UMDK :: Volume #13

#1275: Flees from the fog-region

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! The chaotic demon domain, the wind and cloud begins! 乱魔界域,风云再起! ......” “呼……” In the woods cold cold wind has an inexplicable piercing cool feeling, after the dizzy backdrop channel, the numerous Martial Sect disciple as if passes through a series of space and time rotation, subsequently marched into a completely new ancient world. 森寒的冷风中有着一种莫名的刺骨凉意,在经过天旋地转般的天幕通道之后,众武宗弟子仿佛穿过一系列的时空轮换,继而步入了一个全新的古老天地。 What presents in the people present is place of desolate is lending the endless age aura. 呈现在众人眼前的是一片散发着无尽年代气息的荒古之地。 In the air is filling the gloomy mist. 空气中弥漫着灰暗的薄雾。 The sky is also dim one piece, the dark clouds that does not seem to melted cover. 天空亦是朦胧一片,仿佛未曾化开的阴云笼罩。 The outline of distant place faintly visible hills, continuously, probably that lies in the sleepy long line of ground. 远处依稀可见群山的轮廓,此起彼伏,像是那趴在地面的瞌睡长龙。 ...... …… „Is this chaotic demon domain?” “这就是乱魔界域?” In disparity also with imagination were too many?” “跟想象中的也差距太多了吧?” Said we did enter other place?” “还是说我们进入了别的地方?” ...... …… The Martial Sect disciples completely reveal the color of doubts, is looking all around all around, besides in the dim image outline that in the dense fog appears, is actually anything cannot see clearly, even could not identify the direction. 武宗众弟子尽显疑惑之色,环顾着四周,除了在迷雾中显现出来的朦胧影像轮廓之外,却是什么都看不清,甚至都辨认不了方向。 Everyone first do not worry, pays attention to the peripheral sound......” Qiu Xingyi to urge the people, at once the palm turns, takes out a wrinkled sheepskin volume unexpectedly. “大家都先别着急,注意周边的动静……”邱星易叮嘱众人,旋即掌心一翻,竟是取出一份皱巴巴的羊皮卷。 Well? What is this?” “咦?这是何物?” Before Wang Li gathers up, asked. 王黎凑上前问道。 „The outer ring map of chaotic demon domain......” “乱魔界域的外圈地图……” „?” “哦?” People at present is one bright, others also encircled, was full of the meaning of anticipation. 众人的眼前皆是一亮,其他人也随之围了上来,一个个眼中充满了期待之意。 Really worthily is Senior Brother Qiu, even this information took unexpectedly.” “果然不愧是邱师兄,竟然连这种情报都弄到手了。” Knows that the topography distribution of chaotic demon domain, we do not use likely the headless fly type chaotic revolutions.” “知道乱魔界域的地势分布,我们就不用像无头苍蝇样乱转。” Should pay many prices?” “应该花了不少代价吧?” ...... …… Un, using three divine tools to trade that.” Qiu Xingyi replied, while spread out the sheepskin volume in hand slowly. “嗯,用了三件神器才换的这个。”邱星易一边回答,一边将手中的羊皮卷缓缓摊开。 May merely be the next flash, the facial expression on people face solidified completely. 可仅仅是下一瞬间,众人脸上的神情全部都凝固住了。 The appearances of anticipation also completely turned into the silly expression. 一个个期待的样子也全然变成了傻愣的表情。 I said Senior Brother Qiu, your three divine tools with the map that who trades? I first go out to hack to death him to come back again.” “我说邱师兄,你那三件神器跟谁换的地图?我先出去砍死他再回来。” I also go!” “我也去!” ...... …… Sees only the topography chart that in that sheepskin volume outlined simply with not to endure to look straight ahead described, the line that several turned the distortion tune not only looked like the mountains, and looked like the rivers, in a complete mess of geographic name symbol, reckoned up besides east, south, west, and north beside, other made one unable to understand completely. 只见那羊皮卷上勾勒出来的地势图简直可以用‘不忍直视’来形容,几道扭扭曲曲的线条既像山川,又像河流,地理名称标志的一塌糊涂,除了一个东南西北还算清楚之外,其他完全叫人看不懂。 Qiu Xingyi facial color is slightly is also dignified. 邱星易的面色也是略显凝重。 Before god armor changed dense spoon two characters. 之前一件神甲换了‘密匙’两个字。 Then traded this topographic diagram with three divine tools. 然后又用三件神器换了这份地形图。 In the common time, this absolutely is not the ruined family, but is defeats the sect...... 在寻常时候,这绝对不是败家,而是败宗…… However recruits regarding this holy war, is one is actually willing to hit, is willing to suffer, has no issue of worth. 不过对于这圣战征召而言,却也算是一个愿打,一个愿挨,也就没什么值不值得的问题。 Naturally, for exchanging information divine tool and commodity, before embarking, is given by the Martial Sect high level. 当然了,用于交换情报的神器和物资,都是在出发之前,由武宗高层赋予的。 Otherwise Qiu Xingyi again how rich, is impossible to put out four divine tools casually. 不然邱星易再如何有钱,也不可能随随便便拿出四件神器。 ...... …… We should be here!” “我们应该是在这里!” After a careful consult, Qiu Xingyi has a conclusion points at some position on map to say. 一番仔细的查阅之后,邱星易有所结论的指着地图上的某个位置说道。 The corner of the eye of people concentrates, but sees the opposite party to refer to a stretch of gray region, since above looked, indeed is a bit like to the environment that the current dense fog covers...... 众人的眼角微凝,但见对方所指的是一片灰色的地带,从上面看,的确有点类似于当前迷雾所笼罩的环境…… First across this dense fog areas!” “先穿过这片迷雾区吧!” The people nod. 众人点点头。 At once, by Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, the pond thousand hawks walks in the frontline leads the way, others follow on the heels in good order...... 旋即,由邱星易,王黎,池千莺走在最前方开路,其余人井然有序的跟在后面…… Presently topography environment quite knocks to stumble ruggedly, the ground is not smooth, up and down, one type arrives at the feeling on steep slope. 当前的地势环境比较崎岖磕绊,地面并不平坦,忽上忽下,给人一种走到陡坡上的感觉。 elder brother Chu Hen, you how?” 楚痕哥哥,你怎么了?” Ye Yao sees the brow of Chu Hen to be somewhat heavy, opens the mouth asked. 叶瑶楚痕的眉头有些沉重,不由的开口问道。 Chu Hen shaking the head gently, slightly has the puzzled reply. 楚痕轻轻的摇头,略有困惑的回答。 Does not know what reason, I always thought that this atmosphere is somewhat familiar.” “不知道什么原因,我总觉得这种氛围有些熟悉。” Familiar?” “熟悉?” Several people are startled. 身旁几人一怔。 „Had you come before?” What speech is Zhao Qing cuts. “你以前来过吗?”说话的是赵青裁。 Chu Hen smiles, how possible, the feeling of a little not being able to say.” 楚痕笑了笑,“怎么可能,就是有点说不出来的感觉。” Slightly analysis this feeling. 稍稍分析这种感觉。 Depressing! 压抑! Anxious! 不安! Actually where to have had? 究竟是在哪里有过? ...... …… Unexpectedly, the pupil of Chu Hen shrinks faintly, remembered anything suddenly. 蓦地,楚痕的瞳孔隐隐一缩,猛然间想起了什么。 Right, silent range!” “没错,寂静之岭!” The silent range, escorted Qiao Xiaowan returns to an ancestor butterfly clan the time with Han by the power initially, passed through there on the way. 寂静之岭,当初同韩以权护送乔小婉回祖蝶一族的时候,途中就经过了那里。 That is place of quiet deathly stillness, in monsters and ancient human bodies besides innumerable deep sleep, with this almost same suffering injustice. 那是一片悄无声息的死寂之地,除了无数沉睡中的怪物和古尸,还有同这几乎一样的不见天日。 Ten thousand years of void, was not covered by the black dark cloud forever. 万年不化的虚空,永远都被黑色的乌云所遮挡。 What is most fearful, once some people start talking, will bring in innumerably the monster carrion that crawls from the place bottom. 最为可怕的是,一旦有人开口说话,就会引来无数从地底中爬出来的怪物腐尸。 ...... …… The next flash, imitates merely, if came from the dark aura of hell from attacks suddenly in all directions, but. 仅仅下一瞬间,一股仿若来自于地狱的幽暗气息突然间从四面八方侵袭而至。 Chu Hen heart one startled, instantly the sinking sound shouts, alerts completely!” 楚痕的心头一惊,即刻沉声喝道,“全部戒备!” Front Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, pond thousand hawks and the others similarly are the facial color changes, erupts the powerful boundless situation. 前方的邱星易,王黎,池千莺等人同样是面色一变,一个个爆发出强盛的磅礴大势。 „......” May, the pitiful flurried cry transmit together from the rear area of team. “啊……”可紧接着,一道凄惨慌乱的叫声从队伍的后方传达开来。 Short and rapid, at once is the sharp claws tears, terrifying sound that the canine tears and bites. 短暂而又急促,旋即是利爪撕扯,尖牙撕咬的恐怖声音。 In the peripheral dense fog, crawls quietly the innumerable say/way gloomy strange shadows. 周边的迷雾之中,悄然爬出来无数道阴沉诡异的黑影。 The body of each shadow is sending out the strong death air/Qi. 每一道黑影的身上都散发着浓重的死气。 The complexion of people all changes. 众人的脸色皆是大变。 These shadows approach unceasingly, is penetrating that dusky dense fog, presents various fierce fearful decayed shapes...... 那些黑影不断靠近,在透过那灰蒙蒙的迷雾,呈现出各种狰狞可怕的腐朽形态…… Has giant who resembles the person non- beast. 有似人非兽的巨人。 Has monster that proliferates the tentacle. 有遍布触手的怪物。 Wears the heavy/thick armor, but the interior is actually a dead souls soldier of skeleton. 还有身披厚重铠甲,但内部却是一具骷髅的死灵战士。 The whole body stained the ancient remote putrefication aura, regains consciousness from the deep sleep all, is longing for the blood and slaughtering. 浑身沾满了古老久远的腐化气息,尽数从沉睡中苏醒,渴望着鲜血和杀戮。 ...... …… „!” “哇!” „!” “呜!” ...... …… Offensive simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform of blotting out the sky leans the potential, but , when the numerous Martial Sect disciple is astonished, actually does not show weakness divulges the powerful offensive to counter-attack. 铺天盖地的攻势齐齐倾势而至,众武宗弟子惊愕之际,却也是毫不示弱的宣泄出强大的攻势进行反击。 Snort, do one crowd of rotten evil thing also dare to attack us?” “哼,一群腐烂的邪物也胆敢袭击我们?” Kills!” “杀!” Called them deeply to bury in thoroughly underground.” “彻底叫它们深埋在地下。” ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… A series of powerful strength impact continuous displaying eruption, gorgeous such as the true essence air/Qi glow of rainbow interweaves in empty/sky, kills the dregs a leader monster carrion bang. 一系列强大的力量冲击接连不断的施展爆发,绚丽如虹的真元气芒交织于空,将一头头怪物腐尸轰杀成渣。 Yin-Yang spatial palm!” “阴阳空掌!” Frozen thousand li (500 km)!” “冰封千里!” ten thousand Yushen kills!” “万羽神杀!” ...... …… The astral fierce strong strength starts dreadful tides layer by layer, the land splits open, space entirely tremor, fills in the gray dense fog in the world to be raised to fly away. 罡猛强劲的力量掀起一层又一层的滔天浪潮,大地迸裂,空间俱颤,弥漫于天地间的灰色迷雾都被掀飞开来。 Behind dense fog that raises, similarly also appears more and more monster ancient human bodies. 掀起的迷雾后面,同样也惊现出越来越多的怪物古尸。 ...... …… „!” “嗤嗤!” The bone-chilling cold strong dark blue thunder and lightning is intertwined criss-crossed, everywhere one visit, for example god glow Saint sword, all strangled to death smashing of more than ten carrion monsters under the Chu Hen offensive. 凛冽强劲的暗蓝色雷电交缠如网,所到之处,譬如神芒圣剑,十几头腐尸怪物在楚痕的攻势下尽数被绞杀的粉碎。 But, 78 huge octopus tentacles emerge as the times require from the ground unexpectedly, surrounds to go toward Chu Hen. 可紧接着,七八条庞大的章鱼触手竟是从地面中破土而出,朝着楚痕环绕而去。 Chu Hen jumps to leap to the upper air at the same time, in the profound pupil is surging impressively faint trace purple glow. 楚痕纵身跃至高空的同时,深邃的瞳孔之中赫然涌动着丝丝紫芒 Buzz......” “嗡……” The ice-cold aura shop disperses, along with the space of distortion, on that huge tentacle ascends immediately monster different purple flame. 冰冷的气息铺散开来,伴随着扭曲的空间,那庞大的触手上顿时升腾起一股妖异的紫色火焰。 The overbearing purple flame goes along these tentacles toward other body spot burning down of monster by the prevailing situation. 霸道的紫色火焰以燎原之势沿着那些触手朝着怪物的身躯其他部位焚烧而去。 Jie......” sharp cry biography swings, several tentacle unceasing struggling, change to one group of ashes suddenly. “桀……”尖锐的叫声传荡开来,几条触手不断的挣扎,眨眼间就化作一团灰烬。 At once, the Chu Hen vision looks toward the dead ahead, biography of an invisible air wave from his pair of pupil swings. 旋即,楚痕的目光朝着正前方望去,一圈无形的气浪从其双眸中传荡开来。 In an instant, the space of front dense fog region falls into the strange overlapped condition, the region scene of big piece range presents in the Chu Hen mind. 霎那间,前方迷雾区域的空间陷入奇异的重叠状态,大片范围的区域场景呈现于楚痕的脑海之中。 Behind the dense fog, the monster carrion of blotting out the sky looks like the beast insect army to well up toward here. 迷雾后方,铺天盖地的怪物腐尸就像是兽虫大军般朝着这边涌来。 The quantity, is the imposing manner, not initial silent range can compare. 不论是数量,还是气势,都远非当初的寂静之岭所能够相比较。 ...... …… Hurries, protracted battle!” Chu Hen shouted to Qiu Xingyi and the others loudly. “赶紧走,久战不得!”楚痕大声对邱星易等人喊道。 Qiu Xingyi also fully realized that this crowd of ancient human bodies are the evil thing that are transformed by the side Yin dead air/Qi of ten thousand years of accumulation becomes, they do not fear the life and death, does not know the ache, just like the machinery general...... 邱星易也深知这群古尸都是由万年累积的极阴死气幻化而成的邪物,它们不惧生死,不知疼痛,犹如机械一般…… Must hurry to evacuate this place to be good. 必须赶紧撤离此地才行。 Pei Ye, the pond thousand hawks, you lead the way...... Chu Hen in front with me, Wang Li, Wu Yan, your three people are responsible for the escape route......” “裴烨,池千莺,你们二人同我在前面开路……楚痕,王黎,吴岩,你们三人负责断后路……” Then, Qiu Xingyi treads to empty to move, if the true essence strength in within the body still golden empty dragon -like surrounds beyond its. 说罢,邱星易踏空而动,体内的真元力犹若金色虚龙般环绕在其身外。 Then the double palm gathers, potential of the bone-chilling cold extraordinary tyrant blade erupts. 接着双掌一合,一股凛冽非凡的霸刀之势爆发出来。 Gold dollar cuts!” “金元斩!” Together with the voice of falling, is going through vertically the kilometer startled day blade glow to appear in empty/sky, cuts toward the front potential by the potential of quarrying a mountain crack place under...... 连同着落下的话音,一记纵贯千米的惊天刀芒惊现于空,以开山裂地之势朝着前方势斩而下…… Bang!” “轰隆!” The mountains and rivers explode broken, the world shakes. 山河爆碎,天地震荡。 The irresistible kilometer blade glow just like the god blade to fall, along with splits the land gully that suddenly explodes, the hundred and thousand of monster ancient human bodies of front anti- road were rumbled the smashing that all kills the sediment...... 势不可挡的千米刀芒犹如神刃落下,伴随着急剧绽裂爆开的大地沟壑,前方阻路的成百上千头怪物古尸尽数被轰杀的粉碎成渣滓…… Very powerful strength! 好强的力量! Wang Li, Wu Yan and the others the secret heart is all startled. 王黎,吴岩等人皆是暗暗心惊。 Chu Hen also narrowed the corner of the eye. 就连楚痕也不禁眯起了眼角。 Really worthily is character on the top list, strikes casually, is actually so terrifying. 果然不愧是风云榜上的人物,随随便便一击,却是如此恐怖。 ...... …… Walks!” Qiu Xingyi pushes to the front, just like the lead goat to lead the people to advance on toward the front. “走!”邱星易一马当先,犹如领头羊般率领众人朝着前方进击。 The numerous Martial Sect disciple follows hastily. 武宗弟子连忙紧随其后。 Movement a bit faster.” Wu Yan shouted sternly. “动作都快点。”吴岩厉声喝道。 When breaking through, has the ancient human body monster to throw to harass unceasingly, Chu Hen, Wang Li and the others obstruct unceasingly, shields for others. 在突围之际,不断有着古尸怪物扑过来进行骚扰,楚痕,王黎等人不断进行阻截,为其他人进行掩护。 After all majority is the elite disciple who sect gate chooses. 毕竟大部分都是宗门挑选出来的精英弟子。 The people are hurried, but is not chaotic, quick summed up one. 众人慌而不乱,很快就归结到了一起。 ...... …… We almost can walk!” Zhao Qing clothes sinking sound said. “我们差不多可以走了!”赵青衣沉声说道。 Un!” “嗯!” Chu Hen nods, is preventing the attack of ancient human body monster, while retreats fighting, with it Wang Li, Wu Yan, Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao as well as Zhao Qing clothes brother and sister and other group of follows in behind of large unit. 楚痕点头,一边阻挡着古尸怪物的攻击,一边且战且退,与之王黎,吴岩,龙玄霜,叶瑶以及赵青衣兄妹等一行人跟在大部队的后面。 ...... …… In dense fog. 迷雾之中。 Surges unceasingly various violent chaotic strength shock-waves, relies on Qiu Xingyi domineering, the Martial Sect front team has not been stopping completely. 不断激荡出各种猛烈混乱的力量冲击波,凭借着邱星易的强势,武宗的前方队伍完全没有停顿下来过。 The speed that the people break through is quick, looks like a great sword, alternates in the dense fog area that this suffers injustice directly. 众人突围的速度很快,就像是一柄巨剑,直接穿插于这不见天日的迷雾区。 Chu Hen, Wang Li and other rear areas shielded the speed of team to be obviously slow. 楚痕,王黎等后方掩护团队的速度明显慢了下来。 After all must eliminate the decayed ancient human body that resists advances uninterruptedly unceasingly, therefore drags the rhythm very much. 毕竟要不断的清除抵挡前赴后继的腐朽古尸,所以很拖节奏。 ...... …… The strengths of some especially ancient human body monsters are not weak, even the powerful monster of Eternal Realm rank. 尤其有的古尸怪物的力量还不弱,甚至还有亘古境级别的强大怪物。 A strength battles to the bang, Chu Hen also spread out many with it front army. 一番力量对轰激战下来,楚痕这边还与之前方部队拉开了不少的距离。 Do not prolong contact! Does not have the thing of thought to hit with these, without the least bit sense of achievement.” Wang Li sinking sound said. “别恋战!跟这些没有思维的东西打,没有半点成就感。”王黎沉声说道。 I know, but several evils- livestock really pursues is annoying!” “我知道,不过有几个孽-畜追得实在是烦人!” A Wu Yan fist bang draws back a headless great corpse that grasps the great spear/gun, after then flying, moves to, outside the body appears dazzling clear blue light marks. 吴岩一拳轰退一尊手持巨枪的无头巨尸,接着飞身后移的同时,身外浮现出一道道绚丽夺目的晶莹蓝色光纹。 Sharp luxurious blue light mark rapid before its collects, instantly compresses glittering and translucent carving rhombus energy bodies. 亮丽奢华的蓝色光纹迅速朝着其身前汇集,即刻压缩成一道道晶莹剔透的菱形能源体。 Playing chess star seal!” “弈星印!” Wu Yantai hand raises outward, in an instant, first even/including four bright such as the Xinghua jade of stars for example the god glow arrow arrow explodes to plunder. 吴岩抬手朝外一掀,霎那间,一连四道亮如星辰的星华玉譬如神芒箭矢般爆掠而出。 Hissing......” “嘶嘶……” The potential of sharp broken wind made the person eardrum tremble continuously lightly, four Xinghua jade directly were the impact in that great corpse four limbs joint place. 连续尖锐的破风之势令人耳膜轻颤,四道星华玉直接是冲击在那巨尸的四肢关节处。 With the dark-brown blood dance, the hands and feet of opposite party directly is neat cut-off, with the hill that if a bang collapses, loses the support, numerous pounding fall to the ground...... 伴随着暗褐色的鲜血飙舞,对方的手脚直接是整齐的切断,跟着如若一座轰塌的小山,失去支撑,重重的砸倒在地……
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