UMDK :: Volume #13

#1269: Increases the gambling stake

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Indeed with less than ten moves......” “的确是用不到十招……” With the frivolous faint sound, wipes the swift and fierce sword potential to tremble to call to shake in the air. 伴随着轻浮的淡漠声音,一抹凌厉的剑势颤鸣于空气中震荡开来。 In an instant, the audience everyone's pupil is all tight shrinks, willow Wuyue is the double pupil trembles similarly tightly, on flood white face completely obviously thick unbelievable...... 霎那间,全场所有人的瞳孔皆是紧紧一缩,柳舞月同样是双眸紧颤,泛白的脸上尽显浓浓的难以置信…… Chu Hen he?” Zheng Shuyi is surprised. 楚痕他?”郑术亦是惊愕不已。 Nearby Su Lingzhu willow eyebrows are light, in the eye is surging many accidents/surprises. 一旁的苏灵竹柳眉轻蹙,眼中涌动着诸多意外。 Audience profound Yang Gong disciples are scared. 就连一众玄阳宫的弟子都傻了眼。 The scene not as everyone expected appeared, sees only Chu Hen to grasp to grasp bluish green Ran sword, the swift and fierce sword is arriving at willow Wuyue the throat sharp directly, the faint trace dark blue electric arc regarding high and low glitters in the sword blade...... 出乎所有人意料的场面出现了,只见楚痕一手持握碧冉剑,凌厉的剑尖直接是抵着柳舞月的喉咙,丝丝暗蓝色的电弧围绕在剑身上下闪烁…… The fatal grace and talent, was pointing at the throat by obscure obscure individuals with the sharp sword at this moment unexpectedly. 致命风华,此刻竟然被一个个默默无闻的无名之辈以利剑指着喉咙。 No matter what no one can think that can be this result. 任谁都想不到会是这种结局。 Now looks like, before willow Wuyue wanted Chu Hen to leave words of arm, was like that laughable. 现在看来,之前柳舞月要楚痕留下一条手臂的话,是那般的可笑至极。 ...... …… Brings!” Chu Hen lifts the left hand lightly, looks at willow Wuyue that pale face indifferently. “拿过来吧!”楚痕轻抬左手,漠然的看着柳舞月那苍白的面孔。 Above the powerful oppression from Yu Jianfeng made the opposite party unable to move. 源自于剑锋之上的强大压迫令对方动弹不得。 As if so long as she moves slightly, that will glitter green Saint sword brutally to pass through her throat. 仿佛只要她稍动一下,那柄闪烁着雷芒的绿色圣剑就会无情的贯穿她的喉咙。 ...... …… In ten moves, if can exceed the opposite party, hands over the spirits of wooden attribute four soul. 十招之内,若能胜过对方,就交出木属性的四魂之灵。 willow Wuyue the silver tooth is nipping the red lip tightly, facial features white, red, this face was loses directly in a big way. 柳舞月银牙紧咬着红唇,面容一阵白,一阵红,她这次脸直接是丢大了。 Like this concedes defeat to Chu Hen, is not really convinced. 就这样向楚痕低头认输,实在是不服气。 ...... …… What's wrong? Does Miss willow want to renege on a promise?” Chu Hen tranquil returning said. “怎么?柳大小姐想反悔么?”楚痕平静的回道。 Simultaneously covers above sword blade to send out a more astonishing imposing manner to fluctuate, if manic electric arcs still the turnover the small snake of long letter/believes, making one be afraid. 同时覆盖在剑身之上的雷芒散发着更为惊人的气势波动,一道道狂躁的电弧犹若吞吐着长信的小蛇,令人不寒而栗。 willow Wuyue the complexion again changes, clenches teeth, at once lifts the right hand, then a strange strength rhythm sends out. 柳舞月脸色再次一变,咬了咬牙,旋即抬起右手,接着一股奇异的力量律动散发出来。 Buzz......” “嗡……” A wisp of green jade light mark cyclone surges in the palm, with outside people at present slightly bright, sees only a green energy crystal to reappear in willow Wuyue the hand. 一缕翠玉色的光纹气旋于掌心涌动,跟着场外众人的眼前微亮,只见一枚绿色的能源晶体浮现在柳舞月的手中。 The crystal is uneven, the interior has wipes the verdant class/flow shadow ascension to surge. 水晶有棱有角,内部有着一抹青翠的流影升腾涌动。 Snort, gives you......” “哼,给你……” Shouting to clear the way that willow Wuyue coldly, then the palm moves, the crystalline lens in hand also throw toward Chu Hen. 柳舞月冷冷的喝道,接着掌心一动,手中的水晶体随之朝着楚痕扔去。 The Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selects lightly, then withdraws in the hand the long sword, and put out a hand to receive the spirits of that wooden attribute four soul. 楚痕俊眉轻挑,然后撤回手中长剑,并伸手去接过那木属性四魂之灵。 But leaves the next flash of willow Wuyue throat in bluish green Ran sword, a vigorous powerful imposing manner from outside leans the potential toward Chu Hen suddenly, but to...... 可就在碧冉剑离开柳舞月喉咙的下一瞬间,一股雄浑的强大气势陡然间从场外朝着楚痕倾势而至…… Whish!” “哗!” Does not need Chu Hen to respond, the column of flame that soars to the heavens together gets angry to raise before its. 不待楚痕反应过来,一道冲天的火柱在其身前怒掀而起。 Under the field the heart of people are surprised all. 场下众人的心头无不为之一惊。 The flood dragon that the sudden wild arrogance such as goes to sea is fierce exceptionally, Chu Hen raises the sword to wield, the swift and fierce sword glow chops at the same time of that column of flame cutting, a flame tide of rebellion follows to sweep across. 突如其来的狂暴气焰如出海的蛟龙凶猛异常,楚痕扬剑一挥,凌厉的剑芒将那火柱劈斩开来的同时,一股暴动的火焰浪潮跟着席卷开来。 In everywhere the world of hot rain fluttering about square. 漫天的火雨纷飞广场的天地之间。 The next flash, the aura bone-chilling cold form flashes before in Liuwu the moon/month together impressively front, and stresses into the spirits of that wooden attribute four soul the palm. 下一瞬间,一道气息凛冽的身影赫然闪现于柳舞月的前面,并一手将那木属性的四魂之灵抓入掌中。 ...... …… The strong boundless air/Qi field disseminates eight sides, the power and influence of opposite party seems the mountain to be hard to shake. 强劲磅礴的气场弥散八方,对方的威势好似大山般难以撼动。 Under the riotous hot rain floats, the Chu Hen vision is exuding the faint trace chill in the air, coldly is staring at present that say/way big tall and strong overbearing form. 缤纷的火雨飘洒之下,楚痕目光泛着丝丝寒意,冷冷的盯着眼前那道高大魁梧的霸道身影。 Zheng technique under field, Su Lingzhu, Zhao Qing clothes, Ye Yao and the others simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform changes color. 场下的郑术,苏灵竹,赵青衣,叶瑶等人齐齐变色。 Matter that most is worried about happened. 最为担心的事情还是发生了。 Knows that willow Qianghong will not stand under the stage disregards......” Zheng technique to be full of anxious saying. “就知道柳鸧鸿不会站在台下不管不顾……”郑术饶有焦虑的说道。 willow Qianghong! 柳鸧鸿! In top list genius ranked the 49 th. 风云榜上排名第49位的天才人物。 Even if stood outside a moment ago, the air/Qi field that its reveals made one be hard to neglect, at this moment stood in the field, the imposing manner was somewhat presses the people not to gasp for breath directly...... 即便刚才是站在场外,其身上所流露出来的气场都令人难以忽视,此刻站在场内,气势直接是压得众人有些喘不过气…… Whish!” “哗!” Two people looks relative, just like the crashing collision between star flower hot rain. 两人的眼神相对,犹如星花火雨间的激烈碰撞。 Chu Hen grasps the sword backhandedly, tranquil saying, „doesn't your excellency give me the spirits of four soul?” 楚痕反手握剑,平静的说道,“阁下不把四魂之灵给我?” Had given you a moment ago, is you have not caught.” willow Qianghong returns lightly said. “刚才已经给你了,是你自己没有接住。”柳鸧鸿淡淡的回道。 Yes? But I noticed that is you puts out a hand to rob, how? Doesn't the profound Yang Gong person, have the prestige?” “是嘛?可我看到是你伸手抢走的,怎么?难道玄阳宫的人,都这么毫无信誉可言?” Then, Chu Hen looks to standing in opponent's back's willow Wuyue. 说罢,楚痕看向站在对方身后的柳舞月。 However, the latter is sound chilly returning said, „the spirits of four soul I have handed over, is you have not grasped, does this also blame me?” 然,后者却是声音清冷的回道,“四魂之灵我已经交出去了,是你自己没有拿住,这也怪我?” Chu Hen selected the brow, indifferent light saying with a smile, this explanation is good, that did not have your anything matter......” 楚痕挑了挑眉头,淡然的轻笑道,“这个解释不错,那就没你什么事了……” , Again backsight willow Qianghong. 顿了顿,再次回视柳鸧鸿。 Does not know how your excellency can give back to me the spirits of four soul?” “不知阁下要怎么样才能把四魂之灵还给我?” In willow Qianghong the eyes flashes through wipes contemptuous cold glow, „don't you like playing the game very much? I play a game with you again...... similarly am ten moves, if you can the undefeated, the spirits of four soul give you......” 柳鸧鸿眼中闪过一抹轻蔑的冷芒,“你不是很喜欢玩游戏吗?那我再跟你玩个游戏……同样是十招,你若能够不败的话,四魂之灵给你……” „?” Chu Hen is somewhat surprised. “哦?”楚痕有些惊讶。 Naturally, you can reject......” “当然,你可以拒绝……” No!” Chu Hen gave the answer without hesitation. “不!”楚痕毫不犹豫的作出了答复。 The people under field all stare. 场下的众人皆是一愣。 Actually ridicules Chu Hen not to know the immensity of heaven and earth secretly. 却是暗暗笑骂楚痕不知天高地厚。 But, outside Zheng technique also in unceasing is signaling with the eyes to Chu Hen, hints the opposite party should not be swindled. 而,场外的郑术也在不断的冲楚痕使着眼色,示意对方不要上当。 But, Chu Hen said again, struggles spirits of the four soul, really does not have the meaning, might as well increase a gambling stake?” 可紧接着,楚痕再次说道,“就争一个四魂之灵,实在是没意思,不如加大点赌注?” Interesting!” willow Qianghong slightly is surprised, what gambling stake adds?” “有意思!”柳鸧鸿略感意外,“加什么赌注?” Your, an arm!” “你的,一条手臂!” Whish!” “哗!” The indifferent several characters reveal from the Chu Hen mouth, the entire concourse a piece clamored immediately. 冷漠的几个字从楚痕的口中吐露出来,整个中央广场顿时一片喧哗。 In an instant, everyone looked that still has stunned to the Chu Hen look. 霎那间,所有人看向楚痕的眼神都犹有错愕。 Even suspected that misunderstood a moment ago? 甚至都怀疑刚才是不是听错了? What did he say a moment ago? Bets willow Qianghong an arm? Was this fellow insane?” “他刚才说什么?赌柳鸧鸿的一条手臂?这家伙疯了吧?” Simply crazy side, who hasn't he been?” “简直狂的没边了,他是什么人?” ...... …… willow Wuyue the heart similarly is surprised. 柳舞月的心头同样是惊疑不已。 She looks at the Chu Hen that incomparably calm facial expression, unexpectedly is the somewhat inexplicable anxiety. 她看着楚痕那无比镇定的神情,竟是有些莫名的不安。 willow Qianghong the complexion is cold instantly. 柳鸧鸿的脸色即刻冷了下来。 In the pupil the murderous intention surges. 眸中杀机涌动。 How do you want to bet?” “你想怎么赌?” You said a moment ago, in ten moves, I, if the undefeated, the spirits of wooden attribute four soul give back to me......, but, if in ten moves, I if won, leaves behind your arm......” “你刚才说,十招之内,我若不败的话,木属性四魂之灵就还给我……但,如果十招之内,我若赢了,把你的一条手臂留下……” The character character like the needle, made person scalp tingles incisively. 字字如针,尖锐的令人头皮发麻。 In the heart of audience people raises the dreadful monstrous waves all. 全场众人的心中无不掀起滔天巨浪。 In ten moves, exceeds willow Qianghong? 十招之内,胜过柳鸧鸿? Even if in the top list ranks to surpass his over ten people not to dare to say this words rashly. 纵然是风云榜上排名超过他十位以上的人也不敢贸然说出这种话。 At present this peon actually what virtue what can? Under dares to talk big so? 眼前这无名小卒究竟何德何能?竟敢夸下如此海口? ...... …… What is Chu Hen doing? Too impulsive?” Zhao Qing cuts also anxious straight stamping one's foot. 楚痕在搞什么啊?太冲动了吧?”赵青裁也都急的直跳脚。 Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao also does not know secret shaking the head of its meaning. 龙玄霜,叶瑶亦是不知其意的暗暗摇头。 Who does not know, now semblance seemingly tranquil Chu Hen, the heart suppresses a lot of nameless fires actually, these people unceasing runs to provoke itself, it may be said that is various types uncomfortable...... 孰不知,现在外表看似平静的楚痕,实则心头憋了一肚子的无名之火,偏偏这些人不断的跑来招惹自己,可谓是各种不爽…… willow Qianghong that sharp look even more ice-cold. 柳鸧鸿那犀利的眼神愈发冰冷。 Snort, good extremely arrogant thing, you, if lost?” “哼,好狂妄的东西,你若输了呢?” Chu Hen holds up the head to lift lightly, faint returning said that „, no matter what you handle!” 楚痕昂首轻抬,淡漠的回道,“任你处置!” Good!” “好!” Heavy like wild animal roared biography of willow Qianghong the throat to swing sternly, his both hands grasped the fist, the manic flame erupts from its within the body instantly...... 沉重的有如野兽般的厉声咆哮声从柳鸧鸿的喉咙中传荡出来,其双手一握成拳,狂躁的火焰即刻从其体内爆发而出…… Puts out your real skill!” “拿出你的真本事吧!” „The anger of setting the prairie afire!” “燎原之怒!” Then, willow Qianghong the double palm gathers, within the body ascends, but a dreadful hot flame, together with the burning hot raging tide of blotting out the sky, giant fireball of one group of dozens meters diameters is appearing in the people immediately, raises the terrifying the destruction imposing manner, howls to roll toward front Chu Hen...... 说罢,柳鸧鸿双掌一合,体内升腾而起一片滔天的热焰,连同着铺天盖地的炙热狂潮,一团数十米直径的巨大火球顿时惊现于众人的跟前,掀起恐怖的毁灭气势,一路朝着前方的楚痕呼啸滚去…… Compares the move that willow Wuyue displayed a moment ago, willow Qianghong without doubt powerful several times continued. 相比较刚才柳舞月所施展的这一招,柳鸧鸿的无疑强大了数倍不止。 The ground pulls off a piece of burned black trace, the billowing upsurge made the space twist intermittently. 地面拖出一片焦黑的痕迹,滚滚热潮令空间都阵阵扭曲。 ...... …… Chu Hen look one cold, bluish green Ran sword who instead grasps raises, then the arm moves, bluish green Ran sword changes to a gorgeous light shadow to explode to plunder instantly. 楚痕眼神一凛,反握的碧冉剑扬起,接着手臂一动,碧冉剑即刻化作一道绚丽的光影爆掠而出。 „!” “嗤嗤!” In the motion process, the innumerable say/way manic bone-chilling cold dark blue thunder and lightning rapid encirclement covers in the sword blade high and low, forms more than ten meters boundless thunder and lightning sword glow...... 在移动过程中,无数道狂躁凛冽的暗蓝色雷电迅速的环绕覆盖于剑身上下,形成一记十几米的磅礴雷电剑芒…… „!” “嗵!” The powerful large-scale fireball upfront connects in it that swift and fierce sword glow together, in the air is startled the sound of a series of spirited thunder and lightning howling, in the people are full of under the astonished vision, bluish green Ran sword directly is passes through that fireball around, curls up sharp killing intent, willow Qianghong who cuts the rearward...... 强盛的大型火球正面与之那凌厉的剑芒交汇在一起,空气中惊起一系列激昂的雷电呼啸之声,在众人饶有惊愕的目光下,碧冉剑直接是贯穿那火球的前后,卷起锋锐的杀意,斩向后方的柳鸧鸿…… Snort!” “哼!” The latter corner of the eye is exuding the woods cold light, the single-handed palm, is bare-handed catches bluish green Ran sword who that flies to raid to come unexpectedly. 后者眼角泛着森寒之光,单手化掌,竟是徒手去抓那飞袭而来的碧冉剑。 „......” “咻……” But will soon cover the same time of sword blade in willow Qianghong, in the air wipes the remnant shadow to flash, a slender palm was actually takes the lead to grip the sword hilt. 可就在柳鸧鸿即将扣住剑身的同一时间,空气中一抹残影闪动,一只修长的手掌却是率先握住了剑柄。 Quite quick! 好快! The people under field dark startled! 场下的众人暗惊! In willow Qianghong the eyes is producing an inverted image instantly Chu Hen that tranquil indifferent pretty face, the next flash, ice-cold sword blade delimits together crescent moon shape sword arc in the air, if cursory, wields directly to the throat of opposite party...... 柳鸧鸿的眼中即刻倒映着楚痕那平静漠然的俊秀面孔,下一瞬间,冰冷的剑锋于空气中划出一道弯月状的剑弧,如若浮光掠影,径直挥向对方的喉咙…… Hiss!” “嘶!” Brutal sword blade like the lightning, like the wind, under the field everyone's heartstrings all trembles quickly rapidly, under the innumerable pair of vision with amazement, bluish green Ran sword in Chu Hen hand was delimits to put on willow Qianghong the neck directly...... 无情的剑锋快如闪电,迅疾如风,场下所有人的心弦皆是一颤,于无数双骇然的目光下,楚痕手中的碧冉剑直接是划穿了柳鸧鸿的脖子……
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