UMDK :: Volume #13

#1277: You are not looking for me

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Praised the infinite wilderness land broadly, looked at the past, performed desolated obviously miserable. 广褒无限的荒原大地,一望过去,尽显荒芜凄凉。 The distant place remnant Huan cliff, the luxuriant grass, obvious several scattered carrion monsters crawl in the ground obviously occasionally. 远处可见残桓断壁,芳草萋萋,偶尔可见几头零零散散的腐尸怪物在地面上爬行。 The deep sleep ten thousand years of decayed evil thing, is actually awakened by the disturbance that the outside world comes today. 原本沉睡了万年之久的腐朽邪物,在今天却是又被外界而来的干扰所惊醒。 Hey, without thinking of this Martial Sect also has the courage to attend the holy war to recruit, but the previous time the difference is annihilated, the seems like not extinguished sect does not lose heart.” “嘿,没想到这武宗还有胆子参加圣战征召,上一次可是差就全军覆没,看来不被灭宗是不死心了。” Imaginary feather palace flower snake that woman said that Senior Brother Luo building dies in the Martial Sect person's hand, is actually this matter is really false?” “不过幻羽殿花蛇那娘们说罗楼师兄死在武宗人之手,这事究竟是真是假?” False? Hasn't confirmed? On that named Wu Yan, feared that is even/including Lu thousand Senior Brother one moves cannot catch, how could also to kill Senior Brother Luo building?” “假的吧?不是已经确认过了吗?就那个叫‘吴岩’的,怕是连卢千师兄一招就接不住,又岂能杀得了罗楼师兄?” Said is also, Martial Sect actually more live, if not for if we must go to converge with the woods industry Senior Brother anxiously, I want to take a look at the stupid appearance that these worthless fellows kneel beg for mercy actually.” “说的也是,武宗倒是越活越回去了,倘若不是我们急着要去和森业师兄汇合,我倒是想看看那些酒囊饭袋跪地求饶的愚蠢样子。” Hahahaha.” “哈哈哈哈。” ...... …… Dozens people of governing Jianmen while rapid vanguard, before Martial Sect one group of who see respond with extremely contemptuous disdaining. 御剑门的数十人在飞速前行的同时,也对着之前所见到的武宗一行人抱以极为轻蔑的不屑。 The leader Lu thousand corners of the mouth flutter, in the eye is surging many meanings proudly. 为首者卢千嘴角轻扬,眼中涌动着诸多傲然之意。 It lifts the left hand, the vision looks to the palm. 其抬起左手,目光看向掌心。 A sparkling stone blue luminous body is glittering the bright and beautiful god glow, that luminous body child fist is roughly big, the physique is irregular. 一枚莹蓝色的光体闪烁着亮丽的神芒,那光体约莫孩童拳头般大,形体并不规则。 Rimmed has the corner/horn, the crest line is clear. 有边有角,棱线清晰。 A incomplete shape. 给人一种并不完整的形态。 ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” Unexpectedly, people heart of governing Jianmen towering is startled, as if by prior agreement lived in the figure. 蓦地,御剑门的众人心头突兀的为之一怔,不约而同的顿住了身形。 Sees only the front void, is appearing together the aura reserved young form impressively. 只见前方虚空中,赫然惊现着一道气息内敛的年轻身影。 Slender figure, vision profound just like the stars desert, its facial expression indifferent looks here, the meaning of curve slightly somewhat pondering the corners of the mouth select lightly. 修长的身形,目光深邃的宛如星辰瀚海,其神情淡然的看着这边,嘴角轻挑的弧度略有几分玩味之意。 ...... …… What person? Dares to be in the way in this?” “什么人?胆敢在此挡路?” Seemingly is the person of Martial Sect! A moment ago with that several people was the same place.” “貌似是武宗之人!刚才同那几个人是一起的。” Hey, interesting, does a person run to bring death?” “嘿,有意思,一个人跑来送死?” Thing that does not keep eyes open, if not want here with the carrion to be a partner, immediately rolls the distant point.” “不长眼的东西,若不想在这里同腐尸为伴,立刻滚远点。” ...... …… Is facing fierce berating of governing Jianmen people, the Chu Hen both arms intersect before the body, the handsome eyebrow selects, the vision inclines, said, you aren't looking for me?” 面对着御剑门众人的厉声喝斥,楚痕双臂交叉在身前,俊眉微挑,目光倾斜,道,“你们不是在找我吗?” Looks for you? 找你? The people are startled, at once laughs. 众人一怔,旋即更为嗤笑。 What thing are you? Is worth looking for you?” “你算是什么东西?值得我们找你?” Hehe, looks for you with it, looks for your Martial Sect that several women would rather, they actually long good-looking outstanding.” “嘿嘿,与其找你,倒不如找你们武宗的那几个女人,她们倒是长的俊俏出众。” ...... …… Chu Hen light saying with a smile, in the foreheads is full of teases. 楚痕淡淡的笑道,眉宇间饶有戏谑。 Luo building that boy before dying, with you now general wildly arrogant self-satisfied......” “罗楼那厮在死之前,也同你们现在一般骄狂得意……” What? 什么? The complexion of people immediately changes. 众人的脸色顿时一变。 The Lu thousand vision followed to sink. 就连卢千的目光都跟着沉了下来。 Luo is building you kills?” “罗楼是你杀的?” The ice-cold look just like advantage arrow directly shoots that pretty young face, is certain, the opposite party is not any in Martial Sect that several becoming famous talents, in information that even in he has, without the information of this person. 冰冷的眼神犹如利箭般直射那俊秀年轻的面孔,可以肯定,对方并非武宗那几个成名天才中的任何一个,甚至在他所掌握的情报中,也没有这个人的信息。 At this moment, the opposite party not only all alone comes to block the way, but also acknowledged on own initiative killed Luo building. 此刻,对方不仅孤身一人前来拦路,还主动承认了杀了罗楼。 The intention made one feel that was really puzzled and puzzled. 其意图着实令人感到不解和困惑。 ...... …… At once, Chu Hen lifts the right hand, aims at that sparkling stone blue energy bodies in Lu thousand palm. 旋即,楚痕抬起右手,指向卢千掌中的那枚莹蓝色的能源体。 How gives me it?” “把它给我如何?” The people all are single-handed according to the sword, the point want to come out of the sheath. 众人皆是单手按剑,锋芒欲要出鞘而起。 Rwandan thousand facial color also sudden woods cold like frost, corners of the mouth one, shows the ice-cold smile. 卢千的面色也急剧的森寒如霜,嘴角一咧,露出冰冷的笑容。 Hehe, naturally can......, but, must trade with your head......” “嘿嘿,当然可以……不过,要拿你的脑袋来换……” Chu Hen shaking the head gently, „do that your heads trade feasible?” 楚痕轻轻的摇头,“那你们所有人的脑袋来换可行?” Courts death!” “找死!” If the cold and gloomy fresh breeze air current still the snow frost inundates filling the heavens, the killing intent in Lu thousand eyes rise steeply, it sinking sound one word at a time shouted, killed him!” 森冷的劲风气流犹若雪霜般弥天漫地而出,卢千眼中的杀意陡起,其一字一顿的沉声喝道,“杀了他!” Is having this intent!” “正有此意!” Finishes barely the words, the numerous governing Jianmen disciples draw a sword immediately, four sides raises incomparably bone-chilling cold sharp sword potential to launch toward Chu Hen encircles kills. 话音未落,众御剑门弟子顿时拔剑而起,一个个掀起无比凛冽的锋锐剑势朝着楚痕展开四面围杀。 The sword glow illusory image, rips the spatial crack air/Qi. 剑芒幻影,撕空裂气。 Each sword offers a sacrifice, in the air startled swings the vigorous sword to call the vibrato. 每一剑祭出,空气中都惊荡起雄浑的剑鸣颤音。 Dies!” “死来!” The sword air/Qi swift and fierce mean form takes the lead to rush to Chu Hen together, lingers the sword of endless light mark to take the Chu Hen throat strategic point sharp...... 一道剑气凌厉的阴狠身影率先冲到楚痕的跟前,萦绕着无尽光纹的剑尖直取楚痕的喉咙要害…… The powerful sword air pressure compels comes like surging tides. 强大的剑气压迫如潮水般汹涌而至。 Looks at motionless Chu Hen, on that person of face completely obviously contemptuous. 看着一动不动的楚痕,那人的脸上尽显轻蔑。 Snort, useless waste!” “哼,无用的废物!” „!” “噌!” The clear sword recited to swing in the air, did not arrive at the finger width in sword blade of opposite party from the throat of Chu Hen the flash, Chu Hen, if the ghosts and demons are leaving behind together the remnant shadow same place, the main body vanishes in the original position instantly...... 清脆的剑吟于空气中荡开,就在对方的剑锋距离楚痕的喉咙不到手指宽度的一瞬间,楚痕如若鬼魅般在原地留下一道残影,本体即刻消失在原处…… What? 什么? That person of pupil shrinks, the facial color suddenly changes. 那人的瞳孔一缩,面色陡然一变。 The ice-cold cold current from raids together behind, palm arm that is covering faint trace thunder Hu if still feather falling gently above that person of back...... 紧接着,一道冰冷的寒流从身后袭来,一记覆盖着丝丝雷弧的掌臂犹若羽毛般轻轻的落在那人的后背之上…… Holds arm falling slowly, raise slowly. 掌臂缓缓的落下,慢慢的提起。 Seemingly gentle and gentle. 看上去轻柔而又平缓。 not to seize the slight strength to fluctuate completely. 完全扑捉不到丝毫的力量波动。 Silently strikes. 悄然无声的一击。 ...... …… But next twinkling, together depressed makes a sound to transmit again from within the body of that governing Jianmen disciple, after that the back gets down directly hollowly, explodes to disrupt with the chest front clothing...... 可下一瞬息,一道沉闷的重响从那御剑门弟子的体内传达开来,其后脊背直接凹陷下去,跟着胸膛前面的衣衫爆碎裂开…… Together with the blood blowout of big mouth, that person just like being crushed the bird of five main internal organs (entrails), from upper air weak crash, pounds on the ground, falls one mud. 连同着大口的鲜血喷出,那人宛如被击碎五脏六腑的飞鸟,从高空无力的坠落,砸在地上,摔成一摊烂泥。 ...... …… Meanwhile, there is a sharp sword together to puncture from the Chu Hen left side. 于此同时,又有一道利剑从楚痕的左侧刺来。 Sword astral like wind, bone-chilling cold extraordinary. 剑罡如风,凛冽非凡。 However, Chu Hen has not actually returned continually, lifts single-handed, the left hand palm explodes to plunder to congeal instantly together the solid gorgeous dark blue thunder and lightning light beam...... 然,楚痕却是连头都没有回一下,单手抬起,左手掌心即刻爆掠出一道凝实绚丽的暗蓝色雷电光束…… If the thunder and lightning light beam of making a great show of one's talents for example a is not firm not the broken god blade light sword. 锋芒毕露的雷电光束譬若一柄无坚不破的神刃光剑。 Hiss......” “嘶……” Together with the grating sharp momentum, the sword potential of opposite party has not been touching the Chu Hen body, directly by domineering swift and fierce thunder and lightning light beam passing through heart...... 连同着刺耳的尖锐声势,对方的剑势尚未触及楚痕的身躯,直接就被强势凌厉的雷电光束给贯穿了心脏…… Passes through that person of body the thunder and lightning light beam to continue to cross void, drives straight ahead straight, also continuous breakdown 45 the chests of governing Jianmen disciples. 贯穿那人身躯的雷电光束继续横贯虚空而下,长驱直下,又连续击穿了四五个御剑门弟子的胸膛。 ...... …… Scoundrel!” “混账!” Other governing Jianmen disciples all were the startled anger happen simultaneously, killing intent that erupted. 其他的御剑门弟子皆是惊怒交加,爆发出来的杀意更甚了。 I want you dead not entire corpse!” “我要你死无全尸!” A person is angry, lifting the hand is a sword chops rapidly to the head of Chu Hen, the sword potential like the wind, has the vicious tendencies. 一人大怒,抬手就是一剑劈向楚痕的脑袋,剑势迅疾如风,极具戾气。 Chu Hen corner of the eye one slanting, the backhand concentrates, the manic power line pole toward the palm collection, one group of rebellion incomparable thunder and lightning interwines suddenly, seems a thunder and lightning light source...... 楚痕眼角一斜,反手一凝,狂躁的雷芒电柱急剧朝着掌心汇集,一团暴动无比的雷电交织在一起,好似一股雷电光源…… Bang!” “砰!” Gathers the manic thunder and lightning light source in Chu Hen palm meets the approaching enemy directly above the sword potential of opposite party, the fierce explosive blasts out, the sword glow lead scrap beside person comes, also collapses with the entire long sword succeeds in giving up several...... 聚集在楚痕掌中的狂躁雷电光源直接是迎击在对方的剑势之上,剧烈的爆响炸开,那人身外的剑芒率先炸碎开来,跟着整柄长剑也随之崩断成数节…… You?” “你?” That person of pupil follows to shrink fiercely. 那人的瞳孔跟着剧烈一缩。 Has not responded, Chu Hen has promoted the thunder and lightning light source upfront advance in palm to come, sudden destructive power the strength of thunder and lightning seems condenses in the same place electricity blade, irresistible cut into the chest center of opposite party...... 尚未反应过来,楚痕已然是推动着掌中的雷电光源正面突进而来,急剧杀伤力的雷电之力好似凝聚在一起的电刃,势不可挡的切入了对方的胸膛中央…… „!” “嗤嗤!” The sharp spirited long howl expressed intermittent tall Ming, in Chu Hen hand passed through that person of body, scarlet blood dance, panic-stricken frightened spread...... 尖锐激昂的长啸声发出阵阵的高鸣,楚痕手中的雷芒前后贯穿了那人的身躯,猩红的鲜血飙舞,惊骇恐惧蔓延…… The governing Jianmen disciple complexion present is all pallid. 在座的御剑门弟子无不脸色煞白。 Absolutely does not have the resistance! 完全没有招架之力! ...... …… On this degree, but also runs up to our Martial Sect entrance to cause trouble?” “就这种程度,还跑到我们武宗的大门口来闹事?” The laughter that selects lightly made person scalp one tingle with numbness. 轻挑的笑声令人头皮一阵发麻。 That was passed through the governing Jianmen disciple both eyes circle of chest to stare by the thunder and lightning light source, brings extremely does not dare from the upper air to fall. 那个被雷电光源贯穿胸膛的御剑门弟子双目圆瞪,带着极度的不敢从高空之中滑落。 But, Chu Hen palm the strength of that group of thunder and lightning even more powerful manic, flower of the thunder and lightning if still blooms, continuous lightning thunder Hu flees recklessly in the palm arms of Chu Hen...... 而,楚痕掌心的那团雷电之力越发的强盛狂躁,犹若绽放的一朵雷电之花,源源不断的闪电雷弧于楚痕的掌臂间肆意窜动…… The air/Qi of destruction, divulges eight sides. 毁灭之气,宣泄八方。 Teased faint vision directly shoots front Lu thousand. 戏谑淡漠的目光直射前方卢千。 In latter's eye also ignited the raging flame of hatred anger. 后者的眼中亦是燃起了憎怒的熊熊烈火。 single palm concentrates, no front heavy sword in the hand, then raises a dreadful boundless situation to throw toward Chu Hen. 单掌一凝,无锋重剑在手,接着掀起一股滔天的磅礴大势朝着楚痕扑去。 Wild bastard, looked that I do not break your head!” “野崽子,看我不砸碎你的脑袋!” The power and influence of fierce rushing just like the wind and rain greatly , the mountains and rivers want to destroy, the heavy sword black glow in Lu thousand hand ascend, the arrogance anger gets up, changes to a huge quantity day great ruler impressively...... 凶猛澎湃的威势犹如风雨大至,山河欲摧,卢千手中的重剑黑芒升腾,气焰怒起,赫然化作一柄庞大的量天巨尺…… The great ruler pounds, just like Tienchu collapse to depress. 巨尺砸向,犹如天柱倒塌压下。 Chu Hen sneers, in the pupil glitters. 楚痕冷笑一声,瞳孔之中雷芒闪烁。 Covers single palm of endless thunder and lightning to hold up the day, that group wild thunder and lightning light source sudden inflation of palm enlarges...... the innumerable grandiose thunder column interweaving agglomerate, instantly condenses a dozens meters diameter the lightning spheroid. 覆盖着无尽雷电的单掌擎天而起,掌心的那团狂暴雷电光源急剧的膨胀放大……无数的壮硕雷柱交织成团,即刻凝聚成一颗数十米直径的闪电球体。 Works as!” “哐当!” The quantity day great ruler starts the potential of numerous bombardments quarrying a mountain crack place above that thunder and lightning spheroid, both once were connected, endures surges the eruption compared with the stars meteorite, the endless wild strength seems day Chen of blasting open, the countless power line pole in blooms void, gorgeous just like the sky net Saint tribulation...... 量天巨尺掀起开山裂地之势重重的轰击在那雷电球体之上,两者一经交汇,堪比星辰陨石激荡爆发,无尽的狂暴力量好似炸裂的天辰,数之不尽的雷芒电柱于虚空绽放,绚丽的犹如天网圣劫…… Bang!” “轰隆!” In the world the intermittent shake shivers, wild shock-wave of moving mountains made below quarry stone simultaneous/uniform collapse, the land crack, nearby all governing Jianmen disciple all attacked vitality ascension, raised to fly all. 天地间阵阵震荡颤抖,排山倒海的狂暴冲击波令下方乱石齐崩,大地龟裂,附近的所有御剑门弟子皆被冲击的气血升腾,尽数掀飞出去。 the hysterical/frenzy air wave of day of howling place to sweep across eight sides. 呼天啸地的狂乱气浪席卷八方。 Rwandan thousand both eyes gloomy such as ominous beast, wicked looks angrily at front that to place oneself the young form in storm vortex. 卢千双目阴沉如凶兽,恶狠狠的怒视着前方那置身于风暴漩涡中的年轻身影。 Blocked unexpectedly! 竟然挡住了! Is so easy! 还是如此轻而易举! ...... …… Meanwhile, outside body of Chu Hen towering glows a dazzling blue light mark. 与此同时,楚痕的身外突兀的焕发出一阵绚丽夺目的蓝色光纹。 The dense gentle Saint glow exudes, air current together simultaneous/uniform rhythm between world. 氤氲柔和的圣芒泛起,天地间的气流齐齐律动。 Chu Hen both hands palm relative, myriad luxurious light mark connection accumulations, knead together the light shining in all directions rhombus crystal at the extremely quick speed...... 楚痕双手掌心相对,万千奢华的光纹交汇聚集,以极快的速度揉合成一道光芒四射的菱形晶体…… Looks that say/way sent out the powerful imposing manner blue crystal, the Lu thousand pupils was shrinking shrinking again. 看着那道散发着强大气势的蓝色晶体,卢千的瞳孔再次缩了缩。 Xinghua jade? 星华玉? Luo building dies of your hand really......” “罗楼果真是死于你之手……”
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