UMDK :: Volume #13

#1258: When light wheel

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! I also want to know, you come my Martial Sect, so-called what matter?” “我也想知道,你来我武宗,所谓何事?” Eastern permanent voice, then a character sinks puts out several characters. 东方恒之的声音一顿,接着一字一沉的吐出几个字。 demon eyes, a clan......” 妖瞳,一族……” In an instant, the air flow velocity in entire main hall speeds up suddenly, pupil of Chu Hen tight shrinks, complexion some flood white...... 霎那间,整个大殿内的空气流速豁然加快,楚痕的瞳孔紧紧的为之一缩,脸色不禁有些泛白…… The vision tight is staring at that manner gentle middle age form above main hall. 其目光紧紧的盯着大殿之上的那道神态平和的中年身影。 Then indifferent and does not lose the dignity just like the monarchy eye pupil, calm, if mountain desert. 那宛如君主般的眼眸淡然而又不失威严,沉稳的仿若山岳瀚海。 ...... …… Finally was discovered! 终于还是被发现了! Fought to use a Demon Eyes Sacred Body strength in the sect gate merely. 仅仅只是在宗门之战上使用了一次妖瞳圣体的力量。 Less than the time of three integers. 前后不到三个数的时间。 Cannot escape Martial Sect the main eye. 还是未能够逃过武宗之主的眼睛。 ...... …… After short dreariness. 短暂的沉寂过后。 The Chu Hen facial color also relaxes, in the Eastern permanent look and does not have any is unfriendly. 楚痕的面色随之缓和下来,在东方恒之的眼神之中并没有任何的不友善。 In addition the opposite party summoned himself alone, believes that the primary cause was not for must see through an affair in him. 再加上对方独自召见自己,相信主要原因并不是为了要拆穿于他。 ...... …… Looks at the facial expression to belong to moderate Chu Hen, on the Eastern permanent face also shows some temperate happy expressions. 望着神情归于缓和的楚痕,东方恒之的脸上也露出些许温和的笑意。 At least he also affirmed a point, the opposite party comes Martial Sect and without any malicious intent. 至少他也肯定了一点,对方来武宗并没有恶意。 I want taking advantage of Martial Sect when light wheel uses......” “我想借武宗的‘时光轮’一用……” No hesitation, the Chu Hen vision flashes incomparably seriously decidedly, is looking at the opposite party. 没有任何的迟疑,楚痕目光一闪决然,无比郑重的望着对方。 The East permanent slightly feels the surprise, is it somewhat puzzled asking, this goal?” 东方恒之略感诧异,其有些不解的问道,“就是这个目的?” Right!” “对!” Chu Hen replied. 楚痕回答。 Reason?” “原因呢?” Investigates thoroughly my life experience!” “查清我的身世!” „?” The East permanent was more accidental. “哦?”东方恒之更意外了。 demon eyes, in addition, I know nothing about myself......” 妖瞳,除此之外,我对自己一无所知……” This is the reply of Chu Hen, freely summary unusual is brief, but sounds has inexplicable dry. 这是楚痕的回答,尽管概括的非常简短,但听上去却有种莫名的干涩。 Except for one pair demon eyes, body again no clue. 除了一双‘妖瞳’,身上再无任何的线索。 Therefore, when he must draw support from the Martial Sect light wheel, found own place of birth. 所以,他要借助武宗的时光轮,找到自己的出生地。 ...... …… Also is a long dreariness, East permanent static is looking at your highness that handsome and elegant young face, on the body of opposite party, has compared with the contemporaries deeper firm and resolute and profound look. 又是一阵漫长的沉寂,东方恒之静静的望着殿下那张俊秀的年轻面孔,在对方的身上,有着比之同龄人更为深沉的坚毅和深邃的眼神。 Had been through repeatedly how much winds and rains! 历经了多少风雨! Can mold this and other neither arrogant nor servile psychological qualities. 才能够塑造出这等不卑不亢的心理素质。 ...... …… Perhaps, sovereign Sir whether knows has a matter about demon eyes clan?” “或许,宗主大人是否知道有关于妖瞳一族的事情?” Chu Hen tries to open the mouth to ask. 楚痕试着开口问道。 Eastern permanent shaking the head, I simply know, a demon eyes clan was one of the initial ten big strongest Saint clans, what a pity more than 20 years ago, Demon Eyes Sacred Clan encountered the disaster...... that disaster to make entire Demon Eyes Sacred Clan suffer the unprecedented heavy losses, even...... had the hearsay, a demon eyes clan, has bordered on the extermination of the clan the situation......” 东方恒之摇了摇头,“我仅仅知道,妖瞳一族乃是当初的十大最强圣族之一,可惜在二十多年前,妖瞳圣族遭遇劫难……那次劫难令整个妖瞳圣族遭遇了前所未有的重创,甚至……有外界传闻,妖瞳一族,已经濒临灭族的地步……” Bang!” “轰隆!” Such remarks, in the Chu Hen mind imitates, if has bolt from the blue crack. 此言一出,楚痕的脑海之中仿若有着晴天霹雳炸响。 Especially borders on extermination of the clan these four characters, was just like in heavy hammer pounding ruthlessly his heart. 尤其是‘濒临灭族’这四个字,更是犹如重锤般狠狠的砸中了他的心脏。 How can......” both hands of Chu Hen in faint shivering. “怎么会……”楚痕的双手都在隐隐的颤抖。 In the mind is broadminded to reappear initially when immortal demon tomb, fox of Monarch that azure mound saw the song once to oneself have spoken a few words. 其脑海中豁然间浮现出当初在仙魔冢的时候,那青丘之狐君见歌曾对自己说过的一句话。 Our destinies...... many are somewhat similar!” “我们的命运……多少有几分相似!” Similar destiny! 相似的命运! World knows, a fox of clan azure mound is honored as one of the strongest Demon Race, but for a lot of years, the population of fox of azure mound has also vanished in this world. 世间都知道,青丘之狐一族被誉为最强的妖族之一,而在千百年来,青丘之狐的族群也已然消失在了这个世界。 Remaining, few! 所剩者,寥寥无几! Now thinks words that monarch see, is this meaning that the song refers to? 现在想起来的话,君见歌所指的,就是这层意思? ...... …… The Chu Hen mind is shivering. 楚痕的心神都在颤抖。 Pale not blood-color. 脸色苍白的没有一丝血色。 If a demon eyes clan has exterminated the clan words, own parents? 如果说妖瞳一族已经灭族的了话,那自己的父母呢? Thinks of here, as ice-cold made him be afraid as the extreme cold flow. 想到这里,一阵冰冷到极点的冷流令其不寒而栗。 ...... …… Perhaps, when must borrow light wheel?” Eastern permanent tranquil asking. “或许,还要借用时光轮?”东方恒之平静的问道。 Wants!” “要!” Chu Hen vision one cold, in foreheads completely obviously firm. 楚痕目光一凛,眉宇之间尽显坚决。 More than 20 years, it does not want continuously such illegibile going on living. 二十多年了,其不想一直这么不清不楚的活下去。 A demon eyes clan in the past what happened, how oneself birth parents are where...... regardless of the result again, must know. 妖瞳一族当年发生了什么事情,自己的亲生父母又身在何处……无论结果再怎样,也要知道。 ...... …… Eastern permanent nod of gently, comes with me!” 东方恒之轻轻的点了点头,“跟我来吧!” Then, it goes down the main hall, and walks toward outside directly. 说罢,其走下大殿,并径直朝着外面走去。 The Chu Hen double fist grasps, at once the following opposite party goes behind. 楚痕双拳微握,旋即跟着对方身后而去。 ...... …… Sovereign!” “宗主!” Two people just had/left the palace gate, defended still also welcomed outside North Star peak principal element. 两人刚出殿门,守在外面的北辰峰主元尚也迎了过来。 We must go to secret palace, you go to day martial Bang, will wait to meet there a little to be chaotic.” “我们要去‘天机宫’,你去天武榜一趟,等会那里可能会有点混乱。” Secret palace? 天机宫? Yuan still Zheng being startled, that was the entire Martial Sect strictest restricted area, without sovereign permission, four big peaks main had no right to step into. 元尚怔了怔,那可是整个武宗最为严密的禁地,没有宗主的允许,就连四大峰主都无权踏入。 How can this go to there suddenly? 怎么这会突然要去那里? The Yuan still looked at eye opponent's back's Chu Hen, in the vision flashed through doubts, but had not asked. 元尚看了眼对方身后的楚痕,目光中闪过一丝疑惑,但并未多问。 Yes, sovereign!” “是,宗主!” ...... …… Roughly after a half hour ! 约莫半个小时之后! Chu Hen accompanies the East permanently to arrive in front of an especially magnificent Tianfeng. 楚痕随同东方恒之来到一座尤为壮观的天峰面前。 That is one float the grand great peak in void, under giant meteorite just like highest heaven vault of heaven, giant iron chain continually then peripheral steep peak columns...... 那是一座悬浮在虚空之中的宏伟巨峰,宛如九霄苍穹下的巨型陨石,一道道巨大的铁链连接着周边的陡峭峰柱…… On each iron chain glittering, rune/symbol writing drags. 每一道铁链上都金光闪闪,符文摇曳。 Distant looks, such as chain immortal palace, magnificent peerless. 远远的望去,如链锁仙宫,壮观绝伦。 Above that peaks and ridges, is standing erect a style plain palace. 在那峰峦之上,矗立着一座样式古朴的宫殿。 Around the palace is all constructing the high city wall, resplendent in gold and jade green pagoda, as well as magnificent big magnificent jade palace...... 宫殿四周皆是建造着高高的城墙,金碧辉煌的宝塔,以及华丽高大的琼楼玉宇…… Is one is a kilometer cable bridge across the sky in two people front. 在两人的面前是一座长达千米的横空索桥。 Under the bridge the fog winds around, distant place considerable nine days of waterfall, YJ mountain stream. 桥下云雾缭绕,远处可观九天瀑布,鹰击山涧。 The Eastern permanent step steady stepping cable bridge, Chu Hen follows. 东方恒之步伐平稳的踏上索桥,楚痕紧随其后。 Just walked few steps, Chu Hen felt that two especially powerful aura swept from elsewhere. 刚走没几步,楚痕就感觉到两股尤为强大的气息从别处扫荡而来。 The Chu Hen facial color changes, but is quick, these two aura go into hiding. 楚痕面色微变,不过很快,这两股气息就隐匿下去。 Does not need to want also to know, as the secret palace of Martial Sect first restricted area, naturally has the expert to assume personal command in this always. 不用想也知道,作为武宗第一禁地的天机宫,自然无时无刻都有着高手坐镇于此。 If walks in front of oneself is not Eastern permanent it, trades to be others, hides the expert in hidden place to be able directly the issuing killer without hesitation. 倘若走在自己前面的不是东方恒之,换做其他人的话,潜藏在暗处的高手直接会毫不犹豫的下达杀手。 ...... …… Two people walk on the cable bridge, the bridge deck has slight rocking. 两人走在索桥上面,桥身有着轻微的晃动。 In a while, two people arrived at another end of cable bridge. 没过多久,两人就到达了索桥的另外一端。 Buzz......” “嗡……” In stepping opposite soars to the clouds the flash of Tianfeng, in the air exudes a ripple shape the ripples supple wave, the golden ripple toward splits open in all directions slowly, under the Eastern permanent leadership, Chu Hen such as steps the peaks and ridges across a water surface...... 在踏上对面凌霄天峰的一瞬间,空气中泛起一层水纹状的涟漪柔波,金色的波纹朝着四面八方缓缓绽开,在东方恒之的带领下,楚痕如穿过一层水面般的踏上峰峦…… Immediately, across the imposing manner grand Miyag front door, passes through luxurious pagoda constructions, finally, two people arrived among the front of that biggest plain palace...... 随即,穿过气势宏伟的宫城大门,走过一座座奢华的宝塔建筑,最终,两人来到了中间那座最为高大的古朴宫殿的面前…… The palace does not have the front door! 宫殿没有大门! Is opening completely. 完全是开着的。 May stand outside, inside is actually anything cannot see. 可站在外面,里面却是什么都看不见。 A piece fuzzy dim. 一片模糊朦胧。 The above of palace is hanging a signboard. 宫殿的上方悬挂着一块牌匾。 Above is carving secret palace three striking large characters. 上面刻着‘天机宫’三个醒目的大字。 ...... …… Two elders, but also please open the main hall, when the head-family needs the light wheel uses.” “两位长老,还请开启大殿,本宗需要时光轮一用。” Eastern permanent voice indifferent was saying to the air. 东方恒之声音淡然的对着空气说道。 Chu Hen is startled. 楚痕一怔。 Finishes speaking, biography of a strange strength fluctuation in the air swings, in an instant, the entrance of palace is appears one to congeal unexpectedly the solid golden light screen...... 话音刚落,一阵奇异的力量波动于空气中传荡开来,霎那间,宫殿的门口竟是浮现出一层凝实的金色光幕…… The innumerable say/way dazzling silver light mark disperses in the upper berth of light screen. 无数道绚丽夺目的银色光纹于光幕之上铺散而出。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Is shivering together with the slight space, concentrates such as the gauze curtain that the solid golden light screen quietly changes to be generally lithe illusory. 连同着轻微的空间颤抖,凝实的金色光幕悄然变的虚幻如纱帘一般轻盈。 Then, the East permanent takes the lead to pass through, takes a step to enter inside. 接着,东方恒之率先穿过其中,迈步进入里面。 The Chu Hen double fist grasps, with also steps the stair, walks into the palace. 楚痕双拳一握,跟着也踏上台阶,走入宫殿内部。 ...... …… The interior of main hall is somewhat dim! 大殿的内部有些昏暗! But on peripheral wall, on palace column, even is in the ground portrays extremely complex tedious symbol secretary lu. 可周边的墙壁上,宫柱上,甚至是地面上都刻画着极其复杂的繁琐符文秘箓。 Sharp marks interweave the encirclement, is dragging the dense glow soft light. 一道道亮丽的阵纹交织环绕,摇曳着氤氲的萤火柔光。 But, in the midpoint of that main hall, is actually laying aside unusual goods. 而,在那大殿的正中央,却是放置着一座奇特的物品。 The entire appearance, is a bit like to a large expelling car(riage), but this expelled inside and outside the car(riage) to cover entirely the every large or small gear up and down...... 其整个外观形状,有点类似于一辆大型的撵车,不过这辆撵车内外上下都布满了大大小小的齿轮…… The middle position, has a round wheel of 56 meters diameter. 中间位置,有着一座五六米直径的圆轮。 On the round wheel proliferates the ancient trace, to the entrance, is rotating by the clockwise direction slowly, methodical, the annual ring of probably that years, passes in revolution quietly slowly. 圆轮上遍布古老的纹路,正对着大门口,以顺时针的方向缓缓转动,有条不紊,像是那岁月的年轮,在悄然的运转中慢慢流逝。 ...... …… When light wheel? 时光轮? Looks at this contour unusual thing, in the eye of Chu Hen flashes many to move restlessly at present anxiously, has the excitement, some hopes, fear...... 看着眼前这座外形奇特的东西,楚痕的眼中闪动着诸多躁动不安,有激动,有渴望,还有害怕…… Indeed is afraid! 的确是害怕! He feared that saw scene that oneself do not want to see! 他怕看到自己所不想看到的场面! The Eastern permanent wrist/skill lifts lightly, turns the hand to take out a dark golden token. 东方恒之手腕轻抬,翻手取出一枚暗金色的令牌。 The token center is carving one swiftly and fiercely sect character. 令牌中央刻着一个凌厉的‘宗’字。 Then lifts the hand to wield, when that token is actually changes to a beam flux light to graze to go toward the front light wheel. 接着抬手一挥,那枚令牌却是化作一束流光朝着前方的时光轮飞掠而去。 „......” “咻……” When the light beam flies into when light wheel, an intense strength fluctuation follows to fill the air suddenly, next flash, then round stopped revolving with middle that circle of turn clockwise unexpectedly, then in Chu Hen that is full of the surprise under the vision, it rotates by the anti-clockwise direction unexpectedly slowly...... 当光束飞入时光轮之际,一阵强烈的力量波动跟着急剧弥漫开来,下一瞬间,那以顺时针转动的中间那座圆轮竟然停住了旋转,接着在楚痕那饶有诧异的目光下,其竟是以逆时针的方向缓缓转动…… And the speed of rotating is getting more and more fast. 且转动的速度越来越快。 Quick arrives at the rhythm that the naked eye could not even see clearly. 很快就到了连肉眼都看不清的节奏。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Even more powerful strength fluctuation continuous folds, an ray mark in entire palace was activated all general, blooms the brilliant lustrous color. 愈发强盛的力量波动源源不断的叠起,整个宫殿内的光芒阵纹尽数被激活一般,绽放出光彩夺目的绚丽色彩。 The spirit mark above round wheel is exceptionally bright. 圆轮之上的灵纹异常明亮。 Marks with all blossoming in radiant splendor are to all reappear the silk threads soft light, when fills in the ray in the world all toward the central collection of light wheel...... 跟着所有大放异彩的阵纹皆是浮现出丝丝缕缕的柔光,弥漫于天地间的光芒尽数朝着时光轮的中央汇集…… Whish!” “哗!” Suddenly, that luxurious dazzling circle round is to change unexpectedly illusory incomparable, passes the road junction with a fog misty screw presents under the Chu Hen vision. 眨眼间,那座奢华炫目的圆轮竟是变的虚幻无比,跟着一座雾蒙蒙的螺旋通道口呈现于楚痕的目光之下。 The passing road junction of fog shape seems that storm nebula eye of vortex, endless mysterious aura from its interior turbulently. 灰雾状的通道口好似那暴风星云中的漩涡之眼,无尽的神秘气息从其内部汹涌而出。 ...... …… The Chu Hen vision fills is looking at the front Eastern permanent it that changes countenance. 楚痕的目光充满动容的望着前方的东方恒之。 When gratitude, excited could not speak. 感激之余,又激动的说不出话来。 I outside you!” Eastern permanent light saying. “我在外面等你!”东方恒之淡淡的说道。 Then, selfish turns around to leave this place. 说完,就自顾自的转身离开此地。 The secret palace main hall of shining, Chu Hen stands in that dusky vortex channel alone, its both hands tight making a fist, felt that the heart soon jumps out of the chest cavity...... 流光溢彩的天机宫大殿,楚痕独自站在那座灰蒙蒙的漩涡通道之中,其双手紧紧的握拳,感觉心脏都快要跳出胸腔…… Then the figure moves, Chu Hen jumps to leap forward in that endless mysterious channel. 接着身形一动,楚痕纵身跃入那无尽神秘的通道里面。 Buzz!” “嗡!” In an instant, Chu Hen looked like involved in the middle of the limitless memory vortex, in all directions, passing pictures like the sea water of rising tide, rapid flooding into view...... 霎那间,楚痕就像是被卷入了无边无际的记忆漩涡当中,四面八方,一幕幕过往的画面如同是涨潮的海水,迅速的涌入眼帘……
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