UMDK :: Volume #13

#1268: Seven flame sacred body

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! That is willow Wuyue......” “那是柳舞月……” Is full of the shocking sound to shout from the mouth of Zheng technique. 饶有震惊的声音从郑术的口中呼喊而出。 Zhao Qing clothes, Zhao Qing cai brother and sister's brow is also slightly a wrinkle, regarding fatal grace and talent willow Wuyue the given name, their two also slightly has hearing. 赵青衣,赵青裁兄妹二人的眉头亦是微微一皱,对于‘致命风华’柳舞月的名号,他们两个也是略有耳闻的。 Brother Chu Hen how here?” Zheng technique is puzzled. 楚痕兄弟怎么在这里?”郑术一脸不解。 Others are full head are also puzzled. 其他人同样是满头困惑。 Chu Hen anything had not said a moment ago ran off hurriedly. 刚才楚痕什么都没说就匆匆忙忙的跑开了。 This meeting people pursue to here come, actually sees at present this, made one be surprised. 这会众人追到这里来,却是看到眼前这一幕,着实令人倍感意外。 ...... …… Meanwhile, willow Wuyue powerful palm vigor colored rainbow bridge directly to raiding Chu Hen , the powerful imposing manner completely reveals the rainbow to pass through moon/month of prestige. 与此同时,柳舞月的强大掌劲所化的彩色虹桥直接是冲袭到楚痕的跟前,强盛的气势尽显长虹贯月之威。 Intended to use the bloodline limit strength directly. 一出手直接动用了血脉界限的力量。 Has felt in the people from the angry meaning of in Liuwu moon/month. 在众人已然感受到源自于柳舞月的愤怒之意。 ...... …… But, faces that imposing manner peerless rainbow bridge light beam, the Chu Hen eyelid is raising, in both eyes has the blue electric arc to flash. 而,面对着那道气势绝伦的虹桥光柱,楚痕眼皮一掀,双瞳之中有着蓝色的电弧闪动。 Works as!” A heavy startled day explosive, more than ten power and influence boundless wild thunder and lightning divulge from Chu Hen within the body. “哐当!”一声沉重的惊天爆响,十几道威势磅礴的狂暴雷电从楚痕体内宣泄开来。 The swift and fierce manic dark blue power line pole for example interweaves the python outside Chu Hen body, is intertwined mutually, keeps off in its nearby. 凌厉狂躁的暗蓝色雷芒电柱譬如交织于楚痕身外的巨蟒,相互交缠,挡在其跟前。 Bang!” “轰!” Above great net that the rainbow bridge light beam solid impact in that thunder and lightning connection becomes, subsequently an cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration, blasts open in the audience. 虹桥光柱结结实实的冲击在那雷电交汇而成的巨网之上,继而寸寸崩碎,于全场炸裂。 The chaotic air wave shock-wave toward sweeps across in all directions. 混乱的气浪冲击波朝着四面八方席卷而出。 Spider big net that the stone brick of square ground instantly the shaken smashing, the crack of spread such as the shop disperses recklessly. 广场地面的石砖即刻被震的粉碎,肆意蔓延的裂缝如铺散出去的蜘蛛大网。 ...... …… Notch! Can it be that did this pass on a message profound to check the god thunder?” Under the field some people are startled to ask. “豁!这莫不是传言中的玄刹神雷?”场下有人惊问道。 Indeed has the point image checks the god thunder unreliably, no wonder dares is so extremely arrogant, originally has this grade of divine object to protect the body, even if has checks the god thunder unreliably, cannot stand off willow Wuyue six flame sacred body.” “的确有点像是玄刹神雷,怪不得敢如此狂妄,原来是有这等神物护体,不过就算拥有玄刹神雷,也敌不过柳舞月的六炎圣体。” Wrong! Is seven flame sacred body.” “错!是‘七炎圣体’。” What? Did you say?” “什么?难道你是说?” ...... …… Crushes that say/way rainbow bridge light beam at the same time, the Chu Hen double palm gathers, lingers the thunder and lightning strength of outside body erupts a stronger imposing manner again. 击碎那道虹桥光柱的同时,楚痕双掌一合,萦绕在身外的雷电之力再次爆发出更强的气势。 Thousand thunder Dun!” “千雷遁!” Prosperous rumble......” “隆隆隆……” The consecutively several heavy bangs, lying this way and that radiant thunder columns for example the giant wooden stake passes through from the land generally, for example the swift and fierce ice-cold place punctures the carnassial tooth, instantly proliferates outside the peripheral body of in Liuwu moon/month...... 连续数声沉重的巨响,一道道横七竖八的璀璨雷柱譬如巨型木桩一般从大地贯穿而出,譬如凌厉冰冷的地刺裂牙,即刻遍布于柳舞月的周边身外…… The bone-chilling cold powerful imposing manner seems the shackles parapet to seal up all escape routes of opposite party. 凛冽强大的气势好似牢笼栏杆封住对方的所有退路。 Snort, you think that depends on trivial checks the god thunder unreliably, can win me?” “哼,你以为就凭区区玄刹神雷,就能赢得了我?” The cyclone wreaks havoc, the cold wind creates a clamor. 气旋肆虐,冷风鼓噪。 Places oneself willow Wuyue under numerous thunder and lightning is actually looks at the front encirclement that a face disdains gorgeous thunder Hu Chu Hen. 置身于众多雷电之下的柳舞月却是一脸不屑的看着前方的环绕着绚丽雷弧的楚痕 Whish......” “哗……” In an instant, willow Wuyue the imposing manner follows sudden growth several times. 霎那间,柳舞月的气势跟着猛增数倍。 Surround six colored light marks that interweaves to walk randomly outside willow Wuyue the body mutually...... gorgeous the flame ascension ignites, in her eye completely obviously indifferent meaning. 一道道相互环绕交织的六色光纹游走于柳舞月身外……绚丽的火焰升腾燃起,她眼中尽显漠然之意。 Seven inflammations...... sacred body......” “七炎……圣体……” The next flash, six color flame outside she original it had/left a luster impressively. 下一瞬间,她原本身外的六色火焰赫然间又多出了一种色泽。 After the rain god rainbow sacred magnificent. 如同雨后神虹般的神圣华丽。 Following close on, outside willow Wuyue the body is also reappearing a seven colors beautiful clothing rosy cloud clothes, simultaneously a pair of dazzling luxurious wing launches from her back about, along with raising the rushing tide, powerful imposing manner shock-wave divulges comprehensively...... 紧跟着,柳舞月身外随之浮现出了一件七色的霓裳霞衣,同时一对炫目的奢华羽翼从她背后左右展开,伴随着掀起的澎湃浪潮,一股强大的气势冲击波全面宣泄开来…… „!” “嗵!” A colored halo is centered on willow Wuyue, sweeps across in all directions, together with the grinding square land, is alternating in her peripheral thunder and lightning light beam also follows to be broken the interruption...... 一圈彩色的光环以柳舞月为中心,席卷四面八方而出,连同着碾碎的广场大地,穿插在她周边的雷电光柱也跟着被震碎截断…… The dazzling ray shone outside people facial features is just liking caught god rosy cloud. 耀眼的光芒照耀着场外的众人面容都犹如染上了一层神霞。 The heart of people one startled is startled again. 众人的心头一惊再惊。 Seven flame sacred body? willow Wuyue bloodline limit unexpectedly promotion evolution.” “七炎圣体?柳舞月的血脉界限竟然升级进化了。” Was too strong!” “太强了!” Hey, then, don't said ten to incur, even if gave him 100 moves, still certainly not possibly was willow Wuyue the opponent.” “嘿,如此一来,莫说十招了,就算是给他一百招,也绝无可能是柳舞月的对手。” Ahem, you also believe that so-called ten moves? I thought that he blustered, mysterious.” “哼哼,你还相信那所谓的‘十招’呢?我看他就是虚张声势,故弄玄虚而已。” ...... …… willow Wuyue seven flame sacred body, it may be said that were shocking the audience. 柳舞月的七炎圣体,可谓是惊艳了全场。 Ye Yao that regarding this does not know the circumstances of the matter wants to go forward to interfere. 对此并不知情的叶瑶就欲上前干涉。 elder brother Chu Hen, I help you......” 楚痕哥哥,我来帮你……” Do not impulse!” Long Xuanshuang puts out a hand to block the opposite party, will say again!” “别冲动!”龙玄霜伸手将对方拦住,“等会再说!” Profound frost Junior Sister said right, should not be first anxious, has a look to say again!” “玄霜师妹说的没错,先别急,看看再说!” Zhao Qing clothes also opens the mouth to echo, its speech at the same time, the vision swept That side eye profound Yang Gong more than ten people subconsciously. 赵青衣也开口附和,其说话的同时,目光下意识的扫了眼玄阳宫那边的十几个人。 When sees that to be the person of head, in the eye gushes out the faint trace to be dignified. 当看见那为首之人的时候,眼中不禁涌出丝丝凝重。 Comparatively speaking, what he is worried is stands below on the scene that person. 相比较而言,他更为担心的是站在场下的那个人。 That is......” nearby Zheng technique complexion obviously in flood white, its tone is full of muttering that shivers, willow Qianghong......” “那个是……”一旁的郑术脸色明显在泛白,其语气饶有颤抖的喃喃道,“柳鸧鸿……” Who is this person?” Zhao Qing cai spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “此人是谁?”赵青裁随口问道。 Wind, character on the top list!” “风,风云榜上的人物!” What? 什么? The heart of people startles greatly, the pupil shrinks faintly. 众人的心头更是大骇,瞳孔隐隐一缩。 ...... …… Seven types of different color flame gather outside willow Wuyue the body, changes to showing sacred aura the beautiful clothing feather robe, the brilliant wing launches in it behind, is luxurious dazzling, making one exclaim in surprise. 七种不同颜色的火焰聚集在柳舞月的身外,化作一件彰显神圣气息的霓裳羽衣,光彩夺目的羽翼在其身后展开,更是奢华耀眼,引人惊叹。 Her cold eye regards, the tone especially disdains frivolously. 她冷目而视,语气尤为轻浮不屑。 You too overestimated yourself......, since you wanted the spirits of four soul, I helped you......” “你太高估自己了……既然你想要四魂之灵,那我就成全你……” „, The heart of thorn!” “森罗,荆棘之心!” Sound proudly is filling the air from the square together with powerful fearful aura. 傲然的声音连同着一股强大至极的可怕气息从广场之上弥漫开来。 Land fierce rocking. 大地剧烈的晃动。 Bang!” “砰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… The following ground splits to explode layer upon layer, the innumerable say/way dark-red blood mark proliferates in the under foot of Chu Hen instantly, if the dragon dragon -like great vine flies to flee from the place bottom, for example from the nether world ghost hand of hell, the octopus that if that finds out from the deep sea touches the claw...... 跟着地面层层绽裂爆开,无数道暗红色的血纹即刻遍布于楚痕的脚下,一道道如若虬龙般的巨藤从地底中飞窜而出,譬如来自于地狱的幽冥鬼手,又如那从深海之中探出的章鱼触爪…… The huge vine direct impact vault of heaven, extends to the hundred zhang (333 m) upper air instantaneously. 巨大的藤蔓直冲天穹,瞬间延伸至百丈高空。 The dense and numerous ancient great vines rapid throw toward front Chu Hen. 密密麻麻的古老巨藤迅速朝着前方的楚痕扑去。 Meanwhile, in willow Wuyue the pupil seems the flame to ascend, she contemptuously sneers. 与此同时,柳舞月的眸中似有火焰升腾,她轻蔑的冷笑一声。 „The anger of setting the prairie afire......” “燎原之怒……” The voice falls, an air wave of incomparably manic burning hot towering comes out from the interior of that myriad great vine turbulently. 话音落下,一股无比狂躁炙热的气浪突兀的从那万千巨藤的内部汹涌出来。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦……” In an instant, the innumerable wild with rage seven colors flame erupt in great Fujiyuki unexpectedly directly. 霎那间,无数的狂怒七色火焰竟然直接是于巨藤之中爆发而起。 Just likes colored rosy cloud that is in full bloom, all thorn great vines that are covering Chu Hen change to a dreadful sea of fire all, seven colors hot rain everywhere dance in the air, the giant thorn vine looks like a terrifying fierce flame giant beast immediately...... 犹如盛开的彩色云霞,所有笼罩着楚痕的荆棘巨藤尽数化作一片滔天的火海,七色火雨漫天飞舞,巨大的荆棘藤蔓顿时就像是一头恐怖狰狞的火焰巨兽…… The scalding hot air wave is corroding the entire concourse. 灼热的气浪侵蚀着整个中央广场。 The crowd that peripheral observes is actually not able to withstand the fearful high temperature that these seven flame sacred body strengths bring, rapid retreats toward behind. 周边观战的人群却是都无法承受这七炎圣体力量所带来的可怕高温,一个个迅速朝着后面退去。 At this moment, the world changes color, the hot wave soars to the heavens. 此刻,天地变色,火浪冲天。 Inside and outside thorn great Fujusato outside around is intertwined, instantaneously swallowing to submerge Chu Hen is one of them. 荆棘巨藤里里外外的前后交缠,瞬间就将楚痕给吞噬淹没在其中。 ...... …… Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang, Zhao Qing clothes, Zhao Qing cai is all frowning lightly, the facial expression is slightly prudent. 叶瑶,龙玄霜,赵青衣,赵青裁皆是轻皱着眉头,神情略显慎重。 But Zheng technique, Su Lingzhu two people are anxious. 而郑术,苏灵竹二人则一脸焦虑。 Profound Yang Gong Qin He and his party had shown the mean smile. 玄阳宫的秦赫一行人已然是露出了阴狠的笑容。 Snort, thing of acting recklessly......” “哼,不知死活的东西……” But finishes speaking merely, swift and fierce sword air/Qi burns in a day of flame to explode to raid from that suddenly, ka......” a sound of embrittlement, that grandiose giant hot vine is then breaks unexpectedly together, along with like flowing into the sword potential, dark green sword glow is surrounding the gorgeous blue electric arc breaking open numerous flame and vines from inside to outside, flies to cut to go toward the position that willow Wuyue is at...... 可仅仅只是话音刚落,一记凌厉的剑气突然间从那焚天火焰之中爆袭而出,“哧咔……”一声脆裂的声响,那壮硕的巨大火藤竟是一道接着一道断裂开来,伴随着如流注般的剑势,一柄墨绿色的剑芒环绕着绚丽的蓝色电弧由内至外的破开重重的火焰和藤蔓,朝着柳舞月所在的位置飞斩而去…… Is this? 这是? The heart of outside people are startled. 场外众人的心头一惊。 Zheng technique, Ye Yao and the others at present is actually faint one bright. 郑术,叶瑶等人的眼前却是隐隐一亮。 ...... …… Unexpectedly to? 竟然冲出来了? willow Wuyue facial features one cold, simultaneously behind raises tsunami seven colors flame glow, in that flame glow seems sound of biography phoenix cry to swing...... 柳舞月面容一寒,同时身后掀起一股海啸般的七色焰芒,那焰芒之中似有凤鸣之声传荡而出…… Cry!” “唳!” The resonant spirited momentum is attacking the eardrum of people, the billowing heat wave shop day of then moving mountains should, but , a magnificent colored shadow wing great blade pulls off together the vigorous rainbow bridge light beam in the air directly, the upfront howls to cut toward the position that Chu Hen is at...... 嘹亮激昂的声势冲击着众人的耳膜,接着排山倒海的滚滚热浪铺天该地而至,一尊华丽的彩色影翼巨刃直接是于空气中拖出一道雄浑的虹桥光柱,正面朝着楚痕所在的位置呼啸斩去…… Bang!” “轰!” The imposing manner peerless shadow wing great blade takes the lead to attack, in that flies above the dark green sword glow that raids to come, two powerful strengths once were collided, instantly erupts various wild arrogance of raising the day...... 气势绝伦的影翼巨刃率先冲击在那飞袭而来的墨绿色剑芒之上,两股强大的力量一经碰撞,即刻爆发出各种掀天的狂暴气焰…… Sweeps across eight sides the complementary waves air waves several to want the command to throw off the entire square. 席卷八方的余波气浪几欲令掀翻整个广场。 Situated in the square center, lays aside the stele of ancient great bell to split faintly tall and slender cracks. 位于广场中央,放置着古老巨钟的石碑都隐隐绽裂开一道道细长的裂缝。 At this moment, that dark green sword glow blooms suddenly the light of a series of radiant thunder and lightning. 就在这时,那道墨绿色的剑芒豁然绽放出一系列璀璨的雷电之光。 Bang......” an explosive, that say/way completely reveals the shadow wing great blade of potential of destruction unexpectedly forcefully was given the rush by that swift and fierce sword glow to two halves...... “轰……”的一声爆响,那道尽显毁灭之势的影翼巨刃竟然硬生生的被那凌厉的剑芒给冲杀至两半…… What? 什么? The unexpected scene made outside people open the eye completely. 意想不到的场面令场外的众人全部都睁大了眼睛。 The sword glow is irresistible, drives straight ahead straight under. 剑芒势不可挡,一路长驱直下。 While passing through that shadow wing great blade, with offensive, not only has not reduced, instead increases, such as one bunch of class/flow glow star arrows that have delimited the nighttime sky, directly toward the position assault that willow Wuyue is at...... 在贯穿那影翼巨刃的同时,跟着攻势非但未减,反而大增,如一束划过夜空的流芒星矢,径直朝着柳舞月所在的位置袭去…… Latter's pupil sudden shrinking becomes the needle-tip size. 后者的瞳孔急剧的缩成针尖大小。 „!” “噌!” The next flash, the sound of heavy long sword light recitation shakes, a green Saint sword rips open the seven colors flame outside opposite party body instantly, willow Wuyue withdraws toward the rear area hastily, may merely be the next second, ice-cold dangerous aura it nail firmly same place...... 下一瞬间,一记沉重的长剑轻吟之声震荡开来,一柄绿色的圣剑即刻撕开对方身外的七色火焰,柳舞月连忙朝着后方撤去,可仅仅是下一秒钟,一股冰冷的危险气息将其牢牢的钉在原地…… Indeed with less than ten moves......” “的确用不到十招……” The frivolous pale laughter also spreads to the ear of people, the young slender form grasps the sword to point at willow Wuyue the throat together single-handed directly. 轻浮的淡笑声随之传入众人的耳中,一道年轻的修长身影单手握剑直接是指着柳舞月的喉咙。 ...... …… ...... …… ( Four offer, everyone good night!) (四更奉上,大家晚安!)
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