UMDK :: Volume #13

#1284: Cuts to kill willow Qianghong

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! That arm that ten thousand bell cities you owe, I accepted......” “万钟城你欠下的那条手臂,我收下了……” Faint sound together with incomparably ice-cold aura instantly from willow Qianghong behind transmitting. 淡漠的声音连同着无比冰冷的气息即刻从柳鸧鸿的身后传来。 The complexion is broadminded for it drastic change. 其脸色豁然间为之剧变。 Other outside peripheral people are the heart tremble similarly fiercely. 场外周边的其他人同样是心头猛地一颤。 Hiss......” “嘶哧……” The opportunity that does not have any resistance deals with, together with one as sharp as the pinnacle grating momentum, between willow Qianghong the right hand arm and shoulder has the manic gorgeous purple lightning to delimit impressively together strongly...... 没有任何抵御应对的机会,连同着一记尖锐到极致的刺耳声势,柳鸧鸿的右手臂和肩膀之间赫然有着一道狂躁绚丽的紫色闪电强势划过…… In an instant, void spatters in all directions one string gorgeously such as the flower blood. 霎那间,虚空中迸溅出一串艳丽如花的鲜血。 That wiped for example the shadow blade purple electricity glow directly is shocking the expansive sky, shocked the people. 那一抹譬如影刃般的紫色电芒直接是惊艳了长空,震骇了众人。 Under vision gaze that one is both as if in a dream, Chu Hen condenses the manic purple electricity in palm to cut into willow Qianghong the right shoulder quietly, the scene of sudden shock and awe, making a person of only sleep/felt be in the illusion...... 于一双双恍然若梦的目光注视下,楚痕凝聚在掌中的狂躁紫电悄然切入柳鸧鸿的右边肩膀,急剧震慑的场面,令人只觉身临幻境…… „!” “啊!” Anger and painful pitiful yell sound stabbing pain the eardrum of audience everyone. 愤怒而又痛苦的惨叫声刺痛了全场每个人的耳膜。 Is separated from the body in the arm that instant, willow Qianghong the both eyes circle opens the eyes, the face twists, the startled anger happened simultaneously looks like a going crazy lion. 在手臂脱离身躯的那一霎,柳鸧鸿双目圆睁,面孔扭曲,惊怒交加的就像是一头发狂的狮子。 ...... …… severe Yancheng, Qin He and other profound Yang Gong, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge a numerous talent disciple completely facial color big change. 厉严承,秦赫等玄阳宫,齐霄阁一众天才弟子全然面色大变。 The character on another top list Qin safeguarded one's heritage in the eye is surging the meanings of many trembling with fear. 就连另外一位风云榜上的人物‘秦守业’的眼中都涌动着诸多惊颤之意。 But, most with amazement is fatal grace and talent willow Wuyue. 而,最为骇然的莫过于致命风华柳舞月。 At this moment her facial features pale like paper, actually cannot see the least bit blood-color. 此刻她面容苍白如纸,却是看不到半点血色。 In the double pupil was full of the unprecedented flurried fear. 双眸之中充满了前所未见的慌乱恐惧。 At this moment, she has a consciousness finally, before ten thousand bell city, how dare Chu Hen was rodomontading a wanting willow Qianghong arm took the gambling stake. 这一刻,她终于有所觉悟,之前在万钟城的时候,楚痕为何敢‘大言不惭’的要柳鸧鸿的一条手臂作为赌注。 But her clear was too late. 可是她明白的太晚了。 From beginning to end, opposite parties not conceited. 从始至终,对方都不曾狂妄自大过。 ...... …… „, I want your life!” “啊,我要你的命!” willow Qiang the Hongsheng gets angry, both eyes are red, in the throat sends out the wild animal anger to roar, its turns round fiercely, loses sane plunging Chu Hen. 柳鸧鸿盛怒不已,双目赤红,喉咙中发出野兽般的愤怒咆哮,其猛地回身,失去理智的扑向楚痕 I must make you die without the burial ground......” “我要让你死无葬身之地……” Snort!” “哼!” Looks that does not have the demeanor willow Qianghong, in eye of Chu Hen completely obviously frivolous meaning. 看着那毫无风度可言的柳鸧鸿,楚痕的眼中尽显轻浮之意。 It seems like you must remove from the top list......” “看来你要从风云榜上除名了……” Removed! 除名了! Is listening to these three characters, the heartstrings of everyone follow to tremble fiercely. 听着这三个字,每个人的心弦都跟着剧烈一颤。 Together with the voice of falling, Chu Hen is lifting the right arm lightly, came from to erupt in the innumerable purple thunder and lightning in within the body, and above in fist the arm collects...... 连同着落下的话音,楚痕轻抬右臂,源自于体内的无数紫色雷电爆发出来,并于拳臂之上汇集…… Also wanted powerful several times the powerful imposing manner more earth-shaking than it a moment ago. 比之刚才还要强盛数倍的强大气势撼天动地。 The grandiose power line pole launches outside the Chu Hen body, gorgeous resplendent seems three-dimensional thunder net. 一道道壮硕的雷芒电柱于楚痕身外展开,绚灿的好似一张立体雷网。 The thick destructive aura fills the air in all directions. 浓浓的毁灭性气息弥漫四面八方。 In people opinion, willow Qianghong seemed to have marched into god of death shadow it. 在众人看来,柳鸧鸿似乎已经步入了死神的阴影之。 The heart of everyone mentioned the throat. 每个人的心都提到了嗓子眼。 willow Wuyue shocks the extreme directly, she turned out an energy crystal that hastily is dragging the emerald-green soft light, hurried to shout with the stance of desire, „the spirits of four soul gave you, stopped......” 那柳舞月直接是震骇到了极点,她连忙翻出一枚摇曳着翠绿色柔光的能量晶体,以乞求的姿态慌忙喊道,“四魂之灵给你,住手……” Stop? 住手? Possibly? 可能么? From ten thousand bell city time starts, had exhausted to...... Chu Hen a moment ago was benevolent and patient. 从万钟城的时候开始,一直到刚才……楚痕早已经耗尽了仁慈和耐心。 „......” “嗤嗤……” Just like innumerable thunder beast tall Ming, a Chu Hen fist offers a sacrifice to with one voice, raises the potential of extremely heavy thunder, becomes the startled day purple column that to seem the crack deity glow bombardment by the innumerable say/way wild thunder and lightning collection on willow Qianghong the body. 宛若无数的雷兽齐声高鸣,楚痕一拳祭出,掀起万钧雷霆之势,由无数道狂暴雷电汇集而成的惊天紫柱好似裂天神芒般轰击在柳鸧鸿的身上。 Works as!” “哐当!” God thunder Ruren, the point completely reveals. 神雷如刃,锋芒尽显。 Swift and fierce incomparable under the vision that countless people shock, penetrated willow Qianghong that thick chest directly...... 凌厉无比的雷芒于无数人震撼的目光下,直接是击穿了柳鸧鸿那厚实的胸膛…… This moment opposite party that broad body frail, if flimsy. 此刻对方那宽阔的身躯脆弱的仿若薄纸。 The air current like the note, the fresh breeze folds. 气流如注,劲风叠起。 The entire old city fell into died the general silence, only had that manic to glitter to interweave in the world. 整个古城陷入了死一般的寂静,唯有那狂躁的雷芒于天地间闪烁交织。 Not......” “不……” willow Wuyue the squawk no use wails. 柳舞月无助的尖声哀嚎。 Her body trembles, the present picture looks like the most fearful nightmare. 她的身躯瑟瑟发抖,眼前的画面就像是最为可怕的梦魇。 It is well known, willow Qianghong besides is her same side Senior Brother, and her elder brother. 众所周知,那柳鸧鸿除了是她的同门师兄之外,且还是她的兄长。 She was exalted by countless people in profound Yang Gong, most reasons are to come from in Liuqiang the great wild goose. 她之所以在玄阳宫被无数人追捧,大部分的原因都是源自于柳鸧鸿。 Now, she biggest dependence presents by the so pitiful appearance her front. 现在,她最大的依靠以这般凄惨的样子呈现在她的面前。 willow Wuyue only thinks at present a darkness, a brain confusion. 柳舞月只觉眼前一片漆黑,大脑一片混乱。 ...... …… Above the upper air, that passes through the purple electricity light beam of willow Qianghong chest to look like god of death that sharp nail, it nail firmly in in the air. 高空之上,那贯穿柳鸧鸿胸膛的紫电光柱就像是死神那尖锐的指甲,将其牢牢的钉在空中。 You......” scarlet blood overflows from its unceasingly, willow Qianghong is staring at Chu Hen stubbornly, eye of zi wants to crack. “你……”猩红的鲜血不断从其口中溢出,柳鸧鸿死死的盯着楚痕,目眦欲裂。 The Chu Hen tranquil gaze the opposite party, is good not to deliver!” 楚痕平静的注视着对方,“好走不送!” „!” “嗤嗤!” Manic purple electric arc rapid walks randomly proliferates whole body of in Liuqiang great wild goose, latter's within the body erupts a confusion incomparable fierce strength instantly. 狂躁的紫色电弧迅速的游走遍布于柳鸧鸿的全身上下,后者的体内即刻爆发出一股混乱无比的剧烈力量。 Bang!” A serious dull thumping sound, willow Qianghong the body changes to everywhere in the world instantly the fragment and sediment. “轰!”的一声沉重的闷响,柳鸧鸿的身躯即刻于天地间化作漫天的碎片和渣滓。 The blood is doping hashed meat simultaneous/uniform flying. 鲜血掺杂着碎肉齐飞。 „......” willow Wuyue such as insane fierce scream, then directly is two one black, falls down in low spirits on the ground. “啊……”柳舞月如疯了般厉声尖叫,接着直接是两眼一黑,闷头栽倒在地上。 Her hand spirits of that wooden attribute four soul also follow to fall on its front stone platform. 她手中的那枚木属性四魂之灵也跟着掉落在其前面的石台上面。 ...... …… At this moment, inside and outside entire old city people completely silent. 此时此刻,整个古城内外的众人全部都默默无言。 The profound Yang Gong people were completely scared. 玄阳宫众人全然都吓傻了。 Walks!” “走!” Qin He first responded, he went forward to put up at the maximum speed faint willow Wuyue, then flew also to resemble with it profound Yang Gong other disciples ran away to flee in a panic. 还是秦赫最先反应过来,他以最快的速度上前将昏厥的柳舞月架起来,然后与之玄阳宫的其他弟子飞也似的仓惶逃窜遁走。 Meaning that Chu Hen has not been ruthless. 楚痕倒也没有赶尽杀绝的意思。 After all this place has so many eyes to look, even willow Wuyue, Qin He and his party put to death in this completely, later is known by profound Yang Gong others. 毕竟此地有这么多双眼睛看着,即便将柳舞月,秦赫一行人全部诛杀于此,之后还是会被玄阳宫的其他人知道。 Therefore kills others, the result and is no different. 所以杀不杀其他人,结果并没有什么不同。 ...... …… Such result, no one guessed correctly. 这样的结果,无人猜到。 The innermost feelings of Wu rock start many fluctuations. 就连吴岩的内心都掀起诸多波动。 Although before he knows , when the war of sect gate, Chu Hen confronts Pei Ye time perhaps has also retained, but cannot think absolutely, the opposite party can cut unexpectedly to kill in the top list the terrifying strength of top talent evildoer/monstrous talent. 虽然他知道之前在宗门之战的时候,楚痕对阵裴烨的时候或许还有所保留,但万万想不到,对方竟能够有着斩杀风云榜上顶尖天才妖孽的恐怖实力。 Looks at the Chu Hen that cold proud thin silhouette, Wu Yanshuang fist grasps lightly, muttered in a low voice. 看着楚痕那冷傲削瘦的侧影,吴岩双拳轻握,低声喃喃自语。 You actually strong to what degree......” “你究竟强到了什么程度……” cold solemn cyclone cold wind dreary, before that imposing central stage did not exist, remaining was less than 1/10 remnant Huan Duanbi supports that several to support a day of stone column...... 冷肃的气旋寒风萧瑟,之前那座气势雄伟的中心高台不复存在,就剩下不到十分之一的残桓断壁支撑着那几道撑天石柱…… The peripheral construction garret was almost razed to the ground, the house collapsing disintegration of big piece. 周边的建筑阁楼几乎都被夷为平地,大片的房屋坍塌解体。 Chu Hen dodging slowly falls to that breakage remnant wall stone platform above. 楚痕缓缓的闪落至那破裂的残壁石台之上。 Immediately, Wu Yan, Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang walks up instantly. 随即,吴岩,叶瑶,龙玄霜即刻走上前去。 elder brother Chu Hen, are you all right? Is injured?” 楚痕哥哥,你没事吧?有没有受伤?” The Chu Hen vision relaxes slightly obviously, it shakes the head slightly, subsequently the palm moves, a suction divulges in the hand, the spirits of not far away that wooden attribute four soul also fall into his palm. 楚痕的目光稍显缓和,其微微摇头,继而掌心一动,一股吸力于手中宣泄而出,不远处那枚木属性四魂之灵随之落入其掌中。 The region that willow Qianghong perished a moment ago has wisp of an energy light group that is glowing the blue sparkling stone glow falls gently. 紧接着,刚才那柳鸧鸿殒命的区域有着一缕焕发着蓝色莹芒的能源光团飘落下来。 Looks at that light group, the corner of the eye of outside people all concentrates. 看着那道光团,场外众人的眼角皆是一凝。 Dense spoon fragment......” “密匙碎片……” Some person of sinking sounds shouted. 有人沉声喝道。 Meanwhile, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge That side severe Yancheng and the others are also the vision one cold, single-handed according to the sword, in the eye has the cold glow to flash...... 于此同时,齐霄阁那边的厉严承等人亦是目光一寒,一个个单手按剑,眼中有着冷芒闪动……
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