UMDK :: Volume #16

#1516: The pupil strength of god eyes

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! After empty mountain early spring rains . 空山新雨后。 In the silent mountain forest is floating the moist soil aura. 寂静的山林之中漂浮着湿润的泥土气息。 Among the clear branches and leaves, is hanging glittering and translucent carving water drops. 清脆的枝叶间,悬挂着一颗颗晶莹剔透的水珠。 Under the refraction of sunlight, just like falling in the diamonds of various land places, sparklingly. 在阳光的折射下,宛如掉落在大地各处的钻石,闪闪发光。 ...... …… The hut between bamboo groves. 竹林间的小屋。 Air especially fresh cool. 空气尤为的清新凉爽。 Opens the window door, the lobby, but the mountain stream cool breeze blows like the silk veil. 打开窗门,穿堂而过的山涧清风就像蚕丝面纱拂面而过。 Sorry, Chu Hen......” “对不起,楚痕……” At this time, lay down on the bamboo bed not light to imitating, if worked loose from the evil clutches of nightmare, it sat to set out suddenly. 这时,躺在竹床上的莫轻离仿若从梦魇的魔爪中挣脱出来,其豁然坐起身来。 Comes from makes its tender body tremble in the aching feeling in left eye position instantaneously, its subconscious touching to own left eye place, is actually discovered that the left eye position is entangling bandage. 源自于左眼位置的疼痛感瞬间令其娇躯一颤,其下意识的摸向自己的左眼处,却是发现左眼位置缠着一层绷带。 You awoke......” gentle tranquil female voice in Chuangbian to transmit together. “你醒了……”一道温婉平静的女声于窗边传来。 Not lightly to being sideways to look, the one who maps its line of sight is a beautiful beautiful figure of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman. 莫轻离侧身望去,映入其视线的是一张倾国倾城的绝美倩影。 Not lightly to is startled. 莫轻离不由的一怔。 Although she is also the beautiful woman, the beautiful woman of outstandingly beautiful woman......, but sees the present person, feels several points of shocking. 虽说她自己也属于沉鱼落雁,天姿国色的美人……但看到眼前之人,都感觉到几分惊艳。 „Are you?” Not lightly to being full of doubts is looking at Bai Qianyu. “你是?”莫轻离饶有疑惑的望着白浅予 The figure appearance of opposite party as if a little looks familiar. 对方的身形样貌似乎有一点眼熟。 But actually cannot think where has seen. 但却想不起来在哪里见过。 Light to about turns over/stands up not immediately the examination, seems seeking for anything. 紧接着,莫轻离立马左右翻身查看,仿佛在寻找着什么。 My thing? Where?” “我的东西呢?在哪里?” The looks especially flurried, like discarding the most important treasure. 其看上去尤为慌乱,就像丢掉了最为重要的宝物一样。 ...... …… You do not need to worry, he has brought back demon eyes.” Bai Qianyu says. “你不用担心,他已经拿回妖瞳了。”白浅予开口说道。 To stares not lightly, she looks up the opposite party. 莫轻离一愣,她抬头望着对方。 Really?” “真的?” Un!” Bai Qianyu nods. “嗯!”白浅予点点头。 „Others where?” “那他人在哪里?” Bai Qianyu did not answer, in the delicate willow eyebrows is exuding several points of complex. 白浅予不答,秀气的柳眉间泛着几分复杂。 But, the facial expression that leaves not lightly immediately changes is dim, muttering that it thought aloud, also such treated him to...... me, how he also met with me......” 而,莫轻离的神情随即又变的黯淡下来,其自言自语的喃喃道,“也对……我那样对待他,他又怎么还会见我……” Here finishes speaking, has the young form of several points of travel fatigue aura to appear in the room entrance together immediately. 这边话音刚落,一道带着几分风尘气息的年轻身影随即出现于房间门口。 The Bai Qianyu beautiful pupil circulation, came back......” 白浅予美眸流转,“回来了……” clear/pain, Chu Hen......” not light changes to the elegant face, is somewhat panic. “楚,楚痕……”莫轻离俏脸一变,有些惊慌失措。 Has been able to speak, it seems like it was many......” “都已经能说话了,看来是好些了……” Chu Hen enters in the room directly, in the foreheads disclosed temperately some. 楚痕径直走进屋内,眉宇间透露出些许温和。 Not lightly to especially anxious, like making the mistake little girl, even does not dare to look straight ahead the opposite party directly. 莫轻离则是尤为的不安,如同做错了事的小女孩,甚至都不敢正面直视对方。 Doesn't dare to visit me?” Chu Hen actually very natural sitting in bedside. “不敢看我么?”楚痕倒是很大方的坐在床边上。 Bites the red lip to the silver tooth not lightly lightly, I......” 莫轻离银牙轻咬红唇,“我……” „If is sorry, let alone, this time used temporarily as me also to be in your debt!” “如果是抱歉的话,就别说了,这次权当我还了欠你的债吧!” Chu Hen said in a soft voice. 楚痕轻声说道。 The clear remembering, initially when the Dongsheng state, on Chu Hen one person alone alone Thunder Sacred Palace, erupted the intense life-and-death fight with lord of thunder Aoqiong it Thunder Sacred Palace at that time. 其清楚的记得,当初在东胜州的时候,楚痕孤身独上雷圣宫,当时与之雷圣宫之主雷傲穹爆发激烈的生死之战。 That time, light to kept off thunder Aoqiong to strike for oneself not, Chu Hen can be safe and sound. 那一次,莫轻离替自己挡下了雷傲穹一击,楚痕才能安然无恙。 Because of that time, not light to falling into some time deep sleep. 因为那次,莫轻离陷入了一段时间的沉睡。 Also during her deep sleep. 也正是在她的沉睡期间。 Chu Hen via the immortal demon tomb, met Bai Qianyu. 楚痕途经仙魔冢,遇到了白浅予 Therefore, although light to has resided temporarily in the Chu Hen true essence purple mansion not, during but because deep sleep that amnesia, so that she does not know at present this beautiful woman, between not clearer Chu Hen and Bai Qianyu a series of things. 所以,尽管莫轻离一直都寄居于楚痕真元紫府内,可因为沉睡期间的那一段记忆缺失,以致她并不认识眼前这个绝美的女人,更不清楚楚痕白浅予之间发生的一系列事情。 ...... …… Grips tightly the fist to both hands not lightly, the nail gets sucked into the palm meat. 莫轻离双手紧握成拳,指甲都深陷掌心肉中。 She at this moment does not know how completely should face Chu Hen. 此刻的她完全不知道该如何面对楚痕 Disappointed a trust, like the nail of nail on plank, even if pulls out again the nail, the existed trace is unable to cancel. 辜负了一次的信任,就像钉在木板上的钉子,就算再把钉子拔出来,存在的痕迹也无法抹去。 Is unfair to......” her voice, if mosquito black fly. “对不起……”她声音如若蚊蚋。 I know that is not your original intention, let alone, weren't you have taken carry back it?” Chu Hen said. “我知道那并非你的本意,更何况,你不是都已经把它拿回来了吗?”楚痕说道。 Not lightly to looking at the opposite party, you no longer was really mad at me?” 莫轻离看着对方,“你真的不再生我的气了吗?” Chu Hen shows the clean frank smile, „your is very strange! Before was not the aloof? Was also injured by falling down the brain?” 楚痕露出干净爽朗的笑容,“你这样很奇怪呢!以前不是很高冷的吗?难道把脑子也摔坏了?” The showing relaxed style words made light to comfort immediately not much to the innermost feelings. 彰显轻松的格调话语顿时令莫轻离内心宽慰了不少。 ...... …… At this time, Bai Qianyu said in a soft voice, „the gauze on face can take down.” 这时,白浅予轻声说道,“脸上的纱布可以取下来了。” One speaking of the gauze, leaves not lightly subconsciously don't the head. 一说到纱布,莫轻离下意识的别过脑袋。 And shakes the head saying that „, does not use, this!” 并摇了摇头道,“不,不用了,就这样吧!” The facial expression is somewhat dim. 神情有些黯淡。 Takes down!” Chu Hen said. “取下来吧!”楚痕说道。 Not...... very ugly......” not light to clenching teeth to say. “不……会很难看的……”莫轻离咬着牙道。 „, Will not believe me!” “不会的,相信我!” Saying, after Chu Hen is puts out a hand to circle to the brain that leaves not lightly directly, the untied gauze also falls. 说着,楚痕直接是伸手绕到莫轻离的脑后,解开的纱布随之滑落下来。 To covers the left eye with the hand not lightly hastily. 莫轻离连忙用手捂住左眼。 Be not keeping off! Opens to try......” Chu Hen comforting to say the eye. “别挡着啊!把眼睛睁开试试……”楚痕安抚道。 Listens to the opposite party saying that light to opens the left eye not slowly, making her unexpected matter happen, by the finger/refers seam, his left eye clearly can see the present thing and person. 听着对方所言,莫轻离缓缓睁开左眼,令她意想不到的事情发生了,透过指缝,其左眼分明能够看到眼前的事物和人。 „Is my?” “我这是?” For those startled and doubts not lightly. 莫轻离又惊又疑。 Her clear remembering, own left eye had the ice soul acupuncture of strength of severe wound to be blind, is impossible to regenerate. 她清楚的记得,自己的左眼是被带有重伤之力的冰魂针刺瞎的,根本不可能重新再生。 At once, she is somewhat surprised, somewhat anxious moving away palm. 旋即,她有些惊奇,有些不安的拿开手掌。 Whish......” “哗……” In an instant, an intense space rhythm sweeps across, together with the rapid air current, the left eye pupil that leaves not lightly is sparkling impressively a sacred incomparable Saint sunshine. 霎那间,一阵强烈的空间律动席卷开来,连同着急骤的气流,莫轻离的左眼瞳孔赫然闪耀出一片神圣无比的圣晖。 „Is this?” “这是?” Somewhat shivers to the mind not lightly, stunned of face. 莫轻离心神有些颤抖,一脸的错愕。 The clear sensation to is surging an especially huge strength in her left eye. 其清楚的感知到在她的左眼内正涌动着一股尤为庞大的力量。 ...... …… „The pupil strength of god eyes!” “神眼的瞳力!” Bai Qianyu answered in a soft voice, his red lip sipped, in the bright and beautiful moving beautiful eye overflowed several points of complex. 白浅予轻声解释道,其红唇微抿,明秀动人的美目中溢出几分复杂。 „!” “咻!” Then, golden light luminary who glows restrains the collection, the left eye that leaves not lightly presents the light golden ray, forms a sharp contrast with it that red gem right eye. 接着,焕发出来的金色光曜收敛汇集,莫轻离的左眼呈现出淡淡的金色光芒,与之那红色宝石般的右眼形成一个鲜明的对比。 God eyes? 神眼? Leaves not lightly is especially stunned and accidental/surprised. 莫轻离尤为错愕和意外。 Un!” Chu Hen nods, temporarily this! You first rest well.” “嗯!”楚痕点了点头,“暂时这样吧!你先好好休息。” Then, Chu Hen holds bewildered is leaving not lightly lies down, then looks at each other one with it Bai Qianyu, two people understand out goes out one after another. 说完,楚痕扶着一脸茫然的莫轻离躺下,然后与之白浅予对视一眼,两人心领神会的相继走出门外。 ...... …… The air after rain is very cool. 雨后的空气很清凉。 A front bamboo grove scrubbed cleanness, seeming like one successively the beautiful jade that is long from the place bottom. 前方的一片竹林被洗刷的干干净净,看上去就像一节节从地底中长出来的美玉。 What kind of?” Bai Qianyu arrives at near the stream pavilion with it Chu Hen shoulder to shoulder. “怎么样?”白浅予与之楚痕并肩走到溪边的凉亭边上。 Chu Hen shakes the head, met an old monster, cannot kill the phoenix dark blue......” 楚痕摇了摇头,“遇到了个老怪物,没能杀了凰沧……” Old monster?” “老怪物?” Un! Called what eight bird ancestors, cultivation base was immeasurably deep, if he wants to retain me, it is estimated that I do not come back today......” “嗯!叫什么八雀祖的,修为深不可测,如果他想留住我的话,估计我今天回不来……” In the Chu Hen eye gushes out prudently some. 楚痕眼中涌出些许慎重。 A Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan is one of the monster territory strongest races. 圣翼天炎雀一族乃是妖域最强的种族之一。 In the clan hides this old monster is not but actually strange. 族内藏着这种老怪物倒也并不奇怪。 Let alone, the phoenix dark blue is because in crying loudly the abyss closed/pass for many years, its cultivation base is also at the condition of being damaged. 更何况,凰沧是因为在嚎哭深渊中关了多年,其修为还处于受损的状态。 If the phoenix dark blue peak, Chu Hen does not have the big assurance. 倘若是凰沧的巅峰时期,楚痕也没有多大的把握。 ...... …… Generally speaking, this Chu Hen one person alone intrudes a Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan, is risky. 总体来说,这次楚痕孤身闯入圣翼天炎雀一族,还是过于冒险的。 Now recalls, but also a little lingering fear. 现在回想起来,还有点后怕。 However, even if gives a Chu Hen choice again, it will still look for the phoenix again dark blue. 不过,就算再给楚痕一次选择,其仍旧会再找上凰沧。 ...... …… Even without that old monster, you won't kill the phoenix dark blue?” Bai Qianyu said. “就算没有那个老怪物,你也不会杀了凰沧吧?”白浅予说道。 The Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selects lightly, smiled saying, „do you understand me very much? It seems like us two, three, four...... fourth meets......” 楚痕俊眉轻挑,笑的说道,“你很了解我吗?貌似我们才二,三,四……第四见面诶……” Right! I am also very puzzled, meets each time, is I am saving you......” “对啊!我也很困惑,每次见面,都是我在救你……” Has?” Chu Hen does intentionally the muddled say/way. “有吗?”楚痕故作糊涂道。 The Bai Qianyu thin eyebrow selects, the faint smile that the corners of the mouth raise is especially moving. 白浅予细眉一挑,嘴角扬起的浅笑尤为动人。 Words that thinks carefully, two people each meet, is Bai Qianyu rescues Chu Hen. 仔细一想的话,两人的每一次相遇,都是白浅予救下楚痕 From at first when the immortal demon tomb, Bai Qianyu not only awakened cultivation deviation Chu Hen, but also solved the pursuing troops of ray Saint clan for the opposite party. 从最初在仙魔冢的时候,白浅予不仅唤醒了走火入魔的楚痕,还替对方解决掉了光芒圣族的追兵。 Afterward was approaching the god to ban the boundary demon territory of blood prison, was she brings Chu Hen promptly. 后来在临近神禁血狱的边界魔域,也是她及时将楚痕带了出来。 In addition this time. 加上这次。 Four sides the reason, actually helped the Chu Hen four times. 前后不过四面之缘,却足足帮了楚痕四次。 Chu Hen felt oneself have a deficit the opposite party is too many. 就连楚痕都觉得自己亏欠对方太多。 ...... …… Just like also Bai Qianyu said that even if that eight bird ancestors have not interfered with the appearance today, Chu Hen will not kill the phoenix dark blue. 也正如白浅予所言,即便今天那八雀祖没有干涉出现的话,楚痕也不会杀了凰沧。 No matter how said that father sovereign who the opposite party leaves eventually not lightly. 不管怎么说,对方终究是莫轻离的父皇。 Solely read, in light to ruined at her eye matter for Chu Hen not, Chu Hen is unable to be cruel-hearted. 就单单念在莫轻离为了楚痕而毁掉她自己的一只眼睛这件事上,楚痕也无法狠下心来。 ...... …… Some people, because of the betrayal of important person, but pain. 有的人,因为重要之人的背叛而痛苦。 Some people, because also betrayed the important person, but is more painful. 有的人,也因为背叛了重要的人而更加痛苦。 At this matter, leaves not lightly absolutely is the most painful that person. 在这件事情上,莫轻离绝对是最为痛苦的那个人。 She betrayed two most important people simultaneously. 她同时背叛了两个最为重要的人。 A Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird clan could not have accommodated her, if Chu Hen does not forgive her, that was really pitiful. 圣翼天炎雀一族已经容不下她了,如若楚痕也不原谅她的话,那就真的是太可怜了。 Because, biggest mistake, at all not on her body. 因为,最大的错误,根本不在她的身上。 ...... …… You are Divine Eyes Sacred Clan is right?” Chu Hen said towering. “你是神眼圣族对吗?”楚痕突兀说道。 Un! What's wrong?” Bai Qianyu spoke thoughtlessly the reply. “嗯!怎么?”白浅予随口应答。 You know that actually our Demon Eyes Sacred Clan what happened?” “那你知道我们妖瞳圣族究竟发生了什么事吗?”
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