UMDK :: Volume #13

#1262: The holy war recruits,

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Bang......” “砰……” A heavy incomparable violent explosive, the chaotic air/Qi mark surges, in an instant, the entire stone becomes one group of fragment powders in Chu Hen front scrap directly. 一记沉重无比的猛烈爆响,混乱的气纹激荡而出,霎那间,整块石头直接是在楚痕的面前炸碎成一团齑粉。 Good astonishing strength! 好惊人的力量! The Chu Hen facial color faintly changes, in the eye exposes with astonishment. 楚痕的面色隐隐一变,眼中展露出惊愕。 What strength unexpectedly is really the space counter turbulent flow...... this is?” Sacred Wing Sky Flame Bird of its within the body light to cannot bear exude the inquiry sound not. “竟然真的是空间逆乱流……这是什么力量?”就连其体内的圣翼天炎雀莫轻离都忍不住发出询问声。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Does not need Chu Hen to reply, the space that splits bites moves restlessly anxiously, then lingers in the surrounding light mark cyclone that the hole also changes belongs to suddenly calm, the space of cleavage fracture heals instantly together...... 不待楚痕回答,那绽裂开来的空间噬洞随之变的躁动不安,接着萦绕在周围的光纹气旋急剧归于沉稳,裂碎的空间即刻又愈合在一起…… I also think that is only similar to swallowing the strength and so on secret technique, has not thought that is really the space bites the hole......” “我还以为只是类似于吞噬力量之类的秘术,没想到真的是空间噬洞……” To show to not lightly again unbelievable. 莫轻离再次表以难以置信。 Chu Hen nods, „, my first seeing time, cannot believe.” 楚痕点了点头,“嗯,我第一次见到的时候,也不太敢相信。” Looks to sit well in opposite black shadow, in the eye of Chu Hen surges the faint trace to be deep. 看着端坐在对面的黑色影子,楚痕的眼中涌动着丝丝深沉。 Compared with it initially when the Dongsheng state, can compare with the long-term control now this powerful mysterious strength. 比之当初在东胜州的时候,现在自己也能够较长时间的掌控住这股强大的神秘力量。 Can create the space to bite hole bloodline limit to be rarely seen, what a pity the range was too small, otherwise can make the innumerable opponents be caught off guard......” to leave to say not lightly. “能够创造出空间噬洞的血脉界限可并不多见,可惜范围太小了点,不然能够令无数对手措手不及……”莫轻离回道。 Regarding this Chu Hen cannot set otherwise. 对此楚痕不可置否。 The space bites the counter turbulent flow in hole to contain extremely fearful destruction strength. 空间噬洞内的逆乱流所蕴含着极为可怕的毁灭力量。 don't said that average man touching dies, the Eternal Realm powerhouses to it evade, but far it. 莫说常人触之即死,就连亘古境强者都对其避而远之。 If utilizes it during the fight, is to make all enemy fearful and apprehensive terrors of kill to incur absolutely. 若是将其运用于战斗之中,绝对是让所有敌人胆颤心惊的恐怖杀招。 However just like also the opposite party said that the space bit the hole range is too small, others silly will not hit toward inside. 不过也正如对方所言,空间噬洞的范围还是太小了点,别人也不会傻的自己往里面撞。 Oneself also need to spend more time study promotion Body of Primal Chaos the strength. 自己还需要花费更多的时间去研究提升‘混沌之体’的力量。 ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” In the air trembles faintly, Chu Hen front black shadow also changes to one group of cyclones to dissipate does not see. 空气中隐隐一颤,楚痕面前的黑色影子随之化作一团气旋消散不见。 The god, Chu Hen lifted the hand to turn, a book book of purple gold pattern border also appears in his palm. 顿了顿神,楚痕抬手一翻,一本紫金花纹镶边的书簿随之出现在其掌中。 Primal Chaos Art......” 混元诀……” Looks at the typeface on title page, Chu Hen mutters in a low voice. 看着封面上的字体,楚痕低声喃喃道。 At once, book book spreading out slowly. 旋即,将书簿缓缓的摊开。 Whish......” “哗……” In an instant, a dazzling dazzling ray glows from the page of that book book. 霎那间,一阵璀璨夺目的耀眼光芒从那书簿的页面之中焕发而出。 The pupil and face of Chu Hen were shone upon the shining color. 楚痕的瞳孔和面庞都被映照成了金灿灿的颜色。 In Chu Hen is full of under the surprised vision, page above typeface float coming out one after another, flutters in the midair, forms writing light screen of sparkle...... 楚痕饶有惊讶的目光下,书页上面的字体一个接一个的悬浮出来,飘飞于半空之中,形成一座闪耀的文字光幕…… Beginning of the universe main road, may make world strength fuse a body, the spirit of Namibian world, the potential of collection landscape, all the number turns over to the Yuan......” “混元大道,可令世间力量融合一体,纳天地之灵,集河山之势,皆数归元……” Looks that its content said that the Chu Hen heart has shivered faintly. 看着其内容介绍,楚痕的心头隐隐有所颤动。 It muttered in a low voice, this «Primal Chaos Art» was the fusion collection myriad strengths is accomplishment martial Xuegong decides unexpectedly, its profound degree, only feared that was continually «North Star Definitely» is not as good......” 其低声喃喃道,“这《混元诀》竟是融合集万千力量为大成的武学功决,其高深程度,只怕是连《北辰决》都略逊一筹……” This military study cultivation technique and you actually just right appropriate.” Not lightly to saying. “这部武学功法与你倒是正好合适。”莫轻离说道。 Un! I also thought so!” “嗯!我也这么觉得!” Chu Hen nods, expressed the support. 楚痕点了点头,表示赞同。 After all oneself have numerous attribute strengths, power of demon eyes, checks the strength of god thunder unreliably, the strength of seven stars, the strength and wait/etc....... 毕竟自己身怀众多属性的力量,妖瞳之力,玄刹神雷之力,七星之力,森罗之力等等…… In process that in accepts a challenge with it enemy, is 23 taking its uses merely. 在与之敌人应战的过程中,仅仅是取之其二三来用。 But «Chaos Definitely» can fuse the words that displays numerous strengths mutually, then the prestige in various aspects can have the enormous promotion, and will not have unnecessarily. 而《混沌决》能够将众多力量相互融合施展的话,那么各方面的威能都会有着极大的提升,且还不会有所多余。 Thinks of here, Chu Hen to sovereign Eastern permanent feeling grateful. 想到这里,楚痕不禁对宗主东方恒之心存感激。 Immediately, it also sets one's mind at ease, starts earnest consult writing books book inside content. 当即,其也沉下心来,开始认真的查阅着书簿里面的内容。 ...... …… ...... …… The time passes to continue. 时间流逝不止。 In the following some time, the rhythm of life of Martial Sect high and low many disciple is quite fast. 在接下来的一段时间中,武宗上下的众多弟子的生活节奏都比较快。 The dream returns to the star boundary, is almost is full daily. 梦回星境,几乎是天天爆满。 Before these days military list rarely saw the person's shadow the top talents, every other day appearance in day military peak. 以前那些天武榜上很少看见人影的顶尖天才们,也都三天两头的出现在天武峰上。 The holy war recruits! 圣战征召! Regarding countless people, only happens by happy circumstance. 对于无数人而言,可遇不可求。 Sometimes millennium one time. 有时千年一次。 Sometimes hundred years one time. 有时百年一次。 This is the competition, is the opportunity. 这是竞争,也是机遇。 Is the dragon or the python? 是龙还是蟒? And looked that this wind and cloud collects! 且看这次风云汇集! ...... …… Finally! 终于! After one month of tense atmosphere, Martial Sect, was in the place of land as for entire welcomed the most turbulent time. 一个月的紧张氛围过后,武宗,乃至于整个中陆之地都迎来了最为动荡的时刻。 On this day, three thousand Martial Sect disciples who choose are ready and waiting, get together in day of military peak Lingxiao Plaza. 这一天,挑选出来的三千武宗弟子整装待发,齐聚天武峰凌霄广场。 In the morning, resonant bugle horn sound, if distant battle drum between reverberation world. 上午时分,嘹亮的号角声如若回荡天地间的悠远战鼓。 North in a day military peak observation stage. 天武峰北面的一座瞭望高台上。 Sovereign Eastern permanent both hands shoulder after behind, if king gaze below many sect disciple. 宗主东方恒之双手背负于身后,如若君王般注视着下方的众多宗门弟子。 In his side, is the lords of eight peak institutes. 在他的身旁,为八位峰院之主。 Boils cloud manor, rather the autumn waters, the Yuan still as well as had been removed the original western arched peak that exempts to advocate Situ Song. 熬云庄,宁秋水,元尚以及已经被撤免的原西穹峰主司徒松。 Although Situ Song had been exempted the position of peak lord, but also contributes to sect gate after all quite a lot, in today's this important time, there is qualifications to stand here. 虽然司徒松已经被免去了峰主之位,但毕竟也对宗门贡献颇多,在今天这种重要的时刻,还是有资格站在这里的。 ...... …… Under stage! 高台之下! An numerous Martial Sect disciple vision decidedly, performs the potential of clear sword. 一众武宗弟子目光决然,尽显亮剑之势。 Qiu Xingyi, Chu Hen, Wang Li, pond thousand hawks, Wu Yan and others , if the lead goat stands in front of team, is sending out the wind of generals. 邱星易,楚痕,王黎,池千莺,吴岩等几人如若领头羊般的站在队伍的前面,一个个散发着将帅之风。 Unexpectedly, at this moment, behind of crowd is startled suddenly slight moving restlessly. 蓦地,就在这时,人群的后面突然间惊起一阵轻微的躁动。 Is Senior Brother Pei Ye!” “是裴烨师兄!” Day, he also came, my one month has not seen him.” “天,他也来了,我都一个月没看到他了。” ...... …… The heart of people are all startled. 众人的心头皆是一怔。 Chu Hen, Qiu Xingyi and the others also subconscious vision projection in the past. 楚痕,邱星易等人也下意识的将目光投射过去。 Sees only the whole body to disclose together the young form of cold severe aura slowly walks toward here. 只见一道浑身透露着冷厉气息的年轻身影正缓缓的朝着这边走来。 Wang Li, the pond thousand hawks, Wu Yan and the others have stunned. 王黎,池千莺,吴岩等人都是有所错愕。 „Did his leg join unexpectedly?” In the crowd of not far away spreads the surprised sound. “他的腿竟然接上了?”身后不远处的人群中传出惊疑声。 Un, I knew yesterday, it is said is Situ Fengzhu, no, was Situ Elder asks the sovereign Sir to consume massive rare treasures and precious raw materials for medicine, forced to join his breaking leg.” “嗯,我昨天就知道了,据说是司徒峰主,不,是司徒长老求着宗主大人耗费了大量的奇珍异宝以及名贵药材,才勉强把他的断腿接上的。” Sovereign Sir is really all-resourceful.” “宗主大人果然是神通广大。” ...... …… When people exclamation, feels to admire for the Eastern permanent method secretly. 众人惊叹之余,也暗暗为东方恒之的手段感到敬服。 However, as can be seen, although Pei Ye both legs joined, but acts many a little to be slow, without the past was like that agile. 不过,可以看出,虽然裴烨的双腿是接上了,但行动上多少还有点迟缓,没有以往那般敏捷。 And, the makings of his whole person were different from it past. 且,其整个人的气质都与之以往有所不同。 The ice-cold eye pupil did not see the past appearance, a slightly dispirited feeling. 冰冷的眼眸不见往日的神采,给人一种略显颓废的感觉。 ...... …… Has saying that once day martial Bang third, the seat of honor big disciple of western arched peak, reduces to this paddies now, made one sob. 不得不说,曾经的天武榜第三,西穹峰的首席大弟子,如今沦落到这步田地,也着实令人唏嘘。 Changes mind thinks, this is also his has only self to blame, no wonder others. 转念一想,这也是他的咎由自取,怪不得别人。 ...... …… Was in attendance!” “都到齐了!” The Eastern permanent vision gentle gaze below 3000 Martial Sect disciples, starting today, all of you are being my Martial Sect spokesmen, before embarking, whether some people must withdraw, can stand......” 东方恒之目光平和的注视着下方的三千名武宗弟子,“从今天开始,你们所有人都是我武宗的代表者,在出发之前,是否有人要退出的,可以站出来……” Unmanned reply! 无人应答! Eastern permanent looking askance slightly, looked to behind Yuan still, the latter understood, under another side several disciples of toward stage waves. 东方恒之微微侧目,望向身后的元尚,后者心领神会,朝着台下的另外一侧的几名弟子挥了挥手。 At once, the people all carry a tray to walk toward the square center's 3000 disciples. 旋即,众人皆是端着一个托盘朝着广场中央的三千名弟子走去。 Above the tray, is placing the glasses of aura mellow good wines. 托盘之上,摆放着一杯杯气息香醇的美酒。 Quick, in the hand of everyone has one glass of good wines. 很快,每个人的手中都持有一杯美酒。 Eastern permanent it, the peak institute the main as well as many high-level elders also hold to grasp the wine glass in the hand. 东方恒之,峰院之主以及众多高层长老们也都将酒杯持握在手。 ...... …… „, The holy war recruits to near, the head-family wishes fellow gold/metal scale to turn into a dragon, the forcing flood dragon python...... the cup liquor sees off, we wait for you...... to triumphal return to turn over to here!” “诸位,圣战征召在即,本宗预祝各位金鳞成龙,力压蛟蟒……杯酒相送,我们在这里等待你们……凯旋而归!” Triumphal returns to turn over to!” “凯旋而归!” The people echo with one voice, unity is strength! 众人齐声呼应,众志成城! Then, all in the good wine the cup tosses down. 说罢,皆是将杯中美酒一饮而尽。 ...... …… Warms up wine to get into the stomach, after a throat scalding hot fierce intent, the people only think that in the abdomen warm, as if the blood in within the body is seething with excitement. 温酒下肚,喉咙一阵灼热的烈意过后,众人只觉腹中一片温热,仿佛体内的鲜血都在沸腾。 Qiu Xingyi......” Eastern permanent calling said. “邱星易……”东方恒之唤道。 Disciple in!” “弟子在!” This time the holy war recruits, head-family made you for team leader's head, this recruits the imperial decree, took away ten thousand bell cities to attend a meeting......” “此番圣战征召,本宗特令你为领队之首,此乃征召手谕,带去‘万钟城’赴会……” The East permanent lifts the palm gently, the personally written letter book itself that is overflowing the golden light mark falls gently, float in the front of opposite party. 东方恒之轻轻抬掌,一本流溢着金色光纹的手札簿本飘落而下,悬浮在对方的面前。 Qiu Xingyi serious his access hand. 邱星易郑重的将其接入手中。 Disciple receives an order!” “弟子领命!” Chu Hen, Wang Li, Pei Ye, the pond thousand hawks......” Eastern permanent continuation calls said. 楚痕,王黎,裴烨,池千莺……”东方恒之继续唤道。 Disciple in!” “弟子在!” Head-family made you for deputy team leader, must assist Qiu Xingyi to lead this disciple to recruit the holy war......” “本宗令你们为副领队者,务必协助邱星易引领本门弟子征召圣战……” Yes, the disciple receives an order!” “是,弟子领命!” ...... …… After rigorous explaining, the Martial Sect sky towering wind and cloud is big, together with the potential of billowing wind and thunder, dazzling large-scale symbol is appearing under the vault of heaven. 一番严谨的交待过后,武宗的上空突兀的风云大起,连同着滚滚风雷之势,一座璀璨夺目的大型符阵惊现于苍穹之下。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” rune/symbol array blossoms in radiant splendor, ray shining day. 符阵大放异彩,光芒耀天。 A huge golden great boat slides from that symbol unexpectedly slowly. 紧接着,一艘庞大的金色巨舟竟是从那符阵之中缓缓滑行而出。 The great boat length exceeds thousand zhang (3.33 m), the hundred zhang (333 m), the boat body described numerous mysterious complex symbol lu engraved inscription...... the shadow to obstruct the day highly, seemed like just like a fearful prehistoric giant beast...... 巨舟长度超过千丈,高度百丈,舟身上描绘着众多神秘复杂的符箓铭文……黑影遮天,看上去宛如一尊可怕的史前巨兽…… The people raise the head to look, in pair of eyes is filling the color of thick bright and shocking. 众人纷纷抬头仰望,一双双眼中充满着浓浓的亮光以及震骇之色。 The East permanent is raises hand to wield. 东方恒之则是扬手一挥。 „, In the same boat, triumphal returns to turn over to...... the holy war to recruit !” “诸位,同舟起,凯旋归……圣战征召,出发!” ! 出发! ...... …… The sound of vigorous spirited bugle resounds through inside and outside entire Martial Sect. 雄浑激昂的号角之声响彻整个武宗内外。 In an instant, swift and fierce forms are to tread to empty directly, rapid boards that grand peerless huge great boat. 霎那间,一道道凌厉的身影直接是踏空而起,迅速的登上那座壮阔绝伦的庞大巨舟。 Cry!” “唳!” Several powerful large-scale falcons regarding around the great boat, raise the potential of enormous and powerful wind and cloud, leaves the day of martial peak sky. 几头威风凛凛的大型鹰隼围绕在巨舟前后,掀起浩浩荡荡的风云之势,驶离天武峰的上空。 ...... …… Other Martial Sect disciples who keep all are face upward to wait and see, look the color of marvelling. 留下来的其他武宗弟子皆是仰天观望,面露惊羡之色。 Really is enviable one group of people!” “真是让人羡慕的一群人!” We also diligently! Even if could not attend the holy war to recruit, cannot fall after forever.” “我们也努力吧!就算参加不了圣战征召,也不能永远落入于后。” Haha, said is also. Hopes they can win glory for our Martial Sect.” “哈哈,说的也是。希望他们能为我们武宗争光。” ...... …… Looks at that to vanish in horizon giant gold/metal Zhou gradually, sovereign and lords of peak above institute stage are silent, the facial expression is deep. 望着那渐渐消失在天际的巨型金舟,高台之上的宗主和峰院之主都是默默无言,神情深沉。 After each time holy war, the patterns among various large amount influences will have the huge change. 每一次的圣战之后,各大宗门势力之间的格局都会发生巨大的变化。 Through the ages, numerous shocking outstanding evildoer/monstrous talent appear at the same time, fell from the sky the innumerable patriarchal clan schools. 古往今来,众多惊艳卓绝的妖孽横空出世的同时,也陨落了无数的宗族门派。 Regarding Martial Sect! 对于武宗而言! Is this time the Saint dragon rises? 这次是圣龙崛起? Snake python basin? 还是蛇蟒盘地? All are the unknowns! 一切都是未知数! The dragon python contends, wind and cloud border meeting! 龙蟒相争,风云际会! The holy war recruited, comes! 圣战征召,来了! ...... …… ...... …… ( The following plot needs to consider well, today these! Everyone did not need to wait again!) (后面的剧情需要好好斟酌一下,今天就这些吧!大家不用再等了!)
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