UMDK :: Volume #13

#1256: The holy war recruits

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Dragon python contends, the wind and cloud border meets...... the holy war to recruit, must come......” “龙蟒相争,风云际会……圣战征召,要来了……” Is looking at sky over the Martial Sect startled day phenomenon, in Wu Yan pupil is surging the meaning of faint trace trembling with fear. 望着武宗上空的惊天异象,吴岩的瞳孔之中涌动着丝丝惊颤之意。 Nearby Chu Hen, Long Xuanshuang, Zhao Qing clothes and the others all are the puzzled its meaning, in the eye flashes through some surprise. 一旁的楚痕,龙玄霜,赵青衣等人皆是不解其意,眼中闪过些许诧异。 Rumble......” “隆隆……” Highest heaven vault of heaven, god glow ten thousand Qing! 九霄天穹,神芒万倾! If the luxurious radiant colored glaze palace the imperial palace god, is mighty, is very magnificent. 奢华璀璨的琉璃宫殿如若金阙神祗,气势恢宏,无比壮观。 Especially that coils around the Gold Dragon black pythons above palace outside two Tienchu, is the aggressive peerless, ominous prestige shakes the day...... 尤其是那盘绕于宫殿外面两座天柱之上的金龙黑蟒,更是霸气绝伦,凶威撼天…… The Gold Dragon python is the big mouth opens, the canine like the sword, performs swallows a day of prestige obviously. 金龙巨蟒皆是大口张开,尖牙如剑,尽显吞天之威。 Inside and outside entire Martial Sect shivers anxiously. 整个武宗内外都为之颤抖不安。 Does not need Chu Hen several people to inquire that Wu Yan reason, void above unexpectedly is startled humming sound......” the space rhythm, in the innumerable Martial Sect disciples are full of under the shocking vision, the front door of that imperial palace palace unexpectedly is slowly, if opens...... 不待楚痕几人询问吴岩其中的缘由,虚空之上竟是惊起一阵“嗡嗡……”的空间律动,在无数武宗弟子充满震惊的目光下,那座金阙宫殿的大门竟是缓缓的倘开…… Cry!” “唳!” With a resonant bird whining noise, with one clever bright and beautiful, the geneseroline bird that the fluorescence sparkles flew from that main hall...... 伴随着一声嘹亮的雀鸣声,跟着一只灵巧亮丽,萤光闪闪的金丝灵雀从那大殿之中飞了出来…… Is looking at that only gold/metal Que, the people at present for it one bright. 望着那只金雀,众人的眼前不由的为之一亮。 Distant looks, actually also grabs a thing under that gold/metal Que claw. 远远的望去,在那金雀的爪下却是还抓着一物。 That thing seems like a capital book, shining, just like the book of emperor. 那东西看上去像是一本金簿,流光溢彩,宛若帝王之书。 The geneseroline bird delimits gorgeous light marks in void, then grazes to go in the direction that day martial peak is at unexpectedly. 金丝灵雀在虚空中划出一道道绚丽的光纹,接着竟是朝着天武峰所在的方向飞掠而去。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” The space rhythm above highest heaven gradually belongs to the gentle, magnificent incomparable imperial palace palace as well as that coils around two dragon python giant beasts in Tienchu gradually belongs to illusory, finally goes into hiding, vanishes in people the sky of Martial Sect...... 紧接着,九霄之上的空间律动逐渐归于平缓,壮观无比的金阙宫殿以及那盘绕在天柱上的两尊龙蟒巨兽渐渐的归于虚幻,最后隐匿下去,消失于众人的武宗的上空…… But, present scene, although vanished, but the Martial Sect high and low many disciple is actually even more is not calm. 而,眼前的景象虽然消失了,可武宗上下众多弟子却都是愈发的不镇定了。 Above the major peaks and ridges, starts the sound of intermittent noisy discussion. 各大峰峦之上,都掀起阵阵嘈杂的议论之声。 ...... …… Wu Yanyi is shaking the head gently, muttered in a low voice, has not thought these holy war recruitedis so sudden, can actually be met by us who timecan come......” 吴岩亦是轻轻的摇头,低声喃喃道,“没想到这一次的‘圣战征召’会来的这么突然,竟然能够被我们所遇到……” Listens to the opposite party saying that people more had doubts. 听着对方所言,身旁的众人越是有所疑惑。 What is the holy war recruits?” Asking that Ye Yao cannot bear. “什么是圣战征召啊?”叶瑶忍不住的问道。 „The recruiting grand meetings between various land large amount influences...... said simply, is the fighting showdown between many powerful school race disciples, calls it dragon python to fight, wind and cloud border meeting, is Gold Dragon hovers for nine days, or python vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered land, by recruiting in holy war obvious height......” “中陆各大宗门势力之间的征召盛会……说简单点,就是众多强大门派种族弟子之间的争锋对决,亦称之为‘龙蟒争锋,风云际会’,是金龙翱翔九天,或是巨蟒纵横大地,由征召圣战之中可见高低……” Gold Dragon hovers for nine days, the python vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered land! 金龙翱翔九天,巨蟒纵横大地! Is listening to these words, in the mind of people appears that infinite huge world pattern. 听着这几个词,众人的脑海中不由的浮现出那无限庞大的天地格局。 „Will all gate races of land participate?” Ye Yao continues to ask. “中陆的所有宗门种族都会参加吗?”叶瑶继续问道。 „......” Wu Yan shaking the head of decidedly, does not only have the upper-level sect gate influence on have the qualifications to participate in this holy war recruiting, second-class influence for the lowest standard, moreover must achieve excellent that...... in addition, will have the talent of many Saint clan also to participate......” “不……”吴岩决然的摇了摇头,“唯有上层的宗门势力才有资格参与这‘圣战征召’,二流中势力为最低标准,而且还是要达到上乘的那种……除此之外,甚至还会有不少圣族的天才也会参与其中……” Only has the holy war that the upper-level influence can participate to recruit. 唯有上层势力才能参与的圣战征召。 Is only these words makes the people sob. 仅仅只是这句话就令众人唏嘘不已。 ...... …… From ancient to present, the pattern of place of land is not always having the change of years. 从古至今,中陆之地的格局无时无刻的不在发生着岁月的变迁。 Among various large amount influences, is majestically located place, monopolizes the power in a place. 各大宗门势力之间,雄踞一地,独霸一方。 The school, the dispute conflict of race is many. 门派,种族的纷争冲突更是不少。 Tens of thousands of year of mastery development, actually whose who is weak, who is not famous, who for Saint dragon? Who is the flood dragon python? 成千上万年的底蕴发展,究竟孰强孰弱,谁又不负盛名,谁为圣龙?谁又为蛟蟒? Only has the holy war to recruit, obviously result! 唯有圣战征召,可见分晓! ...... …… Since the past ten thousand years of years, the holy war recruited opening that has continued, longest time was separated nearly millenniums, shortest time also had 100-200 years.” “在过去的万年岁月里,圣战征召的开启一直延续至今,最长的时候间隔近千年,最短的时候也有100-200年。” Wu Yan continues is several people detailed explained. 吴岩继续为几人详细的进行讲解。 Holy war recruits not only to prove various large amount races strengths, similarly also time will be solves among various intense rivalry brutal battlefield...... each holy war to recruit will fall from the sky the innumerable shocking outstanding talent evildoer/monstrous talent......” “圣战征召不仅仅是为了证明各大宗门种族的实力,同样也是解决各门之间恩怨情仇的残酷战场……每一次的圣战征召都会陨落无数惊艳卓绝的天才妖孽……” Such being the case, why can that also participate? Isn't honest concealing one's abilities and biding one's time, accumulating the mastery good?” Zhao Qing cai said own idea. “既然如此,那为什么还要参加呢?老老实实的韬光养晦,积累底蕴不好吗?”赵青裁说出了自己的想法。 Wu Yan shakes the head with a smile. 吴岩笑着摇了摇头。 „The places of some people will have the dispute, has the place of dispute, is the rivers and lakes...... our world is a giant dye vat, in this world, never had the calm and steady tranquil saying. Even with the dispute, the difficult insurance dispute not to walk, therefore...... the only choice, yes proved own enough...... the holy war recruits, is the confirmation is the dragon is the battlefield of snake......” “有人的地方就会有纷争,有纷争的地方,就是江湖……我们所处的世界本来就是一个巨大的染缸,在这世间,从来就没有安稳平静一说。即便不与外界纷争,也难保纷争不会找上门来,所以……唯一的选择,就是证明自己足够的强……圣战征召,就是验证是龙是蛇的战场……” Said regarding Wu Yan, Chu Hen expressed the support secretly. 对于吴岩所言,楚痕却是暗暗表示赞同。 This world indeed not easy and comfortable. 这个世界的确不曾安逸过。 For thousands of years, mistrust each other, only have the strong strength to be able in this tumultuous times to strive for hegemony. 千万年来,尔虞我诈,唯有强大的实力才能够于这乱世中争雄。 ...... …… Also is a little, the holy war recruits the conducted place, basically is some thousands of years ago ancient times vestige that the Fiendgod war leaves behind. Preserves innumerably there is opened the ancient strength of excavation...... some people of clan big those who are able, the Demon Race emperor, even is the unsurpassed inheritance that the Devil Race Saint reveres......” “还有一点就是,圣战征召所进行的地方,基本上都是一些千万年前‘神魔大战’遗留下来的远古遗迹。在那里留存着无数未曾被人开启发掘的古老力量……有人族大能者,妖族帝王,甚至是魔族圣尊的无上传承……” Then, Wu Yan turns around to face Chu Hen, in the eye is full of the meaning of several points of anticipation. 说罢,吴岩转身面向楚痕,眼中饶有几分期待之意。 Holy war recruits, regarding any talent, is the opportunity, some numerous obscure generations, in the holy war recruits obtains the greatest chance, thus soars, turns the python into the dragon......” “圣战征召,对于任何一个天才来说,都是机会,有众多默默无闻之辈,在圣战征召中获得莫大的机缘,从而一飞冲天,化蟒为龙……” However, Chu Hen has not met the words of opposite party. 然,楚痕并没有接对方的话。 In pupil faint gushes out some light deepness. 眸中隐隐的涌出些许淡淡的深沉。 Nearby Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao, Zhao Qing clothes and the others in the hearts also thinks. 一旁的龙玄霜,叶瑶,赵青衣等人的心中亦是心有所想。 The holy war recruits, several hundred years even are over a thousand years one time. 圣战征召,数百年甚至是上千年一次。 And only has the upper-level influence on have the qualifications participation. 且唯有上层势力才有资格参与。 Indeed is to make world everyone's innermost feelings be ready to make trouble. 的确是令世间所有人的内心都蠢蠢欲动。 But, in that brilliant achievement behind, the back of achievement numerous shocking prestige, is actually also burying the innumerable skeletons. 可是,在那一次次辉煌战绩的身后,成就众多惊艳威名的背后,却也是埋藏着无数骨骸。 ...... …… The summit of steep mountain wall, Chu Hen all alone is looking out the front that magnificent imposing manner excellent mountains and rivers. 陡峭的山壁之巅,楚痕孤身一人遥望着前方那壮观气势的大好山河。 Beautiful scenery, peaks and ridges like column! 风景秀丽,峰峦如柱! Feels the gale of that peak to sway to come, has to plant when the potential of ice surging emotions widening extremely. 感受着那峰顶的大风吹拂而来,却是有种会当凌绝顶的心潮开阔之势。 Because the holy war recruits, entire Martial Sect is moving restlessly. 因为圣战征召,整个武宗都在躁动不已。 The heat degree of war of sect gate was pressed in short less than the half-day time. 宗门之战的热度在短短不到半天的时间就被压了下来。 No one discussed day of martial Bang ranking again, no one intertwined Chu Hen whether can exceed Qiu Xingyi...... all the objects of discussion, centralized recruited above at the holy war completely. 没有人再去讨论天武榜的排名,也没有人纠结楚痕是否能够胜过邱星易……所有谈论的对象,全部都集中在圣战征召上面。 ...... …… „It seems like your mood fluctuating is not big.” “貌似你的心情起伏并不大。” At this time, Wu Yan voice conveyed from behind, the opposite party arrived at the Chu Hen side, stood with it shoulder to shoulder, on the face is hanging the frank smile. 这时,吴岩的声音从后面传来,对方走到楚痕的身旁,与之并肩站立,脸上挂着爽朗的笑容。 Chu Hen light smiling. 楚痕淡淡的笑了笑。 Why does not know, he recruits not too many anticipation feelings to the holy war that everyone pays attention. 不知道为何,他对那人人关注的圣战征召并没有太多的期待感。 Perhaps regarding Chu Hen, it arrived at the Martial Sect goal merely for that time light wheel. 或许对于楚痕而言,其来到武宗的目的仅仅只是为了那时光轮。 ...... …… Holy war recruits will soon start, it is estimated that top list on these top evildoer/monstrous talent are ready to make trouble.” Wu Yan admitted its words to say. “圣战征召即将开始,估计‘风云榜’上的那些顶级妖孽都在蠢蠢欲动了。”吴岩自言其话道。 Top list?” Chu Hen is startled. “风云榜?”楚痕微怔。 „It seems like you not to know?” Some Wu Yan surprise, answer at once, top list is the list of true talent, it built up land ranking of major race sect disciples, altogether only has 50...... comparatively speaking, our Martial Sect day martial Bang, is not worth mentioning completely......” “看起来你并不知道呢?”吴岩有些诧异,旋即解释道,“风云榜是真正的天才之榜,其集结了中陆的各大种族宗门弟子的排名,一共只有五十位……相比较而言,我们武宗的天武榜,完全不值一提……”
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