UMDK :: Volume #13

#1276: Also meets governing Jianmen

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! The dark day secret dense fog is startled unceasingly sharp fierce roaring. 昏天暗地的迷雾不断惊起一声声尖锐的厉声咆哮。 The holy war recruits opening first day. 圣战征召开启的第一天。 Enters the chaotic demon domain less than little while the time. 进入乱魔界域不到半刻的功夫。 Greeting the Martial Sect people are the carrion monster that blots out the sky. 迎接武宗众人就是那铺天盖地的腐尸怪物。 ...... …… Is good judged promptly because of Qiu Xingyi the current situation, does not have any dragging, was completed to break through at the maximum speed. 好在邱星易及时的判断出了当前局势,没有任何的拖延,以最快的速度完成突围。 The Martial Sect disciples just like an enormous and powerful long line, rapid across that thick dense fog covering area, sets out toward the deep place vanguard of chaotic demon domain. 武宗众弟子犹如一条浩荡的长龙,迅速的穿过那浓浓的迷雾笼罩区,朝着乱魔界域的更深处前行进发。 Has not known how long, thin that the dense fog gradually changes. 不知过了多久,迷雾逐渐变的稀薄。 Suffering injustice that although the sky sinks secretly, the range that but the line of sight can wait and see has the large scale enhancement. 尽管上空还是暗沉的不见天日,但视线所能够观望的范围却有着大幅度的提高。 Carrion monster group of pursuit also slowly was flung in behind. 追击的腐尸怪物群也慢慢的被甩在了后面。 ...... …… Looks world that is praising broadly, as well as marches into the frontline units of safety zone, Wang Li who the complex rear area shields, Wu Yan and the others heartfelt relaxing. 望着那广褒的天地,以及步入安全区域的前线部队,复杂后方掩护的王黎,吴岩等人由衷的松了口气。 Finally is being shocking but not dangerous rushed.” Zhao Qing clothes wiped the sweat on forehead to say. “总算是有惊无险的闯过来了。”赵青衣抹了抹额头上的汗水道。 Yes! Promptness that we leave fortunately, if falls into their encirclement rings, only feared that the consequence is dreadful.” “是啊!还好我们离开的及时,若是陷入它们的包围圈的话,只怕后果不堪设想。” Wu Yanchen sound echoes. 吴岩沉声附和。 It was sideways to look at Chu Hen one of the not far away, in the vision was disclosing some admired. 其侧身看了不远处的楚痕一眼,目光中透露着些许敬服。 Comes, Chu Hen with a person of strength, almost solved about half of ancient human body monsters. Even if he and Wang Li two people adds, is less than opposite party...... 一路过来,楚痕凭着一人之力,几乎解决了将近一半的古尸怪物。纵然是他和王黎两个人加起来,也不及对方一人…… This made Wu Yan have to exclaim in surprise. 这令吴岩不得不有所惊叹。 Senior Brother Qiu they walks was a little far, we need to pick up the speed.” Wang Li opens the mouth to remind. “邱师兄他们走的有点远了,我们需要加快速度了。”王黎开口提醒道。 The people are startled, turn around to look, the Martial Sect at this moment vanguard team almost did not have the shadow quickly, the front region, besides the scattered monster carrion, could not see their shadows. 众人一怔,转身望去,此刻的武宗的前行队伍几乎都快没影了,前方区域,除了零零散散的怪物腐尸外,都看不到他们的影子。 Walks!” “走!” Wu Yan is without hesitation picks up the traveling speed with other it people. 吴岩毫不迟疑的与之其他人加快移动速度。 ...... …… But, at this moment, a left side direction transmits an intense strength to fluctuate suddenly. 而,就在这时,左侧的一个方向突然间传来一阵强烈的力量波动。 Heart slightly startled, subconscious being sideways of people looks. 众人的心头微惊,下意识的侧身望去。 Sees only dozens imposing manner swift and fierce forms to erupt the especially intense war with it one crowd of ancient human body monsters. 只见几十道气势凌厉的身影正在与之一群古尸怪物爆发着尤为激烈的大战。 Although the quantity of ancient human body is several times of these crowds, but distant looks, was the human expert got the obvious winning side. 虽然古尸的数量是那些人群的几倍之多,但远远的望去,却是人类高手占据了明显的上风。 ...... …… „Are they?” Wu Yan corner of the eye narrows the eyes, on the face gushes out the faint trace chill in the air. “他们是?”吴岩的眼角一眯,脸上不禁涌出丝丝寒意。 Is the person in governing Jianmen!” Zhao Qing clothes sinking sound said. “是御剑门的人!”赵青衣沉声说道。 These people are not others, is headed by Rwandan thousand governing Jianmen disciples. 那些人不是别人,正是以卢千为首的御剑门一众弟子。 ...... …… Sword such as flying rain, dazzling. 剑如飞雨,绚丽夺目。 The body of everyone is sending out the powerful swift and fierce sword air/Qi, the big net that the sword glow interweaves being split up that a leader monster ancient human body strangles to death. 每个人的身上都散发着强大凌厉剑气,剑芒交织的大网将一头头怪物古尸绞杀的四分五裂。 The decayed stump residual limb broke the arm to dance in the air recklessly, throws everywhere is. 本就腐朽的残肢断臂更是肆意飞舞,抛的到处都是。 Lu thousand grasp a thick obtuse no front heavy sword to launch a series of fierce collisions with a it wild giant ominous thing...... 卢千手持一柄厚钝的无锋重剑与之一头狂暴巨大的凶物展开一系列的剧烈碰撞…… That is a body reaches the hundred zhang (333 m), the whole body is covering the carapace, lives the beasts of eight claw pliers. 那是一头身达百丈,全身覆盖着甲壳,生有八条爪钳的大虫。 In the fierce stench huge mouth spouts the dark blue venom unceasingly, the giant lackey brandishes recklessly, thousand sweeps off toward Lu. 狰狞的腥臭巨口中不断喷出暗绿色的毒液,巨大的爪牙肆意挥舞,朝着卢千扫去。 Hey, you and other evil livestock, dares to make threatening gestures before me?” “嘿,尔等孽畜,也敢在我面前张牙舞爪?” Lu thousand sneer, the no front heavy sword in palm raises, covers lengthens in the above boundless sword glow sudden inflation, changes to together the power and influence peerless quantity day great ruler...... 卢千冷笑一声,掌中的无锋重剑扬起,覆盖在上面的磅礴剑芒急剧的膨胀延长,随之化作一道威势绝伦的量天巨尺…… Falls face down!” “趴下!” The imposing manner is dreadful, resembles, if thunder. 气势滔天,似若雷霆。 Just likes the startled rainbow quantity day great ruler numerous pounds to fall toward the body overhead of that great insect evil thing, bang......” a depressed explosive, the head of that giant beast is being deep hollow gets down together with the back carapace directly...... 犹如惊虹般的量天巨尺重重的朝着那巨虫邪物的身躯当头砸落而下,“砰……”的一声沉闷的爆响,那巨兽的脑袋连同着背部的甲壳直接是深深的凹陷下去…… The gloomy decayed blood spatters in all directions instantly blows out. 阴暗腐臭的血液即刻迸溅爆出。 Great insect monster solid knocking down on the ground, the limbs sharp claws lies to pour in the ground all. 巨虫怪物结结实实的撞落在地上,肢体利爪尽数趴倒于地面。 Snort, collapses at the first blow!” “哼,不堪一击!” The contemptuous happy expression proudly launches on the Rwandan thousand faces. 轻蔑的傲然笑意在卢千的脸上展开。 Meanwhile, other governing Jianmen disciples all offer a sacrifice to the treasured sword. 于此同时,其他的御剑门弟子皆是祭出宝剑。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Together with intermittent sharp sword potential recited lightly, all treasured swords all were graze the expansive sky, changed to the innumerable say/way to congeal the solid gorgeous flowing light sword rain...... 连同着阵阵锋锐剑势的轻吟,所有的宝剑皆是飞掠长空而起,化作无数道凝实绚丽的流光剑雨…… Follows to seem ten thousand sword to return to the birth family general, everywhere sword glow curls up everywhere the potential of withering to cut all toward below great insect monster. 跟着好似万剑归宗一般,漫天的剑芒卷起漫天的肃杀之势尽数朝着下方的巨虫怪物斩去。 „!” “嗵!” The sword rain like the note, the startled day shakes. 剑雨如注,惊天震地。 With land trap that explodes suddenly, the huge body of that great insect monster directly by that infinite sword glow light beam to the smashing that the bang kills. 伴随着急剧爆开的大地陷坑,那巨虫怪物的庞大躯体直接是被那无穷的剑芒光柱给轰杀的粉碎。 The hundred zhang (333 m) body blasts open everywhere obstinately the sediment fragment. 百丈身躯愣是炸裂成漫天的渣滓碎片。 ...... …… Is really ruthless enough!” Zhao Qing clothes that another waits and sees from afar is frowning to say lightly. “真是有够狠的!”另外一处远远观望的赵青衣轻皱着眉头道。 Wang Li, Wu Yan, Ye Yao and the others also knits the brows slightly. 王黎,吴岩,叶瑶等人亦是微微皱眉。 Although that great insect monster is the product that the dead air/Qi derives, but the method of governing Jianmen this pedestrian also is really ruthless severe incomparable, sinister extraordinary. 虽然那巨虫怪物乃是死气衍生的产物,不过御剑门这行人的手段也着实是狠厉无比,毒辣非凡。 ...... …… However, was rumbled to kill great insect monster blasting open of dregs in the world. 然,被轰杀成渣的巨虫怪物炸裂于天地间。 astral fierce chaotic sword rain surges unceasingly eight sides. 罡猛混乱的剑雨不断激荡八方。 At this moment, one group of objects that is dragging the clear blue light the place that vanished from that monster flew unexpectedly. 就在这时,一团摇曳着晶莹蓝光的物体竟是从那怪物消失的地方飞了出来。 Lu thousand handle gently only lifts, without hesitation in that group clear soft light access palm, just like the pearl to grasp in the palm. 卢千单手轻抬,毫不犹豫的将那团晶莹的柔光接入掌中,犹如明珠般握在手心。 ...... …… What is that?” “那是什么?” Several Martial Sect disciples look the surprised color. 几个武宗弟子面露惊疑之色。 Wang Li, Wu Yan and the others is slightly is also puzzled. 王黎,吴岩等人的亦是略显困惑。 Meanwhile, that pedestrian in governing Jianmen also discovered Martial Sect one group of existence. 与此同时,御剑门的那行人也同样发现了武宗一行人的存在。 Shot a look at one from afar, the Lu thousand face meanings on taunts were thicker. 远远的瞥了一眼,卢千的脸上的嘲讽之意更浓了。 Hey, is really predestined friends! Just came to meet......” “嘿,真是有缘啊!刚来就遇上了……” The disciples in numerous governing Jianmen are also sneering that looks to disdain. 众御剑门的弟子也是面露不屑的冷笑。 It seems like and had the matter to do!” “看来又有事情要做了!” Lu thousand fellow apprentices, what should we make?” “卢千师兄,我们是不是应该做点什么?” ...... …… Is feeling the governing Jianmen and his party bad look, Wu Yan, Zhao Qing clothes and the others grasps the fist lightly, in the eye is exposing the dignified meaning. 感受着御剑门一行人不善的眼神,吴岩,赵青衣等人都不禁轻握拳头,眼中展露着凝重之意。 However, Lu thousand swept their one eyes merely, contemptuous saying with a smile, does not need to waste the time on the bodies of these waste, first goes to converge with the woods industry Senior Brother......” 然,卢千仅仅只是扫了他们一眼,轻蔑的笑道,“没必要在这些废物的身上浪费时间,先去同森业师兄汇合……” Then, directly Lu thousand are does not return turns around to leave. 说罢,卢千直接是头也不回的转身离开。 Other numerous governing Jianmen disciples also throw by the frivolous despicable vision, at once also turns around to leave in abundance. 其余的众御剑门弟子亦都是投以轻浮的鄙夷目光,旋即也都纷纷转身离开。 ...... …… Was disregarded directly! 直接被无视了! This contempt found fault compared with before makes one feel uncomfortable. 这种轻视比之前来找茬更加令人感到不爽。 However also several people relax slightly. 不过也有几人稍稍松了口气。 Although Wang Li, Wu Yan also has Chu Hen here, but in the population the disparity are many, once begins, here will be at a disadvantage most likely. 虽然王黎,吴岩还有楚痕都在这里,不过人数上还是差距不少,一旦动起手来,这边十有八九会处于下风。 In addition Lu thousand are calls it first person under the top list. 加上卢千乃是被称之为风云榜之下的第一人。 Is powerful, here no one may. 实力强大,这边无人可及。 They turned around, but also was the good aspect. 他们转身走了,还算是不错的局面。 ...... …… Walks!” Wang Li said. “走吧!”王黎说道。 Wu Yan stretch/leisurely gently has the one breath, can only be helpless nod. 吴岩轻轻的舒出一口气,只能是无奈的点点头。 But, at this moment, Chu Hen said suddenly, you first cross, I urge to go faster come......” 而,就在这时,楚痕突然间说道,“你们先过走,我去去就来……” What? 什么? The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 Especially Long Xuanshuang and Ye Yao, the delicate eyebrows are light, in the eye gushes out some worried. 尤其是龙玄霜叶瑶,秀眉轻蹙,眼中涌出些许担忧。 „Do you want to go?” Wu Yanchen sound asked. “你要去哪?”吴岩沉声问道。 The Chu Hen corners of the mouth select, give a calm smile. 楚痕嘴角微挑,淡然一笑。 I am a little curious to that thing, I come back quickly......” “我对那件东西有点好奇,我很快就回来……” Then, does not need the people to respond, Chu Hen is changes to the flowing light to vanish in directly together same place, but he direction that position governing Jianmen and his party leaves...... 说罢,也不待众人反应过来,楚痕直接是化作一道流光消失在原地,而他所去的位置正是御剑门一行人离开的方向……
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