UMDK :: Volume #13

#1265: Purple electricity

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Ten thousand bell city! 万钟城! Southeastern direction vice- city! 东南方向副城! 93 presidential offices! 九十三府院! Compares other vice- city presidential offices, Martial Sect disciple 93 government offices are actually seem quite general, in is quite relatively remote, in various place High Street with it city separated many roads, but also is good, that is the environment is quite peaceful. 相比起其他的副城府院,武宗弟子所住的九十三府却是显得较为一般,地处相对比较偏僻,与之城中各处繁华街道隔了不少的路,不过也有好处,那就是环境比较安静。 In the room, cannot hear outside clamoring noise. 待在房中,丝毫听不到外面的喧哗吵闹声。 It is not spacious, but also calculates in the bright room. 一座并不宽敞,但还算明亮的房间之中。 Chu Hen sits well above the bed, his both eyes shut lightly, both hands make up above the knee. 楚痕端坐于床榻之上,其双目轻闭,双手搭放于膝盖之上。 Because Qiu Xingyi has not assigned what duty to it, when leisure Chu Hen also to practice to kill the bored time. 由于邱星易并没有给其分配什么任务,所以闲暇之余的楚痕也就以修行来打发无聊的时间。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Unexpectedly, a slight strength fluctuation fills the air from Chu Hen within the body, both hands follow to lift slowly, the left hand holds one group of manic dark blue thunder and lightning, the right hand grasps one group of monster different purple flame...... 蓦地,一阵轻微的力量波动从楚痕的体内弥漫开来,双手跟着缓缓抬起,左手持来一团狂躁的暗蓝色雷电,右手握来一团妖异的紫色火焰…… Two all are the overbearing strength in the palm of Chu Hen gradual by approaching the same place. 两股皆是霸道不已的力量在楚痕的掌中逐渐的靠向一起。 „!” “嗤嗤!” Checks the god thunder Hefen lonesome monster flame unreliably, once were contacted, immediately tears the collision like two wild animals mutually, chaotic air currents swing toward the air in...... 玄刹神雷和焚寂妖炎一经接触,顿时如同两头野兽般相互撕扯碰撞,一股股混乱的气流朝着空气中荡开…… The different attribute strengths, will often have the repel. 不同属性的力量,往往都会产生排斥。 Even two strengths coexist a body, can still display simultaneously, but if wants to fuse in them together, derives the new strength, is actually especially difficult...... 即便两种力量共存一体,也能够同时进行施展,可若想将它们融合在一起,衍生出新的力量,却是尤为艰难…… After all under normal circumstances, one plus one is equal to two forever. 毕竟在正常情况下,一加一永远都等于二。 But, at this moment, the true essence strength of Chu Hen within the body starts to revolve in a fresh way, concentrate the solid air/Qi mark to collect in the double palms of Chu Hen interweaves mutually the winding, with, an invisible strong strength swamps into that dark blue thunder and lightning and purple monster flame interior, in an instant, the strength of two groups of overbearing energy conduct the flowing rotation with the same path unexpectedly...... 而,就在这时,楚痕体内的真元力于一种全新的方式开始运转,一道道凝实的气纹汇集于楚痕的双掌之间相互交织缠绕,跟着,一股无形的强劲力量涌入那暗蓝色雷电和紫色妖炎的内部,霎那间,两团霸道的能源之力竟是以相同的轨迹进行流动轮转…… Rumble!” “隆隆!” In the air spreads the strength to interlock the depressed sound of friction unceasingly, in a steady stream just like the dream ripple connection, the turbulent wave of terrifying dark vigor non-stop divulges. 空气中不断传出力量交错摩擦的沉闷声响,宛若梦幻纹波交汇,汹涌如潮的恐怖暗劲源源不停的宣泄开来。 Entire room in faint shivers anxiously. 整个房间都在隐隐的颤抖不安。 Whish......” an air current trembles, the wall ground in room appears instantly dazzling marks. “哗……”的一声空气流颤,房间内的墙壁地面即刻浮现出一道道绚丽夺目的阵纹。 In order to avoid cultivating alarms is alarmed to others or by others, Chu Hen arranged before then prevented rune/symbol array who the external force divulged. 为了避免修炼时惊扰到别人或被别人惊扰,楚痕在这之前就布置了防止外力宣泄的符阵。 ...... …… Strength that two continuously fuse even more violent chaotic, the fluctuation of energy that sends out especially moves restlessly. 两股不断融合的力量愈发的猛烈混乱,散发出来的能量波动尤为躁动。 Whish!” “哗!” Chu Hen opens both eyes suddenly, in the pupil shines through the swift and fierce ray. 楚痕豁然睁开双目,眸中透射出凌厉的光芒。 About!” “合!” Buzz!” “嗡!” Powerful air wave complementary waves sweep across, blue purple two light groups also integrate in the same place, the next flash, the powerful more than ten times of imposing manners followed to fill the air compared with it a moment ago, the palm of Chu Hen is glittering impressively one group of purple thunder and lightning...... 一圈强盛的气浪余波席卷开来,一蓝一紫两个光团随之融入在一起,下一瞬间,一股比之刚才强盛十几倍的气势跟着弥漫而出,楚痕的掌心赫然闪烁着一团紫色的雷电…… The interior of purple thunder and lightning has the blue light shadow to flee, gorgeous incomparable, dazzling. 紫色雷电的内部有着蓝色光影窜动,绚丽无比,璀璨夺目。 What is more astonishing is from its interior transmits, but fierce fluctuation of energy. 更为惊人的还是从其内部传达而出的剧烈能量波动。 Manic seems a beast of prey. 狂躁的好似一头猛兽。 ...... …… Chu Hen at present one bright, the heart is pleasantly surprised. 楚痕眼前一亮,心头惊喜不已。 This is by burning the lonesome monster flame and checks the product that the god thunder fusion becomes unreliably! 这便是由焚寂妖炎和玄刹神雷融合而成的产物! Good astonishing strength......” “好惊人的力量……” When heart startled, Chu Hen gradual toward inputs the true essence strength, the purple thunder and lightning light group in palm is even more powerful, the volume is getting bigger and bigger...... 心惊之际,楚痕逐步的朝着其中输入真元力量,掌中的紫色雷电光团愈发强盛,体积越来越大…… The entire room was shone upon the purple immediately. 整个房间顿时都被映照成了紫色。 In the pupil of Chu Hen is beating the purple light lightning faintly. 就连楚痕的瞳孔之中都隐隐跳动着紫光闪电。 Even more powerful strength imposing manner intensifies unceasingly, symbol in room sends out anxious rocking, with „......” a crack sound, on all around wall actually rapid splits open the innumerable say/way dense and numerous slight slits...... 越发强大的力量气势不断加剧,房间内的符阵发出不安的晃动,随着“咔嚓……”一声裂响,四周的墙壁上却是迅速的绽开无数道密密麻麻的细微缝隙…… Chu Hen heart slightly startled, the strength of hastily releasing restrains. 楚痕心头微惊,连忙将释放出去的力量进行收敛。 „......” “嗤嗤……” At once, the purple thunder and lightning rapid reduction in palm, changes to several electric arcs and purple glow subsequently dissipates in the air. 旋即,掌中的紫色雷电迅速的缩小回去,继而化作几道电弧和紫芒消散在空气中。 Feels also remains the powerful aura in room, on the face of Chu Hen is surging the faint trace joyful color. 感受着还残留在房间内的强盛气息,楚痕的脸上涌动着丝丝喜悦之色。 This Primal Chaos Art really mysterious incomparable, can check the strength fusion of god thunder Hefen lonesome monster flame unexpectedly unreliably so perfect......” “这‘混元诀’果然神奇无比,竟能把玄刹神雷和焚寂妖炎的力量融合的如此完美……” Although in had also once merged two strengths with the fight of it enemy in the past, but that is only the coordination uses merely. 虽说以往自己也曾在与之敌人的战斗中将两股力量合并过,但那仅仅只是配合使用。 In the thunder and lightning is doping the monster flame. 雷电中掺杂着妖炎。 In the monster flame erupts the thunder and lightning. 或者妖炎中爆发出雷电。 But, created the third new strength a moment ago directly, purple electricity...... 而,刚才直接是创造出了第三种新型的力量,紫电…… This time, one plus one actually distant is bigger than two. 这一次,一加一却是远远的大于二。 ...... …… That martial learn/study really customizes for you.” Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird of in within the body also slightly has the surprise sighed lightly. “那部武学果然是为你量身定做的。”其体内的圣翼天炎雀也略有诧异的轻叹道。 Chu Hen smiles, in the foreheads is surging the appearance of flying upwards. 楚痕笑了笑,眉宇间涌动着飞扬的神采。 Now I fuse in formed together so powerful purple electricity two strengths ‚’, does not know that what effect again one and integrates to have several other strengths......” “现在我才将两种力量融合在一起就形成了如此强大的‘紫电’,不知道再将另外几种力量一并融入起来会有什么样的效果……” Also without the learned walks, wants to learn to jog?” Said to the light taunt not lightly, different attribute strengths are more, the repel is stronger, if the control is not good, created backlash also enough makes you drink a pot......” “还没学会走路,就想学会跑步呢?”莫轻离淡淡的嘲讽道,“不同属性的力量越多,相互间的排斥就越强,如果控制不好的话,造成的反噬也够让你喝一壶的……” First thinks that I know I have several jin (0.5 kg) several two.” “只是先想想而已,我知道自己有几斤几两。” That is good!” “那就好!” ...... …… Chu Hen helpless smiling. 楚痕无奈的莞尔一笑。 Although Primal Chaos Art mysterious powerful, the difficulty of cultivation is also big. 虽说‘混元诀’神奇强大,不过修炼的难度也是不小的。 From starts in Martial Sect, one month, oneself also just completed the comprehension of preliminary rank. 从在武宗的时候开始,一个多月的时间,自己也才刚刚完成了初步级别的领悟。 Has saying that regarding just created purple electricity that’ becomes, is actually especially satisfied. 不得不说,对于刚刚所创造而成的‘紫电’,却是尤为满意。 ...... …… At this time, lithe sound of footsteps spread to the Chu Hen ear. 这时,门外一阵轻盈的脚步声传入楚痕耳中。 elder brother Chu Hen, you in inside?” 楚痕哥哥,你在里面吗?” Ye Yao takes the lead to transmit. 叶瑶的率先传来。 At once is the Long Xuanshuang sound, „, if he in practicing, does not disturb him.” 旋即是龙玄霜的声音,“要是他在修行的话,就别打扰他了。” The Chu Hen vision lifts lightly, then sets out to get out of bed, goes to open the gate. 楚痕目光轻抬,接着起身下床,前去把门打开。 Sees only out of the door besides Ye Yao and Long Xuanshuang, Zhao Qing clothes, Zhao Qing cai brother and sister. 只见门外除了叶瑶龙玄霜之外,还有赵青衣,赵青裁兄妹。 What's wrong?” Chu Hen asked. “怎么了?”楚痕问道。 No, we treated in the room were too stuffy, wants to ask you to go to the main city to stroll...... Zhao Qing cai to say together. “没什么,我们待在房间里太闷了,想叫上你一起去主城里面逛逛……”赵青裁说道。 Looks to look Ye Yao several people of anticipation, Chu Hen does to hesitate slightly, then nods. 看着面露期待的叶瑶几人,楚痕稍作迟疑,然后点点头。 Good, that goes together!” “好,那一起去吧!” Un!” Ye Yao pleasantly surprised nod, is holding black white cat Nauny's happy shaking in hand. “嗯!”叶瑶惊喜的点点头,抱着手中的黑白猫诺尼开心的晃晃了。 ...... …… Ten thousand bell city! 万钟城! Main city! 主城! The entire ten thousand bell city area is especially open broadly. 整个万钟城的面积尤为开阔宽广。 The relations that because the holy war recruits, in the city gathered the young disciples of various innumerable factions, even the spacious street, for serveral days were still continuous, crowd many like ant. 因为圣战征召的关系,城内聚集了无数各门各派的年轻弟子,即便再宽敞的街道,这些天也是川流不息,人群多如蚂蚁。 Both sides of street, are standing erect numerously old, is sending out the building of plain aura. 街道的两旁,矗立着众多年代久远,散发着古朴气息的建筑物。 In the peak of that construction, is hanging many unusual ancient bell. 在那建筑的顶端,悬挂着很多奇特的古钟。 All sorts of strange and unusual, all kinds of ancient bell, outlined the unusual unique scenery. 千奇百怪,各种各样的古钟,勾勒出了与众不同的独特风景。 ...... …… Really lively!” “真热闹!” For a long time has not seen so many people.” “好久没见到这么多的人了。” Haha, if young Wan, happy buying, will definitely eat.” “哈哈,要是小婉在的话,肯定会高兴的买买买,吃吃吃。” ...... …… Ye Yao while looking around fun, spoke thoughtlessly to raise in Qiao Xiaowan of ancestor butterfly clan. 叶瑶在四处找着好玩的同时,也不由的随口提起了一下远在祖蝶一族的乔小婉 I also like buying, eats, we must play today all the way, therefore all, my brother pays a bill......” Zhao Qing cai is also quite happy, could see, she and Ye Yao are the interest are also congenial. “我也喜欢买买买,吃吃吃,我们今天要玩个够,所以的一切,我哥哥付账……”赵青裁也是颇为高兴,看得出,她和叶瑶两人也是兴趣相投。 The following Zhao Qing clothes corner of the eye pulls out faintly, as if saw shears the meat scene. 后面的赵青衣眼角隐隐一抽,仿佛看到了‘割肉’般的场景。 Chu Hen shakes the head, looks at the front two people with a smile. 楚痕摇了摇头,笑着看着前面两个人。 Really lively!” Long Xuanshuang is also a rare coming out powder heart, peaceful be used to it, came out to feel the lively atmosphere occasionally, felt a little good. “真热闹啊!”龙玄霜也是难得出来散一下心,安静习惯了,偶尔出来感受一下热闹的氛围,也还觉得有点不错。 This made me think our native place continuous rain star city......” Chu Hen said. “这让我想到了我们的老家霖星城……”楚痕开口说道。 Un?” Long Xuanshuang is startled, does puzzled asking, have the similarity?” “嗯?”龙玄霜微怔,不解的问道,“有相似的地方吗?” Chu Hen nods, has, in childhood, you must go out each time, I must follow on the heels......” 楚痕点头,“有,小时候,每次你要出去,我都要跟在后面……” Long Xuanshuang smiles, „, but each I hurried back you time, does not make you follow I, then you also cry to look for Long Qingyang to complain!” 龙玄霜笑了笑,“可是每一次我都把你赶回去了,不让你跟着我,然后你还哭着去找龙青阳告状呢!” ...... …… Recalled childhood matter, two people cannot bear smiled. 一回想起小时候的事情,两人都忍不住的笑了起来。 Also thinks for a long time these have not met early man. 同时也想到了那些许久未曾见面的‘旧人’。 A light missing gloomy mood looks like the infinite spread spider web, surrounds in the heart. 一份淡淡的思念愁绪就像是无限蔓延的蜘蛛网,环绕在心头。 ...... …… elder brother Chu Hen, the profound frost elder sister, I buys a mask for you......” 楚痕哥哥,玄霜姐姐,我给你们买个面具……” Ye Yao jumps runs up to two people front that and jumps. 叶瑶又蹦又跳的跑到两人的面前。 Sees only on the face that she and Zhao Qing cut a person to wear a mask of little monkey, on the Yin-Yang beast Nauny's head brings the mask of clown in Chinese drama, is seemingly funny and lovable. 只见她和赵青裁的脸上一个人戴着一个小猴子的面具,就连阴阳兽诺尼的脑袋上都带着个小花脸的面罩,看上去滑稽又可爱。 Ye Yao also gave Long Xuanshuang and Chu Hen handed over one. 叶瑶随之给龙玄霜楚痕递了一个。 Looked, should very be good......” “戴戴看,应该会很不错……” What Long Xuanshuang is a silver female monster mask, long and narrow corner of the eye, corners of the mouth of rising, a little evil charm. 龙玄霜的是一个银色的女妖面具,狭长的眼角,上扬的嘴角,有点邪魅。 The Chu Hen mask design is a design of tiger, the picture quite lovable shape. 楚痕的面具图案则是一个老虎的图案,画的比较可爱的形状。 At the request of Ye Yao, two people took the mask. 叶瑶的要求下,两人先后把面具带上。 Profound frost elder sister brings real attractive, elder brother Chu Hen......, good funny......” “玄霜姐姐带的真好看,楚痕哥哥……哈哈,好搞笑……” The covering mouth that Ye Yao cannot bear said with a smile. 叶瑶忍不住的掩嘴笑道。 Returning that Chu Hen also pretends to be angry said, which shop this is buys? I smashed that shop......” 楚痕也装作生气的回道,“这是哪家店买的?我去砸了那家店……” Is that stall......” “就是那个小摊……” Ye Yao will point out conveniently in the future. 叶瑶随手往后指道。 Chu Hen subconscious looks toward the opposite party that side, by dozens meters crowd, the front can see that indistinctly a stall that hangs the mask to sell. 楚痕下意识的朝着对方那边望去,透过几十米的人群,前方隐约可以看到一个挂着面具售卖的小摊。 In the stall chocked up the unusual mask of all forms. 摊位上摆满了形形色色的奇特面具。 Several young men and women select and purchase the sample that oneself like in front of the stall. 好几个年轻的男女在摊位面前选购自己喜欢的样品。 All appeared normal. 一切都显得再正常不过了。 The slender form that the instance that while the Chu Hen preparation moves to the vision, that stall of side selects high picked off the mask on face gently, and returns the original position it...... 正当楚痕准备把目光移回来的瞬间,那个摊位的旁侧的一道高挑的纤细身影轻轻的拿掉了脸上的面具,并将其放回到原处…… That is a very simple mask. 那是一个很简单的面具。 The design is a bit like to the small fox, the kitten and so on. 图案有点类似于小狐狸,小猫之类的。 However, when the corner of the eye split vision in a hurry has shot a look at the profile of that say/way young form, the pupil of Chu Hen closely shrinks, the heart cannot bear trembles...... 然而,当匆匆的眼角余光瞥过那道年轻身影的侧脸之时,楚痕的瞳孔紧紧一缩,心脏也忍不住的为之一颤…… In the mind appears impressively the bright eyes like Chen, elegant makings beautiful form. 其脑海中赫然浮现出明眸如辰,雍容华贵气质的美丽身影。 Just before leaving that day, in her eye filled the heartrending sadness. 临走的那一天,她的眼中充满了令人心碎的哀伤。 Distant is looking at the form in that tide of people, close, as if the day separates the horizon. 远远的望着那道人潮之中的身影,近在咫尺,仿佛又天隔天涯。 Is familiar like that! 是那般的熟悉! Made one be hard to dismiss from mind like that! 那般的令人难以忘怀! That is...... Huangfu Qing? 那个是……皇甫情
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