UMDK :: Volume #15

#1469: Great Saint King Realm

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Great Saint King Realm, only has three big levels merely, respectively be every step, step, day step...... at the intensity as well as derivation range of division strength of domain. Although only then these three classes, but Great Saint King Realm each breakthrough difficulty is far from Saint King Realm can place on a par......” 大圣王境,仅仅只有三个大层次,分别为凡阶,地阶,天阶……其中以领域之力的强度以及衍生范围划分。虽然只有这三个阶层,但大圣王境的每一层突破难度都远非圣王境所能够相提并论……” Listens to Monarch to see the explanation of song, the Chu Hen vision imitates, if another can widen. 听完君见歌的讲解,楚痕眼界仿若又一次的得以开阔。 Especially a moment ago the strength of domain released, Chu Hen heartfelt feeling a huge oppression as well as powerless feeling. 尤其是刚才将领域之力释放出来的时候,楚痕由衷的感受到一股庞大的压迫以及无力感。 Although only has remote of character. 尽管只有一字之遥。 But in the Great Saint King Realm front, Saint King Realm with it disparity, imagines it absolutely is bigger. 但在大圣王境的面前,圣王境与之差距,绝对比之想象中的还要大。 ...... …… Unknowingly, the horizon has exuded fish-belly white. 不知不觉,天际已然泛起了鱼肚白。 Warm dawn soft lights across that thick cloud layer, are slanting in city wall that sprinkles to Daocheng, the city people of industrious practical training start to greet brand-new a day. 一道道温暖的晨曦柔光穿过那厚厚的云层,斜着洒向稻城的城墙上,辛勤劳作的城民开始迎接崭新的一天。 Many thanks the senior informs my these......” Chu Hen both hands to hold the fist in the other hand, looks the color of gratitude. “多谢前辈告知我这些……”楚痕双手抱拳,面露感激之色。 Monarch see the song to show a faint smile, these things, you can also ask others to ask, does not need to say thanks.” 君见歌微微一笑,“这些事情,你自己也能找别人问道,无需言谢。” Mu Feng, I have listened to him saying that if not for you, he is unable to live.” “还有沐枫,我已经听他说了,若不是你的话,他也无法活着回来。” That is his good fortune, in fact, I have not even thought, a body of his human, can withstand monster different bloodline power unexpectedly...... is also day unceasingly he!” “那是他自己的造化,实际上,连我也不曾想到,他一个人类的躯壳,竟能承受住妖异的血脉之力……也算是天不绝他!” Then, monarch saw the song to look at the eye by the early morning rosy cloud incarnadine Eastern horizon. 说罢,君见歌看了眼被晨霞染红的东方天际。 The say/way, weather early, I do not continue to look for my clansman, today says goodbye......” 其道,“天色不早了,我要继续找寻我的族人,今日就此别过……” „Don't you see Mu Feng they?” Chu Hen asked. “你不去见沐枫他们吗?”楚痕问道。 No sees, no chatting...... said goodbye!” “没什么见的,亦没什么聊的……告辞!” The words fall, the air wave shivers, in the air passed over gently and swiftly a wisp of illusory azure fox shadow, the next flash, monarch saw the song to disappear above the tower over a city gate instantly. 话落,气浪颤抖,空气中掠过一缕虚幻的青色狐影,下一瞬间,君见歌即刻消失在了城楼之上。 Chu Hen cannot help laughing unconsciously. 楚痕不觉哑然失笑。 Looks the form that the opposite party that goes far away, in the eye reveals some feelings. 看着对方那远去的身影,眼中流露出些许感触。 Although merely only then the reason of both sides, but Chu Hen hopes the opposite party can soon seek azure mound Huzhu, finished this not having rushing about of daylight to drift forever. 虽然仅仅只有两面之缘,但楚痕还是希望对方能够早日寻到青丘狐主,结束这永无天日的奔波漂泊。 ...... …… Afterward, Chu Hen returns to the city main mansion. 随后,楚痕回返城主府。 elder brother Chu Hen came back.” 楚痕哥哥回来了。” The front leg just entered the mansion gate, the Ye Yao sound transmits from the great hall. 前脚刚进府门,叶瑶的声音就从大堂里边传来。 Wrapped the Xi Lan people to get up. 包裹夕岚在内的众人都已经起来了。 Saw that returns to Chu Hen that from outside, the people have puzzled. 见到从外边回返的楚痕,众人都是有所不解。 How do you come back from outside? Which did you go?” Mu Feng opens the mouth to ask. “你怎么从外边回来?你去哪了?”沐枫开口问道。 Chu Hen smiles, Monarch saw the song to pass by here exactly, chatted a meeting with him.” 楚痕笑了笑,“君见歌恰好路过这里,就跟他聊了一会。” „Do monarch see the song?” “君见歌?” „Does that only surpass the graceful fox?” “那只超帅的狐狸?” Where is he at?” “他在哪?” ...... …… Qiao Xiaowan, Ye Yao two people eyes are shining, a suspect starry eyed appearance. 乔小婉,叶瑶两人眼睛都在放光,一副犯花痴的样子。 Two superficial women!” In the Mu Feng small look despises completely. “两个肤浅的女人!”沐枫小眼神中满是鄙夷。 Has walked!” Chu Hen replied. “已经走了!”楚痕回答。 Walked?” “就走了吗?” Should ask the person to come to sit.” “应该请人进来坐坐的。” Sighing that Qiao Xiaowan and Ye Yao lose. 乔小婉叶瑶略带失落的叹了口气。 Chu Hen is a little speechless, at once, it looks to Xi Lan, said, teacher, forgot to ask you yesterday......” 楚痕有点无语,旋即,其望向夕岚,道,“导师,昨天忘了问你……” Un?” Xi Lan looks the color of doubts. “嗯?”夕岚面露疑惑之色。 „Do you want to go back with me?” “你要同我回去吗?” Such remarks, others also cast the vision that inquired toward Xi Lan. 此言一出,其他人也都朝着夕岚投去询问的目光。 This rubbish?” Mu Feng waves the hand to wield, found the person with great difficulty, what also keeps here to make? I am also thinking after a period of time, we return to eastern territory one together!” “这不废话吗?”沐枫摇手一挥,“好不容易找到人了,还留这里做什么?我还想着过一段时间,我们一起回东域一趟呢!” Right, I must return to the eastern territory!” Qiao Xiaowan echoes hastily. “对对对,我也要回东域!”乔小婉连忙附和。 Mentioned eastern territory, in the eyes of people overflows some touches. 一提到“东域”,众人的眼中都不禁溢出些许触动。 Unknowingly, everyone has left the Dongsheng state 34 years. 不知不觉,大家都已经离开东胜州三四年了。 Unavoidably will somewhat miss that familiar lands. 难免会有些思念那片熟悉的土地。 Mu Feng and Ye Yao family/home there. 沐枫叶瑶的家都在那里。 Long Xuanshuang has not gone back for a long time, does not know whether elder brother Long Qingyang had returned to Sacred Star Dynasty. 龙玄霜许久没有回去,也不知道兄长龙青阳是否已经回到了圣星王朝 ...... …… Chu Hen looks at Xi Lan, serious saying, teacher, you?” 楚痕看着夕岚,郑重的说道,“导师,你呢?” The Xi Lan red lip sips lightly, does not know unexpectedly how to reply. 夕岚红唇轻抿,竟是不知如何回答。 Teacher Xi Lan did not need to think, Chu Hen this fellow now prospect, top list first! He is the student who you teach, which later you want to go, has anything to request, looks for him completely......, if this fellow did not agree that looks for my Mu Feng, I am also your student, anything can manage to you proper.” 夕岚导师不用想了,楚痕这家伙现在出息了,风云榜第一呢!他可是你教出来的学生,以后你想去哪,有什么要求,全部找他……要是这家伙不同意,那就来找我沐枫,我也是您的学生,什么事都能给你办的妥妥的。” Mu Feng is striking one's chest to say. 沐枫拍着胸脯说道。 Yes! Teacher Xi Lan, haven't you returned to thousand feather sects for a long time? Do we meet hundred country states to have a look together?” Ye Yao also opens the mouth to persuade. “是啊!夕岚导师,你也好久没回千羽宗了吧?我们一起会百国州看看啊?”叶瑶也开口相劝。 Cannot support the good intention of people, in the Xi Lan heart as if has anything to put down general, in her pupil flashes through one to have made up mind, then nods. 架不住众人的好意,夕岚心中仿佛有什么放下一般,她眸中闪过一丝决意,然后点点头。 Good!” “好!” Whish!” “哗!” The people a piece are encouraged immediately. 众人顿时一片振奋。 Immediately, Xi Lan also said, I possibly take late several days, something I must explain to the flatter hawk.” 随即,夕岚又道,“不过我可能要晚几天,有些事情我要向阿莺交待好。” After all here treated two years. 毕竟在这里待了两年之久。 For a while said that must leave, many some do not abandon. 一时说要离开,多少还是有些不舍的。 Before departure, after Xi Lan also needs appropriately to place, walks. 在离开之前,夕岚还需要妥善的安置后再走。 This indifferent! Happen to we also plan to play here for several days.” “这无所谓啊!正好我们也打算在这里玩几天。” azure traces the original scenery is very good.” “青溯原的风景还是非常不错的。” „Outside we hurry to go to a revolution of revolutions, perhaps can also meet that only to be graceful the fox.” “我们赶紧去外面转转,说不定还能遇到那只帅狐狸。” Right, we walk!” “对对,我们走!” Nauny, follows!” “诺尼,跟上!” ...... …… Saying, Qiao Xiaowan, Ye Yao shakes hand, is getting the Yin-Yang beast kitten speedily ran. 说着,乔小婉,叶瑶手拉着手,领着阴阳兽小猫一溜烟的跑出去了。 Chu Hen naturally also relaxes. 楚痕自然也是松了口气。 He looks at the Xi Lan facial features, heartfelt is happy. 他看着夕岚的面容,由衷的感到高兴。 Teacher, later I will take care of you...... you to take care of me like in day star martial mansion......” “导师,以后我会照顾好你的……就像以前你在天星武府照顾我一样……” Receives that in Chu Hen eye to wipe seriously, Xi Lan has not said anything, but shows a faint smile. 接收到楚痕眼中的那抹郑重,夕岚并未多说什么,只是微微一笑。 Knew, I went to the mountain...... you to have anything to look for the flatter hawk!” “知道了,我去山上了……你们有什么事就找阿莺吧!” Good, I can wait your.” “好,我会等你的。” Un!” “嗯!” Looks at the Xi Lan back with ease, Chu Hen heart carefree. 看着夕岚的背影,楚痕心底一阵轻松畅快。 Several days later, it first brings Xi Lan to return to Martial Sect, immediately returns to the Dongsheng state again. 几天之后,其先带夕岚武宗一趟,随即再回东胜州。 Kun keeps the mountain, thousand feather sects, the pledge for the object who it worries about. 坤留山,千羽宗,将盟都是为之记挂的对象。 Does not know that the big brother did go back?” “不知道大哥回去了没有?” Chu Hen muttered. 楚痕喃喃道。 ...... …… ...... …… Glorious weather, beautiful scenery! 风和日丽,山清水秀! Southern Daocheng summit of the palatial peaks and ridges, Chu Hen sits in a cliff edge, will work as potential extremely, glances small of numerous mountain. 稻城南面的一座巍峨的峰峦之巅,楚痕坐于一处断崖的边缘,会当绝顶之势,一览众山之小。 In the hand of Chu Hen holds a scroll. 楚痕的手中捧着一副卷轴。 The outset page of scroll has " Cuihua Passing through » three striking large characters. 卷轴的起始页有着《萃华经》三个醒目的大字。 ...... …… Before this thing is, when good fortune emperor palace, when old Yin monkey just before leaving leaves a Chu Hen scroll sutra. 此物是之前在造化帝宫的时候,老阴猴临走之际留给楚痕的一部经卷。 Naturally, is the thing that the old Yin monkey leaves behind only, in other treasures as for good fortune emperor palace, all by the opposite party plundering. 当然,也是老阴猴唯一留下的东西,至于造化帝宫内的其他宝物,全被对方给搜刮一空了。 However, according to the old Yin monkey said that even if in the entire emperor palace all treasures added that still compared the strength of inheritance Chu Hen obtained. 不过,按照老阴猴所言,就算整个帝宫中所有的宝物加起来,也比不过楚痕所得到的传承之力。 ...... …… Early before that the old Yin monkey once the research recognized an error «Cuihua after» remnant, the method of even by the Confucian classics in obtaining changed the Martial Sect «North Star Definitely» content, thus created new «North Star Definitely» cultivation technique. 早在那之前,老阴猴就曾研知过《萃华经》的残篇,甚至以经书中所获得的方法修改了武宗《北辰决》的内容,从而创造出了新的《北辰决》功法 In this regard, Chu Hen have realize. 关于这一点,楚痕自己也是有所体会的。 This «Cuihua after» is the deep meaning is really infinite, no wonder casual changes, can command «North Star Definitely» strengthens so many......” “这《萃华经》果然是奥义无穷,难怪随便一改,就能令《北辰决》强化那么多……” Several days, Chu Hen has been studying this scroll sutra. 几天的时间,楚痕一直都在研究着这部经卷。 Situated in its attains in good fortune Great Emperor the strength of inheritance, therefore to «Cuihua Passing through» the thorough study and reading , can also understand thoroughly. 介于其所获于造化大帝的传承之力,所以对《萃华经》的研习和阅读上,也能理解透彻。 A thorough thinking, Chu Hen can also think that unexpectedly «North Star Definitely» can improve the revision. 一番深入思索,楚痕竟是还能觉得《北辰决》可以加以完善修改。 ...... …… Well?” “咦?” At this time, the Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selected lightly, its vision lifted, the clear and resonant voice said, came?” 这时,楚痕俊眉轻挑,其目光微抬,朗声说道,“来了?” Buzz!” “嗡!” The air current trembles gently, then, wears the red long skirt together selects the slender beautiful figure also to appear one side of the rear area high. 气流轻轻一颤,接着,一道身着红色长裙的高挑纤细倩影随之出现于后方一侧。 Fine gorgeous facial features, a pair like gem red eye pupil. 精致艳丽的五官,一双如宝石般红色眼眸。 The future is not others, is Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird, leaves not lightly. 来者不是别人,正是圣翼天炎雀,莫轻离。 For serveral days, which did you go?” Chu Hen turns round to look at the opposite party to say. “这些天,你去哪了?”楚痕回身看着对方道。 „To return to our ethnic group......” not lightly to opening the mouth to say. “本想回我们族群……”莫轻离开口回道。 Then? Why turned back? If the farewell, next time again can say......” “然后呢?为什么又折返回来了?如果是告别的话,可以下次再说的……” The opposite party have not spoken. 对方没有说话。 In the beautiful pupil gushes out some desolate of not being able to say faintly. 明媚的眸中隐隐涌出些许说不出来的落寞。 Chu Hen does to hesitate slightly, said, is because can't go back?” 楚痕稍作迟疑,道,“是因为不能回去?” Recalls, Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird at that time by seal in eastern territory. 回想起来,圣翼天炎雀当时可是被封印在东域的。 Because broke through the seal ban forcefully, strength large scale was weakened, because needs to restore in peak condition, will look for Chu Hen. 由于强行冲破了封印禁制,力量大幅度的被削弱,正是因为需要恢复巅峰状态,才会找上楚痕 Nowadays, although the opposite party restored initial cultivation base. 现如今,对方虽然恢复了当初的修为 But as before by seal there degree. 但依旧只是被封印在那里的程度。 ...... …… Such being the case, that is late goes back again!” Chu Hen warm sound said, in its disclosed some soft lights, temporarily treat with me in the same place, when you do not have the worry time, goes back...... if possible, me again accompanies you when the time comes together.” “既然如此,那就晚点再回去吧!”楚痕温声说道,其眼中透露出些许柔光,“暂时就和我待在一起,等到你没有顾虑的时候,再回去……如果可以的话,到时候我陪你一起。” For those startled not lightly. 莫轻离一怔。 Enchanting beautiful pupil flood * ripples. 妖娆的美眸泛*点涟漪。 She looks at Chu Hen, „will you accompany me to go back?” 她怔怔的看着楚痕,“你会陪我回去?” Naturally, so long as you want.” Chu Hen said with a smile. “当然,只要你愿意的话。”楚痕笑道。 To light pressed delicate eyebrows stretch/leisurely open/start, that settled not lightly slowly, if when the time comes you dare to renege on a promise, I could not forgive you certainly.” 莫轻离轻蹙的秀眉缓缓舒开,“那就这么说定了,到时候你若是敢反悔的话,我绝饶不了你。” Will not renege on a promise!” “不会反悔的!” Chu Hen firm returning said. 楚痕坚定的回道。 Then, Chu Hen gathers the scroll in seat of honor, then long stretching oneself. 接着,楚痕合上手中的卷轴,然后长长的伸了个懒腰。 Walks! Today was last day, the teacher said that can go to Martial Sect with me......” “走吧!今天是最后一天了,导师说会和我一起去武宗……” Saying, receives «Cuihua Passing through», Chu Hen stands up, whatever the neat cool breeze of that mountain stream sways on the face, forecasts that vast boundless forest, the mood has carefree of being able to say. 说着,收起《萃华经》,楚痕站起身来,任由那山涧的清爽凉风吹拂在脸上,展望着那一望无际的林海,心情有着说不出的畅快。 ...... …… But, when the Chu Hen preparation brings not to returning to Daocheng lightly, suddenly, blustery, the air current is rapid, extremely discomforting aura has no coming of omen. 而,就在楚痕准备带着莫轻离返回稻城的时候,突然间,风起云涌,气流急骤,一股极度令人不安的气息没有任何预兆的汹涌而至。 Buzz......” “嗡……” The world changes color suddenly, the space rocks fiercely. 天地陡然变色,空间剧烈晃动。 Has the enemy......” “有敌人……” The Chu Hen heart is startled. 楚痕心头一惊。 Not lightly to is also the elegant face changes. 莫轻离亦是俏脸一变。 Finishes barely the words, water blue light screen sweeps across to come, to blot out the sky, if a side covers, but below water curtain, directly and light is stranded to the lock Chu Hen in not. 话音未落,一座水蓝色的光幕席卷而来,铺天盖地,如若一方笼罩而下的水幕,直接是将楚痕和莫轻离锁困于其中。 The next flash, feeling of the huge oppression in comes in all directions. 下一瞬间,一股巨大的压迫之感于四面八方汹涌而至。 To the facial color big change, his cold sound shouted not lightly, „the strength of domain...... was the Great Saint King Realm powerhouse......” 莫轻离面色大变,其冷声喝道,“领域之力……是大圣王境强者……”
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