UMDK :: Volume #13

#1271: Under top list the first person

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! In a clamoring sound, surrounds crowd divergence that like surging tides watches the fun in the square. 在一片喧哗声中,围观在广场上看热闹的人群如潮水般的散去。 And is doping many discussions. 其中掺杂着不少的议论声。 Unexpectedly is the Martial Sect disciple, is really accidental/surprised!” “竟然是武宗弟子,真是令人意外啊!” „The Martial Sect quite fierce also such several people, Qiu Xingyi, Pei Ye, Wang Li, again the additional pond thousand hawks...... seem like other not much.” 武宗比较厉害的也就那么几个人,邱星易,裴烨,王黎,再加个池千莺……貌似其他的都不怎么样。” You also really let alone, heard that a while ago Martial Sect conducted” the war of gate, how do you guess? “你还真别说,听说前段时间武宗进行了宗门之战,你猜怎么着?” How?” “怎么着?” Qiu Xingyi has not participated, champion it is said by an rookie disciple claiming, that rookie also Pei Ye two legs!” “邱星易没有参加,冠军据说被一个新人弟子给夺走了,那个新人还断了裴烨的两条腿!” I depend, real false?” “我靠,真的假的?” Credibility is very high.” “可信度很高。” Should that rookie not be?” “该不会那个新人就是?” ...... …… Is listening to peripheral that low and deep talking in whispers sound, profound Yang Gong one group are all startled and doubts, particularly willow Wuyue, she looks the back that Chu Hen and the others departed, in the eye is full of the gloomy anger. 听着周边那低沉的窃窃私语声,玄阳宫的一行人皆是又惊又疑,尤其是柳舞月,她看着楚痕等人离去的背影,眼中饶有阴郁怒意。 Today she fatal grace and talent the given name was thorough destroying in the hand of opposite party. 今天她‘致命风华’的名号算是彻底的毁在了对方的手上。 Has not thought, initially the nameless passer- by immortal demon tomb, such as made her lose completely the face countenance in the presence of everyone. 万万没想到,当初在仙魔冢的无名路人,如令她当众丢光了颜面。 You, and felt relieved, today calculates him to be in luck, if in the holy war recruits runs into him, I decide however take his life for you......” “你且放心,今日算他走运,如若在圣战征召中遇到他,我定然替你取他性命……” willow Qianghong arrives at the opposite party side sinking sound to say. 柳鸧鸿走到对方身边沉声说道。 Hears opposite party saying, facial color slightly slow, nod of gently willow Wuyue, the chill in the air in pupil flashes to pass. 听到对方这话,柳舞月的面色稍缓,轻轻的点了点头,眸中的寒意一闪而逝。 ...... …… My God, Brother Chu Hen, your cultivation base grows was also too quick? I cannot believe that simply a moment ago that person was you.” “我的天,楚痕兄弟,你这修为增长的也太快了吧?我都简直不敢相信刚才那个人是你。” Leaves Chu Hen one group of after square to return toward the old route. 离开广场之后的楚痕一行人朝着原路返回。 Until now, Zheng technique facial expression is a little absent-minded. 直到现在,郑术的神情还有点恍惚。 Although beforehand Chu Hen is powerful, but now was by far initially. 虽然以前的楚痕就非常强大,但现在更是远胜当初。 However, Chu Hen is actually an absent-minded appearance, has not walked several steps, under the metropolis/can looking around in all directions meaning, like seeking for anything. 不过,楚痕却是一副心不在焉的样子,没走几步,都会下意思的四处张望,如同在寻找着什么。 What's wrong?” Long Xuanshuang discovered opposite party is not normal. “怎么了?”龙玄霜发现了对方的不正常。 After a search is fruitless, in the Chu Hen eye flashes through desolate, it shakes the head, no, should be I misreads!” 一番搜寻无果之后,楚痕眼中闪过一丝落寞,其摇了摇头,“没什么,应该是我看错了吧!” Misread? What did you see?” Zhao Qing cai subconscious asking. “看错了?你看到了什么?”赵青裁下意识的问道。 Old friend who very long has not seen!” “一个很久没见的故人!” Old friends? 故人? Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao looks at each other one, if the Chu Hen old friend, then their two should also know. 龙玄霜,叶瑶不禁对视一眼,如果是楚痕的故人的话,那么她们两个也都应该认识。 Does not need they to ask again, Chu Hen backsight Zheng technique and Su Lingzhu two people. 不待她们再问,楚痕回视郑术和苏灵竹二人。 Excuse me, before I a little worried, your two are good in Han cloud sect?” “不好意思,之前我有点着急了,你们两位在翰云宗还好吧?” Zheng technique is smiling flexure to scratch the head, I also just not shut out that level, the spirit bamboo Senior Sister has become the palace elite disciple, now I am her subordinate guard...... us to be sent to advocate the city to gain the information, has not thought that bumped into you......” 郑术笑着挠了挠头,“我也就刚好不被人嫌弃的那种层次,灵竹师姐已经成为殿堂精英弟子了,现在我是她的下属守卫……我们被派来主城获取情报的,没想到无意中遇到了你们……” Although Zheng technique is said that in the tone of opposite party many are somewhat dry. 虽然郑术是笑着说的,不过对方的语气中多少还是有几分干涩。 He and Su Lingzhu is the mark technique master in same place, but actually missed much in Han cloud sect position. 他和苏灵竹是同一个地方的纹术师,但在翰云宗的身份地位却差了不少。 If trades to do is others rather than Su Lingzhu, only feared the day passes must be more difficult. 如果换做是别人而不是苏灵竹的话,只怕日子过的还要更为艰难。 Right Brother Chu Hen, will you go to Martial Sect? At that time when immortal demon tomb, you not by severe Yancheng......” “对了楚痕兄弟,你们怎么会去武宗的?还有当时在仙魔冢的时候,你不是被厉严承……” Zheng technique asks at once. 郑术旋即问道。 The space between eyebrows of Su spirit bamboo also curious. 苏灵竹的眉间也略带好奇。 Chu Hen shakes the head, is a long story, I go to Martial Sect for my private affair, under the accident of sorts, attended the holy war to recruit.” 楚痕只是摇了摇头,“说来话长,我去武宗是为了自己的私事,机缘巧合下,才来参加圣战征召的。” Zheng technique nods, then also said, you come also collect the information? Can share with us?” 郑术点点头,然后又道,“你们过来也是收集情报的吧?要不要跟我们共享一下?” Chu Hen smiles, a little helpless reply, we may have no useful information to exchange sharing with you, we just come today.” 楚痕莞尔,有点无奈的回答,“我们可没有什么有用的信息跟你们交换共享,我们才今天刚来。” That are not related, we know are not many, does not know you to know, in the chaotic demon domain has many ancient ruins, but these ruins needs dense spoon opening!” “那没关系,我们知道的也不多,不知你们知不知道,乱魔界域中有很多的古老遗址,而那些遗址需要‘密匙’开启!” Dense spoon? 密匙? Zhao Qing clothes, Zhao Qing cuts at present one bright. 身旁的赵青衣,赵青裁不由的眼前一亮。 Chu Hen is slightly is also surprised, what dense spoon?” 楚痕亦是略显惊讶,“什么样的密匙?” Zheng technique looked at Su Lingzhu one eyes, but sees the latter to nod , to continue saying that what dense spoon concrete is, we have not inquired clearly, but heard that is a thing of built-in energy body...... the different dense spoons, opens the corresponding ruins, even some ruins, but also needs many dense spoons to open......” 郑术看了身旁的苏灵竹一眼,但见后者点了点头,继续说道,“具体是什么样的密匙,我们还没打探清楚,不过听说是一种内置能量体的东西……不同的密匙,开启相应的遗址,甚至有的遗址,还需要多个密匙才能打开……” The Chu Hen corner of the eye narrows the eyes, the sinking sound muttered, „the subject that in other words, this holy war recruited, will revolve dense spoon.” 楚痕眼角一眯,沉声喃喃道,“也就是说,这次圣战征召的主题,将会围绕‘密匙’进行。” „It can be said that...... besides this information, it is said this time holy war recruited it past any scale time is bigger, several Saint clans participated, believes this year top list struggle, especially intense......” “可以这么说……除了这个情报之外,据说这次的圣战征召比之以往任何一次的规模都要大,好几个圣族都参与进来了,相信今年的‘风云榜’之争,会格外的激烈……” Is largest? 规模最大? Saint clan? 圣族? Listens to the opposite party saying that in the Chu Hen mind many have a little fuzzy concept. 听完对方所言,楚痕的脑海中多少有那么一点模糊的概念。 Generally speaking, the aspect that this Martial Sect must face was more complex than it past. 总体来说,这次武宗所要面对的局面比之以往更为复杂。 ...... …… At the same time saying, the people have been arriving at the main city unconsciously outside did the street road junction. 一边说着,众人已经不觉来到主城的外干街道口了。 Brother Chu Hen, our Han cloud Zongzhu...... Zheng technique said in 45 government offices. 楚痕兄弟,我们翰云宗住在四十五府……”郑术说道。 We in 93 government offices!” “我们在九十三府!” To many roads!” Zheng technique seems like some interest not completely, his both hands hold the fist in the other hand, „, no matter how said, can run into you to be really good again, after the holy war recruits finished, we again well drink one cup.” “离了不少路呢!”郑术似乎有些兴致未尽,其双手抱拳,“不管怎么说,能够再遇到你们真好,待圣战征召结束之后,我们再好好喝一杯。” Good, said it and meant it!” “好,一言为定!” Really must say, the first friend who after Zheng technique is leaves eastern land, becomes friends with, can meet in this, can indeed be called is the fate. 真要说起来,郑术是离开东陆之后结交的第一个朋友,能够在此相遇,的确称得上是缘份。 Said it and meant it!” “一言为定!” ...... …… After simple farewell, both sides respectively return toward Han cloud sect and Martial Sect supreme headquarters. 简单的告别完之后,双方各自朝着翰云宗和武宗的大本营返回。 Spirit bamboo Senior Sister, are you very also happy?” “灵竹师姐,你也很高兴吧?” Zheng technique asked with a smile. 郑术笑着问道。 Although from beginning to end, Su Lingzhu have not spoken a few words, but she indeed has joyful. 虽然从始至终,苏灵竹都没有说过一句话,但她的的确确心存喜悦。 Never expected that he will go to Martial Sect!” The Su spirit bamboo muttered. “没想到他会去武宗!”苏灵竹喃喃道。 Yes! I am also very accidental/surprised......” Zheng technique stretch/leisurely gently to have the one breath, in the foreheads seems the little deep meanings, previous holy war recruits time, Martial Sect almost exterminated an entire family! If this time runs into Lingyun sect, I am really worried......” “是啊!我也很意外……”郑术轻轻的舒出一口气,眉宇间似有几许深沉之意,“上一次的圣战征召,武宗可是差点被灭门呢!如果此番又遇到凌云宗的话,我真的担心……” Zheng technique has not said again. 郑术没有再说下去。 In the pupil of Su spirit bamboo is also the anxiety flashes. 苏灵竹的眸中亦是浅浅的忧虑闪动。 ...... …… Ten thousand bell city! 万钟城! Southeast city, 93 government offices! 东南副城,九十三府! In 93 government offices at this moment, the atmosphere is actually tight. 此刻的九十三府内,气氛却是一片紧张。 Wang Li, Wu Yan, the pond thousand hawks with a it numerous Martial Sect disciple facial expression is full of the anger are staring at the front that about hundred unexpected visitors. 王黎,吴岩,池千莺与之一众武宗弟子神情饶有怒意的盯着前方那近百个不速之客。 „Who are you? Rushes to here to cause trouble unexpectedly, can it be that too to pay attention to my Martial Sect?” “你们是什么人?竟然跑到这里来闹事,莫不是太不把我武宗放在眼里?” Personality moderate sluggish Wang Li at this moment is quite always discontented. 一向性格温和懒散的王黎此刻颇为不满。 It looks angrily at that is the black clothes man of head shouts sternly. 其怒视那为首的一黑衣男子厉声喝道。 Hehe, causes trouble? Is far from...... me to come today, to try to prove a matter.” That black clothes man facial expression proudly, in foreheads completely reveals the meaning of disdaining. “呵呵,闹事?谈不上……我今天前来,就为求证一件事。”那黑衣男子神情傲然,眉宇间的尽显不屑之意。 „Before asking others for help ? Also please report in advance to come......” “求人之前?还请先报上名来……” Govern Jianmen, Lu thousand!” “御剑门,卢千!” Lu thousand? 卢千? One hear of this names, the facial color of people slightly changes. 一听这个名字,众人的面色微微一变。 This person ranks the third in the governing Jianmen disciples. 此人在御剑门众弟子中排名第三位。 One northern heavens heavy sword is superb, although it has not dispersed into top list, but had above the same list the talent powerhouse to fight the score that but has not defeated, as for the list, is difficult to seek the rival, it was regarded as under the top list by the outside world the first person, the fame is also ultra Wang Li, Pei Ye, pond thousand hawks and the others...... 一手‘玄天重剑’可谓是出神入化,虽然其并没有排入‘风云榜’,但曾经有过同榜单之上天才强者交手过而未败的战绩,至于榜单之下,更是难寻敌手,其被外界视为风云榜下第一人,名气亦是远超王黎,裴烨,池千莺等人…… When astonished, Wang Li sneers saying that „, Martial Sect and governing Jianmen usually did not have the graciousness to be not resentful, what matter do you run to try to prove?” 惊愕之余,王黎冷笑道,“哼,武宗和御剑门素来无恩无怨,你们跑来求证何事?” Before indeed did not have the enmity without the injustice, but, one year ago, my Junior Brother Luo building is actually the life loses your Martial Sect disciple's hand in the Beichuan area of ice......” “以前的确是无冤无仇,不过,就在一年之前,我师弟罗楼在北川冰域却是命丧你武宗弟子之手……”
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