UMDK :: Volume #13

#1261: Primal Chaos Art

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Near the steep cliff, stands erect in the peripheral numerous peaks for example great blade enters the clouds. 陡峭的山崖边,矗立于周边的众峰譬如巨刃般的直入云霄。 The Chu Hen vision is looking out the front vast vault of heaven, in the heart is actually the train of thought a great deal, feeling generally myriad. 楚痕目光遥望着前方的浩瀚天穹,心中却是思绪良多,感概万千。 Own riddle was still too many! 自己身上的谜团仍旧是太多! This world, believes that except for that Li Wushang, no one can explain that was clear actually in the past what happened in a demon eyes clan. 这个世界,相信除了那离无伤,没有人能够解释清楚当年在妖瞳一族究竟发生了什么事情。 Are the opposite party where? 对方身在何处? When will appear? 什么时候才会出现? Also is unknown. 也不得而知。 ...... …… „!” “咻!” At this time, the aura calm form grazed to come from the day martial peak direction together, came the person is not others, was the North Star peak principal element still. 这时,一道气息沉稳的身影从天武峰的方向飞掠而来,来人不是别人,正是北辰峰主元尚。 It falls to the lord of East Martial Sect permanently behind, first is some surprise looked at Chu Hen one of the not far away, then some slightly respectful saying, sovereign, the dream returns to the star boundary to restore to revolve normally......” 其落到武宗之主东方恒之的身后,先是有些诧异的看了不远处的楚痕一眼,然后略有恭敬的说道,“宗主,梦回星境已经恢复正常运转……” Eastern permanent nod. 东方恒之点了点头。 At once looks to Chu Hen. 旋即望向楚痕 „When I already light wheel borrows in you, then you need to handle a matter for me......” “我已将‘时光轮’借用于你,接下来你需要为我办一件事……” Chu Hen was startled being startled, takes back the innermost feelings the train of thought that somewhat looks at the opposite party puzzled. 楚痕怔了怔,收回内心的思绪,有些不解的看着对方。 What matter?” “什么事?” Holy war recruits!” “圣战征召!” The calm clear four characters put out from the Eastern permanent mouth, the pupil of Chu Hen shrinks faintly, to be honest, he has also been considering this matter for serveral days...... 沉稳清晰的四个字从东方恒之的口中吐出,楚痕的瞳孔隐隐一缩,说实话,这些天他也一直都在考虑这件事情…… Now has not thought that sovereign will mention to oneself unexpectedly blatantly. 现在没想到宗主竟会公然对自己提及。 Receives that in Eastern permanent eye to wipe seriously decidedly, Chu Hen stretch/leisurely has the one breath slightly, nods slightly, said, good, I promise you!” 接收到东方恒之眼中的那抹郑重决然,楚痕稍稍舒出一口气,微微颔首,道,“好,我答应你!” Chu Hen marches into the Martial Sect goal only to last light wheel, in other words, to a certain extent, he has not actually treated as himself a true Martial Sect disciple. 楚痕步入武宗的目的只为时光轮,也就是说,其实从某种程度上,他并没有把自己当作一个真正的武宗弟子。 After serving the purpose, might leave very much. 达到目的之后,很有可能就会离开。 Therefore, when the East permanent by borrows light wheel in return, making Chu Hen go to the holy war to recruit as Martial Sect disciple. 所以,东方恒之以‘借用时光轮’作为交换,令楚痕武宗弟子的身份前往圣战征召。 Almost was nothing's hesitation complies! 几乎是没有任何的迟疑就答应了! After all Chu Hen always does not like having a deficit others. 毕竟楚痕向来就不喜欢亏欠别人。 ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” The Eastern permanent lifting hand turns, the book book that is describing the purple gold color fringe flashes in his hands. 东方恒之抬手一翻,一部描绘着紫金颜色边纹的书簿闪现在他手中。 Nearby North Star peak principal element still complexion faintly changed, saw only in the title page of that book book, writes " Primal Chaos Art » three swift and fierce large characters impressively. 一旁的北辰峰主元尚的脸色隐隐一变,只见那书簿的封面上,赫然写着《混元诀》三个凌厉的大字。 This is you captures the reward of war of champion gate!” “此乃你夺得宗门之战冠军的奖励!” Then, the Eastern permanent palm flutters, if that book book still great wild goose feather float to the Chu Hen front. 说罢,东方恒之手掌轻扬,那本书簿犹若鸿羽般的漂浮至楚痕的面前。 Chu Hen was astonished! 楚痕更是讶异了! Is is a little helpless. 却是还有点手足无措。 „When light wheel used taking advantage of me enough......” “把‘时光轮’借我用就够了……” „When the light wheel is the chip of exchange, one yard normalizing code.” The Eastern permanent tone is very gentle, may listen in the ear, has planting the unusual strength that is hard to reject. “时光轮是交换的筹码,一码归一码。”东方恒之的语气很平和,可听在耳中,却有种难以拒绝的奇特力量。 Chu Hen had not said that both hands that book Bu Jie in hand. 楚痕也没有多说,双手将那书簿接在手里。 Many thanks sovereign grants!” “多谢宗主赏赐!” This is you earns . Moreover, the holy war recruits 45 days later starts, but needs to be ahead of time half a month time to embark to go to ten thousand bell cities, in other words, you have one month of preparation......” “这是你应得的,另外,圣战征召在四十五天之后开启,但需要提前半个月的时间出发前往‘万钟城’,也就是说,你有一个月的时间准备……” Chu Hen nods assent. 楚痕点头应允。 I knew, I will do everything possible!” “我知道了,我会尽力而为的!” Goes!” “去吧!” Yes!” Chu Hen both hands hold the fist in the other hand, still saluted to the Eastern permanent and Yuan, disciple said goodbye in advance!” “是!”楚痕双手抱拳,先后冲东方恒之和元尚行礼,“弟子先行告辞!” Immediately, Chu Hen takes the lead to leave this place. 随即,楚痕率先离开此地。 When Chu Hen walks, the North Star peak principal element still could not calm down immediately, it is full of astonished saying, that Primal Chaos Art only has all previous generations sovereign cultivates only then, is your?” 楚痕一走,北辰峰主元尚顿时是沉不住气了,其饶有惊愕的说道,“那‘混元诀’唯有历代的宗主方可修炼,您这是?” The Eastern permanent vision lifts lightly, the level tone returns said, holy war recruits to near, passes on it Primal Chaos Art, is Martial Sect disciple many safeguard!” 东方恒之目光轻抬,平声回道,“圣战征召在即,传其‘混元诀’,也为武宗弟子多一份保障!” The Yuan still still shook the head. 元尚仍旧是直摇头。 Above this «Primal Chaos Art» is dominates in four in a big way studies Martial Sect absolute technique to tall martial most, entire sect gate high and low, besides sovereign, anybody may not spy on its secret. 这《混元诀》乃是凌驾于四大至高武学之上的武宗最强绝学,整个宗门上下,除了宗主之外,任何人都不可窥探其秘。 East never expected that permanent will pass to just to cross the threshold unexpectedly less than two years of rookie it. 没想到东方恒之竟会将其传给一个刚入门不到两年的新人。 Even if the opposite party is the disciple in North Star peak institute, the Yuan still still cannot help but feel somewhat offensively. 即便对方是自己北辰峰院的弟子,元尚也不免觉得有些唐突。 Opposite party regarding the anticipation of Chu Hen actually big? 对方对于楚痕的期待究竟有多大? „Is he really worth so?” The Yuan still asked. “他真值得如此?”元尚问道。 I thought that this time holy war recruits, will bring the unexpected pleasant surprise......” in the Eastern permanent pupil to surge many to hope. “我觉得这次的圣战征召,会带来意想不到的惊喜……”东方恒之的眸中涌动着诸多期许。 Immediately, the Yuan still also no longer talked too much. 当即,元尚也不再多言。 The Eastern permanent thoughts are not always they can estimate, just like perhaps he said that the war of sect gate merely was only an opening, then also has a bigger surprise. 东方恒之的心思向来就不是他们所能够揣摩的,或许正如他所言,宗门之战仅仅只是一个开局,接下来还会有着更大的意外。 ...... …… Returns to view Tianfeng alone! 独自回到观天峰! The Chu Hen innermost feelings were to still be similar to tie the spider web entanglement to be dreary. 楚痕的内心仍旧是如同结了蜘蛛网般纠缠阴郁。 What did you see in the light wheel?” At this time, its within the body spread together the sound of inquiry. “你在时光轮里面看到了什么?”这时,其体内传出一道询问的声音。 My parents!” Chu Hen replied. “我父母!”楚痕回答。 Now where are they at?” “那他们现在在哪?” Does not know that......” Chu Hen shakes the head, does not know the whereabouts, even is uncertain of one's fate, it follows to ask, how many do you know about a demon eyes clan?” “不知道……”楚痕摇头,不知道下落,甚至是生死未卜,其跟着问道,“你对妖瞳一族了解多少?” One of ten big most sacred body, how will often hear about this Saint clan powerful place before...... afterward I by the seal several hundred years, regarding thing, knew nothing......” “十大最圣体之一,以前经常会听到关于这个圣族如何强大的之处……后来我被封印了数百年,对于外界的事物,也就一无所知了……” Not lightly to saying. 莫轻离如是说道。 Chu Hen nods. 楚痕点点头。 Oneself were born for twenty years, but not light to the ten thousand beast range seals of hundred country states several hundred years, during this, matter, how could she knows...... 自己出生不过才二十几年,而莫轻离在百国州的万兽岭封印了几百年,这期间所发生的事情,她又岂能知晓…… Why will you reduce in that?” Chu Hen asked. “你为什么会沦落于那?”楚痕问道。 This matter said that grew, I have not wanted to mention now.” “这事说起来就长了,我现在还不想提及。” In the tone that leaves not lightly has some desolate meanings, obviously, in the past several hundred years, it did not feel better very much. 莫轻离的语气中带着些许落寞之意,很显然,在过去的数百年时间里,其并不好受。 The meaning that Chu Hen has not continued to closely examine, calms down at once, arrives on the seat stand of cultivation to sit cross-legged to sit down. 楚痕也没有继续追问的意思,旋即定了定神,走到修炼的座台上面盘腿坐下。 Because that night desolate pledge runs to sneak attack, the big cave mansion was hit about half, behind is carving «North Star Definitely» that collapses and mysterious rune/symbol writing wall split the innumerable say/way slits...... 由于那天晚上萧盟的跑来偷袭,偌大的洞府被撞塌的近半,就连后面刻着《北辰决》和神秘符文的墙壁都裂开了无数道缝隙…… However the place can be occupied by the person, are not many tremendous impact. 不过地方还是可以住人的,并无多大影响。 ...... …… Deep stretch/leisurely has the one breath, quickly is adjusting own condition, then Chu Hen look one cold, in the pupil is surging one group of black glow. 深深的舒出一口气,迅速的调整着自身的状态,接着楚痕眼神一凛,眸中涌动着一团黑芒。 If outside the body the black flame ascends, together with is moving restlessly the anxious powerful imposing manner, the Chu Hen front appears instantly together the black shadow of human form. 身外如若黑色火焰升腾,连同着躁动不安的强大气势,楚痕的面前即刻浮现出一道人形的黑色影子。 Chu Hen sits facing each other with it that black shadow, from one side seems like, both's outline is almost exactly the same. 楚痕与之那黑色影子相对而坐,从侧面看上去,两者的轮廓几乎是一模一样。 Without guessing wrong, my bloodline limit should be the father of inheritance......” “如果没有猜错的话,我这个血脉界限应该是传承的爹的……” In the Chu Hen heart seeks thinking said secretly. 楚痕心中暗暗寻思道。 In the light wheel, knew merely mother Li Zhixia is a person of demon eyes clan, has not known the information about too many father Chu Ran day. 在时光轮中,仅仅得知母亲离知夏妖瞳一族的人,并没有得知关于太多父亲楚染天的信息。 On own two bloodline limit, are the biggest clues. 自己身上的两种血脉界限,将会是最大的线索。 ...... …… Follows, the Chu Hen intention moves, its front black shadow ferments extremely astonishing powerful aura suddenly. 跟着,楚痕心意一动,其面前的黑色影子突然酝酿出一股极为惊人的强大气息。 Humming sound!” “嗡嗡!” Together with the black flame glow that is shivering unceasingly, the space before black shadow body follows unexpectedly the sudden distortion, black light beams rotate rapidly, just like one strange swirls...... 连同着不断颤抖的黑色焰芒,黑色影子身前的空间竟然跟着急剧的扭曲起来,一道道黑色光束飞速转动,宛如一个奇异的水涡…… Immediately „......” a resounding, the center of that vortex towering splits a slit, the slit by visible speed outward expansion collapse open/start slowly, is changes to a bowl mouth size the space to bite the hole subsequently unexpectedly. 随即“咔嚓……”一声脆响,那漩涡的中心内部突兀的裂开一道缝隙,缝隙以肉眼可见的速度缓缓的朝外扩张崩开,继而竟是化作一个碗口大小的空间噬洞。 Cannot even withstand to the space powerful! 强大到连空间都承受不住! Makes person terrifying power with amazement absolutely. 绝对是令人骇然的恐怖力量。 ...... …… This, had not left the eastern land initially time had once seen. 这一幕,当初还未离开东陆的时候就曾见到过。 That was Thunder Sacred Palace fights just finished, Chu Hen in Kun kept mountain research Body of Primal Chaos the strength, but, by the Chu Hen ability, can only make the space split together the slight slit at that time. 那是雷圣宫一战刚刚结束,楚痕在坤留山研究‘混沌之体’的力量,只不过,当时以楚痕的能耐,只能够令空间裂开一道细微的缝隙。 ...... …… The continuous true essence strength releases continually, the space of bowl mouth size bites the hole to expand to the disc again is ordinary, by splitting the space, can clear sees internal the space and time counter turbulent flow of that fast shuttle...... 源源不断的真元力持续释放而出,碗口大小的空间噬洞再次扩大至圆盘一般,透过裂开的空间,能够清晰的看到内部那快速穿梭的时空逆乱流…… These space counter turbulent flow contain the strength of extremely fearful destruction. 这些空间逆乱流蕴含着极为可怕的毁灭之力。 Looks just like the meteor ray of tens of thousands of say/way fast twinkle. 看上去宛如成千上万道快速闪烁的流星光线。 The average people once were contacted, instantaneously extruded smashing. 普通人一经接触,瞬间就会被挤压的粉碎。 It is not able to tear the space including six star demon eyes strengths, but own Body of Primal Chaos achieved. 连六星妖瞳的力量都无法撕裂空间,而自己的‘混沌之体’做到了。 Is inconceivable simply! 简直是难以想象! ...... …… Unexpectedly, the Chu Hen palm concentrates, separates the suction to have the rock of not far away to invest in that space crack it. 蓦地,楚痕掌心一凝,隔空吸起不远处的一块岩石将其投入那空间裂缝之中。 Next flash, bang......” a heavy explosive, is surging together with a chaotic cyclone, the suddenly time, the entire stone is explodes directly becomes one group of fragment powders broken. 下一瞬间,“砰……”的一声沉重的爆响,连同着一股混乱的气旋激荡开来,眨眼的功夫,整块石头直接是爆碎成一团齑粉。
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