UMDK :: Volume #13

#1281: Successive defeats two people

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Brings!” “拿过来吧!” Disregards peripheral anybody's existence, Chu Hen lifts the palm toward severe Yancheng lightly, the tranquil tone sounds has light light to select meaning. 无视周边任何人的存在,楚痕朝着厉严承轻抬手掌,平静的语气听上去有种淡淡的轻挑意味。 When shock, chill/yin cold that severe Yancheng the complexion gradually changes, in the pupil is exuding the faint trace blood anger ray. 震惊之余,厉严承的脸色逐渐变的阴寒,瞳孔之中泛着丝丝血怒光芒。 The peripheral both unusual look made severe Yancheng the heart raise fires of the anger. 周边一双双异样的眼神令厉严承的心头升起一股股愤怒之火。 Snort, wants to hunt and kill the spirits of attribute four soul, looked at you to have this skill......” “哼,想要猎杀属性的四魂之灵,就看你有没有这个本事了……” Then, severe Yancheng raises hand to wield, the first even/including ten light shadow explode to plunder from his referring. 说罢,厉严承扬手一挥,一连十道光影从他的指间爆掠而出。 Ten streams shades gorgeous seems the advantage arrow flying shuttle, calms down to look, that is ten feather shapes short dagger throwing knives...... in the air pulls off a series of vigorous air/Qi glow class/flow shadow unexpectedly, takes on Chu Hen various strategic points. 十道流影绚丽的好似利箭飞梭,定神望去,那竟是十柄羽毛形状的短匕飞刀……空气中拖出一系列雄浑的气芒流影,直取楚痕身上的各处要害。 The space rotates, the Chu Hen vision concentrates, lifts the hand to raise astral's fierce palm vigor to howl together. 空间轮转,楚痕目光一凝,抬手掀起一道罡猛的掌劲呼啸出去。 Bang......” “砰……” The fresh breeze splashes randomly, air wave shop day. 劲风乱溅,气浪铺天。 If the bone-chilling cold strength potential the mighty current flies to raid that but to ten throwing knives shake to fly all, however, was raised the throwing knife that draws back in the process that in flying to draw back unexpectedly fast condensation in the same place, the light shadow overlaps, such as the wing fusion, changes to a to send out the swift and fierce sword of endless chill in the air subsequently...... 凛冽的力量势若洪流般将那飞袭而至的十柄飞刀尽数震飞出去,然,被掀退的飞刀在飞退的过程中竟然快速的凝聚在一起,光影重叠,如羽翼融合,继而化作一柄散发着无尽寒意的凌厉战刀…… „......” “噌……” In the air is surging the sound of resonant blade recitation, at the same time, backs on severe Yancheng of stone column to backhand palm numerous hitting above behind shaft, taking advantage of strong instead shakes the strength, severe Yancheng leaps instantly, in flushing instance, air/Qi of powerful bone-chilling cold withering, if the tsunami erupts from within the body... 空气中激荡着一圈嘹亮的刀吟之声,于此同时,背靠着石柱的厉严承反手一掌重重的打在身后的柱身之上,借着强劲的反震力,厉严承即刻飞跃而出,在冲出去的瞬间,一股强盛至极的凛冽肃杀之气如若海啸般从起体内爆发而出… Ghost cultivates sacred body......” “鬼修圣体……” Whish......” “哗……” Together with the unequalled powerful imposing manner, severe Yancheng the figure is having the strange change impressively, the both arms shoulder is grand, if a black hair dyes the snow, changes to the silver white color all, a both eyes hole evil spirit is scarlet, the corners of the mouth reveal two sharp teeth...... 连同着无与伦比的强大气势,厉严承身形赫然发生奇异的变化,双臂肩膀壮阔,一头黑发如若染雪,尽数化作银白颜色,一双瞳孔厉鬼猩红,就连嘴角都露出两颗尖锐的牙齿…… Clatter!” “嗒!” Erupts the bloodline limit strength severe Yancheng whole body to cover the air/Qi of astonishing ominous cry directly, lifts the hand in that swift and fierce ten feather sword access palms, the both arms drag the blade to move, the blood glow covers in the knife high and low, crosses dozens zhang (3.33 m) terrifying blade glow to cut crosswise toward Chu Hen...... 直接爆发出血脉界限力量的厉严承全身上下笼罩着惊人的凶唳之气,抬手将那凌厉的十羽战刀接入掌中,双臂拖刀而动,血芒覆盖于刀身上下,一记横贯数十丈的恐怖刀芒横向朝着楚痕斩去…… Dies to me!” “给我死来!” This blade shocking like the rainbow, the potential of murdering completely reveals. 这一刀惊艳如虹,杀伐之势尽显。 However, is different at this time in those days, initially especially powerful severe Yancheng at this moment in the Chu Hen eye is actually full of holes. 然,今时不同往日,当初尤为强大的厉严承此刻在楚痕眼中却是破绽百出。 „......” “嗤嗤……” Divulges, innumerable gorgeous thunder light from within the body eruption of Chu Hen. 雷芒宣泄,无数绚丽的雷光从楚痕的体内爆发而出。 Tens of thousands of manic thunder arcs for example the silver snake interweaves before the Chu Hen body, then lifts the hand to find out, the palm welcomed to that arrogance dreadful severe Yancheng. 成千上万的狂躁雷弧譬如银蛇交织于楚痕身前,接着抬手探出,掌心迎向那气焰滔天的厉严承。 The five fingers concentrate, linger manic domineering the dark blue thunder and lightning strength of outside body just like dragon Mangban to raiding, expresses the spirited strength trembling cry, meets the approaching enemy above blade glow that directly, in severe Yancheng brandishes...... 五指一凝,萦绕在身外的一道道狂躁强势的暗蓝色雷电之力犹如龙蟒般冲袭而出,发出激昂的力量颤鸣,正面迎击在厉严承挥舞出来的刀芒之上…… Bang!” “轰嗵!” Both once were connected, immediately erupts startled eight sides the star flower hot rain, the domineering blade glow that severe Yancheng releases such as is attacked by extremely heavy power of thunder, shortly collapse Libao will break to pieces, blasts open myriad light shadow fragments. 两者一经交汇,顿时爆发出一片惊荡八方的星花火雨,厉严承所释放出来的强势刀芒如遭万钧雷霆之力冲击,顷刻间崩离爆碎,炸裂成万千光影碎片。 The complexion of outside people all changes, strong was startled by the Chu Hen strength. 场外众人的脸色皆是一变,不由的被楚痕的力量之强所惊。 Qin Shouye narrowed the corner of the eye, muttered in a low voice, checked the god thunder unreliably......” 就连秦守业都不禁眯起了眼角,低声喃喃道,“玄刹神雷……” Manic gorgeous seems the big net that unfolds, overlapping, is divided into the class/flow shape, covers under toward severe Yancheng goes. 紧接着,狂躁绚丽的雷芒好似铺开的大网,一路交叉开来,分成流状,朝着厉严承笼罩下而去。 The latter pupil shrinks faintly, the double palm grips tightly the sword, the power and influence of soaring to the heavens such as mountain Ruyue, ring-like blade welcomed the potential to sweep. 后者瞳孔隐隐一缩,双掌紧握战刀,冲天的威势如山如岳,一圈环状的刀芒迎势扫荡出去。 Works as!” “哐当!” Domineering blade glow shocking like rainbow, closure front grandiose thunder and lightning will shut off certainly. 强势的刀芒惊艳如虹,以断流之势将面前的壮硕雷电从中切断。 The thunder and lightning that interrupts like the dark blue timbo of separation, on severe Yancheng the face exposes the thick mean meaning, subsequently jumps to leap, such as plunders like lightning anxiously, the thunder and lightning that breaks open from that passes through rapidly, arrives in Chu Hen again nearby...... 截断开来的雷电就像分离的暗蓝色树藤,厉严承脸上展露出浓浓的阴狠之意,继而纵身一跃,如闪电般急掠出去,飞速从那破开的雷电中穿过,再次抵达楚痕的跟前…… I must call you to be attractive!” “我要叫你好看!” The sword in hand blooms myriad dazzling rays, boundless true essence strength in its who soars to the heavens raises to empty behind, outside severe Yancheng the body imitates , if covering a vicious tendencies dreadful Asura ghost...... 手中的战刀绽放出万千刺眼光芒,冲天的磅礴真元力于其身后掀空而起,厉严承的身外仿若笼罩着一尊戾气滔天的修罗鬼影…… The swift and fierce blade potential overhead chops toward the Chu Hen anger. 凌厉至极的刀势当头朝着楚痕怒劈下去。 Dies!” “死来!” Bang......” “轰……” The heavy loud sound shakes in the midair instantly unfolds, the stage facing stone brick of Chu Hen under foot an cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration, the splitting innumerable say/way spider web profound slit, explodes the bird group that broken blasting open the stone such as startled flies instantly, raises the day to fly...... 沉重的巨响即刻于半空中震荡铺开,楚痕脚下的台面石砖即刻寸寸崩碎,绽裂无数道蜘蛛网般深邃的缝隙,爆碎炸裂的石块如惊飞的鸟群,掀天飞起…… But Chu Hen was still body straight standing in same place, audience people all was opens the circle both eyes, saw only an arm that is covering the gorgeous thunder and lightning was the front surface caught that imposing manner peerless swift and fierce sword directly...... 楚痕仍旧是身躯笔直的站在原地,全场众人的皆是睁圆了双目,只见一只覆盖着绚丽雷电的手臂直接是迎面接住了那柄气势绝伦的凌厉战刀…… Notch!” “豁!” The invisible bone-chilling cold air wave shop disperses eight sides. 无形的凛冽气浪铺散八方。 Chu Hen behind Wu Yan, Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang looks the color of surprise. 就连楚痕身后的吴岩,叶瑶,龙玄霜都面露诧异之色。 The ghost who bare-handed catches severe Yancheng cultivates a blade, that separates the mountain peak sufficiently, the blade potential of rivers interception, does not have any destructive power in the Chu Hen front completely. 徒手接住厉严承的鬼修一刀,那足以将山峰断开,河流拦截的刀势,在楚痕的面前完全不具备任何的杀伤力 ...... …… You?” “你?” severe Yancheng similarly is surprised, it only thinks the sword in hand firmly was held by a great power, cannot move. 厉严承同样是惊愕不已,其只觉手中的战刀牢牢的被一股强大力量所吸住,动弹不得。 Initially when the immortal demon tomb, the opposite party was hard to catch including a oneself blade, how long time was this, in so the degree unexpectedly powerful? 当初在仙魔冢的时候,对方连自己一刀都难以接住,这才多久的时间,竟然强大到如此程度了? Does not allow absolutely so! 绝对不容许这般! severe Yancheng looks the fierce color, the canine of corners of the mouth is glittering the sharp cold light, covers outside the body Asura ghost even more congealing reality, seems the specters near the world...... 厉严承面露狰狞之色,嘴角的尖牙闪烁着尖锐的寒光,笼罩在身外修罗鬼影愈发凝实,好似魔影临世…… within the body has the extremely powerful eruption. 体内有着万钧之力爆发。 Bang......” a heavy sound, if the mighty current strength wells up toward Chu Hen, two people peripheral over hundred meters range the floor in region are all hollow. “轰……”的一声重响,如若洪流般的力量朝着楚痕涌去,两人所在区域的周边超过百米范围的台面尽数凹陷下去。 Meanwhile, the profound Yang Gong team willow dance moon/month eye pupil in one cold, looks situated in severe Yancheng the sword under Chu Hen that but the agonic does not move, divulges with the chill in the air. 于此同时,玄阳宫队伍中的柳舞月眼眸一冷,看着位于厉严承战刀之下而不偏不移的楚痕,跟着寒意宣泄而出。 Whish......” “哗……” Together with the boiling hot air wave of incomparable burning hot, seven types of different color flame if still within the body of god rosy cloud in willow dancing moon/month ascends, beyond its like passing on a beautiful clothing feather robe. 连同着无比炙热的滚烫气浪,七种不同颜色的火焰犹若神霞般的于柳舞月的体内升腾开来,其身外就像传了一件霓裳羽衣。 „!” “咻!” Does not need the people to respond, willow Wuyue has disappeared in same place, seems plunders the spatial shadow blade, shuttles back and forth to two people nearby directly. 不待众人反应过来,柳舞月已然消失在了原地,好似掠空的影刃,直接穿梭至两人的跟前。 elder brother Chu Hen careful......” a Ye Yao startled, subconscious opens the mouth calls out in alarm said. 楚痕哥哥小心……”叶瑶一惊,下意识的开口惊呼道。 The Chu Hen corner of the eye concentrates, lifting the hand is a palm pats toward willow Wuyue. 楚痕眼角一凝,抬手就是一掌朝着柳舞月拍去。 Bang!” “砰!” The tornado violent that the flame cyclone that surges recklessly for example splits open raises the day to explode in three people. 一股肆意激荡的火焰气旋譬如绽开的龙卷风暴于三人之间掀天爆开。 astral's fierce shock-wave sweeps across in all directions, along with changes to the fragment powder all the big or small crushed stone, three people of forms retreat toward the rear area respectively...... 罡猛的冲击波席卷四面八方,伴随着尽数化作齑粉的大小碎石,三人身影各自朝着后方退去…… Was too mean!” Ye Yao scolded loudly, she just wanted to go forward to help, actually put out a hand to block by Wu Yan. “太卑鄙了!”叶瑶大声骂道,她刚欲上前帮忙,却是被吴岩伸手拦住。 Do not be first anxious!” “先别急!” Saying, Wu Yan vision swept outside Qin to safeguard one's heritage with willow Qianghong one eyes, in the eye slightly had the meaning of vigilance. 说着,吴岩的目光扫了场外的秦守业和柳鸧鸿一眼,眼中略有警觉之意。 ...... …… Snort!” Looks at facial expression cold proud willow Wuyue, on the face of Chu Hen exudes to wipe light light to jeer. “哼!”看着神情冷傲的柳舞月,楚痕的脸上泛起一抹淡淡的轻嘲。 Meanwhile, then instead shakes the strength to fly to draw back the severe Yancheng whole body dozens meters away to send out the air/Qi of dreadful ominous offense. 与此同时,接着反震力飞退数十米外的厉严承全身散发着滔天的凶戾之气。 Doesn't want to hunt and kill the spirits of attribute four soul? My this gives you......” “不是想要猎杀属性的四魂之灵吗?我这就给你……” The corners of the mouth that chill/yin cold sneering in Liyan receives shoulder, together with extremely powerful murdering arrogance, the world is changing colors, blustery. 阴寒的冷笑于厉严承的嘴角挑起,连同着极为强盛的杀伐气焰,天地失色,风起云涌。 The black light beam slanting birthplace vault of heaven with for example great lance, curls up the potential of bone-chilling cold rush one after another toward the Chu Hen assault. 跟着一道接一道譬如巨矛的黑色光柱斜贯苍穹而下,卷起凛冽的冲杀之势朝着楚痕袭去。 Chu Hen moves to the body to dodge, in ominous air/Qi peerless black light beam deep digging in floor. 楚痕移身闪躲,凶气绝伦的黑色光柱深深的扎入台面之中。 Buzz......” “嗡……” At once, the interior of each black light beam presents the unusual distortion shape, the ripple that probably the water surface rubs , in the ripple of that distortion appears fierce fearsome evil beast faces...... 旋即,每一道黑色光柱的内部都呈现出奇特的扭曲状,像是水面揉动的波纹,紧接着,那扭曲的水纹中浮现出一张张狰狞可怖的邪兽面孔…… „, Gluttony grand feast......” “森罗,饕餮盛宴……” Jie!” “桀!” Near the ear of people seems of incisive the sound grating strange howling. 众人的耳边似乎尖锐刺耳的怪啸之声。 However, severe Yancheng finishes speaking merely, storehouse scoffs at......” the sound of rapid swift and fierce broken wind to explode together suddenly raids, but. 然,厉严承仅仅只是话音刚落,“库嗤……”一道急促凌厉的破风之声陡然间爆袭而至。 „!” “哧!” The next flash, one string of bright blood splashes dance in the breeze, severe Yancheng the pupil shrinks fiercely, suddenly feels a right shoulder fierce ache, saw only one dark blue thunder and lightning light beams to just like the aurora to pass through the shoulder of opposite party...... 下一瞬间,一串鲜艳的血花飘舞,厉严承的瞳孔剧烈一缩,顿觉右边肩膀一阵剧烈的疼痛,只见一束暗蓝色的雷电光束犹如极光般贯穿了对方的肩膀…… The strength of manic thunder and lightning invades the body of opposite party rapidly. 狂躁的雷电之力迅速的入侵对方的身躯。 The dense and numerous electric arcs flee in all directions instantly severe Yancheng whole body, the latter only thinks that the meridians of every inchs within the body are at the paralysis condition, all the true essence strength of gathering immediately change incomparable lax...... 密密麻麻的电弧即刻流窜厉严承的全身上下,后者只觉体内的每一寸经脉都处于麻痹状态,所有汇聚的真元力顿时变的无比涣散…… Like removing firewood from under the pot general, severe Yancheng by that flash that the thunder and lightning light beam hits, all black light beams all are the aura return collect the ablation, subsequently the total disintegration, changes to bunch of black mist and dust to vanish in the world. 如同釜底抽薪一般,厉严承被雷电光束击中的那一霎那,所有黑色光柱皆是气息回敛消融,继而全数崩碎,化作一团团黑色的烟尘消失在天地之间。 ...... …… Arrived you!” Chu Hen has not looked at severe Yancheng one eyes again, the faint vision plunders directly to willow Wuyue. “到你了!”楚痕没有再多看厉严承一眼,淡漠的目光径直掠向柳舞月。 The latter facial color sinks, in the eye is exuding the chill in the air. 后者面色一沉,眼中泛着寒意。 But lift-off the seven colors flame looks like a group auspicious clouds. 升空而起的七色火焰就像是一团祥云。 „, The heart of thorn!” “森罗,荆棘之心!” Rumble!” “隆隆!” Above the big floor the stone chip splash, the bricks and stones explode immediately, huge incomparable thorn great vines fly to flee from both. 偌大的台面之上顿时石屑飞溅,砖石爆开,一道道庞大无比的荆棘巨藤从两者之间飞窜而出。 The powerful imposing manner inundates filling the heavens, the magnificent scene seems innumerable only came from the giant octopus tentacle in deep sea. 强盛的气势弥天漫地,壮观的场面好似无数只来自于深海之中的巨大章鱼触手。 What is more astonishing, the thorn great vine that these blot out the sky burns rapidly the wild with rage flame of burning hot. 更为惊人的是,那些铺天盖地的荆棘巨藤飞速燃烧起炙热的狂怒火焰。 Like the flame monster, plunges Chu Hen. 如同火焰怪兽,扑向楚痕 ...... …… Outside people all are secret the heart to be startled. 场外的众人无不暗暗心惊。 Good brilliant coordination!” “好漂亮的配合!” Worthily is willow Wuyue, can unexpectedly own such perfect of bloodline limit strength coordination with.” “不愧是柳舞月,竟能将自身的血脉界限同森罗之力配合的如此完美。” ...... …… But in next second, „” a simple crack sound, that magnificent incomparable great tree vine forcefully was divided to cut together by the swift and fierce impulse, the innumerable great vines tear directly, divide into two. 可就在下一秒钟,“哧拉”一声干脆的裂响,那壮观无比的巨树藤蔓硬生生的被一道凌厉的冲击力劈斩开来,无数条巨藤直接是从中撕裂,一分为二。 Is this? 这是? The heart of people trembles all. 众人的心头无不一颤。 willow Wuyue also has a big shock. 柳舞月同样是大惊失色。 ...... …… „, Similar style use two, did Miss willow you exhaust the bag of clumsy tricks?” “呵,同样的招式使用两次,柳大小姐你是黔驴技穷了么?” With frivolous sneering, lingers the gorgeous young form to seem blade of the thunder and lightning to clash together to raid from that myriad flame vines...... 随着轻浮的冷笑,一道萦绕着绚丽雷芒的年轻身影好似一柄雷电之刃般从那万千火焰藤蔓中冲袭而出…… In the air pulls off the strings of bright and beautiful electricity glow, Chu Hen fast arrives in willow Wuyue the front by the aurora, glittered the right palm arm of electric arc to penetrate seven colors flame beautiful clothing feather robe outside willow Wuyue the body directly, blocked opposite party that fair attractive neck instantaneously...... 空气中拖出一串串亮丽的电芒,楚痕以极光之速抵达柳舞月的面前,闪烁着电弧的右手掌臂直接穿透了柳舞月身外的七色火焰霓裳羽衣,瞬间扼住了对方那白皙漂亮的脖子…… „Isn't honest standing good because of under?” “老老实实的站在下面不好吗?” Whish!” “哗!” Imposing manner that cannot be shaken such as mountain Ruyue, the potential of Chu Hen, steamroll audience. 不可撼动的气势如山如岳,楚痕之势,碾压全场。 Bang......” a dull thumping sound, near willow Wuyue the body circumference seven colors flame such as the rosy cloud of rupturing, disseminates in the world. “砰……”的一声闷响,柳舞月身外周边的七色火焰如爆裂的云霞,弥散于天地之间。 That gentle and charming body was proposed by Chu Hen directly, the strength that the pale complexion, as if struggles continually does not have. 那娇柔的身躯直接被楚痕提了起来,苍白的脸色,仿佛连挣扎的力气都没有。 Chu Hen despises the audience, sound ice-cold seems the advantage arrow cold frost. 楚痕蔑视全场,声音冰冷的好似利箭寒霜。 Couldn't have looked? Present you, before me, have what difference from the waste......” “还看不出来么?现在的你,在我面前,同废物有何区别……”
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