UMDK :: Volume #13

#1278: Cuts to kill Lu thousand

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Luo building dies of your hand really......” “罗楼果真是死于你之手……” Is looking at the Chu Hen both hands palm that light shining in all directions blue rhombus crystal, the Lu thousand complexions change, at this moment, in his heart no longer has any suspicion. 望着楚痕双手掌心那光芒四射的蓝色菱形晶体,卢千的脸色不禁为之一变,这一刻,其心中不再有任何的怀疑。 In the Martial Sect people, the third person learned «North Star Definitely». 武宗众人中,还有第三个人学会了《北辰决》。 Playing chess star seal!” “弈星印!” In the Chu Hen eye shines through the bright appearance ray. 楚痕眼中透射出明亮的神采光芒。 „......” “咻……” The sound of rapid air current howling surges in void, in an instant, blue star glow of one bunch of shocking vaults of heaven has delimited the horizon, and pulls off a long aurora buttcock line in the air, curls up to pass through all potentials of withering the position knocking that is at toward Rwandan thousand to go. 急促的气流呼啸之声于虚空之中激荡开来,霎那间,一束惊艳天穹的蓝色星芒划过天际,并于空气中拖出一道长长的极光尾线,卷起贯穿一切的肃杀之势朝着卢千所在的位置爆击而去。 The aurora like the shuttle, passes through the day of penetrating place. 极光如梭,贯天彻地。 The Rwandan thousand look chill/yin cold like the frost, grasp to grasp no front heavy sword, covers is deep like the ink in the sword blade high and low black glow. 卢千的眼神阴寒如霜,一手持握无锋重剑,覆盖在剑身上下的黑芒如同水墨般深沉幽暗。 The power and influence of sudden fermentation such as mountain Ruyue, shakes eight side vaults of heaven. 急剧酝酿的威势如山如岳,撼动八方天穹。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” The strength pulls out the extremely heavy heavy sword invincible might startled day, the anger raises the true essence tide potential of highest heaven, if the tsunami folds, heavy sword sweeping, meets the approaching enemy directly above the Xinghua jade of that shining. 力拔万钧的重剑神威惊天,怒掀九霄的真元浪潮势若海啸叠起,重剑扫荡而出,正面迎击在那道流光溢彩的星华玉之上。 Bang!” “轰!” The explosive is shocking, passes through the ear to want deaf. 爆响震天,贯耳欲聋。 Above aurora that the aggressive boundless sword glow solid hit in that flies, the strength of instantaneously erupting like nebula blasting open, the hysterical/frenzy vigorous air wave halo follows to sweep across void, sweeping world. 霸气磅礴的剑芒结结实实的撞击在那飞来的极光之上,瞬间爆发的力量有如星云炸裂,狂乱雄浑的气浪光环跟着席卷虚空,扫荡天地。 Everywhere gorgeous blue light shadow fragment is doping around the vigorous black sword air/Qi bedding. 漫天的绚丽蓝色光影碎片掺杂着雄浑的黑色剑气铺盖四周。 In more/complete Luan the strength air current, the Lu thousand imposing manners do not reduce instead increase, fierce, if a raging tide beast of prey. 弥乱的力量气流内,卢千气势不减反增,凶猛的如若一尊狂澜猛兽。 Snort, North Star definitely...... mediocre......” “哼,北辰决……不过如此……” Right? That present......” “是吗?那现在呢……” Is spreading from the Chu Hen mouth together with the faint sound, presented five light color eye-catching Xinghua jade before his body impressively. 连同着淡漠的声音从楚痕的口中传出,在他的身前赫然出现了五道光彩夺目的星华玉。 Each Xinghua jade sparkles just like the unrivalled pearl, the huge strength was compressed is one of them. 每一道星华玉都闪耀的犹如旷世明珠,庞大的力量尽数被压缩在其中。 Five heavy playing chess star seal!” “五重弈星印!” „......” “咻……” No hesitation, float five Xinghua jade before Chu Hen body changes to five shocking outstanding aurora flying shuttles to explode to raid again. 没有任何的迟疑,悬浮于楚痕身前的五枚星华玉再次化作五道惊艳卓绝的极光飞梭爆袭出去。 If pursues moon/month the meteor, the air current between world changes is especially chaotic. 如若追月的流星,天地间的气流变的格外混乱。 In motion process, five Xinghua jade rapid arrangements together straight line. 在移动过程中,五枚星华玉迅速的排列成一道直线。 Myriad ray twinkles, the ray becomes the sharp point suddenly, the rapid light spin connects spiral-shaped class/flow body and spirit marks in its front...... 万千光芒闪烁,光线急剧变得尖锐锋芒,急骤的光旋在其前端交汇成一道道螺旋状的流形气纹…… The powerful imposing manner, for example that came from another potential surface arrow of arrow god. 其强大的气势,譬如那来自于另一个位面的神之箭矢。 Rwandan thousand complexions quietly one white. 卢千的脸色悄然一白。 Silk threads on where face does not launch. 丝丝缕缕的不安在脸上展开。 No the opportunity of moving aside, all true essence strengths in within the body erupt all, the no front heavy sword in hand before the body, a black light halo of round campylodromous appears in its front horizontally instantly...... 没有任何躲闪的机会,体内的所有真元力量尽数爆发出来,手中的无锋重剑横在身前,一层圆弧状的黑色光圈即刻惊现于其前方…… Bang!” “轰!” Gathers the god glow light beam that five Xinghua jade arranged become to fall from the sky the sword blade center of day of potential solid impact by star no front heavy swords before Rwandan thousand, in an instant, the space shake continuous, ten thousand rays hit unceasingly above that black circular arc. 集合了五道星华玉所排列而成的神芒光束以星陨落天之势结结实实的冲击在卢千身前的无锋重剑的剑身中央,霎那间,空间震荡不休,万道光芒不断撞击在那黑色的圆弧之上。 The wild strength destroys the day to extinguish, blasts open the audience. 狂暴的力量毁天灭地,炸裂全场。 If the wind like the rain, moves mountains! 如风如雨,排山倒海! ...... …… Subsequently, bang!” A violent heavy loud sound, that black light arcs before Lu thousand such as the bubble explodes becomes myriad broken shades broken, pupil sudden shrinking of opposite party becomes the needle-tip size, the whole piece face was shone upon the clear blue color. 继而,“砰!”的一声猛烈的沉重巨响,卢千身前的那道黑色光弧如泡沫爆碎成万千碎影,对方的瞳孔急剧的缩成针尖大小,整张脸都被映照成晶莹的蓝色。 „!” “嗵!” The blue light beam shining land of direct impact vaults of heaven, endure compared with terrifying power complementary waves sweeping that all around the stars explode. 一道道直冲天穹的蓝色光束照耀大地,堪比星辰爆炸的恐怖力量余波扫荡四周。 Below land cuns (2.5 cm) crack, raises layer upon layer flies. 下方的大地寸寸崩裂,层层掀飞。 Other peripheral governing Jianmen disciples are startled the mind to shiver all, look pale. 周边的其他御剑门弟子无不惊得心神颤抖,面色苍白。 Good fearful strength! 好可怕的力量! Six Xinghua jade, have such prestige energy, really astoundingly. 前后才六道星华玉,就有如此威能,着实令人惊骇不已。 ...... …… Destruction all strengths divulge eight sides, with, to/clashes to raid from the storm of that raging tide vicious such as the form of wolf threatens together. 覆灭一切的力量宣泄八方,跟着,一道凶狠如狼的身影气势汹汹的从那狂澜的风暴中冲袭而出。 The heart of governing Jianmen people are startled again. 御剑门众人的心头再次一惊。 Seeing only the Lu thousand whole bodies is the blood, cut and bruised, the clothing hair especially is disorderly...... 只见卢千浑身是血,遍体鳞伤,就连衣衫头发都尤为凌乱…… Only has seven Xinghua jade?” If the sound of being furious still the wild animal roared, two redness, the arrogance was dreadful, that was really a pity!” “只有七道星华玉吗?”震怒的声音犹若野兽咆哮,两眼赤红,气焰滔天,“那真的是太可惜了!” Cuts unreliably again!” “玄重斩!” Raises hand a sword, astral's fierce campylodromous sword glow seems a wild with rage wave anger to clash under. 扬手一剑,罡猛的弧状剑芒好似一层狂怒的波浪怒冲而下。 The Chu Hen figure moves, the flying evacuates at the same time, the body outflow jumps out endless dazzling. 楚痕身形一动,飞身撤离的同时,身外流窜出无尽的刺眼雷芒。 Kills you, seven Xinghua jade feet!” “杀你,七枚星华玉足矣!” Rumble!” “隆隆!” In an instant, highest heaven look changes, wind and cloud connection. 霎那间,九霄色变,风云交汇。 Half the night a wave of thunderous storm, the thunder and lightning of innumerable say/way manic terrifying is seeming the big net to open rolling outward...... 半宿着滚滚如潮的雷鸣风暴,无数道狂躁恐怖的雷电好似大网般朝外撑开…… The next flash, dozens startled heavenly thunder columns with overpowering momentum divulge, endures the ratio to fall the day the divine punishment, to the potential of being intertwined cover to go toward under mutually. 下一瞬间,几十道气势磅礴的惊天雷柱宣泄而下,堪比落天的神罚,以相互交缠之势朝着下方笼罩而去。 Extremely heavy prestige, destruction all. 万钧之威,覆灭一切。 In the thunder net of sparkle vault of heaven, impressively to the thunder three fork picture halberds that raiding an electric light scatter. 闪耀天穹的雷网之中,赫然冲袭出一杆电光四溅的雷霆三叉画戟。 Is good not to deliver...... the day point!” “好走不送……天芒刃!” The earth-shaking thunder heavy halberd for example passes through the extinguishing world god column of vault of heaven, the Lu thousand complexion drastic changes, the numerous governing Jianmen disciples also has a big shock...... 撼天动地的雷霆重戟譬如贯穿苍穹的灭世神柱,卢千的脸色剧变,众御剑门弟子亦是大惊失色…… „!” “嗵!” the serious shake of day of howling place in in the air to proliferate, the star flower hot rain that if everywhere bloomed, extended to dozens li (0.5 km)...... 呼天啸地的沉重震荡于空中扩散开来,漫天的雷芒如绽放的星花火雨,延伸至数十里地…… Wild thunder and lightning chaotic impact that divulges recklessly on the disciples in other governing Jianmen. 肆意宣泄出去的狂暴雷电杂乱无章的冲击在其他御剑门的弟子身上。 Pitiful yells fold. 一声声的惨叫叠起。 Was exploded the sediment by the bang at the scene. 一个个被当场轰爆成渣滓。 In many are flooding under the vision of shocking, that thunder heavy halberd directly by passing through a day of potential penetrated the Lu thousand back bodies...... 于诸多充斥着震骇的目光下,那雷霆重戟直接是以贯天之势击穿了卢千的后背身躯…… The scarlet warm blood floats in the air dances in the air. 猩红的温热鲜血在空气中飘洒飞舞。 The Rwandan thousand backs are one covered with blood, five internal organs entirely to break, the skeleton completely break...... it is looking out front that form, the hatred anger in eye, the hatred rapid change to thick being unwilling with frightened...... 卢千的后背已然是一片血肉模糊,五脏俱碎,骨骼尽断……其遥望着前方那道身影,眼中的憎怒,怨毒迅速的化作浓浓的不甘和恐惧…… You......” “你……” The abyss of death approached rapidly. 死亡的深渊飞速靠近。 The vitalities in Rwandan thousand pass unceasingly. 卢千眼中的生机不断流逝。 Under top list the first person! 风云榜下第一人! Passing away of does not have any omen in this! 没有任何预兆的魂断于此! Bang!” “砰!” Rwandan thousand corpse numerous pounding of fall on the place, several governing Jianmen disciples of other survivals are scared all, trembles, does not have beforehand like that wildly arrogant self-satisfied...... 卢千的尸身重重的砸落在地,其他幸存的几个御剑门弟子无不吓破了胆,一个个哆哆嗦嗦的,全无之前的那般骄狂得意…… Walks, walks!” “走,走!” Hurries to inform the woods industry Senior Brother.” “赶紧告知森业师兄。” ...... …… However, how Chu Hen will give the means of livelihood that they leave. 然,楚痕又岂会给予他们离开的活路。 Just turned around less than two seconds, purple flame of one group of ascension will have several people to cover baseless immediately, in the short and sad and shrill wailing sound, several people changes to the thin loose ashes dissipation instantaneously in the world...... 才刚刚转身不到两秒钟,一团凭空升腾的紫色火焰顿时将剩下几个人笼罩在内,在短暂而又凄厉的哀嚎声中,几人瞬间化作细散的灰烬消散于天地间…… In an instant, the disciples in dozens governing Jianmen, are annihilated. 转眼间,数十个御剑门的弟子,全军覆没。 ...... …… „!” “咻!” The Chu Hen figure moves, flashes falls to under. 楚痕身形一动,闪落至下方。 Meanwhile, has several aura hurriedly to graze toward here. 与此同时,又有着几道急匆匆的气息朝着这边飞掠而来。 elder brother Chu Hen in that!” 楚痕哥哥在那!” The future is actually Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang and Wu Yan three people. 来者却是叶瑶,龙玄霜以及吴岩三个人。 I said Brother Chu Hen, you walk was also too quick? Several of us pursue cannot catch up......” “我说楚痕师弟,你走的也太快了吧?我们几个追都追不上……” Three people dodge one after another fall, Wu Yan somewhat helpless saying. 三人相继闪落而下,吴岩有些无奈的说道。 What situation?” “什么情况?” What happened?” “发生什么事了?” Looks that the chaotic environment and remains the wild aura in air, three people of complexions all show the puzzled expression, clearly, here passed through an intense war a moment ago...... 看着混乱的环境和残留在空气中的狂暴气息,三人的脸色皆是露出困惑的表情,很明显,刚才这里经过了一场激烈的大战…… With Wu Yan vision removes toward the Chu Hen front, when he noticed that is badly-damaged, when corpse of dying with injustice unredressed, the pupil follows to shrink suddenly. 跟着,吴岩的目光朝着楚痕的前方移去,当他看到那具残破不堪,死不瞑目的尸体之时,瞳孔陡然跟着一缩。 Lu thousand?” “卢千?”
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