UMDK :: Volume #13

#1273: Martial Sect, sets sail

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! I said the elder sister, can not give me to sew the clothes? The good and evil was previous dynasty princess and prince regent, performed to do the heavy manual labor who some servants were......” “我说姐,能别又给我缝衣服吗?好歹是个前朝公主兼摄政王,尽干些下人做的粗活……” Looks at these needlework wicker baskets on desktop, male somewhat helpless shaking the head. 看着在桌面上的那些针线箩筐,男子有些无奈的摇了摇头。 Then arrives in the room, sits down by opposite party nearby chair. 然后走到屋内,在对方旁边的椅子旁边坐下。 Regarding man's complaint, the young woman who that show sends is not angry. 对于男子的抱怨,那秀致的年轻女子并不生气。 Still is selecting the needlework in hand lightly. 仍旧只是轻挑着手中的针线。 We now are only the average people, the beforehand these things passed......” “我们现在只是普通人,以前的那些事情都过去了……” You determined that passed?” The men hold the chin, the squint to look at the opposite party. “你确定都过去了?”男子托着下巴,斜眼看着对方。 The female small head molecule, „, passed!” 女子螓首微点,“嗯,都过去了!” Since passed, did the clothes that but why the elder sister you make to me put on to be small completely?” “既然都过去了,可为什么姐姐你给我做的衣服全部都穿小了?” „?” The females are startled, was small?” “啊?”女子一怔,“小了吗?” „Did you say?” “你说呢?” The men are really speechless, is saying, while stands up, you do not have a look at me long now was high? The body that you each time makes the clothes that put on to me to take care of an actor's costume the steamed rice dumpling to be the same, I walk not comfortably......” 男子甚是无语,一边说着,一边站起身来,“你也不看看我现在长的多高了?你每次给我做的衣服穿的身上就跟包着粽子一样,我走路都不舒服……” Although several years later, continuously in own side. 时隔多年,尽管一直都在自己的身边。 She does not have too to pay attention actually, before the opposite party has not been, that less sophisticated youngster. 她倒是没太注意,对方早已不是以前那个少不更事的少年。 The height of opposite party unknowingly was about long one meter nine, the shoulder was broad, in the past in that foreheads childish also transformed for the man martial-looking air/Qi. 对方的身高不知不觉都长到了将近一米九,肩膀宽阔健壮,以往那眉宇间的孩子气也转化为了男人般的英武之气。 Hao was long so big?” Female somewhat comfortable saying with a smile. “昊儿都长这么大了呢?”女子有些宽慰的笑道。 My God!” The men suddenly feel a headache, I said the elder sister, these years are you having a dream? To be honest, hadn't you forgotten that person?” “我的天!”男子顿觉一阵头疼,“我说姐,这些年你都在做梦吗?说实话,你心里是不是一直没有忘记那个人?” What is saying?” The females do not pay attention, continue to sew the new clothes in hand. “在说什么呢?”女子不予理睬,继续缝着手中的新衣。 Do not deceive yourself, these clothes actually do not do to me, you, when sews these clothes, at heart thinks is that person, therefore I put on not good-fitting......” “你就别骗自己了,这些衣服其实也不是给我做的,还是你在缝这些衣服的时候,心里想的一直都是那个人,所以我穿的都不合身……” The females still did not answer. 女子仍旧是不答。 Fair such as the finger flexible recover of wire of jade ties a knot, the attractive silver tooth cuts by biting the silk thread gently, then takes up the new product that just completed. 白皙如玉的手指灵活的收线打结,漂亮的银牙轻轻咬断丝线,然后拿起刚刚完成的新品。 Ok, this time definitely appropriate, gives a try quickly......” “好了,这次肯定合适,快试试看……” Said that also being beyond control opposite party rejects, directly clothes set on the shoulder of opposite party. 说完也由不得对方拒绝,直接就把衣服套在对方的肩膀上。 Elder sister, so many years, I also left the eastern land is so long, this life this life will not see that person again...... . Moreover, the free and unfettered Senior Brother is so good to you, helped our so many......” “姐,这么多年了,我也离开东陆这么久了,今生今世都不会再见到那个人……而且,逍遥师兄对你那么好,也帮了我们这么多……” Listens to the opposite party saying that the female reorganized the white hands of clothes obviously to stop for it. 听着对方所言,女子为其整理衣服的玉手明显停顿了一下。 At once shakes the head, in the clear supple eye pupil exudes drearily some. 旋即摇了摇头,清柔的眼眸中泛起些许阴郁。 In the eastern land, in land, was away from trillion li (0.5 km) away in this period, the day of life not saying goodbye. 一个在东陆,一个在中陆,期间隔着亿万里之遥,此生无再见之日。 Among the willow eyebrows cosmetics, seems the sadness. 柳眉粉黛间,似有浅浅的感伤。 ...... …… Free and unfettered Senior Brother innately gifted, the strength is unusual, world few person can with it being a worthy opponent, in me, besides the free and unfettered Senior Brother, not have other man to can be joined to you again.” “逍遥师兄天赋异禀,实力超凡,世间少有人能够与之匹敌,在我心里,除了逍遥师兄之外,再无别的男人能够配得上你。” Expression especially serious saying of man. 男子的语气尤为郑重的说道。 However, the female is only indifferent shaking the head, this words do not say again, free and unfettered Senior Brother indeed no one can, but I actually cannot seek friendships, you must talk too much not outside, in order to avoid went bad the reputation of person......” 然,女子只是淡然的摇了摇头,“此话不要再说了,逍遥师兄的确无人能及,而我却高攀不起,你莫要在外多言,以免坏了人的名声……” Since you know that the free and unfettered Senior Brother is so good, why that doesn't accept others?” “既然你都知道逍遥师兄这么好,那为什么不接受人家?” ...... …… The females sighed lightly, did not answer. 女子轻叹,却是不答。 Candlelight twinkle on table, bright wick, if one group of flame elves. 桌上的烛光闪烁,明亮的灯芯如若一团火焰精灵。 Looks in female that pupil the faint sad meaning, the man also looks the guilty color. 看着女子那眸中隐隐的感伤之意,男子也不禁面露愧疚之色。 Elder sister, sorry, I also hope you cross is better.” “姐,对不起,我也只是希望你过的更好一些。” ...... …… But, at this moment, out of the door hears light steady sound of footsteps. 而,就在这时,门外传来一阵轻稳的脚步声。 Then is the sound that the door knocks on lightly. 接着是房门轻叩的声响。 „Did Sister Xia Qing, rest?” 夏情师妹,睡了吗?” Free and unfettered Senior Brother......” man at present one bright, does not need the female opens the mouth, to turn around to open the door. “逍遥师兄……”男子的眼前一亮,也不待女子开口,就转身将房门打开。 Out of the door, stands in together straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, handsome uncommon young man. 门外,站在一道剑眉星目,英俊不凡的年轻男子。 The opposite party wear the magnificent black long dress, the makings has the dust, the body is revealing air/Qi of inherent aristocrat proudly. 对方身着华丽的玄色长衣,气质出尘,身上流露着一股与生俱来的傲然贵族之气。 Brother summer Hao also in!” The men first gawked, then shows the temperate smile. “夏昊师弟也在啊!”男子先是愣了一下,然后露出温和的笑容。 Free and unfettered Senior Brother, you come in quickly......” “逍遥师兄,您快进来……” summer Hao is full of happily welcomed the opposite party toward the room on the desire. 夏昊饶有开心的就欲将对方往屋内迎。 But the female actually returns behind in a soft voice said, was so late, does the free and unfettered Senior Brother have the matter?” 可身后女子却是轻声回道,“这么晚了,逍遥师兄有事吗?” „! Is this, tonight ten thousand bell Chengnei complicated/many Yan, has the rare night market beautiful scene especially, I want to invite Sister Xia Qing to go to play together......” “哦!是这样的,今夜万钟城内格外繁艳,有着难得的夜市美景,我想邀夏情师妹一同前往游玩……” Free and unfettered Senior Brother had a mind, but the weather is late, I also want to rest sooner, feared that must go bad fellow apprentice's interest.” “逍遥师兄有心了,不过天色已晚,我还想早些休息,怕是要坏了师兄的兴致。” The opposite party nod, Sister Xia Qing likes in the institute quiet, that makes noise the night market, does not go!” 对方点了点头,“夏情师妹喜欢院内清静,那喧闹夜市,不去也罢!” Un, but also looked at the free and unfettered Senior Brother to excuse me......” saying that Xia Qing continued saying that Hao, you delivered the free and unfettered Senior Brother for me......” “嗯,还望逍遥师兄见谅……”说罢夏情继续说道,“昊儿,你替我送送逍遥师兄……” Without chatting several, must catch up with others to walk, summer Hao a helplessness. 才没聊几句,就要赶别人走,夏昊一阵无奈。 Free and unfettered Senior Brother, we walks!” “逍遥师兄,我们走吧!” Named free and unfettered nod that the man smiles, Sister Xia Qing you rests sooner!” 名为‘逍遥’的男子微笑的点点头,“夏情师妹你早些休息!” Two people got to the entrance, summer Hao follow to turn round. 两人先后走到门口,夏昊跟着回过身来。 Elder sister, this clothes...... were also small!” “姐,这件衣服……又小了!” ...... …… ...... …… Left in the Xia Qing room, summer Hao reorganizes clothing, while is swaying from side to side the upper part, walks while complained. 离开了夏情的屋内,夏昊一边整理身上的衣衫,一边扭动着上半身,边走边抱怨。 Really is, so many clothes, no can put on, I felt that quickly was similar to in the tortoise in tortoise shell.” “真的是,这么多衣服,没一件能穿的,我感觉都快跟所在龟壳里的王八差不多了。” Nearby young man handsome eyebrow selects lightly, said suddenly, Brother summer Hao......” 一旁的年轻男子俊眉轻挑,突然间说道,“夏昊师弟……” Un? What's wrong? Free and unfettered Senior Brother?” “嗯?怎么了?逍遥师兄?” Does not know that what heart knot in your older sister's heart has?” “不知你姐的心中是不是有什么心结?” Where has what heart knot? Cannot forget that person!” The armpit that summer Haonao flexure was tight, spoke thoughtlessly to say. “哪有什么心结啊?就是忘不掉那个人呗!”夏昊挠了挠紧吧的胳肢窝,随口说道。 „? Who?” “哦?何人?” In summer Hao the eyes is surging the faint trace complex meaning, the sound is somewhat low and deep, how did not know saying that was our personal enemies, but also was our benefactors! Was his destruction fell our Sacred Star Dynasty, but also helped us shake off the sovereign ancestor's control...... I, although somewhat complained to him, but my elder sister...... oh......” 夏昊的眼中涌动着丝丝复杂之意,声音有些低沉,“不知道怎么说,是我们的仇人,但也算是我们的恩人!是他覆灭掉了我们圣星王朝,但同时也帮助我们摆脱了皇祖的控制……我虽然对他有些埋怨,不过我姐就……唉……” So that's how it is! Was that person makes Sister Xia Qing never forget.” “原来如此!就是那个人令夏情师妹念念不忘了。” Un!” summer Hao pulled lower hem corner tightly, then serious saying, „, although that person is good in our that side, but he cannot you place on a par with the free and unfettered Senior Brother completely, with you, as soon as compares, simply is huge difference......” “嗯!”夏昊又扯了扯紧实的衣角,然后郑重的说道,“虽然那个人在我们那边还算不错,不过他完全不能和逍遥师兄你相提并论的,跟你一比,简直就是天壤之别……” Hehe!” Young man light saying with a smile. “呵呵!”年轻男子淡淡的笑道。 Free and unfettered Senior Brother, I stand you.” “逍遥师兄,我可是站在你这边的。” Brother summer Hao!” In the voice of young man shows some sinks hardly, it stares in summer Hao the look to have several points of sharp ray. “夏昊师弟啊!”年轻男子的声音中透出些许沉硬,其盯着夏昊的眼神中有着几分尖锐的光芒。 What's wrong?” summer Hao is puzzled. “怎么了?”夏昊不解。 Later was so late, do not look for your older sister again, I the woman who likes me settling on am not together with other men very much alone, even if her younger brother......” “以后这么晚了,就不要再来找你姐了,我很不喜欢我所看中的女人跟其他男人单独相处,哪怕是她的弟弟……” Although the tone is tranquil, but contains cold intent who is to make summer Hao have to plant the feeling of crashing into the ice cave. 语气虽然平静,可其中所蕴含的冷意却是令夏昊有种坠入冰窟的感觉。 He looks at present this young man, suddenly feels the somewhat inexplicable palpitation. 他看着眼前这个年轻的男人,突然觉得有些莫名的心悸。 About one meter nine big physique, at this moment unexpectedly seems incomparably small and weak. 将近一米九的高大身板,此刻竟显得无比弱小。 You should know how to do?” The opposite party select the forehead to say lightly. “你该知道怎么做吧?”对方轻挑着眉宇道。 summer Hao voice start cannot help but shivers. 夏昊声音不由自主的开始颤抖。 Knowledge, the knowledge, I know......” “知,知,我知道……” Un!” Man modest smiling of, patted the shoulder of opposite party, was all right, oneself play!” “嗯!”男子温和的笑了笑,拍了拍对方的肩膀,“没什么事了,自己去玩吧!” Then, the opposite party is sideways to walk in the direction of presidential office front door. 说罢,对方侧身朝着府院大门的方向走去。 Has looked at the opposite party to vanish the form in curtain of night, summer Hao cannot spirit slowly recovers. 一直望着对方消失在夜幕中的身影,夏昊都没能够缓过神来 Quite fearful! 好可怕! In a moment ago, its felt temperately for the first time usually in treats people free and unfettered Senior Brother actually so made one be afraid. 就在刚才,其第一次觉得平日里温和待人的‘逍遥师兄’竟然这般令人感到恐惧。 Even if a look, made it extremely anxious. 哪怕是一个眼神,都令其极度不安。 At this moment, summer Hao was a little worried. 此刻,夏昊有点担心了。 The opposite party really like elder sister Xia Qing, merely but also is only one type does not allow others to touch to bribe holds? 对方是真的喜欢姐姐夏情,还仅仅只是一种不容他人触碰染指的占有? Cannot be intimate with it the blood brothers, is this what kind of overbearing? 连亲弟弟都不能与之亲近,这是何等的霸道? Just likes goods wresting away, if in the same place, later Xia Qing can also by so gentle treatment? 犹如物品般的霸占,倘若在一起的话,以后夏情还能被如此温柔的对待吗? Should be I thinks? The free and unfettered Senior Brother is not that talent to......” “应该是我多想了吧?逍遥师兄不会是那种人才对……” summer Hao clenches teeth, turns round the position that looked at Room Xia Qing to be , the heart is surging many complex gloomy mood. 夏昊咬了咬牙,回身看了眼夏情所在的位置,心头涌动着诸多复杂愁绪。 ...... …… In an instant, three days of time passes quietly! 转眼间,三天时间悄然流逝! This also means, the holy war recruits, begins! 这也意味着,圣战征召,随之拉开序幕! On this day, ten thousand bell Chengnei din of gongs and drums, the salute sounds together! 这一天,万钟城内锣鼓喧天,礼炮齐鸣! During the entire city joyfully celebrates, numerous sect gate influence, innumerable shocking outstanding talent powerhouses, enormous and powerful arranges clothes to set sail. 在全城欢庆之中,众多宗门势力,无数惊艳卓绝的天才强者,浩浩荡荡的整装起航。 In the vision that the major presidential offices, ten thousand number evildoer/monstrous talent, one both open shines through the sharp sword fine glow. 各大府院,万数妖孽,一双双睁开的目光中透射出利剑般的精芒。 The dragon python contends, wind and cloud border meeting! 龙蟒相争,风云际会! The holy war recruits, starts! 圣战征召,开始! The chaotic demon domain ruins, will open finally again! 乱魔界域遗址,终将再次开启! ...... …… 93 government offices! 九十三府! Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, Pei Ye, the pond thousand hawks, Chu Hen and the others led the numerous, if potential startled great wild goose, direct impact highest heaven. 邱星易,王黎,裴烨,池千莺,楚痕等人率众而起,势若惊鸿,直冲九霄。 Martial Sect, sets sail!” 武宗,起航!”
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