the thick taunt and disdaining. 森寒的声音透露着浓浓的嘲讽和不屑。 Chu Hen corner of the eye one cold, the sinking sound shouted, War God Palace......” 楚痕眼角一凛,沉声喝道,“战神宫……” These three people of semblance seemingly about wuliushi-year-old appearances. 这三人的外表看上去大约五六十岁的样子。 Outside a body is lingering the water blue swirling cyclone. 一个身外萦绕着水蓝色的水涡气旋。 A person flows this sepia earth mark aura. 一人身上流动这棕褐色的土纹气息。 But, true essence strength that a person sends out sharp just like front night sharp blade, performs to reveal the air/Qi of withering. 而,还有一人散发出来的真元力犀利宛如锋夜利刃,尽显肃杀之气。 ...... …… Unexpected. 意想不到。 No one thinks, War God Palace sends out three Great Saint King Realm super powerhouses to come to cope with Chu Hen unexpectedly one time. 谁都不会想到,战神宫竟然一次性派出三位大圣王境的超级强者前来对付一个楚痕 This is what kind of great writer. 这是何等的大手笔。 Also is what kind of shocking. 又是何等的震骇。 War God Palace regarding the Chu Hen hatred degree, actually went to so the situation. 战神宫对于楚痕的痛恨程度,却是达到了如此地步。 ...... …… Wants not to need to think. 想都不用想。 Great Saint King Realm, in addition an escape route. 一位大圣王境,尚且还有一丝退路。 Two Great Saint King Realm, are the bureaus of non-solution. 两位大圣王境,就已经是无解之局。 But, sets out three one time, without a doubt, War God Palace wants thoroughly sets at the deathtrap Chu Hen, does not give the opposite party to leave the opportunity of least bit life. 而,一次性出动三位,毫无疑问,战神宫是要彻彻底底的将楚痕置之死地,不给对方留半点活命的机会。 Chu Hen mind entirely tremor, its facial color sinks fiercely, to leaves sternly not lightly said, you first walk!” 楚痕心神俱颤,其面色猛地一沉,厉声对莫轻离道,“你先走!” Then, an enormous and powerful strength divulges in the Chu Hen true essence purple mansion instantly, covers the gorgeous electricity glow beyond its in the thunder snake that manic such as flees. 说罢,一股浩荡的力量即刻于楚痕真元紫府内宣泄而出,覆盖在其身外的绚丽电芒狂躁如窜动的雷蛇。 Meanwhile, Chu Hen double pupil one cold, silk threads monster different purple glow gushes out in the pupil deep place. 同时,楚痕双眸一凛,丝丝缕缕的妖异紫芒于瞳孔深处涌出。 ...... …… Snort, walks? You only feared that has not understood the situation.” “哼,走?你只怕是没认清楚形势。” Beyond that flows snort/hum that lightly the old man of sepia earth mark light spin is disdaining. 那身外流动着棕褐色土纹光旋的老者不屑的轻哼一声。 It the double palm gathers immediately, the fearful space rhythm disseminates eight sides impressively. 其随即双掌一合,可怕的空间律动赫然弥散八方。 Rumble!” “隆隆!” The land splits, the quarry stone separates. 大地绽裂,乱石断开。 With the group Yi lineage/vein that rocks fiercely, sees only the peaks and ridges all around to raise impressively giant rock barriers. 伴随着剧烈晃动的群峰山脉,只见峰峦的四周赫然间升起一座座巨大的岩石壁垒。 Reaches as high as the rock barrier of hundred zhang (333 m) like the impregnable heavy/thick city wall, sealed up two people all escape routes instantaneously. 高达百丈的岩石壁垒就像固若金汤的厚重城墙,瞬间封闭了两人的所有退路。 ...... …… Meanwhile, in addition of strength of tertiary domain holds like continuously strengthens the overlay the gravity-space. 与此同时,三重领域之力的加持就像不断强化叠加的重力空间。 Chu Hen let alone rapid traverse, the revolution incomparable slowness of strength. 楚痕别说快速移动了,就连力量的运转都无比的迟钝。 „......” “嗤嗤……” Silk threads thunder Hu weaves in the diplomacy, profound pupil faint appears seven sunspots. 丝丝缕缕的雷弧在外交织,深邃的瞳孔隐隐的浮现出七颗黑点。 However, in the next flash, that whole body was disclosing old man surface flood cold grinning fiendishly that murders the bone-chilling cold sharp qi. 然,就在下一霎那,那全身透露着杀伐凛冽锐气的老者面泛寒冷的狞笑。 Suffers to death!” “受死吧!” Then, its palm potential lifts lightly, an extremely astonishing strength rhythm extends to launch in void. 说罢,其掌势轻抬,一股极度惊人的力量律动在虚空中延伸展开。 Together with the space of sudden distortion, two bunches of dark golden light beams broadminded are exploding to raid from his palm. 连同着急剧扭曲的空间,两束暗金色的光柱豁然从其掌中爆袭出去。 In the motion process, the speed offensive sharp increase of that two light beam, under being intertwined encirclement of bunch bone-chilling cold cyclone, changes to two long spear/gun that doubled and re-doubled instantly is dragging Jin Hui. 在移动过程中,那两道光柱的速度攻势成倍剧增,在一束束凛冽气旋的交缠环绕下,即刻化作两杆摇曳着金晖的长枪。 For example two aurora slanting birthplaces void under. 譬如两道极光斜贯虚空而下。 Curls up the potential of extermination murdering cannot be resisted. 卷起着不可抵御的诛灭杀伐之势。 ...... …… Pupil sudden shrinking of Chu Hen becomes the needle-tip size. 楚痕的瞳孔急剧的缩成针尖大小。 „!” “哧!” Hiss!” “嘶!” ...... …… The first even/including two rapid and sharp momenta are clear, light opens the eyes to the beautiful eye circle not, the elegant face is instantaneously pallid, her panic shouting, Chu Hen......” 一连两记急促而又尖锐的声势清晰刺耳,莫轻离美目圆睁,俏脸瞬间煞白,她惊慌失措的喊道,“楚痕……” The sound cannot withstand near the ear fuzzily. 声音在耳边模糊不堪。 Warm blood in the corners of the mouth overflow of Chu Hen. 温热的鲜血于楚痕的嘴角溢出。 Two golden long-barrelled guns, are slanting the body of penetrating Chu Hen. 两杆金色的长枪,斜着穿透了楚痕的身躯。 Passes through the dantian, the destructive strength invades the true essence purple mansion directly. 一杆贯穿丹田,毁灭性的力量直接入侵真元紫府。 Puts on the heart, is slanting by the body spike after behind soil. 一杆扎穿心脏,透过身躯斜着钉入身后的泥土之中。 ...... …… Transmits the whole body the severe pain to the numb pain instantaneously. 剧痛至麻木的痛楚瞬间传达全身。 Interweaves outside body gorgeous the current, if drying up, the monster different purple light of pupil deep place also follows to back up quietly. 交织在身外的绚丽雷芒如枯竭的泉流,瞳孔深处的妖异紫光也跟着悄然倒退回去。 As if away from the innumerable huge crowds to that tear shouts not lightly, increasingly estranged, scatters gradually. 莫轻离那撕裂般的呼唤声仿佛隔着无数层的人海,渐行渐远,渐渐飘散。 Vitality, rapid passes in the body of Chu Hen. 生机,迅速的于楚痕的身上流逝。 The blood non-stop drips from the wound place. 鲜血不停的从伤口处淌出。 The vacant looks at gradually the fuzzy line of sight, the unprecedented powerless feeling occupied inside and outside the whole body instantaneously. 其茫然的看着逐渐模糊的视线,前所未有的无力感瞬间占据了全身内外。 Death! 死亡! Depended such near. 靠的如此之近。 ...... …… Chu Hen...... you awake to me.” 楚痕……你给我醒醒。” To two redness, she looks at the aura waste as weak as pinnacle Chu Hen not lightly, in the eye burns one group of seven colors flame directly. 莫轻离两眼赤红,她看着气息靡弱到极致的楚痕,眼中直接是燃动着一团七色的火焰。 Cry......” “唳……” Under anger light to raises not impressively burns a day of heat wave, the body of its slender high selecting blossoms in radiant splendor, limbs sudden fluctuation delaying. 愤怒之下的莫轻离赫然掀起焚天热浪,其纤细高挑的身躯大放异彩,肢体急剧的变幻延展。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” All around rock barrier such as the tower over a city gate of avalanche, the bunch of mighty current flame god rosy clouds break through the dike to divulge directly. 四周的岩石壁垒如崩塌的城楼,一团团洪流般的火焰神霞直接冲破岩壁宣泄而出。 Over thousand zhang (3.33 m) colored Saint wing shop disperses the expansive sky, not light to violent anger, to raiding to go toward that three people. 超过千丈的彩色圣翼铺散长空,莫轻离暴怒而起,朝着那三人冲袭而去。 However, on three people of faces still has the accidental/surprised happy expression. 然,三人的脸上却是犹有意外的喜色。 Really is Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird.” “果真是圣翼天炎雀。” Goes back this evil livestock belt/bring, remains usefully.” “将这孽畜带回去,留着有用。” Good!” “甚好!” ...... …… Saying, one of them single palm holds up the day to find out, buzz......”, one rich water-blue colored light curtains dispel fatigue in the void middle berth. 说着,其中一人单掌擎天探出,“嗡……”的一声,一片浓郁的水蓝色光幕于虚空中铺散荡开。 Under the space of distortion, the Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird imposing manner was suppressed directly. 扭曲的空间下,圣翼天炎雀的气势直接遭到抑制。 That body flows the sepia ray old man figure to fly high to jump, subsequently the both arms wield, crash-bang......” sees only horizontal day iron chain that is glittering black secret mark puts on to empty immediately, also entangles opposite party that huge body. 紧接着,那身上流动着棕褐色光芒的老者身形凌空跃起,继而双臂一挥,“哗啦……”只见一道道闪烁着黑色秘纹的横天铁链顿时穿空而下,随之缠上对方那庞大的身躯。 Xuanyuan seal technique!” “轩辕封印术!” The old men drink one lightly, secret mark on that giant iron chain sparkles, then tightens suddenly, changes to the illusory ancient rune/symbol Lushen glow to insert the body of Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird. 老者轻喝一声,那巨型铁链上的秘纹闪耀,接着急剧收紧,化作一道道虚幻的古老符箓神芒嵌入圣翼天炎雀的身上。 Cry......” “唳……” The inserting body internal iron chain transforms complex secret Lu rune/symbol light, in an instant, Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird erupts burns a day of roaring flame to be contained directly. 嵌入身体内部的铁链幻化成复杂的秘箓符光,霎那间,圣翼天炎雀所爆发出来的焚天烈焰直接被遏制。 The imposing manner also by steamroll to trough. 其气势也被碾压至低谷。 With one group of blue water film light screens the aura waste weak Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird trapped/sleepy lock is one of them, if still the cageling, lost the freedom. 跟着,一团蓝色的水膜光幕将气息靡弱的圣翼天炎雀困锁在其中,犹若笼中之鸟,失去了自由。 ...... …… „!” “呜!” Also however, at this moment, the distant place transmits a spirited fox to howl. 然,也就在这时,远处传来一声激昂的狐啸。 With bone-chilling cold fearful sword potential, peaks and ridges mountain ranges like encountering storm attack, air/Qi of along the way steamroll an astonishing murdering. 伴随着凛冽至极的可怕剑势,一座座峰峦山脉就像遭遇暴风侵袭,一股惊人的杀伐之气沿途碾压而来。 „A sword frost cold ten Nine Provinces......” “一剑霜寒十九州……” „!” “咻!” In the world swings one bunch of intense swords to recite, the dust folds, the flower petal dances in the breeze, the next flash, cuts toward here just like the blue sword glow of essence. 天地间荡起一束强烈的剑吟,尘埃叠起,花瓣飘舞,下一瞬间,一记宛如实质的青蓝色剑芒朝着这边斩来。 Snort......” that is sending out the sharp advantage air/Qi old man look one cold, the double palm promotes the mountain boundless powerful palm potential. “哼……”那散发着锋锐利气的老者眼神一寒,双掌推出山岳般磅礴的强大掌势。 Bang!” “砰!” Two extremely strong strengths connect to collide immediately, instantly raises the earth-shaking hysterical/frenzy air wave by void. 两股极强的力量顿时交汇碰撞,即刻以虚空中掀起惊天动地的狂乱气浪。 astral fierce strong sword potential sneaks in that confused complementary waves, depresses toward the rear area. 罡猛强劲的剑势潜入那乱腾的余波之中,朝着后方压下。 The War God Palace three people were shaken unexpectedly in the future by this powerful sword air/Qi will draw back several steps. 战神宫三人竟是被这股强大的剑气震得往后退了几步。 Azure mound fox......” “青丘狐……” Three people of facial colors all change. 三人的面色皆是一变。 „Front water elder, the stone elder...... you bring this evil livestock to walk saying that......” that imposing manner swift and fierce sharp old man coldly, strikes to kill the duty of that little animal to complete, does not need to fight with it azure mound Hu again......” “水长老,石长老……你们带这孽畜走前面……”那气势凌厉锋利的老者冷冷的说道,“击杀那小畜生的任务已经完成,没有必要与之青丘狐再战……” Two people are also sneer one. 两人亦是冷笑一声。 Hey, said reasonable.” “嘿,说的有道理。” Walks!” “走!” ...... …… Then, three people one left, one right, after one detains is being stranded Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird rapid the evacuation in that blue water film. 说罢,三人一左,一右,一后的押着被困在那蓝色水膜之中的圣翼天炎雀迅速的撤离。 But the strength was struggled to swat the ban by Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird of seal, two grievous and no use looks that say/way was passed through the young form of strategic point by two cold spears/guns. 而力量被封印的圣翼天炎雀挣扎扑打着禁制,两眼充满悲伤和无助的看着那道被两杆寒枪贯穿要害的年轻身影。 More and more. 越来越远。 More and more fuzzy. 越来越模糊。 Finally, in the sky only has together the weak bird cry. 最终,天空中唯有一道无力的雀鸣。 ...... …… The imposing manner fox shadow passing over gently and swiftly expansive sky proudly caught up together in a hurry. 紧接着,一道气势傲然的狐影掠过长空匆匆赶来。 When saw that below that whole body was soaked by the blood, when has lost the vitality the young form, monarch see in the song eye to surge impressively the cold and gloomy chill in the air. 当看到下方那浑身被鲜血浸透,已经失去生机的年轻身影之时,君见歌的眼中赫然涌动着浓浓的森冷寒意。 It holds the five fingers of sword to grip tightly, the handsome eyebrow evil different face covers entirely the frost to be cold. 其持剑的五指紧握,俊眉邪异的面庞布满霜寒。 War God Palace......” 战神宫……” The clenches teeth to shout sternly, immediately, monarch see the song erupt the fearful speed directly, drags to entrain one bunch of fox shades in void, pursues toward three people. 其咬牙厉声喝道,随即,君见歌直接是爆发出可怕的速度,于虚空中拖拽出一束狐影,朝着三人追去。
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