UMDK :: Volume #15

#1468: The spirit of azure mound

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „The fox of azure mound, monarch sees the song......” “青丘之狐,君见歌……” Looks at that to be built on that evil charm extremes above tower over a city gate, the form of bringing aloof aura, the Chu Hen corner of the eye concentrates lightly, on the face gushes out stunned some. 看着那立于城楼之上的那道邪魅狂狷,自带高冷气息的身影,楚痕眼角轻凝,脸上涌出些许错愕。 Meanwhile, monarch see the song vision slightly side, sweeps to Chu Hen, its slight nod, is counted to hint. 于此同时,君见歌目光微侧,扫向楚痕这边,其微微点头,算作示意。 Chu Hen walks up unconsciously, is polite nod. 楚痕不觉走上前去,亦是礼貌的点点头。 Congratulates you...... to reach summit of the top list! Your growth, not as I expected.” Monarch see song warm sound to say. “祝贺你……登上风云榜之巅!你的成长速度,出乎我的意料。”君见歌温声说道。 The voice is light, not too many mood fluctuate. 话音平淡自若,并无太多的情绪波动。 As if compares other it people, this year the result of struggle of top list, its, although is surprised, but also takes it for granted. 似乎比之其他人,今年风云榜之争的结果,其虽然感到惊讶,但是也觉得理所应当。 Because in his opinion, Chu Hen reaches is sooner or later matter. 因为在他看来,楚痕登顶是早晚的事情。 Wild sacred body of mang farsighted plans is strong, cannot stand off of eventually demon eyes bloodline limit ten big most sacred body. 邙远图的蛮荒圣体再强,终究也敌不过十大最圣体之一的妖瞳血脉界限 ...... …… Chu Hen shows a faint smile, „do you come for Mu Feng?” 楚痕微微一笑,“你是为沐枫而来?” Nowadays, the Mu Feng status had the difference compared with it past greatly. 现如今,沐枫的身份比之以往大有不同。 Has him of monster emperor bloodlines, absolutely is the object who the monster territory extremely attaches great importance. 身怀妖帝血脉的他,绝对是妖域极为重视的对象。 After the holy war recruits finished, should return to him in monster territory actually to accompany Chu Hen to come here, wants to come to that side the monster territory not to feel relieved, will therefore make the fox of azure mound come. 圣战征召结束之后,本该返回妖域的他却陪同楚痕来到这里,想来妖域那边并不放心,所以才会令青丘之狐前来。 ...... …… However, monarch see the song are actually shake the head to deny. 然,君见歌却是摇头否认。 I do not obey orders in Yaoyu.” “我并不听令于妖域。” „?” Chu Hen is startled, „aren't you look for Mu Feng?” “哦?”楚痕一怔,“你不是来找沐枫的?” After all in addition, Chu Hen cannot think of other reasons again. 毕竟除此之外,楚痕再也想不到其他的缘由。 I passed by...... exactly the sensation to your aura.” “我只是路过罢了……恰好感知到了你的气息。” Passed by? 路过? Chu Hen is the surprise, this feels fortunately. 楚痕更是诧异,这不免感到凑巧。 Monarch see the song then saying that I have been looking for my clansman......” 君见歌接着说道,“我一直都在寻找我的族人……” The Chu Hen double fist grasps lightly, it has heard the rumor, a azure mound clan had exterminated the clan many years ago, the quantity of fox of azure mound, very few, even these years, merely only then Monarch saw song azure mound Hu to appear passed away. 楚痕双拳轻握,其早就听到过传言,青丘一族在很多年前就已经被灭族了,青丘之狐的数量,少之又少,甚至这些年,也仅仅只有君见歌这一只青丘狐出现过世间。 They not already?” The Chu Hen sinking sound asked. “他们不是已经?”楚痕沉声问道。 Monarch see the song to nod, that blue azure eye pupil forecasts that to be hanging in the vault of heaven bright moonlight. 君见歌点点头,那碧青色的眼眸展望着那悬挂于天穹的明月。 Rear area the bright bright moonlight, seems glittering together the azure dream fox shadow. 皎洁的明月后方,仿佛闪烁着一道青色的梦幻狐影。 They have died......” in his tone to bring several points of sadness. “他们都已经死了……”他语气中带着几分哀伤。 Then, monarch see the song to turn round to look to Chu Hen , to continue saying that „the spirit of our azure mound is special......, even if the body falls, the soul of fox of azure mound can attach on human that the samsara is reincarnated, thus obtains the new life. But I must do, found them, and awakened on them the soul of azure mound......” 接着,君见歌回身望向楚痕,继续说道,“不过我们青丘之灵都非常特殊……即便身陨,青丘之狐的灵魂能够依附于轮回转世的人类身上,从而获得新生。而我要做的,就是找到他们,并唤醒他们身上的青丘之魂……” Hears the opposite party to tell. 听到对方讲述。 Chu Hen feels really surprisedly. 楚痕甚感惊奇。 Has not thought that the fox of azure mound also has this and other mysterious strengths. 没想到青丘之狐还有这等神奇的力量。 If hadn't been awakened?” Chu Hen spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “那如果没被唤醒呢?”楚痕随口问道。 „If unable to awaken, that attaches to the azure mound soul on human will disappear forever lonesome, finally forever belongs to the nihility......” “倘若无法唤醒的话,那依附在人类身上的青丘之魂会永远消寂,最终永远归于虚无……” Reincarnation the spirit of azure mound, should have characteristics that is at variance with the average man?” “转世的青丘之灵,应该会有异于常人的特征吧?” Did not say!” Monarch see the song to shake the head slightly, after all attaches to the remnant soul on human, seems like the physique appearance of majority human.” “不好说!”君见歌微微摇头,“毕竟是依附在人类身上的残魂,看上去大多数还是人类的形体样貌。” It, then held the arm to turn, goods of canteen shape appear, in Monarch sees in the song hand. 其顿了顿,接着掌臂一翻,一颗水壶状的物品出现在君见歌的手中。 The Chu Hen eyelid raises, calms down looked, the interior of that canteen shape goods contains a blue bead of fist size unexpectedly. 楚痕眼皮一掀,定神一看,那水壶状物品的内部竟是蕴藏着一枚拳头大小的蓝色珠子。 The internal structure of that blue bead is especially unusual and bright and beautiful. 那蓝色珠子的内部构造尤为奇特且亮丽。 It looks like beautiful stars. 就像是一颗美丽的星辰。 Careful examination words, the interior of that blue bead like containing a dream world, white illusory images shuttles back and forth. 仔细查看的话,那蓝色珠子的内部就像蕴含着一个梦幻的世界,一道道白色的幻影在其中穿梭。 But, the physique of these illusory images, like an only strange fox. 而,那些幻影的形体,就像一只只奇异的狐狸。 ...... …… „Is inside?” Chu Hen is frowning lightly. “里面是?”楚痕轻皱着眉头。 „The soul of fox of azure mound......” Monarch sees the song to return said. “青丘之狐的灵魂……”君见歌回道。 Azure mound Hu soul? 青丘狐的灵魂? Chu Hen is even more astonished. 楚痕愈发惊愕。 This is defends soul jade that king Liu of azure mound clan gets down ‚’, these years, I lose the clansman in the soul collection in world in inside, some day, when I found fox Sir king, can make the clansman resurrect completely......” “这是青丘一族的王留下来的‘守魂玉’,这些年,我将族人遗落在世间的灵魂收集在里面,有朝一日,待我找到狐王大人,就能令族人全部复活……” Monarch see in the song eye to flash the hope. 君见歌的眼中闪动着希冀。 This blue defends soul jade the carrying/sustaining his mission and hope. 这颗蓝色的“守魂玉”中承载着他的使命和希望。 ...... …… At this moment, in the heart of Chu Hen is flooding the thick admiration impressively. 此刻,楚痕的心中赫然充斥着浓浓的敬佩。 At present this aloof incomparable man, is actually shouldering the so impressive heavy responsibility. 眼前这位高冷无比的男子,却是肩负着如此令人惊叹的重任。 Millenniums missions. 千年的使命。 Has heavy responsibilities! 任重道远! Drifted lonely of innumerable years, only to look for lost clansman outside. 漂泊了无数岁月的孤独,只为找寻遗失在外的族人。 Chu Hen on the body of opposite party, saw the noblest makings. 楚痕在对方的身上,看到了最为高贵的气质。 Has you here, the spirit of azure mound will not drift...... Chu Hen serious saying forever. “有你在这里,青丘之灵不会永远漂泊……”楚痕郑重的说道。 Monarch see in song that blue azure pupil as if to have the different light flash. 君见歌那碧青色的眸中仿佛有着异光闪过。 At once, it will defend soul jade to be hanging in the waist, seems like, if an unusual wine pot. 旋即,其将“守魂玉”悬挂于腰间,看上去如若一个奇特的酒壶。 ...... …… Therefore , you passed by trace azure to look for the lost clansman, I also think that comes for Mu Feng.” Chu Hen smiled saying with a smile. “所以说,你路过青溯原是为了寻找遗失族人,我还以为是为了沐枫而来。”楚痕笑了笑道。 Monarch see the song vision one cold, the sinking sound said, traces azure original...... has my clansman......” 君见歌目光一凛,沉声说道,“青溯原……就有我的族人……” „?” Chu Hen at present one bright, where?” “哦?”楚痕眼前一亮,“在哪里?” Monarch see the song to shake the head, temporarily has not known, but defended soul jade to respond...... but responded that was not intense, I did not have the means determination of fix......” 君见歌摇头,“暂时还不知道,不过‘守魂玉’已经有所反应了……但反应并不强烈,我还没办法确定位置……” Needs us to help? I will be tracing temporarily azure treated for several days.” “需要我们帮忙吗?我暂时会在青溯原待几天。” Chu Hen inquired. 楚痕询问道。 After all is first day, Chu Hen has not gone to ask that the Xi Lan whereabouts, according to the idea of Chu Hen, he want to bring back to Martial Sect Xi Lan, but also has possibility Xi Lan not to leave, therefore had planned some days have a look at the opinion of opposite party again. 毕竟是第一天来,楚痕还没有去问夕岚的去向,按照楚痕的想法,他是想把夕岚带回武宗的,但也有可能夕岚不愿离开,所以打算过些天再看看对方的意见。 ...... …… Monarch see the song to lift the hand slightly. 君见歌稍稍抬手。 No need, defends the response of soul jade, only then I can the sensation, you could not help me.” “不必,守魂玉的反应只有我能感知的到,你们帮不了我。” Sees the rejection of song regarding Monarch, Chu Hen is not but actually accidental. 对于君见歌的拒绝,楚痕倒也并不意外。 So many years, is he in looking for the clansman on the way, if need the person to help, have opened the mouth to the monster territory. 这么多年,都是他一个人在找寻族人的途中,如果需要人帮忙的话,早就向妖域开口了。 ...... …… Through a conversation of both sides, two people relations just like compare it initially when the immortal demon tomb must wind ripe. 通过双方的一番交谈,两人的关系俨然比之当初在仙魔冢的时候要熟络很多。 If not for if the opposite party, only feared that the vision has died in the monster territory. 倘若不是对方的话,只怕目光早就死在妖域了。 Sees the song regarding Monarch, Chu Hen not only admires, is one of them grateful. 对于君见歌,楚痕不仅仅是敬佩,还有感激在其中。 ...... …… I still cannot see your true cultivation base now, you should surpass Saint King Realm category?” Chu Hen serious saying. “我现在仍旧看不出你的真正修为,你应该已经超出‘圣王境’的范畴了吧?”楚痕略带郑重的说道。 Monarch see the song brow to select lightly, look askance to look at the opposite party, the corners of the mouth raise wipe the curve of evil charm. 君见歌眉头轻挑,侧目看着对方,嘴角扬起一抹邪魅的弧度。 Good, I had marched into Great Saint King Realm.” “不错,我早已步入了‘大圣王境’。” Great Saint King Realm! 大圣王境 In the Chu Hen pupil flashes luminously. 楚痕眸中一闪光亮。 Before did not have to understand that the qualifications of this boundary, nowadays, oneself have reached Saint King Realm seventh level cultivation base, came also has some ideas. 之前自己还没有去了解这个境界的资格,现如今,自己已达圣王境七阶修为,来也是有着一些想法。 ...... …… This boundary and ‚does Saint King Realm have what difference?” Chu Hen asked. “这个境界和‘圣王境’有何不同?”楚痕问道。 If others, the aloof such as Monarch sees song the fox of azure mound only to fear that will not speak so many words with the opposite party. 倘若是其他人的话,高冷如君见歌的青丘之狐只怕根本不会同对方说这么多话。 However, before the immortal demon tomb, monarch saw the song to express to the Chu Hen differences. 不过,之前在仙魔冢的时候,君见歌就表达了对楚痕的不同之处。 It, says at once, these two boundary levels, although only the difference of character......, but in fact, actually has very big difference......” 其顿了顿,旋即道,“这两个境界层面,虽然仅有一个字的差别……但实际上,却存在很大的差别……” Chu Hen looks the color of anticipation, immediately listens carefully earnestly. 楚痕面露期待之色,当即认真细听。 Compared with it Saint King Realm, Great Saint King Realm stands erect in the ranks of pyramid peak...... compares the former, Great Saint King Realm can achieve the Saint soul not to extinguish truly, degree that the main body does not die......, but, the most important thing is that is also a biggest difference point......” “比之‘圣王境’,‘大圣王境’才是屹立于金字塔顶端的行列……相比较前者,大圣王境才真正能够做到圣魂不灭,本尊不死的程度……而,最为重要的一点,也是最大区别的一点……” Monarch saw the song, the Chu Hen mind also congealed. 君见歌顿了顿,楚痕心神也为之一凝。 That is, Great Saint King Realm can control ‚the strength of domain.” “那就是,大圣王境能够掌控‘领域之力’。” The strength of domain? 领域之力? Hears these four completely strange phrases, Chu Hen is curious, is the surprise. 听到这四个完全陌生的字眼,楚痕既是好奇,又是诧异。 What is the domain?” “何为领域?” Finishes speaking, monarch see the song look to flash the azure glow, the space that buzz whish......” the next flash, two people are at falls into the intermittent anxious rhythm instantly, everywhere frost dust dances in the breeze, if a light cyan soft light the shop loose halo, toward extends to launch in all directions, suddenly covered the entire tower over a city gate high and low. 话音刚落,君见歌眼神一闪青芒,“嗡哗……”下一瞬间,两人所在的空间即刻陷入了阵阵不安的律动之中,漫天的霜尘飘舞,一圈淡青色的柔光如若铺散的光环,朝着四面八方延伸展开,眨眼就笼罩了整个城楼上下。 This is the domain......” “这便是领域……” In an instant, Chu Hen only thinks oneself fall into the mire, just like is covering the extremely heavy gravity from top to bottom. 霎那间,楚痕只觉自己身陷泥潭之中,浑身上下犹如覆盖着万钧重力。 His face shocking looks that the present Monarch sees the song. 其一脸震惊的看着眼前的君见歌。 The opposite party have not displayed any military study skill. 对方并未施展任何的武学技能。 Even the monster strength in joined bodies has not revolved many. 甚至连体内的妖力都未运转多少。 As if depending on imposing manner unable to move of its steamroll. 仿佛就是凭气势将其碾压的动弹不得。 But, this pressure the same imposing manner is also entirely different. 而,这股压力又同气势截然不同。 The feeling looked like the ordinary dawn common people to go into the royal palace main hall, the body and mind is withstanding the enormous oppression up and down. 感觉就像是普通的平明百姓闯入了王宫大殿内,身心上下都承受着极大的压迫。 ...... …… Domain everywhere one visit, you are not only the emperor in this piece of domain.” “领域的所到之处,你既是这片领域之中的帝王。” Monarch see the song told, while withdrew to release the strength of domain. 君见歌一边讲述,一边撤回释放出去领域之力。 As light cyan light halo restraining diverges, Chu Hen feels relieved. 随着淡青色的光圈收敛散去,楚痕如释重负。 In your domain, any slight slightest sign of trouble cannot escape your sensation......, but, in the enemy in your domain, its strength will also encounter the oppression and deflation.” “在你的领域之中,任何一丝细微的风吹草动都逃不过你的感知……而,处于你领域之内的敌人,其力量也会遭遇压迫和缩减。” ...... …… Hears the opposite party saying that Chu Hen suddenly felt the level that oneself knew too to be few. 听到对方所言,楚痕顿觉自己知晓的层面还太少了。 Also heartfelt „the strength of domain feels the hope about that. 同时也由衷的对那“领域之力”感到渴望。 How can control the strength of domain?” “如何才能掌控领域之力?” This must comprehend...... the strength of domain to be different by you in these common obvious attribute strengths...... its gravity head to the tail, needs own impel and comprehending. How to clearly recognize the domain, creates the domain again, finally derives the clarity that the domain...... did not say in a few words.” “这就要靠你自己领悟了……领域之力不同于那些寻常可见的属性力量……其重头到尾,都需要自身的感召和参悟。如何认清领域,再创造领域,最后再衍生领域……并非三言两语说的清楚。” Monarch see the song vision to lift lightly, it is full of serious saying, I have seen the innumerable innately gifted having god-given wisdom rare talents, in the Saint King Realm peak card several hundred years, even is several thousand years...... cannot sense to the strength of domain. I have also seen some people in the greatly sad great happiness, not wants under the moderation condition of no asking, created own domain...... had the luck, there is an accident of sorts......” 君见歌目光轻抬,其饶有郑重的说道,“我见过无数天赋异禀的天纵奇才,在圣王境的巅峰卡了数百年,甚至是数千年……都未能够感悟到领域之力。我也见过有的人在大悲大喜,无欲无求的平常心状态下,创造出了自己的领域……其中既有运气,也有机缘巧合……” So that's how it is! 原来如此! The Chu Hen nervousness slows down slightly. 楚痕紧张的情绪稍稍放缓。 Was I am too anxious.” “是我太急了。” Monarch see the song to show a faint smile, by your talent, I believes will not wait that for a long time......” 君见歌微微一笑,“以你的天赋,我相信不会等那么久的……” Chu Hen also smiles. 楚痕也是笑了笑。 Great Saint King Realm also with Saint King Realm same boundary division?” 大圣王境也是和圣王境一样的境界划分吗?” Naturally......” Monarch does not see the song denial saying that Great Saint King Realm, only has three levels merely, respectively be every step, step, with day step...... at the intensity as well as derivation range of size division strength of domain. Naturally, although only then three classes, but Great Saint King Realm each breakthrough is far from Saint King Realm can place on a par......” “当然不……”君见歌否定道,“大圣王境,仅仅只有三个层面,分别为凡阶,地阶,和天阶……其中以领域之力的强度以及衍生范围大小划分。当然了,虽然只有三个阶层,但大圣王境每一层的突破都远非圣王境所能够相提并论……”
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