UMDK :: Volume #13

#1272: Walks carefully

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Before indeed not the resentment did not have the enmity, but, one year ago, my Junior Brother Luo building is actually the life loses your Martial Sect disciple's hand in the Beichuan area of ice, asked that this tent/account, how should ask for?” “以前的确是无怨无仇,不过,就在一年之前,我师弟罗楼在北川冰域却是命丧你武宗弟子之手,试问这笔帐,该如何讨来?” The Rwandan thousand vision are exuding the faint trace gloomy and cold meaning, looks the hatred anger in it behind numerous governing Jianmen disciples. 卢千目光泛着丝丝阴冷之意,在其身后的一众御剑门弟子也都是面露憎怒。 Luo was building killed? 罗楼被杀了? Wang Li, pond thousand hawk looking at each other. 王黎,池千莺不由的对视一眼。 Must say that Narro Building is also a little fame, in many disciples in governing Jianmen, is charming, without thinking died before more than one year . Moreover the opposite party added that is the person of Martial Sect kills, was more incomprehensible. 要说那罗楼也算是有一点名气,在御剑门的众多弟子中,颇具风采,没想到在一年多前就死了,而且对方还说是武宗之人所杀,就更是令人不解了。 What having can show that was the person of my Martial Sect killed Luo building?” “有什么能够证明是我武宗之人杀了罗楼?” Returning that Wang Li coldly said. 王黎冷冷的回道。 Snort, initially in the Beichuan area of ice, imaginary feather palace flowered snake that smelly woman also there, she told me personally, Brother Luo building died of Martial Sect North Star definitely under......” “哼,当初在北川冰域,幻羽殿的‘花蛇’那臭娘们也在那里,她亲口告诉我,罗楼师弟死于武宗的‘北辰决’之下……” Does North Star decide? 北辰决? One hear of this saying, Wang Li, pond thousand hawks and the others vision all as if by prior agreement looks to nearby Wu Yan. 一听这话,王黎,池千莺等人的目光皆是不约而同的看向一旁的吴岩。 Wu Yan were startled being startled. 就连吴岩自己都怔了怔。 It walks up, puzzled asking, entire Martial Sect, only has me and Sister Ye Yao two people studies «North Star Definitely», but we have never left Martial Sect before then, has not gone to the so-called Beichuan area of ice.” 其走上前去,不解的问道,“整个武宗,唯有我和叶瑶师妹两人学得《北辰决》,不过我们在这之前从未离开过武宗,更没有去过所谓的北川冰域。” Quibbled!” Rwandan thousand looks cold. “狡辩!”卢千眼神冷了下来。 Snort, my Wu Yan works, dares to do and has the courage to accept responsibility, kills the matter of Luo building, I never participate, how could also to say quibbled? You feared that was played by others had not known?” “哼,我吴岩做事,敢作敢当,杀罗楼之事,我从未参与,又岂能说是狡辩?你怕是被别人耍了还不知道吧?” Was played, I clear...... I, and asked one again, was you killed Brother Luo building?” “是不是被人耍了,我自己清楚……我且再问一句,是不是你杀了罗楼师弟?” The invisible powerful imposing manner divulges from Rwandan thousand within the body, the peripheral air current changes creates a clamor anxiously. 无形的强大气势从卢千的体内宣泄而出,周边的气流都变的鼓噪不安。 The Wu Yan brow slightly wrinkle, the sinking sound shouted, did not have!” 吴岩眉头微皱,沉声喝道,“没有!” Whish......” “哗……” Finishes speaking, a boundless sword potential follows to erupt from Lu thousand, together with a serious strength vibrato, a thick obtuse no front heavy sword is actually appearing in the palm of opposite party. 话音刚落,一股磅礴的剑势跟着从卢千的身上爆发而出,连同着一记沉重的力量颤音,一柄厚钝的无锋重剑却是惊现于对方的掌中。 The heavy sword is lingering vigorous gold/metal, wields crosswise toward the head of Wu rock. 重剑萦绕着雄浑的金芒,横向朝着吴岩的脑袋挥去。 Wu Yan pupil shrinks faintly, is standing that the agonic does not move to on the spot. 吴岩的瞳孔隐隐一缩,却是不偏不移的站在原地。 Buzz......” “嗡……” The strong air wave surges in the air, the no front heavy swords in Lu thousand hand roughly pointed at the width distance the position to stop in Wu Yan head unexpectedly. 强劲的气浪于空气中激荡开来,卢千手中的无锋重剑竟是在吴岩脑袋约莫手指宽度距离的位置停了下来。 Although this sword has not wielded, but Wu Yan imposing manner was actually pressed all. 尽管这一剑没有挥下去,但吴岩身上的气势却是尽数被压了下去。 The numerous Martial Sect disciple is the facial expression anger, several want to draw a sword. 武宗弟子皆是神情愤怒,几欲拔剑而起。 ...... …… Looks at facial expression calm Wu Yan, on the Lu thousand faces shows the contemptuous smile. 看着神情镇定的吴岩,卢千的脸上露出轻蔑的笑容。 Also calculates a little courage and wisdom, what a pity the strength bad...... I believe that now you have not killed Luo building, because depends on your cultivation base, simply does not have that skill......” “还算有点胆识,可惜实力不济……我现在相信你没有杀罗楼了,因为就凭你的修为,根本没那个本事……” Taunt! 嘲讽! Frustrates the satire that the opposite party must disdain compared with it. 比之挫败对方还要不屑的讽刺。 Wu Yan suppresses the anger that the heart is raising, the sinking sound one word at a time shouted, „the present asks you to leave here......” 吴岩强忍着心头升起的怒意,一字一顿的沉声喝道,“现在请你们离开这里……” Hahahaha.” Rwandan thousand laughing wildly loudly recklessly, Martial Sect may be one year is really inferior for a year, it seems like besides Qiu Xingyi, other is completely the waste, this time holy war recruits, cannon fodder especially many......” “哈哈哈哈。”卢千肆意的放声狂笑,“武宗可真的是一年不如一年了,看来除了个邱星易之外,其他尽是废物,这次的圣战征召,炮灰格外的多……” Then, raises hand to wield. 说罢,扬手一挥。 We walk!” “我们走!” The numerous governing Jianmen disciples go home in a self-satisfied ridicule. 众御剑门弟子在一片得意嘲笑中打道回府。 Clenching jaws of numerous Martial Sect disciple all air/Qi. 身后的众多武宗弟子无不气的咬牙切齿。 Even several quite warm-blooded disciples want to draw a sword to go to block the way, however actually by Wang Li stopping. 甚至有几个颇为热血的弟子就欲拔剑前去拦路,然却是被王黎给制止下来。 Draws back!” “都退下!” Senior Brother Wang Li, these bastards goes too far simply, did we endure?” “王黎师兄,这些混蛋简直欺人太甚,我们就这么忍了?” In Wang Li yan is also surging faint trace cold glow. 王黎眼中亦是涌动着丝丝冷芒。 Senior Brother Qiu here, we do not act rashly.” “邱师兄不在这里,我们不要轻举妄动。” But?” “可是?” Draws back!” “退下!” ...... …… Although in the heart of everyone suppressed a lot of fires, but still can only advance to swallow this tone. 尽管每个人的心中都憋了一肚子的火,但仍旧只能先行把这口气咽下去。 The holy war recruits has not started, regarding any sect gate influence, more or less has many worries, but the worry of Martial Sect, is many than other it sect gate. 圣战征召尚未开启,对于任何一个宗门势力,或多或少的存在诸多顾虑,而武宗的顾虑,比之其他宗门还要繁多。 ...... …… Hahahaha, one group of twirps!” “哈哈哈哈,一群无用之人!” Wastes our time simply.” “简直就是浪费我们的时间。” ...... …… Govern Jianmen and his party walks then reviles, they of profiting, this time especially self-satisfied. 御剑门一行人边走便唾骂,占尽便宜的他们,此番尤为的得意。 When they just had/left 93 government offices the front doors, actually is also the front surface walks several young forms. 正当他们刚出九十三府的大门之时,却也是迎面走来几道年轻身影。 One of them happen to blocked the say/way of some governing Jianmen disciple. 其中一人正好是挡住了某个御剑门弟子的道。 The latter is shouting, lifting the hand was a palm raised. 后者扯着嗓子,抬手就是一掌掀了过去。 „The being in the way dog where comes, goes away......” “哪里来的挡路狗,滚开……” But its palm potential has not fallen, the entire arm directly is static in the midair. 可其掌势还未落下,整条手臂直接是静止在半空中。 You......” “你……” That person of heart one startled, sees only his wrist/skill unexpectedly by the palm buckle of firmly opposite party before the body. 那人的心头一惊,只见他的手腕竟是被对方的手掌牢牢的扣在身前。 Especially the strength of opposite party just like the pincers that cannot be shaken general, making it unable to move. 尤其是对方的力量更是犹如不可撼动的铁钳一般,令其动弹不得。 Gives my father to go away!” “给我老子滚开!” When startled anger, that person of another hand begins a palm, pats toward the surface gate of opposite party on the desire. 惊怒之际,那人另外一只手再起一掌,就欲朝着对方的面门拍去。 But the next flash, a pair of faint look maps in the pupil of opposite party instantly. 可下一瞬间,一双淡漠的眼神即刻映入对方的瞳孔之中。 But, contacts that indifferent vision, the disciple heart of that governing Jianmen trembles immediately fiercely, as if saw entered the shadow of death of innermost soul. 而,一接触到那冷漠的目光,那御剑门的弟子心脏顿时猛地一颤,仿佛看到了直入灵魂深处的死亡阴影。 The complexion fiercely pallid, as if encountered the unprecedented huge fear. 其脸色猛地煞白,似乎遭遇了前所未有的巨大恐惧。 ...... …… Friend, later looks at a road!” The sound that selects lightly puts out in the Chu Hen mouth, then he loosens the arm of opponent, then with it behind Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang and the others entered in 93 government offices. “朋友,以后看着点路!”轻挑的声音于楚痕的口中吐出,接着他松开对手的手臂,然后与之身后的叶瑶,龙玄霜等人进入九十三府内。 When passing through the gate, thousand brushed past with Lu exactly. 在进门之时,恰好同卢千擦肩而过。 Two people of eye corner/horn split visions interweave, in the air exudes the faint trace invisible air wave. 两人眼角余光交织而过,空气中泛起丝丝无形的气浪。 ...... …… After surprise of being fleeting, the Lu thousand brows select lightly, the sidelong glance Chu Hen back, the corners of the mouth were still exuding the happy expression of disdaining. 稍纵即逝的诧异过后,卢千眉头轻挑,侧视楚痕的背影,嘴角仍旧是泛着不屑的笑意。 But, the disciple in that governing Jianmen was the delay is a moment ago in-situ. 而,刚才那名御剑门的弟子则是呆滞在原地。 You how?” Some people asked. “你怎么了?”身旁有人问道。 No, does not know, I felt I died a moment ago one time.” “不,不知道,我感觉我刚才死了一遭。” „, Really is funny, on Martial Sect the crowd of waste materials, can frighten this you?” “切,真是搞笑,就武宗的这群废材,也能把你吓成这样?” Walked, he acts in a play!” “走了,他演戏呢!” ...... …… Regarding that person of bitter experience, others thought otherwise, felt exaggerating of that opposite party intentionally performance. 对于那人刚才的遭遇,身旁的其他人都不以为然,都感觉对方故意表现的那么夸张。 Who does not know, the latter back of opposite party completely by cold sweat soaking. 孰不知,对方的后脊背已经全部都被冷汗给浸湿了。 ...... …… ...... …… Everyone here?” “大家都在这里呢?” Returns to Chu Hen in presidential office, Zhao Qing clothes and the others regarding to stand the Martial Sect people completely in institute is somewhat surprised. 回到府院中的楚痕,赵青衣等人对于全部站在院中的武宗众人有些意外。 What's wrong? Facial expressions are so stern, who a moment ago were these people?” “怎么了?一个个神情都这么严峻,刚才那些人是谁?” Zhao Qing clothes asks. 赵青衣开口询问道。 Wu Yan stretch/leisurely gently has the one breath, shakes the head. 吴岩轻轻的舒出一口气,摇了摇头。 Govern Jianmen......” “御剑门的……” Govern Jianmen? 御剑门? Several people are obviously startled. 几人明显一怔。 „Do they do?” Ye Yao puzzled asking. “他们来干什么啊?”叶瑶不解的问道。 Wu Yan still shook the head, immediately simple told the matter. 吴岩仍旧是摇头,当即简单的把事情讲述了一遍。 After Ye Yao hear, returns to laugh. 叶瑶听完之后不禁回以嗤笑。 Looks for a job purely? Entire Martial Sect also on me and Senior Brother Wu Yan you can North Star definitely, if their people die in North Star definitely in the hand is strange!” “纯粹来找事的吧?整个武宗也就我和吴岩师兄你会‘北辰决’,要是他们的人死在‘北辰决’的手上才怪呢!” I also said that they create a scene, since the Rwandan thousand appearances, do not seem like as if lying.” “我也说他们是无理取闹,可是从卢千的样子,似乎也不像是在说谎。” Wu Yan unclear its meaning. 吴岩不明其意。 But, one side Long Xuanshuang is actually looking pensive. 而,一旁龙玄霜却是若有所思。 She looked at Chu Hen one, in phoenix is slightly complex. 她看了身旁的楚痕一眼,凤目中略显复杂。 Perhaps others do not know, but she is very clear, initially she witnessed that time scene. 别人或许不知道,但她很清楚,当初她亲眼目睹那时的场景。 Chu Hen has not said anything actually, in the foreheads is exuding the faint trace deep meaning. 楚痕倒是没有多说什么,眉宇间泛着丝丝深沉之意。 ...... …… Night! 夜! A round of bright moonlight hanging up branch quietly. 一轮明月悄悄的挂上枝头。 Compares daytime noise, ten thousand bell city night similarly is brilliantly illuminated, lively. 相比较白天的喧闹,万钟城的夜晚同样是灯火辉煌,繁华不已。 However the Martial Sect disciples were somewhat difficult to suffer in this sleepless night. 不过武宗众弟子在这无眠之夜有些难捱了。 Ten thousand bell city first day, the person by governing Jianmen came to bully, loses face did not say, even the confidence is subject to the attack. 才来万钟城的第一天,就被御剑门的人上门过来欺负,丢了面子不说,连信心都倍受打击。 Was withstanding Martial Sect of numerous pressure, this time regarding the road ahead, only thinks an uncertainness. 原本就承受着众多压力的武宗,此番对于前路,更是只觉一片渺茫。 ...... …… Under pavilion that the moonlight dyes, the young form drinks wine to be drunk together alone. 月光染色的凉亭之下,一道年轻的身影饮酒独醉。 It mostly is also is only not because came to humiliate to feel that the disconsolate person, his sorrow, came from in elsewhere. 其多半也是唯一不是因为被人上门欺凌而感到惆怅的人,他的忧,是源自于别处。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 于此同时。 In the middle of ten thousand bell Chengnei some imposing manner broad palace institute. 在万钟城内的某座气势恢宏的宫院当中。 The light-decorated candlelight light and bright that a simple and elegant room shines upon. 灯火阑珊的烛光将一间素雅的房间映照的宽敞明亮。 Before the table, the slender and delicate form sits on the chair together, is putting a needlework wicker basket on her front, sea-monster of exquisite needlework such as in water in her slender fair fingers lithe clever...... 桌前,一道纤柔的身影坐于椅子上,在她的面前放着一个针线箩筐,细腻的针线在她那修长白皙的手指间如水中游鱼般轻盈灵巧…… The shining candlelight according to is especially good-looking on her attractive profile, tall and pleasing to the eye, beautiful moving. 金灿灿的烛光照在她的灵秀侧脸上尤为俊俏,美轮美奂,绝美动人。 „......” “咔嚓……” At this time, the gate was shoved open, the martial-looking uncommon young form walked together. 这时,门被推开了,一道英武不凡的年轻身影走了进来。 The female beautiful pupil lifts lightly, in the eye exudes the loving tenderly happy expression. 女子美眸轻抬,眼中泛起浅浅的怜爱笑意。 Came back......” “回来了……” Looks that the opposite party is manipulating some stitcheries, the man is a little as if helpless. 看着对方又在摆弄一些针线活,男子似乎有点无奈。 I said the elder sister, can not give me to sew the clothes? The good and evil was previous dynasty princess and prince regent, performed to do the heavy manual labor who some servants were......” “我说姐,能别又给我缝衣服吗?好歹是个前朝公主兼摄政王,尽干些下人做的粗活……”
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