UMDK :: Volume #13

#1285: Complete dense spoon

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Dense spoon fragment......” “密匙碎片……” Looks that blue sparkling stone glow that falls gently from the sky, the people corner of the eye present is one cold, in both eyes is glittering the sharp sword woods cold meaning. 看着那从天空飘落下来的蓝色莹芒,在座的众人眼角皆是一凛,双目中皆是闪烁着利剑般的森寒之意。 Double fists grasp lightly, or single-handed according to sword, just like the fierce tiger to be ready to make trouble. 一个个双拳轻握,或是单手按剑,犹如猛虎般蠢蠢欲动。 However, in the top list the talent powerhouse willow Qianghong life ranked the 49 th lost the hand of Chu Hen a moment ago, down to the people have many scruples at this moment, although the heart somewhat moves restlessly, but no one dares to go forward to act rashly...... 不过,刚才就连风云榜上排名第49位的天才强者柳鸧鸿都命丧楚痕之手,以至众人此刻都存在诸多顾忌,虽然心头有些躁动,可谁都不敢贸然上前行动…… In addition simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge the Qin safeguarded one's heritage, severe Yancheng and the others also have not acted, therefore the state of mind condition of people was quite discrete. 再加上齐霄阁的秦守业,厉严承等人亦是没有出手,所以众人的心境状况都较为谨慎。 What to do? On not on?” “怎么办?上是不上?” Do not impulse, even/including Liuqiang the great wild goose died, we let us not work as this person who takes the lead, the person who first waits for simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge begins, we act according to circumstances again.” “别冲动,连柳鸧鸿都死了,我们别当这个出头鸟,先等齐霄阁的人动手,我们再见机行事。” Un, temporarily does not worry, the person so many, definitely have other variables.” “嗯,暂时不着急,人这么多,肯定还有其他变数。” ...... …… Although Chu Hen killed profound Yang Gong willow Qianghong by the potential of bang thunder in the presence of everyone, but dense spoon the attraction was to still make the people are not willing easily to retrocede independently. 尽管楚痕以雷霆之势当众轰杀了玄阳宫的柳鸧鸿,但‘密匙’的诱惑力仍旧是令众人不肯轻易放手后退。 Now profound Yang Gong that side has retreated. 现在玄阳宫那一方已经退去。 The remaining simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge Qin safeguarded one's heritage that side to be possible with it Chu Hen several people to contend. 剩下齐霄阁的秦守业那边可与之楚痕几人抗衡。 The people are only hoping both sides fight again randomly, the remaining people may obtain without labor the elderly fisherman, looks whether to pick cheaply. 众人只盼着双方再次乱战起来,剩下的人就可坐收渔翁,看能否捡得便宜。 ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” Under the people serious vision, came from that dense spoon fragment of in Liuqiang great wild goose to seem the falling gently horizon stars meteorite region to enter in the palm of Chu Hen. 在众人郑重的目光下,源自于柳鸧鸿的那枚密匙碎片好似飘落天际的星辰陨石片落入楚痕的掌中。 Wu Yan, Ye Yao, the Long Xuanshuang vision first is one bright, but later the vigilance of quickly changes. 吴岩,叶瑶,龙玄霜的目光先是一亮,但随后又很快变的警觉起来。 Peripheral has numerously the bad look made them quite uncomfortable. 周边众多怀揣着不善的眼神令他们颇为不舒服。 A tranquility of Chu Hen actually face, regarding this and does not care. 楚痕倒是一脸的平静,对此并不在意。 ...... …… At this moment, Qin Shouye took a step toward here suddenly. 就在这时,秦守业突然迈步朝着这边而来。 In that morbid state pale facial color not only does not see the gloomy and cold meaning, instead has an indifferent tranquil smile. 那病态苍白的面色上非但不见阴冷之意,反而有种淡然的平静笑容。 However this smile, in Wu Yan several people of eyes, there is a deep cunningness. 不过这种笑容,在吴岩几人的眼中,有种深深的狡黠。 In the past few days obtained the news, it is said war of winning Martial Sect this time sect gate was an rookie disciple, if I have not guessed that wrong, that rookie, should be your excellency?” “前些天得到消息,据说武宗这次的宗门之战夺冠者乃是一位新人弟子,如果我没有猜错的话,那位新人,应该就是阁下吧?” Qin safeguarded one's heritage the moderate opens the mouth to say. 秦守业语气温和的开口说道。 Such remarks, the peripheral people slightly reveal the surprise, the vision that looks at to Chu Hen had/left several points of complex profound meaning much. 此言一出,周边的众人都是略显诧异,一个个看向楚痕的目光更多出了几分复杂的深意。 The Martial Sect rookie, has strength that steps the top list, this is what kind of achievement. 武宗的新人,就拥有踏上风云榜的实力,这是何等的作为。 ...... …… Has the words to speak frankly, do not beat around the bush.” Chu Hen sinks returning that decides to say. “有话直说,别拐弯抹角。”楚痕沉定的回道。 Qin Shouye the brow selected lightly, nods to say with a smile, „, just like you saw, everyone ’ had the meaning of sneaking a look about dense spoon, waited to profit from another's strife by others with it, your my two people carried out cooperation would rather ‚’......” 秦守业眉头轻挑,点了点头笑道,“正如你所看到,每个人都对‘密匙’心存窥觑之意,与其被别人等待坐收渔利,倒不如你我二人进行‘合作’……” Cooperation? 合作? Wu Yan, Ye Yao, the Long Xuanshuang three people are startled. 吴岩,叶瑶,龙玄霜三人一怔。 Chu Hen also slightly feels surprisedly. 楚痕亦是略感惊讶。 It looks askance slightly, swept peripheral one lightly. 其微微侧目,淡淡的扫了周边一眼。 How do you want to cooperate?” “你想怎么合作?” „Very simple, you, are I, the dense spoon fragment that in the hand has is unable to open ten thousand years of ruins in old city alone......, therefore, we can conduct to fuse the complete dense spoon the fragment, after opening the ruins, depending on the skill how does inside inheritance treasure all compete for...... under your opinion?” “很简单,不论是你,还是我,手中所持有的密匙碎片都无法单独开启古城之中的万年遗址……所以,我们可以将碎片进行融合成完整的密匙,待开启遗址之后,里面的传承宝物全凭本事争夺……你意下如何?” Qin Shouye replied. 秦守业回答道。 Listens to the opposite party saying that the Chu Hen corner of the eye concentrates, the heart gushes out hesitant some. 听完对方所言,楚痕眼角微凝,心头涌出些许犹豫。 Obviously, this Qin Shouye the minute had been clear about the current situation. 很显然,这秦守业已经分清楚了当前的局势。 Heart Siyuan of opposite party is more meticulous than that willow Qianghong. 对方的心思远比那柳鸧鸿更为缜密。 This person feared that is more formidabe. 此人怕是更难对付。 Can......” after short hesitation, Chu Hen is readily agrees unexpectedly. “可以……”短暂的迟疑过后,楚痕竟是一口答应下来。 Qin Shouye at present one bright. 秦守业眼前一亮。 But, Chu Hen continues saying that „, but, I have a condition!” 可紧接着,楚痕继续说道,“不过,我有个条件!” „?” “哦?” Hunts and kills, the spirits of four soul......” the Chu Hen vision sweeps directly to opponent's back's ten feather monster blade severe Yancheng. “猎杀,四魂之灵……”楚痕目光径直扫向对方身后的十羽妖刀厉严承。 One hear of this saying, severe Yancheng the complexion changes, the anger comes up in great numbers and from all sides. 一听这话,厉严承脸色一变,怒火横生。 Scoundrel, you thinks also was too rather naive? When we did ask you to be inadequate?” “混账,你想的未免也太天真了吧?当我们求你不成?” Chu Hen shot a look at opposite party one eyes reluctantly, was still said to Qin Shouye, you only had a fragment, but my two, were I suffered a loss, I added a condition, wasn't excessive?” 楚痕懒懒的瞥了对方一眼,仍旧是对秦守业道,“你只有一枚碎片,而我有两枚,算起来是我吃亏了,我加个条件,不过份吧?” Naturally is not excessive, after ruins opening, I gave you...... Qin to safeguard one's heritage to say again. “当然不过份,待遗址开启之后,我再给你……”秦守业回道。 Chu Hen smiles, „, only then the thing, is own......” 楚痕笑了笑,“只有到手的东西,才算是属于自己的……” Qin safeguarded one's heritage also smiled, it shakes the head, slightly helpless saying, said that obviously the rookie disciple was immature, your excellency actually compared with our these people experienced.” 秦守业亦是笑了,其摇了摇头,略显无奈的说道,“都说新人弟子稚嫩,阁下倒是比我们这些人更‘老练’。” „It is not experienced, is natural.” “不是‘老练’,是理所应当。” Hehe...... such being the case, that depends on you!” “呵呵……既然如此,那就依你!” severe Yancheng the double fist grasps, especially does not prefer, safeguards one's heritage the Senior Brother......” 厉严承双拳一握,尤为不情愿,“守业师兄……” Spirits of the four soul, this Brother Chu Hen wants, giving him is.” “一枚四魂之灵而已,这位楚痕师弟想要,给他便是。” But......” “可是……” severe Yancheng also wants to say again, may see Qin safeguarded one's heritage palely that seems the ice blades profile, finally started to speak but hesitated, then clenches teeth, the palm moved, a crystal separation that is dragging the black ray. 厉严承还欲再言,可望见秦守业那苍白的好似冰刀般的侧脸,最终还是欲言又止,然后咬了咬牙,掌心一动,将一枚摇曳着黑色光芒的晶体分离出去。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Slight strength fluctuation faint shivers in the air, is sending out the spirits of four soul murders the aura toward in the air flutter. 轻微的力量波动隐隐的于空气中颤动,散发着杀伐气息的四魂之灵朝着空中飘去。 The Chu Hen intention moves, the invisible suction releases. 楚痕心意一动,无形的吸力释放出来。 The spirits of that four soul plunder instantly toward the opposite party, subsequently steady falls into the palm of Chu Hen. 那枚四魂之灵即刻朝着对方掠去,继而稳稳的落入楚痕的掌中。 Feels is coming from power ‚the strength of’, the corners of the mouth of Chu Hen exude to wipe the unusual curve. 感受着源自于其中的强盛‘森罗之力’,楚痕的嘴角泛起一抹不同寻常的弧度。 That a moment ago willow Wuyue that now in own hand is the volume simultaneous/uniform the spirits of three four soul, but also is only left over one, can make four souls unite. 加之刚才柳舞月的那枚,如今自己的手中已经是集齐了三枚四魂之灵,还只剩下一枚,就能够令四魂合一。 ...... …… Snort, first places your there, will be quick I to come back.” severe Yancheng the heart is unwilling, cold sound who the sentiment does not hope shouted. “哼,先放在你那里,很快我就会要回来的。”厉严承心不甘,情不愿的冷声喝道。 Regarding this Chu Hen jokes it away. 对此楚痕只是一笑了之。 Present severe strict receives regarding oneself accomplishes the inadequate any threat radically, definitely does not need to worry. 如今的厉严承对于自己根本造就不成任何的威胁,完全不必顾虑。 ...... …… Now satisfied?” Qin safeguarded one's heritage light saying. “现在满意了?”秦守业淡淡的说道。 The Chu Hen vision lifts lightly, at once receives to hunt and kill the spirits of four soul, then the palm turns, is an energy fragment that is glowing the blue fluorescence appears in the front of people. 楚痕目光轻抬,旋即收起猎杀四魂之灵,然后掌心一翻,又是一枚焕发着蓝色萤光的能量碎片惊现于众人的面前。 Then, Qin safeguarded one's heritage is also the wrist/skill lifts lightly, wiped the white light to flash through, the strange ray glowed. 接着,秦守业亦是手腕轻抬,一抹白光闪过,奇异的光芒焕发而出。 In an instant, three dense spoon fragments all appear. 霎那间,三枚密匙碎片皆是出现。 Buzz......” “嗡……” A moving restlessly strength fluctuation disseminates in the world. 一股躁动的力量波动于天地间弥散开来。 In pairs a burning hot and has under the greedy vision, three blue fluorescence fragment all hanging as if by prior agreement to two people palms, gather to go toward the sky subsequently...... 在一双双炙热而又带着贪婪的目光下,三枚蓝色萤光碎片皆是不约而同的悬离两人的手掌,继而朝着上空聚拢而去…… In the air delimits three gorgeous light beam illusory images. 空气中划出三道绚丽的光束幻影。 Three fragments just like the separation of husband and wife of reunion, each splitting edges and corners fault/chasm close gathering in the same place. 三道碎片犹如重圆的破镜,每一道裂开的棱角断层紧密的并拢在一起。 A ray divulges to swing. 一圈光芒宣泄荡开。 If dazzling ray still a blue luminary day bright moon. 刺眼的光芒犹若一轮蓝色曜日皓月。 As the even more intense strength fluctuates, „......”, in the air is startled a spirited resonant vibrato. 随着愈发强烈的力量波动,“噌……”的一声,空气中惊起一阵激昂嘹亮的颤音。 Whish!” “哗!” Sees only under the brilliant bright and beautiful god glow, a three-dimensional square crystal core appears in the sky of old city. 只见光彩夺目的亮丽神芒下,一个立体的四方晶核惊现于古城的上空。 „Is that?” “那是?” Complete dense spoon!” “完整的密匙!” ...... …… The people heart of even more startled, even more moves restlessly anxiously. 众人愈发的心惊,愈发的躁动不安。 If were not Qin safeguarded one's heritage with Chu Hen at this time cooperation, only feared that the people competed on the strategic place to directly snatching. 如果这时候不是秦守业和楚痕‘合作’的话,只怕众人直接就要冲上去争夺冲抢。 The clear sparking blue ray is shining upon the eye pupils of below people. 晶莹闪亮的蓝色光芒映照着下方众人的眼眸。 That square body the fist of crystal core adult is roughly big, ten Erdaobian frames are all inlaying the metal line, the interior imitates , if gathering one group of blue energy bodies, seems the different fire to ascend...... 那四方体的晶核约莫成人的拳头般大,十二道边框皆是镶着金属线条,内部仿若汇聚着一团蓝色的能源体,好似异火升腾…… The crystal core energy body shines the brilliance greatly. 晶核能量体大放光彩。 Myriad light mark empty shades from overflows, blots out the sky, seems the blue light wing, fills the air in all around of old city. 万千光纹虚影从其中流溢而出,铺天盖地,好似蓝色的光翼,弥漫于古城的四周。 Buzz......” “嗡……” With that stood erect several giant stone columns in stage is also sends out a vague strength to fluctuate. 跟着,之前那矗立于高台上的几道巨型石柱亦是发出一阵隐晦的力量波动。 Just likes activated ancient rune/symbol mark banned, on stone column all vague designs are glittering the intermittent soft light. 犹如被激活的古老符纹禁制,石柱上面的所有隐晦图案闪烁着阵阵柔光。 Especially that say/way grandest large-scale stone column situated in north midpoint, on shaft ominous beast design like living generally...... 尤其是位于北面正中央的那道最为宏伟的大型石柱,柱身上面的凶兽图案如同活过来了一般…… That resembles the tiger such as the ominous beast of leopard to open the reveal tooth, the whole body is sending out bright radiance. 那似虎如豹的凶兽张开露齿,全身散发着鲜艳的光华。 Especially that forehead middle Yin-Yang design, is for example the light wheel rotates unexpectedly slowly. 尤其是那额头中间的阴阳图案,竟是譬如光轮缓缓转动。 „......” Follows to seem the sound of low and deep shouting in Ye Yao Yin-Yang beast Nauny throat. “呜……”跟在叶瑶身旁的阴阳兽诺尼喉咙中似有低沉的嘶吼之声。 Ye Yao is sideways to look, puzzled asking, how? Nauny......” 叶瑶侧身回望,不解的问道,“怎么了?诺尼……” The opposite party did not answer, still stubbornly is staring on the stone column ominous beast design. 对方不答,仍旧是死死的盯着石柱上面的凶兽图案。 ...... …… „!” “咻!” At this time, that square crystal core dense spoon delimited together the vigorous light beam class/flow shadow in void, explodes toward the position that light beam was at directly plunders to go. 这时,那四方晶核密匙于虚空中划出一道雄浑的光束流影,径直朝着那道光柱所在的位置爆掠而去。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Together with a vigorous strength trembling cry, the dense spoon was integrating the interior of that ominous beast design unexpectedly directly. 连同着一声雄浑的力量颤鸣,密匙竟然直接是融入了那凶兽图案的内部。 Dense spoon vanished!” “密匙消失了!” The heart of people one startled, looks the surprised color. 众人的心头一惊,一个个面露惊疑之色。 „!” “咔嚓!” The next flash, the land splits, the innumerable say/way profound fault/chasm fissure proliferates in the ground. 下一瞬间,大地绽裂,无数道深邃的断层裂痕于地面之中遍布开来。 Rumble!” “隆隆!” The space shivers, entire old city towering fell into an unprecedented dramatic turmoil. 空间颤抖,整个古城突兀的陷入了一片前所未有的剧烈动荡之中。 Building tall buildings collapse loudly, a ground cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration, the break, in the world flashes before ten thousand god of journeys glow layer upon layer, together with a crazy storm column of direct impact vault of heaven, the air wave of boundless terrifying is sweeping across eight sides, a giant trap sudden splits the expansion in the city...... 一座座建筑高楼轰然坍塌,地面寸寸崩碎,层层断裂,天地间闪现万道神芒,连同着一股直冲天穹的狂暴风柱,磅礴恐怖的气浪席卷八方,一个巨大的陷坑急剧的于城中绽裂扩张…… The dark profound aura wells up the vault of heaven. 幽暗深邃的气息涌上天穹。 Dust-laden sky over innumerable year of desolated air/Qi direct link. 尘封了无数年的荒芜之气直达上空。 Probably the unlimited interstellar channel under old city, in an instant, crosses the kilometer quietly, seems the abyss huge mouth channel to appear in the line of sight of people impressively...... 像是沉寂在古城之下的无限星际通道,霎那间,一座横贯千米,好似深渊巨口的通道赫然惊现于众人的视线中……
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