UMDK :: Volume #13

#1270: The holy war drafts summons

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Hiss......” “嘶……” If quickly sword blade like lightning just like cursory, was delimits to put on willow Qianghong the throat instantaneously. 快若闪电般的剑锋犹如掠影浮光,瞬间是划穿了柳鸧鸿的喉咙。 Under the field the complexion of people all changes, but, in the cut wound does not have the slight blood overflow unexpectedly. 场下众人的脸色皆是一变,可紧接着,被划破的伤口中竟是没有丝毫的鲜血溢出。 willow Qianghong the facial features simultaneously change is quite strange. 柳鸧鸿的面容同时变的极为诡异。 Buzz......” “嗡……” That just like the pincers palm firmly covers the wrist/skill of Chu Hen, then willow Qianghong the body self-ignition gets up, instantly changes to a tall and strong majestic flame ominous ape...... 那犹如铁钳般的手掌牢牢的扣住楚痕的手腕,接着柳鸧鸿的身躯自燃起来,即刻化作一头魁梧雄壮的火焰凶猿…… Is clone of fire!” Under the field some people call out in alarm said. “是火之分身!”场下有人惊呼道。 Un, the technique of change!” “嗯,还有变化之术!” Worthily is talent on the top list, displayed two secret technique transformations in the wink of an eye.” “不愧是风云榜上的天才,瞬息之间就施展了两种秘术转换。” ...... …… Roar!” “吼!” The body sudden inflation of hot ape increases, suddenly changes to 78 meters high, the ominous offense aura that soars to the heavens sweeps across the audience, grandiose such as the arm of steel will pull open with another in the future, shortly will complete to gather the strength, the overhead is a fist, goes toward the Chu Hen head bang...... 火猿的躯体急剧的膨胀变大,眨眼间化作七八米高,冲天的凶戾气息席卷全场,跟着另外一只壮硕如钢铁的手臂往后拉开,顷刻间完成蓄力,当头就是一拳,朝着楚痕的脑袋轰去…… Is feeling that incomparably fierce wild aura, under the field the heart secret heart of people are startled all. 感受着那无比凶猛的狂暴气息,场下众人的心头无不暗暗心惊。 The people only think that this Chu Hen is courting death seriously. 众人只觉这楚痕当真就是在找死。 The strong fierce arrogance howls , the arm fist of that hot ape is big with the water jar, places oneself its below seemingly small and weakly Chu Hen pitiful...... 强劲凶猛的气焰呼啸而下,那火猿的手臂拳头却是同水缸般大,置身其下的楚痕看上去弱小的可怜…… The Chu Hen vision lifts, the corner of the eye seems the silver glow twinkle. 楚痕目光一抬,眼角似有银芒闪烁。 Bang......” “轰嗵……” The incomparably fierce heavy explosive blasts open above the square, together with if for example difficult situation flame tide, in innumerable double is flooding under the vision of shocking, that potential presses the Chu Hen wild hot ape body is demolishes to split unexpectedly suddenly...... 无比剧烈的沉重爆响于广场之上炸裂开来,连同着譬若惊涛骇浪般的火焰浪潮,在无数双充斥着震骇的目光下,那势压楚痕的狂暴火猿身躯竟是陡然间从中爆破绽裂…… The air wave soars to the heavens, fireball like rain. 气浪冲天,火球如雨。 Together with was being rumbled the broken ominous raging fire ape, outside the body that bone-chilling cold thunder and lightning that seem the silver python in Chu Hen sends out intermittently soaring chirp cry...... 连同着被轰碎的凶猛火猿,一道道好似银蟒的凛冽雷电在楚痕的身外发出阵阵高昂的噪鸣…… If the stimulated momentum the innumerable capercailyes cried loud and long with one voice. 亢奋的声势如无数只雷鸟齐声长啸。 The invisible strong atmospheric field divulges in Chu Hen within the body, it glitters thunder Hu the eye pupil to look directly to the front above region...... 无形的强大气场于楚痕的体内宣泄而出,其闪烁着雷弧的眼眸径直望向前方的上空区域…… Under the riotous hot rain dances in the breeze, willow Qianghong does not know when has dodged to plunder in the upper air. 缤纷的火雨飘舞之下,柳鸧鸿不知何时已经闪掠到了高空之中。 The two indifferent overlooks below Chu Hen, single palm is holding up the day, beside his palm arm, wild strength vortex of one group of rotations mixes eight side cyclones rapidly, is sending out the prestige of crack day...... 其两眼漠视的俯视着下方的楚痕,单掌擎天,在其掌臂之外,一团急速转动的狂暴力量漩涡搅动八方气旋,散发着裂天之威…… That strength vortex sudden expansion enlargement, will change to one to cross hundred meters large-scale gold/metal wheel shortly. 那力量漩涡急剧的扩张放大,顷刻间化作一道横贯百米的大型金轮。 Dazzling ray just like luminary day in the sky. 刺眼的光芒宛若曜日当空。 The sawtooth of gold/metal round of edge revolves rapidly, performs to reveal the destruction aura. 金轮边缘的锯齿飞速旋转,尽显毁灭气息。 You can die...... profound Yang Zhan!” “你可以死了……玄阳斩!” willow Qianghong drinks sternly greatly, instantly round throws toward below Chu Hen the death gold/metal in palm. 柳鸧鸿厉声大喝,即刻将掌中的死亡金轮朝着下方的楚痕投掷出去。 Death gold/metal wheel in super revolving divulged the essence unceasingly the flame cyclone cutting edge, it may be said that was rips the spatial crack air/Qi, the air wave shop day, everywhere one visit, twisted to break to pieces all...... 高速旋转中的死亡金轮不断宣泄出实质的火焰气旋锋刃,可谓是撕空裂气,气浪铺天,所到之处,绞碎一切…… „It is not good!” Zheng technique under field calls out in alarm flurriedly said. “不好!”场下的郑术慌乱的惊呼道。 Zhao Qing clothes, Long Xuanshuang and the others also drew out the brow pressed, on the face full is the dignified meaning. 赵青衣,龙玄霜等人也都蹙起了眉头,脸上满是凝重之意。 ...... …… But however, almost at the same time, lingers myriad outside Chu Hen body is also explodes to plunder, such as the three-dimensional electrical network, interweaves the encirclement, the slanting birthplace expansive sky, welcomed the potential on. 然,可几乎在同一时间,萦绕在楚痕身外的万千雷芒亦是爆掠而起,如立体的电网,交织环绕,斜贯长空,迎势而上。 During the movement, all thunder tribulations are intertwined in the same place, shines the brilliance greatly, the thunder and lightning big dragon that the power and influence shock and awe four directions that rises suddenly unceasingly, then an ominous prestige shakes the day explodes to flee in that endless, makes threatening gestures, huge mouth big, meets the approaching enemy above that profound Yang Jinlun...... 在移动之中,所有的雷劫交缠在一起,大放光彩,不断暴涨的威势震慑四方,接着一尊凶威撼天的雷电巨龙于那无尽的雷芒中爆窜出来,张牙舞爪,巨口大张,迎击在那玄阳金轮之上…… „!” “哐!” If the fierce explosive still the collision connection between day Chen meteorites, the entire square starts a serious violent shake immediately. 剧烈的爆响犹若天辰陨石之间的碰撞交汇,整个广场顿时掀起一股沉重的猛烈震荡。 Luxurious radiant silver Thunder Dragon round tears with the gorgeous dazzling gold/metal mutually to the bang, a series of wild strength shock-wave seems raises the day the storm. 奢华璀璨的银色雷龙与之绚丽耀眼的金轮相互撕扯对轰,一系列狂暴的力量冲击波好似掀天的风暴。 The chaotic thunder and lightning light beam flees recklessly. 杂乱无章的雷电光柱肆意窜动。 Myriad dazzling golden ray twinkle vaults of heaven. 万千刺眼的金色光芒闪烁天穹。 With one vigorous halo that howls eight sides surge, the people who all around surrounds were shaken all in the future will back up. 伴随着一圈呼啸八方的雄浑光环激荡开来,四周围观的众人尽数被震得往后倒退。 Square center's ancient bell constructs stele anxious swaying, collapse open/start of cracks on stele. 广场中央的古钟建筑石碑不安的摇晃,一道道裂缝于石碑上崩开。 The quiet for a long time great bell also follows to make the melodious vigorous sound. 沉寂许久的巨钟也跟着发出悠扬浑厚的声响。 ...... …… The vision of people all stubbornly stares at Chu Hen to be at the position that its peripheral stone brick scrap, the ground gets down all hollowly a giant pothole. 众人的目光皆是死死的盯着楚痕所在的位置,其周边的石砖尽数炸碎,就连地面都凹陷下去一个巨大的坑洞。 The chaotic air current covers, Chu Hen is actually standing of returning safe and sound in same place, lingers the thunder and lightning light beam outside body as before powerful incomparable. 混乱的气流笼罩中,楚痕却是毫发无损的站在原地,萦绕在身外的雷电光柱依旧强盛无比。 Blocked!” “挡住了!” Some people are startled, some people are happy! 有人惊,有人喜! Zheng technique, Zhao Qing clothes and the others at present all for it one bright. 郑术,赵青衣等人的眼前皆是为之一亮。 But profound Yang Gong willow Wuyue, Qin He and his party narrowed the corner of the eye, the great strength of Chu Hen, came as a surprise to their. 而玄阳宫的柳舞月,秦赫一行人都不由的眯起了眼角,楚痕的强大,着实出乎了他们的意料。 Actually is this fellow what background?” Qin He the brow wrinkled just like two dead silkworms, more than two years of time, has the opposite party achieved to be able with the degree that willow Qianghong contended with? “这家伙究竟是什么来头?”秦赫眉头皱的犹如两条死蚕,才两年多的时间,对方就已经达到能够和柳鸧鸿抗衡的程度了吗? Really is shocking is troubled. 真的是叫人震惊的感到不安。 ...... …… Fills the faint trace to kill intent situated in the willow Qianghong eye in sky in quietly. 位于上空之中的柳鸧鸿眼中悄然弥漫着丝丝杀意。 Is good, what a pity you insist less than ten moves!” “还算不错,可惜你坚持不到十招的!” Then, vast such as the boundless situation of mountain surges in void, above the highest heaven vault of heaven, is covering gorgeous red clouds immediately. 说罢,浩瀚如山的磅礴大势于虚空之中涌动,九霄天穹之上,顿时笼罩着一片绚丽的火烧云。 In an instant, the surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) inner city district temperature follows to rise suddenly. 霎那间,方圆数十里内城区温度都跟着骤然上升。 The people imitate, if places oneself in the middle of a giant steaming furnace. 众人仿若置身于一个巨大的蒸炉当中。 Feels on willow Qianghong powerful aura, the complexion of outside people are changing again and again. 感受着柳鸧鸿身上的强大气息,场外众人的脸色一变再变。 It seems like willow Qianghong must act seriously.” “看来柳鸧鸿要动真格的了。” I do not believe that fellow also to have the skill to prevent!” “我就不信那家伙还有本事能够阻挡!” Did not say certainly, looks at his appearance, seemingly the card in hand did not have.” “说不准,看他的样子,貌似还有底牌没出。” ...... …… Snort!” “哼!” The Chu Hen corners of the mouth exude the curve that wipes coldly faintly, then in both eyes seems vague purple glow to flash, the purple ray of monster different evil charm gushes out in within the body, in the audience people are full of under the stunned vision, surrounds the dark blue thunder and lightning outside Chu Hen body unexpectedly is transformation gradually the strange purple...... 楚痕嘴角隐隐泛起一抹冷冷的弧度,接着双瞳之中似有隐晦的紫芒闪动,妖异邪魅的紫色光芒于体内涌出,在全场众人饶有错愕的目光下,环绕在楚痕身外的暗蓝色雷电竟是渐渐的转化成奇异的紫色…… „Is this?” “这是?” Zhao Qing clothes, Ye Yao and others are the pupil micro, surprised. 赵青衣,叶瑶等几个人都是瞳孔微缩,惊愕不已。 Even if they, sees this unpredictable purple thunder and lightning for the first time. 纵然是他们,也才第一次看到这变幻莫测的紫色雷电。 The Chu Hen imposing manner constantly grows, that monster different purple electricity glow seems flooding strong might the potential of destruction every inchs. 楚痕的气势不断增长,那妖异的紫色电芒仿佛每一寸都充斥着超强威力的毁灭之势。 ...... …… Imposing manner of both sides completes the fierce collision in the air unceasingly. 双方的气势于空气中不断完成剧烈的碰撞。 The air flow velocity in entire city concourse changes manic anxious. 整个城中央广场内的空气流速都变的狂躁不安。 The increasing number of people attract toward here. 越来越多的人朝着这边吸引过来。 At this moment, is full of the deterrent effect together calls out to transmit from the square crowd. 就在这时,一道充满震慑力的暴喝声从广场后方的人群中传达而出。 Stops to me completely...... ten thousand bell Chengnei, how could to act sloppily in this by you?” “全部都给我住手……万钟城内,岂能由你们在此胡来?” The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 Several imposing manners are imposing, wear ten thousand bell city who fights armor to guard toward here to dash. 紧接着,十几道气势凛然,身披战甲的万钟城守卫朝着这边飞奔过来。 willow Qianghong the vision sinks, does to hesitate slightly, the powerful aura that then lends restrains gradually. 柳鸧鸿目光一沉,稍作迟疑,接着散发出来的强大气息渐渐收敛下去。 But covers the purple lightning outside Chu Hen body also withdraws within the body. 而笼罩在楚痕身外的紫色闪电也随之撤回体内。 The numerous are powerful and brave, the powerful guard arrives around two people. 众孔武有力,威风凛凛的守卫到达两人跟前。 In city heavy, rests resorts to violence in this!” “城中重地,休得在此动武!” What is the head is one about 30 -year-old military officer. 为首的是一个三十岁左右的将领。 When it sees willow Qianghong, the facial color obviously was startled, the tone also relaxes instantly some. 当其看到柳鸧鸿的时候,面色明显怔了一下,语气也即刻缓和了些许。 Willow tree talent? You?” “柳天才?你们这是怎么回事?” willow Qianghong the figure moves, in in the air flashes falls under. 柳鸧鸿身形一动,于空中闪落而下。 Chief left......” willow Qianghong also clearly is knew that this person, it holds the fist in the other hand slightly, then returns said, I had/left an accident/surprise with this, has not actually thought that put to trouble to Chief left, the reality was sorry!” “左队长……”柳鸧鸿也明显是认识此人的,其稍稍抱拳,然后回道,“我和这位出了点意外,却是没想到给左队长添麻烦了,实乃抱歉!” „?” That person looks at once to Chu Hen, is frowning, saying that coldly, „who are you?” “哦?”那人旋即看向楚痕,皱着眉头,冷冷的说道,“你是什么人?” Does not need Chu Hen to reply, Zhao Qing collar others had been arriving nearby. 不待楚痕回答,赵青衣领着其他人已经是走到了跟前。 Really is embarrassed, we are the Martial Sect disciples, alarmed others in this, but also looked to forgive!” “真是不好意思,我们是武宗弟子,在此惊扰到了其他人,还望恕罪!” Martial Sect? 武宗 One hear of these two characters, under the field are actually in an uproar. 一听这两个字,场下却是一阵哗然。 The Su spirit bamboo, Zheng technique also has accidentally/surprisingly. 苏灵竹,郑术也是有所意外。 willow Wuyue is also the corner of the eye concentrates, never expected that Chu Hen unexpectedly is with Qingcheng Young Master desolate pledge sect gate, was before, when immortal demon tomb, seemed like them not to know...... 柳舞月也是眼角一凝,没想到楚痕竟然是同青城公子萧盟一个宗门的,可是之前在仙魔冢的时候,貌似他们并不认识…… Joined Martial Sect afterward? 难道是后来加入武宗的? Hearing the opposite party is the Martial Sect disciple, that guards the team leader vision also slightly to relax obviously, but the tone is quite raw and cold. 听到对方是武宗的弟子,那守卫队长目光也略显缓和,不过语气还是比较生冷。 Which sect gate disciple, cannot cause trouble in ten thousand bell Chengnei...... reads offends in you, today for the time being considers as finished, if acts unreasonably again, will forbid to tread to be in charge of city half......” “不论是哪个宗门的弟子,都不许在万钟城内闹事……念在你们是触犯,今天姑且算了,如果再乱来的话,将禁止踏入主城半步……” willow Qianghong smiles, what Chief left teaches, all things that here damages, are compensated by me.” 柳鸧鸿笑了笑,“左队长教训的是,这里损坏的一切事物,由我一人赔偿。” Willow tree talent spoke discreetly, I aim at certain people, I believe that with the manner of willow tree talent, disdains in this place begins with some obscure individuals.” “柳天才言重了,我只是针对某些人而言,我相信以柳天才的为人,是不屑在这种地方同一些无名之辈动手的。” After all is God's favored one on the top list. 毕竟是风云榜上的天之骄子。 Some where arrives at people to respect its three points. 走到哪里都有人敬其三分。 Comparatively speaking, Chu Hen some were not thought highly. 相比较而言,楚痕这边就有些不被瞧得起。 Although in the heart has is not feeling well, but in others' domain , can only complies with the local custom. 虽然心中有所不爽,但在别人的地盘,也只能是顺应当地的规矩。 ...... …… Afterward, in the city the convoy guard disperses the crowd that surrounds, making the people leave. 随后,城中护卫队疏散围观的人群,令众人离开。 willow Qianghong is full of the meaning of teasing looks at Chu Hen several people, said, looked like them to rescue your life!” 柳鸧鸿饶有戏谑之意的看着楚痕几人,道,“看来他们救了你一命!” The Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selects lightly, light returning said, „the spirits of four soul first place your there, again I will come back to take......” 楚痕俊眉轻挑,淡淡的回道,“四魂之灵先放在你那里,我会再回来拿的……” „? This was best!” “哦?这样最好了!” In willow Qianghong the eyes is flashing the Yin severe point. 柳鸧鸿眼中闪动着阴厉的锋芒。 Chu Hen does not have fear looks at each other with it, the throat rolls, gently puts out several characters. 楚痕毫无所惧的与之对视,喉咙滚动,轻轻的吐出几个字。 Holy war recruits, sees!” “圣战征召,见!”
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