UMDK :: Volume #13

#1274: The wind and cloud begins

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! The dragon python contends, wind and cloud border meeting! 龙蟒相争,风云际会! Time of building up already. 集结的时间已至。 The holy war recruited welcomed the day of opening finally. 圣战征召终于迎来了开启之日。 The enormous and powerful crowd keeps pace, evacuates toward ten thousand bell cities outside one after another. 浩浩荡荡的人群并驾齐驱,陆续朝着万钟城外撤离。 ...... …… Toward noon! 临近中午时分! Outside ten thousand bell cities in a several hundred li (0.5 km) deep deep valley gully, the Martial Sect 3000 disciples just like together Changchuan getting together in this. 万钟城外数百里的一座深幽谷壑之中,武宗的三千名弟子犹如一道长川般的齐聚于此。 Inside and outside the valley gully, is uniquely scenic, the bell spirits, the both sides mountains are precipitous, are sending out the remote palatial boundless potential. 谷壑内外,风景独特,钟灵奇秀,两侧的青山险峻,散发着久远的巍峨磅礴之势。 Ten thousand bell city is an old city that has ten thousand years of long history. 万钟城是一座有着万年悠久历史的古城。 But this region also had been through repeatedly the repeated difficulties of innumerable carrying, the snow and ice frost is cold. 而这片区域亦是历经了无数载的风风雨雨,冰雪霜寒。 ...... …… valley ravine the deep place, the fog winds around, the spiritual energy is abundant. 谷壑的深处,云雾缭绕,灵气充沛。 In that fog, has together the incomparably broad giant backdrop. 在那云雾之中,却是有着一道无比广阔的巨大天幕。 Backdrop height ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), reaching higher authorities vault of heaven desert, to mountains and rivers jungle. 天幕高万丈,上达苍穹瀚海,下至山河丛林。 Just like an infinite huge barrier impediment in the front of people, like isolating the space boundaries of two different potential surface world together. 宛如一座无限庞大的屏障阻隔在众人的前方,更是如同一道隔绝着两个不同位面世界的空间界限。 Longitudinal obstructs a day of great curtain to keep off in the valley gully, the two sides across Senriyama river, ten thousand lean Kuwata. 纵向的遮天巨幕挡在谷壑之中,两边横跨千里山河,万倾桑田。 Probably one dust-laden innumerable year not opened ancient ban. 像是一座尘封无数年不被人开启的古老禁制。 ...... …… Chaotic demon domain ruins in this?” Wu Yan vision prudent saying. “乱魔界域遗址就在这里面吗?”吴岩目光慎重的说道。 Perhaps!” In Wang Li tone also has the rigorous meaning. “也许吧!”王黎语气中亦是有所严谨之意。 Arrives this step, what recruited to hold the Martial Sect numerous disciple innermost feelings of quite a lot anticipation to the holy war more is stern, after all compares other it sect gate influences, Martial Sect lacks the competitiveness relatively. 走到这一步,原本对圣战征召抱着颇多期待的武宗众弟子内心更多的还是严峻,毕竟比之其他宗门势力而言,武宗相对缺乏竞争力。 Whether in the struggle of brutal dragon python far, is an unknown. 能否在残酷的龙蟒之争中走的多远,还是个未知数。 In addition governing Jianmen Lu thousand led one group to come to cause trouble in the past few days, attacked to the morale of Martial Sect people really much. 再加上前些天御剑门卢千带着一行人上门闹事,着实给武宗众人的士气打击了不少。 Causes mostly the person to seem like, a little heavyhearted appearance. 导致大多人看起来,都有点忧心忡忡的样子。 ...... …… How did I say appearance of everyone one dead fish?” Wu Mianxie the eye, the voice of speech especially is actually loud and clear, holy war recruits, but the chance of a lifetime, is happen to bumped into by us this year, if early or the late several years, we do not have the qualifications to participate.” “我说大家怎么都一副死鱼的样子?”吴勉斜着眼睛,说话的声音倒是尤为洪亮,“圣战征召可是千载难逢的机会,今年正好被我们碰上了,要是早或晚个几年,我们都没有资格参加。” „! Wu Laoer this saying said reasonable.” Ding cloudling several people also follow to jump, „, although our Martial Sect this year's overall aspect indeed is unsatisfactory, but the opening is not good, cannot overturn on behalf of the later period, everyone refuels, enters this chaotic demon domain to rush to together!” “诶!吴老二这话说的有道理。”丁小云几个人也跟着蹦出来,“虽然我们武宗今年的整体局面的确是不佳,但开局不行,不代表后期不能翻盘,大家加油,一起进这乱魔界域闯一闯!” Rushes to!” “闯一闯!” The thin monkey, the iron gate, the young beautiful three people also raises the arm to shout loudly in abundance. 身后的瘦猴,铁门,小嫣三个人也纷纷振臂高呼。 ...... …… Although these words saying from Martial Sect worst several disciple mouths, but more or less also plays the encouraging effect. 虽然这些话是从武宗最差的几个弟子口中说出来的,但或多或少也起到了一点鼓舞人心的效果。 The dispirited meanings on many face draw back gradually. 不少人脸上的颓废之意渐退。 The indifferent sound that snort/hum......” at this time, disdained together spreads quietly, waste of one flock of timids as a rabbit, if afraid, now rolls!” “哼……”这时,一道不屑的冷漠声音悄然传出,“一群胆小如鼠的废物,若是害怕的话,现在都滚回去吧!” The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 Saying this saying to be not others, is seat of honor big disciple Pei Ye of western arched peak institute. 说出这话者不是别人,正是西穹峰院的首席大弟子裴烨。 I said that Senior Brother Pei Ye, your saying to be atypical, now everyone comes out on behalf of Martial Sect, why to ridicule the companion?” “我说裴烨师兄,你这话就不地道了,现在大家都是代表武宗出来,何必奚落同伴呢?” Wu Mianchen sound said. 吴勉沉声说道。 If in usually, even if lends the Wu Mian 100 courage, he does not dare to refute Pei Ye. 倘若在平时,纵然是借给吴勉一百个胆子,他也不敢反驳裴烨。 However, at this time is different in those days, the North Star peak institute rises, moreover Wang Li, Qiu Xingyi, the pond thousand hawks and Chu Hen is quite intimate...... Wu Miandao not to fear Pei Ye...... 不过,今时不同往日,北辰峰院重新崛起,而且王黎,邱星易,池千莺都和楚痕比较亲近……吴勉倒也不惧裴烨…… Pei Ye sneers, depends on your skill, in the holy war recruits also can only lie the life, degenerates into the cannon fodder with it, as soon as possible might as well get the hell out good...... one group of worthless fellows, do not recruit to become the holy war travelled happily, how when the time comes do not die does not know......” 裴烨冷笑一声,“就凭你那点本事,在圣战征召中也只能是趴着走的命,与其沦为炮灰,不如尽早滚蛋的好……一群酒囊饭袋,别把圣战征召想成美好的旅行了,到时候不要连怎么死的都不知道……” You......” “你……” Even if Wu Mian at this moment also really attacked heavy of being eloquent. 纵然是口若悬河的吴勉此刻也着实被打击的不轻。 May to Huppe Ye's words, not be actually able to refute. 可对于裴烨的话,却也是无从反驳。 ...... …… In the eye of Chu Hen is surging faintly some deep cold intent. 楚痕的眼中隐隐涌动着些许深沉的冷意。 Qiu Xingyi also shakes the head secretly. 邱星易也是暗暗摇头。 The chaotic demon domain ruins have not opened, Martial Sect is so chaotic, how should the following journey pass through? Really discomforting. 乱魔界域遗址还未开启,武宗内部就如此混乱,接下来的路途该如何走过?着实令人不安。 ...... …… Rumble!” “隆隆!” Unexpectedly, sky over the highest heaven in valley gully deep place towering heavenly thunder trundle, wind and cloud like tide. 蓦地,谷壑深处的九霄上空突兀的天雷滚动,风云如潮。 That goes through vertically in Wanli remote boundless obstructs a day of great curtain towering flood an intense strength to fluctuate, the intermittent light mark drags above the barrier, innumerable say/way strange large-scale light mark secret Lu melted on that day curtain...... 那纵贯于万里之遥的磅礴遮天巨幕突兀的泛起一阵强烈的力量波动,阵阵光纹摇曳于屏障之上,无数道奇异的大型光纹秘箓在那天幕上化开…… Humming sound!” “嗡嗡!” In one both are full of under the astonished vision, that obstructs a day of great curtain unexpectedly is slowly gets down toward the interior hollowly. 紧接着,在一双双饶有惊愕的目光下,那遮天巨幕竟是缓缓的朝着内部凹陷下去。 The hollow space dramatic expansion splits open, inside fog rotates rapidly, forms a grinding pan nebula vortex...... 凹陷的空间急剧扩张绽开,里面的云雾飞速转动,形成一个磨盘般的星云漩涡…… Bang!” “轰隆!” Earth-shaking momentum startled in the highest heaven vault of heaven, sees only in the light screen that gets down hollowly sudden shatter splitting, ancient mysterious channel that probably opens. 惊天动地的声势惊荡于九霄苍穹,只见那凹陷下去的光幕之中急剧的破碎裂开,像是打开的古老神秘通道。 In an instant, mist misty large-scale passes the road junction to start presents in the Martial Sect people at present. 霎那间,一座雾气蒙蒙大型通道口开始呈现于武宗众人的眼前。 But, at the same time, in the sky of that better region, ten thousand gold/metal sprinkles the vault of heaven, the god rosy cloud like the rain, blocks the sky. 而,与此同时,在那更好区域的上空,万道金芒洒落天穹,神霞如雨,遮天蔽日。 Void above, the radiant luxurious colored glaze palace for example the god arrives. 虚空之上,璀璨奢华的琉璃宫殿譬如神祗降临。 Outside the palace left and right, two support on a day of stone column to start to coil around a brilliant Gold Dragon, as well as a aura dark python...... 宫殿外面的左右两侧,两道撑天石柱上开始盘绕出一尊光彩夺目的金龙,以及一条气息幽暗的巨蟒…… If the gate of main hall slowly opens, spread ancient times the distant vigorous vigorous sound. 大殿之门缓缓倘开,传出远古悠远的苍劲浑厚之声。 Holy war recruits opening, chaotic demon domain ruins , please......” “圣战征召开启,乱魔界域遗址,诸位,请……” Please! 请! Probably is issued the remote verbal command that issues by the ancient emperor, after the endless numerous years, transmits near the ear of people finally. 像是由古老帝王颁发下达的久远号令,经过无尽的重重岁月,最终传达于众人的耳边。 At this moment, the surrounding area the region within ten thousand li (0.5 km) all raises a clamoring turbulence. 这一刻,方圆万里以内的区域皆是掀起一股喧哗动荡。 ...... …… Each different sect gate race, has marches into the passing road junction of chaotic demon domain respectively. 每个不同的宗门种族,都有各自步入乱魔界域的通道口。 Except for the front of Martial Sect people, above the backdrops of other places appeared mist dim large-scale to pass the road junction one after another...... 除了武宗众人的面前,其他各处的天幕之上都相继浮现出了一座雾气朦胧的大型通道口…… Distant looks, peripheral has started to have rapidly such as the form of wind to leap to go toward the channel. 远远的望去,周边已经开始有着一道道迅疾如风的身影朝着通道之中飞跃而去。 Chaotic demon domain opened finally!” “乱魔界域终于开启了!” We walk!” “我们走!” Walks!” “走!” ...... …… Broadcasts inspired soaring sounds in all directions. 四面八方传来一道道振奋高昂的声音。 The innumerable say/way forms look like charge into the school of fish of network port, blots out the sky to fly to that channel. 无数道身影就像是冲向网口的鱼群,铺天盖地飞向那通道之中。 ...... …… Qiu Xingyi lifts single-handed, turns round to look to behind Wang Li, Chu Hen, the pond thousand hawks, Pei Ye and other numerous Martial Sect disciple. 邱星易单手抬起,回身望向身后的王黎,楚痕,池千莺,裴烨等一众武宗弟子。 Facial expression incomparably serious shouting, enters the chaotic demon domain ruins, until the holy war ended, in this period is unable...... to be then willing to go on an expedition along with me, walks!” 神情无比郑重的喝道,“一入乱魔界域遗址,直到圣战结束,期间无法回头……愿意随我征战者,走!” Walks!” “走!” The people replied with one voice. 众人齐声应答。 As if dispirited and desolate vanishes into thin air instantaneously. 仿佛刚才的颓废和落寞瞬间烟消云散。 Everyone at present exposes the burning hot the ray. 每个人的眼前都展露出炙热的光芒。 ...... …… Then, Qiu Xingyi lead flying jumps, for example the lead goat flies toward the above fog ignorant/veiled channel. 说罢,邱星易率先飞身跃起,譬如领头羊般朝着上空的雾蒙通道飞去。 Chu Hen, Wang Li, pond thousand hawks and the others followed. 楚痕,王黎,池千莺等人紧随其后。 Immediately all Martial Sect disciples tread to empty to move. 随即所有的武宗弟子纷纷踏空而动。 Many Martial Sect disciples, if a big dragon floods into. 众多武宗弟子,如若一条巨龙般涌入其中。 ...... …… Under the luxurious radiant colored glaze palace, the magnificent nebula vortex stirs the day to move. 奢华璀璨的琉璃宫殿之下,壮观的星云漩涡搅天动地。 The fog shape channel in giant backdrop like connecting the space and time bridge of another world. 巨型天幕之中的雾状通道就像连接着另一个世界的时空桥梁。 Came from seems that to be involved in the endless storm all gate talents in all directions. 来自于四面八方的所有宗门天才好似那卷入了无尽风暴中。 Enormously and powerful like tide, earth-shaking. 浩荡如潮,撼天动地。 Quiet the chaotic demon domain ruins of innumerable years, soon, the wind and cloud begins! 沉寂了无数岁月的乱魔界域遗址,即将,风云再起!
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