UMDK :: Volume #13

#1263: Chaotic demon domain

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Deep blue highest heaven vault of heaven, clear and boundless sky! 湛蓝的九霄天穹,晴空万里! If a huge golden great boat prehistoric giant beast the shuttle vanguard in that vast boundless void, the situation is boundless, incomparably enormous and powerful...... 一艘庞大的金色巨舟如若史前巨兽般的在那浩瀚无际的虚空之中穿梭前行,大势磅礴,无比浩荡…… The two wings of great boat, have a wingspan hundred meters great eagle to escort. 巨舟的两翼,有着翼展百米的巨鹰保驾护航。 The so magnificent picture, has to plant with a wind rising typhoon ten thousand li (0.5 km) potential. 如此壮观的画面,却是有种同风扶摇万里之势。 In the great boat, is gathering the Martial Sect 3000 disciples. 巨舟之中,聚集着武宗三千名弟子。 The disciples have to sit in the station, has to place oneself in great boat edge looks into distant mountains beautiful scene. 众弟子有坐有站,亦有置身于巨舟边缘处眺望远方山川美景者。 The entire great boat does not have the roof board, almost opens wide comprehensively, the gale front surface that whatever that howls assails. 整座巨舟没有顶篷,几乎是全面敞开,任由那呼啸的大风迎面吹袭而来。 ...... …… I was quick the exciting jumping up day, never expected that my Wu Mian can attend the holy war to recruit this grade of grand occasion in the lifetime unexpectedly.” “我都快兴奋的跳上天了,没想到我吴勉在有生之年竟能够参加圣战征召这等盛事。” A month ago starts, the mood of Wu Mian as well as numerous Martial Sect disciple especially stimulated, now is the degree that is hard to suppress. 从一个月前开始,吴勉以及众多武宗弟子的情绪都尤为的亢奋,现在更是达到了难以压制的程度。 Cuts......” the hiss to transmit together, four forms arrive at Wu Mian front, what thinks? Wu Laoer, your level, I really worried that you receive work in the battlefield that the holy war recruits are about two days!” “切……”一道嘘声传来,四道身影走到吴勉的面前,“想什么呢?吴老二,就你这种水平,我真担心你在圣战征召的战场上活不过两天!” Wu Mian corner of the eye one slanting, disdained shot a look at opposite party one eyes. 吴勉眼角一斜,不屑的瞥了对方一眼。 Ding cloudling, depends on your four trash, feels all right to taunt me? My really suspicion your four people run secretly, at your levels, will be selected into here unexpectedly?” “丁小云,就凭你们这四个渣渣,也好意思来嘲讽我?我真的怀疑你们四个人是不是偷偷跑上来的,以你们的水平,竟然会被选入这里?” What did you say?” “你说什么呢?” Can speak the logical expression?” “会不会说人话?” How our four were the trash?” “我们四个怎么就是渣渣了?” ...... …… The Ding cloudling four people are to express the protest directly. 丁小云四人直接是表示抗议。 Wu Mianxiao has cocky narrowed the eye, is pointing at four humanity, said that you are the trash have not been convinced, you, Ding cloudling, oneself not half twofold, but also feels all right to become the eldest child, what calling is not good, called arrogant day team, was really the pug dog bites moon, extremely arrogant...... also had you, wild monkey, long monkey-like, thin resulted in wooden bamboo pole, has not eaten to sate the appetite since childhood? What do you stare to stare? Silly big, your name obtains to be just right for your image actually, iron gate, but you how on hyphenated name Ouyang? really mother's white reckless such aggressive surname, that......, the little beautiful younger sister, heard that you single, can consider the elder brother?” 吴勉小有得瑟的眯了眯眼,然后指着四人道,“说你们是渣渣还不服气了,你,丁小云,自己没半两重,还好意思当老大,叫什么不好,偏偏叫‘傲天团队’,真是哈巴狗咬月亮,狂妄……还有你,野猴子,长的尖嘴猴腮,瘦的跟木竿子似得,是不是从小没吃饱饭啊?你瞪什么瞪?傻大个,你的名字倒是取得正合你的形象,‘铁门’,可你咋就复姓‘欧阳’呢?真特娘的白瞎了这么个霸气的姓氏,还有那个……嘿嘿,小嫣妹子,听说你还是单身,要不要考虑一下哥?” Class- bum!” “流-氓!” Bah!” “呸!” Four people scolded one directly, at once turns around to leave. 四人直接是骂了一句,旋即转身离开。 „!” Wu Mian shows the whites of the eyes, one group of know-nothing parties, dare to fight with me, but also before thinking me is, that Wu Laoer?” “切!”吴勉翻了个白眼,“一群无知者,敢跟我斗,还以为我是以前那个吴老二呢?” ...... …… Since the war of sect gate, always looked down upon Wu Mian was actually much more self-confident than before. 自从宗门之战过后,一向被人看不起的吴勉倒是比以前自信了不少。 In the eye also has the appearance, bickers with the Ding cloudling four people of groups, is more agile. 眼中也颇具神采,与之丁小云四人组斗起嘴来,也更加利落。 ...... …… „The fellow also is really the bringing funny talent!” “那家伙还真是自带搞笑天赋!” Not far away, with it Chu Hen and the others sat together Zhao Qing clothes shakes the head to say with a smile. 不远处,与之楚痕等人坐在一起的赵青衣摇头笑道。 Indeed will very say that I smiled quickly, does not know that silly big was really called Ouyang iron gate, haha.” “的确挺会说的,我都快笑死了,不知道那个傻大个是不是真的叫‘欧阳铁门’,哈哈。” Zhao Qing cai is also covering the belly, the smiled flowering branch shivers all over. 赵青裁也是捂着肚子,笑的花枝乱颤。 That wild monkey? Should not be will call Shangguan wild monkey?” “那个野猴呢?该不会是叫‘上官野猴’吧?” Ye Yao cannot bear met one, with is causes peripheral one to laugh directly. 叶瑶忍不住的接了一句,跟着直接是引得周边一阵哄笑。 Chu Hen and Long Xuanshuang smile to shake the head. 就连楚痕龙玄霜都不禁莞尔摇头。 ...... …… How many, have fun what? Can I participate?” “几位,有什么好玩的吗?我可以参与吗?” The moderate sound conveys from behind together, then Zhao Qing clothes brother and sister's middle also searches a be with smile on the face delicate and pretty face...... 一道温和的声音从后面传来,接着赵青衣兄妹二人的中间随之探出来一张面带微笑的俊美面孔…… Senior Brother Wang Li?” “王黎师兄?” Several people are all startled. 几人皆是一怔。 Wang Li selected the brow, I strolled, your here is very seemingly relaxed, should I not affect you?” 王黎挑了挑眉头,“我逛了一圈,貌似就你们这里挺轻松的,我应该不会影响到你们吧?” Naturally, Senior Brother Wang Li will not sit!” “当然不会,王黎师兄这边坐!” Wu Yan and Zhao Qing clothes moves a position toward side to the opposite party, Wang Li is but actually impolite, natural with it people sits together. 吴岩和赵青衣朝着旁边挪出一个位置给对方,王黎倒也不客气,大大方方的与之众人坐在一起。 It looks at Chu Hen at once, said, really envies Brother Chu Hen, the side has such a group of friends.” 其旋即看了看楚痕,道,“真羡慕楚痕师弟,身边有这么一群朋友。” Chu Hen said with a smile slightly, I was also very happy, side these people......” 楚痕微微笑道,“我也很开心,身边这些人……” Then, looked at people one eyes, the vision fell to the body of Ye Yao and Long Xuanshuang, in the pupil is surging the light temperateness. 说罢,先后看了众人一眼,目光落到叶瑶龙玄霜的身上,眸中涌动着淡淡的温和。 „Is that the Yin-Yang beast?” Wang Li notices to lie the black and white kitten in Ye Yao bosom. “那是阴阳兽吧?”王黎注意到趴在叶瑶怀里中的黑白小猫。 Un!” Ye Yao nods, is caressing the head of opposite party lightly, then said, Nauny, notified Senior Brother Wang Li.” “嗯!”叶瑶点了点头,轻抚着对方的脑袋,然后说道,“诺尼,跟王黎师兄打个招呼。” Meow!” Nauny lifted the lower lid reluctantly, like be perfunctory complied with one. “喵!”诺尼懒懒的抬了下眼皮,有如敷衍般应了一声。 Wang Li was quite actually happy, ha, good proud tender little fellow.” 王黎倒是颇为高兴,“哈哈哈,好傲娇的小家伙。” ...... …… Above the big great boat, some people form groups, some people like alone secluded. 偌大的巨舟之上,有的人成群结队,有的人喜欢单独僻静。 Because of the reason of war of sect gate, continuously the looked down upon North Star peak institute actually rises, the disciples in other peak institutes also changed the past attitude to them. 因为宗门之战的缘故,一直被人看不起的北辰峰院却是为之崛起,其他峰院的弟子也都对他们改掉以往的态度。 On the contrary is that side the western arched peak institute, the condition is slightly low. 反倒是西穹峰院那边,状态略显低迷。 Probably Yang proud, desolate pledge and other talents, facial color quite gloomy and cold sitting keeps silent in the one side. 像是杨傲,萧盟等这些天才,面色都比较阴冷的坐在一旁默不作声。 But, chief big disciple Pei Ye from boarding the great boat starts, sits in a place is motionless, shuts the eyes, the aura is making one not dare extremely to approach drearily indifferently. 而,首席大弟子裴烨从登上巨舟开始,就坐在一个地方一动不动,闭着双眼,气息阴郁冷漠的令人都不敢太过靠近。 ...... …… Feeling a little will be difficult!” “感觉会有点困难呢!” The frontline position of great boat, Qiu Xingyi vision somewhat deep is looking at the present situation condition. 巨舟的最前方位置,邱星易目光有些深沉的望着眼前的情形状况。 The pond thousand hawks stand in his not far away, her beautiful pupil selects lightly, naturally understands that the opposite party is saying anything. 池千莺站在他的身旁不远处,她美眸轻挑,自然明白对方在说什么。 However, she as if regarding this not too big interest. 不过,她似乎对此并没有太大的兴致。 But opens the mouth to ask, „is the exact location that holy war recruits where at?” 而是开口问道,“圣战征召的具体位置在哪?” Un?” Qiu Xingyi was startled, in the eye flashed through a seriousness, then replied, chaotic demon domain ruins......” “嗯?”邱星易怔了一下,眼中闪过一丝郑重,然后回答道,“乱魔界域遗址……” Chaotic demon domain? 乱魔界域? Is listening to these four characters, the pupils of pond thousand hawks shrink faintly, the complexion had a big change quietly. 听着这四个字,池千莺的瞳孔隐隐一缩,脸色悄然发生了不小的变化。 Ten thousand years ago has the place of war of Saint demon?” “万年之前发生圣魔之战的地方?” Right!” Qiu Xingyi is full of prudent nod. “对!”邱星易饶有慎重的点点头。 Even if the pond thousand hawks, holds breath secretly cold air. 纵然是池千莺,也不由的暗暗倒吸一口凉气。 It is well known, several myriad years, this world will also want chaotic many compared with it this. 众所周知,数万千年,这个世界比之这会还要混乱的多。 At that time wars among the major race ancient influences were unceasing. 当时各大种族古老势力之间的大战不断。 Even has had many connection entire era's Tom Clancy's EndWar. 甚至发生过不少关联整个纪元的末日之战。 And that happened in chaotic demon domain is also a secondary earthquake ancient Shuojin unrivalled war, according to the rumor, the person clan numerous Saints converged initially, the innumerable races join that fight, Demon Race, Devil Race the shocking powerhouse of numerous heavenshaking fear place...... 其中那发生在‘乱魔界域’的也是一次震古烁今的旷世大战,据传言,当初人族众圣云集,无数种族加入那场争锋,还有妖族,魔族的众多震天慑地的惊世强者…… That war, the day collapses chaotically! 那一战,天崩地乱! Almost earth-shaking that the entire chaotic demon domain destroys. 几乎是将整个乱魔界域摧毁的天翻地覆。 Many saints fall from the sky, Demon Race can wither away greatly...... 众多圣者陨落,妖族大能消亡…… That war, rivers of blood, corpse on the ground trillion. 那一战,血流成河,伏尸亿万。 Until now, but can also find some then information from certain old books. 至今,还能够从某些古籍上查阅到当时的一些信息。 According to the ancient book in records spreads most to that ‚a chaotic demon domain war narration is, „a chaotic demon war, hundred Saint simultaneous/uniform sorrow, ten thousand monsters weep blood, if not the numerous demons retreat, the place of land will fear will be annexed......” 据古书上记载流传最多对那‘乱魔界域一战’的讲述就是,“乱魔一战,百圣齐哀,万妖泣血,若非众魔退走,中陆之地恐将沦亡……” After so many years! 时隔这么多年! Although does not know has the overstating element in inside, but ‚the place of land will fear will be annexed these characters to make the innumerable person backs send sufficiently coolly. 虽然不知道其中有没有夸大的成份在里面,可一句‘中陆之地恐将沦亡’这几个字却是足以令无数人脊背发凉。 ...... …… Position that this holy war recruits in chaotic demon domain ruins, made in the person heart sob. 这次圣战征召的位置在‘乱魔界域遗址’,也不禁令人心中有所唏嘘。 Indeed is very difficult.” “的确是挺艰难的。” The pond thousand hawks muttered in a low voice, it as if had seen the numerous contended, the intense scene of wind and cloud war, after myriad years, the chaotic demon domain ruins of that quiet endless years, will raise chaotic of universe again. 池千莺低声喃喃道,其仿佛已经看到众强相争,风云大战的激烈场面了,时隔万千年,那沉寂无尽岁月的乱魔界域遗址,又将再掀乾坤之乱。 ...... …… ...... …… Right, Senior Brother Wang Li, our was Martial Sect several time attended the holy war to recruit?” “对了,王黎师兄,我们武宗是第几次参加圣战征召了?” What asks is Ye Yao. 开口询问的是叶瑶 After one chatted, quickly Wang Li that amiable personality was together with the people especially harmonious. 在一番闲聊之后,王黎那随和的性格很快就同众人相处的尤为和睦。 When asked the holy war to recruit the incident, vision also looking of Chu Hen to the opposite party. 当问起圣战征召一事,楚痕的目光也不由的望向对方。 Wang Li first looks at each other one with it Wu Yan, at once smiles, a little scruple reply, said, is counted this time words, the second time was......” 王黎先是与之吴岩对视一眼,旋即笑了笑,有点迟疑的回答,道,“算上这次的话,就是第二次了……” The second time? 第二次? The people is a little accidental. 众人有点意外。 However understands quickly, the Martial Sect historical mastery is about several thousand years, although the years are also many, may in many first-class sect gate influence, actually be quite short...... 不过很快就明白过来,武宗的历史底蕴不过数千年之久,虽然岁月也不少,可在众多一流宗门势力中,却是比较短的…… Nowadays develops this, was very extraordinary. 现如今发展成这样,也算是很了不起了。 Before that cannot participate in the holy war recruiting, is reasonable. 在那之前,未能够参与圣战征召,也在情理之中。 That previous Martial Sect score how?” Ye Yao continues to closely examine. “那上一次武宗的战绩如何?”叶瑶继续追问。 Hehe, said that also is really a little awkward!” “呵呵,说起来还真是有点尴尬呢!” What's wrong? Very bad?” “怎么了?很差吗?” Ye Yao just said, realized own possible speaking incorrectly words. 叶瑶刚说完,就意识到自己可能说错话了。 However Wang Li is not angry actually. 不过王黎倒是并不生气。 How can say? We have not experienced the previous time holy war to recruit, the elder but who listens to sect Mennei has mentioned, period that the previous holy war recruits, our Martial Sect condition is best, has more than ten high-grade sacred body bloodline limit top talents, even three best quality goods sacred body bloodline limit evildoer/monstrous talent......” “要怎么说呢?我们都没有经历过上次的圣战征召,只是听宗门内的长老提起过,上次圣战征召的时期,我们武宗的状态是最好的,拥有十几位上品圣体血脉界限的顶尖天才,甚至还有三位极品圣体血脉界限的妖孽……” Such strong lineup?” Zhao Qing cai calls out in alarm said. “这么强的阵容?”赵青裁惊呼道。 Wu Yan also nods, gives the affirmation. 吴岩也点点头,给予肯定。 Indeed is very strong lineup, can say, our time wants magnificently compared with it many......” “的确是很强的阵容,可以说,比之我们这次要华丽不少……” Since is so strong, that should make the good progress is right!” Zhao Qing cai continues to say. “既然这么强,那应该取得不错的成绩才对啊!”赵青裁继续说道。 Shaking the head of Wu Yan hollow laugh, in the eye appears drearily some. 吴岩干笑的摇了摇头,眼中浮现出些许阴郁。 However, that fights Martial Sect actually to collapse completely, is the three fellow apprentices of head, dies two wounded, several thousand Martial Sect disciples damage to surpass 2/3, but these have sacred body bloodline limit, was all discarded cultivation base......” “然而,那一战武宗却是一败涂地,为首的三位师兄,一死二伤,数千名武宗弟子损伤超过三分之二,而那些拥有圣体血脉界限者,全部都被废掉了修为……” Discarded cultivation base! 废掉了修为 The rear these characters are to make the pupil of people directly closely shrink. 最后面的这几个字直接是令众人的瞳孔紧紧一缩。 What person is so ruthless?” Zhao Qing clothes facial color flood white, the sinking sound asked. “什么人这么狠?”赵青衣的面色泛白,沉声问道。 Wu Yan deep sighing, the sinking sound puts out three characters. 吴岩深深的叹了口气,沉声吐出三个字。 Lingyun sect!” “凌云宗!” Is listening to this name, besides Chu Hen that does not know the circumstances of the matter, Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang, other peripheral people look the color of heart being startled. 听着这个名字,除了不知情的楚痕,叶瑶,龙玄霜之外,周边的其他人都面露心惊之色。 This sect gate I had heard......” Zhao Qing cut to receive the tastes, it is said the reaching the clouds sect influence was quite huge, always, they are subduing other two third-class sect gate influences on integrate itself , for several thousand years, rapid development, eventhis grade of colossus is approaching towardWar God Palace, his disciple had top talents on three top lists......” “这个宗门我听说过……”赵青裁接过口道,“据说凌云宗势力极为庞大,一直以来,他们都在收服其他的二三流宗门势力纳入自己旗下,数千年来,发展迅猛,甚至都在朝着‘战神宫’这等庞然大物靠近,其门下拥有三位风云榜上的顶尖天才……” Right!” Wang Li gives the affirmation, „before , is Lingyun sect wants to take Martial Sect to integrate under them, after being rejected, has borne a grudge to Martial Sect, in the previous time holy war recruits, acts to Martial Sect blatantly, performs the vicious retaliation...... because of that time, the mastery of Martial Sect accumulation suffers the unprecedented heavy losses with great difficulty, even nearly was annexed...... the East sovereign to succeed to the throne afterward, under his nausea insisted, this gate created dream to return to the star boundary this and other mysterious thing, concealing one's abilities and biding one's time slowly, restored the vitality......” “没错!”王黎给予肯定,“之前就是凌云宗想要拿下武宗纳入他们麾下,遭到拒绝之后,一直对武宗怀恨在心,所以在上次的圣战征召中,公然对武宗出手,加以狠毒报复……因为那次,武宗好不容易积累的底蕴遭遇前所未有的重创,甚至险些沦亡……后来东方宗主继位,在他的呕心坚持下,本门创造出了‘梦回星境’这等神奇之物,才慢慢的韬光养晦,恢复了生机……”
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