UMDK :: Volume #13

#1254: Day martial Bang, shuffles greatly

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Sovereign Sir appeases anger......” “宗主大人息怒……” The entire star holds up the numerous Martial Sect disciples and high-level elders on peak high and low stand bows to lower the head all, looks the color of awe. 整个星擎峰上下看台上的众武宗弟子和高层长老们无不躬身低头,面露敬畏之色。 The west arched peak lord Situ Songgeng to kneel on the ground directly, on the face does not have again a moment ago arbitrary domineering. 西穹峰主司徒松更是直接是跪在地上,脸上再无刚才的蛮横跋扈。 Invisible to the high power and influence imitates, if came from in dominating the kings above ten thousand numerous. 无形的至高威势仿若来自于凌驾于万众之上的君王。 Although East permanent is calm, the facial expression is indifferent, but everyone present as if can feel dignified oppression in a permeating soul...... 尽管东方恒之的语气平静,神情淡然,但在座的每一个人仿佛能够感受到一股渗入灵魂之中的威严压迫…… East permanent slowly stands up from the stone chair. 东方恒之缓缓的从石椅上站起身来。 It overlooked the campsis grandiflora to fight to fight the Yuan on stage still, Situ Song, Chu Hen one group. 其俯视着凌霄斗战台上的元尚,司徒松,楚痕一行人。 „The war of sect gate, is fighting showdowns among the major peak institute disciples...... Situ Song lord as the west arched peak institute, openly violates the sect rule, acts to the disciple disciple arbitrarily, is to make this sovereign to be greatly disappointed seriously......” “宗门之战,乃是各大峰院弟子之间的争锋对决……司徒松作为西穹峰院之主,公然违背门规,擅自对门下弟子出手,当真是令本宗主大失所望……” Situ Song complexion one white. 司徒松的脸色一白。 The meaning of even refuting did not have, it lowered the head, the sinking sound returned said, I am willing to subject to a penalty!” 却是连反驳的意思都没有,其低着头,沉声回道,“我愿意受罚!” Very good, starting from today, exempts the position of Situ Songxi arched peak lord, resigns from office it to protect an elder...... peak institute all big or small business, temporarily is wielded by the institute main curtain mountain......” “很好,从即日起,免去司徒松西穹峰主之位,退职其为护宗长老……峰院所有的大小事务,暂由院主幕山执掌……” Whish!” “哗!” Such remarks, an audience piece of shakes surprised. 此言一出,全场不由的一片震愕。 But Situ Song is the facial expression is directly pale, in the eye is completely the meaning of being unwilling, it is full of the hatred swept the Yuan still and Chu Hen, at once the double fist grasps, returning that then loosening slowly, the sound shivers said, is...... is the mandibular to punish!” 而司徒松直接是神情惨白,眼中尽是不甘之意,其饶有憎恨的扫了元尚和楚痕一眼,旋即双拳一握,然后缓缓的松开,声音颤抖的回道,“是……属下领罚!” Past ray retrogression gradually! 昔日的光芒渐渐的消退! Eastern Xuan Feng zhu boils cloud manor, the south Lingfeng main rather autumn waters look at each other one, two people all sigh one lightly, then shakes the head. 东玄峰主熬云庄,南灵峰主宁秋水对视一眼,两人皆是轻叹一声,然后摇了摇头。 ...... …… This time, the western arched peak institute really planted! 这一次,西穹峰院真的是栽了! No one has thought, is always supercilious, Situ loosen of being conceited, will violate this muddled unexpectedly, is really makes one sob. 谁都没想到,一向心高气傲,自视甚高的司徒松,竟然会犯这种糊涂,实在是令人唏嘘不已。 However, looks at that to fall on Pei Ye in campsis grandiflora floor, the people can also understand why Situ Song will be furious. 不过,看着那倒在凌霄台面的裴烨之时,众人也就能够理解司徒松为何会如此震怒了。 Pei Ye whole body is the blood, the both legs completely destroys. 裴烨浑身是血,双腿尽毁。 In soon a moment ago, he also had an imposing appearance, shows disdain for the audience, the sword will soon refer to the champion throne shortly, suddenly was frustrated this appearance by only Chu Hen, as the western arched peak main Situ loosen, flies into a rage, the murderous intention completely reveals. 就在不久的刚才,他还气宇轩昂,傲视全场,眼看着即将剑指冠军王座,突然被区区一个楚痕挫败成这幅样子,身为西穹峰主的司徒松,也是暴跳如雷,杀机尽显。 But, understands to turn over to the understanding, Situ Song behavior was actually not approved by anybody. 但,理解归理解,司徒松的行为却是不被任何人所认同的。 With the North Star peak principal element still, 16 entered the match the time, it passed on disciple Wu Yanyi to be shamed by Pei Ye to the pinnacle in the presence of everyone, was nearly killed in opposite party's hand, but the Yuan still actually saying a word bore, was more impossible to act to the disciple disciple in the presence of everyone. 就拿北辰峰主元尚来说,十六强晋级赛的时候,其亲传弟子吴岩亦是被裴烨当众羞辱到极致,也险些就丧命于对方之手,但元尚却是一言不发的忍住了,更不可能当众对门下弟子出手。 ...... …… At this moment, some atmosphere coagulations of audience. 这一刻,全场的氛围有些凝固。 Like by cold ice freezing generally, no one dares the loud conversation. 就像被寒冰给冻住了一般,谁都不敢大声言谈。 However, at this moment, the slight sound follows to transmit in the crowd of North Star peak institute together. 然,就在这时,一道轻微的声音跟着在北辰峰院的人群中传达而出。 Chu Hen, champion!” 楚痕,冠军!” North Star peak institute, strongest!” “北辰峰院,最强!” ...... …… Like the heavy hammer of breaking silence atmosphere, if still has rhythm first. 如同打破沉寂气氛的重锤,犹若带起节奏的第一声。 In an instant, rapid eruption of a series of loud and clear sounds under stage. 霎那间,一系列洪亮的声音在台下迅速的爆发而起。 North Star peak institute, strongest!” “北辰峰院,最强!” Chu Hen, champion!” 楚痕,冠军!” North Star peak institute, North Star peak institute!” “北辰峰院,北辰峰院!” Chu Hen, Chu Hen!” 楚痕,楚痕!” ...... …… Ten thousand numerous revelries, the momentum is dreadful! 万众狂欢,声势滔天! The ebullition cheers of moving mountains start to explode the audience. 排山倒海的沸腾欢呼声开始燃爆全场。 At this moment, the pond thousand hawks, Wang Li, Wu Yan, Ning jade and other top talents on the day of military lists all throw the look that to admire toward Chu Hen. 这一刻,池千莺,王黎,吴岩,宁玉等诸位天武榜上的顶尖天才皆是朝着楚痕投以敬服的眼神。 The first place Qiu Xingyi facial expression also has several points to change countenance deeply. 就连榜首邱星易的神情亦有着几分深沉动容。 ...... …… North Star peak institute! 北辰峰院! Shout! 久违的呼喊声! The high-level elders in many North Star peak institute have inexplicable grieved unexpectedly, even if the Luo Cangyuan main old eyes is exuding the faint trace red light unavoidably...... 众多北辰峰院的高层长老们竟是有种莫名的酸楚,纵然是罗沧院主的老眼都不免泛着丝丝红光…… Many years! 多少年了! The North Star peak institute has been in existence that sets the base, but, at this moment, finally becomes the lead. 北辰峰院一直都处于垫底的存在,而,此刻,终于成为了主角。 The campsis grandiflora fights to fight on the stage, the peak principal element still deep stretch/leisurely had/left the one breath to hide many years of sulks in the heart, since has worked as the one's superior official lord, never seems like so comfortable today. 凌霄斗战台上,峰主元尚深深的舒出一口气潜藏在心中多年的闷气,自从当上峰主以来,从未像今天这般舒坦过。 He turns round to look to standing in rear Chu Hen. 他回身看向站在后方的楚痕 Two people vision relative, the Yuan still nodded the head slightly, the sinking sound said that thank you!” 两人目光相对,元尚微微颔首,沉声说道,“谢谢你!” Chu Hen is startled. 楚痕一怔。 Trembles in his Ye Yao eye pupil, teacher peak lord?” 在他身旁的叶瑶眼眸微颤,“师尊峰主?” The Yuan still comfortable smiling, sorry, little Yao, before is me, wrongly accused you.” 元尚宽慰的笑了笑,“对不起,小瑶儿,是我之前错怪你了。” Ye Yao exposes the understanding smile, the heart also feels relaxed. 叶瑶展露出会心的笑容,心头也随之释然。 ...... …… The war of sect gate! 宗门之战! Dropped the curtain quietly! 悄然落下了帷幕! On that day, definitely will become a broad chapter in Martial Sect history. 那一天,势必会成为武宗历史上的一次恢宏篇章。 The people do not remember how on that day to finish, only knows that the disciple throat of many North Star peak institute shouted mutely, the innermost feelings of innumerable Martial Sect disciple somewhat were absent-minded until the evening. 众人都不记得那天是怎么结束的,只知道众多北辰峰院的弟子嗓子都喊哑了,无数武宗弟子的内心直到晚上还有些恍惚。 ...... …… North Star peak institute! 北辰峰院! Counterattack! 逆袭了! After this war, rises! 历经这一战,重新崛起! ...... …… Similarly, after the war of sect gate, day martial Bang also welcomed unprecedentedly one time shuffles greatly. 同样的,宗门之战过后,天武榜也迎来了前所未有的一次大洗牌。 The first place as before is east Xuan Feng Institute Qiu Xingyi! 榜首依旧是东玄峰院邱星易! Chu Hen ranks the second with the stance of domineering dark horse directly! 楚痕直接是以强势黑马的姿态高居第二位! As for was still not clear Pei Ye is critically injured was in what degree, but it won Wang Li after all, therefore still third! 至于尚不清楚裴烨的伤势严重到了什么程度,不过其毕竟是赢了王黎,所以仍旧还是第三! Just, this third did not have the past wildly arrogant elegant demeanor again. 只不过,这个第三再也没有往日的骄狂风采。 Thousand imaginary sacred body Wang Li, drops to fourth. 千幻圣体的王黎,降至第四。 Pond thousand hawk rows in fifth! 池千莺排于第五! Wu Yanjiang to sixth! 吴岩降到第六! ...... …… Moreover, Ye Yao and Long Xuanshuang because also fought to beat eighth Cai Fenghe tenth Yang proud in the sect gate respectively, thus also mounted the day of military list. 另外,叶瑶龙玄霜也因为在宗门之战上分别击败了第八位的蔡峰和第十位的杨傲,从而也登上了天武榜单。 Naturally, some people are not convinced regarding ranking of Long Xuanshuang. 当然了,也有人对于龙玄霜的排名并不服气。 I thought that the position of Sister dragon lowered, she should rank the seventh, even can arrange at Senior Brother Wu Yan front.” “我觉得龙师妹的名次低了,她应该排在第七位,甚至可以排在吴岩师兄的前面。” Above day military peak square! 天武峰广场之上! Many Martial Sect disciples gather under that imposing manner broad large-scale stele that in that stands erect newly, above that stele, the tip vigorous names just like the stars of space, brilliant. 众多武宗弟子聚集在那新矗立起来的那座气势恢宏的大型石碑下方,在那石碑之上,一个个笔锋苍劲的名字犹如天上的繁星,光彩夺目。 Right, I also thought that ranking of Sister dragon lowered, she almost can fight evenly with thousand hawk Senior Sisters, although lost finally, but the strength continues tenth.” “没错,我也觉得龙师妹的排名低了,她几乎能够和千莺师姐战成平手,虽然最后还是输了,但实力远不止第十位。” This is only rank in a short time, later can initiate the challenge mutually. Day martial Bang ranks, different people have different views, different people have different views, does not need to divide is too careful!” “这只是短时间内的排位而已,以后还是可以相互发起挑战的。天武榜排名,仁者见仁,智者见智,不必分的太仔细!” Said is also, this year's North Star peak institute was really powerful, three rookie disciples, simply were earth-shaking.” “说的也是,今年的北辰峰院真的是太强悍了,三个新人弟子,简直是石破天惊。” Does not know that Chu Hen and Qiu Xingyi who is stronger?” “不知道楚痕和邱星易谁更强?” This I stand Qiu Xingyi, after all wrested away day of military list first place so many years, several years ago did not have the rival, these year of cultivation base impossible not to have risen, let alone, Qiu Xingyi bloodline limit was best quality goods sacred body.” “这个我站邱星易,毕竟都霸占天武榜榜首那么多年了,几年前就没有敌手,这些年修为不可能没有涨进的,更何况,邱星易的血脉界限乃是极品圣体。” I also stand Senior Brother Qiu Xingyi......, although Chu Hen wins Pei Ye, but by Senior Brother Qiu's strength, can easily win.” “我也站邱星易师兄……虽然楚痕了裴烨,不过以邱师兄的实力,也能够轻易的取胜。” I thought that Chu Hen is fiercer, besides Eternal Realm seventh level powerful cultivation base, is the Ancestor Grade mark technique master, by the overall fighting strength words, felt that Chu Hen will be stronger!” “我觉得楚痕更厉害点,除了亘古境七阶的强大修为之外,还是个宗级纹术师,论整体战斗力的话,感觉楚痕会更强!” Is reasonable, really hopes that which day their two can hand over start.” “有道理,真希望哪天他们两个能够交一下手。” ...... …… If the war of sect gate also has the regret, is the Qiu Xingyi this year's absence. 如果说宗门之战还有遗憾的话,那么就是邱星易今年的缺席。 The opposite party went on stage. 对方上场了。 Is continues to wrest away his first place, exchanges ownerships? 是继续霸占他的榜首,还是易主? This just like becomes the riddle of people. 这俨然成为了众人的谜团。 The rank list above stele shuffles greatly, but, several names were rejected directly, even some people, will never possibly mount this list to rank again...... 石碑之上的排位名单大洗牌,而,有几个名字更是直接被剔除出去,甚至还有个别的人,永远不可能再登上这份榜单排名……
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