UMDK :: Volume #13

#1266: Meets ten thousand bell city

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Huangfu Qing! 皇甫情 Also is Xia Qing! 亦是夏情 Comparatively speaking, Chu Hen likes calling him for the latter. 相比较而言,楚痕更喜欢称呼其为后者。 ...... …… In an instant, a silence that the whole world as if changes, the noisy tide of people of all around that shuttle regarding Chu Hen, seems to be unprevailing. 霎那间,整个世界都仿佛变的一片寂静,四周那穿梭的嘈杂人潮对于楚痕而言,似乎毫无影响。 Mask following eye pupil, motionless is staring at the slender form in that crowd. 面具后面的眼眸,一动不动的盯着那个人群中的纤细身影。 The show sends only the beautiful profile outline, such as past years like that beautiful as before. 秀致唯美的侧脸轮廓,如当年那般,美丽依旧。 At this moment, Chu Hen felt that the facial expression is somewhat absent-minded, the heart soon jumped. 这一刻,楚痕感觉神情有些恍惚,心脏都快要跳出来了。 It pulls the mask that turns one's face instantly, wants to face forward to walk. 其即刻扯掉脸上的面具,就欲朝前走去。 ...... …… But has not walked, the familiar frank sound actually from conveys together behind. 可还未走出去,一道熟悉的爽朗声音却是从身后传来。 Brother Chu Hen, are really you! Haha, I also thought the admitting mistakes person......” 楚痕兄弟,真的是你啊!哈哈,我还以为认错人了……” Then, under wrist/skill of Chu Hen also by the opposite party holding on. 接着,楚痕的手腕下随之被对方给拉住了一下。 Chu Hen looked askance to turn round to look at opposite party one eyes, what heaving in sight was a Zhang Qingxiu's temperate face. 楚痕侧目回身望了对方一眼,映入眼帘的是一张清秀的温和面庞。 ...... …… Well, that are you Zheng, Zheng technique?” What speech is Ye Yao. “咦,那个,你是郑,郑术?”说话的是叶瑶 Some opposite party surprise, after Ye Yao takes off the mask, his eye is also one bright. 对方有些诧异,待叶瑶把面具摘下之后,其眼睛亦是一亮。 Haha, Miss Ye Yao, is you...... the words, that this definitely was the profound frost young lady......” “哈哈,叶瑶小姐,是你……如此说来的话,那这位肯定就是玄霜小姐了……” Hello!” Long Xuanshuang nods, then also takes down the mask. “你好!”龙玄霜点了点头,然后也将面具取下来。 ...... …… Zheng technique! 郑术! Initially Chu Hen one group of when whale island city attended the mark technique normal university match a solid friend. 当初楚痕一行人在鲸岛城参加纹术师大赛之时所结实的一位朋友。 Although the opposite party has no strong background, but is actually very heavy friendship. 虽然对方并没有什么强大背景,但却是很重情义。 Whale island city, Chu Hen when with it few city main pool certainly heart intensification conflict contradiction, even triggers the city main pool dusk making a move war time, Zheng technique choose to stand Chu Hen. 鲸岛城,楚痕因为与之少城主池绝心激化冲突矛盾之时,甚至引发城主池暝出手大战的时候,郑术都选择站在楚痕这边。 Afterward at the that meeting of immortal demon tomb, Qiao Xiaowan and Han by the power by profound Yang Gong, Han cloud sect, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge one group of tied up on the town/subdues demon column, had no right Zheng technique of no potential also once to stand to argue for them. 后来在仙魔冢的那会,乔小婉和韩以权被玄阳宫,翰云宗,齐霄阁的一行人绑在镇魔柱上的之际,无权无势的郑术也曾站出来替他们两个辩解。 Finally also almost asks for trouble, nearly by profound Yang Gong Qin He killing. 最后还差点惹火烧身,险些被玄阳宫的秦赫给弄死。 ...... …… I listened to elder brother Chu Hen to mention had run into you in the immortal demon tomb, didn't you go to Han cloud sect?” Ye Yao spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “我听楚痕哥哥说起过在仙魔冢遇到了你,你不是去翰云宗了吗?”叶瑶随口问道。 Right! I indeed went to Han cloud sect, Su Lingzhu, remarkable rarely they......” “对啊!我的确去翰云宗了,还有苏灵竹,卓越罕他们……” Then, Zheng technique actually turns around to beckon to elsewhere crowd. 说罢,郑术却是转身对别处的人群中招了招手。 „Does spirit bamboo Senior Sister, here, who you look at this is?” “灵竹师姐,这边,你看这是谁?” A that side makings excellent beautiful form hears the sound, subconscious turning around looks to here. 那边的一道气质绝佳的秀丽身影听到声音,下意识的转身看向这边。 Also has several Han cloud sect disciple in her side. 在她的身边还有几个翰云宗的弟子。 ...... …… Su spirit bamboo! 苏灵竹! Regarding this person, Long Xuanshuang and Ye Yao are not strange. 对于这个人,龙玄霜叶瑶也并不陌生。 Similarly in the mark technique masters in whale island city fight. 同样是在鲸岛城的纹术师大战之时。 The Su spirit bamboo refined the day step efficacious medicine of ultra best quality goods with ‚the great power pill mark gold/metal Yuxian fine jade fluid, but shocking countless people. 苏灵竹以‘回天丹纹’炼制出了超极品的天阶灵药‘金玉仙琼液’而惊艳了无数人。 But that heart by hundred put on mark to forge a certainly great whale Saint sword. 而那池绝心以‘百穿器纹’锻造出了一柄‘巨鲸圣剑’。 Because in the Saint sword of pond heart integrated the city main pool dusk great whale sacred body bloodline limit essence and blood strength certainly, therefore Su Lingzhu lost to pond Juexin in the following competition. 因为池绝心的圣剑中融入了城主池暝的巨鲸圣体血脉界限的精血力量,所以苏灵竹在后面的比赛中输给了池绝心。 However, afterward pond Juexin lost to Chu Hen by armor of punishment wound ‚the eon heart mark refines. 不过,后来池绝心还是败给了楚痕以‘宙心器纹’炼制出来的刑伤之甲。 ...... …… Later in the immortal demon tomb, Chu Hen also met besides Zheng technique Su Lingzhu et al . 之后在仙魔冢,楚痕同样也遇到了除郑术之外的苏灵竹等人。 With the throne next 24 blood demons guard the imperial palace the war on the way, Chu Hen had also once saved two people life. 与之森罗王座下二十四尊血魔禁卫大战的途中,楚痕还曾救过两人的性命。 Now here meets, somewhat is really accidental. 如今在这里相遇,着实有些意外。 ...... …… Brother Chu Hen, I have thought before you by ten feather monster blade severe Yancheng...... have not thought of you are also living, was really good.” 楚痕兄弟,我之前一直以为你已经被十羽妖刀厉严承给……没想到你还活着,真是太好了。” Zheng technique is full of excited saying. 郑术饶有激动的说道。 However, Chu Hen at this moment has no interest in chat these radically, he swept the eye Su Lingzhu who and the others walk toward here, at once draws back Zheng technique palm, and saying hurriedly, Zheng brother, I have the matter, will wait to chat next time again......” 然,此刻的楚痕根本无心去聊这些,他扫了眼朝着这边走来的苏灵竹等人,旋即退开郑术的手掌,并急匆匆的说道,“郑兄,我还有事,等下次再聊……” Then, Chu Hen is turns around to leave directly hurriedly. 说罢,楚痕直接是转身匆忙离开。 ...... …… elder brother Chu Hen, which do you go?” Ye Yao asked hastily. 楚痕哥哥,你去哪啊?”叶瑶连忙问道。 But Chu Hen actually not return had not replied. 楚痕却是头也不回的未曾回答。 Long Xuanshuang that leaves behind, Zhao Qing clothes, Zhao Qing cai and the others are the whole face are puzzled. 留下的龙玄霜,赵青衣,赵青裁等人都是满脸困惑。 Zheng Shugeng is awkward. 郑术更是一脸尴尬。 ...... …… Broke through Chu Hen of crowded crowd to arrive at that by stall that fast sold the mask, but also stood that say/way familiar form here to be actually missing a moment ago. 冲过密集人群的楚痕飞快来到那个售卖面具的小摊旁边,可是刚才还站在这里的那道熟悉身影却已然不见了踪影。 Just now, stands that miss here?” Chu Hen inquired peddler who sells. “方才,站在这里的那位姑娘呢?”楚痕询问售卖的小贩。 Latter facial expression somewhat strange looked at Chu Hen one, then referred to a direction. 后者神情有些怪异的看了楚痕一眼,然后指了指一个方向。 Just walked!” “刚走!” Just walked? 刚走? Chu Hen without delay, breaks in the chaotic noisy tide of people again. 楚痕二话不说,再一次冲入混乱嘈杂的人潮之中。 Vision rapid sweeps to take the form of the form in his mind, actually no is that prints the appearance in heart. 目光迅速的扫过一道道形似于他脑海中的身影,却没有一个是那印入心中的容颜。 Where are you at? 你在哪? The time of short a blink, the opposite party disappeared in his line of sight. 才短短一眨眼的功夫,对方就消失在了他的视线当中。 ...... …… Chu Hen has drawn wrist/skill that joins the stranger, one after another has transferred others' shoulder, follows the opposite party angry scolding sound each time, but he still in unceasing seeking. 楚痕一个又一个的拉过接上陌生人的手腕,一次接一次的转过别人的肩膀,每次都伴随着对方愤怒的骂声,可他仍旧是在不断的寻找。 In his mind appeared unceasingly in the past in the scenes of Sacred Star Dynasty time. 他脑海中不断浮现出当年在圣星王朝时候的一幕幕场景。 From their first meet. 从两人的第一次相遇。 Again to finally that distinction. 再到最后那次的分别。 She is the Sacred Star Dynasty princess, the prince regent in empire. 她是圣星王朝的公主,帝国的摄政王。 But his actually destruction fell the entire dynasty empire personally. 而他却亲手覆灭掉了整个王朝帝国。 Destiny! 命运! Does not dare to love, does not dare to hate! 不敢爱,不敢恨! Bye, does not see, hoping you well, the years are static!” “再见,再也不见,愿你安好,岁月静好!” On the day of separates. 分开那天。 She by his shoulder, saying goodbye gently, that turns around that flash of reviewing, heartrending. 她靠在他的肩膀上,轻轻的道别,那转身回眸的那一霎那,令人心碎。 She turns around with a smile. 她是笑着转身的。 If must walk, if later does not meet, hopes that the energy remembered, is her smile. 如果要走,如果以后再不相见,希望能记住的,是她的笑容。 But made except for her smile that on that day Chu Hen has always remembered, the corner of the eye that wipes the clear tears. 可那天令楚痕一直铭记的除了她的笑容,还有眼角那一抹晶莹的泪光。 ...... …… Chu Hen thinks great shout her name. 楚痕想大声呼喊她的名字。 His sound even can resound through most ten thousand bell city. 他的声音甚至可以响彻大半个万钟城。 However he does not dare! 但是他不敢! He feared after she hears oneself sound, can again and initially such departure silently. 他怕她听到自己的声音之后,会再一次和当初那样默默的离开。 ...... …… Seeks along the tide of people, Chu Hen went to a ten thousand bell city Town Square. 一路沿着人潮寻找,楚痕来到了一座万钟城的中心广场。 This is a very broad square. 这是一座非常宽阔的广场。 In the square is constructing numerous liberal great steles. 广场上建筑着众多宽宏伟岸的石碑。 Stands erect is being hanging magnificent giant ancient bell in the stele peak of dead center. 矗立于正中心的石碑顶端悬挂着一座壮观的巨大古钟。 That ancient bell length exceeds hundred meters, the width about 40-50, trace to carve a series of tedious fine patterns all over the body. 那座古钟长度超过百米,宽度40-50左右,通体描刻着一系列繁琐的精美花纹。 The stele surrounding under great bell has a fountain to watch. 巨钟之下的石碑外围有着一圈喷泉供人观赏。 Many people play here. 很多人在这边游玩。 ...... …… When Chu Hen aimless seeks for Huangfu Qing everywhere, sudden several facial color bad forms kept off in his front suddenly. 就在楚痕漫无目的的四处找寻皇甫情的时候,突然几道面色不善的身影豁然挡在了他的面前。 Snort, enemies often cross each other's path! Never expected that your thing has not died unexpectedly......” “哼嘿,冤家路窄啊!没想到你这东西竟然还没死……” The gloomy and cold laughter front surface transmits. 阴冷的笑声迎面传来。 Chu Hen swept opposite party one eyes at will, knitting the brows head. 楚痕随意扫了对方一眼,不由的皱了皱眉头。 The opposite party continue the sinking sound to shout, how? Didn't remember me? Initially when the immortal demon tomb, you may be make me disgraced seriously, I have remembered you......” 对方继续沉声喝道,“怎么?不记得我了?当初在仙魔冢的时候,你可当真是令我颜面扫地,我可是一直都记得你……” Immortal demon tomb? 仙魔冢? The Chu Hen corner of the eye congealed, calms down to look at the opposite party. 楚痕眼角一凝,定神看了眼对方。 Also recalls! 随之回想起来! Profound Yang Gong, Qin He! 玄阳宫,秦赫! ...... …… Qin He! 秦赫! At that time when the immortal demon tomb, Han cloud sect, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge, the profound Yang Gong three big influences took the vanguard team, started the war with it Demon Race army. 当时在仙魔冢之时,翰云宗,齐霄阁,玄阳宫的三大势力作为先锋队伍,与之妖族大军掀起大战。 At that time several talent coping headed by Qin Hewei stood with joint forces in Demon Race that side Bai Qianyu. 当时以秦赫为首的几个天才合力对付站在妖族那边的白浅予 Because former Bai Qianyu had once rescued Chu Hen one time accidentally, when Qin He prepared to display Lianyang near world that recorded kills to incur powerful, Chu Hen directly it breaks, secretly assisted Bai Qianyu to withdraw to leave. 由于之前白浅予曾无意中救过楚痕一次,所以在秦赫准备施展‘莲阳临世’那记强大杀招的时候,楚痕直接将其打断,暗中协助白浅予脱身离开。 Afterward Qin He Qiao Xiaowan and Han by power holding. 后来秦赫将乔小婉和韩以权给抓住了。 Also almost pit Zheng technique. 还差点坑了郑术。 Finally Chu Hen rushed promptly, defeats Qin He, and saved them. 最后楚痕及时赶到,力挫秦赫,并救起了他们。 From immortal demon tomb emergency, already over more than past two years. 距离仙魔冢事变,都已经过去两年多了。 Never expected that comes face to face in these ten thousand bell city today. 没想到今天又在这万钟城狭路相逢。 ...... …… Hey, it seems like it was thinks.” Qin He the facial color is exuding the meanings of many chill/yin cold. “嘿,看来是想起来了。”秦赫面色泛着诸多阴寒之意。 Chu Hen actually does not want to waste the time with it. 楚痕却是不想与之浪费时间。 I have no free time here rubbish with you with you......” “我没空在这里跟你跟你废话……” Then, Chu Hen wants to bypass their several to get out of the way. 说罢,楚痕想要绕过他们几个走开。 But Qin He several people were actually unforgiving, blocked the way of opposite party directly. 可秦赫几人却是不依不饶,直接是拦住了对方的去路。 „To walk, where is so easy?” “想走,哪有这么容易?” ...... …… Chu Hen look one cold, has not arrived at the critical moment, can always present one crowd of abominable things. 楚痕眼神一寒,没到关键时刻,总能出现一群令人心烦的东西。 A nameless fire follows to well up. 一股无名之火跟着涌上心头。 Go away!” “滚!” The ice-cold two characters put out from the throat of Chu Hen directly. 冰冷的两个字直接是从楚痕的喉咙中吐出。 Qin He sneered, „, previous time you made me lose the face countenance greatly, today I must call you dead ugly......” 秦赫冷笑一声,“哼,上次你让我大丢颜面,今天我要叫你死的难看……” The words fall, Qin He raised a boundless imposing manner to flush away toward Chu Hen, concentrates the solid true essence strength if still tidal rushed. 话落,秦赫掀起一股磅礴的气势朝着楚痕冲去,凝实的真元力犹若潮水般涌向出去。 It lifts a hand palm to offer a sacrifice, such as golden flame light mark rapid coverage in Zhangbi high and low. 其抬手一掌祭出,如金色火焰的光纹迅速的覆盖于掌臂上下。 Kneels down to me!” “给我跪下!” If vicious aura wild animal. 凶狠的气息如若野兽。 The prestige of this palm, making the world air current suddenly dry and hot. 这一掌之威,令天地气流急剧燥热。 However, will soon fall on the palm vigor of opposite party to Chu Hen flash, bang......” a heavy explosive sound, saw only lingers all strengths outside Qin He body explodes all becomes myriad powder broken...... 然,就在对方的掌劲即将落到楚痕身上的一瞬间,“砰……”的一声沉重的爆响声,只见萦绕在秦赫身外的所有力量尽数爆碎成万千粉末…… What? 什么? Qin He heart in great surprise. 秦赫心头大惊。 Has not induced, his wrist/skill has been covered by the strong powerful palm directly, the leeway that works loose continually does not have, Chu Hen makes an effort, Qin He the figure the facing forward bow goes instantly...... 还未感应过来,其手腕直接被一直强劲有力的手掌被扣住,连挣脱的余地都没有,楚痕用力一拉,秦赫的身形即刻朝前躬去…… Comes with bone-chilling cold rapid astral wind. 跟着一股凛冽急促的罡风呼啸而至。 Qin He the pupil closely shrank, bang......” a dull thumping sound, its suddenly felt to see stars, has a dizzy spell, knee numerous impacts of Chu Hen on the face of opposite party...... 秦赫的瞳孔紧紧一缩,“砰……”的一记闷响,其顿觉眼冒金星,头晕目眩,楚痕的一记膝盖重重的冲击在对方的脸上…… If throws sandbag that flies. 如抛飞出去的沙包。 Also vicious such as Qin Heza of wild animal fell to the ground a moment ago, the blood bursts out from the mouth and nose, looked that filled to the eye of Chu Hen with amazement. 刚才还凶狠如野兽的秦赫砸倒在地,鲜血从口鼻中迸发,看向楚痕的眼中充满了骇然。 You......” “你……” Even half a loaf of Kung-fu cannot catch. 连一招半式都接不住。 The strength of opposite party unexpectedly changes so terrifying? 对方的实力竟然变的如此恐怖? When startled anger, Qin Henu shouted, gave on me!” 惊怒之余,秦赫怒喝道,“都给我上!” Several profound Yang Gong disciple rushes in abundance goes, erupts the powerful vicious imposing manner. 几个玄阳宫的弟子纷纷冲上前去,一个个爆发出强大的凶狠气势。 ...... …… Here sound attracted other Town Square peripheral people quickly. 这边的动静很快就吸引了中心广场周边的其他人。 The people encircled quickly. 众人很快就围了上来。 What situation?” “什么情况?” „It is not clear, that several probably profound Yang Gong disciple.” “不清楚,那几个好像是玄阳宫的弟子。” ...... …… Bang!” “砰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… Also encircled in the people front leg, back leg the form that follows to suffer one after another hits hard violently follows to shake to fly. 也就在众人前脚围了上来,后脚跟着一道接一道遭受猛烈重击的身影跟着震飞出去。 56 profound Yang Gong disciple, without exception, wails completely in the place, the mouth spits the blood. 五六个玄阳宫的弟子,无一例外,全部都哀嚎在地,口吐鲜血。 Fight! 战斗! In can finish instantaneously! 在瞬间得以结束! Levelled Qin He and the others, Chu Hen wants to be about to leave. 摆平秦赫等人,楚痕就欲准备离开。 But at this moment, an arrogance of burning hot blots out the sky to cover unexpectedly, everywhere colored flower petal dancing in the air vault of heaven, riotous like rain, just like having colored flower rain...... 可就在这时,一股炙热的气焰竟是铺天盖地笼罩而下,漫天的彩色花瓣飞舞天穹,缤纷如雨,宛如下起了一场彩色花雨…… The flower petal sprinkles spatially, lively 3000. 花瓣洒空,繁华三千。 With one group of rosy clouds waves in the sky of square, immediately together completely obviously certainly generation of grace and talents selects the gorgeous red clothes beautiful figure to spin the physique high lightly, such as the dust dances Ji to flash before in empty/sky, appears in the line of sight of people...... 跟着,一团云霞在广场的上空舞动,随即一道尽显绝代风华的高挑艳丽红衣倩影轻旋着身姿,如出尘舞姬般闪现于空,惊现于众人的视线之中…… Yes, is the profound Yang Gong fatal grace and talent, willow Wuyue!” “是,是玄阳宫的致命风华,柳舞月!” In the crowd, spreads the sound that trembles with fear. 人群中,传出惊颤的声音。 ...... …… ...... …… ( The following plot must before has linked up, if forgot Zheng technique Su Lingzhu Qin He willow Wuyue the readers of these people, can review a next beforehand chapter. (接下来的剧情要和之前的有所连贯,如果忘记了‘郑术’‘苏灵竹’‘秦赫’‘柳舞月’这些人的读者们,可以回顾一下之前的章节。 In of immortal demon tomb, almost in 1050 chapters to 1060 chapters around appearance, does not need to examine carefully, approximate swept to recall. Looked directly the chapter the title can also deepen the impression. 在仙魔冢的那块,差不多在“一千零五十章到一千零六十章”前后的样子,也不必细看,大致的扫过一下就能回想起来了。或者直接看章节的标题也能加深印象。 If also has what question, can chase the book review area message of wave novel net, I saw, will reply one by one.) 如果还有什么疑问,可以在逐浪小说网的书评区留言,我看到之后会逐一回复的。)
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