UMDK :: Volume #13

#1255: The dragon python contends, wind and cloud border meeting

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! For successive several days, the heat degree of war of sect gate has not abated slightly. 连续数日,宗门之战的热度丝毫未曾消退。 Martial Sect high and low inside and outside, is always discussing is fighting a decisive battle shocking scene of that day. 武宗上下内外,无时无刻不在谈论着决战那天的一幕幕震骇的场面。 Day martial Bang welcomed unprecedented big shuffle. 天武榜迎来了一次前所未有的大洗牌。 Sets the base many years of North Star peak institutes, is relying on winning as well as Ye Yao of Chu Hen, the Long Xuanshuang entering list completed the earth-shaking counterattack...... 垫底多年的北辰峰院,也凭借着楚痕的夺冠以及叶瑶,龙玄霜的入榜而完成了翻天覆地的逆袭…… Changes destiny that has set the base. 改变了一直垫底的命运。 As for the west arched peak institute, this chapter is to plant especially thorough. 至于西穹峰院,这回是栽的尤为彻底。 Not was only Pei Yedao, the peak lord Situ Song also to lag behind the throne, besides Pei Ye, Yang proud, desolate pledge, land Liao and other list talents was also one by one miserable, particularly land Liao, the bo tree was destroyed, this was also announcing he will be impossible to crawl from now on again. 不仅仅是裴烨倒了,就连峰主司徒松也被拉下了王位,除了裴烨之外,杨傲,萧盟,陆辽等几位榜单天才也是一个比一个惨,尤其是陆辽,道树被毁,这也宣告着他从今往后不可能再爬上去了。 ...... …… North Star peak institute! 北辰峰院! Scenic, above quiet and comfortable peaks and ridges. 景色优美,环境幽静的峰峦之上。 A refined spacious garden has the frank laughter to spread unceasingly. 一座雅致的宽敞的庭院内部不断有着爽朗的笑声传出。 Hahahaha, this our North Star peak institute felt proud and elated finally, I looked, who also dares to call me Wu Laoer.” “哈哈哈哈,这回我们北辰峰院总算是扬眉吐气了一把,我看以后谁还敢叫我‘吴老二’。” Wu Laoer? The feeling very has individuality!” “吴老二怎么了?感觉挺有个性的啊!” „Does azure cut the Junior Sister you to be able not to laugh at me? This nickname simply is to I biggest insult.” “青裁师妹你能别笑话我吗?这个外号简直就是对我最大的侮辱。” Hahahaha.” “哈哈哈哈。” ...... …… Immediately is laughter. 随即是一阵哄笑声。 In the light and bright great hall, on a plain round table chocked up the color fragrance complete delicacies of every kind, fine cakes and pastries as well as good wine good wine...... 宽敞明亮的大堂之中,一张古朴的圆桌上面摆满了色香味俱全的山珍海味,精致糕点以及佳酿美酒…… Chu Hen, Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao, Wu Yan, Wu Mian as well as Zhao Qing cut, Zhao Qing clothes brother and sister sit in a circle , the atmosphere is actually with ease rare lively. 楚痕,龙玄霜,叶瑶,吴岩,吴勉以及赵青裁,赵青衣兄妹一行人围坐在一圈,气氛倒是难得轻松热闹。 Yin-Yang beast Nauny's languid lying is sunning in the entrance, once for a while review sweeps several people of one lightly, as if looks like in it, these human gathers for conversation a meaning not to have. 阴阳兽诺尼懒洋洋的趴在门口晒着太阳,时不时的回眸轻扫几人一眼,似乎在它看来,这些人类的聚谈一点意思都没有。 Come, Brother Chu Hen, this cup of I respects you!” “来,楚痕师弟,这杯我敬你!” Wu Yan grasps the wine glass, in the eye is full of the meaning of admiring, forgives these words that I spoke that night, is my vision is too shallow.” 吴岩手持酒杯,眼中饶有敬服之意,“原谅我那天晚上说的那些话,是我眼光太浅。” Senior Brother Wu Yan said that this saying looked on as an outsider, I know that you also considered for me, does not need to speak this antiforeign words.” “吴岩师兄说这话就太见外了,我知道你也是为我考虑,无需说这种排外的话。” Wu Yan nods, good, after this saying, I no longer said.” 吴岩点了点头,“好,这话以后我就不再讲了。” Then, two people gently touches the wine glass, raises head the liquor tosses down the cup. 说罢,两人轻轻的一碰酒杯,仰头将杯中之酒一饮而尽。 ...... …… Really good, if we had known we also joined the North Star peak institute to be good.” “真好,早知道我们也加入北辰峰院好了。” Zhao Qing cuts saying that a little slightly regrets. 赵青裁有点小后悔的说道。 Is the Martial Sect disciples, everyone is the same.” Wu Yan returns said. “都是武宗弟子,大家都一样。”吴岩回道。 „Different! west arched peak institute these people were too crazy, this plants this, is really venting......” Zhao Qing cuts grasps the fist to say lightly. “才不一样呢!西穹峰院那些人就太狂了,这回栽成这样,真是解气……”赵青裁轻握着拳头道。 Is......” Ye Yao also opens the mouth to echo, in the tone is full of discontented saying, that Situ loosen was too hateful, elder brother Chu Hen has circled a Pei Ye life obviously, is he is...... result Situ Song also to kill elder brother Chu Hen, the sovereign Sir assigns a penalty is unfair, exempted his peak main position......” “就是……”叶瑶也开口附和,语气中饶有不满的说道,“那个司徒松太可恨了,明明楚痕哥哥都已经绕裴烨一命了,是他自己作死……结果司徒松还想杀楚痕哥哥,宗主大人判罚也不公平,才只是免去了他峰主的位置……” Said right, the penalty was too light, irrelevants, feels soon, can, when returned to the peak lord.” “说的没错,惩罚太轻了,无关痛痒的,感觉用不了多久,又能当回峰主了。” ...... …… Is listening to scold the sound that Ye Yao and Zhao Qing cut lightly, Wu Yan actually shakes the head. 听着叶瑶和赵青裁的轻骂声,吴岩却是摇了摇头。 Actually sovereign Sir assigns a point to be heavy!” “其实宗主大人的判罚一点都不轻!” „Is this heavy?” Ye Yao asked. “这还不轻呢?”叶瑶反问道。 Wu Yan drank liquor, at once says, you are not clear, this time Situ loosen discards is not only the peak main position, but also even/including vice- sovereign the competitive power did not have......” 吴岩喝了一口酒,旋即说道,“你们并不清楚,这次司徒松丢掉的不仅仅是峰主的位置,而且连‘副宗主’的竞争权都没有了……” Vice- sovereign?” “副宗主?” Several people are startled. 几人一怔。 Right, the number of times that because the sovereign Sir closes up in recent years are many, therefore the business basically is by lord of processing eight peak institutes, but the high-level opinions of four big peak institutes are not frequently unified, therefore needs to recommend has the resolution right vice- sovereign......” “没错,因为宗主大人近些年闭关的次数较多,所以事务基本上是由八位峰院之主处理,而四大峰院的高层意见经常又不统一,故而需要推举出一位拥有决断权利的‘副宗主’……” Wu Yandun, continued saying that in four big peak lords, eastern Xuan Feng zhu boiled cloud manor to be youngest, relatively speaking, the qualifications were in a weak position. Although Lingfeng main rather autumn waters qualifications enough, but eventually is the womenfolk, it is indecisive , not suitable vice- sovereign candidate...... but our North Star peak principal element still also before because continuously , the North Star peak institute set the base in the past years, causes to be denounced frequently, therefore the vice- sovereign position, most likely is...... the result that Situ Song was elected because of this matter, Situ Song was forfeits the election qualification directly......” 吴岩顿了顿,继续说道,“四大峰主中,东玄峰主熬云庄年龄最轻,相对而言,资历处于弱势。南灵峰主宁秋水资历虽够,但终究是女流之辈,其性格优柔寡断,也并不适合副宗主的人选……而我们北辰峰主元尚也一直因为之前北辰峰院历年垫底,导致经常被人诟病,所以副宗主的位置,十有八九是司徒松当选的……结果因为这件事,司徒松直接是丧失掉了选举资格……” Listens to the opposite party to tell, people startled. 听完对方讲述,众人不禁愕然。 The never expected that Martial Sect high level really also has this inside story. 没想到武宗高层竟然还有这种内幕。 „......” Zhao Qing clothes somewhat helpless saying with a smile, in other words, Situ Song discards , is not only the position of peak lord, including did not have by the decided but not yet announced vice- sovereign duty.” “呵……”赵青衣有些无奈的笑道,“也就是说,司徒松丢掉的不仅是峰主之位,连被内定的副宗主之职都没了。” Said like this . Moreover, according to the Martial Sect custom, as long as was censured the high level of duty, the opportunity at least in ten years not having promoted...... ten years, believe that will also have many elder those who are able to show talent for the first time, when the time comes Situ Song wants to redeem the peak lord again, the difficulty was bigger.” “是这样说,而且,按照武宗的规矩,但凡被贬职的高层,至少是在十年之内没有提升的机会的……十年时间,相信又会有众多长老能者崭露头角,到时候司徒松想要再回当峰主,难度就更大了。” ...... …… Listened to a Wu Yan such saying, this time assigned a penalty indeed is heavy. 听吴岩这么一说,这次判罚的确是不轻。 The west arched peak institute only feared that met will degenerate into the initial North Star peak institute a long time. 西穹峰院只怕会在很长的一段时间会沦为当初的北辰峰院。 ...... …… Brother Chu Hen, who are you? Really surprises us one by one.” Zhao Qing clothes taking advantage of the liquor vigor, said the issue in heart. 楚痕兄弟,你到底是什么人啊?真的是一次比一次让我们意外。”赵青衣借着酒劲,说出了心中的问题。 Not is only he, Zhao Qing cuts, Wu Yan, Wu Mian throws toward the opposite party by the surprise vision similarly. 不仅仅是他,赵青裁,吴岩,吴勉同样是朝着对方投以诧异的目光。 I and elder brother Chu Hen, the profound frost elder sisters are grow up together......” “我和楚痕哥哥,还有玄霜姐姐都是从小一起长大的……” Ye Yao first said. 叶瑶抢先说道。 „? That certainly is an extraordinary place......” “哦?那一定是个了不得的地方……” Not! Is a very small place.” “不是呢!就是个很小的地方。” The place that Ye Yao said is beforehand Sacred Star Dynasty. 叶瑶说的地方是以前的圣星王朝 But, during Chu Hen is actually lost in thought. 而,楚痕却不禁陷入了沉思之中。 Regardless in Sacred Star Dynasty that time. 抛开在圣星王朝的那段时间。 Actually oneself are, he does not know. 自己究竟是什么人,他也不知道。 Similarly, this is also he comes the Martial Sect main purpose. 同样的,这也是他来武宗的主要目的。 ...... …… Meow!” “喵!” Unexpectedly, has lain in entrance Yin-Yang beast Nauny stands up suddenly, some as if frightening is looking at outside horizon. 蓦地,一直趴在门口的阴阳兽诺尼突然间站起身来,似乎有些惊吓的望着外面的天际。 Meanwhile, an especially intense space rhythm actually transmits from outside. 与此同时,一股尤为强烈的空间律动却是从外边传达而出。 The heart of people is one startled, looks at each other one mutually, instantly sets out to walk toward the front door outside. 众人的心头皆是一惊,相互对视一眼,即刻起身朝着大门外面走去。 ...... …… Rumble!” “隆隆!” The highest heaven vault of heaven, changes constantly! 九霄天穹,风云变幻! The sunny sky proliferated the enormous and powerful boundless cloud unexpectedly. 原本晴朗的天空竟是遍布浩荡磅礴的云彩。 The rosy cloud obstructs spatially, colorful, dazzling rainbows cross the vault of heaven, magnificent fell Shenrui just like the day. 云霞遮空,五彩纷呈,一道道耀眼的天虹横贯苍穹,壮观的宛如天降神瑞。 ...... …… What situation?” “什么情况?” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” What happened?” “发生什么事情了?” ...... …… Many Martial Sect disciples were alarmed, one after another rapid form flashes before from the major peaks and ridges, dignified is looking at the vault of heaven. 众多武宗弟子都被惊动,一道接一道急促的身影从各大峰峦之中闪现出来,神情凝重的望着天穹。 Elder high level also one faces of major peak institutes serious looks at the above mutation. 就连各大峰院的长老高层也都一脸郑重的看着上空的异变。 Bang!” “轰隆!” In one is both flooding under the surprised vision, covers in the Martial Sect gorgeous god rosy cloud is to shine through ten thousand dazzling holy light unexpectedly. 在一双双充斥着惊疑的目光下,笼罩在武宗上空的绚丽神霞之中竟是透射出万道璀璨夺目的圣洁之光。 Day glow that the endless golden Saint sunshine such as god Buddha sprinkles. 无尽的金色圣晖如神佛洒下的天芒。 In an instant, entire Martial Sect as if bathes in a magnificent charm. 霎那间,整个武宗都仿佛沐浴在一片辉煌的神韵当中。 Clang......” “铛……” In the vault of heaven seems the dusk falls melodious ding to resound, in that bright Saint sunshine is appears unexpectedly a luxurious palace that is lending the endless sacred aura...... 苍穹之中似有暮霭沉沉的悠扬钟声响起,那灿烂的圣晖中竟是浮现出一座散发着无尽神圣气息的奢华宫殿…… Colored glaze bricks, resplendent in gold and jade green! 琉璃砖瓦,金碧辉煌! Probably the immortal palace god in legend. 像是传说中的仙宫神祗。 „Is that?” “那是?” The Martial Sect people together are uneven the look changes. 武宗众人齐齐色变。 The numerous high-level elders both eyes circle stares, the pupil shivers. 众高层长老们都双目圆瞪,瞳孔颤抖。 ...... …… The incomparably magnificent spectacular scene looks like that mirage not seen in thousand years. 无比华丽的壮观场面就像是那千年不见的海市蜃楼。 In the both sides of that palace, is standing erect respectively an imposing manner broad Tienchu. 在那宫殿的两侧,分别矗立着一座气势恢宏的天柱。 Above Tienchu proliferates mysterious symbol secretary lu. 天柱之上遍布神秘的符文秘箓。 On the left Tienchu crawls a scale bright golden color big dragon, but on the right Tienchu is actually the huge python that extends finds out a black scale alone corner/horn...... 紧接着,左边的天柱上面爬出一条鳞光闪闪的金色巨龙,而右边的天柱上面却是伸探出一条黑鳞独角的庞大蟒蛇…… Two giant beasts such as the prehistoric ominous thing was common, coiled around respectively above the palace large-scale stone column. 两尊巨兽如史前凶物一般,各自盘绕在宫殿两侧的大型石柱之上。 The big mouth opens, performs obviously the fierce angry prestige. 大口张开,尽显狰狞怒威。 ...... …… Is looking at this, entire Martial Sect raises thick moving restlessly and anxiety. 望着这一幕,整个武宗都掀起一股浓浓的躁动和不安。 Wu Yan pupil fierce trembles, his both hands make a fist, muttered in a low voice, dragon python contended, the wind and cloud border met......” 吴岩的瞳孔剧烈的一颤,其双手不由握拳,低声喃喃道,“龙蟒相争,风云际会……” The dragon python contends, wind and cloud border meeting? 龙蟒相争,风云际会? Listens to these eight characters, Chu Hen, Long Xuanshuang and the others to have puzzled. 听着这八个字,楚痕,龙玄霜等人皆是有所不解。 Wu Yan holds the breath to say gently, holy war recruits, must come!” 吴岩轻轻的屏息说道,“圣战征召,要来了!” ...... …… ...... …… ( Today two! For serveral days stayed up late a little, caused not to have the spirit during the daytime, in the evening lost sleep unable to fall asleep, I need to adjust the biological clock, later the daytime renewed as far as possible. Brothers tonight did not need to continue to wait again, everyone good night!!) (今天就两更吧!这些天熬夜有点多,导致白天没精神,晚上失眠睡不着,我需要把生物钟调整一下,尽量以后白天更新。兄弟们今晚就不用再继续等了,大家晚安!!)
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