UMDK :: Volume #13

#1264: Ten thousand bell city

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Martial Sect past events that after listening to Wu Yan and Wang Li told, Chu Hen, Ye Yao and the others sobbed. 在听完吴岩和王黎所讲述的武宗往事之后,楚痕,叶瑶等人不禁一阵唏嘘。 This thinks that Martial Sect compared with it past was more and more strong influence. 本以为武宗比之以往是越来越强的势力。 Has not expected time, compares the previous holy war to recruit the period, regressed unexpectedly much. 未曾料到,相比较上一次的圣战征召时期,竟然还退步了不少。 Has saying that that Lingyun sect the method is really vicious enough. 不得不说,那‘凌云宗’的手段真是有够狠毒的。 A holy war recruits, almost made entire Martial Sect move toward the destruction. 一次圣战征召,差点令整个武宗走向覆灭。 If not for if created dream to return to the star boundary under the Eastern permanent leadership this grade of divine object, only feared that the present Martial Sect third-class influence cannot stand in line continually. 倘若不是在东方恒之的带领下创造出了‘梦回星境’这等神物,只怕现在的武宗连三流势力都排不上。 During the exclamation permanent has the great ability to be able in the East greatly, the innermost feelings of people do not have the anticipation like before like that. 在惊叹于东方恒之身怀大才大能的同时,众人的内心已然不像之前那般存在期待。 Pressure that what replaces it is the unprecedented sense of urgency and derives unceasingly. 取而代之的是前所未有的紧迫感和不断衍生的压力。 Three best quality goods sacred body, more than ten high-grade sacred body bloodline limit powerful lineups, actually in the previous holy war recruits all the disastrous Yu Lingyun ancestor's hand time...... 三位极品圣体,十几位上品圣体血脉界限的强大阵容,却是在上一次的圣战征召中尽数惨败于凌云宗之手…… This year, this/should what course to follow? 今年,又该何去何从? The holy war recruits! 圣战征召! The brutal degree, not one month ago the war of sect gate can the comparison. 其残酷程度,远非一个月前进行的宗门之战所能够比拟。 This time, is the destruction falls an entire sect gate influence even the slightest misstep directly the life and death battlefield. 这次稍有不慎,直接就是覆灭掉一整个宗门势力的生死战场。 ...... …… Zhao Qing cuts, Ye Yao, Wu Yan and the others no longer spoke. 赵青裁,叶瑶,吴岩等人都不再说话。 A moment ago also the relaxed happy atmosphere, quietly changed was more dignified. 刚才还轻松愉快的氛围,悄然变的凝重许多。 The people this time understand that this time goes to recruit the duty of place to have how arduously, presses the burden/shoulder pole on shoulder to be deep. 众人这次才明白此番前往征召之地的任务有多么的繁重,压在肩膀上的担子何等深沉。 Seemingly discouraged your enthusiasm......” Wang Li to touch the nose, slightly awkward smiling. “貌似打击到你们的积极性了……”王黎摸了摸鼻子,略显尴尬的笑了笑。 No!” The faint tranquil sound spits from the Chu Hen mouth lightly. “没有呢!”淡漠平静的声音从楚痕的口中轻吐而出。 The heart of people are startled, catches the eye to look, saw only the Chu Hen vision decidedly still just like the water of well. 众人的心头一怔,抬眼望去,只见楚痕的目光仍旧决然的宛如古井之水。 The sinking sound said, these things must know sooner or later, with it faces the difficult position when the time comes the time helpless, is mentally prepared would rather now.” 其沉声说道,“这些事情早晚都是要知道的,与其到时候面对困境的时候手足无措,倒不如现在就做好心理准备。” Wang Li at present slightly bright, looks the little surprise. 王黎的眼前微亮,面露几许诧异。 Wu Yanyi nods, said right, although some pressures, but the holy war recruits not everyone to bump into, if not participate, I will regret for a lifetime!” 吴岩亦是点了点头,“说的没错,虽然有些压力,但圣战征召并不是每个人都能碰到的,如果不参加,我会后悔一辈子!” Innermost feelings the light of anticipation renews. 内心的期待之光重新燃起。 But with it compared with, were many a moment ago one point of prudent. 但与之刚才相比较,却是多了一分慎重。 ...... …… ...... …… „!” “咻!” The giant gold/metal boat shuttle world, the navigation causes under the vault of heaven. 巨大的金舟穿梭天地,航使于苍穹之下。 gold/metal Zhou speed very rapidness. 金舟的速度非常之快。 Goes forward at several thousand li (0.5 km) speed every hour. 每个小时都以数千里的速度前进。 Night and day fast vanguard, crosses the mountains and rivers desert, exertion that various territory dynasties, consecutively more than ten days do not stand still, the people have been far away in the Martial Sect background. 无日无夜的快速前行,越过山河瀚海,各域王朝,连续十多天不停歇的行使,众人早已是远离于武宗来路。 Cry......” “唳……” Under the resonant eagle howl long jab expansive sky, the indistinct fog winds around, front praised the vast large-scale city broadly gradually presents in the field of vision of people. 嘹亮的鹰啸声直击长空,飘渺的云雾缭绕下,前方一座广褒辽阔的大型城池逐渐呈现在众人的视野之中。 Ten thousand bell city arrived!” “万钟城到了!” In an instant, the people all stand up, the vision is forecasting the remote front land. 霎那间,众人皆是站起身来,目光展望着遥远的前方大地。 Qiu Xingyi, Pei Ye, the pond thousand hawks, Wang Li, Chu Hen and the others opens both eyes one after another, in the pupil discloses the bright and beautiful fine glow...... 邱星易,裴烨,池千莺,王黎,楚痕等人相继睁开双目,眸中透露出亮丽的精芒…… Oh! Is that ten thousand bell city? Also was too rather lordly?” “哇哦!那就是万钟城吗?未免也太气派了吧?” „Similar to the small country.” “就跟个小国家差不多。” ...... …… Distant looks, ten thousand bell city inside and outside structures are quite unusual, the middle is a giant main city, all around also has vice- cities. 远远的望去,万钟城的内外结构颇为奇特,中间是一座巨大的主城,四周还有一座座副城。 In the style grand city the building is close, just like the stars surrounding the moon, is eye-catching unconsciously. 气派雄伟的城中建筑鳞次栉比,宛如众星拱月,不觉令人眼前一亮。 It is said ten thousand bell city had over ten thousand years of history, inside many constructions are retaining the ten thousand years ago styles, its biggest characteristics, were hanging in the city wall construct the above ancient bell...... the rumor these every large or small ancient bell numbers to add to have more than 19,000......” “据说万钟城拥有上万年的历史了,里面很多建筑都保留着万年之前的风格,其最大的特征,就是悬挂在城墙建筑上面的古钟……传言那些大大小小古钟的数量加起来有一万九千多个……” Has the Martial Sect disciple of having great learning to tell. 有学识渊博的武宗弟子讲述道。 Haha, it seems like before the holy war recruits opening, can stroll actually everywhere first.” “哈哈,看来在圣战征召开启之前,倒是可以四处逛逛先。” Sure, believes that the disciples of other patriarchal clans almost should come, inquires the information while convenient and so on.” “当然可以,相信其他宗族的弟子差不多都应该来了,顺便打探一下情报之类的。” This feasibility!” “这个可行!” ...... …… Roar!” “吼!” When close to ten thousand bell city east side, the startled day ominous beast roaring sound resounds through together. 临近万钟城东面之时,一道惊天的凶兽咆哮声响彻开来。 The heart of people slightly startled, with seeing only more than ten wears silver Saint armor, grasps in the city of long spear/gun the guard to harness a huge tiger eagle giant beast toward here to graze, but to...... 众人的心头微惊,跟着只见十几道身披银色圣甲,手持长枪的城中守卫驾着一尊庞大的虎鹰巨兽朝着这边飞掠而至…… We are the city main mansion convoy guards, I am team leader Zhou Gui, does not know that came from where?” “我们是城主府的护卫队,我乃队长周桧,不知诸位来自何处?” That is the person of figure head is big, vision sharp like eagle. 那为首之人身形高大,目光犀利如鹰。 Qiu Xingyi steps front of great boat, both hands holds the fist in the other hand slightly, said that „below Qiu Xingyi, Martial Sect disciple!” 邱星易踏上巨舟的前端,双手微微抱拳,道,“在下邱星易,武宗弟子!” That guards the team leader at present one bright, slightly feels surprised saying, originally is Martial Sect Qiu Xingyi, Qiu big talent...... I and others had disrespectfully, but also looks to excuse me......” 那守卫队长的眼前一亮,略感惊讶的说道,“原来是武宗的邱星易,邱大天才……我等有所失礼,还望见谅……” Your excellency was polite!” “阁下客气了!” Does not know Qiutian recruited to command to bring?” That person continues to say. “不知邱天才的‘征召谕令’带了没有?”那人继续说道。 Qiu Xingyi nods, at once lifts the hand to turn, East before permanent will give his golden Bu this/Ben to present. 邱星易点了点头,旋即抬手一翻,将之前东方恒之交给他的金色簿本呈上。 The opposite party separate to empty Bu this/Ben connects in the hand, cautious spreads out it, the vision one sweeps above, then nods, and returns in Qiu Xingyi front...... 对方隔空将簿本接入手中,小心翼翼的将其摊开,目光在上面一扫而过,接着点了点头,并又归还于邱星易的面前…… Is recruits to command right, may flow cloud Jinzhou stops below park Zhoutai this ‚’ on......” “是征召谕令没错,诸位可将这流云金舟停于下方的‘泊舟台’上……” The week Chinese juniper says, and aims at a below broad large-scale location. 周桧开口说道,并指向下方的一座广阔的大型场地。 Has been anchoring large great boats in that location. 在那座场地上早已是停靠着一艘艘体积庞大的巨舟。 The great boat of orderly sorting, looks like lies is magnificent in ground Monster Beast. 井然排序的巨舟,就像是趴在地上的妖兽般壮观雄伟。 ...... …… Immediately, in Zhou Gui and the others under direction, huge gold/metal boat gentle landing in the vacancy on below park Zhou stage. 随即,在周桧等人的指引下,庞大的金舟平缓的降落于下方的泊舟台上的空位中。 Disciple also departure of one after another Martial Sect treated more than ten days of gold/metal boats. 武宗的众弟子也都陆陆续续的离开待了十多天的金舟。 Meanwhile Zhou Gui and other numerous guard also flashes falls in the ground. 同时周桧等一众守卫也闪落于地面。 „The dwelling arrangement of Martial Sect disciple in southeast 93 presidential offices, please come along with me......” 武宗弟子的住处安排在东南方向的‘九十三府院’,诸位请随我来……” Had the work!” Returning of Qiu Xingyi politeness said. “有劳了!”邱星易礼貌的回道。 Unobstructive!” “无碍!” In Zhou Gui and the others under leadership, vice- city of 3000 Martial Sect disciple enormous and powerful entries of southeast in direction to ten thousand bell cities. 在周桧等人的带领下,三千名武宗弟子浩浩荡荡的进入到万钟城东南方向的一座副城之中。 In the lord vice- city of peripheral size, extremely busy. 周边大小的主副城中,热闹非凡。 Distant spreads many jubilant congratulations sounds. 远远的就传出诸多欢腾的庆贺声音。 ...... …… It seems like had many sect gate influence first to arrive?” Qiu Xingyi spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “看来有不少宗门势力已经先到了?”邱星易随口问道。 Zhou Gui nods, indeed, must say, your Martial Sect comes is also quite late, a half month ago, had sect gate to arrive one after another.” 周桧点了点头,“的确,要说起来,你们武宗来的还算是比较晚的,早在半个多月前,就有宗门陆续抵达了。” Half a month ago came?” “半个月前就来了?” Good, even several schools commanded at the holy war just issued that did not have to come today.” “不错,甚至还有个别几个门派在圣战谕令刚发布没今天就来了。” People secret surprise. 众人暗暗诧异。 When surprised but actually also feels logical. 惊讶之余倒也觉得顺理成章。 After all regarding any sect gate race, the holy war recruits is the grand occasion that the land most regards as important, ahead of time comes to here, can obtain many about the news information of holy war and chaotic demon domain ruins. 毕竟对于任何一个宗门种族而言,圣战征召都是中陆最为看重的盛事,提前到这里来,能够获得不少关于圣战和乱魔界域遗址的消息情报。 ...... …… In a while, the people arrived in 93 presidential offices. 没过多久,众人就抵达了‘九十三府院’。 The area of presidential office is very spacious, inside has the house of platoon, simple waterside pavilion pavilion, rockery pond...... 府院的面积还是非常宽敞的,里面有成排的房屋,简单的水榭凉亭,假山池塘…… Although is far from the attire to be luxurious, but was cleanly is also comfortable. 虽然谈不上装束奢华,但也算是干净舒适了。 Is nearer day ten thousand bell Chengnei population is too many, can only put in great inconvenience makes to put up with suddenly!” “近些天万钟城内的人数太多,只能委屈诸位将就一下了!” Week Chinese juniper light saying. 周桧淡淡的说道。 „It is not suffering, many thanks the arrangement of expensive/noble city!” “一点不委屈,多谢贵城的安排!” Was polite! If all right, we first walked.” “客气了!如果没什么事的话,那我们就先走了。” Then, Zhou Gui and the others want to leave. 说罢,周桧等人就欲离开。 But, at this moment, Qiu Xingyi holds on the opposite party unexpectedly. 而,就在这时,邱星易竟是拉住对方。 Chief Zhou Gui, waits a bit!” “周桧队长,稍等一下!” What matter does Qiutian have?” “邱天才还有何事?” Qiu Xingyi smiles temperately, subsequently returns said that hurried that our time comes, cannot prepare what gift gift expensive/noble city main...... this moon/month glow armor, although is not the precious thing, but also is god armor, hopes that Chief Zhou Gui not shut out to well......” 邱星易温和一笑,继而回道,“我们这次来的匆忙,未能准备什么礼物赠予贵城主……这件‘月芒甲’虽然不是什么贵重的东西,但也算是一件神甲,希望周桧队长不要嫌弃为好……” Then, Qiu Xingyi lifts the hand to turn, in the palm has a colored glaze that instantly is glittering the dense white light fights armor. 说罢,邱星易抬手一翻,掌中即刻多出了一件闪烁着氤氲白光的琉璃战甲。 Is the heart is all startled in it behind many Martial Sect disciple. 在其身后的众多武宗弟子皆是心头一惊。 Doesn't know Qiu Xingyi so-called what intent? 不知邱星易所谓何意? Gives the opposite party unexpectedly a divine tool. 竟然送给对方一件神器。 Wang Li, Chu Hen, pond thousand hawks and other human eye corners/horns concentrate, when is surprised, shakes the head secretly. 王黎,楚痕,池千莺等人眼角微凝,惊讶之余,不由暗暗摇头。 ...... …… Qiutian is this what intent?” Zhou Gui narrowed the eye, actually feigns the puzzled its meaning. “邱天才这是何意?”那周桧眯起了眼睛,却是佯装不解其意。 „A intention, wants to become friends with Chief Zhou Gui below.” “一点心意而已,在下还想和周桧队长交个朋友。” The week Chinese juniper selected the brow, smiled saying with a smile, hehe, such being the case, Qiutian this friend, my Zhou handed over......” 周桧挑了挑眉头,笑了笑道,“呵呵,既然如此,邱天才这个朋友,我周某人就交下了……” Saying, the opposite party received moon/month of glow god armor from Qiu Xingyi hand, not busy puts in the bag. 说着,对方从邱星易的手中接过月芒神甲,并不忙不忙的收入囊中。 That...... the Qiutian talent, as the friend, I reminded your, central point that this holy war recruited and dense spoon related......” “那个……邱天才,作为朋友,我提醒你一下,这次圣战征召的中心点和‘密匙’有关……” Dense spoon? 密匙? The mind of people all raises. 众人的心神皆是一提。 Wang Li also goes forward one step, the sinking sound asks, what dense spoon? Can talk clearly?” 王黎随之上前一步,沉声问道,“什么密匙?能否说清楚点?” The week Chinese juniper shot a look at opposite party one eyes lightly, actually shakes the head with a smile. 周桧淡淡的瞥了对方一眼,却是笑着摇了摇头。 Sorry, I can only say so many, your Fatigue of travel, first please rest! We said goodbye......” “抱歉,我只能说这么多,你们舟车劳顿了,先请休息吧!我们告辞……” At once, does not need the people to ask, Zhou Gui and the others on selfish turns around to leave. 旋即,也不待众人多问,周桧等人就自顾自的转身离开。 ...... …… Looks to vanish in one group of entrance, the Martial Sect disciples all are extremely angry criticizing. 看着消失在门口的一行人,武宗众弟子皆是愤愤的暗骂不已。 „, His Sir, war armor of god level, changes dense spoon these two characters.” “靠,他大爷的,一件神级的战甲,才换来‘密匙’这两个字。” What information is this?” “这算是哪门子的情报?” Owed!” “太亏了!” Us, when the fool does deceive?” “把我们当傻子糊弄呢?” ...... …… The people feel unworthy for Qiu Xingyi all. 众人无不替邱星易感到不值。 God armor, such waste in vain. 一件神甲,就这么白白的浪费掉了。 However, Qiu Xingyi as if does not care. 不过,邱星易似乎并不在意。 It turns round to say with a smile to the people, is all right, the information that god armor, to us, the collection holy war recruits is most important...... distance chaotic demon domain ruins opening also three days, everyone adjusts the condition well......” 其回身对众人笑道,“没事,一件神甲而已,对我们而言,收集圣战征召的情报最为重要……距离‘乱魔界域遗址’开启还有三天,大家都好好调整一下状态……” Immediately, it is said to Wang Li and pond thousand hawks, your two laborious, goes to main city, gains many intelligence information as far as possible.” 随即,其又对王黎和池千莺道,“你们两位辛苦一下,去主城一趟,尽量获取到更多的情报信息。”
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