UMDK :: Volume #13

#1282: Fights willow Qianghong again

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Couldn't have looked? Present you, before me, have what difference from the waste......” “还看不出来么?现在的你,在我面前,同废物有何区别……” Character character like needle, sharp several want to put on the eardrum of people. 字字如针,尖锐的几欲扎穿众人的耳膜。 willow Wuyue like the paper, Chu Hen that close ice-cold look looks like two sharp swords to enter her innermost soul pale. 柳舞月脸色苍白如纸,楚痕那近在咫尺的冰冷眼神就像是两把利剑般直入她的灵魂深处。 At this moment, she as if crashed into the inexhaustible ice cave abyss. 这一刻,她仿佛坠入了无穷无尽的冰窟深渊。 Was blocked her of throat, could not mention the will of least bit resistance again. 被扼住喉咙的她,再也提不起半点反抗的意志。 ...... …… Above the stage as well as hides others in old city hidden place looks the color of heart being startled. 高台之上以及潜藏在古城暗处的其他人都是面露心惊之色。 In an instant, successive defeats two people! 转眼之间,连败两人! Chu Hen is the potential town/subdues audience. 楚痕已然是势镇全场。 But, at this moment, ices together coldly, if the cold severe aura of frost wells up quietly from the profound Yang Gong team. 而,就在这时,一道冰寒若霜的冷厉气息从玄阳宫的队伍中悄然涌来。 Lets loose her......” “放开她……” Together with voice of falling, air current of especially burning hot towering covers Chu Hen, whish......” in an instant, wild with rage flame of burning hot ignites in the body of Chu Hen, blocks willow Wuyue the arm along that spreads rapidly, launches the ignition to Chu Hen unceasingly...... 连同着落下的话音,一股尤为炙热的气流突兀的将楚痕笼罩在内,“哗……”霎那间,一层炙热的狂怒火焰于楚痕的身上燃起,沿着那扼住柳舞月的手臂,迅速蔓延开来,不断对楚痕展开灼烧…… However, covers regarding this in fearful different fire, Chu Hen is even the brow has not actually wrinkled, even if pinching willow Wuyue finger not slight becoming less crowded. 然,对于这覆盖在身上的可怕异火,楚痕却是连眉头都未曾皱一下,哪怕是掐着柳舞月的手指都没有丝毫的松动。 The coldly stares at the opposite party that to still have the flurried pretty facial features. 其冷冷的盯着对方那犹有慌乱的俏丽面容。 Depends on you, has what ability to defend the spirits of four soul......” “就凭你,有何能耐守住四魂之灵……” Continually the attack, making willow Wuyue be startled and anger, always proudly elegantly beautiful she, how could by this insult. 连番打击,令柳舞月又惊又怒,一向傲然冷艳的她,何曾受过这种侮辱。 At this moment she wishes one could to tear to shreds Chu Hen seriously. 此刻她当真是恨不得将楚痕碎尸万段。 But the disparity of strength is to call it has no strength of resistance. 可偏偏实力的差距却是叫其没有任何反抗之力。 ...... …… I called you to let loose her!” At this time that willow Qianghong was furious impressively the unstoppable situation. “我叫你放开她!”此时那柳鸧鸿赫然是震怒到了不可遏止的地步。 The grandiose big figure seems the fierce tiger ominous beast to shoot up to the sky, subsequently the five fingers open, the wild flame that one group surges eight sides divulges from its within the body, enormous and powerful flame cyclone sudden collecting in his palm...... 壮硕高大的身形好似猛虎凶兽冲天而起,继而五指一开,一团激荡八方的狂暴火焰从其体内宣泄而出,浩荡的火焰气旋急剧的归拢在其掌心…… Buzz!” “嗡!” Next flash, a bone-chilling cold astral's fierce scarlet flame sword blade slanting birthplace expansive sky, but, curls up the arm shoulder of swift and fierce powerful power and influence tangential Chu Hen. 下一瞬间,一记凛冽罡猛的赤焰剑刃斜贯长空而至,卷起凌厉强盛的威势切向楚痕的手臂肩膀。 Chu Hen face upwards eye lifts the head, in profound eye pupil star glow twinkle. 楚痕仰目抬首,深邃的眼眸之中星芒闪烁。 The left palm arm lifts rapidly, together with an extremely astonishing boundless situation, the gorgeous luxurious star glow Saint sunshine is putting the appearance greatly. 左手掌臂迅速抬起,连同着一股极度惊人的磅礴大势,绚丽奢华的星芒圣晖大放神采。 In the air is fluctuating the Beidou seven stars bright and beautiful design. 空气之中浮动着北斗七星的亮丽图案。 Whish!” A heavy strength trembling sound, silver light beam such as the stars glow explodes to plunder together extremely, front surface impact above that scarlet flame sword blade. “哗!”的一声沉重的力量颤响,一道银色光柱似如星辰极芒爆掠出去,迎面冲击在那赤焰剑刃之上。 Bang......” “轰嗵……” The wild shock-wave of blotting out the sky shakes to divulge sky over the top of the head of people. 铺天盖地的狂暴冲击波于众人的头顶上空震荡宣泄开来。 The world changes color, the space shivers, the star sunshine and scarlet glow that surges recklessly like rupturing the flower of flame, the enormous and powerful wave of burning hot air wave toward sweep across in all directions...... 天地变色,空间颤抖,肆意涌动的星晖和赤芒就像一朵爆裂的火焰之花,浩荡如潮的炙热气浪朝着四面八方席卷出去…… Catwalk ground cuns (2.5 cm) split open, nearby many buildings follow to collapse loudly, break down the falling big piece. 高台地面寸寸迸裂,附近的诸多建筑物跟着轰然坍塌,垮陷大片。 Other peripheral bystanders will all withdraw in the future. 周边的其他围观者皆是往后撤去。 ...... …… Safeguards one's heritage the Senior Brother?” That side ten feather monster blade severe Yancheng cover is bleeding the shoulder incessantly, side the people in facial expression gloomy and cold returning arriving in full clouds pavilion. “守业师兄?”那边的十羽妖刀厉严承一手捂着流血不止的肩膀,神情阴冷的回到齐霄阁的众人身旁。 In Qin Shouye the corner of the eye of leader as another top list narrowed the eyes lightly, has not acted instantly actually the meaning. 作为另外一位风云榜上顶尖人物的秦守业眼角轻眯,倒是没有立即采取行动的意思。 Watches changes quietly!” “静观其变!” ...... …… The chaotic shock-wave that spatters in all directions recklessly raises the intermittent chaotic air current. 肆意迸溅的混乱冲击波掀起阵阵混乱的气流。 „!” “咻!” Kills the intent wave of willow Qianghong dive straight, pulls off together the ghosts and demons form in void, instantly flashes to plunder nearby Chu Hen, a palm offers a sacrifice, takes the surface gate of opposite party...... 杀意如潮的柳鸧鸿俯冲直下,于虚空中拖出一道鬼魅般的身影,即刻闪掠到楚痕跟前,一掌祭出,直取对方的面门…… Chu Hen meets the approaching enemy single-handed, lifts the palm welcomed at the same time, the silk threads electric arc connected in the palm arm high and low. 楚痕单手迎击,抬掌相迎的同时,丝丝缕缕的雷芒电弧交汇于掌臂上下。 Bang!” “砰!” Two people of double palm intersections, sound, if the giant stone bumps into, the complementary waves light mark that swings endures compared with the difficult situation. 二人双掌相交,声若巨石相撞,荡开的余波光纹堪比惊涛骇浪。 To recent willow Wuyue is uncomfortable exceptionally, only thinks the whole body blood is flowing backwards, in addition the neck was being pinched, almost made him suffocate quickly. 离得最近的柳舞月可谓是难受异常,只觉全身血液都在倒流,再加上脖子被掐着,几乎都快令其窒息了。 Although willow Qianghong the offensive overwhelming power is astonishing, but Chu Hen actually does not drop the wind completely. 尽管柳鸧鸿的攻势威猛惊人,可楚痕却是完全不落下风。 Even if meets the approaching enemy the opposite party holds the vigor at the same time, is controlling willow Wuyue as before. 哪怕迎击对方掌劲的同时,依旧掌控着柳舞月。 ...... …… Both's palm vigor exudes the serious true essence strength bursting sound unceasingly. 两者的掌劲不断发出沉重的真元力爆裂声。 Unexpectedly, willow Qianghong shows the gloomy and cold smile. 蓦地,柳鸧鸿露出阴冷的笑容。 Day flame dark vigor!” “日炎暗劲!” Buzz!” “嗡!” The next flash, an especially overbearing dark vigor impulse floods into Chu Hen within the body suddenly. 下一瞬间,一股尤为霸道的暗劲冲击力突然间涌入楚痕体内。 Probably that boiling hot magma upsurge, the Chu Hen figure trembles slightly, has the ignition feeling of burning hot with the major meridians. 像是那滚烫的岩浆热潮,楚痕身形微微一颤,跟着各大经脉都有种炙热的灼烧感。 This feeling was actually resembles was once similar! 这种感觉却是似曾相似! Initially when the immortal demon tomb, Chu Hen prevented Qin He to display Lianyang to Bai Qianyu near world that recorded to kill to incur the time, day flame dark vigor was once invaded by this accidentally. 当初在仙魔冢之际,楚痕阻止秦赫对白浅予施展‘莲阳临世’那记杀招的时候,就曾无意中被这‘日炎暗劲’所入侵。 At this moment, Chu Hen unexpectedly is somewhat slight being out of sorts. 此刻,楚痕竟是有些轻微的失神。 ...... …… Snort!” willow Qiang Hongsen smiles coldly, a more boundless dreadful situation ascends, raises dozens zhang (3.33 m) high burning hot arrogance, the endless scalding hot dark vigor strength launches the impact again. “哼!”柳鸧鸿森寒一笑,更为磅礴的滔天大势升腾而起,身后掀起数十丈高的炙热气焰,无尽的灼热暗劲力量再次发起冲击。 Bang!” “砰!” Before burnt the flame outside Chu Hen body in the rosy cloud that for example split open, the violent impulse shook will retreat in the future at the same time it, that clutched willow Wuyue the five fingers also to follow for a it loosen...... 之前燃烧在楚痕身外的火焰譬如绽开的云霞,猛烈的冲击力将其震得往后退去的同时,那扼着柳舞月的五指也跟着为之一松…… Situated in suffocating willow Wuyue of edge only thinks relaxedness that the throat instantaneously changes, but she seizes this opportunity immediately, works loose hastily from the hand of Chu Hen. 处于窒息边缘的柳舞月只觉喉咙瞬间变的轻松,而她立刻抓住这个机会,连忙从楚痕的手中挣脱出去。 cold Muru the frost, the stern voice shouted, killed him to me!” 冷目如霜,严声喝道,“给我杀了他!” ...... …… willow Qianghong vision slanting, faint returning said, is having this intent!” 柳鸧鸿目光一斜,淡漠的回道,“正有此意!” At once looks to Chu Hen, in the foreheads completely reveals the murderous intention. 旋即望向楚痕,眉宇间尽显杀机。 Previous time makes you save a life, this time may not have good luck that......” “上次让你捡回一条命,这次可就没那么好运了……” Together with the voice of falling, the temperature between world is rising the extreme, entire desolated old city like turning into a giant stove...... 连同着落下的话音,天地间的气温升高到了极点,整座荒芜的古城就像变成了一座巨大的火炉…… In the air is disseminating the red light mark of burning hot. 空气中弥散着炙热的赤色光纹。 Under the body of Chu Hen appears scarlet red dark mark that impressively is similar to the mobile magma shape. 楚痕的身下赫然惊现出一道道类似于流动岩浆状的深红色暗纹。 Each scarlet red dark mark is sending out the incomparably overbearing fearsome strength, does not need Chu Hen to respond, each dark mark sudden rupturing splits open, the hot tide that soars to the heavens seems the magma wall column, in all directions each position the Chu Hen blockade in...... 每一条深红色的暗纹都散发着无比霸道的可怖力量,不待楚痕反应过来,每一道暗纹急剧的爆裂绽开,冲天的火潮好似岩浆墙柱,于四面八方各个位置将楚痕封锁在其中…… The magma wall column of cage day cover place interweaves outside the Chu Hen body, and re-steaming it will surround in depth certainly. 笼天罩地的岩浆墙柱交织于楚痕身外,并以回笼之势将其层层包围。 But , in peripheral many are flooding under the vision of awe, that revolves the dreadful flame outside Chu Hen body condenses an incomparably giant golden lotus flower instantly...... 而,紧接着,在周边诸多充斥着敬畏的目光下,那围绕在楚痕身外的滔天火焰即刻凝聚成一朵无比巨大的金色莲花…… The golden great lotus is dazzling, the flower bud opens, is sending out the distortion space scalding hot air wave and destroys day of terrifying power fluctuation that extinguishes the place. 金色巨莲绚丽夺目,花苞微开,散发着扭曲空间的灼热气浪和毁天灭地的恐怖力量波动。 Is Lianyang...... Wu Yan complexion impressively changes near the world, the double fist grasps, in eye completely obviously dignified. “是莲阳临世……”吴岩的脸色赫然一变,双拳一握,眼中尽显凝重。 Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang also has anxiously, two female vision tight is staring at the giant flame golden lotus above front stage...... 叶瑶,龙玄霜亦是有所焦虑,两女目光紧紧的盯着前方高台之上的巨大火焰金莲…… Lianyang near world. 莲阳临世。 It is well known, that is one of the profound Yang Gong unsurpassed giving up study. 众所周知,那是玄阳宫的无上绝学之一。 May regarding Chu Hen, this not be for the first time deals. 可对于楚痕而言,这不是第一次应对了。 Profound Yang Gong team Qin He in deeply frowned, the heart still had the meaning of hatred anger. 玄阳宫队伍中的秦赫眉头紧锁,心头犹有憎怒之意。 Before the immortal demon tomb, Chu Hen decoded him continuously twice Lianyang near world, made it be hard to get over an emotion. 之前在仙魔冢之时,楚痕连续破解了他的两次‘莲阳临世’,着实令其难以释怀。 However, compares willow Qianghong Lianyang near world, Qin He is actually not worth mentioning. 不过,相比较柳鸧鸿的‘莲阳临世’,秦赫的却是不值一提。 In imposing manner, in using technique, has huge difference. 不论是在气势上,还是在施展手法上,都有着天壤之别。 Snort, this time you could not escape!” “哼,这次你是插翅难逃了!” ...... …… The giant golden lotus flower seems one round god Yang hot sun that appears in the old city center. 巨大的金色莲花好似一轮惊现于古城中心的神阳烈日。 Myriad dazzling radiant rays bloom, the city central area of big piece degenerates into the blind spot that golden light covered. 万千刺眼的璀璨光芒绽放开来,大片的城中心区域都沦为了一片金光覆盖的盲区。 The pupil sudden shrinking full circle size of people. 众人的瞳孔急剧的缩成圆点大小。 That brilliant golden great lotus also seems the divine object to bloom quietly. 那光彩夺目的金色巨莲也好似神物般悄然绽放。 Flower petals one after another launch. 一片接一片的花瓣从中展开。 Whenever a flower petal separates, the strength intensity really point of divulging. 每当一片花瓣分开,宣泄出来的力量强度就更甚一分。 ...... …… When all flower petals the flash of if completely opening, presents the facial expression of everyone somewhat to be absent-minded, reaches as high as the hundred zhang (333 m), seems the world halidom of god Buddha immortal lotus to bloom in the old city. 当所有的花瓣全部倘开的一瞬间,在座每个人的神情都不禁有些恍惚,一朵高达百丈,好似神佛仙莲的天地圣物绽放于古城之中。 Snort!” On the face of contemptuous sneering in Liuqiang great wild goose raises, shouting that his both hands to become seal, coldly, vanishes in a puff of smoke!” “哼!”轻蔑的冷笑于柳鸧鸿的脸上扬起,其双手成印,冷冷的喝道,“灰飞烟灭吧!” Lianyang near world!” “莲阳临世!” Explodes!” “爆!” ...... …… „!” “嗵!” The terrifying serious huge deafening sound is earth-shaking, in one both are full of under the panic-stricken vision, that above golden great lotus situated in stage is erupts directly. 恐怖沉重的巨大震响惊天动地,于一双双饶有惊骇的目光下,那朵位于高台之上的金色巨莲直接是爆发开来。 Storm shock-wave of enormous and powerful terrifying sweeps across instantly in the sky of old city. 一股浩荡恐怖的风暴冲击波即刻于古城的上空席卷出去。 If vigorous bone-chilling cold complementary waves concentrates the solid stars halo, everywhere one visit, the grand tall palace garret was destroyed to bevel one after another. 雄浑凛冽的余波似若凝实的星辰光环,所到之处,一座接一座宏伟高大的宫殿阁楼被摧毁削平。 The innumerable say/way magnificent golden color light beam direct impact vault of heaven, the destructive storm strength blasts open the audience, the tearing stage. 无数道壮观的金色光柱直冲天穹,毁灭性的风暴力量炸裂全场,撕裂高台。 ...... …… At this moment, brilliance that desolated dim old city changes. 这一刻,原本那荒芜黯淡的古城变的光彩照人。 The golden Saint sunshine ray made the big old city be contaminated gorgeous gold/metal. 金色的圣晖光芒令偌大的古城都浸染着一层绚丽的金芒。 Feels that to come from the fearful aura of that golden storm, in the old city the complexion of people all changes. 感受着那源自于那股金色风暴的可怕气息,古城内众人的脸色皆是为之大变。 This strength, seriously is fearful!” “这力量,当真是可怕!” That person estimated that died?” “那人估计死定了吧?” This also with saying? Situated in Lianyang near the strength central point of the world, only feared that was that Qin Shouye cannot withstand! Let alone a trivial Martial Sect obscure individual.” “这还用说吗?处于莲阳临世的力量中心点,只怕是那秦守业都承受不住吧!更别说一个区区的武宗无名之辈。” ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, that grand big city center stage has collapsed loudly, disintegration disintegration. 眨眼间,那座宏伟高大的城中心高台已然是轰然坍塌,崩碎解体。 However, the one who made the person surprise was, that stood erect several ancient stone columns above stage not to collapse unexpectedly, was still strong standing erect same place...... 然,令人诧异的是,那矗立于高台之上的几座古老石柱竟然没有倒塌,依然是坚挺的矗立在原地…… Another side, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge the people want to draw a sword, is ready to make trouble. 另外一侧,齐霄阁的众人都欲拔剑而起,蠢蠢欲动。 The words that Chu Hen dies, then should fight for the remaining that dense spoon fragments. 楚痕一死的话,接下来就该争抢剩下的那枚密匙碎片了。 Other peripheral people also notice this, eyes covetously, the facial expression is rigorous. 周边的其他人也都注意到这点,一个个虎视眈眈,神情严谨。 Reviewing willow Wuyue somewhat is actually discontented. 反观柳舞月倒是有些不满。 Snort, such death, seriously was too cheap you.” “哼,这么死,当真是太便宜你了。” ...... …… Works as!” “哐当!” May finish speaking merely, myriad wind and thunder the sound of roaring resounds through the world eight sides. 可仅仅话音刚落,万千风雷的咆哮之声响彻天地八方。 What? 什么? The heart of people present trembles fiercely, sees only in that golden storm vortex, flees in all directions impressively columns of the grandiose peerless manic thunder and lightning...... 在座众人的心头猛地为之一颤,只见那金色的风暴漩涡中,赫然流窜出一道道壮硕绝伦的狂躁雷电之柱…… For example that ice-cold python, leaps recklessly. 譬如那冰冷的巨蟒,肆意跃动。 What is more shocking, all magnificent thunder and lightning are to all present the strange purple...... 更为叫人震惊的是,所有的壮观雷电皆是呈现出奇异的紫色…… „Is this?” “这是?” Purple, purple electricity?” “紫,紫电?” ...... ……
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