UMDK :: Volume #13

#1279: Dense spoon

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Lu thousand?” “卢千?” When Wu Yan noticed that Chu Hen front ground that is badly-damaged, when is opening the big eye unrequited corpse, its complexion is broadminded changes. 当吴岩看到楚痕前方地面那具残破不堪,睁着大眼死不瞑目的尸体之时,其脸色豁然间为之大变。 With looks again to that Chu Hen tranquil face, Wu Yan heart only sleep/felt raises the dreadful monstrous waves. 跟着再看向那楚痕平静的面孔,吴岩的心头只觉掀起滔天巨浪。 You are......” “你这是……” Meanwhile, Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang also feels astonished. 同时,身旁的叶瑶,龙玄霜亦是倍感惊愕。 Follows gently in Ye Yao following Yin-Yang beast Nauny meow. 就连跟在叶瑶后面的阴阳兽诺尼都轻轻的“喵”了一声。 Vision glance peripheral, actually besides Lu thousand, but also is scattering the bodies of other governing Jianmen disciples, the life mourning at the scene, make a joint guaranty the entire corpse could not find several. 目光扫视周边,却是除了卢千之外,还散落着其他御剑门弟子的尸体,一个个命丧当场,连保有全尸的都找不到几个。 Then how long time? 这才多久的功夫? Before less than the little while, these people are also throwing to disregard and disdain to Martial Sect one group, in an instant time, is annihilated directly...... 就在不到半刻之前,这些人还对着武宗一行人投以无视和不屑,转眼的时间,直接是全军覆没…… Under top list the first person? 风云榜下第一人? Dying does not have the least bit dignity. 死的着实是没有半点尊严。 Brother Chu Hen, is this you do?” 楚痕师弟,这都是你做的?” Wu Yan inquired in a low voice, but the words just exported, it knows own this issue was really unnecessary, a surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) range, besides their several, could not find others. 吴岩低声询问道,不过话刚出口,其就知道自己这个问题实属多余,方圆数十里的范围,除了他们几个之外,找不到别人。 The Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selects lightly, then the palm moves, in the hand divulges a strong suction. 楚痕俊眉轻挑,接着掌心一动,手中宣泄出一股强劲的吸力。 „......” “咻……” Then a wisp of clear light shadow grazes from Lu thousand. 接着一缕晶莹的光影从卢千的身上飞掠而出。 Chu Hen puts out a hand his access palm, Wu Yan, Long Xuanshuang, the Ye Yao three people at present slightly brightly, is throws the surprise the look. 楚痕伸手将其接入掌心,吴岩,龙玄霜,叶瑶三人眼前微亮,皆是投来诧异的眼神。 Seeing only that is an unusual energy body of roughly child fist size. 只见那是一颗约莫小孩拳头大小的奇特能源体。 Uneven, but irregular, is not also neat. 有棱有角,但并不规则,亦不整齐。 The interior is surging very strange pure strength. 内部涌动着很是奇异的精纯力量。 Silk threads dense soft light showing mysterious aura. 丝丝缕缕的氤氲柔光彰显神秘气息。 ...... …… What is this?” Ye Yao curious asking. “这是何物?”叶瑶好奇的问道。 Before they had seen this thing, the people in governing Jianmen when killed that great insect monster, blew out this thing from its within the body. 之前他们都看见过此物,御剑门的众人在杀了那头巨虫怪物的时候,就从它的体内爆出了这件东西。 Chu Hen because of this thing, will also be pursuing Lu 1100 groups of people. 楚痕也是因为此物,才会追着卢千一行人而来。 ...... …… I felt that this is the thing that we must look.” Does to hesitate slightly, Chu Hen said in a soft voice. “我感觉这是我们要找的东西。”稍作迟疑,楚痕轻声说道。 Thing that must look for? 要找的东西? Is what? 是什么? Three people of puzzled its meanings. 三人不解其意。 But Wu Yan eyelid raises, subconscious blurting out, can it be that...... dense spoon?” 而吴岩眼皮一掀,下意识的脱口而出道,“莫不是……密匙?” Dense spoon? 密匙? Two character, two female surprise even more. 两个字一出,两女的越发诧异。 „Is this dense spoon?” “这是密匙?” Has the possibility......” Chu Hen to give the affirmation. “有可能……”楚痕给予肯定。 The central theme point that this holy war recruits is dense spoon, from can know in the information that ten thousand bell Chengnei obtains, the dense spoon can open the chaotic demon domain many ten thousand years ago ruins historical sites in...... 本次圣战征召的中心主题点乃是‘密匙’,从在万钟城内得到的情报可以知晓,密匙可以开启乱魔界域内的诸多万年之前的遗址古迹…… Why will you think so?” Long Xuanshuang puzzled asking. “你为什么会这么觉得?”龙玄霜不解的问道。 The Chu Hen corner of the eye slightly slantingly, shot a look at eye underground Lu lightly thousand. 楚痕眼角微斜,淡淡的瞥了眼地下的卢千。 When across the dense fog area, we avoids chases of these monsters in the form of evacuation. But these people in governing Jianmen, look for these monsters seem like intentionally......” “在穿过迷雾区的时候,我们是以撤离的形式躲避那些怪物的追赶。而御剑门的这些人,倒像是故意找上那些怪物们……” Such remarks, three people of some become aware suddenly. 此言一出,三人不禁有些恍悟。 In other words, they know beforehand the body of that great insect monster does have this thing?” Long Xuanshuang replied. “也就是说,他们事先就知道那头巨虫怪物的身上有这个东西?”龙玄霜回答道。 Chu Hen nods, approves the idea of opposite party. 楚痕点点头,认同对方的想法。 Rumbles to kill the method of that great insect from governing Jianmen and his party, obviously exists pointed. 从御剑门一行人轰杀那头巨虫的手段来看,明显是存在针对性的。 Especially after that monster dies, within the body departs this energy body time, Lu thousand are very natural puts in the bag it, even does not have the careful observation...... 尤其是当那怪物死后,体内飞出这枚能源体的时候,卢千更是非常自然的就将其收入囊中,甚至都没有仔细的观察…… This fully explained a point, on that thing regarding great insect monster, Lu thousand was not surprised. 这足以说明一点,对于巨虫怪物身上的那个东西,卢千并不感到意外。 It seems like governing Jianmen obtained compared with we more information, enters to the chaotic demon domain ruins, started to seek to distribute in the dense spoons of various places......” “看来御剑门获得了比我们更多的情报,一进到乱魔界域遗址,就开始寻找分布在各处的密匙了……” In Wu Yanyan gushes out some dignified meanings. 吴岩眼中涌出些许凝重之意。 Compared with other sect gate influences, Martial Sect actually fell many leeward. 比起其他的宗门势力,武宗却是落了不少的下风。 Others already, when seeks for the dense spoon, they are dense the spoon long anything appearance not to know. 别人已经在寻找密匙的时候,他们连密匙长什么样子都不知道。 However, the Chu Hen thoughts are quite luckily meticulous, this Lu 1100 groups of people not only in vain made the bridal clothes to them, but also even assigned/life gives to lose , was really a greatest satire. 不过,幸好楚痕的心思比较缜密,这卢千一行人不仅白白的给他们做了嫁衣,而且连命都给丢了,也实在是一种莫大的讽刺。 „Is this thing really the dense spoon? Feeling a little strange......” “不过这东西真的是密匙吗?感觉有点怪怪的……” Ye Yao looks the color of suspicion. 叶瑶面露怀疑之色。 If I have not guessed wrong, this should be the fragment of dense spoon......” Chu Hen continues to say. “如果我没有猜错,这应该是密匙的碎片……”楚痕继续说道。 Fragment? 碎片? When surprise, carefully is observing that energy crystal in Chu Hen hand again, neat, the edges and corners are vertical, while irregular, the shape is winding, looks like quite incomplete...... 诧异之际,再仔细观察着楚痕手中的那块能源晶体,一边整齐,棱角垂直分明,一边不规则,形状曲折,看上去显得颇为不完整…… Indeed part of some probably type of thing!” Wu Yan nods, said. “的确像是某种东西的一部分!”吴岩点了点头,道。 Unexpectedly is only a fragment, harms me to rejoice without reason one......” Ye Yao small mouth slightly jue, unavoidably somewhat loses. “竟然才只是一个碎片,害我空欢喜一场……”叶瑶小嘴微噘,不免有些失落。 Chu Hen shakes the head with a smile, „, in this time holy war recruits, existence of dense spoon is important, collecting the nature is difficult, we come in less than quite a while, can a fragment already very good......” 楚痕笑着摇了摇头,“在这次的圣战征召中,密匙的存在至关重要,收集起来自然困难,我们才进来不到半天,能够得到一块碎片已经很不错了……” Said is also, was I am too greedy!” “说的也是,是我太贪心了!” Chu Hen rubbed the head of opposite party, at once asks, „others?” 楚痕揉了揉对方的脑袋,旋即问道,“其他人呢?” I first made Wang Li they go to and That side Senior Brother Qiu converge......” Wu Yan to reply, we let us not delay, made the best use of the time to pursue!” “我先让王黎他们去和邱师兄那边汇合了……”吴岩回答道,“我们也别耽搁了,抓紧时间追上去吧!” Several people nod assent. 几人点头应允。 Subsequently when toward coming the direction flying plunders. 继而朝着来时的方向飞身掠去。 ...... …… Chaotic demon domain, wild ancient! 乱魔界域,蛮荒古地! Plain deep place obviously ancient city construction that as far as eyes can reach, the green mountain for example the blue sea, praised broadly. 一眼望去,葱郁的青山譬如碧海,广褒的平原深处可见古老的城池建筑。 Here area every inchs, is lending the remote years aura. 这里的每一寸地区,都散发着久远的岁月气息。 Meanwhile, in this desolated ten thousand years of god, is flooding the innumerable ancient mysterious strengths. 同时,在这荒芜的万年神祗中,也充斥着无数古老的神秘力量。 ...... …… Void. 虚空之中。 Chu Hen, Wu Yan, Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao four person and Yin-Yang beast Nauny to south, rushes toward the Martial Sect large unit goes. 楚痕,吴岩,龙玄霜,叶瑶四人以及阴阳兽诺尼一路向南,朝着武宗的大部队赶往前去。 But, at this moment, the Chu Hen slow under figure, stops the footsteps suddenly. 而,就在这时,楚痕突然间慢下身形,停住脚步。 Three people turn round to wait and see the inquiry puzzled. 三人不解的回身观望询问。 How? elder brother Chu Hen......” “又怎么了?楚痕哥哥……” Chu Hen is frowning lightly, had not replied, but lifted the fragment of that energy body the hand will obtain a moment ago to take. 楚痕轻皱着眉头,并未回答,而是抬手将刚才所得到的那枚能源体的碎片取了出来。 Those who made the person surprise was, a moment ago and had no energy body fragment of sound, at this moment is glowing the flickering strange bright unexpectedly. 令人诧异的是,刚才并无任何动静的能源体碎片,此刻竟然焕发着忽明忽暗的奇异亮光。 Gentle blue brilliance suddenly suddenly weak, sends out the vague strength to fluctuate. 柔和的蓝色光耀忽强忽弱,散发着隐晦的力量波动。 ...... …… „Is this?” “这是?” Three people are startled. 三人一怔。 What's the matter?” Wu Yanchen sound asked. “怎么回事?”吴岩沉声问道。 Chu Hen makes the stop slightly, then the vision aims at another direction saying that that side, as if has some unusual induction......” 楚痕稍作停顿,然后目光指向另外一个方向道,“那边,似乎有某种奇特的感应……” „?” “哦?” Several people look to that side. 几人纷纷望向那边。 Is the induction that other fragments send out?” Long Xuanshuang not too definite saying. “难道是其他碎片发出的感应?”龙玄霜不太确定的说道。 Does not rule out this possibility......” “不排除这个可能……” In the eye of Chu Hen is flashing some rays. 楚痕的眼中闪动着些许光芒。 Can have a look?” Ye Yao asked. “要去看看?”叶瑶问道。 But we have lost a lot of time, does not go they to converge with Senior Brother Qiu, only feared that will continue to fall behind......” “可我们已经耽误不少时间了,再不去同邱师兄他们汇合,只怕会持续掉队……” Wu Yan hesitant say/way. 吴岩犹豫道。 Similarly, if is really the induction that other fragments send, this time departs, will directly cause the error to have the opportunity of this complete dense spoon. 同样的,如果真的是其他碎片发出来的感应,此番离去,直接会导致错失得到这枚完整密匙的机会。 How should choose? 该如何抉择? Collects the dense spoon!” “收集密匙吧!” Although awkward, but Wu Yan was quick made the resolution. 虽然为难,但吴岩还是很快就做出了决断。 The holy war recruits to be primarily dense spoon, if their four people can bring back to the complete dense spoon, feels better absolutely present going back empty-handed. 圣战征召以‘密匙’为主,如若他们四个人能够将完整的密匙带回的话,绝对好过现在的空手回去。 No hesitation, Chu Hen looks at each other one with the two females, at once the figure moves, transfers the direction with a it three people of beast instantly, goes toward another unknown journey. 没有任何的迟疑,楚痕与之两女对视一眼,旋即身形一动,与之三人一兽即刻调转方向,朝着另外一条未知的路途而去。 ...... …… ...... …… The tall wall builds, tower over a city gate hundred zhang (333 m)! 高墙筑起,城楼百丈! This is a desolate and uninhabited ancient city. 这是一座荒无人烟的古老城池。 Although in the city in all directions is completely the remnant Huan cliff, but was still mighty, especially magnificent boundless. 尽管城内四处尽是残桓断壁,但仍旧是气势恢宏,尤为壮观磅礴。 In big cities constructs to support the day, standing erect if still picks the star magnificent jade palace...... as if every inchs the broad street, each grand construction, is telling once lively appearance. 一座座高大的城中建筑撑天而起,矗立的犹若摘星琼楼玉宇……似乎每一寸宽阔的街道,每一座雄伟的建筑,都在诉说着曾经的繁华面貌。 The central region of city. 城池的中央区域。 Is establishing a very boundless big stone platform. 建立着一座非常磅礴的大型石台。 stone platform is connected with the spacious stair. 石台以宽敞的台阶相连。 Above the floor is standing erect seven large-scale stone columns, east three, west three, north grandest, is actually reaches as high as the hundred zhang (333 m)...... 台面之上竖立着七根大型的石柱,东面三道,西面三道,北面一道最为壮阔,却是高达百丈…… Distant looks, in this stone platform melts nine days of spiritual energy, below meets big earth deities accumulated, such as the emperor ascends the throne ancient rite of making sacrifices spirit table. 远远的望去,这座石台上融九天灵气,下接大地灵蕴,如帝王登基般的封禅神台。 On each stone column portrays the different wonderful unusual animals mark design. 每一道石柱上面刻画着不同的奇异兽纹图案。 On that most biggest stone column, has a fierce unusual giant beast design, outside that giant beast the taking the form of tiger, the pattern between foreheads is actually not king character, but is similar to the pattern of primal chaos Yin-Yang chart...... 在那最中间的最大石柱上,亦有着一头凶猛异常的巨兽图案,那巨兽外形似虎,额头间的花纹却并非‘王’字,而是类似于太极阴阳图的花纹…… Seeming like the charm is fearful. 看上去神韵慑人。 ...... …… At this moment, above that stage, has been gathering many people. 此刻,在那高台之上,已然是聚集着不少人。 Aura are released externally, swift and fierce as sword. 一个个气息外放,凌厉似剑。 In the air is filling the air sharp meaning that made the person palpitation. 空气中弥漫着令人心悸的锋锐之意。 Actually hehe, willow Qianghong, your profound Yang Gong, comes very quick......” “呵呵,柳鸧鸿,你们玄阳宫,倒是来的挺快……” The speaker is one is in black, the facial color somewhat is inexplicable the pale young man. 说话者是一位身着黑衣,面色有些莫名苍白的年轻男子。 In his opposite, impressively one group of headed by willow Qianghong profound Yang Gong. 在他的对面,赫然是以柳鸧鸿为首的玄阳宫的一行人。 willow Qianghong side, fatal grace and talent willow Wuyue if proudly day arrogant female, noble just like the aristocrat of that nobilities. 柳鸧鸿的身旁,致命风华柳舞月傲然若天之骄女,高贵的犹如那王侯将相的贵族。 Qin safeguarded one's heritage......” willow Qianghong to select the happy expression lightly, the slanting eye looks at the people, your simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge but actually not slow......” “秦守业……”柳鸧鸿轻挑着笑意,斜目看着众人,“你们齐霄阁倒也不慢……” Is listening to two people dialogue, hides is startled in nearby other person secret hearts. 听着两人的对话,潜藏在附近的其他人都是暗暗心惊。 even/including Liuqiang the great wild goose and Qin safeguarded one's heritage came, here estimated that is not peaceful.” “连柳鸧鸿和秦守业都来了,这里估计不太平了。” Both people are top talents on the top list, we fear today cannot grab what bargain.” “两个人都是风云榜上的顶尖天才,我们今天怕是捡不到什么便宜。” ...... …… Qin safeguarded one's heritage behind is also standing a person. 秦守业的身后亦是站着一人。 That person of imposing manner swift and fierce just like a sharp dagger. 那人气势凌厉的宛如一柄锋利的尖刀。 Hehe, Sister willow, does not see for a long time, has been well since last meeting......” “呵呵,柳师妹,好久不见,别来无恙……” The frivolous happy expression stretches on his face. 轻浮的笑意在其脸上舒展开来。 cold snort/hum that willow Wuyue disdains. 柳舞月不屑的冷哼一声。 severe Yancheng, am I very ripe with you?” “厉严承,我跟你很熟吗?” Hahahaha, Sister willow spoke this saying, I was a little sad, the good and evil initially when the immortal demon tomb, we had also once fought side-by-side......” “哈哈哈哈,柳师妹说这话,我就有点伤心了,好歹当初在仙魔冢的时候,我们也曾并肩作战过……”
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