UMDK :: Volume #13

#1259: How could mediocre

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Day martial peak! 天武峰! Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Suddenly, the entire day military list peripheral becomes moves restlessly anxiously. 突然间,整个天武榜周边变得躁动不安。 A series of flurried does not have any omens returns to the star boundary above the circuit intendant to fill the air from dream. 一系列的慌乱没有任何预兆的从‘梦回星境’的道台之上弥漫开来。 Did not have the light just like low-spirited that the stars dazzling giant crystal ball at this moment changes, one after another flurried form was transmitted to the stage under...... 原本宛如星辰般的璀璨夺目的巨大水晶球此刻变的黯然无光,一道接一道慌乱的身影被传送至台下…… I go, what's the matter?” “我去,怎么回事?” A moment ago I also practice well.” “我刚才还修行的好好的。” What does? I broke through Eternal Realm quickly.” “搞什么呢?我都快突破亘古境了。” ...... …… Many Martial Sect disciples are thrown into confusion, guards protects elders in this's several is also panic. 众多武宗弟子手忙脚乱,镇守于此的几位护宗长老们也是惊慌失措。 What happened?” “发生什么事情了?” Does not know, just fortunately good, suddenly the dream returns to the star boundary not to revolve.” “不知道,刚刚还好好的,突然梦回星境就不运转了。” Should not have an accident?” “该不是出什么事了吧?” ...... …… At this moment, the imposing manner such as the swift and fierce form of mountain flashes before in Tianwu the peak together the sky. 就在这时,一道气势如山的凌厉身影闪现于天武峰的上空。 Sees this person, people at present is one bright. 一看到此人,众人的眼前皆是一亮。 „The North Star peak lord!” “北辰峰主来了!” Peak main Sir, the dream returned to the star boundary to have problems.” “峰主大人,梦回星境出问题了。” ...... …… Everyone does not need to be startled!” “大家不必惊慌!” Yuan still Chensheng shouted, sound vigorous like thunder. 元尚沉声喝道,声音雄浑如雷。 „When sovereign Sir is using light wheel, the dream returns to the star boundary to suspend revolving.” “宗主大人正在使用时光轮,梦回星境暂停运转。” What? 什么? Sovereign Sir in use light wheel? 宗主大人在使用时光轮? When stunned, the people are one become aware suddenly. 错愕之余,众人又是一阵恍悟。 Originally is this, scared to death me!” “原来是这样,吓死我了!” In this case, should quick be able to restore.” “这样的话,应该很快就能够恢复了。” ...... …… When the dream returns to the star boundary is with the light wheel as the special illusion that the foundation creation becomes, therefore that side during use during, here will also fall into stops. 梦回星境乃是以时光轮作为基础创造而成的特殊幻境,所以那边在使用的同时,这边也会陷入停止之中。 After all is sovereign is using, even if in the people heart has reluctantly, but does not dare to say anything. 毕竟是宗主在用,即便众人心中有所无奈,但也都不敢说什么。 ...... …… How can use the light wheel suddenly? In the sovereign handling matters way, should issue that ahead of time the imperial edict considers is right.” “怎么会突然要用时光轮了?以宗主的处事方式,应该会提前发布诏告才对。” Who knows!” “谁知道呢!” Should be urgently needs!” “应该是急用吧!” ...... …… Many disciples exchange in a low voice, regarding this discusses spiritedly. 众多弟子低声交流,对此议论纷纷。 Some it seems like people made the sovereign Sir break free from the past convention! You said right? Thousand hawk Junior Sisters?” Wang Li is selecting the handsome eyebrow lightly, is full of the happy expression said to the pond thousand hawks of not far away. “看来有人让宗主大人打破了以往的常规啊!你说对吧?千莺师妹?”王黎轻挑着俊眉,饶有笑意的对不远处的池千莺说道。 The pond thousand hawks had not replied, but is sideways to sweep to behind another. 池千莺没有回答,而是侧身扫向身后另外一处。 Wang Li also following opposite party to the vision looks, at once at present one bright. 王黎也跟着对方所至的目光望去,旋即眼前不由的一亮。 Senior Brother Qiu, did you also come? Rare rare...... my how long has not returned to the star boundary to bump into you in this dream......” “邱师兄,你也来了?难得难得啊……我多久没有在这梦回星境碰到过你了……” Wang Li said that while walks toward the opposite party. 王黎一边说,一边朝着对方走去。 Qiu Xingyi is smiling nod. 邱星易微笑着点了点头。 You good......” “你们好……” Nearby other person also some surprise looks here three people. 附近的其他人也都有些诧异的看着这边的三个人。 In people's mind, these people very long have not come the dream to return to the star boundary to practice, Wang Li and pond thousand hawks, but can also see occasionally several times, as for Qiu Xingyi, almost 1-2 years has not appeared. 在众人的印象中,这几个人已经很久没有来过梦回星境修行了,王黎和池千莺,还偶尔能够看到几次,至于邱星易,几乎1-2都没有出现。 This three people here, made one be surprised simultaneously. 这次三个人同时在这里,不免令人感到意外。 ...... …… „Did Senior Brother Qiu just come?” Wang Li asked. “邱师兄刚来吗?”王黎问道。 Un, never expected that the dream returned to the star boundary suspension to operate.” “嗯,没想到梦回星境暂停运行了。” We are also similar, sovereign this time has not issued the notice actually ahead of time! Should for somebody!” “我们也差不多,宗主这次倒是没有提前下达通知呢!应该是为了某个人吧!” Wang Li self-examines saying that answered. 王黎自问自答的说道。 Qiu Xingyi smiles not to speak, simultaneously the eye pupil looks to the highest heaven vault of heaven sky , muttered in a low voice, holy war recruits to near, to have many anticipations!” 邱星易笑而不语,同时眼眸望向九霄天穹的上空,顿了顿,低声喃喃道,“圣战征召在即,是为了有更多的期待吧!” Yes! A month, the holy war recruited must start, since made one anticipate, made one feel that the fear...... can in the evildoer/monstrous talent with these top lists meet finally...... Han cloud sect, profound Yang Gong, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge, War God Palace that five young Saint kings...... will not have absented!” “是啊!还有一个多月,圣战征召就要开启了,既是让人期待,又令人感到害怕……终于能够和那些风云榜上的妖孽们碰面了……翰云宗,玄阳宫,齐霄阁,还有战神宫的那五小圣王……都不会缺席吧!” Wang Li's facial expression is full of touches. 王黎的神情饶有触动。 If several days ago the war of just-concluded sect gate merely was only a plate of appetizer, then following holy war recruits is the incomparable prosperous times' gluttony grand feast. 如果说几天前刚结束的宗门之战仅仅只是一盘开胃小菜的话,那么接下来的‘圣战征召’将会是无比盛世的饕餮盛宴。 Commeasurability that both have no! 两者根本没有任何的可比性! Is as for even/including Qiu Xingyi incomparable attaching great importance. 乃至于连邱星易都无比的重视。 Anticipation! 既是期待! Also is the fear! 又是害怕! The major top sect gates get together. 各大顶尖宗门齐聚。 When who is the Saint dragon? Who is the flood dragon python? 介时,谁是圣龙?谁又是蛟蟒? ...... …… ...... …… Secret palace! 天机宫! Just likes across the endless years tide of people, like marching into the previous generation in the present. 犹如穿过无尽的岁月人潮,就像步入了前世今朝。 A fuzzy picture starts appearance gradually. 一片模糊的画面开始渐渐的显现。 Face, is a boy, our mark were born......” “颜儿,是个男孩,我们的痕儿出生了……” In the gentle sound was disclosing many excited inspired, that is a joy from the heart. 温柔的声音中透露着诸多激动振奋,那是一种发自内心的喜悦。 Quickly, shows me......” at once is a weak weak female voice, quite lovable, the eye has not opened!” “快,给我看看……”旋即是一个虚弱无力的女声,“好可爱,眼睛都没睁开呢!” ...... …… A picture revolution! 画面一转! Clear that the fuzzy scene gradually changes. 模糊的场面逐渐变的清晰。 The sunlight is just right, the wind light is not dry! 阳光正好,风轻不燥! Pavilion waterside pavilion, corridor like picture! 凉亭水榭,长廊如画! The figure is together slender, obviously if the surface in the jade pendant adorning a hat handsome male eye completely loves looks in the bosom to hug the young woman of baby...... 一道身形修长,面若冠玉的英俊男子眼中尽显疼爱的望着怀中抱着婴儿的一位年轻女子…… Men's straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, nose, if suffers any hardship in order to achieve revenge, in the foreheads is disclosing the inherent martial-looking aura. 男子剑眉星目,鼻若悬胆,眉宇间透露着与生俱来的英武气息。 The females are sweet and pretty, the pupil like the autumn waters, is the fresh causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman. 女子娇美动人,眸如秋水,亦是生的倾国倾城。 The baby in swaddling clothes is opening the limpid big eye, curious is sizing up this novel world. 襁褓中的婴儿睁着清澈的大眼睛,好奇的打量着这个新奇的世界。 Really good!” Male tone gentle saying with a smile, has your mother and child two, my life foot!” “真好!”男子语气温柔的笑道,“有你们母子两个,我此生足矣!” The females smile, are happy. 女子浅浅一笑,亦是幸福不已。 Day elder brother, three days later was mark the day of full moon, I want to bring back to the clan him, making the big brother have a look at...... his to become the uncle, has said that must come to see his nephew. You also know, inside and outside a demon eyes clan the thing were recently many, he wants to come actually unable to leave......, therefore......” “天哥,三天之后就是痕儿的满月之日了,我想把他带回族里,让大哥看看……他那个当舅舅的,一直说要来看看他的外甥。你也知道,最近妖瞳一族里外事物都不少,他想来却是抽不开身……所以……” I know!” The men are hugging the shoulder of opposite party lightly, one and embraces into his mother and child the bosom, „a demon eyes clan business is many, now you marry my, the big or small thing in clan he is also all processed by the big brother, we indeed should bring mark to go back to give him to take a look...... and other tomorrow morning, we, this time go back to stay for several days.” “我知道!”男子轻搂着对方的肩膀,一并将其母子二人揽入怀中,“妖瞳一族事务繁多,如今你嫁到我这,族内的大小事物也全由大哥他一人处理,我们的确应该带着痕儿回去给他瞧瞧……等明天早上,我们就出发,这次回去多住几天。” Un!” Females joyful looking, and ignites in the bosom by the fingertip lightly the cheeks of baby, mark is clever, quick can see the uncle, is happy?” “嗯!”女子欣喜过望,并以指尖轻点着怀中婴儿的脸颊,“痕儿乖,很快就能见到舅舅了,开不开心呢?” Fool, mark one month is less than! Where can understand you to speak?” “傻瓜,痕儿才一个月不到呢!哪能听得懂你说话?” Waah......” the baby in bosom is actually growing the small mouth, makes the slurred sound, like ordinary in the response. “哇啊……”怀中的婴儿却是长着小嘴,发出模糊不清的声音,如同在回应一般。 Day elder brother, mark understood!” “天哥,痕儿听懂了!” Hahahaha.” “哈哈哈哈。” ...... …… The picture transforms again! 画面再次转换! These actually does not see any warm scene time. 这一次却是不见任何的温馨场景。 The cold wind roared, frost dust everywhere. 冷风咆哮,霜尘漫天。 Imposing manner grand buildings collapse loudly, the beacon-fire rocket, rivers of blood, the corpses of dying with injustice unredressed lie down in the pool of blood. 一座座气势宏伟的建筑物轰然倒塌,烽火狼烟,血流成河,一具具死不瞑目的尸体躺在血泊之中。 The woods cold cold wind just like the frost blade to dance in the air. 森寒的冷风犹如霜刃飞舞。 The dark day is secret, murderous aura like the hemp. 昏天暗地,杀气如麻。 The young handsome man for example the Fiendgod whole body is ascending together the rich black ray, its to show disdain for the stance of common people built on above a vast circuit intendant. 一道年轻英俊的男子譬如神魔般全身升腾着浓郁的黑色光芒,其以傲视苍生的姿态立于一座辽阔的道台之上。 In his under foot, the horizontal corpse are innumerable, the blood drips like the spring. 在他的脚下,横尸无数,血淌如泉。 The summits of numerous corpse, it just like overlooking ten thousand spirit Heaven's Chosen overlords, no one may. 众尸之巅,其宛若俯视万灵的天骄霸主,无人可及。 ...... …… In man behind, beautiful wife weak sitting on the ground, in the eye holds infinitely sad looks that in the swaddling clothes is licking the small mouth, is shaking the child of small hand. 在男子的身后,美丽的妻子无力的坐在地上,眼中含着无限哀伤的看着襁褓中舔着小嘴,晃着小手的孩子。 The scarlet blood splits open in her white long skirt slowly, bright seems a blood lotus flower. 猩红的鲜血在她的白色长裙中缓缓绽开,鲜艳的好似一朵血莲花。 All come incomparably suddenly. 一切来的无比突然。 Female raising the head of slowly, looks at the vision that husband that is full of loves tender. 女子缓缓的抬起头,望着丈夫那饱含怜惜疼爱的目光。 The men knee down, gently is hugging two people. 男子单膝跪地,轻轻的抱着两人。 Sorry, face...... I cannot protect your mother and child......” “对不起,颜儿……我没能保护好你们母子俩……” The females sip the lip to smile bitterly and astringently. 女子抿着嘴唇苦涩一笑。 The distant place, the flames of war spread unceasingly, the confusion non-stop erupting, destroy day of the wild strength of extinguishing the place if still the nebula vortex sweeps across eight sides. 远处,战火不断蔓延,混乱不停爆发,一股股毁天灭地的狂暴力量犹若星云漩涡般的席卷八方。 The sad and shrill pitiful yell sound in peripheral resounds unceasingly. 凄厉的惨叫声不断在周边响起。 ...... …… Females with it man vision looking at each other, latter nod of gently. 女子与之男子目光对视,后者轻轻的点了点头。 At once, the female looks to one under circuit intendant wears fights armor, the whole body is moistening the bloodstain young form. 旋即,女子看向道台之下的一道身披战甲,浑身沾着血迹的年轻身影。 Does not have the wound!” “无伤!” In!” “在!” You are left and right arms that my big brother most trusts, I give you mark now, but also please foster to grow up him well......” “你是我大哥最为信任的左膀右臂,我现在将痕儿交给你,还请你好好将他抚养长大……” The sound that the females spoke even more was incapable weakly, in the mouth also has the blood to overflow unceasingly. 女子说话的声音愈发的虚弱无力,口中还不断有着鲜血溢出。 That wears the young man who fights armor is two is also exuding the blood light, is clenching teeth, the knees kneel down. 那身披战甲的年轻男子亦是两眼泛着血光,咬着牙,双膝跪倒在地。 Knows Sir summer, the subordinate is willing to protect you to leave at risk of life......” “知夏大人,属下愿意拼死保护你们离开……” The females are smiling bitterly shaking the head. 女子苦笑着摇了摇头。 She said, their goals are I and day elder brother, where regardless to escape, will be found by them...... nowadays, I can only send off mark......” 她道,“他们的目标是我和天哥,不论逃到哪里,还是会被他们找到的……现如今,我只能将痕儿送走……” She is saying, while stands up under supporting by the arm of husband slowly. 她一边说着,一边在丈夫的搀扶下缓缓站起身来。 She is hugging the child, arrives in front of young man who that wears fights armor. 她抱着孩子,走到那身披战甲的年轻男子面前。 Each step that as if walks, just like the blade to twist the stabbing pain her heart. 仿佛走出去的每一步,都犹如刀绞般刺痛着她的心。 Do not tell the matter of mark today, makes him work as...... the average person! Please take care of him well, I, Li Zhixia, not think the report......” “不要告诉痕儿今天发生的事情,就让他当个……普通人吧!请好好的照顾他,我,离知夏,无以为报……” The clear teardrops have delimited her cheek quietly, the serious injury made her speak a few words every time, seemed exceptionally strenuous. 晶莹的泪珠悄然划过她的面颊,严重的伤势令她每说一句话,都显得异常吃力。 Yes!” Wears fights A young man sound to sob, and heavy, „, receives an order!” “是!”身披战甲的年轻男子声音哽咽且沉重,“属下,领命!” ...... …… Grows up well! Mark, if we had known our can separate is so sudden, mother should give you to sew several new clothes again, makes several new shoes, from one year old, two years old, after growing up...... can put on mother to the clothes that you sew, really sorry...... cannot visit you to grow up, cannot look that you get married to give birth...... you to remember, studies to walk, wanted, do not throw down slowly......” “好好长大吧!痕儿,如果早知道我们一家会分开的这么突然,娘就应该再给你多缝几件新衣服,多做几双新鞋子,从一岁,两岁,一直到长大之后……都能穿着娘给你缝的衣服,真的对不起……不能看着你长大,不能看着你成亲生子……你要记住,学走路的时候,要慢一点,千万不要摔倒了……” The females have choked with sobs. 女子已然是泣不成声。 But, the baby in swaddling clothes as if has induced general, cries suddenly, a pair of small hand carelessly is wielding in the air carelessly. 而,襁褓中的婴儿仿佛有所感应一般,突然间大哭起来,一双小手胡乱的在空气中胡乱挥着。 Thought mother did talk incessantly? Sorry, sorry...... makes the father speak two words to you......” “是觉得娘太唠叨了吗?对不起,对不起……让爹给你说两句话……” Females immediately baby to nearby young man. 女子随即将婴儿面向一旁的年轻男子。 The latter eye pupil completely loves, „the mothers who talk incessantly have spoken the words, I do not know that must say anything......, since mother hopes that you work as an average person, that......” 后者眼眸尽是疼爱,“唠叨的娘都已经把话说完了,我都不知道要说什么了……既然娘希望你当个普通人,那就……” But, at this moment, in the eyes of baby has faintly wipes monster different purple glow to flash through. 而,就在这时,婴儿的眼中隐隐有着一抹妖异的紫芒闪过。 Meanwhile, opposite party forehead is surging one group of strange black light marks. 同时,对方的眉心处涌动着一团奇异的黑色光纹。 In an instant, a familiar strength fluctuation comes out from within the body of that baby turbulently. 霎那间,一股熟悉的力量波动从那婴儿的体内汹涌出来。 The brow of man raises, on the face actually exposes the wild unruly carefree laughter. 男子的眉头一掀,脸上却是展露出狂放桀骜的畅快笑声。 Hahahaha, mark, if you do not like working as the ordinary logical expression, that do not listen to your mother! My Chu Ran day son, how could mediocre in the world......” “哈哈哈哈,痕儿,如果你不喜欢当普通的人话,那就不要听你娘的吧!我楚染天的儿子,又岂能平庸于世……” My Chu Ran day son, how could mediocre in world! 楚染天的儿子,岂能平庸于世! Wild overbearing sound direct impact highest heaven vault of heaven. 狂放霸道的声音直冲九霄天穹。 ...... …… Meanwhile, dozens imposing manner ice-cold powerful forms if still ghosts and demons appears from the air. 与此同时,几十道气势冰冷的强大身影犹若鬼魅般的从空气中浮现出来。 Just like ripple inverted image that the water surface exudes. 宛如水面泛起的波纹倒影。 Whole bodies send out the endless great strength to kill intent. 一个个浑身散发着无尽的强大杀意。 „The Chu Ran day, Li Zhixia...... today was your two days of clan demise......” 楚染天,离知夏……今日就是你们两族灭亡之日……” The Li Zhixia complexion changes. 离知夏的脸色一变。 Day elder brother?” “天哥?” Snort!” “哼!” Chu Ran day cold vision one cold, is actually lifts the hand to grasp in void, a boundless incomparable terrifying power directly is turbulently. 楚染天冷目光一凛,却是抬手于虚空中一抓,一股磅礴无比的恐怖力量直接是汹涌而出。 „!” An incomparably fierce heavy loud sound, that void is the disintegration comes unexpectedly directly, then a space channel appears under the vault of heaven impressively. “嗵!”的一声无比剧烈的沉重巨响,那虚空竟然直接是崩碎开来,接着一座空间通道赫然惊现于苍穹之下。 The Chu Ran day received the baby from the hand of Li Zhixia, delivers to front of it the young man who that wears fights armor. 紧接着,楚染天从离知夏的手中接过婴儿,将其送到那身披战甲的年轻男子面前。 Does not have the wound, asked you!” “无伤,拜托你了!” The opposite party both hands hug to cry hastily the baby incessantly, dyes the huge person, knows Sir summer, you take certainly care!” 对方连忙双手抱起大哭不止的婴儿,“染天大人,知夏大人,你们一定保重!” Then it without delay, jumps to leap at the maximum speed, changes to the flowing light to drill into that space channel together. 接着其二话不说,以最快的速度纵身一跃,化作一道流光钻入那空间通道之中。 ...... …… Where walks?” “哪里走?” The black-clothed person want to intercept to pursue. 众黑衣人就欲拦截追击。 But, the next flash, the imposing manner is together dreadful, just like the Fiendgod black form is the anger raises the highest heaven directly, shatter void. 而,下一瞬间,一道气势滔天,犹如神魔般的黑色身影直接是怒掀九霄,破碎虚空。 Snort, the Chu Ran day here, violates my wife and children, dies......” “哼,楚染天在此,犯我妻儿者,死……”
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