UMDK :: Volume #13

#1283: Emperor ape sacred body, purple electricity day glow

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Purple, purple electricity?” “紫,紫电?” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” ...... …… The gorgeous evil different purple thunder and lightning twinkle expansive sky, in the old city the complexion of people changes again and again, the heart one startled is startled again. 绚丽邪异的紫色雷电闪烁长空,古城内众人的脸色一变再变,心头一惊再惊。 Wu Yan, Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang also has stunned. 就连吴岩,叶瑶,龙玄霜也都有所错愕。 „!” “嗤嗤!” If the spirited momentum the plover rouses tall Ming, under many unbelievable vision, the familiar form surrounds manic swift and fierce power of thunder to appear in the line of sight of people together again. 激昂的声势如若千鸟振奋高鸣,在诸多难以置信的目光下,一道熟悉的身影再次环绕着狂躁凌厉的雷霆之力惊现于众人的视线之中。 The purple electricity glow seems the three-dimensional netted light ball, the astonishing terrifying power divulges recklessly. 紫色的电芒好似立体的网状光球,惊人的恐怖力量肆意宣泄。 If Chu Hen still a witch spirit that wields divine punishment thunder tribulation, is ignoring front above willow Qianghong. 楚痕犹若一尊执掌神罚雷劫的巫灵,漠视着前方上空的柳鸧鸿。 On this skill, with being in top list?” “就这点本事,也配登上风云榜?” The chilling sound not minces matter frivolous meaning. 冷硬的声音丝毫不掩饰其中的轻浮之意。 At this moment, people in great surprise. 此刻,众人大惊。 But, willow Qianghong even more is actually furious, its both eyes anger opens the eyes, the golden arrogance outside body gathers before its rapid rotation. 而,柳鸧鸿却是愈发震怒,其双目怒睁,身外的金色气焰聚集在其身前飞速转动。 In an instant, large-scale fireball slanting birthplace of one group about hundred meters widths, just like the hot sun god who drops to be positive, falls to pound toward below Chu Hen bang. 霎那间,一团近百米之宽的大型火球斜贯而下,犹如落下的烈日神阳,朝着下方的楚痕轰落砸去。 Extremely arrogant thing......” “狂妄的东西……” Rumble!” “隆隆!” The billowing heat wave comes, places oneself is withstanding the enormous imposing manner oppression in Chu Hen of under region again. 滚滚热浪呼啸而至,置身于下方区域的楚痕再次承受着极大的气势压迫。 However, Chu Hen actually not fears intent, in both eyes seems the electric light to flash. 然,楚痕却是毫无惧意,双瞳之中似有电光闪动。 single palm holds up, lingers flies to flee to plunder in the Saint sword that the endless purple thunder and lightning outside body seems interweaves. 单掌擎出,萦绕在身外的无尽紫色雷电好似交织的圣剑飞窜掠出。 Storehouse......” “库哧……” Dozens magnificent purple thunder and lightning such as dragon snake connects, erupts the grating length to recite, seems the aurora to flee in all directions, if for example a irregular great sword god lance, upfront impact, in that bang falls, but above below giant fireball. 数十道壮观的紫色雷电如龙蛇交汇,爆发出刺耳的长吟,好似极光流窜,譬若一柄不规则的巨剑神矛,正面冲击在那轰落而下的巨大火球之上。 „!” “嗵!” Both connect, explosive startled day! 两者交汇,爆响惊天! The strength raging tide surging audience of blotting out the sky, the next flash, that swift and fierce purple lightning passed through that group giant fireball by the prestige of broken day directly...... 铺天盖地的力量狂澜激荡全场,下一瞬间,那凌厉至极的紫色闪电以破天之威径直贯穿了那团巨大的火球…… Curls up the endless withering imposing manner the purple lightning to continue to rip the day of crack place, with irresistible force, raids sky over rearward willow Qianghong. 卷起无尽肃杀气势的紫色闪电继续撕天裂地,势如破竹,袭向后方上空的柳鸧鸿。 Notch!” “豁!” The people present hold breath secretly cold air. 在座的众人暗暗倒吸一口凉气。 Good astonishing destructive power.” “好惊人的杀伤力。” This checks the god thunder unreliably?” “这是玄刹神雷吗?” ...... …… At this moment, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge Qin Shouye could not bear narrowed the corner of the eye, on the face was full of the deep meaning. 此刻,就连齐霄阁的秦守业都忍不住的眯起了眼角,脸上饶有深沉之意。 Although in this purple lightning also has checks the god thunder unreliably the aura, but of its strength, actually ultra checks the god thunder unreliably. 虽然这紫色闪电中亦有着玄刹神雷的气息,但其力量之强,却是远超玄刹神雷。 Martial Sect? 武宗 Qin Shouye shook the head slightly, in the eye is surging faintly several points of confusion. 秦守业微微摇头,眼中隐隐涌动着几分困惑。 ...... …… Storehouse!” “库哧!” The imposing manner peerless purple lightning looks like puts on the vault of heaven great lance together, achieves willow Qianghong the front instantaneously, at the same time, latter's within the body has erupted an earth-shaking wild with rage ominous offense arrogance...... 气势绝伦的紫色闪电就像是一道直穿天穹巨矛,瞬间达到柳鸧鸿的面前,与此同时,后者的体内已然爆发出一股撼天动地的狂怒凶戾气焰…… The scarlet red flame ray anger raises the expansive sky. 赤红色的火焰光芒怒掀长空。 Resembles the air wave that if the tsunami folds covers outside willow Qianghong the body, transforms a startled day giant ape of potential of Mt. Liba mountain impressively. 似若海啸叠起的气浪笼罩在柳鸧鸿的身外,赫然幻化成一尊力拔山岳之势的惊天巨猿。 The giant ape whole body bath fire, the tyrant decides the world. 巨猿浑身浴火,霸决天下。 Unequalled wild aura steamroll audience. 无与伦比的狂暴气息碾压全场。 Roar......” “吼……” Shocks eight sides the roaring sounds to resound through inside and outside the old city, the hot ape body like the mountain, the flame that outside the body ascends seems sets the prairie afire deafening sound. 震慑八方的咆哮声响彻古城内外,火猿身躯如山,身外升腾的火焰好似燎原喧天。 Then under a heavy palm racket ruthlessly, bang......” a fierce explosive, that say/way magnificent swift and fierce purple thunder and lightning was broken the bang to explode directly...... 接着一记重掌狠狠的拍下,“砰……”的一声剧烈的爆响,那道壮观凌厉的紫色雷电直接是被震碎轰爆开来…… The lightning thunder light that everywhere flees in all directions flutters about like the rain. 漫天流窜的闪电雷光纷飞如雨。 The ray that void blasts out seems the fireworks chaotic dance. 虚空中炸开的光芒好似烟花乱舞。 The bone-chilling cold strong air wave howls momentously eight sides. 凛冽强劲的气浪排山倒海般呼啸八方。 ...... …… Is emperor ape sacred body!” “是‘帝猿圣体’!” Some outside person of startled sounds said. 场外有人惊声说道。 Really is fearful, compelled this situation willow Qianghong unexpectedly.” “真是可怕,竟然把柳鸧鸿逼到了这种地步。” Indeed is very accidental/surprised, but emperor ape sacred body, the fight also almost must end.” “的确是挺让人意外的,不过帝猿圣体一出,战斗也差不多要结束了。” ...... …… Feels dreadful angry prestige that shocking hot ape is sending out, the heart of people feels the awe. 感受着那尊惊世火猿散发出来的滔天怒威,众人的心头可谓是倍感敬畏。 willow Qianghong bloodline limit, has the extremely terrifying explosive force. 柳鸧鸿的血脉界限,拥有极为恐怖的爆发力。 Even if the powerhouses of same rank are hard to contend. 即便是同等级的强者都难以抗衡。 Let alone boundary cultivation base falls after that Chu Hen. 更别说境界修为落于其后的楚痕 ...... …… Snort, comes to understand!” “哼,觉悟吧!” Places oneself leaves in the hot ape internal willow Qiang Hongfa endures compared with the shouting angrily sound of startling thunderclap. 置身于火猿内部的柳鸧鸿发出堪比惊雷的怒喝声。 Then, the giant hot ape that is indomitable spirit is raises that giant palm to pat directly toward the Chu Hen overhead suppression. 接着,那顶天立地的巨大火猿直接是扬起那巨掌朝着楚痕当头镇压拍下。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” The potential such as the golden flame of raging tide tsunami rapid floods into toward the palm of giant ape, fills in the setting the prairie afire fire in world is also if that hundred Sichuan collects, performs obviously the earth-shaking prestige. 势如狂澜海啸的金色火焰飞速朝着巨猿的掌心涌入,弥漫于天地间的燎原之火亦是如若那百川汇集,尽显翻天覆地之威。 Suddenly, one group concentrates the solid large-scale golden light ball to appear under the palm of giant ape. 眨眼间,一团凝实的大型金色光球惊现于巨猿的掌心之下。 By the potential of screw rotates toward the golden light ball that Chu Hen depresses unceasingly rapidly, instantly forms large-scale roaring flame gold/metal wheel who tears eight sides...... 不断朝着楚痕压下的金色光球以螺旋之势飞速转动,即刻形成一道撕裂八方的大型烈焰金轮…… A gold/metal round of edge, sharp denticles send out are making the destruction strength that one dreads. 金轮边缘,一道道锋利的锯齿散发着令人畏惧的毁灭力量。 Emperor flame god kills!” “帝焰神杀!” Roar!” “吼!” The momentum of willow Qianghong and hot ape overlaps the connection, earth-shaking. 柳鸧鸿和火猿的声势重叠交汇,惊天动地。 ...... …… Inside and outside the entire old city starts vortex fearful storms impressively, in people's eyes, Chu Hen is one deceased person. 整个古城内外赫然掀起一片漩涡般的可怕风暴,在众人的眼中,楚痕已然是一个‘死人’了。 Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao, the Wu Yan three people of heartstrings tighten the pinnacle. 龙玄霜,叶瑶,吴岩三人心弦绷紧到极致。 Vision stubbornly is staring at the front, actually does not dare to leave the atmosphere. 目光死死的盯着前方,却是连大气都不敢出一下。 ...... …… Looks that curled up the endless death aura the golden spiral light wheel to fall rapidly, the Chu Hen clothing long hair agitated with the wind, but in his eye actually did not see the least bit flurried color. 看着那卷起无尽死亡气息的金色螺旋光轮迅速落下,楚痕的衣衫长发随风鼓动,可他的眼中却不见半点慌乱之色。 Then the eyelid raises, a strong imposing manner eruption. 接着眼皮一掀,一股超强的气势爆发而出。 „!” “嗤嗤!” The innumerable say/way purple thunder and lightning blooms from it, continuous interlocks, the twinkle expansive sky...... the magnificent incomparable large-scale thunder and lightning just like the python to put on spatially, thunder and lightning are intertwined mutually, vigorous air waves sweep across dispersing...... 无数道紫色雷电从其绽放开来,源源不断的雷芒交错,闪烁长空……壮观无比的大型雷电犹如巨蟒穿空,一道道雷电相互交缠,一条条雄浑的气浪席卷散开…… Next flash, three fork heavy halberds that are glittering the purple arc light appear in void impressively. 下一霎那,一杆闪烁着紫色弧光的三叉重戟赫然惊现于虚空之中。 Purple electricity, day point!” “紫电,天芒刃!” ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… The deafening heavy loud sound blasts open in the sky of old city instantly, in one both floods under the vision that many are shocking, that hot ape holds the golden giant light wheel of grasping solid drags the crack day heavy halberd of purple electricity glow to hit with it that together...... 震耳欲聋的沉重巨响即刻炸裂于古城的上空,在一双双充斥着诸多震骇的目光下,那火猿持握的金色巨型光轮结结实实的与之那柄摇曳着紫色电芒的裂天重戟撞击在一起…… For example the wild strength that the meteorite collides several want the shattering highest heaven. 譬如陨石碰撞的狂暴力量几欲震裂九霄。 The golden ray dopes the purple electrical network to spatter in all directions in eight side world, originally in the destroyed torn to pieces city constructs suffers the second round of impact again, the house pavilion of big piece degenerates into the ruins instantaneously. 金色光芒掺杂着紫色电网迸溅于八方天地,本就被摧毁的支离破碎的城中建筑再次遭遇第二轮的冲击,大片的房屋楼阁瞬间沦为废墟。 The old city shivers, the land splits. 古城颤抖,大地裂开。 Below stage total disassembly, only has that several alone stone column to sway anxiously in the storm. 下方的高台彻底解体,唯有那几座孤零零的石柱在风暴中摇晃不安。 ...... …… At this moment, everyone facial expression is moved all. 这一刻,所有人神情无不为之动容。 Qin safeguarded one's heritage, severe Yancheng, Wu Yan and the others were the vision is all dignified. 秦守业,厉严承,吴岩等人皆是目光凝重。 Especially willow Wuyue, his both hands grips tightly the fist, the space between eyebrows completely reveals the color of resentful anger. 尤其是柳舞月,其双手紧握成拳,眉间尽显怨怒之色。 That obscure individual, could not win him......” “那无名之辈,是赢不了他的……” In her at heart, willow Qianghong in same level martial cultivator absolutely is invincible existence. 在她的心里,柳鸧鸿于同级武修中绝对是无敌的存在。 In recent years, fights to fight with it numerous talent evildoer/monstrous talent, has not been defeated. 这些年来,与之众多天才妖孽争锋交手,更是未尝败绩。 Only Chu Hen, how could before him dissolute! 区区一个楚痕,又岂能在他面前放肆! ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” The wild complementary waves of filling the heavens chaotic place divulge the vault of heaven, the purple lightning heavy halberd is breaking to pieces together with that golden light wheel exploding as if by prior agreement in the world. 弥天乱地的狂暴余波宣泄天穹,紫色的闪电重戟连同着那金色光轮不约而同的爆碎于天地之间。 The raging tide such as the complementary waves impact of tsunami moves heedlessly the universe. 狂澜如海啸的余波冲击乱动乾坤。 The wind and cloud changes colors, the land breaks. 风云失色,大地断裂。 Hot ape that giant palm anger presses, seems the five fingers mountain, covers toward Chu Hen. 紧接着,火猿那巨掌怒压而下,好似五指大山,朝着楚痕笼罩下去。 Finished!” In willow Qianghong the eyes the cold light shoots steep. “结束了!”柳鸧鸿眼中寒光陡射。 Snort!” The Chu Hen corners of the mouth exude sneering that wipes jeers lightly, such as you were willing, to finish!” “哼!”楚痕嘴角泛起一抹轻嘲的冷笑,“如你所愿,结束了!” Then, Chu Hen does not hide unexpectedly does not dodge, does not evade does not let, welcomed the potential directly on, charges into hot ape giant palm that dropped...... 说罢,楚痕竟然不躲不闪,不避不让,正面迎势而上,冲向那落下的火猿巨掌…… In the motion process, the Chu Hen body extraneous source source does not block the flow to jump out the domineering manic purple lightning. 在移动过程中,楚痕的身外源源不断流窜出强势狂躁的紫色闪电。 The purple telegraphic transfer collection of recklessly interweaving in the right hand palm of Chu Hen, shines the brilliance greatly. 肆意交织的紫电汇集于楚痕的右手掌心,大放光彩。 In an instant, one group of swift and fierce thunder and lightning light nets gather in the palm of Chu Hen, the dense and numerous electric arcs flee the twinkle, seems tens of thousands of electricity edges...... 霎那间,一团凌厉至极的雷电光网聚集在楚痕的掌心之中,密密麻麻的电弧窜动闪烁,好似成千上万的电刃…… „!” “嗤嗤!” For example myriad thunder beasts roared, Chu Hen held to grasp the strength of purple thunder and lightning, by shape impact that punctured directly suddenly above giant palm that in that hot ape depressed. 譬如万千雷兽咆哮,楚痕持握紫色雷电之力,以正面突刺的形态冲击在那火猿压下的巨掌之上。 ...... …… „!” “嗵!” The endless ray that blasting open spatters in all directions surges eight sides, the world changes color, purple glow being contaminated expansive sky. 炸裂迸溅的无尽光芒激荡八方,天地变色,紫芒浸染长空。 Under the huge body of that dreadful hot ape, the Chu Hen figure differs so much as to be beyond comparison with it completely, the former in the Chu Hen front, looks like the colossus that cannot be shaken. 在那滔天火猿的庞大身躯下,楚痕的身形与之完全不成比例,前者在楚痕的面前,就像是一尊不可撼动的庞然大物。 Even so, that wipes the impact that the shocking outstanding purple flash does not show weakness on the body of that huge giant beast. 即便如此,那一抹惊艳卓绝的紫色闪光还是毫不示弱的冲击在那尊庞然巨兽的身上。 ...... …… Bang!” “砰!” The vigorous air wave that explodes unceasingly spreads sky over the old city. 不断爆裂开来的雄浑气浪扩散于古城上空。 Seriously is bold, dares to contend with the qiang Senior Brother Hong's strength unexpectedly directly.” “当真是胆大包天,竟然敢正面抗衡鸧鸿师兄的力量。” This thing is courting death simply!” “这混账东西简直就是在找死!” ...... …… The profound Yang Gong disciples all are the meanings of taunt looks to despise. 玄阳宫的众弟子皆是面露蔑视的嘲讽之意。 May merely be the next flash, a gorgeous purple ray blasts out in the palm of that giant ape, the heart of people in great surprise, happened with matter not as everyone expected...... 可仅仅是下一瞬间,一圈绚丽的紫色光芒于那巨猿的掌心炸开,众人的心头大惊,跟着出乎所有人意料的事情发生了…… Works as!” “哐当!” The endless purple lightning penetrated the giant thick palm of flame giant ape by the potential of violent striking forcefully, the fireball potential that everywhere danced in the air such as the rain got down. 无尽的紫色闪电以暴击之势硬生生的击穿了火焰巨猿的巨大厚掌,漫天飞舞的火球势如雨下。 What? 什么? The people both eyes circle opens the eyes, has a big shock. 众人双目圆睁,大惊失色。 Purple electricity in Chu Hen palm for example not firm not broken lightning god blade, after passing through the palm of giant ape, the meaning of slightly not having stopped...... 楚痕掌中的紫电譬如无坚不破的闪电神刃,在贯穿巨猿的手掌之后,丝毫没有停顿的意思…… Easily accomplished, with irresistible force. 摧枯拉朽,势如破竹。 The purple electricity that cannot be resisted punctures suddenly on, is segmenting the arm of giant ape again. 不可抵御的紫电一路突刺而上,再次切分着巨猿的手臂。 Storehouse......” “库哧……” The sharp momentum is exceptionally grating, in one both feels under gaze with amazement, the arm cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration of flame giant ape, explodes. 尖锐的声势异常刺耳,在一双双倍感骇然的注视下,火焰巨猿的手臂寸寸崩碎,一路爆开。 Suddenly, the Chu Hen incarnation together purple shadow blade, directly is deep pricks the body of that hot ape. 眨眼间,楚痕化身一道紫色影刃,直接是深深的刺入那火猿的身躯内部。 The gorgeous lightning shocking the world, the purple shadow blade divided the huge body of minute of fire ape, the irresistible rush punctures in suddenly placing oneself in willow Qianghong nearby...... 绚丽的闪电惊艳了天地,紫色影刃劈分着火猿的庞大躯体,势不可挡的冲杀突刺于置身于其中的柳鸧鸿的跟前…… Looks to kill front Chu Hen shortly, willow Qianghong the complexion has changed color. 看着顷刻间杀到面前的楚痕,柳鸧鸿的脸色已然变色。 You......” “你……” Storehouse!” “库哧!” Withdraw the body same instantaneous, the purple thunder and lightning that in Chu Hen palm in willow Qianghong flies to draw back cuts into above the chest of opposite party gently. 在柳鸧鸿撤身飞退的同一瞬间,楚痕掌中的紫色雷电轻轻的切入对方的胸膛之上。 willow Qianghong the pupil closely shrinks the needle-tip size, the clothing before its one and splits together with the flesh, with bursting out the blood light of blood. 柳鸧鸿的瞳孔紧紧缩成针尖大小,其身前的衣衫连同着血肉一并裂开,跟着迸发出鲜血的血光。 Below people completely have a big shock. 下方的众人全然大惊失色。 Go away!” “滚开!” The startled anger happened simultaneously, willow Qianghong lifts the hand to raise a palm racket to the opposite party. 惊怒交加,柳鸧鸿抬手掀起一掌拍向对方。 „!” “咻!” Wipes the remnant shadow to plunder, Chu Hen seemed the ghosts and demons to vanish in same place. 一抹残影掠动,楚痕好似鬼魅般消失在了原地。 Next flash, behind transmitting of faint sound in Liuqiang great wild goose. 下一霎那,淡漠的声音于柳鸧鸿的身后传来。 In that arm that ten thousand bell cities you owe, today I accepted......” “在万钟城你欠下的那条手臂,今天我收下了……”
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