UMDK :: Volume #13

#1260: You actually where

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „The Chu Ran day here, violates my wife and children, dies......” 楚染天在此,犯我妻儿者,死……” Wild overbearing sound just like reverberation in that endless mountain peaks melodious praised the ding broadly, passed through the mountains and rivers, went over hill and dale, passes through the years tide of people in a hurry, finally disappeared lonesome in the well-established years river. 狂放霸道的声音宛若回荡在那无尽山峰之间的悠扬广褒钟声,穿越山河,翻山越岭,走过匆匆的岁月人潮,最终消寂于源远流长岁月长河之中。 ...... …… Kills!” “杀!” Clash/To!” “冲啊!” Person of loyalty and righteousness, the brave biography soul, Long Jia army sweeps away all obstacles!” “忠肝义胆,勇武传魂,龙家军所向披靡!” ...... …… Ten thousand arrows fire, murderous aura like the hemp! 万箭齐发,杀气如麻! At once is both armies battles, the army who two wear the armor just like the tide of two upfront connection, is rushes ahead directly together. 旋即是两军交战,两股身披铠甲的大军犹如两股正面交汇的潮水,直接是冲杀在一起。 Cold spear/gun twinkle, sword light glimpse! 寒枪闪烁,剑光掠影! Spirited battle drum sound rapid like rain, resonant bugle horn sound vigorous like tide. 激昂的战鼓声急骤如雨,嘹亮的号角声浑厚如潮。 The lance bloodstained continues, dies in battle unceasingly. 长矛染血不止,马革裹尸不断。 This war, kills directly from the morning in the evening, the hands of innumerable officers cut the hemp, the throat shouted mutely, the sword in hand obtuse cut a paper to use energy. 这一战,直接是从早上杀到傍晚,无数将士的手都砍麻了,嗓子都喊哑了,就连手中的战刀都钝的切一张纸都费劲。 ...... …… After intense chaotic war, the exhausted officers start in the corpse pile looks for living the companion. 激烈的混乱大战之后,疲惫的将士们开始在尸体堆中找寻活着的同伴。 Is filled with sufferers, ghost that if the strong winds of dancing in the air still roared, blew in body icy cold thrilling. 哀鸿遍野,飞舞的狂风犹若咆哮的鬼怪,吹在身上冰凉的叫人发抖。 General, your wound is still bleeding, needs to hurry to wrap up is good.” “将军,您的伤口还在流血,需要赶紧包扎才行。” A soldier arrives at a front of general. 一个小兵走到一位将军的面前。 The general is actually over fifty-year-old, the beard and hair is doping some white silk, compares other officers, it is a veteran. 那将军却是年过半百,须发掺杂着些许白丝,相比较其他的将士,其已经是个老将了。 Even so, the opposite party was still valiant, both eyes sharp like eagle. 即便如此,对方仍旧是英姿飒爽,双目犀利如鹰。 It beckons with the hand, said, does not need to pay attention to me, first saves the injured brothers......” 其摆了摆手,道,“不用理会我,先把受伤的弟兄们救起来……” But general you......” “可是将军你……” Snort, thinks that my dragon Bo goes on an expedition for many years, what is this small wound? When you wrap up to me, my wound scab.” “哼,想我龙博征战多年,这点小伤算什么?等你给我包扎完,我伤口都结痂了。” The soldier is helpless, can only first save others. 那小兵无奈,只能先去救其他人。 General, I always find it a little strange!” Saying of another vice general somewhat doubts. “将军,我总觉得有点奇怪!”另外一个副将有些疑惑的说道。 „?” Old man puzzled its meaning. “哦?”老者不解其意。 General, the military troops of enemy may be more than three times us......, moreover have not caught up our following support troops to the present, properly speaking, our times winning a little dexterous......” “将军,敌人的兵力人马可足足比我们多了三倍……而且我们的后续支援部队到现在还没赶来,按理说,我们这次赢的有点轻巧了……” Such remarks, in dragon Bo the eyes gushes out surprisedly some. 此言一出,龙博的眼中不禁涌出些许惊疑。 His corner of the eye congealed, takes a fast look around the surrounding officers, the heart is being astonished. 其眼角一凝,扫视着周围的将士,心头更是讶异了。 ...... …… The enemy that this time he meets the approaching enemy was called savage damnacanthus indicus regiment, each one soldier method of opposite party is cruel, it is said in this damnacanthus indicus regiment also built up the fleeing criminal and bandit in numerous dynasty country, savage did not say by nature, and strength is unusual. 这次他所迎击的敌军乃是被称之为最为凶残的‘虎刺军团’,对方的个个士兵都手段残忍,据说这个虎刺军团中还集结了众多王朝国家的逃犯以及土匪,凶残成性不说,且都实力非常。 The dragon abundant this time is ordered to come to meet head-on, almost said that holds is dying in battle also the determination to come. 龙博这次奉命前来迎战,几乎说是抱着‘马革裹尸还’的决心而来的。 What is accidental/surprised, are many 2-3 times in enemy number, and not in the situation that waits for the reinforcements to support, not only has not been annihilated, instead also wins a battle. 令人意外的是,在敌军数量比自身多出2-3倍,且还没有等来援军支援的情况下,非但没有全军覆没,反而还打了胜仗。 Really is somewhat beyond expectation. 着实是有些出人意外。 General, the general......” at this moment, is full of the strange sound to transmit from elsewhere together. “将军,将军……”就在这时,一道充满怪异的声音从别处传来。 What matter?” The dragon returns abundantly said. “什么事?”龙博回道。 Has, has a child......” “有,有个孩子……” Child? 孩子? The people are all startled, dragon Bo the attention was also shifted the past, it led several vice generals to welcome hastily. 众人皆是一怔,龙博的注意力也被转移过去,其连忙率领几位副将迎了过去。 Seemed like the birth shortly after!” “看起来出生没多久呢!” Really is strange, how will here have a child?” “真是奇怪,这里怎么会有个孩子?” Is the refugee who passed by remains?” “难道是路过的难民留下来的吗?” ...... …… Officers puzzled saying. 众将士不解的说道。 dragon Boshou has the saber in hand, and downloads is moistening the armor of blood, then cautious received swaddling clothes from the hand of that soldier. 龙博收起手中的佩剑,并卸掉身上沾着鲜血的盔甲,然后小心翼翼的从那士兵的手中接过一个襁褓。 Sees only that child mouth one to gather, the half-asleep partly awakes, blurry just like a newly-born kitten. 只见那孩子嘴巴一张一合,半睡半醒,迷迷糊糊的宛如一只刚出生的小猫。 Also is living......” dragon abundantly at present one brightly, and is changing the clothes arrange/cloth that is wrapping the opposite party, examines on the opposite party to have other damages. “还活着……”龙博眼前一亮,并翻动着包裹着对方的衣布,查看对方身上有没有其他的损伤。 Probably has a letter/believes!” Vice general said. “好像有封信!”身旁的副将说道。 dragon Botai the hand will clamp that letter/believes in child bosom takes out, after it opens, but on seeing merely only has several lines of writing. 龙博抬手将夹在孩子怀中的那封信取出,将其打开之后,但见上面仅仅只有几行文字。 This child, famous mark surnamed Chu, the tumultuous times are wandering, are poor, but also looks at the person of being predestined friends to give shelter it, bestows his simple family!” “此子姓楚,名痕,乱世流离,孤苦无依,还望有缘之人将其收留,赐其一个简单的家庭!” The simple two lines of characters map dragon Bo the view, is looking at the immature life in bosom, his sharp such as the vision of eagle is to change unexpectedly is temperate. 简简单单的两行字映入龙博的眼帘,望着怀中的幼小生命,他那犀利如鹰的目光竟是变的温和下来。 It sighed. 其叹了口气。 „! My dragon abundant life expedition battlefield, can pick you in the battlefield today, was a fate, today starting from, you are my person of Long.” “也罢!我龙博一生征战沙场,今日能够在战场上捡到你,也算是一种缘份了,今天开始,你就是我龙家之人。” ...... …… The battlefield that the yellow sand fills removes quietly. 黄沙弥漫的战场悄然褪去。 The warm sunlight shines in a wide presidential office. 温暖的阳光照耀在一座宽趟的府院之中。 Head of household, the general came back......” “家主,将军回来了……” With the inspired shout of entrance steward, in great hall instantly hurriedly walks handsome, martial-looking uncommon man. 随着门口管家的振奋呼喊声,大堂中即刻急匆匆的走出来一位相貌堂堂,英武不凡的男子。 Father...... you came back......” “父亲……你回来了……” Grandfather came back!” “爷爷回来了!” Grandfather hugs!” “爷爷抱抱!” In that man behind also follows two speech slurred children, these two children are also two -year-old similar appearance, walks also sways, long especially lovable attractive...... 在那男子的身后还跟着两个说话模糊不清的孩子,这两个孩子也就是两岁差不多的样子,走路还摇摇晃晃的,都长的尤为可爱漂亮…… Haha, frost, Yang Er, I not , is clever!” “哈哈,霜儿,阳儿,我不在的时候,乖不乖啊!” Clever!” “乖!” Boy happy shouting, but the girl is a little as if introverted, although is also very happy, but was short of one point of lively, were many one point of tranquilness. 男孩高兴的喊道,而那女孩似乎有点内向,虽然也很开心,但少了一分活泼,多了一分恬静。 ...... …… Father, you may be came back, this time heard that your opponents are damnacanthus indicus regiment, haven't you been injured?” “父亲,你可算是回来了,这次听说你们的对手是‘虎刺军团’,您没有受伤吧?” The men asked hastily. 男子连忙问道。 What is damnacanthus indicus regiment? I am all right, you do not need to be worried......” “虎刺军团算什么?我没事,你不必担心……” Father, later makes me replace on you battlefield!” “父亲,以后还是让我代替你上战场吧!” What to talk nonsense? Morning that my your such son, these two children's mothers walks, if you die in the battlefield, who these two children do manage?” “胡说什么?我就你这么一个儿子,这两个孩子的娘又走的早,你若是死在战场上,这两个孩子谁管?” dragon Bo is staring to scold. 龙博瞪着眼睛骂道。 The men are speechless immediately, it just wanted to say again, also before is sees dragon Bo the body, is actually holding a burden. 男子顿时无语,其刚欲再说,却是看见龙博的身前还抱着一个包袱。 Father, what your arms hug is what?” “父亲,你怀里抱的是什么?” dragon Bo at present one bright, in the foreheads shows the gentle meaning. 龙博的眼前一亮,眉宇间彰显慈祥之意。 Picks a baby for the father in the battlefield, later he was your adopted son......” “为父在战场上捡到一个婴儿,以后他就是你的‘义子’了……” Adopted son?” “义子?” The men are somewhat stunned, it found out the head to examine in the past, but saw in the swaddling clothes to open the child of big eye to be really lovable, showed the temperate smile. 男子有些错愕,其探出脑袋过去查看,但见襁褓中睁着大眼睛的孩子煞是可爱,也不由的露出温和的笑容。 Also is really a child.” “还真是个孩子。” That is natural, can I also deceive you to be inadequate?” Saying, dragon Bo knees down, registers another two children's front the baby in bosom, Yang Er, frost, starting today, he was your younger brothers......” “那是自然,我还能骗你不成?”说着,龙博单膝跪地,把怀中的婴儿报到另外两个孩子的面前,“阳儿,霜儿,从今天开始,他就是你们的弟弟了……” „! Did I have the younger brother?” Was called is Yang Er the child to be very novel, then said purely, hello/you good, Younger brother, I called Long Qingyang, did you name?” “哇!我有弟弟了?”被唤作‘阳儿’的孩子很是新奇,然后单纯说道,“你好,弟弟,我叫龙青阳,你叫什么名字啊?” He called Chu Hen!” dragon Bo replied. “他叫楚痕!”龙博回答道。 Chu Hen? Why not with me and a younger sister surname?” 楚痕?为什么不跟我和妹妹一个姓呢?” Un......” dragon soaring slightly, thinks saying that that is to hope one day, his birth parents can find him......, but, before then, you must protect him well, knows?” “嗯……”龙腾微顿,想了想道,“那是为了希望有一天,他的亲生父母能够找到他……不过,在这之前,你们要好好的保护他,知不知道?” Un! I will protect his.” “嗯!我会保护他的。” The boys patted the chest like a young man, the pure lovable appearance annoyed the surrounding people haha to laugh. 男孩如同一个小男子汉般的拍了拍胸膛,纯真可爱的样子惹了周围众人‘哈哈’大笑。 But nearby little girl was also somewhat walked curiously, she seemed very careful, as if small hand who wanted to touch the opposite party. 而一旁的小女孩也是有些好奇的走了过来,她显得很小心,似乎想要去摸一下对方的小手。 But has not bumped into the opposite party, the baby is actually „” cries suddenly. 可还未碰到对方,婴儿却是突然间“哇哇”大哭起来。 Frightened the little girl immediately to shrink the hand, then innocent looks at dragon soaring, he, he did not seem to like me......” 吓得小女孩顿时把手缩了回去,然后一脸无辜的看着龙腾,“他,他好像不喜欢我……” On the side of dragon soaring hands over in the child a hand of behind maidservant, then rubbed the head of that little girl. 龙腾一边把孩子交到身后的一名侍女的手中,然后揉了揉那小女孩的脑袋。 He was only hungry, later you were an elder sister, must favor him, do not let him be injured!” “他只是饿了而已,以后你就是姐姐了,要看好他,别让他受伤了!” I do not want!” “我才不要!” The little girls are pursing the lips, is a little unhappy. 小女孩撅着嘴,有点不开心。 As if she had recognized that little fellow did not like himself a moment ago, will therefore cry. 似乎她已经认定了刚才那个小家伙就是不喜欢自己,所以才会哭的。 Therefore she does not want, when his elder sister. 所以她不要当他姐姐。 However, as if in the future life, always the petite form of bad spoken language hides in not far away secretly looks child who that gradually grows up. 不过,在往后的生活中,似乎总有一个不善言语的娇小身影躲在不远处偷偷的看着那个逐渐长大的孩子。 Studies walks to sway, she will be anxious. 学走路摇摇晃晃的时候,她会紧张。 Not careful, when the ground throws down, she also prompt shouted the Sir. 不小心在地上摔倒的时候,她也会及时的把大人喊过来。 When he uses the slurred sound to shout elder sister, she has actually turned the head, said, do not shout randomly, I who disdains am not your older sister......” 当他用模糊不清的声音喊着“姐姐”的时候,她却是不屑的转过头去,并说道,“别乱喊,我才不是你姐姐……” After may run off, on the face is actually smiling. 可跑开之后,脸上却是笑着的。 When was 4 or 5-year-old, can steady walking, slightly run, he follows her to play frequently behind everywhere, she also warned the opposite party, cannot follow I......” 当四五岁了,可以平稳的走路,小跑的时候,他经常跟着她的身后到处玩耍,她也警告对方,“不许跟着我……” He who puts in great inconvenience to runs back the home to look for the Elder Brother sadly, may in his behind, that introverted little girl actually follow on the heels, the opposite party will not be for fear that careful will throw down is injured. 委屈的他非常伤心的跑回家去找哥哥,可在他的身后,那个内向的小女孩却是一直跟在后面,生怕对方不小心会摔倒受伤。 ...... …… It looks like ordinary families' childhood. 就像是普通人家的童年。 Like the growth of common family. 如同寻常家庭的成长。 Simple, ordinary! 简单,平凡! ...... …… The memory fragment looks like converges the hundred Sichuan rivers of sea unceasingly, puts all sorts of things together, presents in the Chu Hen mind. 记忆的碎片就像是不断汇入大海的百川河流,东拼西凑,呈现在楚痕的脑海之中。 Some things, just like the trace that the car(riage) wheel-pressure crosses, some are deep, some are shallow, some deep leaves behind together the mark in the heart. 有些事情,犹如车轮压过的痕迹,有的深,有的浅,有的深深的在心中留下一道印记。 ...... …… ...... …… How long has not known! 不知过了多久! Chu Hen went out of the main hall entrance of secret palace. 楚痕走出了天机宫的大殿门口。 He stands on the stair, the sunlight is just right, the glorious weather, the cool cool breeze front surface sways to come, faintly visible two on his face dry tear stains. 他站在台阶上,阳光正好,风和日丽,凉爽的清风迎面吹拂而来,在他的脸上依稀可见两道已经干涸的泪痕。 His innermost feelings anxious, some multi- moving restlessly, only then he clearest. 他的内心有多不安,有多躁动,只有他自己最为清楚。 After the release of mood, tranquility that also gradually changes. 情绪的释放过后,也逐渐变的平静。 Chu Ran day, Li Zhixia! 楚染天,离知夏 This is parents' name. 这是父母的名字。 Chu Hen smiled, unconsciously smiles somewhat happy, is laughable smiling, dry sad. 楚痕笑了,不觉笑的有些开心,可笑着笑着,又干涩悲伤。 ...... …… Also is period of long time, Chu Hen looks like klutz squatting in the entrance of secret palace. 又是一段漫长的时间,楚痕就像是木头人般的蹲在天机宫的门口。 Has passed many times, he standing up slowly, the look no longer is so low-spirited. 一直过了好些时候,他才缓缓的站起身来,眼神不再那么黯然。 It goes out of the city wall, when passes through that comes the wire rope over-bridge. 其走出城墙,走过那座来时的铁索天桥。 When returns to the beforehand peaks and ridges again, shoulders the middle-aged form of both hands to be built on summit of the steep cliff together alone. 再回到之前的峰峦之际,一道背负着双手的中年身影独自立于一座陡峭的断壁之巅。 Found itself to want?” The East permanent is sideways, temperate both eyes static is looking at the opposite party. “找到自己想要的了?”东方恒之侧过身来,温和的双目静静的望着对方。 Chu Hen nods, then shakes the head. 楚痕点了点头,然后又摇了摇头。 Memory that I see incomplete......” “我所看到的记忆并不完整……” Although Chu Hen has known own parental named Chu Ran day and Li Zhixia, knows that they are forced to leave itself...... to be possible the most essential place, was still unknown. 尽管楚痕已经知道自己的父母名为楚染天和离知夏,也知道他们是被迫离开自己……可最为关键的地方,仍旧是不得而知。 For example actually a past demon eyes clan what happened? 比如当年妖瞳一族究竟发生了什么事? Who is parents' enemy? 父母的仇家是谁? Why can cope with them? 为什么要对付他们? ...... …… These most essential factor, was still a fuzziness. 这些最为关键的因素,仍旧是一片模糊。 Eastern permanent nod, answers at once, person was just born that to get up, the memory is very disorderly, assumes the fragmented form, but, the eye has seen, the ear has listened to the thing, will keep in the mind with the simple mark, these things will not be recalled after growing up completely, this part was called in deep sleep memory......” 东方恒之点了点头,旋即解释道,“人刚出生那会起,记忆是非常杂乱的,也是呈碎片化的形式,不过,眼睛见过,耳朵听过的事物,会以浅显的印记留在脑海之中,这些事物会在长大之后完全不被记起,这部分被称之为‘沉睡中’的记忆……” It, continued saying that sometimes, but, the light wheel can see in childhood eye, these picture sounds that the ear hears present, in other words, you, also can only be you who in the light wheel sees witnessed the scene that...... as for has not undergone the process, or in the environment of falling asleep, did not remember......” 其顿了顿,继续说道,“而,时光轮能够将幼时眼睛所看到,耳朵所听到的那些画面声音重新呈现出来,也就是说,你在时光轮里面所看到的,也只能是你所目睹到的场景……至于没有历经过,或者是在睡着的环境下,是没有记忆的……” Must if sees with one's own eyes, when the memory or with one's own ears hearing, will be awakened by the light wheel. 必须要是亲眼看到,或是亲耳听到的记忆,才会被时光轮唤醒。 But, regarding was just born the shortly after baby, overwhelming majority time are at the sleep condition. 而,对于刚出生没多久的婴儿来说,绝大部分的时间都处于睡梦状态。 Therefore, memory that Chu Hen sees, seems torn to pieces, pieces together insufficient complete. 所以,楚痕所看到的记忆,也就显得支离破碎,拼凑的不够完整。 ...... …… It seems like that all things, only then that person was clear. 看来,所有的事情,也只有那个人清楚。 Chu Hen is sideways to forecast that to praise the vast vault of heaven broadly, in the heart the sinking sound said, Li Wushang...... you actually where?” 楚痕侧身展望着那广褒辽阔的天穹,心中沉声道,“离无伤……你究竟在哪里?”
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