UMDK :: Volume #13

#1267: Plays a game

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Is the profound Yang Gong fatal grace and talent, willow Wuyue......” “是玄阳宫的致命风华,柳舞月……” The biography of sound that slightly trembles with fear obviously from the crowd under field swings. 略显惊颤的声音从场下的人群中传荡而出。 All around of square slightly is anxiously noisy. 广场的四周都略显嘈杂不安。 The lively gorgeous flower petal flying rain floats the expansive sky, one group just like the rosy cloud flame to revolve to dance in the clouds together the Ji -like beautiful beautiful figure. 繁华艳丽的花瓣飞雨飘洒长空,一团犹如云霞般的火焰云中旋转出一道舞姬般的美丽倩影。 Under the gazes of audience numerous vision, the opposite party seems the great wild goose feather, falling gently gently above ground. 在全场众多目光的注视下,对方好似鸿羽,轻轻的飘落于地面之上。 Sees this slightly familiar gorgeous form, the Chu Hen corner of the eye concentrates, the space between eyebrows flashes through wipes cold intent. 看着这道略显熟悉的艳丽身影,楚痕眼角一凝,眉间不禁闪过一抹冷意。 Also was really endless. 还真是没完没了了。 Whish......” “哗……” Meanwhile, peripheral is startled again a disorderly clamoring sound, crowd rapid separation, more than ten aura powerful forms walk up one after another. 于此同时,周边再次惊起一阵杂乱的喧哗声,人群迅速的分开,十几道气息强盛的身影相继走上前来。 Dresses up on to judge that from their attires probably they also come from profound Yang Gong. 从他们的衣着装扮上大概能判断出他们同样也是来自于玄阳宫。 Most people's vision falls on is on a young man. 大多数人的目光都落在为首一年轻男子身上。 That person of tall and powerfully built, the build is grandiose, in the sharp eagle pupil is glittering the light cold glow. 那人身材魁梧,体形壮硕,犀利的鹰眸中闪烁着淡淡的寒芒。 It treads every time one step, the air current follows to shiver faintly a point. 其每踏出一步,气流都跟着隐隐颤抖一分。 willow Qianghong, my God, even he came.” “柳鸧鸿,我的天呐,连他都过来了。” Originally he is in the top list willow Qianghong ranked the 49 th, being mad the field is really powerful.” “原来他就是风云榜上排名第49位的柳鸧鸿,气场果然强大。” Hehe, willow Wuyue is insufficient, came willow Qianghong, the fellow this/should must kneel begs for mercy.” “呵呵,一个柳舞月还不够,又来了一个柳鸧鸿,那家伙该要跪地求饶了。” ...... …… Regarding top list these three characters, anybody cannot help but hears reveal the meaning of awe. 对于‘风云榜’这三个字,任何人听到都不由自主的流露出敬畏之意。 Even some people have started to feel about the Chu Hen destiny sorrowfully. 甚至已经有人开始对楚痕的命运感到悲哀了。 willow Wuyue shot a look at lightly fell on Qin He who and the others the ground cannot crawl. 柳舞月淡淡的瞥了倒在地上爬不起来的秦赫等人一眼。 Then cold Musao to Chu Hen, when sees the opposite party, in willow eyebrows flood some surprise. 接着冷目扫向楚痕,当看到对方之时,柳眉间不由的泛起些许诧异。 „Haven't you died unexpectedly?” “你竟然还没死?” Regarding Chu Hen, willow Wuyue also has the impression. 对于楚痕,柳舞月也是颇具印象。 Initially when the immortal demon, because of Qin reason, causing willow Wuyue that to hold the bad meaning to Chu Hen. 当初在仙魔的时候,就因为秦赫的原因,导致柳舞月那会就对楚痕抱有不善之意。 But that meeting people think that Chu Hen and Bai Qianyu were killed the nihility condition by ten feather monster blade severe Yancheng to the bang. 只不过那会众人以为楚痕白浅予都被十羽妖刀厉严承给轰杀成虚无状态。 Afterward also let it go. 后来也就不了了之了。 ...... …… Has not thought two years later, Chu Hen presented in her front once again, Qin He again by the opposite party hitting half dead. 没想到时隔两年多,楚痕又一次出现在她的面前,秦赫再一次被对方给打个半死。 What may be different from it, the leeway that this time Qin He hit back unexpectedly continually did not have. 可与之不同的是,这次的秦赫竟然连还手的余地都没有。 ...... …… Chu Hen is disinclined to pay attention to these people directly, its desire must turn around to leave. 楚痕直接是懒得理会这些人,其欲要转身离开。 But has not walked two steps, all colors gorgeous riotous hot rain actually blocked his way. 但未走两步,一片五彩绚丽的缤纷火雨却是挡住了他的去路。 I have not asked you to leave......” the slightly chilly sound to reveal from willow Wuyue the mouth. “我还没让你走……”略显清冷的声音从柳舞月的口中吐露出来。 Chu Hen look slightly cold, is sideways saying that also has the matter?” 楚痕眼神微寒,侧身回道,“还有事?” „Did you say? Injured my profound Yang Gong person, wants to walk away? You are feigning madness, is selling stupidly?” “你说呢?伤了我玄阳宫的人,就想这么一走了之?你是在装疯,还是在卖傻?” Saw that willow Wuyue is interrogating Chu Hen, outside willow Qianghong has not intervened, merely is wear a look of the acting audience of meaning of pondering. 见到柳舞月在质问楚痕,场外的柳鸧鸿并未干预,仅仅是面带玩味之意的充当观众。 Even so, the peripheral people can also feel that invisible pressure. 即便如此,周边的众人也能够感受到那无形的压力。 Some people reasons believe absolutely, at this moment stands in willow Wuyue front Chu Hen, absolutely concerned about willow Qianghong the imposing manner oppression, therefore wants to flee from here as soon as possible. 众人绝对有理由相信,此刻站在柳舞月前面的楚痕,绝对是碍于柳鸧鸿的气势压迫,所以想要尽快逃离这里。 ...... …… Who does not know, present Chu Hen thoughts not here. 孰不知,现在的楚痕心思根本就不在这里。 The clenches teeth, at once says to willow Wuyue, how do you want?” 其咬了咬牙,旋即对柳舞月道,“你想怎样?” Leaves behind your arm, can walk......” “留下你的一条手臂,就可以走了……” With it initially in immortal demon tomb similar tone. 与之当初在仙魔冢同样的语气。 Same frivolous despising. 同样的轻浮蔑视。 Similarly arrogant making one feels laughable. 同样高傲的令人感到可笑。 ...... …… Hehe.” Chu Hen smiled, in the laughter has the thick satire, „the previous time is to let me mediates, this time makes me leave behind an arm, your Miss willow actually to me better and better......” “呵呵。”楚痕笑了,笑声中带着浓浓的讽刺,“上次是让我自己了断,这次又让我留下一条手臂,你柳大小姐倒是对我越来越好了……” You can choose the rejection, such words, you will regret quickly this.” “你可以选择拒绝,不过这样的话,你很快就会后悔没有这样做。” willow Wuyue the tone is very tranquil. 柳舞月的语气很平静。 Cannot listen to the happy anger! 听不出喜怒! With first seeing time almost does not have any change. 同第一次见到的时候几乎没有任何的变化。 Fatal grace and talent! 致命风华! Forever is supercilious like this. 永远都是这样目中无人。 ...... …… Chu Hen selected the brow, the corners of the mouth exuded to wipe the faint curve. 楚痕挑了挑眉头,嘴角泛起一抹淡漠的弧度。 Matter that because these waste went bad me, I walked the words, really a little owed...... were inferior, we did play a game? Miss willow......” “因为这几个废物坏了我的事,我就这么走了的话,实在是有点亏了……不如,我们来玩个游戏?柳大小姐……” Plays the game? Do you also match?” Returning that willow Wuyue disdains said. “玩游戏?你也配?”柳舞月不屑的回道。 „The spirits of wooden attribute four soul...... in your hands?” “木属性的四魂之灵……在你手里吧?” Such remarks, the people present are some surprise. 此言一出,在座的众人都是有些诧异。 All is the meaning of puzzled Chu Hen. 皆是不解楚痕的意思。 In willow Qianghong the eyes also reveals some interest. 就连柳鸧鸿的眼中也露出些许兴致。 ...... …… „The rule of game is, in ten moves, I, if can win you, gives me...... Chu Hen sinking sound to say the spirits of wooden attribute four soul. “游戏的规则就是,十招之内,我若能赢了你,把木属性四魂之灵给我……”楚痕沉声说道。 Whish!” “哗!” A word raises ten thousand heavy waves. 一言掀起万重浪。 In an instant, an entire square piece noisy noisy. 霎那间,整个广场一片嘈杂吵闹。 Ten moves? Haven't I misunderstood?” “十招?我没听错吧?” What background is this fellow? Dares to say so talked?” “这家伙到底是什么来头?竟敢口出如此狂言?” Blustered?” “虚张声势吗?” Has the possibility! Hits and cannot be victorious, runs and cannot run away, can only bluster to be scary.” “有可能!打又打不过,跑又跑不掉,只能虚张声势了唬人了。” ...... …… Really is laughable! Also dares to say this boast depending on you?” willow Wuyue is eyeful. “真是可笑!就凭你也敢说出这种大话?”柳舞月满眼轻蔑。 What's wrong? Doesn't dare?” Chu Hen counter-attack. “怎么?不敢么?”楚痕回击。 Why do I want to bet with you? What do you have to be worth with me betting?” “我为什么要和你赌?你又有什么值得跟我赌?” Naturally has......” the Chu Hen sound gradually to be that low and deep, the aura reveals also even more ice-cold, I, if won, so long as you give me the spirits of four soul on the line, if you won, whatever my life not only you handle...... but can also obtain in my hand ‚the spirits of ice attribute four soul.” “当然有……”楚痕的声音渐渐低沉,流露出来的气息也愈发冰冷,“我若赢了,你只要给我四魂之灵就行,你若赢了,我的命不仅任由你处置……而且还能得到我手中的‘冰属性四魂之灵’。” Ices the spirits of attribute four soul? 冰属性四魂之灵? Hears these characters, willow Wuyue willow eyebrows one pressed, in the eye flashes through several points of surprised. 听到这几个字,柳舞月的柳眉一蹙,眼中闪过几分惊疑。 Ices the spirits of attribute four soul in your there?” “冰属性四魂之灵在你那里?” Her clear remembering, iced the spirits of attribute four soul taking the lead to win by the Martial Sect Qingcheng Young Master desolate pledge at that time, the spirits of another two four souls fall in ten feather monster blade severe Yancheng respectively and hold up Sky Sword to refer to the strength Yuanliang's hand. 她清楚的记得,当时冰属性四魂之灵被武宗的青城公子萧盟给率先夺走了,另外两枚四魂之灵分别落于十羽妖刀厉严承和擎天剑指力元良的手中。 She looks at Chu Hen that indifferent facial features, those who tried the judgment opposite party to say was is really the false. 她看着楚痕那淡然的面容,试着判断对方说的是真是假。 ...... …… Snort, little here mysterious, I not on your working as.” willow Wuyue the cold sound returns said. “哼,少在这里故弄玄虚,我可不会上你的当。”柳舞月冷声回道。 You , if there is skill, how also to be afraid my working as? I have said is very clear, in ten moves, I, if could not win you, even if I lost...... am kill when the time comes hack, entirely according to your convenience, if your puzzled, that rolled the distant point to me......” “你若有本事,又岂会害怕上我的当?我已经说的很清楚,十招之内,我若赢不了你,就算我输……到时候是杀是剐,悉听尊便,如果你连这个都不解的话,那就给我滚远点……” Rolls the distant point! 滚远点! Three characters that coldly are serious and clear. 冷冷的三个字沉重而又清晰。 Worked as the audience everyone's surface, Chu Hen is flinging these three characters directly on willow Wuyue the face, the latter facial features got angry red, in the pupil killed intent completely to reveal...... 当着全场所有人的面,楚痕直接将这三个字甩在了柳舞月的脸上,后者面容怒红,眸中杀意尽显…… Snort, is simply extremely arrogant, do not regret!” “哼,简直狂妄,你可不要后悔!” Then, within the body of one dreadful boundless situation in Liuwu moon/month erupts. 说罢,一股滔天的磅礴大势于柳舞月的体内为之爆发出来。 The difficult situation blazing air wave follows to raise the day. 惊涛骇浪般的炽热气浪跟着掀天而起。 The peripheral people will all retreat in the future, in order to avoid wound and mackerel shad. 周边的众人皆是往后退去,以免伤及池鱼。 In an instant, in the world towering dances in the breeze the tens of thousands of flower petal hot rain, is covering to go toward Chu Hen that the colored hot rain of blotting out the sky blots out the sky...... 霎那间,天地间突兀的飘舞着成千上万的花瓣火雨,铺天盖地的彩色火雨铺天盖地的朝着楚痕笼罩而去…… The space scalding hot distortion is uncertain. 空间灼热的扭曲不定。 The violent high temperature made the outside crowd face skin faint stabbing pain. 猛烈的高温令场外的人群面部皮肤都隐隐刺痛。 Is facing that if still the high-temperature scale hot rain offensive, the Chu Hen corners of the mouth select, in the eye is flashing the meaning of faint trace light jeering. 面对着那犹若高温鱼鳞般的火雨攻势,楚痕嘴角微挑,眼中闪动着丝丝轻嘲之意。 Buzz......” “嗡……” At once, eight side air currents tremble, black true essence protects the shield to appear outside the body of Chu Hen instantly. 旋即,八方气流一颤,一个黑色的真元护盾即刻出现在楚痕的身外。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” Intense light rain impact above protecting shield, all smashing of hit. 密集的光雨冲击在护盾之上,尽数撞击的粉碎。 willow Wuyue the eyes pupil is glittering the cold light, then the figure such as swallow Xiangban grazes, single palm finds out, in the palm is surging six types of different color strange flame...... 柳舞月眼眸闪烁着寒光,接着身形如燕翔般飞掠而出,单掌探出,掌心之中涌动着六种不同颜色的奇异火焰…… Is six flame sacred body!” “是六炎圣体!” Under the field some people call out in alarm said. 场下有人惊呼道。 Six types of flame, have the difference respectively, even the temperature is different. 六种火焰,各有不同,甚至连温度都不一样。 A palm offers a sacrifice, light of the colored rainbow bridge follows to explode to plunder, raises the terrifying the imposing manner to initiate toward front Chu Hen attacks by surprise...... 一掌祭出,一座彩色的虹桥之光跟着爆掠而出,掀起恐怖的气势朝着前方的楚痕发起攻袭…… Meanwhile, behind Chu Hen with Ye Yao that came, Long Xuanshuang, Zheng technique, Su Lingzhu and the others has also rushed to here hurriedly. 于此同时,一直跟着楚痕后面过来的叶瑶,龙玄霜,郑术,苏灵竹等人亦是匆匆忙忙的赶到了这边。 The people separate the crowd, forefront rushes, witnesses at present this. 众人一分开人群,冲到最前面,就目睹到眼前这一幕。 Chu Hen there!” Zhao Qing cai shouts. 楚痕在那里!”赵青裁喊道。 But, Zheng technique, Su Lingzhu is the heart is actually startled. 而,郑术,苏灵竹却是心头一惊。 Is willow Wuyue......” “是柳舞月……”
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