UMDK :: Volume #13

#1257: Top list

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Top list, it built up disciple ranking of land major patriarchal clans, altogether only has 50...... comparatively speaking, that is the top talent list in the true sense, our Martial Sect day martial Bang in its front, is actually not worth mentioning......” “风云榜,其集结了中陆各大宗族的弟子排名,一共只有五十位……相比较而言,那才是真正意义上的顶尖天才榜单,我们武宗的天武榜在其面前,却是不值一提……” Wu Yan said. 吴岩如是说道。 Simultaneously in his eyes is surging faintly the meanings of little burning hot. 同时在他的眼中隐隐涌动着几许炙热之意。 Some do Martial Sect people enter the top list?” Chu Hen spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. 武宗有人进入风云榜么?”楚痕随口问了一句。 Has, only then......” Wu Yan returns decidedly said, entire Martial Sect, only has Qiu Xingyi to be in the top list, it ranks the 46 th......” “有,只有一个……”吴岩决然的回道,“整个武宗,唯有邱星易一人登上风云榜,其排在第46位……” 46? 四十六位? Chu Hen was startled being startled. 楚痕怔了怔。 Altogether only has 50 top lists, actually ranks the 46 th as Qiu Xing of Martial Sect day military list first place easily merely, this surprised people somewhat. 一共只有五十位的风云榜,作为武宗天武榜榜首的邱星易却仅仅排在第46位,这着实令人有些意外。 Only depending on this point, fully explained gold content high scary of that top list. 仅凭这一点,就足以说明那风云榜的含金量高的吓人。 ...... …… To be honest, our Martial Sect mastery after all be only several thousand years, compared with it Han cloud sect, profound Yang Gong, simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge and other ten thousand years of schools have certain disparity, in these person sect gate, had above two people to enter the top list...... to look like War God Palace this top colossus particularly, the terrifying evildoer/monstrous talent of five list ranks, that five people of cultivation base all numbers achieved Saint King Realm, was called five young Saint kings by the outside world ‚’......” “说实话,我们武宗的底蕴毕竟只有几千年,比之翰云宗,玄阳宫,齐霄阁等那些万年门派还是存在一定差距的,在这几个人宗门,都有两个人以上进入了风云榜……尤其是像战神宫这种顶级的庞然大物,更是有五位榜单级别的恐怖妖孽,那五人的修为皆数达到了‘圣王境’,被外界称之为‘五小圣王’……” Saint King Realm! 圣王境 When hears these three characters, even if the corner of the eye of Chu Hen also shrinks faintly. 当听到这三个字的时候,纵然是楚痕的眼角也不由的隐隐一缩。 Dominates in Eternal Realm above fearful existence. 凌驾于‘亘古境’之上的可怕存在。 The Saint King Realm powerhouse, lifts the hand to turn in the palms to make the mountains and rivers destruction, flows Sichuan to quell, chats may instantaneous second of expert who kills the Eternal Realm rank. 圣王境强者,抬手翻掌间可令山河覆灭,流川荡平,谈笑中可瞬间秒杀亘古境级别的高手。 In this world, Saint King Realm is regarded as the pyramid topest powerhouse. 在这世间,圣王境被视为金字塔最为顶尖的强者。 ...... …… War God Palace! 战神宫 This name regarding Chu Hen is not specially strange. 这个名字对于楚痕而言并不是特别的陌生。 Initially when the immortal demon tomb, that War God Palace elder Cui Lie Xuanyuan seal technique imprisoned the Bai Qianyu strength by one move, so that Chu Hen and she went into the demon tomb of king accidentally...... 当初在仙魔冢之时,正是那战神宫的长老崔烈以一招‘轩辕封印术’禁锢了白浅予的力量,以致楚痕和她无意中闯入了森罗王的魔冢之内…… Cui Lie, selects four Beast Venerable of monster territory only. 那崔烈一人,更是单挑妖域的四位妖尊 The Demon Race army rout that and kills, runs away successively in a panic. 并杀的妖族大军节节溃败,仓惶逃窜。 Although was seen a song sword to cut off his half arm by fox of Monarch azure mound finally, but from at that time people to Cui fierce awe, fully explained the War God Palace this sect gate powerful place. 虽然最后被青丘之狐君见歌一剑斩断了其半条手臂,但从当时众人对崔烈的敬畏,也足以说明战神宫这个宗门的强大之处。 ...... …… Is only War God Palace, has five Saint King Realm top evildoer/monstrous talent, is to make one feel that really the faint trace trembles. 仅仅只是一个战神宫,就拥有五位圣王境的顶尖妖孽,着实是令人感到丝丝颤栗。 What cultivation base Qiu Xingyi is?” Chu Hen does to hesitate slightly, at once asks. “邱星易是什么修为?”楚痕稍作迟疑,旋即问道。 Wu Yan vision sinks, slightly has seriously looks at the Chu Hen vision, tone quite earnest returning said that „should also lowly in half Saint King Realm......” 吴岩目光微沉,略有郑重的看着楚痕的目光,语气颇为认真的回道,“最低也应该是在‘半圣王境’……” Listens to the opposite party saying that Chu Hen holds breath secretly cold air. 听着对方所言,楚痕暗暗倒吸一口凉气。 He knows that Wu Yan is a very calm person. 他知道吴岩是一个很沉稳的人。 This also merely to the Qiu Xingyi conservative speculation. 这还仅仅只是对邱星易的保守猜测。 No wonder he two years has not participated in a gate to fight......” Chu Hen to mutter said. “难怪他已经两年没有参加宗门之战了……”楚痕喃喃说道。 Wu Yanyi nods. 吴岩亦是点了点头。 Some people said that he is afraid of losing to Wang Li or Pei Ye, who does not know, Qiu Xingyi is actually war not too many anticipations to sect gate. 有的人说他是怕输给王黎或者裴烨,孰不知,邱星易却是对宗门之战并没有太多的期待。 But, I think that Senior Brother Qiu fears this year had not expected attended the meeting to be many you, otherwise, I think that he should step war of the gate again.” “不过,我想邱师兄今年怕是没有预料到会多出一个你,不然的话,我想他应该会再次踏上宗门之战。” Chu Hen shakes the head with a smile, you crossed to praise!” 楚痕笑着摇了摇头,“你过赞了!” You will attend the holy war to recruit?” Wu Yan asked the question in heart. “你会参加圣战征召的吧?”吴岩问出了心中的问题。 Chu Hen had not replied, the vision is only static looks out the front vast mountains and rivers, in the foreheads is surging some trains of thought. 楚痕没有回答,目光只是静静的遥望着前方的浩瀚山河,眉宇间涌动着些许思绪。 ...... …… Several days later! 数天之后! The discussing official business main hall in North Star peak institute. 北辰峰院的议事大殿。 Chu Hen, Wu Yan, Ye Yao and Long Xuanshuang four people was convened in this. 楚痕,吴岩,叶瑶以及龙玄霜四人被召集于此。 This is according to you in that the sect gate fights to display to be rewarded......” “这是按照你们在宗门之战上表现所获得的奖励……” North Star peak principal element still Heyuan lord Luo Cang to be built on inside the main hall, two people vision was full of comfortably is looking at the front four people. 北辰峰主元尚和院主罗沧立于大殿内侧,两人目光饶有宽慰的望着前方的四个人。 Is placing a long table in four people of front. 在四人的面前摆放着一张长桌。 Above the desktop is laying aside several fine luxurious goods. 桌面之上放置着几份精致奢华的物品。 Wu Yan front has a wooden box, in the box is putting compounded drug as well as a unusual sword that are lingering the dark golden spirit mark...... 吴岩的面前有一个木盒,盒中放着一枚萦绕着暗金色灵纹的丹药以及一柄奇特的战刀…… Yuan Saint pill!” Wu Yan at present one bright, is glowing the appearance of flying upwards. “元圣丹!”吴岩眼前一亮,焕发着飞扬的神采。 At once, it looks to that sword, knife more than one meter are long, looks not heavy, may take is important. 旋即,其又看向那柄战刀,刀身一米多长,看上去不重,可一拿到手中却颇具份量。 Wu Yanqing is grasping the hilt, a vague strength fluctuation divulges, in an instant, a grayish white colored light mark overflows, below long table unexpectedly small parts are covering a light stone. 吴岩轻握着刀柄,一阵隐晦的力量波动宣泄开来,霎那间,一圈灰白色光纹溢出,下方的长桌竟然有一小部分覆盖着一层薄薄的石块。 ...... …… Demon rock blade, may make the body stiff petrification of touching, if offending somebody flesh, instantaneous trap meridians.” “魔岩刀,可令触碰者的身体僵硬石化,若伤人血肉,瞬间封堵经脉。” The institute lord Luo Cang to answer. 院主罗沧解释道。 Wu Yan, this coordinates the strength of own bloodline limit the demon rock blade joyfully, is actually just right. 吴岩欣喜不已,这把魔岩刀配合自己的血脉界限之力,却是恰到好处。 ...... …… In front of Ye Yao similarly also has a Yuan Saint pill. 叶瑶面前的同样也有一枚元圣丹。 In addition, two tokens. 除此之外,还有两道令牌。 On token under width narrow, the center-section is long, presents the pentagon shape. 令牌上宽下窄,中段较长,呈现五边形状。 Together the token is the white, together the token is the black. 一道令牌为白色,一道令牌为黑色。 The middle of two tokens all has the symbol mark design of primal chaos Yin-Yang chart. 两道令牌的中间皆是有着太极阴阳图的符纹图案。 Yin-Yang command, contains the strength of primal chaos Yin-Yang, white Lingzhu is positive, the black command main Yin...... may the remote control, kills people outside the thousand li (500 km)......” “阴阳令,蕴含太极阴阳之力,白令主阳,黑令主阴……可远程控制,杀人于千里之外……” The Luo dark blue institute lord continues to answer. 罗沧院主继续解释道。 Long Xuanshuang front besides Yuan Saint pill, a black bow and arrow. 龙玄霜的面前除了元圣丹之外,还有一把黑色的弓箭。 Bows the length to be similar to it Long Xuanshuang own profound rain bow, but the outward appearance of this bow and arrow is plainer at present, the deep pattern is far from fine, may look very comfortable...... 弓身长度与之龙玄霜自己的玄雨弓差不多,不过眼前这件弓箭的外观更为古朴一些,深色的花纹谈不上精致,可看的很舒服…… Besides bow, an arrow arrow! 除了弓外,还有一支箭矢! Arrow arrow length one meter about five, the luster sinks similarly secretly, the arrow for the sharp rhombus, is glittering the dark point. 箭矢长度一米五左右,同样色泽暗沉,箭头为尖锐的菱形,闪烁着幽暗的锋芒。 Pursues the Queen of night bow, the meteor god arrow...... normally, may make the true essence strength condense the arrow arrow, but the arrow arrow that the words of coordinate meteor god arrow, fly may the locking target, trace the enemy to go, destructive power huge......” “追月神弓,飞星神箭……正常情况下,可令真元力凝聚成箭矢,而配合飞星神箭的话,飞出去的箭矢可锁定目标,一路追溯敌人而去,杀伤力巨大……” Listens to Luo Cang narration, in the beautiful pupil of Long Xuanshuang to exude the soft light. 听着罗沧的讲述,龙玄霜的美眸中泛起浅浅的柔光。 Her taking up gently pursues the Queen of night bow, the faint trace warm touch comes following the fingertip transmission, in the willow eyebrows that the show sends is full of the happy expression. 她轻轻的拿起追月神弓,丝丝温热的触感顺着指尖传达而来,秀致的柳眉间饶有喜色。 ...... …… But, at this moment, Chu Hen is actually puzzled saying, my?” 而,就在这时,楚痕却是一脸困惑的说道,“我的呢?” Such remarks, Wu Yan three people all stare. 此言一出,身旁的吴岩三人皆是一愣。 Luo dark blue, the Yuan two people will also still look at Chu Hen. 罗沧,元尚两人也将目光投向楚痕 Reaching an agreement is the reward of war of gate. 说好是宗门之战的奖励。 Three people have, the only Chu Hen front is completely empty, let alone the Saint pill divine tool, the block junk has not been seeing. 三个人都有,唯独楚痕的面前空空如也,别说圣丹神器了,就连块破铜烂铁都没见着。 This feared that hasn't made a mistake? 这怕是没搞错吧? The good and evil is also a champion! 好歹也是个冠军! Impossible anything not to have! 不可能什么都没有吧! ...... …… Yuan still Fengzhu was full of the profound meaning looked at opposite party one eyes, said, you went a place with me, others can first go back.” 元尚峰主饶有深意的看了对方一眼,道,“你跟我去一个地方,其他人可以先回去了。” Goes to a place? 去一个地方? Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang looks at each other one, somewhat is strange. 叶瑶,龙玄霜对视一眼,不禁有些奇怪。 Wu Yan is quite actually quiet, seems expected. 吴岩倒是颇为平静,似乎在意料之中。 ...... …… At once, according to Yuan still instruction, three people also left. 旋即,按照元尚的吩咐,三人随之离开。 Chu Hen was actually follows the Yuan still to go in another direction. 楚痕却是跟着元尚朝着另一个方向而去。 ...... …… Passes through the long wire rope over-bridge, crosses the precipitous magnificent hanging main road, a moment later, under the Yuan still Fengzhu leadership, Chu Hen arrived in front of a contour plain main hall with it. 走过长长的铁索天桥,越过险峻壮观的悬空大道,片刻之后,在元尚峰主的带领下,楚痕与之来到了一座外形古朴的大殿面前。 The main hall is far from luxuriously, is not the colored glaze bricks of shining. 大殿谈不上奢华,也不是流光溢彩的琉璃砖瓦。 But feels has a not being able to say big dignity. 但给人的感觉却有种说不出来的高大威严。 Yuan still Fengzhu stopped the footsteps near the entrance stair, and is sideways to say to Chu Hen, your one person go in!” 元尚峰主在门口的台阶边上停住了脚步,并侧身对楚痕说道,“你一个人进去吧!” A person? 一个人? In the Chu Hen eye flashes through wisp of surprised, but quick is calm. 楚痕眼中闪过一缕惊疑,不过很快就镇定下来。 It nods, takes a step to step into the main hall. 其点了点头,迈步踏入大殿之中。 What heaving in sight is a side spacious field of vision, the atmosphere is lonesome and quiet, is dimmly-lighted, the light sandalwood flavor floats in the air, on the both sides palace columns is carving the antique design pattern...... 映入眼帘的是一方宽敞的视野,氛围幽静,光线昏暗,淡淡的檀香味道漂浮于空气之中,两侧的殿柱上刻着古色古香的图案花纹…… Even if any innermost feelings impetuous nervous person enters here, can still the quickly changes is tranquil. 即便是任何一个内心浮躁不安的人进到这里,也能够很快变的平静下来。 The Chu Hen sound of footsteps is very light, in this empty place, seems quite clear. 楚痕的脚步声很轻,不过在这空荡的地方,也显得颇为清晰。 ...... …… Arrives at main hall central time, Chu Hen stops the footsteps, it looks up to the main hall small tinkling bell palace. 走到大殿中央的时候,楚痕停下脚步,其抬头望向大殿后方的銮殿之上。 Just like the throne stone chair on, the makings are together gentle, but was disclosing the middle-aged form of invisible aura sits well in this. 宛如王座般的石椅上面,一道气质平和,但透露着无形气息的中年身影端坐于此。 This person is not others, is the lord of Martial Sect, Eastern permanent it. 此人不是别人,正是武宗之主,东方恒之。 ...... …… Disciple Chu Hen, pays a visit sovereign!” “弟子楚痕,拜见宗主!” Chu Hen both hands hold the fist in the other hand, the vision is gentle, neither arrogant nor servile. 楚痕双手抱拳,目光平和,不卑不亢。 On the road, it had guessed correctly that who must see own person is. 在来的路上,其就已经猜到要见自己的人是谁了。 Therefore this will not have too many mood to fluctuate. 所以这会也没有太多的情绪波动。 Does not need to be overly courteous!” Eastern permanent light returning said. “不必多礼!”东方恒之淡淡的回道。 Chu Hen nods, does not know that what matter the sovereign Sir does look for disciple so-called?” 楚痕点了点头,“不知宗主大人找弟子所谓何事?” The Eastern permanent vision lifts lightly, in the foreheads has the faint trace profound meaning. 东方恒之目光轻抬,眉宇间有着丝丝深意。 It confronts the Chu Hen look, moderate saying, perhaps, these words I should to ask you to......” 其正视楚痕的眼神,语气平和的说道,“或许,这句话我应该要问你才对……” Asked me?” Chu Hen is somewhat puzzled. “问我?”楚痕有些不解。 Right...... I also want to know, you come my Martial Sect, so-called what matter......” “没错……我也想知道,你来我武宗,所谓何事……” Eastern permanent voice, then one word at a time puts out several characters. 东方恒之声音一顿,接着一字一顿的吐出几个字。 demon eyes, a clan......” 妖瞳,一族……” Bang!” “轰隆!” In an instant, pupil of Chu Hen tight shrinks, the complexion is broadminded changes. 霎那间,楚痕的瞳孔紧紧的一缩,脸色豁然间为之一变。
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