UMDK :: Volume #13

#1280: Coming face to face

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Hahahaha, Sister willow said that like this I was a little sad, the good and evil initially when the immortal demon tomb, we had also once fought side-by-side......” “哈哈哈哈,柳师妹说这样我就有点伤心了,好歹当初在仙魔冢的时候,我们也曾并肩作战过……” Saying this saying to be not others, is simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge ten feather monster blades, severe Yancheng. 说出这话者不是别人,正是齐霄阁的十羽妖刀,厉严承。 But, regarding severe Yancheng trying to get close, willow Wuyue was still disdaining of especially performance, is selecting the corners of the mouth lightly, actually thought otherwise. 而,对于厉严承的‘套近乎’,柳舞月仍旧是表现的尤为不屑,轻挑着嘴角,却是不以为然。 At that time were many in the person in immortal demon tomb, which do you calculate?” “当时在仙魔冢的人多了去,你又算哪一位?” severe Yancheng is not angry but actually, returning that ponders said, such long does not see, Sister willow also is really has not changed, vision high quickly which could not see me to be at......” 厉严承倒也不生气,略带玩味的回道,“这么久不见,柳师妹还真是一点都没变,眼光高的都快看不到我在哪了……” Idle talk little said that other half of dense spoon fragment in your hands?” willow Wuyue the voice is slightly chilly. “废话少说,另外一半的密匙碎片在你们手上吧?”柳舞月声音略显清冷。 Such remarks, inside and outside stage other crowd facial expressions concentrate, in gushes out some meanings of changing countenance. 此言一出,高台内外的其他人群都不禁神情一凝,一个个眼中都涌出些许动容之意。 severe Yancheng the brow selects lightly, looked askance to look slightly to top list talent, Qin safeguards one's heritage. 厉严承眉头轻挑,微微侧目看向身旁的风云榜天才,秦守业。 The latter that cannot see clearly the slight mood to fluctuate just like the morbid state pale face on, its looking straight ahead is built on willow Wuyue willow Qianghong. 后者那宛如病态苍白的面孔上看不清丝毫的情绪波动,其直视立于柳舞月身旁的柳鸧鸿。 It seems like you also obtained part!” “看来你们也得到了一部分!” Hey!” willow Qianghong smiles frivolously, then lifts the hand to turn, if together the spirit jade pearl energy luminous body falls in his hands. “嘿!”柳鸧鸿轻浮一笑,接着抬手一翻,一道如若灵玉明珠般的能源光体落于其手中。 Your?” “你的呢?” In this!” Qin safeguarded one's heritage does not keep guessing, was the palm raises, same luxurious dazzling crystal Yuan luminous body presented under the air. “在这!”秦守业也不卖关子,亦是掌心一掀,同样一枚奢华耀眼的晶元光体呈现于空气之下。 The crystal that two are glittering the blue ray seems the stars bright moon to vie to seize colorfully. 两枚闪烁着蓝色光芒的晶体好似星辰皓月争辉夺艳。 Others in city see this thing, immediately the heartstrings touch lightly, the innermost feelings are ready to make trouble, greatly before one plants, robs a motive. 城内的其他人一见此物,顿时心弦轻触,内心蠢蠢欲动,大有一种上前抢夺一番的动机。 But Qin safeguarded one's heritage with willow Qianghong is top talent on the top list, the crowds of other gate influences were also cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, does not dare to act rashly. 但秦守业和柳鸧鸿皆是风云榜上的顶尖天才,其他宗门势力的人群也都是投鼠忌器,不敢贸然行动。 Qin, the willow tree two people were to all calm down to stare at the dense spoon fragment in opposite party hand. 秦,柳二人皆是定神盯着对方手中的密匙碎片。 Two people frown. 紧接着,两人都是皱起了眉头。 Other fragments......” Qin safeguarded one's heritage the sinking sound to say. “还有其他的碎片……”秦守业沉声说道。 severe Yancheng, willow Wuyue and the others are also the corner of the eye concentrates, sees only the fragments of these two dense spoons, although occupied quite many part, may be unable to piece together a complete dense spoon obviously...... 厉严承,柳舞月等人也是眼角微凝,只见这两枚密匙的碎片虽然占据了比较多的一部分,可显然无法拼凑出一枚完整的密匙…… In other words, two people add, is unable to open ten thousand years of ruins that in this old city has. 也就是说,两人加起来,也无法开启这座古城中藏有的万年遗址。 In the hearts of many feels disappointed. 不少人的心中都倍感失望。 ...... …… However, at this moment, the dense spoon fragments in two people hand glow a strange intense ray suddenly. 然,就在这时,两人的手中的密匙碎片突然焕发出一阵奇异的强烈光芒。 Ray suddenly suddenly weak, when is strong gorgeous dazzling, when is weak dense like fog. 光芒忽强忽弱,强时绚丽刺眼,弱时氤氲如雾。 In an instant, Qin safeguarded one's heritage, willow Qianghong two people looked at each other one, all was sees that in opposite party eyes to wipe the surprised meaning. 霎那间,秦守业,柳鸧鸿二人对视一眼,皆是看到对方眼中的那抹惊讶之意。 Seemed like another part also to come......” willow Qianghong the vision one cold, showing the faint trace point was aggressive. “貌似另外一部分也要来了……”柳鸧鸿目光一凛,透出丝丝锋芒霸气。 ...... …… „!” “咻!” Meanwhile, the sky of vast old city has several light beam remnant shades to graze toward here, but. 与此同时,辽阔古城的上空有着几道光束残影朝着这边飞掠而至。 Everyone follows to look askance to look. 所有人跟着侧目望去。 Whish!” “哗!” An air wave of ripple shape disperses in the air middle berth, the south end above stage flashes to fall four imposing young forms instantly...... 一圈水纹状的气浪于空气中铺散开来,在高台之上的南面一端即刻闪落下来四道气势不凡的年轻身影…… In their behind, but also a kitten beast with black and white variety. 在他们的身后,还跟着一头黑白花色的小猫兽。 Is feeling the look of all around that difference, some Chu Hen one line of unavoidably surprise. 感受着四周那异样的眼神,楚痕一行人不免有些诧异。 ...... …… Hey, delivered quickly!” In the mouth of cold and gloomy laughter in Liuqiang great wild goose puts out. “嘿,这么快就送上门来了!”森冷的笑声于柳鸧鸿的口中吐出。 Meanwhile had covered entirely the cold cream in his willow Wuyue facial features. 同时在他身旁的柳舞月一张面容已然是布满了冷霜。 elder brother Chu Hen, is they......” Ye Yao said in a low voice, among the delicate eyebrows is slightly serious. 楚痕哥哥,是他们……”叶瑶低声说道,秀眉间略显郑重。 Chu Hen had also discovered profound Yang Gong and his party of exist. 楚痕也已然发现了玄阳宫一行人存在。 The vision connects with it willow Qianghong, in the air as if there is invisible air current collision. 目光与之柳鸧鸿交汇,空气中仿佛有着无形的气流碰撞。 Also is really enemies often cross each other's path! 还真的是冤家路窄! The holy war drafts summons! 圣战征召见! Without thinking first day met! 没想到第一天就遇到了! ...... …… Where has this person seemingly seen?” “这人貌似在哪里见过?” Has the sound of several points of suspicion to transmit from simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge That side team. 带有几分怀疑的声从齐霄阁那边的队伍中传达出来。 Ten feather monster blade severe Yancheng somewhat stunned stares to walk Chu Hen that slowly. 十羽妖刀厉严承有些错愕的盯着缓缓走来的楚痕 Even more thought that the present young form is very familiar. 愈发觉得眼前的这道年轻身影很是熟悉。 But for a short time, actually cannot think that has the related scene with it opposite party. 可一时半会,却是想不出来与之对方有所联系的场景。 Chu Hen selected the brow, the corners of the mouth exuded to wipe the meaningful curve. 楚痕挑了挑眉头,嘴角泛起一抹意味深长的弧度。 ...... …… But, with Chu Hen unceasing faces forward to approach, Qin safeguarded one's heritage with the ray that the dense spoon fragment in willow Qianghong hand sent out is more powerful, fills the air, but the strength fluctuation was more intense. 而,随着楚痕不断的朝前靠近,秦守业和柳鸧鸿手中的密匙碎片散发出来的光芒就越强盛,弥漫而出的力量波动就越强烈。 This scene, had shown all. 这一场面,已然说明了一切。 Definitely, crowd of some dense spoon fragment...... outside on them spread such together the screams mistakenly impressively. “肯定错不了,还有一部分的密匙碎片在他们身上……”场外的人群中赫然传出这么一道惊呼声。 This screams, like breaking the heavy hammer of deeply worried atmosphere. 这道惊呼声,如同打破焦灼氛围的重锤。 Resembles to raise the bugle of war. 更似掀起战争的号角。 In an instant, the stage peripheral divulges a manic anxious imposing manner instantly. 霎那间,高台周边即刻宣泄出一股狂躁不安的气势。 Whiz......” “嗖……” Together with the voice of falling, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge team severe Yancheng is just like the flying arrow to take the lead to clash to raid, erupts the potential of rapid sharp blade, is plunders nearby Chu Hen directly...... 连同着落下的话音,齐霄阁队伍中的厉严承犹如离弦之箭般的率先冲袭出去,爆发出迅疾利刃之势,直接是掠到楚痕跟前…… In the ice-cold look completely reveals the chill in the air, lifts a hand palm to take bearing the Chu Hen surface gate. 冰冷的眼神中尽显寒意,抬手一掌探向楚痕的面门。 Many thanks you, delivered personally the last fragment!” “多谢你了,亲自把最后一块碎片送过来!” It is not good! 不好! The people present all are terrified, the opportunity of simply not having fought, becomes simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge the 's in the bag instantaneously. 在座的众人皆是惶恐不已,根本没有争抢的机会,瞬间就成为了齐霄阁的囊中之物。 Faces severe Yancheng that sharp blade sharp imposing manner, in the eye of Chu Hen is actually not seeing the half a point to be flurried, even tranquil like the water of well. 面对着厉严承那利刃般的尖锐气势,楚痕的眼中却是不见半分慌乱,甚至平静的如同古井之水。 Will soon touch the former flash of goal in the offensive of opposite party, the Chu Hen body slightly one side, severe Yancheng the palm potential pasted his left cheek to pass over gently and swiftly directly...... 就在对方的攻势即将触碰到目标的前一霎那,楚痕身躯微微一侧,厉严承的掌势直接是贴着他的左边面颊掠过…… Shunted! 躲开了! The heart of outside people are startled. 场外众人的心头一惊。 severe Yancheng the vision is exuding the cold glow, then the wrist/skill moves, the palm arm that offers a sacrifice to changes to the palm blade instantly, wants toward the Chu Hen neck detachment. 厉严承目光泛着寒芒,接着手腕一动,祭出的掌臂即刻化作掌刀,欲朝着楚痕的脖子劈去。 But, at the same time, buzz......” a vigorous air wave swings in the midair, severe Yancheng that sharp imposing manner falls into the static condition instantaneously, the complexion of peripheral people changes, sees only the arm of opposite party unexpectedly is directly by Chu Hen firmly blocks...... 可,就在同一时间,“嗡……”的一声雄浑的气浪于半空中荡开,厉严承那锋锐的气势瞬间陷入静止状态,周边众人的脸色不禁一变,只见对方的手臂竟是直接被楚痕牢牢的扼住…… What? 什么? severe Yancheng the pupil shrinks, surprised. 厉严承瞳孔一缩,惊愕不已。 Does not need it to respond, Chu Hen figure after one side, lifts the right leg, a side kicks solid trampling above the chest abdomen of opposite party...... 不待其反应过来,楚痕身形朝后一侧,随之抬起右腿,一记侧踢结结实实的踹在对方的胸膛腹部之上…… Bang!” “砰!” Sad makes a sound in Jingdang to come again, severe Yancheng body following bow, just like the lobster is ordinary, was struck to fly about hundred meters, then hits on a stage hundred zhang (333 m) stone column, the floor shivers, the pillar bottom bricks and stones split cracks...... 沉闷的重响于惊荡开来,厉严承的身躯都跟着躬了下去,犹如龙虾一般,被击飞近百米,然后撞击在高台北面的一道百丈石柱上面,台面颤动,柱子底端的砖石都绽裂出一道道裂缝…… Tramples flies severe Yancheng! 一脚踹飞厉严承! The sudden scene directly is stunned. 突如其来的场面直接是令人错愕不已。 Encounters severe Yancheng the both eyes circle of impact on open the eyes, full is incredible is looking at the opposite party. 遭遇冲击的厉严承双目圆睁,满是不可置信的望着对方。 Who are you?” “你是何人?” The Chu Hen vision is facing up to the opposite party, lifts the left hand lightly, light returning said, slaughters the spirits of attribute four soul, can give me......” 楚痕目光正视着对方,轻抬左手,淡淡的回道,“杀戮属性的四魂之灵,可以给我了……” Bang!” “轰!” severe Yancheng the heart raises soars to the heavens the monstrous waves, in its mind appeared impressively at that time that scene of in Xianmo Tomb. 厉严承的心头掀起冲天巨浪,其脑海中赫然浮现出当时于仙魔冢的那一幕场景。 The mysterious female who at that time that wears the mask was hidden War God Palace elder Cui Lie in hidden place to imprison her strength by Xuanyuan seal technique. 当时那名戴着面具的神秘女子被潜藏在暗处的战神宫长老崔烈以‘轩辕封印术’禁锢了自身的力量。 Only the person goes forward to rescue in her. 唯有一人上前营救于她。 May, severe Yancheng one kill to incur to rumble finally to kill the nihility two people directly. 可在最后之时,厉严承一记杀招直接将两人轰杀成虚无。 ...... …… Is you!” severe Yancheng the double fist grasps, when is astonished, in the eye is surging infinite cold intent, „haven't you died unexpectedly?” “是你!”厉严承双拳一握,惊愕之余,眼中涌动着无限冷意,“你竟然还没死?” Not only has not died, instead cultivation base not may compare initially! 不仅是没死,反而修为远非当初可比! Besides severe Yancheng, another side profound Yang Gong team willow dance moon/month is the facial features ice is also cold. 除了厉严承外,另外一侧玄阳宫队伍中的柳舞月同样是面容冰寒。 Is Wu Yan, Ye Yao, the Long Xuanshuang three people have on the contrary accidentally/surprisingly. 反倒是吴岩,叶瑶,龙玄霜三人有所意外。 Has not thought that besides willow Wuyue, before Chu Hen, knows severe Yancheng. 没想到除了柳舞月之外,楚痕以前还认识厉严承。 ...... …… Chu Hen had not replied, was still only light saying, brought!” 楚痕没有回答,仍旧只是淡淡的说道,“拿过来吧!”
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